1 | [![//_hyperscript](https://hyperscript.org/img/light_logo.png "the underscore is silent")](https://hyperscript.org)
2 |
3 | *the underscore is silent*
4 |
5 | ## introduction
6 |
7 | `_hyperscript` is a small, open scripting language inspired by [hypertalk](https://hypercard.org/HyperTalk%20Reference%202.4.pdf)
8 |
9 | it is a companion project of <https://htmx.org>
10 |
11 | ## quickstart
12 |
13 | ```html
14 |
15 | <script src="https://unpkg.com/hyperscript.org@0.8.2"></script>
16 |
17 |
18 | <button _="on click toggle .clicked">
19 | Toggle the "clicked" class on me
20 | </button>
21 |
22 |
23 | <div hs="on mouseOver toggle mouse-over on #foo">
24 | </div>
25 |
26 | <div data-hs="on click call aJavascriptFunction() then
27 | wait 10s then
28 | call anotherJavascriptFunction()">
29 | Do some stuff
30 | </div>
31 | ```
32 |
33 | ## website & docs
34 |
35 | * <https://hyperscript.org>
36 | * <https://hyperscript.org/docs>
37 |
38 | ## contributing
39 |
40 | * please write code, including tests, in ES5 for [IE 11 compatibility](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39902809/support-for-es6-in-internet-explorer-11)
41 | * please include test cases in [`/test`](https://github.com/bigskysoftware/_hyperscript/tree/dev/test) and docs in [`/www`](https://github.com/bigskysoftware/_hyperscript/tree/dev/www)
42 | * development pull requests should be against the `dev` branch, docs fixes can be made directly against `master`