7.08 kBtext/coffeescriptView Raw
1# Description:
2# enable communication with Phabricator via Conduit api
4# Dependencies:
6# Configuration:
10# Commands:
11# hubot phad projects
12# hubot phad delete <project>
13# hubot phad info <project>
14# hubot phad refresh <project>
15# hubot phad alias <project> as <alias>
16# hubot phad forget <alias>
17# hubot phad feed <project> to <room>
18# hubot phad remove <project> from <room>
19# hubot phad removeall from <room>
20# hubot phad columns <project>
22# Author:
23# mose
25Phabricator = require '../lib/phabricator'
26moment = require 'moment'
27path = require 'path'
29module.exports = (robot) ->
31 robot.phab ?= new Phabricator robot, process.env
32 phab = robot.phab
34 # hubot phad projects
35 robot.respond /phad (?:projects|list) *$/, (msg) ->
36 projects = Object.keys(phab.data.projects).filter (i) ->
37 i isnt '*'
38 if projects.length > 0
39 msg.send "Known Projects: #{projects.join(', ')}"
40 else
41 msg.send 'There is no project.'
43 # hubot phad delete <project>
44 robot.respond /phad del(?:ete)? (.+) *$/, (msg) ->
45 project = msg.match[1]
46 phab.getPermission(msg.envelope.user, 'phadmin')
47 .then ->
48 if phab.data.projects[project]?
49 delete phab.data.projects[project]
50 for alias, proj of phab.data.aliases
51 delete phab.data.aliases[alias] if proj is project
52 msg.send "#{project} erased from memory."
53 else
54 msg.send "#{project} not found in memory."
55 .catch (e) ->
56 msg.send e.message or e
58 # hubot phad info|refresh <project>
59 robot.respond /phad (info|show|refresh) (.+) *$/, (msg) ->
60 refresh = (msg.match[1] is 'refresh')
61 project = msg.match[2]
62 phab.getProject(project, refresh)
63 .then (proj) ->
64 response = "'#{project}' is"
65 if proj.data.parent?
66 response += " '#{proj.data.parent}/#{proj.data.name}'"
67 else
68 response += " '#{proj.data.name}'"
69 if proj.aliases? and proj.aliases.length > 0
70 response += " (aka #{proj.aliases.join(', ')})"
71 else
72 response += ', with no alias'
73 if proj.data.feeds? and proj.data.feeds.length > 0
74 response += ", announced on #{proj.data.feeds.join(', ')}"
75 else
76 response += ', with no feed'
77 if proj.data.columns? and Object.keys(proj.data.columns).length > 0
78 response += ", columns #{Object.keys(proj.data.columns).join(', ')}"
79 else
80 response += ', and no columns'
81 if proj.data.parent?
82 response += " (child of #{proj.data.parent})"
83 response += '.'
84 msg.send response
85 .catch (e) ->
86 msg.send e.message or e
88 # hubot phad alias <project> as <alias>
89 robot.respond /phad alias (.+) as (.+)$/, (msg) ->
90 project = msg.match[1]
91 alias = msg.match[2]
92 phab.getPermission(msg.envelope.user, 'phadmin')
93 .then ->
94 phab.getProject(project)
95 .then (proj) ->
96 if phab.data.aliases[alias]?
97 msg.send "The alias '#{alias}' already exists for project '#{phab.data.aliases[alias]}'."
98 else
99 if proj.data.parent?
100 fullname = "#{proj.data.parent}/#{proj.data.name}"
101 else
102 fullname = proj.data.name
103 phab.data.aliases[alias] = fullname
104 msg.send "Ok, '#{fullname}' will be known as '#{alias}'."
105 .catch (e) ->
106 msg.send e.message or e
108 # hubot phad forget <alias>
109 robot.respond /phad forget (.+)$/, (msg) ->
110 alias = msg.match[1]
111 phab.getPermission(msg.envelope.user, 'phadmin')
112 .then ->
113 if phab.data.aliases[alias]
114 delete phab.data.aliases[alias]
115 msg.send "Ok, the alias '#{alias}' is forgotten."
116 else
117 msg.send "Sorry, I don't know the alias '#{alias}'."
118 .catch (e) ->
119 msg.send e.message or e
121 # hubot phad feed <project> to <room>
122 robot.respond /phad feeds? (.+) to (.+)$/, (msg) ->
123 project = msg.match[1]
124 room = msg.match[2]
125 phab.getPermission(msg.envelope.user, 'phadmin')
126 .then ->
127 phab.getProject(project)
128 .then (proj) ->
129 if proj.data.parent?
130 fullname = "#{proj.data.parent}/#{proj.data.name}"
131 else
132 fullname = proj.data.name
133 phab.data.projects[fullname].feeds ?= [ ]
134 if room in phab.data.projects[fullname].feeds
135 msg.send "The feed from '#{fullname}' to '#{room}' already exist."
136 else
137 phab.data.projects[fullname].feeds.push room
138 msg.send "Ok, '#{fullname}' is now feeding '#{room}'."
139 .catch (e) ->
140 msg.send e.message or e
142 # hubot phad feedall to <room>
143 robot.respond /phad feedall to (.+)$/, (msg) ->
144 room = msg.match[1]
145 phab.getPermission(msg.envelope.user, 'phadmin')
146 .then ->
147 phab.getProject('*')
148 .then (proj) ->
149 phab.data.projects['*'].feeds ?= [ ]
150 if room in phab.data.projects['*'].feeds
151 msg.send "The catchall feed to '#{room}' already exist."
152 else
153 phab.data.projects['*'].feeds.push room
154 msg.send "Ok, all feeds will be announced on '#{room}'."
155 .catch (e) ->
156 msg.send e.message or e
158 # hubot phad remove <project> from <room>
159 robot.respond /phad remove (.+) from (.+)$/, (msg) ->
160 project = msg.match[1]
161 room = msg.match[2]
162 phab.getPermission(msg.envelope.user, 'phadmin')
163 .then ->
164 phab.getProject(project)
165 .then (proj) ->
166 if proj.data.parent?
167 fullname = "#{proj.data.parent}/#{proj.data.name}"
168 else
169 fullname = proj.data.name
170 phab.data.projects[fullname].feeds ?= [ ]
171 if room in phab.data.projects[fullname].feeds
172 idx = phab.data.projects[fullname].feeds.indexOf room
173 phab.data.projects[fullname].feeds.splice(idx, 1)
174 msg.send "Ok, The feed from '#{fullname}' to '#{room}' was removed."
175 else
176 msg.send "Sorry, '#{fullname}' is not feeding '#{room}'."
177 .catch (e) ->
178 msg.send e.message or e
180 # hubot phad removeall from <room>
181 robot.respond /phad removeall from (.+)$/, (msg) ->
182 room = msg.match[1]
183 phab.getPermission(msg.envelope.user, 'phadmin')
184 .then ->
185 phab.getProject('*')
186 .then (proj) ->
187 proj.data.feeds ?= [ ]
188 phab.data.projects['*'].feeds ?= [ ]
189 if room in phab.data.projects['*'].feeds
190 idx = phab.data.projects['*'].feeds.indexOf room
191 phab.data.projects['*'].feeds.splice(idx, 1)
192 msg.send "Ok, The catchall feed to '#{room}' was removed."
193 else
194 msg.send "Sorry, the catchall feed for '#{room}' doesn't exist."
195 .catch (e) ->
196 msg.send e.message or e
198 # hubot phad columns <project>
199 robot.respond /phad columns (.+)$/, (msg) ->
200 project = msg.match[1]
201 phab.getPermission(msg.envelope.user, 'phadmin')
202 .then ->
203 phab.getProject(project)
204 .then (payload) ->
205 if payload.data.columns? and Object.keys(payload.data.columns).length > 0
206 msg.send "Columns for #{project}: #{Object.keys(payload.data.columns).join(', ')}"
207 else
208 msg.send "The project #{project} has no columns."
209 .catch (e) ->
210 msg.send e.message or e