1 | {
2 | "definitions": {
3 | "Rule": {
4 | "description": "Filtering rule as regex or string.",
5 | "anyOf": [
6 | {
7 | "instanceof": "RegExp"
8 | },
9 | {
10 | "type": "string",
11 | "minLength": 1
12 | }
13 | ]
14 | },
15 | "Rules": {
16 | "description": "Filtering rules.",
17 | "anyOf": [
18 | {
19 | "type": "array",
20 | "items": {
21 | "description": "A rule condition.",
22 | "oneOf": [
23 | {
24 | "$ref": "#/definitions/Rule"
25 | }
26 | ]
27 | }
28 | },
29 | {
30 | "$ref": "#/definitions/Rule"
31 | }
32 | ]
33 | },
34 | "Minimizer": {
35 | "type": "object",
36 | "additionalProperties": false,
37 | "properties": {
38 | "implementation": {
39 | "description": "Implementation of the minimizer function.",
40 | "instanceof": "Function"
41 | },
42 | "filter": {
43 | "description": "Allows filtering of images.",
44 | "instanceof": "Function"
45 | },
46 | "filename": {
47 | "description": "Allows to set the filename for the minimized asset.",
48 | "anyOf": [
49 | {
50 | "type": "string",
51 | "minLength": 1
52 | },
53 | {
54 | "instanceof": "Function"
55 | }
56 | ]
57 | },
58 | "options": {
59 | "description": "Options for the minimizer function.",
60 | "type": "object",
61 | "additionalProperties": true
62 | }
63 | }
64 | },
65 | "Generator": {
66 | "type": "object",
67 | "additionalProperties": false,
68 | "properties": {
69 | "type": {
70 | "description": "Type of generation",
71 | "enum": ["import", "asset"]
72 | },
73 | "preset": {
74 | "description": "Name of preset, i.e. using in '?as=webp'.",
75 | "type": "string",
76 | "minLength": 1
77 | },
78 | "implementation": {
79 | "description": "Implementation of the generator function.",
80 | "instanceof": "Function"
81 | },
82 | "options": {
83 | "description": "Options for the generator function.",
84 | "type": "object",
85 | "additionalProperties": true
86 | },
87 | "filter": {
88 | "description": "Allows filtering of images.",
89 | "instanceof": "Function"
90 | },
91 | "filename": {
92 | "description": "Allows to set the filename for the minimized asset.",
93 | "anyOf": [
94 | {
95 | "type": "string",
96 | "minLength": 1
97 | },
98 | {
99 | "instanceof": "Function"
100 | }
101 | ]
102 | }
103 | },
104 | "required": ["implementation"]
105 | }
106 | },
107 | "type": "object",
108 | "additionalProperties": false,
109 | "properties": {
110 | "test": {
111 | "description": "Include all modules that pass test assertion.",
112 | "link": "https://github.com/webpack-contrib/image-minimizer-webpack-plugin#test",
113 | "oneOf": [
114 | {
115 | "$ref": "#/definitions/Rules"
116 | }
117 | ]
118 | },
119 | "include": {
120 | "description": "Include all modules matching any of these conditions.",
121 | "link": "https://github.com/webpack-contrib/image-minimizer-webpack-plugin#include",
122 | "oneOf": [
123 | {
124 | "$ref": "#/definitions/Rules"
125 | }
126 | ]
127 | },
128 | "exclude": {
129 | "description": "Exclude all modules matching any of these conditions.",
130 | "link": "https://github.com/webpack-contrib/image-minimizer-webpack-plugin#exclude",
131 | "oneOf": [
132 | {
133 | "$ref": "#/definitions/Rules"
134 | }
135 | ]
136 | },
137 | "minimizer": {
138 | "description": "Allows you to setup the minimizer function and options.",
139 | "link": "https://github.com/webpack-contrib/image-minimizer-webpack-plugin#minimizer",
140 | "anyOf": [
141 | {
142 | "type": "array",
143 | "minItems": 1,
144 | "items": {
145 | "$ref": "#/definitions/Minimizer"
146 | }
147 | },
148 | {
149 | "$ref": "#/definitions/Minimizer"
150 | }
151 | ]
152 | },
153 | "generator": {
154 | "description": "Allows you to setup the generator function and options.",
155 | "link": "https://github.com/webpack-contrib/image-minimizer-webpack-plugin#generator",
156 | "type": "array",
157 | "minItems": 1,
158 | "items": {
159 | "$ref": "#/definitions/Generator"
160 | }
161 | },
162 | "severityError": {
163 | "description": "Allows to choose how errors are displayed.",
164 | "link": "https://github.com/webpack-contrib/image-minimizer-webpack-plugin#severityerror",
165 | "enum": ["off", "warning", "error"]
166 | },
167 | "loader": {
168 | "description": "Automatically adding `imagemin-loader` (require for minification images using in `url-loader`, `svg-url-loader` or other).",
169 | "link": "https://github.com/webpack-contrib/image-minimizer-webpack-plugin#loader",
170 | "type": "boolean"
171 | },
172 | "concurrency": {
173 | "description": "Number of concurrency optimization processes in one time.",
174 | "link": "https://github.com/webpack-contrib/image-minimizer-webpack-plugin#concurrency",
175 | "type": "number"
176 | },
177 | "deleteOriginalAssets": {
178 | "type": "boolean",
179 | "description": "Allows to remove original assets after minimization.",
180 | "link": "https://github.com/webpack-contrib/image-minimizer-webpack-plugin#deleteoriginalassets"
181 | }
182 | }
183 | }