2.06 kBtext/coffeescriptView Raw
1_ = require "underscore"
3Config = require "../config"
4Create = require "./create"
5Utils = require "../utils"
7class Clone
8 @fromTicketKeyToProject: (key, project, channel, context, emit=yes) ->
9 original = null
10 cloned = null
11 Create.fromKey(key)
12 .then (issue) ->
13 original = issue
14 Utils.fetch("#{Config.jira.url}/rest/api/2/project/#{project}")
15 .then (json) ->
16 issueTypes = _(json.issueTypes).reject (it) -> it.name is "Sub-task"
17 issueType = Utils.fuzzyFind issue.fields.issuetype.name, issueTypes, ['name']
18 issueType = issueTypes[0] unless issueType
19 Promise.reject "Unable to find a suitable issue type in #{project} that matches with #{original.fields.issuetype.name}" unless issueType
21 Create.fromJSON
22 fields:
23 project:
24 key: project
25 summary: original.fields.summary
26 labels: original.fields.labels
27 description: """
28 #{original.fields.description}
30 Cloned from #{key}
31 """
32 issuetype: name: issueType.name
33 .then (json) ->
34 Create.fromKey(json.key)
35 .then (ticket) ->
36 cloned = ticket
37 room = Utils.JiraBot.adapter.getRoomName context
38 Utils.fetch "#{Config.jira.url}/rest/api/2/issueLink",
39 method: "POST"
40 body: JSON.stringify
41 type:
42 name: "Cloners"
43 inwardIssue:
44 key: original.key
45 outwardIssue:
46 key: cloned.key
47 comment:
48 body: """
49 Cloned by #{context.message.user.name} in ##{room} on #{context.robot.adapterName}
50 #{Utils.JiraBot.adapter.getPermalink context}
51 """
52 .then ->
53 if emit
54 Utils.robot.emit "JiraTicketCreated", context, ticket: cloned
55 Utils.robot.emit "JiraTicketCloned", cloned, channel, key, context if context.message.room isnt channel
56 .catch (error) ->
57 Utils.robot.emit "JiraTicketCloneFailed", error, key, context if emit
59module.exports = Clone