1.7 kBtext/coffeescriptView Raw
1_ = require "underscore"
3Config = require "../config"
4Utils = require "../utils"
6class Transition
8 @forTicketToState: (ticket, toState, msg, includeAttachment=no, emit=yes) ->
9 type = _(Config.maps.transitions).find (type) -> type.name is toState
10 transition = ticket.transitions.find (state) -> state.to.name.toLowerCase() is type.jira.toLowerCase()
11 if transition
12 Utils.fetch "#{Config.jira.url}/rest/api/2/issue/#{ticket.key}/transitions",
13 method: "POST"
14 body: JSON.stringify
15 transition:
16 id: transition.id
17 .then ->
18 Create = require "./create"
19 Create.fromKey ticket.key
20 .then (ticket) ->
21 msg.robot.emit "JiraTicketTransitioned", ticket, transition, msg.message.room, includeAttachment if emit
22 text: "<@#{msg.message.user.id}> transitioned this ticket to #{transition.to.name}"
23 fallback: "@#{msg.message.user.name} transitioned this ticket to #{transition.to.name}"
24 .catch (error) ->
25 msg.robot.emit "JiraTicketTransitionFailed", error, msg.message.room if emit
26 Promise.reject error
27 else
28 error = "<#{Config.jira.url}/browse/#{ticket.key}|#{ticket.key}> is a `#{ticket.fields.issuetype.name}` and does not support transitioning from `#{ticket.fields.status.name}` to `#{type.jira}`"
29 msg.robot.emit "JiraTicketTransitionFailed", error, msg.message.room if emit
30 Promise.reject error
32 @forTicketKeyToState: (key, toState, msg, includeAttachment=no, emit=yes) ->
33 Create = require "./create"
34 Create.fromKey(key)
35 .then (ticket) ->
36 Transition.forTicketToState ticket, toState, msg, includeAttachment, emit
38module.exports = Transition