28.2 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1export interface FallbackLngObjList {
2 [language: string]: string[];
5export type FallbackLng = string | string[] | FallbackLngObjList;
7export type FormatFunction = (value: any, format?: string, lng?: string) => string;
9export interface InterpolationOptions {
10 /**
11 * Format function see formatting for details
12 * @default noop
13 */
14 format?: FormatFunction;
15 /**
16 * Used to separate format from interpolation value
17 * @default ','
18 */
19 formatSeparator?: string;
20 /**
21 * Escape function
22 * @default str => str
23 */
24 escape?(str: string): string;
26 /**
27 * Escape passed in values to avoid xss injection
28 * @default true
29 */
30 escapeValue?: boolean;
31 /**
32 * If true, then value passed into escape function is not casted to string, use with custom escape function that does its own type check
33 * @default false
34 */
35 useRawValueToEscape?: boolean;
36 /**
37 * Prefix for interpolation
38 * @default '{{'
39 */
40 prefix?: string;
41 /**
42 * Suffix for interpolation
43 * @default '}}'
44 */
45 suffix?: string;
46 /**
47 * Escaped prefix for interpolation (regexSafe)
48 * @default undefined
49 */
50 prefixEscaped?: string;
51 /**
52 * Escaped suffix for interpolation (regexSafe)
53 * @default undefined
54 */
55 suffixEscaped?: string;
56 /**
57 * Suffix to unescaped mode
58 * @default undefined
59 */
60 unescapeSuffix?: string;
61 /**
62 * Prefix to unescaped mode
63 * @default '-'
64 */
65 unescapePrefix?: string;
66 /**
67 * Prefix for nesting
68 * @default '$t('
69 */
70 nestingPrefix?: string;
71 /**
72 * Suffix for nesting
73 * @default ')'
74 */
75 nestingSuffix?: string;
76 /**
77 * Escaped prefix for nesting (regexSafe)
78 * @default undefined
79 */
80 nestingPrefixEscaped?: string;
81 /**
82 * Escaped suffix for nesting (regexSafe)
83 * @default undefined
84 */
85 nestingSuffixEscaped?: string;
86 /**
87 * Separates options from key
88 * @default ','
89 */
90 nestingOptionsSeparator?: string;
91 /**
92 * Global variables to use in interpolation replacements
93 * @default undefined
94 */
96 defaultVariables?: { [index: string]: any };
97 /**
98 * After how many interpolation runs to break out before throwing a stack overflow
99 * @default 1000
100 */
101 maxReplaces?: number;
103 /**
104 * If true, it will skip to interpolate the variables
105 * @default false
106 */
107 skipOnVariables?: boolean;
110export interface ReactOptions {
111 /**
112 * Set to true if you like to wait for loaded in every translated hoc
113 * @default false
114 */
115 wait?: boolean;
116 /**
117 * Set it to fallback to let passed namespaces to translated hoc act as fallbacks
118 * @default 'default'
119 */
120 nsMode?: 'default' | 'fallback';
121 /**
122 * Set it to the default parent element created by the Trans component.
123 * @default 'div'
124 */
125 defaultTransParent?: string;
126 /**
127 * Set which events trigger a re-render, can be set to false or string of events
128 * @default 'languageChanged'
129 */
130 bindI18n?: string | false;
131 /**
132 * Set which events on store trigger a re-render, can be set to false or string of events
133 * @default ''
134 */
135 bindI18nStore?: string | false;
136 /**
137 * Set fallback value for Trans components without children
138 * @default undefined
139 */
140 transEmptyNodeValue?: string;
141 /**
142 * Set it to false if you do not want to use Suspense
143 * @default true
144 */
145 useSuspense?: boolean;
146 /**
147 * Function to generate an i18nKey from the defaultValue (or Trans children)
148 * when no key is provided.
149 * By default, the defaultValue (Trans text) itself is used as the key.
150 * If you want to require keys for all translations, supply a function
151 * that always throws an error.
152 * @default undefined
153 */
154 hashTransKey?(defaultValue: TOptionsBase['defaultValue']): TOptionsBase['defaultValue'];
155 /**
156 * Convert eg. <br/> found in translations to a react component of type br
157 * @default true
158 */
159 transSupportBasicHtmlNodes?: boolean;
160 /**
161 * Which nodes not to convert in defaultValue generation in the Trans component.
162 * @default ['br', 'strong', 'i', 'p']
163 */
164 transKeepBasicHtmlNodesFor?: string[];
167export interface InitOptions {
168 /**
169 * Logs info level to console output. Helps finding issues with loading not working.
170 * @default false
171 */
172 debug?: boolean;
174 /**
175 * Resources to initialize with (if not using loading or not appending using addResourceBundle)
176 * @default undefined
177 */
178 resources?: Resource;
180 /**
181 * Allow initializing with bundled resources while using a backend to load non bundled ones.
182 * @default false
183 */
184 partialBundledLanguages?: boolean;
186 /**
187 * Language to use (overrides language detection)
188 * @default undefined
189 */
190 lng?: string;
192 /**
193 * Language to use if translations in user language are not available.
194 * @default 'dev'
195 */
196 fallbackLng?: false | FallbackLng;
198 /**
199 * DEPRECATED use supportedLngs
200 * @default false
201 */
202 whitelist?: false | string[];
204 /**
205 * DEPRECTADED use nonExplicitSupportedLngs
206 * @default false
207 */
208 nonExplicitWhiteliest?: boolean;
210 /**
211 * Array of allowed languages
212 * @default false
213 */
214 supportedLngs?: false | string[];
216 /**
217 * If true will pass eg. en-US if finding en in supportedLngs
218 * @default false
219 */
220 nonExplicitSupportedLngs?: boolean;
222 /**
223 * Language codes to lookup, given set language is
224 * 'en-US': 'all' --> ['en-US', 'en', 'dev'],
225 * 'currentOnly' --> 'en-US',
226 * 'languageOnly' --> 'en'
227 * @default 'all'
228 */
229 load?: 'all' | 'currentOnly' | 'languageOnly';
231 /**
232 * Array of languages to preload. Important on server-side to assert translations are loaded before rendering views.
233 * @default false
234 */
235 preload?: false | string[];
237 /**
238 * Language will be lowercased eg. en-US --> en-us
239 * @default false
240 */
241 lowerCaseLng?: boolean;
243 /**
244 * Language will be lowercased EN --> en while leaving full locales like en-US
245 * @default false
246 */
247 cleanCode?: boolean;
249 /**
250 * String or array of namespaces to load
251 * @default 'translation'
252 */
253 ns?: string | string[];
255 /**
256 * Default namespace used if not passed to translation function
257 * @default 'translation'
258 */
259 defaultNS?: string;
261 /**
262 * String or array of namespaces to lookup key if not found in given namespace.
263 * @default false
264 */
265 fallbackNS?: false | string | string[];
267 /**
268 * Calls save missing key function on backend if key not found
269 * @default false
270 */
271 saveMissing?: boolean;
273 /**
274 * Experimental: enable to update default values using the saveMissing
275 * (Works only if defaultValue different from translated value.
276 * Only useful on initial development or when keeping code as source of truth not changing values outside of code.
277 * Only supported if backend supports it already)
278 * @default false
279 */
280 updateMissing?: boolean;
282 /**
283 * @default 'fallback'
284 */
285 saveMissingTo?: 'current' | 'all' | 'fallback';
287 /**
288 * Used for custom missing key handling (needs saveMissing set to true!)
289 * @default false
290 */
291 missingKeyHandler?:
292 | false
293 | ((lngs: string[], ns: string, key: string, fallbackValue: string) => void);
295 /**
296 * Receives a key that was not found in `t()` and returns a value, that will be returned by `t()`
297 * @default noop
298 */
299 parseMissingKeyHandler?(key: string): any;
301 /**
302 * Appends namespace to missing key
303 * @default false
304 */
305 appendNamespaceToMissingKey?: boolean;
307 /**
308 * Gets called in case a interpolation value is undefined. This method will not be called if the value is empty string or null
309 * @default noop
310 */
311 missingInterpolationHandler?: (text: string, value: any, options: InitOptions) => any;
313 /**
314 * Will use 'plural' as suffix for languages only having 1 plural form, setting it to false will suffix all with numbers
315 * @default true
316 */
317 simplifyPluralSuffix?: boolean;
319 /**
320 * String or array of postProcessors to apply per default
321 * @default false
322 */
323 postProcess?: false | string | string[];
325 /**
326 * passthrough the resolved object including 'usedNS', 'usedLang' etc into options object of postprocessors as 'i18nResolved' property
327 * @default false
328 */
329 postProcessPassResolved?: boolean;
331 /**
332 * Allows null values as valid translation
333 * @default true
334 */
335 returnNull?: boolean;
337 /**
338 * Allows empty string as valid translation
339 * @default true
340 */
341 returnEmptyString?: boolean;
343 /**
344 * Allows objects as valid translation result
345 * @default false
346 */
347 returnObjects?: boolean;
349 /**
350 * Gets called if object was passed in as key but returnObjects was set to false
351 * @default noop
352 */
353 returnedObjectHandler?(key: string, value: string, options: any): void;
355 /**
356 * Char, eg. '\n' that arrays will be joined by
357 * @default false
358 */
359 joinArrays?: false | string;
361 /**
362 * Sets defaultValue
363 * @default args => ({ defaultValue: args[1] })
364 */
365 overloadTranslationOptionHandler?(args: string[]): TOptions;
367 /**
368 * @see https://www.i18next.com/interpolation.html
369 */
370 interpolation?: InterpolationOptions;
372 /**
373 * Options for language detection - check documentation of plugin
374 * @default undefined
375 */
376 detection?: object;
378 /**
379 * Options for backend - check documentation of plugin
380 * @default undefined
381 */
382 backend?: object;
384 /**
385 * Options for cache layer - check documentation of plugin
386 * @default undefined
387 */
388 cache?: object;
390 /**
391 * Options for i18n message format - check documentation of plugin
392 * @default undefined
393 */
394 i18nFormat?: object;
396 /**
397 * Options for react - check documentation of plugin
398 * @default undefined
399 */
400 react?: ReactOptions;
402 /**
403 * Triggers resource loading in init function inside a setTimeout (default async behaviour).
404 * Set it to false if your backend loads resources sync - that way calling i18next.t after
405 * init is possible without relaying on the init callback.
406 * @default true
407 */
408 initImmediate?: boolean;
410 /**
411 * Char to separate keys
412 * @default '.'
413 */
414 keySeparator?: false | string;
416 /**
417 * Char to split namespace from key
418 * @default ':'
419 */
420 nsSeparator?: false | string;
422 /**
423 * Char to split plural from key
424 * @default '_'
425 */
426 pluralSeparator?: string;
428 /**
429 * Char to split context from key
430 * @default '_'
431 */
432 contextSeparator?: string;
434 /**
435 * Prefixes the namespace to the returned key when using `cimode`
436 * @default false
437 */
438 appendNamespaceToCIMode?: boolean;
440 /**
441 * Compatibility JSON version
442 * @default 'v3'
443 */
444 compatibilityJSON?: 'v1' | 'v2' | 'v3';
446 /**
447 * Options for https://github.com/locize/locize-editor
448 * @default undefined
449 */
450 editor?: {
451 /**
452 * Enable on init without the need of adding querystring locize=true
453 * @default false
454 */
455 enabled?: boolean;
456 /**
457 * If set to false you will need to open the editor via API
458 * @default true
459 */
460 autoOpen?: boolean;
462 /**
463 * Enable by adding querystring locize=true; can be set to another value or turned off by setting to false
464 * @default 'locize'
465 */
466 enableByQS?: string | false;
468 /**
469 * Turn on/off by pressing key combination. Combine this with `toggleKeyCode`
470 * @default 'ctrlKey'
471 */
472 toggleKeyModifier?: 'ctrlKey' | 'metaKey' | 'altKey' | 'shiftKey';
473 /**
474 * Turn on/off by pressing key combination. Combine this with `toggleKeyModifier`
475 * @default 24 (x)
476 */
477 toggleKeyCode?: number;
479 /**
480 * Use lng in editor taken from query string, eg. if running with lng=cimode (i18next, locize)
481 * @default 'useLng'
482 */
483 lngOverrideQS?: string;
485 /**
486 * Use lng in editor, eg. if running with lng=cimode (i18next, locize)
487 * @default null
488 */
489 lngOverride?: string | null;
491 /**
492 * How the editor will open.
493 * Setting to window will open a new window/tab instead
494 * @default 'iframe'
495 */
496 mode?: 'iframe' | 'window';
498 /**
499 * Styles to adapt layout in iframe mode to your website layout.
500 * This will add a style to the `<iframe>`
501 * @default 'z-index: 2000; position: fixed; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; width: 600px; box-shadow: -3px 0 5px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5);'
502 */
503 iframeContainerStyle?: string;
504 /**
505 * Styles to adapt layout in iframe mode to your website layout.
506 * This will add a style to the parent of `<iframe>`
507 * @default 'height: 100%; width: 600px; border: none;'
508 */
509 iframeStyle?: string;
510 /**
511 * Styles to adapt layout in iframe mode to your website layout.
512 * This will add a style to `<body>`
513 * @default 'margin-right: 605px;'
514 */
515 bodyStyle?: string;
517 /**
518 * Handle when locize saved the edited translations, eg. reload website
519 * @default noop
520 */
521 onEditorSaved?: (lng: null, ns: string | string[]) => void;
522 };
524 /**
525 * Options for https://github.com/locize/locize-lastused
526 * @default undefined
527 */
528 locizeLastUsed?: {
529 /**
530 * The id of your locize project
531 */
532 projectId: string;
534 /**
535 * An api key if you want to send missing keys
536 */
537 apiKey?: string;
539 /**
540 * The reference language of your project
541 * @default 'en'
542 */
543 referenceLng?: string;
545 /**
546 * Version
547 * @default 'latest'
548 */
549 version?: string;
551 /**
552 * Debounce interval to send data in milliseconds
553 * @default 90000
554 */
555 debounceSubmit?: number;
557 /**
558 * Hostnames that are allowed to send last used data.
559 * Please keep those to your local system, staging, test servers (not production)
560 * @default ['localhost']
561 */
562 allowedHosts?: string[];
563 };
566export interface TOptionsBase {
567 /**
568 * Default value to return if a translation was not found
569 */
570 defaultValue?: any;
571 /**
572 * Count value used for plurals
573 */
574 count?: number;
575 /**
576 * Used for contexts (eg. male\female)
577 */
578 context?: any;
579 /**
580 * Object with vars for interpolation - or put them directly in options
581 */
582 replace?: any;
583 /**
584 * Override language to use
585 */
586 lng?: string;
587 /**
588 * Override languages to use
589 */
590 lngs?: string[];
591 /**
592 * Override language to lookup key if not found see fallbacks for details
593 */
594 fallbackLng?: FallbackLng;
595 /**
596 * Override namespaces (string or array)
597 */
598 ns?: string | string[];
599 /**
600 * Override char to separate keys
601 */
602 keySeparator?: false | string;
603 /**
604 * Override char to split namespace from key
605 */
606 nsSeparator?: false | string;
607 /**
608 * Accessing an object not a translation string (can be set globally too)
609 */
610 returnObjects?: boolean;
611 /**
612 * Char, eg. '\n' that arrays will be joined by (can be set globally too)
613 */
614 joinArrays?: string;
615 /**
616 * String or array of postProcessors to apply see interval plurals as a sample
617 */
618 postProcess?: string | string[];
619 /**
620 * Override interpolation options
621 */
622 interpolation?: InterpolationOptions;
626 * indexer that is open to any value
627 */
628export type StringMap = { [key: string]: any };
631 * Options that allow open ended values for interpolation unless type is provided.
632 */
633export type TOptions<TInterpolationMap extends object = StringMap> = TOptionsBase &
634 TInterpolationMap;
636export type Callback = (error: any, t: TFunction) => void;
639 * Uses similar args as the t function and returns true if a key exists.
640 */
641export interface ExistsFunction<
642 TKeys extends string = string,
643 TInterpolationMap extends object = StringMap
644> {
645 (key: TKeys | TKeys[], options?: TOptions<TInterpolationMap>): boolean;
648export interface WithT {
649 // Expose parameterized t in the i18next interface hierarchy
650 t: TFunction;
653export type TFunctionResult = string | object | Array<string | object> | undefined | null;
654export type TFunctionKeys = string | TemplateStringsArray;
655export interface TFunction {
656 // basic usage
657 <
658 TResult extends TFunctionResult = string,
659 TKeys extends TFunctionKeys = string,
660 TInterpolationMap extends object = StringMap
661 >(
662 key: TKeys | TKeys[],
663 options?: TOptions<TInterpolationMap> | string,
664 ): TResult;
665 // overloaded usage
666 <
667 TResult extends TFunctionResult = string,
668 TKeys extends TFunctionKeys = string,
669 TInterpolationMap extends object = StringMap
670 >(
671 key: TKeys | TKeys[],
672 defaultValue?: string,
673 options?: TOptions<TInterpolationMap> | string,
674 ): TResult;
677export interface Resource {
678 [language: string]: ResourceLanguage;
681export interface ResourceLanguage {
682 [namespace: string]: ResourceKey;
685export type ResourceKey =
686 | string
687 | {
688 [key: string]: any;
689 };
691export interface Interpolator {
692 init(options: InterpolationOptions, reset: boolean): undefined;
693 reset(): undefined;
694 resetRegExp(): undefined;
695 interpolate(str: string, data: object, lng: string, options: InterpolationOptions): string;
696 nest(str: string, fc: (...args: any[]) => any, options: InterpolationOptions): string;
699export class ResourceStore {
700 constructor(data: Resource, options: InitOptions);
702 public data: Resource;
703 public options: InitOptions;
705 /**
706 * Gets fired when resources got added or removed
707 */
708 on(event: 'added' | 'removed', callback: (lng: string, ns: string) => void): void;
709 /**
710 * Remove event listener
711 * removes all callback when callback not specified
712 */
713 off(event: 'added' | 'removed', callback?: (lng: string, ns: string) => void): void;
716export interface Services {
717 backendConnector: any;
718 i18nFormat: any;
719 interpolator: Interpolator;
720 languageDetector: any;
721 languageUtils: any;
722 logger: any;
723 pluralResolver: any;
724 resourceStore: ResourceStore;
727export interface Module {
728 type: 'backend' | 'logger' | 'languageDetector' | 'postProcessor' | 'i18nFormat' | '3rdParty';
731export type CallbackError = Error | null | undefined;
732export type ReadCallback = (err: CallbackError, data: ResourceKey | boolean) => void;
733export type MultiReadCallback = (err: CallbackError, data: Resource) => void;
736 * Used to load data for i18next.
737 * Can be provided as a singleton or as a prototype constructor (preferred for supporting multiple instances of i18next).
738 * For singleton set property `type` to `'backend'` For a prototype constructor set static property.
739 */
740export interface BackendModule<TOptions = object> extends Module {
741 type: 'backend';
742 init(services: Services, backendOptions: TOptions, i18nextOptions: InitOptions): void;
743 read(language: string, namespace: string, callback: ReadCallback): void;
744 /** Save the missing translation */
745 create(languages: string[], namespace: string, key: string, fallbackValue: string): void;
746 /** Load multiple languages and namespaces. For backends supporting multiple resources loading */
747 readMulti?(languages: string[], namespaces: string[], callback: ReadCallback): void;
748 /** Store the translation. For backends acting as cache layer */
749 save?(language: string, namespace: string, data: ResourceLanguage): void;
753 * Used to detect language in user land.
754 * Can be provided as a singleton or as a prototype constructor (preferred for supporting multiple instances of i18next).
755 * For singleton set property `type` to `'languageDetector'` For a prototype constructor set static property.
756 */
757export interface LanguageDetectorModule extends Module {
758 type: 'languageDetector';
759 init(services: Services, detectorOptions: object, i18nextOptions: InitOptions): void;
760 /** Must return detected language */
761 detect(): string | undefined;
762 cacheUserLanguage(lng: string): void;
766 * Used to detect language in user land.
767 * Can be provided as a singleton or as a prototype constructor (preferred for supporting multiple instances of i18next).
768 * For singleton set property `type` to `'languageDetector'` For a prototype constructor set static property.
769 */
770export interface LanguageDetectorAsyncModule extends Module {
771 type: 'languageDetector';
772 /** Set to true to enable async detection */
773 async: true;
774 init(services: Services, detectorOptions: object, i18nextOptions: InitOptions): void;
775 /** Must call callback passing detected language */
776 detect(callback: (lng: string) => void): void;
777 cacheUserLanguage(lng: string): void;
781 * Used to extend or manipulate the translated values before returning them in `t` function.
782 * Need to be a singleton object.
783 */
784export interface PostProcessorModule extends Module {
785 /** Unique name */
786 name: string;
787 type: 'postProcessor';
788 process(value: string, key: string, options: TOptions, translator: any): string;
792 * Override the built-in console logger.
793 * Do not need to be a prototype function.
794 */
795export interface LoggerModule extends Module {
796 type: 'logger';
797 log(...args: any[]): void;
798 warn(...args: any[]): void;
799 error(...args: any[]): void;
802export interface I18nFormatModule extends Module {
803 type: 'i18nFormat';
806export interface ThirdPartyModule extends Module {
807 type: '3rdParty';
808 init(i18next: i18n): void;
811export interface Modules {
812 backend?: BackendModule;
813 logger?: LoggerModule;
814 languageDetector?: LanguageDetectorModule | LanguageDetectorAsyncModule;
815 i18nFormat?: I18nFormatModule;
816 external: ThirdPartyModule[];
819// helper to identify class https://stackoverflow.com/a/45983481/2363935
820export type Newable<T> = { new (...args: any[]): T };
822export interface i18n {
823 // Expose parameterized t in the i18next interface hierarchy
824 t: TFunction;
826 /**
827 * The default of the i18next module is an i18next instance ready to be initialized by calling init.
828 * You can create additional instances using the createInstance function.
829 *
830 * @param options - Initial options.
831 * @param callback - will be called after all translations were loaded or with an error when failed (in case of using a backend).
832 */
833 init(callback?: Callback): Promise<TFunction>;
834 init(options: InitOptions, callback?: Callback): Promise<TFunction>;
836 loadResources(callback?: (err: any) => void): void;
838 /**
839 * The use function is there to load additional plugins to i18next.
840 * For available module see the plugins page and don't forget to read the documentation of the plugin.
841 *
842 * Accepts a class or object
843 */
844 use<T extends Module>(
845 module: T | Newable<T> | ThirdPartyModule[] | Newable<ThirdPartyModule>[],
846 ): i18n;
848 /**
849 * List of modules used
850 */
851 modules: Modules;
853 /**
854 * Internal container for all used plugins and implementation details like languageUtils, pluralResolvers, etc.
855 */
856 services: Services;
858 /**
859 * Internal container for translation resources
860 */
861 store: ResourceStore;
863 /**
864 * Uses similar args as the t function and returns true if a key exists.
865 */
866 exists: ExistsFunction;
868 /**
869 * Returns a resource data by language.
870 */
871 getDataByLanguage(lng: string): { translation: { [key: string]: string } } | undefined;
873 /**
874 * Returns a t function that defaults to given language or namespace.
875 * Both params could be arrays of languages or namespaces and will be treated as fallbacks in that case.
876 * On the returned function you can like in the t function override the languages or namespaces by passing them in options or by prepending namespace.
877 */
878 getFixedT(lng: string | string[], ns?: string | string[]): TFunction;
879 getFixedT(lng: null, ns: string | string[]): TFunction;
881 /**
882 * Changes the language. The callback will be called as soon translations were loaded or an error occurs while loading.
883 * HINT: For easy testing - setting lng to 'cimode' will set t function to always return the key.
884 */
885 changeLanguage(lng: string, callback?: Callback): Promise<TFunction>;
887 /**
888 * Is set to the current detected or set language.
889 * If you need the primary used language depending on your configuration (supportedLngs, load) you will prefer using i18next.languages[0].
890 */
891 language: string;
893 /**
894 * Is set to an array of language-codes that will be used it order to lookup the translation value.
895 */
896 languages: string[];
898 /**
899 * Loads additional namespaces not defined in init options.
900 */
901 loadNamespaces(ns: string | string[], callback?: Callback): Promise<void>;
903 /**
904 * Loads additional languages not defined in init options (preload).
905 */
906 loadLanguages(lngs: string | string[], callback?: Callback): Promise<void>;
908 /**
909 * Reloads resources on given state. Optionally you can pass an array of languages and namespaces as params if you don't want to reload all.
910 */
911 reloadResources(
912 lngs?: string | string[],
913 ns?: string | string[],
914 callback?: () => void,
915 ): Promise<void>;
916 reloadResources(lngs: null, ns: string | string[], callback?: () => void): Promise<void>;
918 /**
919 * Changes the default namespace.
920 */
921 setDefaultNamespace(ns: string): void;
923 /**
924 * Returns rtl or ltr depending on languages read direction.
925 */
926 dir(lng?: string): 'ltr' | 'rtl';
928 /**
929 * Exposes interpolation.format function added on init.
930 */
931 format: FormatFunction;
933 /**
934 * Will return a new i18next instance.
935 * Please read the options page for details on configuration options.
936 * Providing a callback will automatically call init.
937 * The callback will be called after all translations were loaded or with an error when failed (in case of using a backend).
938 */
939 createInstance(options?: InitOptions, callback?: Callback): i18n;
941 /**
942 * Creates a clone of the current instance. Shares store, plugins and initial configuration.
943 * Can be used to create an instance sharing storage but being independent on set language or namespaces.
944 */
945 cloneInstance(options?: InitOptions, callback?: Callback): i18n;
947 /**
948 * Gets fired after initialization.
949 */
950 on(event: 'initialized', callback: (options: InitOptions) => void): void;
952 /**
953 * Gets fired on loaded resources.
954 */
955 on(event: 'loaded', callback: (loaded: boolean) => void): void;
957 /**
958 * Gets fired if loading resources failed.
959 */
960 on(event: 'failedLoading', callback: (lng: string, ns: string, msg: string) => void): void;
962 /**
963 * Gets fired on accessing a key not existing.
964 */
965 on(
966 event: 'missingKey',
967 callback: (lngs: string[], namespace: string, key: string, res: string) => void,
968 ): void;
970 /**
971 * Gets fired when resources got added or removed.
972 */
973 on(event: 'added' | 'removed', callback: (lng: string, ns: string) => void): void;
975 /**
976 * Gets fired when changeLanguage got called.
977 */
978 on(event: 'languageChanged', callback: (lng: string) => void): void;
980 /**
981 * Event listener
982 */
983 on(event: string, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): void;
985 /**
986 * Remove event listener
987 * removes all callback when callback not specified
988 */
989 off(event: string, listener?: (...args: any[]) => void): void;
991 /**
992 * Gets one value by given key.
993 */
994 getResource(lng: string, ns: string, key: string, options?: { keySeparator?: string }): any;
996 /**
997 * Adds one key/value.
998 */
999 addResource(
1000 lng: string,
1001 ns: string,
1002 key: string,
1003 value: string,
1004 options?: { keySeparator?: string; silent?: boolean },
1005 ): void;
1007 /**
1008 * Adds multiple key/values.
1009 */
1010 addResources(lng: string, ns: string, resources: any): void;
1012 /**
1013 * Adds a complete bundle.
1014 * Setting deep param to true will extend existing translations in that file.
1015 * Setting overwrite to true it will overwrite existing translations in that file.
1016 */
1017 addResourceBundle(
1018 lng: string,
1019 ns: string,
1020 resources: any,
1021 deep?: boolean,
1022 overwrite?: boolean,
1023 ): void;
1025 /**
1026 * Checks if a resource bundle exists.
1027 */
1028 hasResourceBundle(lng: string, ns: string): boolean;
1030 /**
1031 * Returns a resource bundle.
1032 */
1033 getResourceBundle(lng: string, ns: string): any;
1035 /**
1036 * Removes an existing bundle.
1037 */
1038 removeResourceBundle(lng: string, ns: string): void;
1040 /**
1041 * Current options
1042 */
1043 options: InitOptions;
1045 /**
1046 * Is initialized
1047 */
1048 isInitialized: boolean;
1050 /**
1051 * Emit event
1052 */
1053 emit(eventName: string): void;
1056declare const i18next: i18n;
1057export default i18next;