34.7 kBtext/coffeescriptView Raw
1# Description:
2# requests Phabricator Conduit api
4# Dependencies:
6# Configuration:
15# Author:
16# mose
18querystring = require 'querystring'
19moment = require 'moment'
20Promise = require 'bluebird'
22class Phabricator
24 statuses: {
25 'open': 'open',
26 'opened': 'open',
27 'resolved': 'resolved',
28 'resolve': 'resolved',
29 'closed': 'resolved',
30 'close': 'resolved',
31 'wontfix': 'wontfix',
32 'noway': 'wontfix',
33 'invalid': 'invalid',
34 'rejected': 'invalid',
35 'spite': 'spite',
36 'lame': 'spite'
37 }
39 priorities: {
40 'unbreak': 100,
41 'broken': 100,
42 'triage': 90,
43 'none': 90,
44 'unknown': 90,
45 'low': 25,
46 'normal': 50,
47 'high': 80,
48 'important': 80,
49 'urgent': 80,
50 'wish': 0
51 }
53 itemTypes: [
54 'T', # tasks
55 'F', # files
56 'P', # paste
57 'M', # pholio
58 'B', # builds
59 'Q', # ponder
60 'L', # legalpad
61 'V', # polls
62 'D' # diffs
63 ]
65 constructor: (@robot, env) ->
66 storageLoaded = =>
67 @data = @robot.brain.data.phabricator ||= {
68 projects: { },
69 aliases: { },
70 templates: { },
71 blacklist: [ ],
72 users: { },
73 bot_phid: env.PHABRICATOR_BOT_PHID
74 }
75 @data.templates ?= { }
76 @data.blacklist ?= [ ]
77 @data.users ?= { }
78 @data.alerts ?= { }
79 @data.projects['*'] ?= { }
80 @robot.logger.debug '---- Phabricator Data Loaded.'
81 @robot.brain.on 'loaded', storageLoaded
82 storageLoaded() # just in case storage was loaded before we got here
84 ready: ->
85 if not process.env.PHABRICATOR_URL
86 @robot.logger.error 'Error: Phabricator url is not specified'
87 if not process.env.PHABRICATOR_API_KEY
88 @robot.logger.error 'Error: Phabricator api key is not specified'
89 unless (process.env.PHABRICATOR_URL? and process.env.PHABRICATOR_API_KEY?)
90 return false
91 true
93 enabledItemsRegex: ->
95 r = ''
96 i = []
97 for item in process.env.PHABRICATOR_ENABLED_ITEMS.split(',')
98 if item is 'r'
99 r = '|(r[A-Z]+[a-f0-9]{10,})'
100 else if item in @itemTypes
101 i.push item
102 if i.length > 0
103 '(?:(' + i.join('|') + ')([0-9]+)' + r + ')'
104 else
105 false
106 else
107 '(?:(' + @itemTypes.join('|') + ')([0-9]+)|(r[A-Z]+[a-f0-9]{10,}))'
109 request: (query, endpoint) =>
110 return new Promise (res, err) =>
111 query['api.token'] = process.env.PHABRICATOR_API_KEY
112 body = querystring.stringify(query)
113 # console.log body
114 @robot.http(process.env.PHABRICATOR_URL)
115 .path("api/#{endpoint}")
116 .get(body) (error, result, payload) ->
117 if result?
118 switch result.statusCode
119 when 200
120 if result.headers['content-type'] is 'application/json'
121 json = JSON.parse(payload)
122 if json.error_info?
123 err json.error_info
124 else
125 res json
126 else
127 err 'api did not deliver json'
128 else
129 err "http error #{result.statusCode}"
130 else
131 err "#{error.code} #{error.message}"
134 isBlacklisted: (id) ->
135 @data.blacklist.indexOf(id) > -1
137 blacklist: (id) ->
138 unless @isBlacklisted(id)
139 @data.blacklist.push id
141 unblacklist: (id) ->
142 if @isBlacklisted(id)
143 pos = @data.blacklist.indexOf id
144 @data.blacklist.splice(pos, 1)
146 getBotPHID: =>
147 return new Promise (res, err) =>
148 if @data.bot_phid?
149 res @data.bot_phid
150 else
151 @request({ }, 'user.whoami')
152 .then (body) =>
153 @data.bot_phid = body.result.phid
154 res @data.bot_phid
155 .catch (e) ->
156 err e
158 getPHID: (phid) =>
159 return new Promise (res, err) =>
160 query = {
161 'phids[0]': phid
162 }
163 @request(query, 'phid.query')
164 .then (body) ->
165 if body.result[phid]?
166 res body.result[phid]
167 else
168 err 'PHID not found.'
169 .catch (e) ->
170 err e
172 getFeed: (payload) =>
173 return new Promise (res, err) =>
174 data = @data
175 if process.env.PHABRICATOR_FEED_EVERYTHING? and
176 process.env.PHABRICATOR_FEED_EVERYTHING isnt '0' and
177 data.projects['*']?
178 announces = { message: payload.storyText }
179 announces.rooms = []
180 for room in data.projects['*'].feeds
181 if announces.rooms.indexOf(room) is -1
182 announces.rooms.push room
183 res announces
184 else if /^PHID-TASK-/.test payload.storyData.objectPHID
185 query = {
186 'constraints[phids][0]': payload.storyData.objectPHID,
187 'attachments[projects]': 1,
188 'attachments[subscribers]': 1
189 }
190 @request(query, 'maniphest.search')
191 .then (body) ->
192 announces = { message: payload.storyText }
193 announces.rooms = []
194 announces.users = []
195 if body.result.data?
196 for phid in body.result.data[0].attachments.projects.projectPHIDs
197 for name, project of data.projects
198 if name is '*' or
199 (project.phid? and phid is project.phid)
200 project.feeds ?= [ ]
201 if project.parent?
202 data.projects[project.parent].feeds ?= [ ]
203 project.feeds = project.feeds.concat(data.projects[project.parent].feeds)
204 for room in project.feeds
205 if announces.rooms.indexOf(room) is -1
206 announces.rooms.push room
207 for username, userphid of data.alerts
208 if body.result.data[0].fields.ownerPHID is userphid
209 if announces.users.indexOf(username) is -1
210 announces.users.push username
211 for phid in body.result.data[0].attachments.subscribers.subscriberPHIDs
212 if userphid is phid
213 if announces.users.indexOf(username) is -1
214 announces.users.push username
215 res announces
216 .catch (e) ->
217 err e
218 else
219 err 'no room to announce in'
221 getProject: (project, refresh = false) ->
222 if /^PHID-PROJ-/.test project
223 @getProjectByPhid project, refresh
224 else
225 @getProjectByName project, refresh
227 getProjectByPhid: (project, refresh) ->
228 for name, data of @data.projects
229 if data.phid is project
230 projectData = data
231 break
232 if projectData? and not refresh
233 return new Promise (res, err) =>
234 res { aliases: @projectAliases(projectData.name), data: projectData }
235 else
236 @getProjectData project
238 getProjectByName: (project, refresh) ->
239 if @data.projects[project]?
240 projectData = @data.projects[project]
241 else
242 for a, p of @data.aliases
243 if a is project and @data.projects[p]?
244 projectData = @data.projects[p]
245 project = projectData.name
246 break
247 if projectData? and not refresh
248 return new Promise (res, err) =>
249 projectname = projectData.name
250 if projectData.parent?
251 projectname = projectData.parent + '/' + projectname
252 res { aliases: @projectAliases(projectname), data: projectData }
253 else
254 @getProjectData project
256 getProjectData: (project) ->
257 data = @data
258 projectname = null
259 @searchProject(project)
260 .then (projectinfo) =>
261 projectname = projectinfo.name
262 if projectinfo.parent?
263 projectname = projectinfo.parent + '/' + projectname
264 data.projects[projectname] = projectinfo
265 if @aliasize(projectname) isnt projectname
266 data.aliases[@aliasize(projectname)] = projectname
267 @getColumns(projectinfo.phid)
268 .then (columns) =>
269 data.projects[projectname].columns = columns
270 { aliases: @projectAliases(projectname), data: data.projects[projectname] }
272 projectAliases: (project) ->
273 aliases = []
274 for a, p of @data.aliases
275 if p is project
276 aliases.push a
277 aliases
279 aliasize: (str) ->
280 str.trim().toLowerCase().replace(/[^-_a-z0-9]/g, '_')
282 searchProject: (project) ->
283 return new Promise (res, err) =>
284 if /^PHID-PROJ-/.test project
285 query = { 'constraints[phids][0]': project }
286 else
287 if /\//.test project
288 [ parent, project ] = project.split(/\s*\/\s*/)
289 parent_phid = undefined
290 if @data.projects[parent]?
291 parent_phid = @data.projects[parent].phid
292 else
293 for a, p of @data.aliases
294 if a is parent and @data.projects[p]?
295 parent_phid = @data.projects[p].phid
296 break
297 if parent_phid?
298 query = {
299 'constraints[name]': project,
300 'constraints[parents][0]': parent_phid
301 }
302 else
303 err "Parent project #{parent} not found. Please .phad info #{parent}"
304 else
305 query = { 'constraints[name]': project }
306 @request(query, 'project.search')
307 .then (body) =>
308 data = body.result.data
309 if data.length > 0
310 found = null
311 for proj in data
312 if /^PHID-PROJ-/.test(project) and proj.phid is project or
313 @aliasize(proj.fields.name) is @aliasize(project)
314 found = proj
315 break
316 if found?
317 phid = found.phid
318 name = found.fields.name.trim()
319 if found.fields.parent?
320 parent = found.fields.parent.name.trim()
321 else
322 parent = null
323 res { name: name, phid: phid, parent: parent }
324 else
325 err "Sorry, tag '#{project}' not found."
326 else
327 err "Sorry, tag '#{project}' not found."
328 .catch (e) ->
329 err e
331 getColumns: (phid) ->
332 query = {
333 'projectPHIDs[0]': "#{phid}",
334 'status': 'status-any',
335 'order': 'order-modified'
336 }
337 @request(query, 'maniphest.query')
338 .then (body) =>
339 query = { 'ids[]': [ ] }
340 for k, i of body.result
341 query['ids[]'].push i.id
342 if query['ids[]'].length is 0
343 @robot.logger.warning "Sorry, we can't find columns for #{phid} " +
344 'until there are tasks created.'
345 { result: { } }
346 else
347 @request(query, 'maniphest.gettasktransactions')
348 .then (body) =>
349 columns = [ ]
350 for id, o of body.result
351 ts = o.filter (trans) ->
352 trans.transactionType is 'core:columns' and
353 trans.newValue[0].boardPHID is phid
354 boardIds = (t.newValue[0].columnPHID for t in ts)
355 columns = columns.concat boardIds
356 columns = columns.filter (value, index, self) ->
357 self.indexOf(value) is index
358 if columns.length is 0
359 @robot.logger.warning 'Sorry, the tasks in project ' + phid +
360 ' have to be moved around' +
361 ' before we can get the columns.'
362 { result: { } }
363 else
364 query = { 'names[]': columns }
365 @request(query, 'phid.lookup')
366 .then (body) =>
367 back = { }
368 for p, v of body.result
369 name = @aliasize(v.name)
370 back[name] = p
371 back
373 getUser: (from, user) =>
374 return new Promise (res, err) =>
375 if user.name is 'me'
376 user = from
377 unless user.id?
378 user.id = user.name
379 if @data.users[user.id]?.phid?
380 res @data.users[user.id].phid
381 else
382 @data.users[user.id] ?= {
383 name: user.name,
384 id: user.id
385 }
386 if user.phid?
387 @data.users[user.id].phid = user.phid
388 res @data.users[user.id].phid
389 else
390 email = user.email_address or
391 @data.users[user.id].email_address or
392 @robot.brain.userForId(user.id)?.email_address
393 unless email
394 err @_ask_for_email(from, user)
395 else
396 user = @data.users[user.id]
397 query = { 'emails[0]': email }
398 @request(query, 'user.query')
399 .then (body) ->
400 if body.result['0']?
401 user.phid = body['result']['0']['phid']
402 res user.phid
403 else
404 err "Sorry, I cannot find #{email} :("
406 _ask_for_email: (from, user) ->
407 if from.name is user.name
408 "Sorry, I can't figure out your email address :( " +
409 'Can you tell me with `.phab me as <email>`?'
410 else
411 if @robot.auth? and (@robot.auth.hasRole(from, ['phadmin']) or
412 @robot.auth.isAdmin(from))
413 "Sorry, I can't figure #{user.name} email address. " +
414 "Can you help me with `.phab user #{user.name} = <email>`?"
415 else
416 "Sorry, I can't figure #{user.name} email address. " +
417 'Can you ask them to `.phab me as <email>`?'
419 recordId: (user, id) ->
420 @data.users[user.id] ?= {
421 name: "#{user.name}",
422 id: "#{user.id}"
423 }
424 @data.users[user.id].lastTask = moment().utc().format()
425 @data.users[user.id].lastId = id
427 getId: (user, id = null) ->
428 return new Promise (res, err) =>
429 @data.users[user.id] ?= {
430 name: "#{user.name}",
431 id: "#{user.id}"
432 }
433 user = @data.users[user.id]
434 if id?
435 if id is 'last'
436 if user? and user.lastId?
437 res user.lastId
438 else
439 err "Sorry, you don't have any task active."
440 else
441 @recordId user, id
442 res id
443 else
444 if user.lastId? and process.env.PHABRICATOR_LAST_TASK_LIFETIME is '-'
445 res user.lastId
446 else
447 user.lastTask ?= moment().utc().format()
448 lifetime = process.env.PHABRICATOR_LAST_TASK_LIFETIME or 60
449 expires_at = moment(user.lastTask).add(lifetime, 'minutes')
450 if user.lastId? and moment().utc().isBefore(expires_at)
451 user.lastTask = moment().utc().format()
452 res user.lastId
453 else
454 err "Sorry, you don't have any task active right now."
456 getUserByPhid: (phid) ->
457 return new Promise (res, err) =>
458 if phid?
459 query = { 'phids[0]': phid }
460 @request(query, 'user.query')
461 .then (body) ->
462 if body['result']['0']?
463 res body['result']['0']['userName']
464 else
465 res 'unknown'
466 .catch (e) ->
467 err e
468 else
469 res 'nobody'
471 getPermission: (user, group) =>
472 return new Promise (res, err) =>
473 if group is 'phuser' and process.env.PHABRICATOR_TRUSTED_USERS is 'y'
474 isAuthorized = true
475 else
476 isAuthorized = @robot.auth?.hasRole(user, [group, 'phadmin']) or
477 @robot.auth?.isAdmin(user)
478 if @robot.auth? and not isAuthorized
479 err "You don't have permission to do that."
480 else
481 res()
484 setAlerts: (username, userPhid) ->
485 return new Promise (res, err) =>
486 if @data.alerts[username]?
487 err 'This alert is already set.'
488 else
489 @data.alerts[username] = userPhid
490 res()
492 unsetAlerts: (username) ->
493 return new Promise (res, err) =>
494 if @data.alerts[username]?
495 delete @data.alerts[username]
496 res()
497 else
498 err 'This alert is not set yet.'
500 taskInfo: (id) ->
501 query = { 'task_id': id }
502 @request query, 'maniphest.info'
504 getTask: (id) ->
505 query = { 'task_id': id }
506 @request query, 'maniphest.info'
508 fileInfo: (id) ->
509 query = { 'id': id }
510 @request query, 'file.info'
512 pasteInfo: (id) ->
513 query = { 'ids[0]': id }
514 @request query, 'paste.query'
516 genericInfo: (name) ->
517 query = { 'names[]': name }
518 @request query, 'phid.lookup'
520 searchTask: (phid, terms, status = undefined, limit = 3) ->
521 query = {
522 'constraints[fulltext]': terms.replace(' ', '+'),
523 'constraints[projects][0]': phid,
524 'order': 'newest',
525 'limit': limit
526 }
527 if status?
528 query['constraints[statuses][0]'] = status
529 @request query, 'maniphest.search'
531 searchAllTask: (terms, status = undefined, limit = 3) ->
532 query = {
533 'constraints[fulltext]': terms.replace(' ', '+'),
534 'order': 'newest',
535 'limit': limit
536 }
537 if status?
538 query['constraints[statuses][0]'] = status
539 @request query, 'maniphest.search'
541 createTask: (params) ->
542 params.adapter = @robot.adapterName or 'test'
543 @getBotPHID()
544 .then (bot_phid) =>
545 params.bot_phid = bot_phid
546 if params.user?
547 if not params.user?.name?
548 params.user = { name: params.user }
549 else
550 params.user = { name: @robot.name, phid: params.bot_phid }
551 @getTemplate(params.template)
552 .then (description) =>
553 if description?
554 if params.description?
555 params.description += "\n\n#{description}"
556 else
557 params.description = description
558 @getProject(params.project)
559 .then (projectparams) =>
560 params.projectphid = projectparams.data.phid
561 @getUser(params.user, params.user)
562 .then (userPHID) =>
563 query = {
564 'transactions[0][type]': 'title',
565 'transactions[0][value]': "#{params.title}",
566 'transactions[1][type]': 'comment',
567 'transactions[1][value]': "(created by #{params.user.name} on #{params.adapter})",
568 'transactions[2][type]': 'subscribers.add',
569 'transactions[2][value][0]': "#{userPHID}",
570 'transactions[3][type]': 'subscribers.remove',
571 'transactions[3][value][0]': "#{params.bot_phid}",
572 'transactions[4][type]': 'projects.add',
573 'transactions[4][value][]': "#{params.projectphid}"
574 }
575 next = 5
576 if params.description?
577 query["transactions[#{next}][type]"] = 'description'
578 query["transactions[#{next}][value]"] = "#{params.description}"
579 next += 1
580 if params.assign? and @data.users?[params.assign]?.phid
581 owner = @data.users[params.assign]?.phid
582 query["transactions[#{next}][type]"] = 'owner'
583 query["transactions[#{next}][value]"] = owner
584 @request(query, 'maniphest.edit')
585 .then (body) ->
586 id = body.result.object.id
587 url = process.env.PHABRICATOR_URL + "/T#{id}"
588 { id: id, url: url, user: params.user }
590 createPaste: (user, title) ->
591 adapter = @robot.adapterName
592 bot_phid = null
593 @getBotPHID()
594 .bind(bot_phid)
595 .then (bot_phid) =>
596 @getUser(user, user)
597 .then (userPhid) =>
598 query = {
599 'transactions[0][type]': 'title',
600 'transactions[0][value]': "#{title}",
601 'transactions[1][type]': 'text',
602 'transactions[1][value]': "(created by #{user.name} on #{adapter})",
603 'transactions[2][type]': 'subscribers.add',
604 'transactions[2][value][0]': "#{userPhid}",
605 'transactions[3][type]': 'subscribers.remove',
606 'transactions[3][value][0]': "#{@bot_phid}"
607 }
608 @request(query, 'paste.edit')
609 .then (body) ->
610 body.result.object.id
612 addComment: (user, id, comment) ->
613 @getBotPHID()
614 .then (bot_phid) =>
615 query = {
616 'objectIdentifier': id,
617 'transactions[0][type]': 'comment',
618 'transactions[0][value]': "#{comment} (#{user.name})",
619 'transactions[1][type]': 'subscribers.remove',
620 'transactions[1][value][0]': "#{bot_phid}"
621 }
622 @request(query, 'maniphest.edit')
623 .then (body) ->
624 id
626 doActions: (user, id, commandString, comment) ->
627 @getBotPHID()
628 .bind({ bot_phid: null })
629 .then (bot_phid) =>
630 @bot_phid = bot_phid
631 @taskInfo id
632 .then (body) =>
633 @parseAction user, body.result, commandString
634 .then (results) =>
635 if results.data.length > 0
636 query = {
637 'objectIdentifier': "T#{id}",
638 'transactions[0][type]': 'subscribers.remove',
639 'transactions[0][value][0]': "#{@bot_phid}"
640 }
641 project_add = []
642 project_remove = []
643 subscriber_add = []
644 subscriber_remove = []
645 i = 0
646 for action in results.data
647 if action.type is 'projects.add'
648 project_add.push action.value
649 else if action.type is 'projects.remove'
650 project_remove.push action.value
651 else if action.type is 'subscribers.add'
652 subscriber_add.push action.value
653 else if action.type is 'subscribers.remove'
654 subscriber_remove.push action.value
655 else
656 i = i + 1
657 query['transactions[' + i + '][type]'] = action.type
658 query['transactions[' + i + '][value]'] = action.value
660 if project_add.length > 0
661 i = i + 1
662 query['transactions[' + i + '][type]'] = 'projects.add'
663 for phid, j in project_add
664 query['transactions[' + i + '][value][' + j + ']'] = phid
666 if project_remove.length > 0
667 i = i + 1
668 query['transactions[' + i + '][type]'] = 'projects.remove'
669 for phid, j in project_remove
670 query['transactions[' + i + '][value][' + j + ']'] = phid
672 if subscriber_add.length > 0
673 i = i + 1
674 query['transactions[' + i + '][type]'] = 'subscribers.add'
675 for phid, j in subscriber_add
676 query['transactions[' + i + '][value][' + j + ']'] = phid
678 if subscriber_remove.length > 0
679 i = i + 1
680 query['transactions[' + i + '][type]'] = 'subscribers.remove'
681 for phid, j in subscriber_remove
682 query['transactions[' + i + '][value][' + j + ']'] = phid
684 i = i + 1
685 query['transactions[' + i + '][type]'] = 'comment'
686 if comment?
687 query['transactions[' + i + '][value]'] = "#{comment} (#{user.name})"
688 else
689 query['transactions[' + i + '][value]'] =
690 "#{results.messages.join(', ')} (by #{user.name})"
691 @request(query, 'maniphest.edit')
692 .then (body) ->
693 { id: id, message: results.messages.join(', '), notices: results.notices }
694 else
695 { id: id, message: results.messages.join(', '), notices: results.notices }
696 .catch (e) ->
697 { id: id, message: null, notices: [ e ] }
699 parseAction: (user, item, str, payload = { data: [], messages: [], notices: [] }) ->
700 return new Promise (res, err) =>
701 p = new RegExp('^(in|not in|on|for|is|to|sub|unsub) ([^ ]*)')
702 r = str.trim().match p
703 switch r[1]
704 when 'in'
705 @getProject(r[2])
706 .then (projectData) =>
707 phid = projectData.data.phid
708 if phid not in item.projectPHIDs
709 payload.data.push({ type: 'projects.add', value: [phid] })
710 payload.messages.push("been added to #{r[2]}")
711 else
712 payload.notices.push("T#{item.id} is already in #{r[2]}")
713 next = str.trim().replace(p, '')
714 if next.trim() isnt ''
715 res @parseAction(user, item, next, payload)
716 else
717 res payload
718 .catch (e) ->
719 payload.notices.push(e)
720 res payload
721 when 'not in'
722 @getProject(r[2])
723 .then (projectData) =>
724 phid = projectData.data.phid
725 if phid in item.projectPHIDs
726 payload.data.push({ type: 'projects.remove', value: [phid] })
727 payload.messages.push("been removed from #{r[2]}")
728 else
729 payload.notices.push("T#{item.id} is already not in #{r[2]}")
730 next = str.trim().replace(p, '')
731 if next.trim() isnt ''
732 res @parseAction(user, item, next, payload)
733 else
734 res payload
735 .catch (e) ->
736 payload.notices.push(e)
737 res payload
738 when 'on', 'for'
739 @getUser(user, { name: r[2] })
740 .then (userphid) =>
741 if r[2] is 'me'
742 r[2] = user.name
743 payload.data.push({ type: 'owner', value: userphid })
744 payload.messages.push("owner set to #{r[2]}")
745 next = str.trim().replace(p, '')
746 if next.trim() isnt ''
747 res @parseAction(user, item, next, payload)
748 else
749 res payload
750 .catch (e) ->
751 payload.notices.push(e)
752 res payload
753 when 'sub'
754 @getUser(user, { name: r[2] })
755 .then (userphid) =>
756 if r[2] is 'me'
757 r[2] = user.name
758 if userphid not in item.ccPHIDs
759 payload.data.push({ type: 'subscribers.add', value: [userphid] })
760 payload.messages.push("subscribed #{r[2]}")
761 else
762 payload.notices.push("#{r[2]} already subscribed to T#{item.id}")
763 next = str.trim().replace(p, '')
764 if next.trim() isnt ''
765 res @parseAction(user, item, next, payload)
766 else
767 res payload
768 .catch (e) ->
769 payload.notices.push(e)
770 res payload
771 when 'unsub'
772 @getUser(user, { name: r[2] })
773 .then (userphid) =>
774 if r[2] is 'me'
775 r[2] = user.name
776 if userphid in item.ccPHIDs
777 payload.data.push({ type: 'subscribers.remove', value: [userphid] })
778 payload.messages.push("unsubscribed #{r[2]}")
779 else
780 payload.notices.push("#{r[2]} is not subscribed to T#{item.id}")
781 next = str.trim().replace(p, '')
782 if next.trim() isnt ''
783 res @parseAction(user, item, next, payload)
784 else
785 res payload
786 .catch (e) ->
787 payload.notices.push(e)
788 res payload
789 when 'to'
790 if not item.projectPHIDs? or item.projectPHIDs.length is 0
791 err 'This item has no tag/project yet.'
792 else
793 cols = Promise.map item.projectPHIDs, (phid) =>
794 @getProject(phid)
795 .then (projectData) ->
796 for i in Object.keys(projectData.data.columns)
797 if (new RegExp(r[2])).test i
798 return { colname: i, colphid: projectData.data.columns[i] }
799 Promise.all(cols)
800 .then (cols) =>
801 cols = cols.filter (c) ->
802 c?
803 if cols.length > 0
804 payload.data.push({ type: 'column', value: cols[0].colphid })
805 payload.messages.push("column changed to #{cols[0].colname}")
806 else
807 payload.notices.push("T#{item.id} cannot be moved to #{r[2]}")
808 next = str.trim().replace(p, '')
809 if next.trim() isnt ''
810 res @parseAction(user, item, next, payload)
811 else
812 res payload
813 .catch (e) ->
814 payload.notices.push(e)
815 res payload
816 when 'is'
817 if @statuses[r[2]]?
818 payload.data.push({ type: 'status', value: @statuses[r[2]] })
819 payload.messages.push("status set to #{r[2]}")
820 else if @priorities[r[2]]?
821 payload.data.push({ type: 'priority', value: @priorities[r[2]] })
822 payload.messages.push("priority set to #{r[2]}")
823 else
824 err "Unknown status or priority '#{r[2]}', please choose in " +
825 Object.keys(@statuses).join(', ') + ', ' +
826 Object.keys(@priorities).join(', ')
827 next = str.trim().replace(p, '')
828 if next.trim() isnt ''
829 res @parseAction(user, item, next, payload)
830 else
831 res payload
833 listTasks: (projphid) ->
834 query = {
835 'projectPHIDs[0]': "#{projphid}",
836 'status': 'status-open'
837 }
838 @request query, 'maniphest.query'
840 nextCheckbox: (user, id, key) ->
841 return new Promise (res, err) =>
842 query = { task_id: id }
843 @request(query, 'maniphest.info')
844 .then (body) =>
845 @recordId user, id
846 lines = body.result.description.split('\n')
847 reg = new RegExp("^\\[ \\] .*#{key or ''}", 'i')
848 found = null
849 for line in lines
850 if reg.test line
851 found = line
852 break
853 if found?
854 res found
855 else
856 if key?
857 err "The task T#{id} has no unchecked checkbox matching #{key}."
858 else
859 err "The task T#{id} has no unchecked checkboxes."
860 .catch (e) ->
861 err e
863 prevCheckbox: (user, id, key) ->
864 return new Promise (res, err) =>
865 query = { task_id: id }
866 @request(query, 'maniphest.info')
867 .then (body) =>
868 @recordId user, id
869 lines = body.result.description.split('\n').reverse()
870 reg = new RegExp("^\\[x\\] .*#{key or ''}", 'i')
871 found = null
872 for line in lines
873 if reg.test line
874 found = line
875 break
876 if found?
877 res found
878 else
879 if key?
880 err "The task T#{id} has no checked checkbox matching #{key}."
881 else
882 err "The task T#{id} has no checked checkboxes."
883 .catch (e) ->
884 err e
886 updateTask: (id, description, comment) =>
887 @getBotPHID()
888 .then (bot_phid) =>
889 editquery = {
890 'objectIdentifier': "T#{id}",
891 'transactions[0][type]': 'description'
892 'transactions[0][value]': "#{description}"
893 'transactions[1][type]': 'subscribers.remove',
894 'transactions[1][value][0]': "#{bot_phid}",
895 'transactions[2][type]': 'comment',
896 'transactions[2][value]': "#{comment}"
897 }
898 @request(editquery, 'maniphest.edit')
900 checkCheckbox: (user, id, key, withNext, usercomment) ->
901 return new Promise (res, err) =>
902 query = { task_id: id }
903 @request(query, 'maniphest.info')
904 .then (body) =>
905 @recordId user, id
906 lines = body.result.description.split('\n')
907 reg = new RegExp("^\\[ \\] .*#{key or ''}", 'i')
908 found = null
909 foundNext = null
910 updated = [ ]
911 extra = if key? then " matching #{key}" else ''
912 for line in lines
913 if not found? and reg.test line
914 line = line.replace('[ ] ', '[x] ')
915 found = line
916 else if withNext? and found? and not foundNext? and reg.test line
917 foundNext = line
918 updated.push line
919 if found?
920 comment = "#{user.name} checked:\n#{found}"
921 comment += "\n#{usercomment}" if usercomment?
922 description = updated.join('\n')
923 @updateTask(id, description, comment)
924 .then (body) ->
925 if withNext? and not foundNext?
926 foundNext = "there is no more unchecked checkbox#{extra}."
927 res [ found, foundNext ]
928 .catch (e) ->
929 err e
930 else
931 err "The task T#{id} has no unchecked checkbox#{extra}."
932 .catch (e) ->
933 err e
935 uncheckCheckbox: (user, id, key, withNext, usercomment) ->
936 return new Promise (res, err) =>
937 query = { task_id: id }
938 @request(query, 'maniphest.info')
939 .then (body) =>
940 @recordId user, id
941 lines = body.result.description.split('\n').reverse()
942 reg = new RegExp("^\\[x\\] .*#{key or ''}", 'i')
943 found = null
944 foundNext = null
945 updated = [ ]
946 extra = if key? then " matching #{key}" else ''
947 for line in lines
948 if not found? and reg.test line
949 line = line.replace('[x] ', '[ ] ')
950 found = line
951 else if withNext? and found? and not foundNext? and reg.test line
952 foundNext = line
953 updated.push line
954 if found?
955 comment = "#{user.name} unchecked:\n#{found}"
956 comment += "\n#{usercomment}" if usercomment?
957 description = updated.reverse().join('\n')
958 @updateTask(id, description, comment)
959 .then (body) ->
960 if withNext? and not foundNext?
961 foundNext = "there is no more checked checkbox#{extra}."
962 res [ found, foundNext ]
963 .catch (e) ->
964 err e
965 else
966 err "The task T#{id} has no checked checkbox#{extra}."
967 .catch (e) ->
968 err e
970 # templates ---------------------------------------------------
972 getTemplate: (name) =>
973 return new Promise (res, err) =>
974 if name?
975 if @data.templates[name]?
976 query = {
977 task_id: @data.templates[name].task
978 }
979 @request(query, 'maniphest.info')
980 .then (body) ->
981 res body.result.description
982 .catch (e) ->
983 err e
984 else
985 err "There is no template named '#{name}'."
986 else
987 res null
989 addTemplate: (name, taskid) ->
990 return new Promise (res, err) =>
991 if @data.templates[name]?
992 err "Template '#{name}' already exists."
993 else
994 data = @data
995 @taskInfo(taskid)
996 .then (body) ->
997 data.templates[name] = { task: taskid }
998 res 'Ok'
999 .catch (e) ->
1000 err e
1002 showTemplate: (name) ->
1003 return new Promise (res, err) =>
1004 if @data.templates[name]?
1005 res @data.templates[name]
1006 else
1007 err "Template '#{name}' was not found."
1009 searchTemplate: (term) ->
1010 return new Promise (res, err) =>
1011 back = [ ]
1012 for name, template of @data.templates
1013 if new RegExp(term).test name
1014 back.push { name: name, task: template.task }
1015 if back.length is 0
1016 if term?
1017 err "No template matches '#{term}'."
1018 else
1019 err 'There is no template defined.'
1020 else
1021 res back
1023 removeTemplate: (name) ->
1024 return new Promise (res, err) =>
1025 if @data.templates[name]?
1026 delete @data.templates[name]
1027 res 'Ok'
1028 else
1029 err "Template '#{name}' was not found."
1031 updateTemplate: (name, taskid) ->
1032 return new Promise (res, err) =>
1033 if @data.templates[name]?
1034 data = @data
1035 @taskInfo(taskid)
1036 .then (body) ->
1037 data.templates[name] = { task: taskid }
1038 res 'Ok'
1039 .catch (e) ->
1040 err e
1041 else
1042 err "Template '#{name}' was not found."
1044 renameTemplate: (name, newname) ->
1045 return new Promise (res, err) =>
1046 if @data.templates[name]?
1047 if @data.templates[newname]?
1048 err "Template '#{newname}' already exists."
1049 else
1050 @data.templates[newname] = { task: @data.templates[name].task }
1051 delete @data.templates[name]
1052 res 'Ok'
1053 else
1054 err "Template '#{name}' was not found."
1058module.exports = Phabricator