868 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1var imbac = (() => {
2 var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
3 var __export = (target, all) => {
4 for (var name in all)
5 __defProp(target, name, {get: all[name], enumerable: true});
6 };
7 var stdin_exports = {};
8 __export(stdin_exports, {
9 default: () => stdin_default
10 });
11 var Vf = Object.create;
12 var h1 = Object.defineProperty;
13 var jf = Object.getPrototypeOf;
14 var Gf = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
15 var Bf = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
16 var Hf = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
17 var Gi = (t) => h1(t, "__esModule", {value: true});
18 var er = (t, e) => () => (e || (e = {exports: {}}, t(e.exports, e)), e.exports);
19 var Di = (t, e) => {
20 for (var r in e)
21 h1(t, r, {get: e[r], enumerable: true});
22 };
23 var hn = (t, e, r) => {
24 if (e && typeof e == "object" || typeof e == "function")
25 for (let i of Bf(e))
26 !Gf.call(t, i) && i !== "default" && h1(t, i, {get: () => e[i], enumerable: !(r = Hf(e, i)) || r.enumerable});
27 return t;
28 };
29 var Su = (t) => hn(Gi(h1(t != null ? Vf(jf(t)) : {}, "default", t && t.__esModule && "default" in t ? {get: () => t.default, enumerable: true} : {value: t, enumerable: true})), t);
30 var Jo = er((or) => {
31 var Bi = {}, Ts = or.TOK = {}, j9 = Ts.TERMINATOR = 1, G9 = Ts.IDENTIFIER = Ts.IVAR = 2, B9 = Ts.CONST = 3, H9 = Ts.VAR = 4, z9 = Ts.IF = 5, U9 = Ts.ELSE = 6, Y9 = Ts.DEF = 7;
32 function We(t, e, r, i) {
33 return this._type = t, this._value = e, this._loc = r != null ? r : -1, this._len = i != null ? i : this._value.length, this._meta = null, this.generated = false, this.newLine = false, this.spaced = false, this.call = false, this;
34 }
35 or.Token = We;
36 We.prototype.type = function() {
37 return this._type;
38 };
39 We.prototype.value = function() {
40 return this._value;
41 };
42 We.prototype.traverse = function() {
43 };
44 We.prototype.c = function() {
45 return "" + this._value;
46 };
47 We.prototype.prepend = function(t) {
48 return this._value = t + this._value, this;
49 };
50 We.prototype.toString = function() {
51 return this._value;
52 };
53 We.prototype.charAt = function(t) {
54 return this._value.charAt(t);
55 };
56 We.prototype.slice = function(t) {
57 return this._value.slice(t);
58 };
59 We.prototype.cloneSlice = function(t, e) {
60 return new We(e || this._type, this.slice(t), this._loc + t, this._len - t);
61 };
62 We.prototype.region = function() {
63 return [this._loc, this._loc + this._len];
64 };
65 We.prototype.startLoc = function() {
66 return this._loc;
67 };
68 We.prototype.endLoc = function() {
69 return this._loc + this._len;
70 };
71 We.prototype.loc = function() {
72 return [this._loc, this.endLoc()];
73 };
74 or.lex = Bi.lex = function() {
75 var t = this.tokens[this.pos++], e;
76 return t ? (e = t._type, this.yytext = t) : e = "", e;
77 };
78 or.token = Bi.token = function(t, e) {
79 return new We(t, e, -1, 0);
80 };
81 or.typ = Bi.typ = function(t) {
82 return t._type;
83 };
84 or.val = Bi.val = function(t) {
85 return t._value;
86 };
87 or.line = Bi.line = function(t) {
88 return t._line;
89 };
90 or.loc = Bi.loc = function(t) {
91 return t._loc;
92 };
93 or.setTyp = Bi.setTyp = function(t, e) {
94 return t._type = e;
95 };
96 or.setVal = Bi.setVal = function(t, e) {
97 return t._value = e;
98 };
99 or.setLine = Bi.setLine = function(t, e) {
100 return t._line = e;
101 };
102 or.setLoc = Bi.setLoc = function(t, e) {
103 return t._loc = e;
104 };
105 var zf = or.LBRACKET = new We("{", "{", 0, 0, 0), Uf = or.RBRACKET = new We("}", "}", 0, 0, 0), Yf = or.LPAREN = new We("(", "(", 0, 0, 0), Kf = or.RPAREN = new We(")", ")", 0, 0, 0);
106 zf.generated = true;
107 Uf.generated = true;
108 Yf.generated = true;
109 Kf.generated = true;
110 var K9 = or.INDENT = new We("INDENT", "2", 0, 0, 0), q9 = or.OUTDENT = new We("OUTDENT", "2", 0, 0, 0);
111 });
112 var Tu = er((exports, module) => {
113 (function() {
114 "use strict";
115 var root = typeof window == "object" ? window : {}, NODE_JS = !root.JS_SHA1_NO_NODE_JS && typeof process == "object" && process.versions && process.versions.node;
116 NODE_JS && (root = global);
117 var COMMON_JS = !root.JS_SHA1_NO_COMMON_JS && typeof module == "object" && module.exports, AMD = typeof define == "function" && define.amd, HEX_CHARS = "0123456789abcdef".split(""), EXTRA = [-2147483648, 8388608, 32768, 128], SHIFT = [24, 16, 8, 0], OUTPUT_TYPES = ["hex", "array", "digest", "arrayBuffer"], blocks = [], createOutputMethod = function(t) {
118 return function(e) {
119 return new Sha1(true).update(e)[t]();
120 };
121 }, createMethod = function() {
122 var t = createOutputMethod("hex");
123 t.create = function() {
124 return new Sha1();
125 }, t.update = function(i) {
126 return t.create().update(i);
127 };
128 for (var e = 0; e < OUTPUT_TYPES.length; ++e) {
129 var r = OUTPUT_TYPES[e];
130 t[r] = createOutputMethod(r);
131 }
132 return t;
133 }, nodeWrap = function(method) {
134 var crypto = eval("require('crypto')"), Buffer = eval("require('buffer').Buffer"), nodeMethod = function(t) {
135 if (typeof t == "string")
136 return crypto.createHash("sha1").update(t, "utf8").digest("hex");
137 if (t.constructor === ArrayBuffer)
138 t = new Uint8Array(t);
139 else if (t.length === void 0)
140 return method(t);
141 return crypto.createHash("sha1").update(new Buffer(t)).digest("hex");
142 };
143 return nodeMethod;
144 };
145 function Sha1(t) {
146 t ? (blocks[0] = blocks[16] = blocks[1] = blocks[2] = blocks[3] = blocks[4] = blocks[5] = blocks[6] = blocks[7] = blocks[8] = blocks[9] = blocks[10] = blocks[11] = blocks[12] = blocks[13] = blocks[14] = blocks[15] = 0, this.blocks = blocks) : this.blocks = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], this.h0 = 1732584193, this.h1 = 4023233417, this.h2 = 2562383102, this.h3 = 271733878, this.h4 = 3285377520, this.block = this.start = this.bytes = this.hBytes = 0, this.finalized = this.hashed = false, this.first = true;
147 }
148 Sha1.prototype.update = function(t) {
149 if (!this.finalized) {
150 var e = typeof t != "string";
151 e && t.constructor === root.ArrayBuffer && (t = new Uint8Array(t));
152 for (var r, i = 0, s, n = t.length || 0, o = this.blocks; i < n; ) {
153 if (this.hashed && (this.hashed = false, o[0] = this.block, o[16] = o[1] = o[2] = o[3] = o[4] = o[5] = o[6] = o[7] = o[8] = o[9] = o[10] = o[11] = o[12] = o[13] = o[14] = o[15] = 0), e)
154 for (s = this.start; i < n && s < 64; ++i)
155 o[s >> 2] |= t[i] << SHIFT[s++ & 3];
156 else
157 for (s = this.start; i < n && s < 64; ++i)
158 r = t.charCodeAt(i), r < 128 ? o[s >> 2] |= r << SHIFT[s++ & 3] : r < 2048 ? (o[s >> 2] |= (192 | r >> 6) << SHIFT[s++ & 3], o[s >> 2] |= (128 | r & 63) << SHIFT[s++ & 3]) : r < 55296 || r >= 57344 ? (o[s >> 2] |= (224 | r >> 12) << SHIFT[s++ & 3], o[s >> 2] |= (128 | r >> 6 & 63) << SHIFT[s++ & 3], o[s >> 2] |= (128 | r & 63) << SHIFT[s++ & 3]) : (r = 65536 + ((r & 1023) << 10 | t.charCodeAt(++i) & 1023), o[s >> 2] |= (240 | r >> 18) << SHIFT[s++ & 3], o[s >> 2] |= (128 | r >> 12 & 63) << SHIFT[s++ & 3], o[s >> 2] |= (128 | r >> 6 & 63) << SHIFT[s++ & 3], o[s >> 2] |= (128 | r & 63) << SHIFT[s++ & 3]);
159 this.lastByteIndex = s, this.bytes += s - this.start, s >= 64 ? (this.block = o[16], this.start = s - 64, this.hash(), this.hashed = true) : this.start = s;
160 }
161 return this.bytes > 4294967295 && (this.hBytes += this.bytes / 4294967296 << 0, this.bytes = this.bytes % 4294967296), this;
162 }
163 }, Sha1.prototype.finalize = function() {
164 if (!this.finalized) {
165 this.finalized = true;
166 var t = this.blocks, e = this.lastByteIndex;
167 t[16] = this.block, t[e >> 2] |= EXTRA[e & 3], this.block = t[16], e >= 56 && (this.hashed || this.hash(), t[0] = this.block, t[16] = t[1] = t[2] = t[3] = t[4] = t[5] = t[6] = t[7] = t[8] = t[9] = t[10] = t[11] = t[12] = t[13] = t[14] = t[15] = 0), t[14] = this.hBytes << 3 | this.bytes >>> 29, t[15] = this.bytes << 3, this.hash();
168 }
169 }, Sha1.prototype.hash = function() {
170 var t = this.h0, e = this.h1, r = this.h2, i = this.h3, s = this.h4, n, o, a, l = this.blocks;
171 for (o = 16; o < 80; ++o)
172 a = l[o - 3] ^ l[o - 8] ^ l[o - 14] ^ l[o - 16], l[o] = a << 1 | a >>> 31;
173 for (o = 0; o < 20; o += 5)
174 n = e & r | ~e & i, a = t << 5 | t >>> 27, s = a + n + s + 1518500249 + l[o] << 0, e = e << 30 | e >>> 2, n = t & e | ~t & r, a = s << 5 | s >>> 27, i = a + n + i + 1518500249 + l[o + 1] << 0, t = t << 30 | t >>> 2, n = s & t | ~s & e, a = i << 5 | i >>> 27, r = a + n + r + 1518500249 + l[o + 2] << 0, s = s << 30 | s >>> 2, n = i & s | ~i & t, a = r << 5 | r >>> 27, e = a + n + e + 1518500249 + l[o + 3] << 0, i = i << 30 | i >>> 2, n = r & i | ~r & s, a = e << 5 | e >>> 27, t = a + n + t + 1518500249 + l[o + 4] << 0, r = r << 30 | r >>> 2;
175 for (; o < 40; o += 5)
176 n = e ^ r ^ i, a = t << 5 | t >>> 27, s = a + n + s + 1859775393 + l[o] << 0, e = e << 30 | e >>> 2, n = t ^ e ^ r, a = s << 5 | s >>> 27, i = a + n + i + 1859775393 + l[o + 1] << 0, t = t << 30 | t >>> 2, n = s ^ t ^ e, a = i << 5 | i >>> 27, r = a + n + r + 1859775393 + l[o + 2] << 0, s = s << 30 | s >>> 2, n = i ^ s ^ t, a = r << 5 | r >>> 27, e = a + n + e + 1859775393 + l[o + 3] << 0, i = i << 30 | i >>> 2, n = r ^ i ^ s, a = e << 5 | e >>> 27, t = a + n + t + 1859775393 + l[o + 4] << 0, r = r << 30 | r >>> 2;
177 for (; o < 60; o += 5)
178 n = e & r | e & i | r & i, a = t << 5 | t >>> 27, s = a + n + s - 1894007588 + l[o] << 0, e = e << 30 | e >>> 2, n = t & e | t & r | e & r, a = s << 5 | s >>> 27, i = a + n + i - 1894007588 + l[o + 1] << 0, t = t << 30 | t >>> 2, n = s & t | s & e | t & e, a = i << 5 | i >>> 27, r = a + n + r - 1894007588 + l[o + 2] << 0, s = s << 30 | s >>> 2, n = i & s | i & t | s & t, a = r << 5 | r >>> 27, e = a + n + e - 1894007588 + l[o + 3] << 0, i = i << 30 | i >>> 2, n = r & i | r & s | i & s, a = e << 5 | e >>> 27, t = a + n + t - 1894007588 + l[o + 4] << 0, r = r << 30 | r >>> 2;
179 for (; o < 80; o += 5)
180 n = e ^ r ^ i, a = t << 5 | t >>> 27, s = a + n + s - 899497514 + l[o] << 0, e = e << 30 | e >>> 2, n = t ^ e ^ r, a = s << 5 | s >>> 27, i = a + n + i - 899497514 + l[o + 1] << 0, t = t << 30 | t >>> 2, n = s ^ t ^ e, a = i << 5 | i >>> 27, r = a + n + r - 899497514 + l[o + 2] << 0, s = s << 30 | s >>> 2, n = i ^ s ^ t, a = r << 5 | r >>> 27, e = a + n + e - 899497514 + l[o + 3] << 0, i = i << 30 | i >>> 2, n = r ^ i ^ s, a = e << 5 | e >>> 27, t = a + n + t - 899497514 + l[o + 4] << 0, r = r << 30 | r >>> 2;
181 this.h0 = this.h0 + t << 0, this.h1 = this.h1 + e << 0, this.h2 = this.h2 + r << 0, this.h3 = this.h3 + i << 0, this.h4 = this.h4 + s << 0;
182 }, Sha1.prototype.hex = function() {
183 this.finalize();
184 var t = this.h0, e = this.h1, r = this.h2, i = this.h3, s = this.h4;
185 return HEX_CHARS[t >> 28 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[t >> 24 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[t >> 20 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[t >> 16 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[t >> 12 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[t >> 8 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[t >> 4 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[t & 15] + HEX_CHARS[e >> 28 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[e >> 24 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[e >> 20 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[e >> 16 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[e >> 12 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[e >> 8 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[e >> 4 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[e & 15] + HEX_CHARS[r >> 28 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[r >> 24 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[r >> 20 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[r >> 16 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[r >> 12 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[r >> 8 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[r >> 4 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[r & 15] + HEX_CHARS[i >> 28 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[i >> 24 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[i >> 20 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[i >> 16 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[i >> 12 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[i >> 8 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[i >> 4 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[i & 15] + HEX_CHARS[s >> 28 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[s >> 24 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[s >> 20 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[s >> 16 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[s >> 12 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[s >> 8 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[s >> 4 & 15] + HEX_CHARS[s & 15];
186 }, Sha1.prototype.toString = Sha1.prototype.hex, Sha1.prototype.digest = function() {
187 this.finalize();
188 var t = this.h0, e = this.h1, r = this.h2, i = this.h3, s = this.h4;
189 return [t >> 24 & 255, t >> 16 & 255, t >> 8 & 255, t & 255, e >> 24 & 255, e >> 16 & 255, e >> 8 & 255, e & 255, r >> 24 & 255, r >> 16 & 255, r >> 8 & 255, r & 255, i >> 24 & 255, i >> 16 & 255, i >> 8 & 255, i & 255, s >> 24 & 255, s >> 16 & 255, s >> 8 & 255, s & 255];
190 };
191 var alphabet = "0123456789abcdefghjkmnpqrtuvwxyz", alias = {o: 0, i: 1, l: 1, s: 5};
192 Sha1.prototype.b32 = function() {
193 for (var t = this.digest(), e = 0, r = 0, i = "", s = 0; s < t.length; ) {
194 var n = t[s];
195 if (e < 0 ? r |= n >> -e : r = n << e & 248, e > 3) {
196 e -= 8, s += 1;
197 continue;
198 }
199 e < 4 && (i += alphabet[r >> 3], e += 5);
200 }
201 return i = i + (e < 0 ? alphabet[r >> 3] : ""), i;
202 }, Sha1.prototype.array = Sha1.prototype.digest, Sha1.prototype.arrayBuffer = function() {
203 this.finalize();
204 var t = new ArrayBuffer(20), e = new DataView(t);
205 return e.setUint32(0, this.h0), e.setUint32(4, this.h1), e.setUint32(8, this.h2), e.setUint32(12, this.h3), e.setUint32(16, this.h4), t;
206 };
207 var exports = createMethod();
208 COMMON_JS ? module.exports = exports : (root.sha1 = exports, AMD && define(function() {
209 return exports;
210 }));
211 })();
212 });
213 var K2 = er((qf) => {
214 Gi(qf);
215 Di(qf, {InternalPrefixes: () => Eu, ReservedIdentifierRegex: () => Xf, ReservedPrefixes: () => Au, ToImbaMap: () => Nu, ToJSMap: () => Iu, toCustomTagIdentifier: () => t3, toImbaIdentifier: () => $f, toJSIdentifier: () => Ru});
216 var Eu = {TAG: "\u03C4", FLIP: "\u03C9", VALUE: "\u03C5", CACHE: "\u03F2", KEY: "\u03BA", ANY: "\u03C6", SYM: "\u03B5", SEP: "\u03B9", PRIVATE: "\u03A8", B: "\u03B9", T: "\u03C4", C: "\u03C1", V: "\u03C5", K: "\u03BA", D: "\u0394", H: "\u03B8"}, Au = new Set(Object.values(Eu)), Xf = new RegExp("^[" + Array.from(Au).join("") + "]", "u"), Iu = {"-": "\u039E", "?": "\u03A6", "#": "\u03A8", "@": "\u03B1"}, Wf = new RegExp("[-?#@]", "gu"), Jf = function(t) {
217 return Iu[t];
218 };
219 function Ru(t) {
220 return t.replace(Wf, Jf);
221 }
222 var Nu = {\u039E: "-", \u03A6: "?", \u03A8: "#", \u03B1: "@"}, Zf = new RegExp("[\u039E\u03A6\u03A8\u03B1]", "gu"), Qf = function(t) {
223 return Nu[t];
224 };
225 function $f(t) {
226 return t.replace(Zf, Qf);
227 }
228 function t3(t) {
229 return "\u0393" + Ru(t);
230 }
231 });
232 var io = er((Te) => {
233 function q2(t) {
234 return t ? t.toArray ? t.toArray() : t : [];
235 }
236 var ge = {}, e3 = Tu(), r3 = {reset: [0, 0], bold: [1, 22], dim: [2, 22], italic: [3, 23], underline: [4, 24], inverse: [7, 27], hidden: [8, 28], strikethrough: [9, 29], black: [30, 39], red: [31, 39], green: [32, 39], yellow: [33, 39], blue: [34, 39], magenta: [35, 39], cyan: [36, 39], white: [37, 39], gray: [90, 39], redBright: [91, 39], greenBright: [92, 39], yellowBright: [93, 39], blueBright: [94, 39], magentaBright: [95, 39], cyanBright: [96, 39], whiteBright: [97, 39]}, ro = Te.ansi = {bold: function(t) {
237 return "" + t + "";
238 }, red: function(t) {
239 return "" + t + "";
240 }, green: function(t) {
241 return "" + t + "";
242 }, yellow: function(t) {
243 return "" + t + "";
244 }, blue: function(t) {
245 return "" + t + "";
246 }, gray: function(t) {
247 return "" + t + "";
248 }, white: function(t) {
249 return "" + t + "";
250 }, f: function(t, e) {
251 let r = r3[t];
252 return "[" + r[0] + "m" + e + "[" + r[1] + "m";
253 }};
254 ro.warn = ro.yellow;
255 ro.error = ro.red;
256 var Cu = K2(), i3 = Cu.toImbaIdentifier, s3 = Cu.toJSIdentifier, n3 = "\u03B1\u03B2\u03B3\u03B4\u03B5\u03B6\u03B7\u03B8\u03B9\u03BA\u03BB\u03BC\u03BD\u03BE\u03BF\u03C0\u03C1\u03C3\u03C4\u03C5\u03C6\u03C7\u03C8\u03C9";
257 Te.brace = ge.brace = function(t) {
258 var e = t.match(/\n/);
259 return e ? "{" + t + `
260}` : `{
261` + t + `
263 };
264 Te.normalizeIndentation = ge.normalizeIndentation = function(t) {
265 for (var e, r = /\n+([^\n\S]*)/g, i = null, s; e = r.exec(t); ) {
266 var n = e[1];
267 (i === null || 0 < (s = n.length) && s < i.length) && (i = n);
268 }
269 return i && (t = t.replace(RegExp("\\n" + i, "g"), `
270`)), t;
271 };
272 Te.flatten = ge.flatten = function(t) {
273 var e = [];
274 return t.forEach(function(r) {
275 return r instanceof Array ? e.push.apply(e, ge.flatten(r)) : e.push(r);
276 }), e;
277 };
278 Te.clearLocationMarkers = ge.clearLocationMarkers = function(t) {
279 return t.replace(/\/\*\%([\w\|]*)\$\*\//g, "");
280 };
281 Te.pascalCase = ge.pascalCase = function(t) {
282 return t.replace(/(^|[\-\_\s])(\w)/g, function(e, r, i) {
283 return i.toUpperCase();
284 });
285 };
286 Te.camelCase = ge.camelCase = function(t) {
287 return t = String(t), t.replace(/([\-\_\s])(\w)/g, function(e, r, i) {
288 return i.toUpperCase();
289 });
290 };
291 Te.dashToCamelCase = ge.dashToCamelCase = function(t) {
292 return t = String(t), t.indexOf("-") >= 0 && (t = t.replace(/([\-\s])(\w)/g, function(e, r, i) {
293 return i.toUpperCase();
294 })), t;
295 };
296 Te.snakeCase = ge.snakeCase = function(t) {
297 var t = t.replace(/([\-\s])(\w)/g, "_");
298 return t.replace(/()([A-Z])/g, "_$1", function(e, r, i) {
299 return i.toUpperCase();
300 });
301 };
302 Te.dasherize = ge.dasherize = function(t) {
303 return t.replace(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/g, "$1-$2").toLowerCase();
304 };
305 Te.setterSym = ge.setterSym = function(t) {
306 return ge.dashToCamelCase("set-" + t);
307 };
308 Te.quote = ge.quote = function(t) {
309 return '"' + t + '"';
310 };
311 Te.singlequote = ge.singlequote = function(t) {
312 return "'" + t + "'";
313 };
314 Te.isValidIdentifier = ge.isValidIdentifier = function(t) {
315 return !/[?-\s]/.test(t) && t[0] != "#";
316 };
317 Te.toValidIdentifier = ge.toValidIdentifier = function(t) {
318 return s3(t);
319 };
320 Te.fromValidIdentifier = ge.fromValidIdentifier = function(t) {
321 return i3(t);
322 };
323 Te.isSystemIdentifier = ge.isSystemIdentifier = function(t) {
324 return n3.indexOf(t[0]) >= 0;
325 };
326 Te.symbolize = ge.symbolize = function(t, e) {
327 return t = String(t), ge.toValidIdentifier(t);
328 return e && e.tsc(), t;
329 var r = t.charAt(t.length - 1);
330 return r == "?" && (t = "is" + t[0].toUpperCase() + t.slice(1, -1)), t.indexOf("-") >= 0 && (t = t.replace(/([\-\s])(\w)/g, function(i, s, n) {
331 return n.toUpperCase();
332 })), t;
333 };
334 Te.indent = ge.indent = function(t) {
335 return String(t).replace(/^/g, " ").replace(/\n/g, `
336 `).replace(/\n\t$/g, `
338 };
339 Te.bracketize = ge.bracketize = function(t, e) {
340 return e === void 0 && (e = true), e && (t = `
341` + ge.indent(t) + `
342`), "{" + t + "}";
343 };
344 Te.parenthesize = ge.parenthesize = function(t) {
345 return "(" + String(t) + ")";
346 };
347 Te.unionOfLocations = ge.unionOfLocations = function() {
348 for (var t = arguments, e = t.length, r = new Array(e > 0 ? e : 0); e > 0; )
349 r[e - 1] = t[--e];
350 var i = Infinity, s = -Infinity;
351 for (let n = 0, o = q2(r), a = o.length, l; n < a; n++)
352 l = o[n], l && l._loc != null && (l = l._loc), l && l.loc instanceof Function && (l = l.loc()), l instanceof Array ? (i > l[0] && (i = l[0]), s < l[0] && (s = l[1])) : (typeof l == "number" || l instanceof Number) && (i > l && (i = l), s < l && (s = l));
353 return [i, s];
354 };
355 Te.locationToLineColMap = ge.locationToLineColMap = function(t) {
356 for (var e = t.split(/\n/g), r = [], i, s = 0, n = 0, o = 0; i = t[s]; )
357 r[s] = [o, n], i == `
358` ? (o++, n = 0) : n++, s++;
359 return r[s] = [o, n], r[s + 1] = [o, n], r;
360 };
361 Te.markLineColForTokens = ge.markLineColForTokens = function(t, e) {
362 return ge;
363 };
364 Te.parseArgs = ge.parseArgs = function(t, e) {
365 var r;
366 e === void 0 && (e = {});
367 var i = e.alias || (e.alias = {}), s = e.group || (e.group = []), n = e.schema || {};
368 n.main = {};
369 var o = {}, a = {};
370 t = t || process.argv.slice(2);
371 for (var l = null, p = 0, c; p < t.length; ) {
372 var _ = t[p];
373 if (p++, c = _.match(/^\-([a-zA-Z]+)(\=\S+)?$/)) {
374 l = null;
375 let y = c[1].split("");
376 for (let N = 0, b = q2(y), m = b.length, g; N < m; N++) {
377 g = b[N];
378 var f = i[g] || g;
379 y[N] = f, o[f] = true;
380 }
381 y.length == 1 && (l = y);
382 continue;
383 } else if (c = _.match(/^\-\-([a-z0-9\-\_A-Z]+)(\=\S+)?$/)) {
384 var d = true;
385 f = c[1], f.indexOf("no-") == 0 && (f = f.substr(3), d = false), f = ge.dashToCamelCase(f), c[2] && (d = c[2].slice(1)), o[f] = d, l = f;
386 continue;
387 } else {
388 var v = n[l];
389 l && n[l] || (l = "main"), _.match(/^\d+$/) && (_ = parseInt(_)), d = o[l], d == true || d == false ? o[l] = _ : typeof d == "string" || d instanceof String || typeof d == "number" || d instanceof Number ? o[l] = [d].concat(_) : d instanceof Array ? d.push(_) : o[l] = _, v && v.multi || (l = "main");
390 }
391 }
392 for (let y = 0, N = q2(s), b = N.length; y < b; y++) {
393 let m = ge.dashToCamelCase(N[y]);
394 for (let g, S = 0, k = Object.keys(o), E = k.length, w; S < E; S++)
395 if (w = k[S], g = o[w], w.indexOf(m) == 0) {
396 let O = w.substr(m.length).replace(/^\w/, function(L) {
397 return L.toLowerCase();
398 });
399 O ? (o[m] || (o[m] = {}), o[m][O] = g) : o[m] || (o[m] = {});
400 }
401 }
402 return (typeof (r = o.env) == "string" || r instanceof String) && (o["ENV_" + o.env] = true), o;
403 };
404 Te.printExcerpt = ge.printExcerpt = function(t, e, r) {
405 (!r || r.constructor !== Object) && (r = {});
406 var i = r.hl !== void 0 ? r.hl : false, s = r.gutter !== void 0 ? r.gutter : true, n = r.type !== void 0 ? r.type : "warn", o = r.pad !== void 0 ? r.pad : 2, a = t.split(/\n/g), l = ge.locationToLineColMap(t), p = l[e[0]] || [0, 0], c = p[0], _ = p[1], f = a[c], d = Math.max(0, c - o), v = Math.min(d + o + 1 + o, a.length);
407 let y = c - d;
408 for (var N = d, b = []; N < v; )
409 b.push(a[N++]);
410 var m = b;
411 return s && (m = m.map(function(S, k) {
412 let E = "" + (d + k + 1), w;
413 for (; E.length < String(v).length; )
414 E = " " + E;
415 return k == y ? (w = " -> " + E + " | " + S, i && (w = ro.f(i, w))) : (w = " " + E + " | " + S, i && (w = ro.f("gray", w))), w;
416 })), m.join(`
418 };
419 Te.printWarning = ge.printWarning = function(t, e) {
420 let r = e.message, i = ge.printExcerpt(t, e.loc, {hl: "whiteBright", type: "warn", pad: 1});
421 return r + `
422` + i;
423 };
424 Te.identifierForPath = ge.identifierForPath = function(t) {
425 var e = e3.create();
426 e.update(t);
427 var r = e.b32().replace(/^\d+/, "");
428 return r.slice(0, 6);
429 };
430 });
431 var d1 = er((wi) => {
432 function o3(t) {
433 return t ? t.toArray ? t.toArray() : t : [];
434 }
435 var X2 = wi.BALANCED_PAIRS = [["(", ")"], ["[", "]"], ["{", "}"], ["{{", "}}"], ["INDENT", "OUTDENT"], ["CALL_START", "CALL_END"], ["PARAM_START", "PARAM_END"], ["INDEX_START", "INDEX_END"], ["TAG_START", "TAG_END"], ["STYLE_START", "STYLE_END"], ["BLOCK_PARAM_START", "BLOCK_PARAM_END"]], Ou = wi.INVERSES = {};
436 for (let t = 0, e = X2.length, r; t < e; t++)
437 r = X2[t], p1 = r[0], f1 = r[1], Ou[f1] = p1, Ou[p1] = f1, X2[p1] = f1;
438 var p1, f1, Z9 = wi.ALL_KEYWORDS = ["true", "false", "null", "this", "delete", "typeof", "in", "instanceof", "throw", "break", "continue", "debugger", "if", "else", "switch", "for", "while", "do", "try", "catch", "finally", "class", "extends", "super", "return", "undefined", "then", "unless", "until", "loop", "of", "by", "when", "def", "tag", "do", "elif", "begin", "var", "let", "self", "await", "import", "and", "or", "is", "isnt", "not", "yes", "no", "isa", "case", "nil", "require"], Q9 = wi.TOK = {TERMINATOR: "TERMINATOR", INDENT: "INDENT", OUTDENT: "OUTDENT", DEF_BODY: "DEF_BODY", THEN: "THEN", CATCH: "CATCH"}, $9 = wi.OPERATOR_ALIASES = {and: "&&", or: "||", is: "==", isnt: "!=", isa: "instanceof"}, t_ = wi.HEREGEX_OMIT = /\s+(?:#.*)?/g, e_ = wi.HEREGEX = /^\/{3}([\s\S]+?)\/{3}([a-z]{0,8})(?!\w)/, r_ = wi.TAG_GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTES = {itemid: 1, itemprop: 1, itemref: 1, itemscope: 1, itemtype: 1, enterkeyhint: 1, autofocus: 1, autocapitalize: 1, autocomplete: 1, accesskey: 1, inputmode: 1, spellcheck: 1, translate: 1, is: 1}, i_ = wi.SYSVAR_PREFIX = {TAG: "\u03C4", FLIP: "\u03C9", VALUE: "\u03C5", CACHE: "\u03C1", KEY: "\u03BA", ANY: "\u03C6", B: "\u0398", T: "\u03C4", C: "\u03C1", V: "\u03C5", K: "\u03BA", D: "\u0394"}, _1 = wi.TAG_TYPES = {"": [-1, {id: 1, className: "class", slot: 1, part: 1, elementTiming: "elementtiming"}], HTML: [-1, {title: 1, lang: 1, translate: 1, dir: 1, accessKey: "accesskey", draggable: 1, spellcheck: 1, autocapitalize: 1, inputMode: "inputmode", style: 1, tabIndex: "tabindex", enterKeyHint: "enterkeyhint"}], HTMLAnchor: [1, {target: 1, download: 1, ping: 1, rel: 1, relList: "rel", hreflang: 1, type: 1, referrerPolicy: "referrerpolicy", coords: 1, charset: 1, name: 1, rev: 1, shape: 1, href: 1}], HTMLArea: [1, {alt: 1, coords: 1, download: 1, shape: 1, target: 1, ping: 1, rel: 1, relList: "rel", referrerPolicy: "referrerpolicy", href: 1}], HTMLMedia: [1, {src: 1, crossOrigin: "crossorigin", preload: 1, controlsList: "controlslist"}], HTMLAudio: [4, {}], HTMLBase: [1, {href: 1, target: 1}], HTMLQuote: [1, {cite: 1}], HTMLBody: [1, {text: 1, link: 1, vLink: "vlink", aLink: "alink", bgColor: "bgcolor", background: 1}], HTMLBR: [1, {clear: 1}], HTMLButton: [1, {formAction: "formaction", formEnctype: "formenctype", formMethod: "formmethod", formTarget: "formtarget", name: 1, type: 1, value: 1}], HTMLCanvas: [1, {width: 1, height: 1}], HTMLTableCaption: [1, {align: 1}], HTMLTableCol: [1, {span: 1, align: 1, ch: "char", chOff: "charoff", vAlign: "valign", width: 1}], HTMLData: [1, {value: 1}], HTMLDataList: [1, {}], HTMLMod: [1, {cite: 1, dateTime: "datetime"}], HTMLDetails: [1, {}], HTMLDialog: [1, {}], HTMLDiv: [1, {align: 1}], HTMLDList: [1, {}], HTMLEmbed: [1, {src: 1, type: 1, width: 1, height: 1, align: 1, name: 1}], HTMLFieldSet: [1, {name: 1}], HTMLForm: [1, {acceptCharset: "accept-charset", action: 1, autocomplete: 1, enctype: 1, encoding: "enctype", method: 1, name: 1, target: 1}], HTMLHeading: [1, {align: 1}], HTMLHead: [1, {}], HTMLHR: [1, {align: 1, color: 1, size: 1, width: 1}], HTMLHtml: [1, {version: 1}], HTMLIFrame: [1, {src: 1, srcdoc: 1, name: 1, sandbox: 1, width: 1, height: 1, referrerPolicy: "referrerpolicy", csp: 1, allow: 1, align: 1, scrolling: 1, frameBorder: "frameborder", longDesc: "longdesc", marginHeight: "marginheight", marginWidth: "marginwidth", loading: 1}], HTMLImage: [1, {alt: 1, src: 1, srcset: 1, sizes: 1, crossOrigin: "crossorigin", useMap: "usemap", width: 1, height: 1, referrerPolicy: "referrerpolicy", decoding: 1, name: 1, lowsrc: 1, align: 1, hspace: 1, vspace: 1, longDesc: "longdesc", border: 1, loading: 1}], HTMLInput: [1, {accept: 1, alt: 1, autocomplete: 1, dirName: "dirname", formAction: "formaction", formEnctype: "formenctype", formMethod: "formmethod", formTarget: "formtarget", height: 1, max: 1, maxLength: "maxlength", min: 1, minLength: "minlength", name: 1, pattern: 1, placeholder: 1, src: 1, step: 1, type: 1, defaultValue: "value", width: 1, align: 1, useMap: "usemap"}], HTMLLabel: [1, {htmlFor: "for"}], HTMLLegend: [1, {align: 1}], HTMLLI: [1, {value: 1, type: 1}], HTMLLink: [1, {href: 1, crossOrigin: "crossorigin", rel: 1, relList: "rel", media: 1, hreflang: 1, type: 1, as: 1, referrerPolicy: "referrerpolicy", sizes: 1, imageSrcset: "imagesrcset", imageSizes: "imagesizes", charset: 1, rev: 1, target: 1, integrity: 1}], HTMLMap: [1, {name: 1}], HTMLMenu: [1, {}], HTMLMeta: [1, {name: 1, httpEquiv: "http-equiv", content: 1, scheme: 1}], HTMLMeter: [1, {value: 1, min: 1, max: 1, low: 1, high: 1, optimum: 1}], HTMLObject: [1, {data: 1, type: 1, name: 1, useMap: "usemap", width: 1, height: 1, align: 1, archive: 1, code: 1, hspace: 1, standby: 1, vspace: 1, codeBase: "codebase", codeType: "codetype", border: 1}], HTMLOList: [1, {start: 1, type: 1}], HTMLOptGroup: [1, {label: 1}], HTMLOption: [1, {label: 1, value: 1}], HTMLOutput: [1, {htmlFor: "for", name: 1}], HTMLParagraph: [1, {align: 1}], HTMLParam: [1, {name: 1, value: 1, type: 1, valueType: "valuetype"}], HTMLPicture: [1, {}], HTMLPre: [1, {width: 1}], HTMLProgress: [1, {value: 1, max: 1}], HTMLScript: [1, {src: 1, type: 1, charset: 1, crossOrigin: "crossorigin", referrerPolicy: "referrerpolicy", event: 1, htmlFor: "for", integrity: 1}], HTMLSelect: [1, {autocomplete: 1, name: 1, size: 1}], HTMLSlot: [1, {name: 1}], HTMLSource: [1, {src: 1, type: 1, srcset: 1, sizes: 1, media: 1}], HTMLSpan: [1, {}], HTMLStyle: [1, {media: 1, type: 1}], HTMLTable: [1, {align: 1, border: 1, frame: 1, rules: 1, summary: 1, width: 1, bgColor: "bgcolor", cellPadding: "cellpadding", cellSpacing: "cellspacing"}], HTMLTableSection: [1, {align: 1, ch: "char", chOff: "charoff", vAlign: "valign"}], HTMLTableCell: [1, {colSpan: "colspan", rowSpan: "rowspan", headers: 1, align: 1, axis: 1, height: 1, width: 1, ch: "char", chOff: "charoff", vAlign: "valign", bgColor: "bgcolor", abbr: 1, scope: 1}], HTMLTemplate: [1, {}], HTMLTextArea: [1, {autocomplete: 1, cols: 1, dirName: "dirname", maxLength: "maxlength", minLength: "minlength", name: 1, placeholder: 1, rows: 1, wrap: 1}], HTMLTime: [1, {dateTime: "datetime"}], HTMLTitle: [1, {}], HTMLTableRow: [1, {align: 1, ch: "char", chOff: "charoff", vAlign: "valign", bgColor: "bgcolor"}], HTMLTrack: [1, {kind: 1, src: 1, srclang: 1, label: 1}], HTMLUList: [1, {type: 1}], HTMLVideo: [4, {width: 1, height: 1, poster: 1}], SVG: [-1, {}], SVGGraphics: [66, {transform: 1}], SVGA: [67, {}], SVGAnimation: [66, {}], SVGAnimate: [69, {}], SVGAnimateMotion: [69, {}], SVGAnimateTransform: [69, {}], SVGGeometry: [67, {}], SVGCircle: [73, {cx: 1, cy: 1, r: 1}], SVGClipPath: [67, {clipPathUnits: 1}], SVGDefs: [67, {}], SVGDesc: [66, {}], SVGDiscard: [66, {}], SVGEllipse: [73, {cx: 1, cy: 1, rx: 1, ry: 1}], SVGFEBlend: [66, {mode: 1, x: 1, y: 1, width: 1, height: 1}], SVGFEColorMatrix: [66, {type: 1, values: 1, x: 1, y: 1, width: 1, height: 1}], SVGFEComponentTransfer: [66, {x: 1, y: 1, width: 1, height: 1}], SVGFEComposite: [66, {operator: 1, x: 1, y: 1, width: 1, height: 1}], SVGFEConvolveMatrix: [66, {orderX: 1, orderY: 1, kernelMatrix: 1, divisor: 1, edgeMode: 1, x: 1, y: 1, width: 1, height: 1}], SVGFEDiffuseLighting: [66, {surfaceScale: 1, diffuseConstant: 1, x: 1, y: 1, width: 1, height: 1}], SVGFEDisplacementMap: [66, {xChannelSelector: 1, yChannelSelector: 1, x: 1, y: 1, width: 1, height: 1}], SVGFEDistantLight: [66, {}], SVGFEDropShadow: [66, {dx: 1, dy: 1, stdDeviationX: 1, stdDeviationY: 1, x: 1, y: 1, width: 1, height: 1}], SVGFEFlood: [66, {x: 1, y: 1, width: 1, height: 1}], SVGComponentTransferFunction: [66, {type: 1, tableValues: 1, slope: 1, amplitude: 1, exponent: 1}], SVGFEFuncA: [90, {}], SVGFEFuncB: [90, {}], SVGFEFuncG: [90, {}], SVGFEFuncR: [90, {}], SVGFEGaussianBlur: [66, {x: 1, y: 1, width: 1, height: 1}], SVGFEImage: [66, {preserveAspectRatio: 1, x: 1, y: 1, width: 1, height: 1}], SVGFEMerge: [66, {x: 1, y: 1, width: 1, height: 1}], SVGFEMergeNode: [66, {}], SVGFEMorphology: [66, {operator: 1, x: 1, y: 1, width: 1, height: 1}], SVGFEOffset: [66, {x: 1, y: 1, width: 1, height: 1}], SVGFEPointLight: [66, {}], SVGFESpecularLighting: [66, {surfaceScale: 1, specularConstant: 1, specularExponent: 1, x: 1, y: 1, width: 1, height: 1}], SVGFESpotLight: [66, {specularExponent: 1}], SVGFETile: [66, {x: 1, y: 1, width: 1, height: 1}], SVGFETurbulence: [66, {numOctaves: 1, stitchTiles: 1, type: 1, x: 1, y: 1, width: 1, height: 1}], SVGFilter: [66, {filterUnits: 1, primitiveUnits: 1, x: 1, y: 1, width: 1, height: 1}], SVGForeignObject: [67, {x: 1, y: 1, width: 1, height: 1}], SVGG: [67, {}], SVGImage: [67, {x: 1, y: 1, width: 1, height: 1, preserveAspectRatio: 1}], SVGLine: [73, {x1: 1, y1: 1, x2: 1, y2: 1}], SVGGradient: [66, {gradientUnits: 1, gradientTransform: 1, spreadMethod: 1}], SVGLinearGradient: [111, {x1: 1, y1: 1, x2: 1, y2: 1}], SVGMarker: [66, {refX: 1, refY: 1, markerUnits: 1, markerWidth: 1, markerHeight: 1, orientType: 1, orientAngle: 1, viewBox: 1, preserveAspectRatio: 1}], SVGMask: [66, {maskUnits: 1, maskContentUnits: 1, x: 1, y: 1, width: 1, height: 1}], SVGMetadata: [66, {}], SVGMPath: [66, {}], SVGPath: [73, {}], SVGPattern: [66, {patternUnits: 1, patternContentUnits: 1, patternTransform: 1, x: 1, y: 1, width: 1, height: 1, viewBox: 1, preserveAspectRatio: 1}], SVGPolygon: [73, {}], SVGPolyline: [73, {}], SVGRadialGradient: [111, {cx: 1, cy: 1, r: 1, fx: 1, fy: 1, fr: 1}], SVGRect: [73, {x: 1, y: 1, width: 1, height: 1, rx: 1, ry: 1}], SVGScript: [66, {}], SVGSet: [69, {}], SVGStop: [66, {}], SVGStyle: [66, {}], SVGSVG: [67, {x: 1, y: 1, width: 1, height: 1, viewBox: 1, preserveAspectRatio: 1}], SVGSwitch: [67, {}], SVGSymbol: [66, {viewBox: 1, preserveAspectRatio: 1}], SVGTextContent: [67, {textLength: 1, lengthAdjust: 1}], SVGTextPositioning: [130, {x: 1, y: 1, dx: 1, dy: 1, rotate: 1}], SVGText: [131, {}], SVGTextPath: [130, {startOffset: 1, method: 1, spacing: 1}], SVGTitle: [66, {}], SVGTSpan: [131, {}], SVGUse: [67, {x: 1, y: 1, width: 1, height: 1}], SVGView: [66, {viewBox: 1, preserveAspectRatio: 1}]}, W2 = wi.TAG_NAMES = {a: 2, abbr: 1, address: 1, area: 3, article: 1, aside: 1, audio: 5, b: 1, base: 6, bdi: 1, bdo: 1, blockquote: 7, body: 8, br: 9, button: 10, canvas: 11, caption: 12, cite: 1, code: 1, col: 13, colgroup: 13, data: 14, datalist: 15, dd: 1, del: 16, details: 17, dfn: 1, dialog: 18, div: 19, dl: 20, dt: 1, em: 1, embed: 21, fieldset: 22, figcaption: 1, figure: 1, footer: 1, form: 23, h1: 24, h2: 24, h3: 24, h4: 24, h5: 24, h6: 24, head: 25, header: 1, hgroup: 1, hr: 26, html: 27, i: 1, iframe: 28, img: 29, input: 30, ins: 16, kbd: 1, label: 31, legend: 32, li: 33, link: 34, main: 1, map: 35, mark: 1, menu: 36, meta: 37, meter: 38, nav: 1, noscript: 1, object: 39, ol: 40, optgroup: 41, option: 42, output: 43, p: 44, param: 45, picture: 46, pre: 47, progress: 48, q: 7, rp: 1, rt: 1, ruby: 1, s: 1, samp: 1, script: 49, section: 1, select: 50, slot: 51, small: 1, source: 52, span: 53, strike: 1, strong: 1, style: 54, sub: 1, summary: 1, sup: 1, table: 55, tbody: 56, td: 57, template: 58, textarea: 59, tfoot: 56, th: 57, thead: 56, time: 60, title: 61, tr: 62, track: 63, u: 1, ul: 64, var: 1, video: 65, wbr: 1, svg_a: 68, svg_animate: 70, svg_animateMotion: 71, svg_animateTransform: 72, svg_audio: 66, svg_canvas: 66, svg_circle: 74, svg_clipPath: 75, svg_defs: 76, svg_desc: 77, svg_discard: 78, svg_ellipse: 79, svg_feBlend: 80, svg_feColorMatrix: 81, svg_feComponentTransfer: 82, svg_feComposite: 83, svg_feConvolveMatrix: 84, svg_feDiffuseLighting: 85, svg_feDisplacementMap: 86, svg_feDistantLight: 87, svg_feDropShadow: 88, svg_feFlood: 89, svg_feFuncA: 91, svg_feFuncB: 92, svg_feFuncG: 93, svg_feFuncR: 94, svg_feGaussianBlur: 95, svg_feImage: 96, svg_feMerge: 97, svg_feMergeNode: 98, svg_feMorphology: 99, svg_feOffset: 100, svg_fePointLight: 101, svg_feSpecularLighting: 102, svg_feSpotLight: 103, svg_feTile: 104, svg_feTurbulence: 105, svg_filter: 106, svg_foreignObject: 107, svg_g: 108, svg_iframe: 66, svg_image: 109, svg_line: 110, svg_linearGradient: 112, svg_marker: 113, svg_mask: 114, svg_metadata: 115, svg_mpath: 116, svg_path: 117, svg_pattern: 118, svg_polygon: 119, svg_polyline: 120, svg_radialGradient: 121, svg_rect: 122, svg_script: 123, svg_set: 124, svg_stop: 125, svg_style: 126, svg_svg: 127, svg_switch: 128, svg_symbol: 129, svg_text: 132, svg_textPath: 133, svg_title: 134, svg_tspan: 135, svg_unknown: 66, svg_use: 136, svg_video: 66, svg_view: 137}, J2 = Object.keys(_1);
439 for (let t = 0, e = o3(J2), r = e.length, i; t < r; t++) {
440 i = e[t];
441 let s = _1[i];
442 s.up = _1[J2[s[0]]], s.name = i + "Element";
443 }
444 for (let t, e = 0, r = Object.keys(W2), i = r.length, s; e < i; e++)
445 s = r[e], t = W2[s], W2[s] = _1[J2[t]];
446 });
447 var E1 = er((w3) => {
448 Gi(w3);
449 Di(w3, {basename: () => Gh, default: () => E3, delimiter: () => Vh, dirname: () => jh, extname: () => Bh, isAbsolute: () => vl, join: () => Fh, normalize: () => bl, relative: () => Mh, resolve: () => T1, sep: () => Ph});
450 function Dh(t, e) {
451 for (var r = 0, i = t.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
452 var s = t[i];
453 s === "." ? t.splice(i, 1) : s === ".." ? (t.splice(i, 1), r++) : r && (t.splice(i, 1), r--);
454 }
455 if (e)
456 for (; r--; r)
457 t.unshift("..");
458 return t;
459 }
460 var S3 = /^(\/?|)([\s\S]*?)((?:\.{1,2}|[^\/]+?|)(\.[^.\/]*|))(?:[\/]*)$/, yl = function(t) {
461 return S3.exec(t).slice(1);
462 };
463 function T1() {
464 for (var t = "", e = false, r = arguments.length - 1; r >= -1 && !e; r--) {
465 var i = r >= 0 ? arguments[r] : "/";
466 if (typeof i != "string")
467 throw new TypeError("Arguments to path.resolve must be strings");
468 if (!i)
469 continue;
470 t = i + "/" + t, e = i.charAt(0) === "/";
471 }
472 return t = Dh(gl(t.split("/"), function(s) {
473 return !!s;
474 }), !e).join("/"), (e ? "/" : "") + t || ".";
475 }
476 function bl(t) {
477 var e = vl(t), r = T3(t, -1) === "/";
478 return t = Dh(gl(t.split("/"), function(i) {
479 return !!i;
480 }), !e).join("/"), !t && !e && (t = "."), t && r && (t += "/"), (e ? "/" : "") + t;
481 }
482 function vl(t) {
483 return t.charAt(0) === "/";
484 }
485 function Fh() {
486 var t = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);
487 return bl(gl(t, function(e, r) {
488 if (typeof e != "string")
489 throw new TypeError("Arguments to path.join must be strings");
490 return e;
491 }).join("/"));
492 }
493 function Mh(t, e) {
494 t = T1(t).substr(1), e = T1(e).substr(1);
495 function r(p) {
496 for (var c = 0; c < p.length && p[c] === ""; c++)
497 ;
498 for (var _ = p.length - 1; _ >= 0 && p[_] === ""; _--)
499 ;
500 return c > _ ? [] : p.slice(c, _ - c + 1);
501 }
502 for (var i = r(t.split("/")), s = r(e.split("/")), n = Math.min(i.length, s.length), o = n, a = 0; a < n; a++)
503 if (i[a] !== s[a]) {
504 o = a;
505 break;
506 }
507 for (var l = [], a = o; a < i.length; a++)
508 l.push("..");
509 return l = l.concat(s.slice(o)), l.join("/");
510 }
511 var Ph = "/", Vh = ":";
512 function jh(t) {
513 var e = yl(t), r = e[0], i = e[1];
514 return !r && !i ? "." : (i && (i = i.substr(0, i.length - 1)), r + i);
515 }
516 function Gh(t, e) {
517 var r = yl(t)[2];
518 return e && r.substr(-1 * e.length) === e && (r = r.substr(0, r.length - e.length)), r;
519 }
520 function Bh(t) {
521 return yl(t)[3];
522 }
523 var E3 = {extname: Bh, basename: Gh, dirname: jh, sep: Ph, delimiter: Vh, relative: Mh, join: Fh, isAbsolute: vl, normalize: bl, resolve: T1};
524 function gl(t, e) {
525 if (t.filter)
526 return t.filter(e);
527 for (var r = [], i = 0; i < t.length; i++)
528 e(t[i], i, t) && r.push(t[i]);
529 return r;
530 }
531 var T3 = "ab".substr(-1) === "b" ? function(t, e, r) {
532 return t.substr(e, r);
533 } : function(t, e, r) {
534 return e < 0 && (e = t.length + e), t.substr(e, r);
535 };
536 });
537 var kl = er((A3) => {
538 Gi(A3);
539 Di(A3, {SourceMapper: () => Hh});
540 var Hh = class {
541 static strip(e) {
542 return e.replace(/\/\*\%([\w\|]*)\$\*\//g, "");
543 }
544 static run(e, r = {}) {
545 return {code: e.replace(/\/\*\%([\w\|]*)\$\*\//g, ""), map: null, toString: function() {
546 return this.code;
547 }};
548 }
549 };
550 });
551 var A1 = er((I3) => {
552 Gi(I3);
553 Di(I3, {Compilation: () => Is, CompilationResult: () => Kh});
554 var zh = E1(), xl = kl(), Uh = Symbol.for("#__init__"), ad = Symbol.for("#__initor__"), ld = Symbol.for("#__inited__"), Yh = Symbol.for("#doc"), wl = {TOKENIZE: 1, REWRITE: 2, PARSE: 4, TRAVERSE: 8, COMPILE: 16}, cd = new WeakMap(), Kh = class {
555 }, Is = class {
556 static [Uh]() {
557 return this.current = void 0, this;
558 }
559 static error(e) {
560 var r, i;
561 return (i = (r = this.current) == null ? void 0 : r.addDiagnostic) == null ? void 0 : i.call(r, "error", e);
562 }
563 static warn(e) {
564 var r, i;
565 return (i = (r = this.current) == null ? void 0 : r.addDiagnostic) == null ? void 0 : i.call(r, "warning", e);
566 }
567 static info(e) {
568 var r, i;
569 return (i = (r = this.current) == null ? void 0 : r.addDiagnostic) == null ? void 0 : i.call(r, "info", e);
570 }
571 static deserialize(e, r = {}) {
572 return new Is("", r).deserialize(e);
573 }
574 constructor(e, r) {
575 this.sourceCode = e, this.sourcePath = r.sourcePath, this.options = r, this.flags = 0, this.js = "", this.css = "", this.result = {}, this.diagnostics = [], this.tokens = null, this.ast = null;
576 }
577 deserialize(e) {
578 let r;
579 try {
580 r = JSON.parse(e);
581 } catch (i) {
582 throw console.log("failed", e, this.options), i;
583 }
584 return this.rawResult = r, this.deserialized = r, this;
585 }
586 serialize() {
587 if (this.rawResult)
588 return JSON.stringify(this.rawResult, null, 2);
589 }
590 tokenize() {
591 var e;
592 if ((this.flags & (e = wl.TOKENIZE)) == 0 ? (this.flags |= e, true) : false)
593 try {
594 Is.current = this, this.lexer.reset(), this.tokens = this.lexer.tokenize(this.sourceCode, this.options, this), this.tokens = this.rewriter.rewrite(this.tokens, this.options, this);
595 } catch (r) {
596 }
597 return this.tokens;
598 }
599 parse() {
600 var e;
601 if (this.tokenize(), ((this.flags & (e = wl.PARSE)) == 0 ? (this.flags |= e, true) : false) && !this.errored\u03A6) {
602 Is.current = this;
603 try {
604 this.ast = this.parser.parse(this.tokens, this);
605 } catch (r) {
606 }
607 }
608 return this;
609 }
610 compile() {
611 var e;
612 return this.parse(), ((this.flags & (e = wl.COMPILE)) == 0 ? (this.flags |= e, true) : false) && (this.errored\u03A6 || (Is.current = this, this.result = this.ast.compile(this.options, this)), this.options.raiseErrors && this.raiseErrors()), this;
613 }
614 recompile(e = {}) {
615 if (this.deserialized) {
616 let r = this.deserialized.js, i = {};
617 return i.js = xl.SourceMapper.run(r, e), i.css = xl.SourceMapper.run(this.deserialized.css || "", e), e.styles == "import" && i.css.code && (i.js.code += `
618import './` + zh.default.basename(this.sourcePath) + ".css'"), i;
619 }
620 return {js: this.js};
621 }
622 addDiagnostic(e, r) {
623 r.severity || (r.severity = e);
624 let i = new Z2(r, this);
625 return this.diagnostics.push(i), i;
626 }
627 get errored\u03A6() {
628 return this.errors.length > 0;
629 }
630 get errors() {
631 return this.diagnostics.filter(function(e) {
632 return e.severity == Zo.Error;
633 });
634 }
635 get warnings() {
636 return this.diagnostics.filter(function(e) {
637 return e.severity == Zo.Warning;
638 });
639 }
640 get info() {
641 return this.diagnostics.filter(function(e) {
642 return e.severity == Zo.Information;
643 });
644 }
645 get doc() {
646 return this[Yh] || (this[Yh] = new yn(null, "imba", 0, this.sourceCode));
647 }
648 positionAt(e) {
649 return this.doc.positionAt(e);
650 }
651 offsetAt(e) {
652 return this.doc.offsetAt(e);
653 }
654 rangeAt(e, r) {
655 return this.doc.rangeAt(e, r);
656 }
657 toString() {
658 return this.js;
659 }
660 raiseErrors() {
661 if (this.errors.length)
662 throw this.errors[0].toError();
663 return this;
664 }
665 };
666 Is[Uh]();
667 });
668 var I1 = er((Sl) => {
669 function qh(t, e) {
670 for (var r in e)
671 e.hasOwnProperty(r) && (t[r] = e[r]);
672 t.prototype = Object.create(e.prototype), t.__super__ = t.prototype.__super__ = e.prototype, t.prototype.initialize = t.prototype.constructor = t;
673 }
674 var Tl = io(), Xh = new WeakMap();
675 function xr(t, e) {
676 var r;
677 this.error = t, this._options = e || {}, this.severity = this._options.severity || "error";
678 let i = t.message;
679 (r = i.match(/Unexpected '([\w\-]+)'/)) && r[1] == "TERMINATOR" && (i = "Unexpected newline"), this.message = i, this.sourcePath = t.sourcePath, this.line = t.line;
680 }
681 qh(xr, Error);
682 Sl.ImbaParseError = xr;
683 xr.wrap = function(t) {
684 return new this(t);
685 };
686 Object.defineProperty(xr.prototype, "_options", {get: function() {
687 return Xh.get(this);
688 }, configurable: true});
689 Object.defineProperty(xr.prototype, "_options", {set: function(t) {
690 return Xh.set(this, t);
691 }, configurable: true});
692 xr.prototype.set = function(t) {
693 this._options || (this._options = {});
694 for (let e, r = 0, i = Object.keys(t), s = i.length, n; r < s; r++)
695 n = i[r], e = t[n], this._options[n] = e;
696 return this;
697 };
698 xr.prototype.start = function() {
699 for (var t = this._options, e = t.pos - 1, r = t.tokens && t.tokens[e]; r && (r._loc == -1 || r._loc == 0 || r._len == 0); )
700 r = t.tokens[--e];
701 return r;
702 };
703 Object.defineProperty(xr.prototype, "token", {get: function() {
704 if (this._token)
705 return this._token;
706 for (var t = this._options, e = t.pos - 1, r = t.tokens && t.tokens[e]; r && (r._loc == -1 || r._loc == 0 || r._len == 0); )
707 r = t.tokens[--e];
708 return this._token = r;
709 }, configurable: true});
710 xr.prototype.desc = function() {
711 var t = this._options;
712 let e = this.message;
713 return t.token && t.token._loc == -1 ? "Syntax Error" : e;
714 };
715 xr.prototype.loc = function() {
716 var t;
717 return this._loc || (t = this.start()) && t.region && t.region();
718 };
719 xr.prototype.toJSON = function() {
720 var t = this._options, e = this.start();
721 return {warn: true, message: this.desc(), loc: this.loc()};
722 };
723 xr.prototype.toNativeError = function() {
724 let t = new SyntaxError("hello");
725 return t.fileName = this._sourcePath, t.message = this.message, t.stack = this.excerpt({colors: false, details: true}), t.lineNumber = this.lineNumber, t.columnNumber = this.columnNumber, t;
726 };
727 xr.prototype.excerpt = function(t) {
728 (!t || t.constructor !== Object) && (t = {});
729 var e = t.gutter !== void 0 ? t.gutter : true, r = t.colors !== void 0 ? t.colors : false, i = t.details !== void 0 ? t.details : true;
730 try {
731 var s = this._code, n = this.loc(), o = s.split(/\n/g), a = Tl.locationToLineColMap(s), l = a[n[0]] || [0, 0], p = l[0], c = l[1], _ = o[p];
732 this.lineNumber = p + 1, this.columnNumber = c;
733 var f = Math.max(0, p - 2), d = Math.min(f + 5, o.length);
734 let m = p - f;
735 var v = f, y = function(g) {
736 return g;
737 };
738 if (r) {
739 let g = this.severity == "warn" ? "yellow" : "red";
740 (typeof r == "string" || r instanceof String) && (g = r), y = function(S) {
741 return Tl.ansi[g](Tl.ansi.bold(S));
742 };
743 }
744 for (var N = []; v < d; )
745 N.push(_ = o[v++]);
746 var b = N;
747 return e && (b = b.map(function(g, S) {
748 let k = "" + (f + S + 1);
749 for (; k.length < String(d).length; )
750 k = " " + k;
751 return S == m ? " -> " + k + " | " + g : " " + k + " | " + g;
752 })), b[m] = y(b[m]), i && b.unshift(y(this.message)), b.join(`
753`) + `
755 } catch (m) {
756 return "";
757 }
758 };
759 xr.prototype.prettyMessage = function() {
760 var t;
761 return t = this.excerpt();
762 };
763 function aa() {
764 return xr.apply(this, arguments);
765 }
766 qh(aa, xr);
767 Sl.ImbaTraverseError = aa;
768 aa.prototype.loc = function() {
769 return this._loc;
770 };
771 aa.prototype.excerpt = function() {
772 var t = aa.prototype.__super__.excerpt.apply(this, arguments);
773 return t + `
775` + this.error.stack;
776 };
777 });
778 var np = er((R1) => {
779 function R3(t) {
780 return t && (t.len instanceof Function ? t.len() : t.length) || 0;
781 }
782 function gr(t, e) {
783 return e && e.indexOf ? e.indexOf(t) : [].indexOf.call(t, e);
784 }
785 function gn(t) {
786 return t ? t.toArray ? t.toArray() : t : [];
787 }
788 function N3(t, e) {
789 for (var r in e)
790 e.hasOwnProperty(r) && (t[r] = e[r]);
791 t.prototype = Object.create(e.prototype), t.__super__ = t.prototype.__super__ = e.prototype, t.prototype.initialize = t.prototype.constructor = t;
792 }
793 var co = Jo(), vn = co.Token, El = d1().INVERSES, pd = A1().Compilation, fd = I1(), C3 = io(), O3 = ["true", "false", "null", "this", "delete", "typeof", "in", "instanceof", "throw", "break", "continue", "debugger", "if", "else", "switch", "for", "while", "do", "try", "catch", "finally", "class", "extends", "super", "return"], Wh = {",": 1, "\n": 1, ")": 1, "]": 1, "}": 1, ">": 1, " ": 1}, L3 = ["extend", "local", "global", "prop", "lazy"], D3 = R1.ALL_KEYWORDS = ["true", "false", "null", "this", "delete", "typeof", "in", "instanceof", "throw", "break", "continue", "debugger", "if", "else", "switch", "for", "while", "do", "try", "catch", "finally", "class", "extends", "super", "return", "undefined", "then", "unless", "until", "loop", "of", "by", "when", "def", "tag", "do", "elif", "begin", "var", "let", "const", "await", "import", "and", "or", "is", "isnt", "not", "yes", "no", "isa", "case", "nil", "module", "export", "static", "extend"], F3 = ["case", "default", "function", "void", "with", "const", "enum", "native"], _d = O3.concat(F3), M3 = /^((\$|##|#|@|\%)[\$\wA-Za-z_\-\x7f-\uffff][$\w\x7f-\uffff]*(\-[$\w\x7f-\uffff]+)*[\?]?|[$A-Za-z_][$\w\x7f-\uffff]*(\-[$\w\x7f-\uffff]+)*[\?]?)([^\n\S]*:)?/, P3 = /^import\s+(\{?[^\"\'\}]+\}?)(?=\s+from\s+)/, V3 = /^(\<)(?=[A-Za-z\#\.\%\$\[\{\@\>\(])/, Jh = /^(\w[\w\d]*:)?(\w[\w\d]*)(-[\w\d]+)*/, j3 = /^#((\w[\w\d]*)(-[\w\d]+)*)/, G3 = /^([%\$]{1,2})([\(])/, B3 = /^\:((([\*\@$\w\x7f-\uffff]+)+([\-\\\:][\w\x7f-\uffff]+)*)|==|\<=\>)/, H3 = /^\#[0-9a-fA-F]{3,8}/, z3 = /^(\-?\d*\.?\d+)([A-Za-z]+|\%)?(?![\d\w])/, U3 = /^[\w\-\$]*\w[\w\-\$]*/, Y3 = /^url\(([^\)]*)\)/, Zh = /^([\w\-\$\@\.\!]+)(?=\:([^\:]|$))/, K3 = /^0x[\da-f_]+|^0b[01_]+|^0o[\d_]+|^\-?(?:\d[_\d]*)\.?\d[_\d]*(?:e[+-]?\d+)?|^\-?\d*\.?\d+(?:e[+-]?\d+)?/i, q3 = /^("""|''')([\s\S]*?)(?:\n[^\n\S]*)?\1/, X3 = /^(?:[-=]=>|!&|[&|~^]?=\?|[&|~^]=|\?\?=|===|---|->|=>|\/>|!==|\*\*=?|[-+*\/%<>&|^!?=]=|=<|>>>=?|([-+:])\1|([&|<>])\2=?|\?\.|\?\?|\.{2,3}|\*(?=[a-zA-Z\_]))/, Qh = /^[^\n\S]+/, W3 = /^###([^#][\s\S]*?)(?:###[^\n\S]*|(?:###)?$)/, J3 = /^\/\*([\s\S]*?)\*\//, $h = /^(\s*)((#[ \t\!]|\/\/(?!\/))(.*)|#[ \t]?(?=\n|$))+/, Z3 = /^[-=]=>/, Q3 = /^(?:\n[^\n\S]*)+/, $3 = /^'[^\\']*(?:\\.[^\\']*)*'/, tp = /^(\/(?![\s=])[^[\/\n\\]*(?:(?:\\[\s\S]|\[[^\]\n\\]*(?:\\[\s\S][^\]\n\\]*)*])[^[\/\n\\]*)*\/)([a-z]{0,8})(?!\w)/, ep = /^\/{3}([\s\S]+?)\/{3}([a-z]{0,8})(?!\w)/, rp = /\n/g, t0 = /\n+([^\n\S]*)/g, e0 = /\*\//, r0 = /^\s*(?:,|\??\.(?![.\d])|(?:&&|\|\||and|or)[\n\s])/, i0 = /^\$\w+\$/, s0 = /^\$\d$/, n0 = ["-=", "+=", "/=", "*=", "%=", "||=", "&&=", "?=", "??=", "<<=", ">>=", ">>>=", "&=", "^=", "|=", "~=", "=<", "**=", "=?", "~=?", "|=?", "&=?", "^=?"], ip = ["!", "~", "NEW", "TYPEOF", "DELETE"], o0 = ["&&", "||", "??", "and", "or"], a0 = ["<<", ">>", ">>>"], l0 = ["===", "!==", "==", "!=", "<", ">", "<=", ">=", "===", "!==", "&", "|", "^", "!&"], c0 = ["*", "/", "%", "\u222A", "\u2229", "\u221A"], u0 = ["IN", "OF", "INSTANCEOF", "ISA"], h0 = ["NUMBER", "REGEX", "BOOL", "TRUE", "FALSE", "++", "--", "]"], p0 = ["NUMBER", "REGEX", "BOOL", "TRUE", "FALSE", "++", "--", "]", ")", "}", "THIS", "SELF", "IDENTIFIER", "STRING"], f0 = ["\\", ".", "UNARY", "MATH", "EXP", "+", "-", "SHIFT", "RELATION", "COMPARE", "THROW", "EXTENDS"], _0 = ["IDENTIFIER", "SYMBOLID", "STRING", "REGEX", ")", "]", "INDEX_END", "THIS", "SUPER", "TAG_END", "IVAR", "SELF", "NEW", "ARGVAR", "SYMBOL", "RETURN", "INDEX_END", "CALL_END"], d0 = ["IDENTIFIER", "SYMBOLID", "STRING", "REGEX", ")", "]", "THIS", "SUPER", "TAG_END", "IVAR", "SELF", "NEW", "ARGVAR", "SYMBOL", "RETURN", "BANG", "NUMBER", "BOOL", "TAG_SELECTOR", "ARGUMENTS", "}", "TAG_TYPE", "TAG_REF", "INDEX_END", "CALL_END"], m0 = ["INDENT", "OUTDENT", "TERMINATOR"];
794 function sp(t, e, r) {
795 return this.message = t, this.file = e, this.line = r, this;
796 }
797 N3(sp, SyntaxError);
798 R1.LexerError = sp;
799 var $r = function(t, e) {
800 return e === void 0 && (e = 0), t[t.length - e - 1];
801 }, y0 = function(t, e) {
802 return t.split(e).length - 1;
803 }, g0 = function(t, e) {
804 for (var r = ""; e > 0; )
805 e % 2 == 1 && (r += t), t += t, e >>= 1;
806 return r;
807 }, zi = co.typ, uo = co.val, Rs = co.setTyp, N1 = co.setVal;
808 function Wt() {
809 this.reset();
810 }
811 R1.Lexer = Wt;
812 Wt.prototype.reset = function() {
813 return this._code = null, this._chunk = null, this._opts = null, this._state = {}, this._indent = 0, this._indebt = 0, this._outdebt = 0, this._indents = [], this._ends = [], this._contexts = [], this._scopes = [], this._nextScope = null, this._context = null, this._indentStyle = " ", this._inTag = false, this._inStyle = 0, this._tokens = [], this._seenFor = false, this._loc = 0, this._locOffset = 0, this._end = null, this._char = null, this._bridge = null, this._last = null, this._lastTyp = "", this._lastVal = null, this._script = null, this;
814 };
815 Wt.prototype.jisonBridge = function(t) {
816 return this._bridge = {lex: co.lex, setInput: function(e) {
817 return this.tokens = e, this.pos = 0;
818 }, upcomingInput: function() {
819 return "";
820 }};
821 };
822 Wt.prototype.tokenize = function(t, e, r) {
823 var i;
824 if (r === void 0 && (r = null), t.length == 0)
825 return [];
826 if (!e.inline) {
827 if (Qh.test(t) && (t = `
828` + t, t.match(/^\s*$/g)))
829 return [];
830 t = t.replace(/\r/g, "").replace(/[\t ]+$/g, "");
831 }
832 if (this._last = null, this._lastTyp = null, this._lastVal = null, this._script = r, this._code = t, this._opts = e, this._locOffset = e.loc || 0, this._platform = e.platform || e.target, this._indentStyle = " ", (i = t.match(/^([\ \t]*)[^\n\s\t]/)) && (this._state.gutter = i[1]), e.gutter !== void 0 && (this._state.gutter = e.gutter), this._script && !e.inline && (this._script.tokens = this._tokens), this.parse(t), e.inline || this.closeIndentation(), this._ends.length && this.error("missing " + this._ends.pop()), this._platform == "tsc")
833 for (let s = 0, n = gn(this._tokens), o = n.length, a; s < o; s++)
834 a = n[s], a._type == "SYMBOLID" && (a._type = "IDENTIFIER");
835 return this._tokens;
836 };
837 Wt.prototype.parse = function(t) {
838 var e = 0, r = 0;
839 for (this._loc = this._locOffset + e; this._chunk = t.slice(e); ) {
840 let i = this._context;
841 i && i.pop && i.pop.test(this._chunk) && this.popEnd(), r = i && i.lexer && i.lexer.call(this) || this._end == "TAG" && this.tagDefContextToken() || this._inTag && this.tagContextToken() || this._inStyle2 && this.lexStyleBody() || this.basicContext(), e += r, this._loc = this._locOffset + e;
842 }
843 };
844 Wt.prototype.basicContext = function() {
845 return this.selectorToken() || this.symbolToken() || this.identifierToken() || this.whitespaceToken() || this.lineToken() || this.commentToken() || this.heredocToken() || this.tagToken() || this.stringToken() || this.numberToken() || this.regexToken() || this.literalToken() || 0;
846 };
847 Wt.prototype.moveCaret = function(t) {
848 return this._loc += t;
849 };
850 Wt.prototype.context = function() {
851 return this._ends[this._ends.length - 1];
852 };
853 Wt.prototype.inContext = function(t) {
854 var e = this._contexts[this._contexts.length - 1];
855 return e && e[t];
856 };
857 Wt.prototype.pushEnd = function(t, e) {
858 let r = this._context;
859 return this._ends.push(t), this._contexts.push(this._context = e || {}), this._end = t, this.refreshScope(), e && (e.closeType == "STYLE_END" || e.style) && (e.lexer = this.lexStyleBody, e.style = true, this._inStyle++), r && r.style && t != "}" && (e.lexer = this.lexStyleBody, e.style = true), e && e.id && (e.start = new vn(e.id + "_START", t, this._last.region()[1], 0), this._tokens.push(e.start)), this;
860 };
861 Wt.prototype.popEnd = function(t) {
862 var e = this._ends.pop();
863 this._end = this._ends[this._ends.length - 1];
864 var r = this._context;
865 return r && r.start && (r.end = new vn(r.closeType || r.id + "_END", e, this._last.region()[1], 0), r.end._start = r.start, r.start._end = r.end, this._tokens.push(r.end)), r && (r.closeType == "STYLE_END" || r.style) && this._inStyle--, this._contexts.pop(), this._context = this._contexts[this._contexts.length - 1], this.refreshScope(), [e, r];
866 };
867 Wt.prototype.refreshScope = function() {
868 var t = this._ends[this._ends.length - 1], e = this._ends[this._ends.length - 2];
869 return this._inTag = t == "TAG_END" || e == "TAG_END" && t == "OUTDENT";
870 };
871 Wt.prototype.queueScope = function(t) {
872 return this._scopes[this._indents.length] = t, this;
873 };
874 Wt.prototype.popScope = function(t) {
875 return this._scopes.pop(), this;
876 };
877 Wt.prototype.getScope = function() {
878 return this._scopes[this._indents.length - 1];
879 };
880 Wt.prototype.scope = function(t, e) {
881 var r = this._ends.push(this._end = t);
882 return this._contexts.push(e || null), t;
883 };
884 Wt.prototype.closeSelector = function() {
885 if (this._end == "%")
886 return this.token("SELECTOR_END", "%", 0), this.pair("%");
887 };
888 Wt.prototype.openDef = function() {
889 return this.pushEnd("DEF");
890 };
891 Wt.prototype.closeDef = function() {
892 if (this.context() == "DEF") {
893 var t = $r(this._tokens);
894 if (zi(t) == "TERMINATOR") {
895 let e = this._tokens.pop();
896 this.token("DEF_BODY", "DEF_BODY", 0), this._tokens.push(e);
897 } else
898 this.token("DEF_BODY", "DEF_BODY", 0);
899 this.pair("DEF");
900 }
901 };
902 Wt.prototype.tagContextToken = function() {
903 let t = this._chunk[0], e = this._chunk[1], r = /^([A-Za-z\_\-\$\%\#][\w\-\$]*(\:[A-Za-z\_\-\$]+)*)/.exec(this._chunk);
904 if (r) {
905 let i = r[1], s = "TAG_LITERAL", n = r[0].length;
906 return i == "self" && this._lastVal == "<" && (s = "SELF"), t == "$" && (this._lastTyp == "TAG_TYPE" || this._lastTyp == "TAG_START") && (s = "TAG_REF"), t == "%" && (s = "MIXIN"), t == "#" && (s = "TAG_SYMBOL_ID", i.length == 1) ? 0 : (this.token(s, i, n), n);
907 }
908 if (t == "/" && e == ">")
909 return this.token("TAG_END", "/>", 2), this.pair("TAG_END"), 2;
910 if (t == "%" || t == ":" || t == "." || t == "@")
911 return this.token("T" + t, t, 1), t == "." && (!e || Wh[e]) && this._platform == "tsc" && this.token("TAG_LITERAL", "$CARET$", 0, 1), 1;
912 if (t == " " || t == `
913` || t == " ") {
914 let i = /^[\n\s\t]+/.exec(this._chunk);
915 return this.token("TAG_WS", i[0], i[0].length), i[0].length;
916 } else if (t == "=" && this._chunk[1] != ">")
917 return this.token("=", "=", 1), this.pushEnd("TAG_ATTR", {id: "VALUE", pop: /^([\s\n\>]|\/\>)/}), 1;
918 return 0;
919 };
920 Wt.prototype.tagDefContextToken = function() {
921 var t;
922 if (t = Jh.exec(this._chunk))
923 return this.token("TAG_TYPE", t[0], t[0].length), t[0].length;
924 if (t = j3.exec(this._chunk)) {
925 var e = t[0];
926 return this.token("TAG_ID", e, e.length), e.length;
927 }
928 return this._chunk[0] == `
929` && this.pair("TAG"), 0;
930 };
931 Wt.prototype.findTypeAnnotation = function(t) {
932 for (var e = [], r = 0, i = [], s = /[\=\n\ \t\.\,\:\+]/; r < t.length; ) {
933 var n = t.charAt(r);
934 let o = e[0], a = o == '"' || o == "'";
935 if (n && n == o)
936 e.shift();
937 else {
938 if (!o && (n == ")" || n == "]" || n == "}" || n == ">"))
939 break;
940 if (n == "(")
941 e.unshift(")");
942 else if (n == "[")
943 e.unshift("]");
944 else if (n == "{")
945 e.unshift("}");
946 else if (n == "<")
947 e.unshift(">");
948 else if (n == '"')
949 e.unshift('"');
950 else if (n == "'")
951 e.unshift("'");
952 else if (!o && s.test(n))
953 break;
954 }
955 r++;
956 }
957 return r == 0 ? null : t.slice(0, r);
958 };
959 Wt.prototype.findBalancedSelector = function(t) {
960 for (var e = [], r = 0, i = []; r < t.length - 1; ) {
961 var s = t.charAt(r);
962 let o = e[0], a = o == '"' || o == "'";
963 if (s && s == o)
964 e.shift();
965 else if (!a && (s == ")" || s == "]" || s == "}")) {
966 console.log("out of balance!!");
967 break;
968 } else
969 s == "/" ? i.unshift([r, 1, ":"]) : s == "(" && !a ? e.unshift(")") : s == "[" && !a ? e.unshift("]") : s == '"' ? e.unshift('"') : s == "'" && e.unshift("'");
970 if (!o && (s == "=" || s == `
971` || s == "{"))
972 break;
973 if (!o && s == " ") {
974 let l = t.slice(r + 1);
975 if (Zh.exec(l) || $h.exec(l))
976 break;
977 }
978 r++;
979 }
980 if (r == 0)
981 return null;
982 let n = t.slice(0, r);
983 if (i.length) {
984 n = n.split("");
985 for (let o = 0, a = i.length; o < a; o++)
986 n.splice.apply(n, i[o]);
987 n = n.join("");
988 }
989 return n;
990 };
991 Wt.prototype.lexStyleRule = function(t, e) {
992 t === void 0 && (t = 0), e === void 0 && (e = false);
993 let r = t ? this._chunk.slice(t) : this._chunk, i = this.findBalancedSelector(r);
994 if (i || e) {
995 let s = i ? i.length : 0;
996 this.token("CSS_SEL", i || "", s, t);
997 let n = this._last;
998 return r[s] == "=" && s++, this._indents.push(1), this._outdebt = this._indebt = 0, this.token("INDENT", "1", 0, 1), this.pushEnd("OUTDENT", {lexer: this.lexStyleBody, opener: n, style: true}), this._indent++, s;
999 }
1000 return 0;
1001 };
1002 Wt.prototype.lexStyleBody = function() {
1003 if (this._end == "%")
1004 return 0;
1005 let t = this._chunk[0];
1006 var e;
1007 let r = Zh.exec(this._chunk), i = this._lastTyp;
1008 if (!r && this._chunk.match(/^([\%\*\w\&\$\>\/\.\[\@\!]|\#[\w\-]|\:\:)/) && (i == "TERMINATOR" || i == "INDENT") && this.findBalancedSelector(this._chunk))
1009 return this.lexStyleRule(0);
1010 if (r)
1011 return this.token("CSSPROP", r[0], r[0].length), r[0].length;
1012 if (t[0] == "#" && (e = H3.exec(this._chunk)))
1013 return this.token("COLOR", e[0], e[0].length), e[0].length;
1014 if (t == "/" && !this._last.spaced)
1015 return this.token("/", t, 1), 1;
1016 if (e = z3.exec(this._chunk)) {
1017 let s = e[0].length, n = "NUMBER";
1018 return e[2] == "%" ? n = "PERCENTAGE" : e[2] && (n = "DIMENSION"), this._lastTyp == "COMPARE" && !this._last.spaced, this.token(n, e[0], s), s;
1019 } else if (e = Y3.exec(this._chunk)) {
1020 let s = e[0].length;
1021 return this.token("CSSURL", e[0], s), e[0].length;
1022 } else if (e = U3.exec(this._chunk)) {
1023 let s = "CSSIDENTIFIER", n = e[0], o = n.length;
1024 return e[0].match(/^\-\-/) ? s = "CSSVAR" : this._last && !this._last.spaced && i == "}" && (s = "CSSUNIT"), this._chunk[o] == "(" && (s = "CSSFUNCTION"), this.token(s, n, o), o;
1025 } else if (this._last && !this._last.spaced && i == "}" && t == "%")
1026 return this.token("CSSUNIT", t, 1), 1;
1027 return 0;
1028 };
1029 Wt.prototype.importsToken = function() {
1030 var t;
1031 return (t = P3.exec(this._chunk)) ? (this.token("IMPORTS", t[1], t[1].length, 7), t[0].length) : 0;
1032 };
1033 Wt.prototype.tagToken = function() {
1034 var t, e;
1035 if (!(t = V3.exec(this._chunk)))
1036 return 0;
1037 var e = gn(t), r = e[0], i = e[1], s = e[2];
1038 if (i == "<") {
1039 if (this.token("TAG_START", "<", 1), this.pushEnd(El.TAG_START), t = Jh.exec(this._chunk.substr(1, 40))) {
1040 let n = this._chunk[t[0].length + 1];
1041 if (t[0] != "self" && n != "{" && n != "-")
1042 return this.token("TAG_TYPE", t[0], t[0].length, 1), r.length + t[0].length;
1043 } else
1044 this._chunk[1] == ">" && this.token("TAG_TYPE", "fragment", 0, 0);
1045 if (s) {
1046 if (s.substr(0, 1) == "{")
1047 return i.length;
1048 this.token("TAG_NAME", r.substr(1), 0);
1049 }
1050 }
1051 return r.length;
1052 };
1053 Wt.prototype.selectorToken = function() {
1054 var t, e;
1055 if (this._end == "%") {
1056 for (var r = this._chunk[0], i = this._context, s = 0, n = "", o = false; r = this._chunk[s++]; )
1057 if (r == ")" && i.parens == 0) {
1058 o = true;
1059 break;
1060 } else if (r == "(")
1061 i.parens++, n += "(";
1062 else if (r == ")")
1063 i.parens--, n += ")";
1064 else {
1065 if (r == "{")
1066 break;
1067 n += r;
1068 }
1069 return n && this.token("SELECTOR_PART", n, s - 1), o ? (this.token("SELECTOR_END", ")", 1, s - 1), this.pair("%"), s) : s - 1;
1070 }
1071 if (!(e = G3.exec(this._chunk)))
1072 return 0;
1073 var t = gn(e), a = t[0], l = t[1], p = t[2];
1074 return p == "(" ? (this.token("SELECTOR_START", l, l.length + 1), this.pushEnd("%", {parens: 0}), l.length + 1) : l == "%" ? this.context() == "%" ? 1 : (this.token("SELECTOR_START", l, l.length), this.pushEnd("%", {open: true}), l.length) : 0;
1075 };
1076 Wt.prototype.inTag = function() {
1077 var t = this._ends.length;
1078 if (t > 0) {
1079 var e = this._ends[t - 1], r = t > 1 ? this._ends[t - 2] : e;
1080 return e == "TAG_END" || r == "TAG_END" && e == "OUTDENT";
1081 }
1082 return false;
1083 };
1084 Wt.prototype.isKeyword = function(t) {
1085 var e;
1086 if (this._lastTyp == "ATTR" || this._lastTyp == "PROP" || this._lastTyp == "DEF" || t == "when" && this._lastTyp == "CONST")
1087 return false;
1088 if ((t == "get" || t == "set") && (e = this._chunk.match(/^[gs]et ([\$\w\-]+|\[)/))) {
1089 let s = this._contexts[this._contexts.length - 1] || {}, n = s.opener && this._tokens[this._tokens.indexOf(s.opener) - 1];
1090 if (gr(this._lastTyp, ["TERMINATOR", "INDENT"]) >= 0 && n && (n._type == "=" || n._type == "{"))
1091 return true;
1092 }
1093 if ((t == "guard" || t == "alter" || t == "watch") && this.getScope() == "PROP" || t == "css")
1094 return true;
1095 if (t == "attr" || t == "prop" || t == "get" || t == "set" || t == "lazy" || t == "css" || t == "constructor" || t == "declare") {
1096 var r = this.getScope(), i = r == "CLASS" || r == "TAG" || r == "EXTEND";
1097 if (t == "lazy" || t == "declare")
1098 return i && gr(this._lastTyp, ["INDENT", "TERMINATOR", "DECORATOR"]) >= 0;
1099 if (t == "constructor")
1100 return i && gr(this._lastTyp, ["INDENT", "TERMINATOR", "DECORATOR"]) >= 0;
1101 if (i)
1102 return true;
1103 }
1104 return D3.indexOf(t) >= 0;
1105 };
1106 Wt.prototype.identifierToken = function() {
1107 var t, e, r = this._ends.length > 0 ? this._ends[this._ends.length - 1] : null, i = this._ends.length > 1 ? this._ends[this._ends.length - 2] : null, s = r, n, o = false, a = false, l = r == "TAG_END" || i == "TAG_END" && r == "OUTDENT";
1108 if (!(e = M3.exec(this._chunk)))
1109 return 0;
1110 var t = gn(e), p = t[0], c = t[1], n = t[2], _ = t[3], f = t[4], d = t[5], v = c.length;
1111 if (c === "own" && this.lastTokenType() == "FOR")
1112 return this.token("OWN", c, c.length), c.length;
1113 var y = $r(this._tokens), N = this._lastTyp;
1114 if (N == "#")
1115 return this.token("IDENTIFIER", c, v), v;
1116 var b = d || N == "." || N == "?.";
1117 d && N == "?" && (b = false), c == "tag" && this._chunk.indexOf("tag(") == 0 && (b = true), c == "css" && /css\s\:\:/.exec(this._chunk) && (p = c + " ", d = null, b = false);
1118 var m = false;
1119 if (n == "$" && s0.test(c))
1120 n = "ARGVAR", c = c.substr(1);
1121 else if (n == "$" && i0.test(c))
1122 n = "ENV_FLAG", c = c.toUpperCase();
1123 else if (n == "@")
1124 N == "." ? n = "IDENTIFIER" : n = "DECORATOR";
1125 else if (n == "#")
1126 n = "SYMBOLID";
1127 else if (n == "##")
1128 n = "SYMBOLID";
1129 else if (n == "%")
1130 n = "MIXIN";
1131 else if (n == "$" && !d)
1132 n = "IDENTIFIER";
1133 else {
1134 if (c == "elif" && !b)
1135 return this.token("ELSE", "elif", c.length), this.token("IF", "if"), c.length;
1136 n = "IDENTIFIER";
1137 }
1138 if (!b && (m = this.isKeyword(c)))
1139 if (typeof m == "string" ? n = m : n = c.toUpperCase(), a = true, n == "MODULE" && (!/^module [a-zA-Z]/.test(this._chunk) || r == "TAG_ATTR") && (n = "IDENTIFIER"), n == "YES")
1140 n = "TRUE";
1141 else if (n == "NO")
1142 n = "FALSE";
1143 else if (n == "NIL")
1144 n = "NULL";
1145 else if (n == "VAR" || n == "CONST" || n == "LET") {
1146 let w = this._lastTyp;
1147 } else
1148 n == "IF" || n == "ELSE" || n == "TRUE" || n == "FALSE" || n == "NULL" || (n == "TAG" ? this.pushEnd("TAG") : n == "DEF" || n == "GET" || n == "SET" ? (n = "DEF", this.openDef()) : n == "CONSTRUCTOR" ? (this.token("DEF", "", 0), n = "IDENTIFIER", this.openDef()) : n == "DO" ? this.context() == "DEF" && this.closeDef() : n === "WHEN" && m0.indexOf(this.lastTokenType()) >= 0 ? n = "LEADING_WHEN" : n === "FOR" ? this._seenFor = true : n === "UNLESS" ? n = "IF" : ip.indexOf(n) >= 0 ? n = "UNARY" : u0.indexOf(n) >= 0 && (n != "INSTANCEOF" && n != "ISA" && this._seenFor ? (n = "FOR" + n, this._seenFor = false) : (n = "RELATION", y._type == "UNARY" && (y._type = "NOT"))));
1149 if (!b)
1150 switch (this._lastVal == "export" && c == "default" && (Rs(y, "EXPORT"), n = "DEFAULT"), c) {
1151 case "!":
1152 case "not": {
1153 n = "UNARY";
1154 break;
1155 }
1156 case "==":
1157 case "!=":
1158 case "===":
1159 case "!==":
1160 case "is":
1161 case "isnt": {
1162 n = "COMPARE";
1163 break;
1164 }
1165 case "&&":
1166 case "||":
1167 case "and":
1168 case "or":
1169 case "??": {
1170 n = "LOGIC";
1171 break;
1172 }
1173 case "super":
1174 case "break":
1175 case "continue":
1176 case "debugger":
1177 case "arguments": {
1178 n = c.toUpperCase();
1179 break;
1180 }
1181 }
1182 var g = p.length;
1183 if (n == "CLASS" || n == "DEF" || n == "TAG" || n == "PROP" || n == "CSS") {
1184 this.queueScope(n);
1185 for (var S = this._tokens.length; S; ) {
1186 y = this._tokens[--S];
1187 var k = "" + uo(y);
1188 if (gr(k, L3) >= 0)
1189 Rs(y, k.toUpperCase());
1190 else
1191 break;
1192 }
1193 } else if (n == "IF")
1194 this.queueScope(n);
1195 else if (n == "EXTEND" && !this._chunk.match(/^extend (class|tag)(\s|\n|$)/))
1196 this.queueScope(n);
1197 else if (n == "IMPORT") {
1198 let w = this._chunk[v];
1199 if (N == "AWAIT" || w == "(" || w == ".")
1200 n = "IDENTIFIER";
1201 else
1202 return this.pushEnd("IMPORT"), this.token(n, c, v), g;
1203 } else {
1204 if (c == "type" && N == "IMPORT")
1205 return this.token("TYPEIMPORT", c, v), g;
1206 if (n == "EXPORT")
1207 return this.pushEnd("EXPORT"), this.token(n, c, v), g;
1208 c == "from" && r == "IMPORT" ? (n = "FROM", this.pair("IMPORT")) : c == "from" && r == "EXPORT" ? (n = "FROM", this.pair("EXPORT")) : c == "as" && (r == "IMPORT" || this._lastTyp == "IDENTIFIER" || r == "EXPORT") && (n = "AS");
1209 }
1210 if (c == "new" && this._lastTyp != "." && this._chunk.match(/^new\s+[\w\$\(\<\#]/) && (n = "NEW"), n == "IDENTIFIER" && N == "CATCH" && (n = "CATCH_VAR"), (N == "NUMBER" || N == ")") && !y.spaced && (n == "IDENTIFIER" || c == "%") && (n = "UNIT"), d) {
1211 this.token(n, c, v);
1212 var E = d.indexOf(":");
1213 this.moveCaret(v + E), this.token(":", ":", 1), this.moveCaret(-(v + E));
1214 } else
1215 this.token(n, c, v);
1216 return n == "CSS" ? g + this.lexStyleRule(g, true) : g;
1217 };
1218 Wt.prototype.numberToken = function() {
1219 var t, e, r, i;
1220 if (!(e = K3.exec(this._chunk)))
1221 return 0;
1222 r = e[0], i = r.length, (t = /0b([01_]+)/.exec(r)) && (r = "" + parseInt(t[1].replace(/_/g, ""), 2));
1223 var s = $r(this._tokens);
1224 return e[0][0] == "." && s && !s.spaced && ["IDENTIFIER", ")", "}", "]", "NUMBER"].indexOf(zi(s)) >= 0 && (this.token(".", "."), r = r.substr(1)), this.token("NUMBER", r, i), i;
1225 };
1226 Wt.prototype.symbolToken = function() {
1227 var t, e, r;
1228 if (!(t = B3.exec(this._chunk)))
1229 return 0;
1230 if (e = t[0], r = $r(this._tokens), !r || r.spaced || gr(this._prevVal, ["(", "[", "="]) >= 0) {
1231 let i = C3.dashToCamelCase(e.slice(1));
1232 return this.token("STRING", '"' + i + '"', t[0].length), t[0].length;
1233 }
1234 return 0;
1235 };
1236 Wt.prototype.escapeStr = function(t, e, r) {
1237 if (t = t.replace(rp, e ? "\\n" : ""), r) {
1238 var i = RegExp("\\\\[" + r + "]", "g");
1239 t = t.replace(i, r), t = t.replace(RegExp("" + r, "g"), "\\$&");
1240 }
1241 return t;
1242 };
1243 Wt.prototype.stringToken = function() {
1244 var t, e;
1245 switch (this._chunk.charAt(0)) {
1246 case "'": {
1247 if (!(t = $3.exec(this._chunk)))
1248 return 0;
1249 e = t[0], this.token("STRING", this.escapeStr(e), e.length);
1250 break;
1251 }
1252 case '"': {
1253 if (!(e = this.balancedString(this._chunk, '"')))
1254 return 0;
1255 if (e.indexOf("{") >= 0) {
1256 var r = e.length;
1257 this.token("STRING_START", e.charAt(0), 1), this.interpolateString(e.slice(1, -1)), this.token("STRING_END", e.charAt(r - 1), 1, e.length - 1);
1258 } else
1259 r = e.length, this.token("STRING", this.escapeStr(e), r);
1260 break;
1261 }
1262 case "`": {
1263 if (!(e = this.balancedString(this._chunk, "`")))
1264 return 0;
1265 e.indexOf("{") >= 0 ? (r = e.length, this.token("STRING_START", e.charAt(0), 1), this.interpolateString(e.slice(1, -1), {heredoc: true}), this.token("STRING_END", e.charAt(r - 1), 1, e.length - 1)) : (r = e.length, this.token("STRING", this.escapeStr(e, true), r));
1266 break;
1267 }
1268 default:
1269 return 0;
1270 }
1271 return this.moveHead(e), e.length;
1272 };
1273 Wt.prototype.heredocToken = function() {
1274 var t, e, r, i;
1275 if (!(t = q3.exec(this._chunk)))
1276 return 0;
1277 e = t[0], r = e.charAt(0);
1278 var s = {quote: r, indent: null, offset: 0};
1279 if (i = this.sanitizeHeredoc(t[2], s), r == '"' && i.indexOf("{") >= 0) {
1280 var n = t[1];
1281 this.token("STRING_START", n, n.length), this.interpolateString(i, {heredoc: true, offset: n.length + s.offset, quote: r, indent: s.realIndent}), this.token("STRING_END", n, n.length, e.length - n.length);
1282 } else
1283 this.token("STRING", this.makeString(i, r, true), 0);
1284 return this.moveHead(e), e.length;
1285 };
1286 Wt.prototype.parseMagicalOptions = function(t) {
1287 var e = this;
1288 return t.indexOf("imba$") >= 0 && t.replace(/imba\$(\w+)\=(\S*)\b/g, function(r, i, s) {
1289 return /^\d+$/.test(s) && (s = parseInt(s)), e._opts[i] = s;
1290 }), e;
1291 };
1292 Wt.prototype.commentToken = function() {
1293 var t, e, r, i, s, n = "HERECOMMENT";
1294 if (t = J3.exec(this._chunk))
1295 return this.token("HERECOMMENT", t[1], t[1].length), this.token("TERMINATOR", `
1296`), t[0].length;
1297 if (t = $h.exec(this._chunk)) {
1298 e = t[0].length, i = t[1], r = t[2];
1299 let p = t[4] || "";
1300 r[0] == "#" && (p = " " + p), s = $r(this._tokens);
1301 var o = s && zi(s), a = "//" + p;
1302 return this.parseMagicalOptions(a), this._last && this._last.spaced && (a = " " + a), a.match(/^\/\/ \@(type|param)/) ? a = "/**" + p + "*/" : a.match(/^\/\/ \<(reference)/) && (a = "///" + p), o && o != "INDENT" && o != "TERMINATOR" || !o ? this.token("TERMINATOR", a, e) : o == "TERMINATOR" ? N1(s, uo(s) + a) : o == "INDENT" ? this.addLinebreaks(1, a) : this.token(n, r.substr(2), e), e;
1303 }
1304 if (!(t = W3.exec(this._chunk)))
1305 return 0;
1306 r = t[0];
1307 var l = t[1];
1308 return l ? (this.token("HERECOMMENT", this.sanitizeHeredoc(l, {herecomment: true, indent: Array(this._indent + 1).join(" ")}), r.length), this.token("TERMINATOR", `
1309`)) : (this.token("HERECOMMENT", r, r.length), this.token("TERMINATOR", `
1310`)), this.moveHead(r), r.length;
1311 };
1312 Wt.prototype.regexToken = function() {
1313 var t, e, r, i;
1314 if (this._chunk.charAt(0) != "/")
1315 return 0;
1316 if (e = ep.exec(this._chunk))
1317 return r = this.heregexToken(e), this.moveHead(e[0]), r;
1318 if (i = $r(this._tokens), i && gr(zi(i), i.spaced ? h0 : p0) >= 0 || !(e = tp.exec(this._chunk)))
1319 return 0;
1320 var t = gn(e), s = t[0], n = t[1], o = t[2];
1321 return this.token("REGEX", "" + n + o, s.length), s.length;
1322 };
1323 Wt.prototype.heregexToken = function(t) {
1324 var e, e = gn(t), r = e[0], i = e[1], s = e[2];
1325 return this.token("REGEX", r, r.length), r.length;
1326 };
1327 Wt.prototype.lineToken = function() {
1328 var t, e;
1329 if (!(e = Q3.exec(this._chunk)))
1330 return 0;
1331 var r = e[0], i = this.moveHead(r);
1332 this._seenFor = false;
1333 var s = $r(this._tokens, 1);
1334 let n = r.substr(r.lastIndexOf(`
1335`) + 1);
1336 var o = this.unfinished();
1337 if (/^\n#\s/.test(this._chunk))
1338 return this.addLinebreaks(1), 0;
1339 this._state.gutter == null && (this._state.gutter = n), (t = this._state.gutter || this._opts.gutter) && (n.indexOf(t) == 0 ? n = n.slice(t.length) : this._chunk[r.length] === void 0 || this.error("incorrect indentation"));
1340 var a = n.length;
1341 if (this._opts.dropIndentation)
1342 return a;
1343 if (a > 0) {
1344 this._indentStyle || (this._opts.indent = this._indentStyle = n, this._indentRegex = new RegExp(n, "g"));
1345 let _ = 0, f = 0, d = this._loc;
1346 for (; ; )
1347 if (n.indexOf(this._indentStyle, f) == f)
1348 _++, f += this._indentStyle.length;
1349 else {
1350 if (f == n.length)
1351 break;
1352 {
1353 this._loc += r.length - n.length;
1354 let y = this._loc;
1355 this.token("INDENT", n, n.length), this.error("Use tabs for indentation", {offset: y + f, length: n.length - f});
1356 }
1357 }
1358 a = _;
1359 }
1360 if (a - this._indebt == this._indent)
1361 return o ? this.suppressNewlines() : this.newlineToken(i, r), r.length;
1362 if (a > this._indent) {
1363 if (o)
1364 return this._indebt = a - this._indent, this.suppressNewlines(), r.length;
1365 if (this.inTag())
1366 return r.length;
1367 var l = a - this._indent + this._outdebt;
1368 this.closeDef();
1369 var p = this._scopes[this._indents.length], c = $r(this._tokens);
1370 c && zi(c) == "TERMINATOR" ? (Rs(c, "INDENT"), c._meta || (c._meta = {pre: uo(c), post: ""}), c.scope = p) : (this.token("INDENT", "" + l, 0), this._last.scope = p), this._indents.push(l), this.pushEnd("OUTDENT", {opener: this._last}), this._outdebt = this._indebt = 0, this.addLinebreaks(i);
1371 } else {
1372 this._indebt = 0;
1373 let _ = this._indent - a, f = this._indent, d = this._indentStyle == " ", v = r.replace().split(`
1374`), y = [], N = v.length, b = 0;
1375 for (; N > 0; ) {
1376 let k = v[--N], E = d ? k.length : k.replace(this._indentRegex, " ").length;
1377 E > b && (b = E), y[N] = b;
1378 }
1379 y[0] = f;
1380 let m = 0, g = [], S = "";
1381 for (let k = 0, E = gn(v), w = E.length; k < w; k++) {
1382 let O = y[k];
1383 for (; f > O; )
1384 S ? (this.terminatorToken(S), S = "") : this.terminatorToken(""), _--, this.outdentToken(1, true), f--;
1385 S += `
1386` + E[k];
1387 }
1388 for (S && this.terminatorToken(S); _ > 0; )
1389 this.outdentToken(1, true), _--;
1390 }
1391 return this._indent = a, r.length;
1392 };
1393 Wt.prototype.outdentToken = function(t, e, r) {
1394 for (var i = 0; t > 0; ) {
1395 var s = this._indents.length - 1;
1396 if (this._indents[s] == null)
1397 t = 0;
1398 else if (this._indents[s] == this._outdebt)
1399 t -= this._outdebt, this._outdebt = 0;
1400 else if (this._indents[s] < this._outdebt)
1401 this._outdebt -= this._indents[s], t -= this._indents[s];
1402 else {
1403 i = this._indents.pop() - this._outdebt, t -= i, this._outdebt = 0, e || this.addLinebreaks(1);
1404 let o = this.pair("OUTDENT");
1405 if (this.token("OUTDENT", "" + i, 0), o[1] && o[1].opener) {
1406 let a = o[1].opener;
1407 this._last._opener = a, a._closer = this._last, a._type == "CSS_SEL" && this.token("CSS_END", "", 0);
1408 }
1409 }
1410 }
1411 for (i && (this._outdebt -= t); this.lastTokenValue() == ";"; )
1412 this._tokens.pop();
1413 this.lastTokenType() == "TERMINATOR" || e || this.token("TERMINATOR", `
1414`, 0), this._scopes.length = this._indents.length, this.closeDef();
1415 var n = this.context();
1416 return (n == "%" || n == "TAG" || n == "IMPORT" || n == "EXPORT") && this.pair(n), this;
1417 };
1418 Wt.prototype.whitespaceToken = function(t) {
1419 var e, r, i;
1420 if (!((e = Qh.exec(this._chunk)) || (r = this._chunk.charAt(0) === `
1422 return 0;
1423 if (i = $r(this._tokens), i)
1424 return e ? (i.spaced = true, e[0].length) : (i.newLine = true, 0);
1425 };
1426 Wt.prototype.moveHead = function(t) {
1427 var e = y0(t, `
1429 return e;
1430 };
1431 Wt.prototype.terminatorToken = function(t, e) {
1432 return this._lastTyp == "TERMINATOR" ? this._last._value += t : this.token("TERMINATOR", t, e);
1433 };
1434 Wt.prototype.addLinebreaks = function(t, e) {
1435 var r;
1436 if (!e && t == 0)
1437 return this;
1438 var i = this._last;
1439 if (e || (t == 1 ? r = `
1440` : t == 2 ? r = `
1442` : t == 3 ? r = `
1445` : r = g0(`
1446`, t)), i) {
1447 var s = i._type, n = uo(i);
1448 if (s == "INDENT") {
1449 var o = i._meta || (i._meta = {pre: "", post: ""});
1450 return o.post += e || r, this;
1451 } else if (s == "TERMINATOR")
1452 return N1(i, n + (e || r)), this;
1453 }
1454 this.token("TERMINATOR", e || r, 0);
1455 };
1456 Wt.prototype.newlineToken = function(t, e) {
1457 this.addLinebreaks(t, e), this.closeDef();
1458 var r = this.context();
1459 return (r == "TAG" || r == "IMPORT" || r == "EXPORT") && this.pair(r), this;
1460 };
1461 Wt.prototype.suppressNewlines = function() {
1462 return this.value() === "\\" && this._tokens.pop(), this;
1463 };
1464 Wt.prototype.literalToken = function() {
1465 var t, e;
1466 (t = X3.exec(this._chunk)) ? (e = t[0], Z3.test(e) && this.tagParameters()) : e = this._chunk.charAt(0);
1467 var r = this._ends[this._ends.length - 1], i = this._ends[this._ends.length - 2], s = r == "TAG_END" || r == "OUTDENT" && i == "TAG_END", n = e, o = $r(this._tokens), a = o && zi(o), l = o && uo(o), p = e.length;
1468 if (e == "=" && o && (l == "||" || l == "&&"))
1469 return Rs(o, "COMPOUND_ASSIGN"), N1(o, l + "="), o._len = this._loc - o._loc + e.length, e.length;
1470 if (e == "\u0192" && (n = "DO"), e == "|") {
1471 if (l == "(")
1472 return this.token("DO", "DO", 0), this.pushEnd("|"), this.token("BLOCK_PARAM_START", e, 1), p;
1473 if (a == "DO")
1474 return this.pushEnd("|"), this.token("BLOCK_PARAM_START", e, 1), p;
1475 if (r == "|")
1476 return this.token("BLOCK_PARAM_END", e, 1), this.pair("|"), p;
1477 }
1478 e === ";" && (this._seenFor = false, n = "TERMINATOR"), e == "(" && a == "T." || e == "[" && s ? n = "STYLE_START" : e === "(" && s && a != "=" && o.spaced ? this.token(",", ",") : e === "->" && s ? (n = "TAG_END", this.pair("TAG_END")) : e === "=>" && s ? (n = "TAG_END", this.pair("TAG_END")) : e === "/>" && s ? (n = "TAG_END", this.pair("TAG_END")) : e === ">" && s ? (n = "TAG_END", this.pair("TAG_END")) : e === "TERMINATOR" && r === "DEF" ? this.closeDef() : e === "&" && this.context() == "DEF" ? n = "BLOCK_ARG" : e == "---" || e == "-" && a == "TERMINATOR" && this._chunk.match(/^\-\s*\n/) ? n = "SEPARATOR" : e == "*" && this._chunk.charAt(1).match(/[A-Za-z\_\@\[]/) && (o.spaced || [",", "(", "[", "{", "|", `
1479`, " "].indexOf(l) >= 0) ? n = "SPLAT" : e == "*" && (this.context() == "IMPORT" || this.context() == "EXPORT") ? n = "" + this.context() + "_ALL" : e == "," && this.context() == "IMPORT" ? n = "IMPORT_COMMA" : e == "!" && o && !o.spaced && (["]", ")"].indexOf(l) >= 0 || a == "IDENTIFIER" || a == "SYMBOLID" || a == "SUPER") ? n = "BANG" : e == "&" && this._chunk.match(/^\&\s*[,\)\}\]]/) ? n = "DO_PLACEHOLDER" : e == "**" ? n = "EXP" : e == "%" && (a == "NUMBER" || a == ")") && !o.spaced ? n = "UNIT" : gr(e, c0) >= 0 ? n = "MATH" : gr(e, l0) >= 0 ? n = "COMPARE" : gr(e, n0) >= 0 ? n = "COMPOUND_ASSIGN" : gr(e, ip) >= 0 ? n = "UNARY" : gr(e, a0) >= 0 ? n = "SHIFT" : gr(e, o0) >= 0 ? n = "LOGIC" : o && !o.spaced && (e == "{" && a == "IDENTIFIER" && (n = "{{"), e === "(" && gr(a, _0) >= 0 ? n = "CALL_START" : e === "(" && a == "DO" ? n = "BLOCK_PARAM_START" : e === "[" && gr(a, d0) >= 0 && (n = "INDEX_START", a == "?" && Rs(o, "INDEX_SOAK")));
1480 let c = null;
1481 switch (e) {
1482 case "(":
1483 case "{":
1484 case "[": {
1485 this.pushEnd(El[e], {closeType: El[n], i: this._tokens.length});
1486 break;
1487 }
1488 case ")":
1489 case "}":
1490 case "]": {
1491 let _ = this.pair(e);
1492 if (_ && _[1].closeType) {
1493 n = _[1].closeType;
1494 let f = this._tokens[_[1].i];
1495 c = this._tokens[_[1].i];
1496 }
1497 break;
1498 }
1499 }
1500 if (e == "\\") {
1501 n = "TYPE";
1502 let _ = this.findTypeAnnotation(this._chunk.slice(1));
1503 _ && (e = e + _);
1504 }
1505 if (e == ".." && !o.spaced && (n = "?.", e = "?."), e == ":" && r == "TAG_RULE" && (n = "T:"), (n == "-" || n == "+") && /\w|\(|\$/.test(this._chunk[1]) && (!o || o.spaced) && (n = n + n + n), this.token(n, e, e.length), c && (c._closer = this._last), this._platform == "tsc") {
1506 let _ = this._chunk[1] || "";
1507 e == "." && (!_ || Wh[_]) ? this.token("IDENTIFIER", "$CARET$", 0, 1) : e == "@" && (!_ || /[^\$\@\-\.\w]/.test(_)) && this.token("IDENTIFIER", "$CARET$", 0, 1);
1508 }
1509 return e.length;
1510 };
1511 Wt.prototype.sanitizeHeredoc = function(t, e) {
1512 var r, i = e.indent, s = e.herecomment;
1513 if (s) {
1514 if (e0.test(t) && this.error("block comment cannot contain '*/' starting"), t.indexOf(`
1515`) <= 0)
1516 return t;
1517 } else
1518 for (var n; r = t0.exec(t); ) {
1519 var o = r[1];
1520 (i === null || 0 < (n = o.length) && n < i.length) && (i = o);
1521 }
1522 return i && (t = t.replace(RegExp("\\n" + i, "g"), `
1523`)), s || (t[0] == `
1524` && (e.offset = i.length + 1), t = t.replace(/^\n/, "")), e.realIndent = i, t;
1525 };
1526 Wt.prototype.tagParameters = function() {
1527 var t;
1528 if (this.lastTokenType() != ")")
1529 return this;
1530 var e = [], r = this._tokens, i = r.length;
1531 for (Rs(r[--i], "PARAM_END"); t = r[--i]; ) {
1532 var s = zi(t);
1533 switch (s) {
1534 case ")": {
1535 e.push(t);
1536 break;
1537 }
1538 case "(":
1539 case "CALL_START": {
1540 if (e.length)
1541 e.pop();
1542 else
1543 return s === "(" ? (Rs(t, "PARAM_START"), this) : this;
1544 break;
1545 }
1546 }
1547 }
1548 return this;
1549 };
1550 Wt.prototype.closeIndentation = function() {
1551 for (; ; ) {
1552 var t = this.context();
1553 if (t == "TAG" || t == "IMPORT" || t == "EXPORT")
1554 this.pair(t);
1555 else
1556 break;
1557 }
1558 return this.closeDef(), this.closeSelector(), this.outdentToken(this._indent, false, 0);
1559 };
1560 Wt.prototype.balancedString = function(t, e) {
1561 for (var r, i, s, n = [e], o = 0; o < t.length - 1; ) {
1562 switch (o++, i = t.charAt(o), i) {
1563 case "\\": {
1564 o++;
1565 continue;
1566 }
1567 case e: {
1568 if (n.pop(), !n.length) {
1569 var a = t.slice(0, o + 1);
1570 return a;
1571 }
1572 e = n[n.length - 1];
1573 continue;
1574 }
1575 }
1576 e === "}" && (i == '"' || i == "'") ? n.push(e = i) : e === "}" && i === "/" && (r = ep.exec(t.slice(o)) || tp.exec(t.slice(o))) ? o += r[0].length - 1 : (e === "}" && i === "{" || e === '"' && i === "{") && n.push(e = "}"), s = i;
1577 }
1578 return this.error("missing " + n.pop() + ", starting");
1579 };
1580 Wt.prototype.interpolateString = function(t, e) {
1581 e === void 0 && (e = {});
1582 for (var r = e.heredoc, i = e.quote, s = e.regex, n = e.prefix, o = e.indent, a = this._loc, l = [], p = 0, c = -1, _ = e.offset || 1, f = t.length, d, v, y = false; d = t[c += 1]; ) {
1583 if (d === "\\") {
1584 c += 1;
1585 continue;
1586 }
1587 if (d === `
1588` && o && (_ += o.length), !!(t[c] == "{" && (v = this.balancedString(t.slice(c), "}")))) {
1589 if (y = true, p < c) {
1590 var N = new vn("NEOSTRING", this.escapeStr(t.slice(p, c), r, i), this._loc + p + _, c - p);
1591 l.push(N);
1592 }
1593 l.push(new vn("{{", "{", this._loc + c + _, 1));
1594 var b = v.slice(1, -1);
1595 if (b = b.replace(/^[^\n\S]+/, ""), b.length) {
1596 var m = 0, g = this._loc + c + (v.length - b.length) - 1, S = new Wt().tokenize(b, {inline: true, rewrite: false, loc: g + _}, this._script);
1597 S[0] && zi(S[0]) == "TERMINATOR" && S.shift(), S.length && l.push.apply(l, S);
1598 }
1599 c += v.length - 1, l.push(new vn("}}", "}", this._loc + c + _, 1)), p = c + 1;
1600 }
1601 }
1602 if (c >= p && p < t.length && l.push(new vn("NEOSTRING", this.escapeStr(t.slice(p), r, i), this._loc + p + _, t.length - p)), s)
1603 return l;
1604 if (!l.length)
1605 return this.token("NEOSTRING", '""');
1606 for (let k = 0, E = l.length; k < E; k++)
1607 this._tokens.push(l[k]);
1608 return l;
1609 };
1610 Wt.prototype.balancedSelector = function(t, e) {
1611 var r, i, s = [e];
1612 for (let n = t.length, o = 1, a = n - o; a > 0 ? o < n : o > n; a > 0 ? o++ : o--) {
1613 switch (i = t.charAt(o)) {
1614 case "\\": {
1615 o++;
1616 continue;
1617 }
1618 case e: {
1619 if (s.pop(), !s.length)
1620 return t.slice(0, o + 1);
1621 e = s[s.length - 1];
1622 continue;
1623 }
1624 }
1625 e === "}" && i === ")" ? s.push(e = i) : (e === "}" && i === "{" || e === ")" && i === "{") && s.push(e = "}"), r = i;
1626 }
1627 return this.error("missing " + s.pop() + ", starting");
1628 };
1629 Wt.prototype.pair = function(t) {
1630 var e = $r(this._ends);
1631 if (t != e) {
1632 e !== "OUTDENT" && this.error("unmatched " + t, {length: t.length});
1633 var r = $r(this._indents);
1634 return this._indent -= r, this.outdentToken(r, true, 0), this.pair(t);
1635 }
1636 return this.popEnd();
1637 };
1638 Wt.prototype.token = function(t, e, r, i) {
1639 this._lastTyp = t, this._lastVal = e;
1640 var s = this._last = new vn(t, e, this._loc + (i || 0), r || 0);
1641 this._tokens.push(s);
1642 };
1643 Wt.prototype.lastTokenType = function() {
1644 var t = this._tokens[this._tokens.length - 1];
1645 return t ? zi(t) : "NONE";
1646 };
1647 Wt.prototype.lastTokenValue = function() {
1648 var t = this._tokens[this._tokens.length - 1];
1649 return t ? t._value : "";
1650 };
1651 Wt.prototype.tokid = function(t, e) {
1652 var r;
1653 return (r = $r(this._tokens, t)) ? (e && Rs(r, e), zi(r)) : null;
1654 };
1655 Wt.prototype.value = function(t, e) {
1656 var r;
1657 return (r = $r(this._tokens, t)) ? (e && N1(r, e), uo(r)) : null;
1658 };
1659 Wt.prototype.unfinished = function() {
1660 return r0.test(this._chunk) && (!this._context || !this._context.style) ? true : f0.indexOf(this._lastTyp) >= 0 && this._platform != "tsc";
1661 };
1662 Wt.prototype.escapeLines = function(t, e) {
1663 return t.replace(rp, e ? "\\n" : "");
1664 };
1665 Wt.prototype.makeString = function(t, e, r) {
1666 return t ? (t = t.replace(/\\([\s\S])/g, function(i, s) {
1667 return s == `
1668` || s == e ? s : i;
1669 }), t = t.replace(RegExp("" + e, "g"), "\\$&"), e + this.escapeLines(t, r) + e) : e + e;
1670 };
1671 Wt.prototype.error = function(t, e) {
1672 e === void 0 && (e = {});
1673 let r = e.offset || this._loc;
1674 throw this._script.addDiagnostic("error", {message: t, source: e.source || "imba-lexer", range: e.range || this._script.rangeAt(r, r + (e.length || R3(this)))}).toError();
1675 };
1676 });
1677 var pp = er((op) => {
1678 function Al(t, e) {
1679 return e && e.indexOf ? e.indexOf(t) : [].indexOf.call(t, e);
1680 }
1681 function v0(t) {
1682 return t ? t.toArray ? t.toArray() : t : [];
1683 }
1684 var wr = Jo(), C1 = wr.Token, Il = d1(), O1 = Il.INVERSES, ap = Il.BALANCED_PAIRS, md = Il.TOK, ui = "TERMINATOR", vr = "INDENT", ho = "OUTDENT", Rl = "THEN", b0 = "CATCH", lp = {_type: "EOF", _value: ""}, Nl = function(t) {
1685 var e = {};
1686 for (let r = 0, i = v0(t), s = i.length; r < s; r++)
1687 e[i[r]] = 1;
1688 return e;
1689 }, k0 = [")", "]", "}", "STYLE_END", "OUTDENT", "CALL_END", "PARAM_END", "INDEX_END", "BLOCK_PARAM_END", "STRING_END", "}}", "TAG_END", "CATCH", "WHEN", "ELSE", "FINALLY"], x0 = Nl(k0), cp = {"(": 1, "[": 1, "{": 1, "{{": 1, INDENT: 1, CALL_START: 1, PARAM_START: 1, INDEX_START: 1, BLOCK_PARAM_START: 1, STRING_START: 1, TAG_START: 1}, up = {")": 1, "]": 1, "}": 1, "}}": 1, OUTDENT: 1, CALL_END: 1, PARAM_END: 1, INDEX_END: 1, BLOCK_PARAM_END: 1, STRING_END: 1, TAG_END: 1}, w0 = ["STYLE_START"], S0 = ["STYLE_START"], T0 = {ELSE: 1, TRY: 1, FINALLY: 1, THEN: 1, BLOCK_PARAM_END: 1, DO: 1, BEGIN: 1, CATCH_VAR: 1}, E0 = {TERMINATOR: true, CATCH: true, FINALLY: true, ELSE: true, OUTDENT: true, LEADING_WHEN: true}, Cl = {IDENTIFIER: 1, TYPE: 1, SYMBOLID: 1, SUPER: 1, THIS: 1, SELF: 1, TAG_END: 1, IVAR: 1, CVAR: 1, ARGVAR: 1, BREAK: 1, CONTINUE: 1, RETURN: 1, INDEX_END: 1, "]": 1, BANG: 1}, Ol = {SELECTOR: 1, IDENTIFIER: 1, SYMBOLID: 1, NUMBER: 1, STRING: 1, SYMBOL: 1, JS: 1, REGEX: 1, NEW: 1, CLASS: 1, IF: 1, AWAIT: 1, UNLESS: 1, TRY: 1, SWITCH: 1, THIS: 1, BOOL: 1, TRUE: 1, FALSE: 1, NULL: 1, UNDEFINED: 1, UNARY: 1, SUPER: 1, IVAR: 1, ARGVAR: 1, SELF: 1, "[": 1, "(": 1, "{": 1, "--": 1, "++": 1, "---": 1, "+++": 1, "#": 1, TAG_START: 1, PARAM_START: 1, SELECTOR_START: 1, STRING_START: 1, IDREF: 1, SPLAT: 1, DO: 1, BLOCK_ARG: 1, FOR: 1, CONTINUE: 1, BREAK: 1, LET: 1, VAR: 1, CONST: 1, CSS: 1, ENV_FLAG: 1}, A0 = ["+", "-"], I0 = ["{", "[", ",", "BLOCK_PARAM_END", "DO"], R0 = Nl(I0), N0 = ["CLASS", "IF", "UNLESS", "TAG", "WHILE", "FOR", "UNTIL", "CATCH", "FINALLY", "MODULE", "LEADING_WHEN", "STRUCT"], C0 = Nl(N0), O0 = {POST_IF: true, POST_UNLESS: true, POST_FOR: true, WHILE: true, UNTIL: true, WHEN: true, BY: true, LOOP: true, TERMINATOR: true, DEF_BODY: true}, hp = 0;
1690 function Pe() {
1691 this._tokens = [], this._options = {}, this._len = 0, this._starter = null;
1692 }
1693 op.Rewriter = Pe;
1694 Pe.prototype.reset = function() {
1695 return this._starter = null, this._len = 0, this;
1696 };
1697 Pe.prototype.tokens = function() {
1698 return this._tokens;
1699 };
1700 Pe.prototype.rewrite = function(t, e) {
1701 e === void 0 && (e = {}), this.reset(), this._tokens = t, this._options = e, this._platform = e.platform || e.target;
1702 for (var r = 0, i = t.length; r < i - 1; ) {
1703 var s = t[r];
1704 if (s._type == "DEF_BODY") {
1705 var n = t[r + 1];
1706 n && n._type == ui && (s._type = "DEF_EMPTY");
1707 }
1708 r++;
1709 }
1710 return this.step("all"), hp && console.log(hp), this._tokens;
1711 };
1712 Pe.prototype.all = function() {
1713 return this.step("ensureFirstLine"), this.step("removeLeadingNewlines"), this._platform == "tsc" && this.step("addPlaceholderIdentifiers"), this.step("removeMidExpressionNewlines"), this.step("tagDefArguments"), this.step("closeOpenTags"), this.step("addImplicitIndentation"), this.step("tagPostfixConditionals"), this.step("addImplicitBraces"), this.step("addImplicitParentheses");
1714 };
1715 Pe.prototype.step = function(t) {
1716 this[t]();
1717 };
1718 Pe.prototype.scanTokens = function(t) {
1719 for (var e = this._tokens, r = 0; r < e.length; )
1720 r += t.call(this, e[r], r, e);
1721 return true;
1722 };
1723 Pe.prototype.detectEnd = function(t, e, r, i) {
1724 i === void 0 && (i = {});
1725 for (var s = this._tokens, n = 0, o, a, l; t < s.length; ) {
1726 if (o = s[t], n == 0 && e.call(this, o, t, s, i))
1727 return r.call(this, o, t, s, i);
1728 if (!o || n < 0)
1729 return r.call(this, o, t - 1, s, i);
1730 a = o._type, cp[a] ? n += 1 : up[a] && (n -= 1), t += 1;
1731 }
1732 return t - 1;
1733 };
1734 Pe.prototype.ensureFirstLine = function() {
1735 var t = this._tokens[0];
1736 (!t || t._type === ui) && this._tokens.unshift(wr.token("BODYSTART", "BODYSTART"));
1737 };
1738 Pe.prototype.addPlaceholderIdentifiers = function() {
1739 let t = /^([\,\]\)\}]|\}\})$/;
1740 return this.scanTokens(function(e, r, i) {
1741 var s = i[r - 1] || lp, n = i[r + 1] || lp;
1742 if (s._type == "=" || s._type == ":") {
1743 if (e._type === ui && n._type != "INDENT" || e._type == "," || e._type == "DEF_BODY")
1744 return i.splice(r, 0, new C1("IDENTIFIER", "$CARET$", e._loc, 0)), 2;
1745 } else if (s._type == "." && (e._type === ui && n._type != "INDENT" || t.test(e._value)))
1746 return i.splice(r, 0, new C1("IDENTIFIER", "$CARET$", e._loc, 0)), 2;
1747 return 1;
1748 });
1749 };
1750 Pe.prototype.removeLeadingNewlines = function() {
1751 for (var t = 0, e = 0, r = this._tokens, i, s = r.length; e < s; ) {
1752 if (i = r[e], i._type !== ui) {
1753 t = e;
1754 break;
1755 }
1756 e++;
1757 }
1758 t && r.splice(0, t);
1759 };
1760 Pe.prototype.removeMidExpressionNewlines = function() {
1761 return this.scanTokens(function(t, e, r) {
1762 var i = r.length > e + 1 ? r[e + 1] : null;
1763 return !(t._type === ui && i && x0[i._type]) || i && i._type == ho ? 1 : (r.splice(e, 1), 0);
1764 });
1765 };
1766 Pe.prototype.tagDefArguments = function() {
1767 return true;
1768 };
1769 Pe.prototype.closeOpenTags = function() {
1770 var t = this, e = function(i, s) {
1771 return i._type == ">" || i._type == "TAG_END";
1772 }, r = function(i, s) {
1773 return i._type = "TAG_END";
1774 };
1775 return t.scanTokens(function(i, s, n) {
1776 return i._type === "TAG_START" && t.detectEnd(s + 1, e, r), 1;
1777 });
1778 };
1779 Pe.prototype.addImplicitBlockCalls = function() {
1780 for (var t = 1, e = this._tokens; t < e.length; ) {
1781 var r = e[t], i = r._type, s = r._value;
1782 i == "DO" && (s == "INDEX_END" || s == "IDENTIFIER" || s == "NEW") && (e.splice(t + 1, 0, wr.token("CALL_END", ")")), e.splice(t + 1, 0, wr.token("CALL_START", "(")), t++), t++;
1783 }
1784 };
1785 Pe.prototype.addLeftBrace = function() {
1786 return this;
1787 };
1788 Pe.prototype.addImplicitBraces = function() {
1789 var t = this, e = [], r = null, i = null, s = 0, n = null, o = ["ROOT", 0], a = "DEF", l = ["IF", "TERNARY", "FOR", a], p = false, c = function(N, b) {
1790 return t._tokens.splice(b, 0, wr.RBRACKET);
1791 }, _ = function(N, b, m) {
1792 let g = new C1("{", "{", 0, 0, 0);
1793 return g.generated = true, g.scope = m, t._tokens.splice(b, 0, g);
1794 }, f = function(N, b, m) {
1795 let g = new C1("}", "}", 0, 0, 0);
1796 return g.generated = true, g.scope = m, t._tokens.splice(b, 0, g);
1797 }, d = function(N, b) {
1798 return [N, b];
1799 }, v = [], y = [];
1800 return t.scanTokens(function(N, b, m) {
1801 var g = N._type, S = N._value;
1802 if (g == "CSS_SEL" && N._closer)
1803 return m.indexOf(N._closer) - b + 1;
1804 if (g == "STYLE_START" && N._closer)
1805 return m.indexOf(N._closer) - b;
1806 if (ap[g] ? y.unshift(g) : O1[g] && O1[g] == y[0] && y.shift(), S0.indexOf(y[0]) >= 0)
1807 return 1;
1808 var k = e.length ? e[e.length - 1] : o, E;
1809 if (g == "INDENT" ? v.unshift(N.scope) : g == "OUTDENT" && v.shift(), l.indexOf(g) >= 0 && g != a)
1810 return e.push(d(g, b)), 1;
1811 if (S == "?")
1812 return e.push(d("TERNARY", b)), 1;
1813 if (cp[g]) {
1814 g === vr && l.indexOf(k[0]) >= 0 && e.pop();
1815 let q = t.tokenType(b - 1);
1816 return g === vr && (q == "{" || q == "STYLE_START") ? e.push(d("{", b)) : e.push(d(g, b)), 1;
1817 }
1818 if (up[g])
1819 return k[0] == "TERNARY" && e.pop(), i = e.pop(), i[2] = b, i[0] == "{" && i.generated && f(N, b), 1;
1820 if (k[0] == "TERNARY" && (g === ui || g === ho) || l.indexOf(k[0]) >= 0 && g === vr)
1821 return e.pop(), 1;
1822 if (g == ",")
1823 return k[0] == "{" && k.generated ? (f(N, b, e.pop()), 2) : 1;
1824 let w = g == a && Al(v[0], ["CLASS", "DEF", "MODULE", "TAG", "STRUCT"]) == -1;
1825 if ((g == ":" || w) && k[0] != "{" && k[0] != "TERNARY" && (l.indexOf(k[0]) == -1 || k[0] == a)) {
1826 var O = m[b - 2];
1827 let q = false;
1828 for (g == a ? (E = b - 1, O = m[E]) : i && i[2] == b - 1 ? E = i[1] - 1 : E = b - 2; t.tokenType(E - 1) === "HERECOMMENT"; )
1829 E -= 2;
1830 var L = m[E - 1], D = m[E];
1831 if ((!O || Al(O._type, ["INDENT", "TERMINATOR"]) == -1) && (q = true), v[0] && Al(v[0], ["CLASS", "DEF", "MODULE", "TAG", "STRUCT"]) >= 0 && (q = true), L && wr.typ(L) == "}" && L.generated && (D._type == "," && !D.generated || !(L.scope && L.scope.autoClose))) {
1832 m.splice(E - 1, 1);
1833 var A = d("{", b - 1);
1834 return A.generated = true, e.push(A), g == a ? (e.push(d(a, b)), 1) : 0;
1835 } else
1836 return L && wr.typ(L) == "," && t.tokenType(E - 2) == "}" ? (m.splice(E - 2, 1), A = d("{"), A.generated = true, e.push(A), g == a ? (e.push(d(a, b)), 1) : 0) : g == a && (!L || L._type != "=") ? (e.push(d(a, b)), 1) : (A = d("{"), A.generated = true, A.autoClose = q, e.push(A), _(N, E + 1), g == a ? (e.push(d(a, b)), 3) : 2);
1837 }
1838 if (g == "DO") {
1839 var U = wr.typ(m[b - 1]);
1840 if (["NUMBER", "STRING", "REGEX", "SYMBOL", "]", "}", ")", "STRING_END"].indexOf(U) >= 0) {
1841 var B = wr.token(",", ",");
1842 if (B.generated = true, m.splice(b, 0, B), k.generated)
1843 return f(N, b), e.pop(), 2;
1844 }
1845 }
1846 return k.generated && (g === ui || g === ho || g === "DEF_BODY") ? (r = e.pop(), f(N, b, r), 2) : 1;
1847 });
1848 };
1849 Pe.prototype.generateToken = function(t, e) {
1850 let r = wr.token(t, e);
1851 return r.generated = true, r;
1852 };
1853 Pe.prototype.addImplicitParentheses = function() {
1854 var t = this, e = t._tokens, r = false, i = false, s = false, n = false, o = false, a = false, l = false, p = false, c = 0;
1855 let _ = [], f = null;
1856 for (var d = function(w, O, L) {
1857 return L.splice(O, 0, t.generateToken("CALL_END", ")"));
1858 }, v = function(w, O, L) {
1859 var D = w._type;
1860 if (!o && w.fromThen)
1861 return true;
1862 var A = D == "IF" || D == "UNLESS" || D == "ELSE";
1863 (A || D === "CATCH") && (o = true), (A || D === "SWITCH" || D == "TRY") && (a = true);
1864 var U = t.tokenType(O - 1);
1865 if ((D == "." || D == "?." || D == "::") && U === ho || D == ":" && _[_.length - 1] == "?" && L[O - 1].spaced || n && (D === vr || D === ui))
1866 return true;
1867 if ((D == "WHEN" || D == "BY") && !i)
1868 return false;
1869 var B = L.length > O + 1 ? L[O + 1] : null, q = B && B._type;
1870 if (w.generated || U === ",")
1871 return false;
1872 var K = O0[D] || D == vr && !a || D == "DOS" && U != "=";
1873 return K ? D !== vr || !R0[U] && t.tokenType(O - 2) != "CLASS" && !(B && (B.generated && q == "{" || Ol[q])) : false;
1874 }; e.length > c + 1; ) {
1875 var y = e[c], N = y._type;
1876 if (N == "?" && _.push(N), (N == "STYLE_START" || N == "CSS_SEL") && y._closer) {
1877 c = e.indexOf(y._closer) + 1;
1878 continue;
1879 }
1880 if (ap[N] ? _.push(f = N) : O1[N] && O1[N] == f && (_.pop(), f = _[_.length - 1]), w0.indexOf(f) >= 0) {
1881 c++;
1882 continue;
1883 }
1884 N == ":" && e[c - 1].spaced && _[_.length - 1] == "?" && _.pop();
1885 var b = c > 0 ? e[c - 1] : null, m = e[c + 1], g = b && b._type, S = m && m._type;
1886 if (N === vr && (g == ")" || g == "]") && (r = true), g == vr && (s = false), g == "TAG_END" && (s = b), C0[g] && (n = true, r = true, g == "FOR" && (i = true)), l = false, p = false, !r && N == vr && m) {
1887 var k = g && Cl[g], E = S && Ol[S];
1888 l = (m.generated && S == "{" || E) && k, p = E && k, S == "TAG_START" && g != "TAG_END" && E && (p = false);
1889 }
1890 if (o = false, a = false, (N == ui || N == ho || N == vr) && (n = false, r = false), N == ui && (s = false), N == "?" && b && !b.spaced && (y.call = true), y.fromThen) {
1891 c += 1;
1892 continue;
1893 }
1894 if (!(l || p || b && b.spaced && (b.call || Cl[g]) && (Ol[N] || !(y.spaced || y.newLine) && A0.indexOf(N) >= 0))) {
1895 c += 1;
1896 continue;
1897 }
1898 if (N === vr && S == "TAG_START" && Cl[g] && g != "TAG_END") {
1899 c += 1;
1900 continue;
1901 }
1902 if (s && S !== "TAG_START" && g !== "TAG_END") {
1903 if (N === vr) {
1904 c += 1;
1905 continue;
1906 }
1907 n = true;
1908 }
1909 e.splice(c, 0, t.generateToken("CALL_START", "(")), t.detectEnd(c + 1, v, d), b._type == "?" && (b._type = "FUNC_EXIST"), c += 2, n = false, r = false, i = false;
1910 }
1911 };
1912 Pe.prototype.indentCondition = function(t, e, r) {
1913 var i = t._type;
1914 return E0[i] && t._value !== ";" && !(i == "ELSE" && this._starter != "IF" && this._starter != "THEN");
1915 };
1916 Pe.prototype.indentAction = function(t, e, r) {
1917 var i = this.tokenType(e - 1) === "," ? e - 1 : e;
1918 r.splice(i, 0, wr.OUTDENT);
1919 };
1920 Pe.prototype.addImplicitIndentation = function() {
1921 for (var t = {OUTDENT: 1, TERMINATOR: 1, FINALLY: 1}, e = 0, r = this._tokens, i; e < r.length; ) {
1922 var s = r[e], n = s._type, o = this.tokenType(e + 1);
1923 if (n === ui && o === Rl) {
1924 r.splice(e, 1);
1925 continue;
1926 }
1927 if (n === b0 && t[this.tokenType(e + 2)]) {
1928 r.splice(e + 2, 0, wr.token(vr, "2"), wr.token(ho, "2")), e += 4;
1929 continue;
1930 }
1931 if (T0[n] && o != vr && o != "BLOCK_PARAM_START" && !(n == "ELSE" && o == "IF") && n != "ELIF") {
1932 this._starter = i = n;
1933 var a = wr.token(vr, "2");
1934 i === Rl && (a.fromThen = true), a.generated = true, r.splice(e + 1, 0, a), this.detectEnd(e + 2, this.indentCondition, this.indentAction), n === Rl && r.splice(e, 1);
1935 }
1936 e++;
1937 }
1938 };
1939 Pe.prototype.tagPostfixConditionals = function() {
1940 var t = this, e = function(i, s, n) {
1941 return i._type === ui || i._type === vr;
1942 }, r = function(i, s, n, o) {
1943 if (i._type != vr)
1944 if (o.unfinished) {
1945 let a = wr.token("EMPTY_BLOCK", "");
1946 return n.splice(s, 0, a);
1947 } else
1948 return wr.setTyp(o.original, "POST_" + o.original._type);
1949 };
1950 return t.scanTokens(function(i, s, n) {
1951 var o = i._type;
1952 if (!(o == "IF" || o == "FOR"))
1953 return 1;
1954 let a = n[s - 1] && e(n[s - 1]);
1955 return t.detectEnd(s + 1, e, r, {original: i, unfinished: a}), 1;
1956 });
1957 };
1958 Pe.prototype.type = function(t) {
1959 throw "deprecated";
1960 var e;
1961 };
1962 Pe.prototype.injectToken = function(t, e) {
1963 return this;
1964 };
1965 Pe.prototype.tokenType = function(t) {
1966 if (t < 0 || t >= this._tokens.length)
1967 return null;
1968 var e = this._tokens[t];
1969 return e && e._type;
1970 };
1971 });
1972 var fp = er((la) => {
1973 var L1 = function() {
1974 var t = function(Qn, x, Li, I) {
1975 for (Li = Li || {}, I = Qn.length; I--; Li[Qn[I]] = x)
1976 ;
1977 return Li;
1978 }, e = [1, 4], r = [1, 6], i = [1, 7], s = [1, 39], n = [1, 40], o = [1, 41], a = [1, 42], l = [1, 79], p = [1, 45], c = [1, 125], _ = [1, 44], f = [1, 127], d = [1, 105], v = [1, 133], y = [1, 134], N = [1, 124], b = [1, 131], m = [1, 137], g = [1, 100], S = [1, 126], k = [1, 138], E = [1, 93], w = [1, 94], O = [1, 95], L = [1, 96], D = [1, 97], A = [1, 98], U = [1, 99], B = [1, 86], q = [1, 104], K = [1, 82], Q = [1, 46], Dt = [1, 17], Zt = [1, 18], F = [1, 68], H = [1, 67], Y = [1, 63], M = [1, 103], P = [1, 123], X = [1, 101], ee = [1, 35], oe = [1, 36], tt = [1, 109], $ = [1, 108], et = [1, 107], W = [1, 130], rt = [1, 83], it = [1, 84], ut = [1, 85], at = [1, 110], lt = [1, 91], ht = [1, 47], ct = [1, 53], st = [1, 122], ot = [1, 102], nt = [1, 132], pt = [1, 74], ft = [1, 87], V = [1, 117], j = [1, 118], _t = [1, 119], G = [1, 135], z = [1, 136], dt = [1, 78], mt = [1, 116], yt = [1, 62], gt = [1, 64], vt = [1, 65], bt = [1, 66], kt = [1, 69], xt = [1, 70], Ye = [1, 140], ye = [1, 6, 14], Ga = [1, 6, 12, 13, 14, 27, 28, 38, 60, 86, 96, 98, 108, 142, 146, 147, 148, 165, 178, 189, 193, 195, 206, 213, 216, 224, 225, 246, 248, 249, 256, 278, 282, 289, 290, 294, 295, 296, 300, 302, 303, 311, 315, 318, 319, 320, 327, 328, 329, 330], Bt = [1, 148], Ut = [1, 145], Yt = [1, 146], Jt = [1, 150], Qt = [1, 151], ae = [1, 154], $t = [1, 155], Vt = [1, 147], qt = [1, 149], Nt = [1, 152], Xt = [1, 153], Tc = [1, 158], Ec = [1, 159], ys = [1, 167], gs = [1, 168], Ct = [1, 6, 12, 13, 14, 28, 38, 60, 86, 96, 108, 142, 146, 147, 148, 165, 178, 189, 193, 195, 206, 216, 224, 225, 248, 282, 294, 295, 296, 302, 303, 311, 319, 320, 327, 328, 329, 330], Ac = [2, 424], Ic = [1, 179], Rc = [1, 176], Nc = [1, 177], Cc = [1, 172], Oc = [1, 178], Ji = [1, 184], Lc = [1, 6, 13, 14, 27, 28, 38, 60, 87, 95, 96, 124, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 176, 177, 181, 182, 183, 206, 207, 208], mi = [1, 6, 14, 294, 296, 302, 303, 319], Dc = [1, 6, 14, 83, 85, 86, 217, 218, 266, 273, 274], Fc = [1, 187], Me = [1, 193], Mc = [1, 195], wt = [1, 212], St = [1, 211], fe = [1, 6, 12, 13, 14, 27, 28, 38, 60, 86, 96, 98, 108, 142, 146, 147, 148, 165, 178, 189, 193, 195, 206, 213, 216, 224, 225, 246, 248, 249, 256, 278, 282, 294, 295, 296, 302, 303, 311, 319, 320, 327, 328, 329, 330], Pc = [2, 350], kr = [1, 215], w2 = [1, 6, 12, 13, 14, 27, 28, 38, 60, 86, 96, 98, 108, 142, 146, 147, 148, 165, 178, 183, 189, 193, 195, 206, 213, 216, 224, 225, 246, 248, 249, 256, 278, 282, 294, 295, 296, 302, 303, 311, 319, 320, 327, 328, 329, 330], Cr = [2, 346], No = [6, 27, 87, 95, 124, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 176, 177, 181, 182, 183, 207, 208], Bn = [1, 251], Hn = [1, 250], S2 = [36, 83, 205], Vc = [1, 254], Ba = [1, 6, 14, 83, 85, 86, 98, 217, 218, 266, 273, 274], T2 = [1, 260], Zi = [1, 265], oi = [1, 266], jc = [1, 262], tr = [1, 270], ai = [1, 268], Ha = [1, 6, 12, 13, 14, 27, 28, 36, 38, 60, 86, 96, 98, 108, 120, 121, 142, 146, 147, 148, 165, 178, 189, 193, 195, 206, 213, 216, 224, 225, 246, 248, 249, 256, 278, 282, 294, 295, 296, 302, 303, 311, 319, 320, 327, 328, 329, 330], yi = [1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 27, 28, 38, 60, 86, 96, 98, 108, 142, 146, 147, 148, 165, 178, 183, 189, 193, 195, 206, 213, 216, 224, 225, 246, 248, 249, 256, 271, 278, 282, 294, 295, 296, 302, 303, 311, 319, 320, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330], rn = [1, 299], Gc = [1, 301], Bc = [2, 364], Co = [1, 315], Oo = [1, 310], Lo = [1, 304], Do = [1, 309], Hc = [1, 328], zc = [36, 83, 205, 307], zn = [1, 6, 12, 13, 14, 27, 28, 38, 60, 86, 96, 98, 104, 106, 107, 108, 142, 146, 147, 148, 165, 178, 189, 193, 195, 206, 213, 216, 224, 225, 246, 248, 249, 256, 278, 282, 294, 295, 296, 302, 303, 311, 319, 320, 327, 328, 329, 330], E2 = [2, 8], Uc = [83, 85], Fo = [1, 6, 14, 183], Un = [1, 365], Qi = [1, 369], $i = [1, 370], Mo = [1, 379], sn = [1, 381], gi = [1, 383], nn = [1, 6, 12, 13, 14, 28, 38, 60, 86, 96, 108, 142, 146, 147, 148, 165, 178, 189, 193, 195, 206, 216, 224, 225, 248, 282, 294, 295, 296, 302, 303, 311, 319, 320, 327, 328, 330], A2 = [1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 27, 28, 38, 60, 86, 96, 98, 108, 142, 146, 147, 148, 165, 178, 189, 193, 195, 206, 213, 216, 224, 225, 246, 248, 249, 256, 278, 282, 294, 295, 296, 302, 303, 311, 319, 320, 327, 328, 329, 330], za = [1, 6, 12, 13, 14, 28, 38, 60, 86, 96, 108, 142, 147, 148, 165, 178, 189, 193, 195, 206, 216, 224, 225, 248, 282, 294, 295, 296, 302, 303, 311, 319, 320, 328, 330], Yc = [1, 395], Ua = [1, 400], Re = [6, 27, 87, 95, 124, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 176, 177, 181, 182, 183, 207, 208], Yn = [1, 423], Kn = [1, 422], Ya = [6, 27, 36, 87, 95, 124, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 176, 177, 179, 181, 182, 183, 207, 208], I2 = [1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 27, 28, 38, 60, 86, 96, 98, 108, 142, 146, 147, 148, 165, 178, 183, 189, 193, 195, 206, 213, 216, 224, 225, 246, 248, 249, 256, 278, 282, 294, 295, 296, 302, 303, 309, 310, 311, 319, 320, 327, 328, 329, 330], Oi = [6, 13], qe = [2, 296], R2 = [1, 430], Po = [6, 13, 14, 60, 96], Kc = [2, 444], vs = [1, 437], vi = [6, 13, 14, 28, 60, 96, 206], Ka = [2, 300], Vo = [1, 446], jo = [1, 447], qc = [1, 6, 12, 13, 14, 28, 38, 60, 86, 96, 108, 142, 178, 189, 193, 206, 216, 224, 225, 248, 282, 303, 311, 319], N2 = [1, 6, 12, 13, 14, 28, 38, 60, 86, 96, 108, 142, 178, 189, 193, 206, 216, 224, 225, 248, 282, 295, 303, 311, 319], Go = [309, 310], qa = [60, 309, 310], Xc = [1, 6, 12, 14, 28, 38, 60, 86, 96, 108, 142, 146, 147, 148, 178, 189, 193, 195, 206, 216, 224, 225, 248, 282, 294, 295, 296, 302, 303, 311, 319, 320, 327, 328, 329, 330], Xa = [1, 6, 12, 13, 14, 28, 38, 60, 86, 96, 98, 108, 142, 146, 147, 148, 165, 178, 189, 193, 195, 206, 216, 224, 225, 248, 282, 294, 295, 296, 302, 303, 311, 319, 320, 327, 328, 329, 330], Wa = [1, 470], Ja = [1, 471], on = [1, 476], an = [1, 477], Wc = [1, 483], Ge = [6, 13, 14, 38, 60], Za = [6, 13, 14, 38, 60, 142], Bo = [6, 13, 14, 38, 60, 142, 183], Jc = [60, 224, 225], Zc = [1, 498], Qc = [2, 293], $c = [98, 181], Ho = [11, 27, 36, 60, 83, 98, 181, 193, 205, 224, 225, 235], tu = [1, 6, 12, 13, 14, 28, 38, 60, 86, 96, 108, 142, 146, 147, 148, 165, 178, 189, 193, 195, 206, 216, 224, 225, 248, 282, 294, 295, 296, 302, 303, 311, 319, 320, 328, 330], eu = [1, 6, 12, 13, 14, 28, 38, 60, 86, 96, 108, 142, 178, 189, 193, 206, 216, 224, 225, 248, 282, 295, 311], qn = [1, 6, 12, 13, 14, 28, 38, 60, 86, 96, 108, 142, 178, 189, 193, 206, 216, 224, 225, 248, 282, 294, 295, 296, 302, 303, 311, 319], Xn = [1, 516], ln = [6, 14, 134, 144, 174], Qa = [1, 6, 12, 13, 14, 28, 38, 60, 86, 96, 108, 142, 146, 147, 148, 165, 178, 189, 193, 195, 206, 216, 224, 225, 248, 282, 294, 295, 296, 300, 302, 303, 311, 318, 319, 320, 327, 328, 329, 330], $a = [14, 300, 315], ru = [1, 6, 12, 14, 28, 38, 60, 86, 96, 108, 142, 146, 147, 148, 165, 178, 189, 193, 195, 206, 216, 224, 225, 248, 282, 294, 295, 296, 302, 303, 311, 319, 320, 327, 328, 329, 330], bi = [6, 13, 14], zo = [2, 297], C2 = [1, 576], t1 = [25, 26, 29, 30, 32, 36, 57, 65, 83, 85, 91, 93, 95, 100, 103, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 119, 122, 135, 136, 147, 148, 180, 181, 198, 205, 212, 213, 217, 218, 238, 239, 240, 243, 251, 252, 254, 260, 279, 280, 286, 292, 294, 296, 298, 302, 303, 312, 317, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326], Uo = [1, 581], Yo = [1, 582], O2 = [1, 586], ki = [28, 60, 216, 224, 225], iu = [28, 60, 183, 216, 224, 225], su = [1, 6, 12, 13, 14, 28, 38, 60, 86, 96, 108, 142, 178, 189, 193, 206, 216, 224, 225, 248, 282, 294, 296, 302, 303, 311, 319], Or = [6, 14], e1 = [1, 612], r1 = [1, 611], Wn = [6, 14, 86, 178], Jn = [6, 11, 14, 86, 178, 183, 271], nu = [1, 622], ou = [83, 85, 86, 205], au = [1, 633], lu = [1, 634], cu = [224, 225], Lr = [1, 640], uu = [1, 649], L2 = [1, 650], Gr = [1, 679], Br = [1, 667], Hr = [1, 672], zr = [1, 668], Ur = [1, 669], Yr = [1, 670], Kr = [1, 671], qr = [1, 675], Xr = [1, 676], Wr = [1, 677], Jr = [1, 678], hu = [1, 6, 12, 13, 14, 28, 38, 60, 86, 96, 108, 142, 146, 147, 148, 165, 178, 189, 193, 195, 206, 216, 224, 225, 248, 282, 289, 294, 295, 296, 302, 303, 311, 319, 320, 327, 328, 329, 330], pu = [12, 13, 60], i1 = [1, 692], bs = [1, 700], ks = [1, 694], xs = [1, 696], Zn = [1, 749], fu = [1, 6, 12, 13, 14, 28, 38, 60, 86, 96, 108, 134, 142, 144, 146, 147, 148, 165, 174, 178, 189, 193, 195, 206, 216, 224, 225, 248, 282, 294, 295, 296, 302, 303, 311, 319, 320, 327, 328, 329, 330], _u = [1, 762], du = [6, 14, 60, 96, 134, 144, 174], mu = [1, 764], Ko = [6, 14, 36, 57, 60, 95, 96, 100, 134, 144, 151, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 174], s1 = [1, 766], n1 = [1, 767], o1 = [1, 768], Zr = [6, 14, 36, 57, 60, 95, 96, 100, 134, 144, 146, 147, 148, 151, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 174], a1 = [1, 780], li = [6, 13, 14, 28, 60], D2 = [6, 13, 14, 27, 28, 60, 98], cn = [36, 57, 60, 95, 96, 100, 146, 147, 148, 151, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165], yu = [6, 14, 36, 57, 60, 95, 96, 100, 134, 144, 146, 147, 148, 151, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 174], F2 = [1, 816], M2 = [1, 817], gu = [60, 96], vu = [1, 834], bu = {trace: function() {
1979 }, yy: {}, symbols_: {error: 2, Root: 3, Body: 4, Block: 5, TERMINATOR: 6, BODYSTART: 7, Line: 8, Terminator: 9, Type: 10, TYPE: 11, EMPTY_BLOCK: 12, INDENT: 13, OUTDENT: 14, CSSDeclaration: 15, Expression: 16, VarDecl: 17, Comment: 18, Statement: 19, Decorators: 20, ImportDeclaration: 21, ExportDeclaration: 22, Return: 23, Throw: 24, STATEMENT: 25, BREAK: 26, CALL_START: 27, CALL_END: 28, CONTINUE: 29, DEBUGGER: 30, ExtendObject: 31, EXTEND: 32, Identifier: 33, ClassBody: 34, EXPORT: 35, "{": 36, ImportSpecifierList: 37, "}": 38, FROM: 39, String: 40, EXPORT_ALL: 41, AS: 42, Exportable: 43, DEFAULT: 44, DefaultExportable: 45, MethodDeclaration: 46, Class: 47, TagDeclaration: 48, VarAssign: 49, ImportOrExport: 50, IMPORT: 51, ImportDefaultSpecifier: 52, TYPEIMPORT: 53, ImportNamespaceSpecifier: 54, IMPORT_COMMA: 55, ImportFrom: 56, STRING: 57, IMPORT_ALL: 58, ImportSpecifier: 59, ",": 60, OptComma: 61, DecoratorIdentifier: 62, MixinIdentifier: 63, Require: 64, REQUIRE: 65, RequireArg: 66, Literal: 67, Parenthetical: 68, Await: 69, Value: 70, Code: 71, Operation: 72, Assign: 73, If: 74, Ternary: 75, Try: 76, While: 77, For: 78, Switch: 79, Tag: 80, ExpressionBlock: 81, Outdent: 82, IDENTIFIER: 83, SymbolIdentifier: 84, SYMBOLID: 85, DECORATOR: 86, MIXIN: 87, Key: 88, KEY: 89, Argvar: 90, ARGVAR: 91, Symbol: 92, SYMBOL: 93, Decorator: 94, "(": 95, ")": 96, ArgList: 97, ".": 98, AlphaNumeric: 99, NUMBER: 100, UNIT: 101, InterpolatedString: 102, STRING_START: 103, NEOSTRING: 104, Interpolation: 105, STRING_END: 106, "{{": 107, "}}": 108, JS: 109, REGEX: 110, BOOL: 111, TRUE: 112, FALSE: 113, NULL: 114, UNDEFINED: 115, RETURN: 116, Arguments: 117, Selector: 118, SELECTOR_START: 119, SELECTOR_PART: 120, SELECTOR_END: 121, TAG_START: 122, TagOptions: 123, TAG_END: 124, TagBody: 125, TagTypeName: 126, Self: 127, TAG_TYPE: 128, TagIdentifier: 129, StyleBlockDeclaration: 130, CSS: 131, CSS_SEL: 132, StyleBody: 133, CSS_END: 134, GLOBAL: 135, LOCAL: 136, StyleBlockBody: 137, OptStyleBody: 138, StyleNode: 139, StyleDeclaration: 140, StyleProperty: 141, ":": 142, StyleExpressions: 143, CSSPROP: 144, StyleOperator: 145, MATH: 146, "+": 147, "-": 148, StyleExpression: 149, StyleValue: 150, "/": 151, StyleTerm: 152, StyleCalc: 153, StyleFunctionArgs: 154, StyleFunctionArg: 155, StyleTermPlaceholder: 156, CSSUNIT: 157, CSSVAR: 158, DIMENSION: 159, COLOR: 160, PERCENTAGE: 161, CSSURL: 162, CSSFUNCTION: 163, CSSIDENTIFIER: 164, COMPARE: 165, TAG_REF: 166, TAG_ID: 167, TAG_SYMBOL_ID: 168, SYMBOL_ID: 169, TAG_FLAG: 170, TAG_ATTR: 171, TAG_ON: 172, STYLE_START: 173, STYLE_END: 174, "T.": 175, "T:": 176, "T@": 177, "@": 178, TAG_LITERAL: 179, UNARY: 180, "#": 181, TAG_WS: 182, "=": 183, TagAttrValue: 184, TagFlag: 185, "%": 186, TagPartIdentifier: 187, VALUE_START: 188, VALUE_END: 189, TagBodyList: 190, TagBodyItem: 191, SEPARATOR: 192, "...": 193, Splat: 194, LOGIC: 195, TagHandler: 196, TagDeclarationBlock: 197, TAG: 198, TagType: 199, TagId: 200, Assignable: 201, AssignObj: 202, ObjAssignable: 203, SimpleObjAssignable: 204, "[": 205, "]": 206, HERECOMMENT: 207, COMMENT: 208, Method: 209, Do: 210, Begin: 211, BEGIN: 212, DO: 213, BLOCK_PARAM_START: 214, ParamList: 215, BLOCK_PARAM_END: 216, STATIC: 217, DEF: 218, MethodScope: 219, MethodScopeType: 220, MethodIdentifier: 221, MethodParams: 222, MethodBody: 223, DEF_BODY: 224, DEF_EMPTY: 225, This: 226, OptSemicolon: 227, ";": 228, Param: 229, ParamExpression: 230, ParamValue: 231, Object: 232, Array: 233, ParamVar: 234, BLOCK_ARG: 235, SPLAT: 236, VarKeyword: 237, VAR: 238, LET: 239, CONST: 240, VarAssignable: 241, SimpleAssignable: 242, ENV_FLAG: 243, Access: 244, SoakableOp: 245, INDEX_START: 246, IndexValue: 247, INDEX_END: 248, "?.": 249, Super: 250, SUPER: 251, AWAIT: 252, Range: 253, ARGUMENTS: 254, Invocation: 255, BANG: 256, AssignList: 257, ExpressionList: 258, ClassStart: 259, CLASS: 260, ClassName: 261, ClassBodyBlock: 262, ClassBodyLine: 263, ClassDeclLine: 264, ClassFieldDeclaration: 265, DECLARE: 266, ClassField: 267, ClassFieldOp: 268, WatchBody: 269, ClassFieldDecoration: 270, COMPOUND_ASSIGN: 271, ClassFieldIdentifier: 272, PROP: 273, ATTR: 274, ClassFieldBody: 275, WATCH: 276, OptFuncExist: 277, FUNC_EXIST: 278, THIS: 279, SELF: 280, RangeDots: 281, "..": 282, Arg: 283, DO_PLACEHOLDER: 284, SimpleArgs: 285, TRY: 286, Catch: 287, Finally: 288, FINALLY: 289, CATCH: 290, CATCH_VAR: 291, THROW: 292, WhileSource: 293, WHILE: 294, WHEN: 295, UNTIL: 296, Loop: 297, LOOP: 298, ForBody: 299, ELSE: 300, ForKeyword: 301, FOR: 302, POST_FOR: 303, ForStart: 304, ForSource: 305, ForVariables: 306, OWN: 307, ForValue: 308, FORIN: 309, FOROF: 310, BY: 311, SWITCH: 312, Whens: 313, When: 314, LEADING_WHEN: 315, IfBlock: 316, IF: 317, ELIF: 318, POST_IF: 319, "?": 320, NEW: 321, SQRT: 322, "---": 323, "+++": 324, "--": 325, "++": 326, EXP: 327, SHIFT: 328, NOT: 329, RELATION: 330, $accept: 0, $end: 1}, terminals_: {2: "error", 6: "TERMINATOR", 7: "BODYSTART", 11: "TYPE", 12: "EMPTY_BLOCK", 13: "INDENT", 14: "OUTDENT", 25: "STATEMENT", 26: "BREAK", 27: "CALL_START", 28: "CALL_END", 29: "CONTINUE", 30: "DEBUGGER", 32: "EXTEND", 35: "EXPORT", 36: "{", 38: "}", 39: "FROM", 41: "EXPORT_ALL", 42: "AS", 44: "DEFAULT", 51: "IMPORT", 53: "TYPEIMPORT", 55: "IMPORT_COMMA", 57: "STRING", 58: "IMPORT_ALL", 60: ",", 65: "REQUIRE", 83: "IDENTIFIER", 85: "SYMBOLID", 86: "DECORATOR", 87: "MIXIN", 89: "KEY", 91: "ARGVAR", 93: "SYMBOL", 95: "(", 96: ")", 98: ".", 100: "NUMBER", 101: "UNIT", 103: "STRING_START", 104: "NEOSTRING", 106: "STRING_END", 107: "{{", 108: "}}", 109: "JS", 110: "REGEX", 111: "BOOL", 112: "TRUE", 113: "FALSE", 114: "NULL", 115: "UNDEFINED", 116: "RETURN", 119: "SELECTOR_START", 120: "SELECTOR_PART", 121: "SELECTOR_END", 122: "TAG_START", 124: "TAG_END", 128: "TAG_TYPE", 131: "CSS", 132: "CSS_SEL", 134: "CSS_END", 135: "GLOBAL", 136: "LOCAL", 142: ":", 144: "CSSPROP", 146: "MATH", 147: "+", 148: "-", 151: "/", 157: "CSSUNIT", 158: "CSSVAR", 159: "DIMENSION", 160: "COLOR", 161: "PERCENTAGE", 162: "CSSURL", 163: "CSSFUNCTION", 164: "CSSIDENTIFIER", 165: "COMPARE", 166: "TAG_REF", 167: "TAG_ID", 168: "TAG_SYMBOL_ID", 169: "SYMBOL_ID", 170: "TAG_FLAG", 171: "TAG_ATTR", 172: "TAG_ON", 173: "STYLE_START", 174: "STYLE_END", 175: "T.", 176: "T:", 177: "T@", 178: "@", 179: "TAG_LITERAL", 180: "UNARY", 181: "#", 182: "TAG_WS", 183: "=", 186: "%", 187: "TagPartIdentifier", 188: "VALUE_START", 189: "VALUE_END", 192: "SEPARATOR", 193: "...", 195: "LOGIC", 198: "TAG", 205: "[", 206: "]", 207: "HERECOMMENT", 208: "COMMENT", 212: "BEGIN", 213: "DO", 214: "BLOCK_PARAM_START", 216: "BLOCK_PARAM_END", 217: "STATIC", 218: "DEF", 224: "DEF_BODY", 225: "DEF_EMPTY", 228: ";", 235: "BLOCK_ARG", 236: "SPLAT", 238: "VAR", 239: "LET", 240: "CONST", 243: "ENV_FLAG", 246: "INDEX_START", 248: "INDEX_END", 249: "?.", 251: "SUPER", 252: "AWAIT", 254: "ARGUMENTS", 256: "BANG", 260: "CLASS", 266: "DECLARE", 271: "COMPOUND_ASSIGN", 273: "PROP", 274: "ATTR", 276: "WATCH", 278: "FUNC_EXIST", 279: "THIS", 280: "SELF", 282: "..", 284: "DO_PLACEHOLDER", 286: "TRY", 289: "FINALLY", 290: "CATCH", 291: "CATCH_VAR", 292: "THROW", 294: "WHILE", 295: "WHEN", 296: "UNTIL", 298: "LOOP", 300: "ELSE", 302: "FOR", 303: "POST_FOR", 307: "OWN", 309: "FORIN", 310: "FOROF", 311: "BY", 312: "SWITCH", 315: "LEADING_WHEN", 317: "IF", 318: "ELIF", 319: "POST_IF", 320: "?", 321: "NEW", 322: "SQRT", 323: "---", 324: "+++", 325: "--", 326: "++", 327: "EXP", 328: "SHIFT", 329: "NOT", 330: "RELATION"}, productions_: [0, [3, 0], [3, 1], [3, 2], [4, 1], [4, 1], [4, 3], [4, 2], [9, 1], [10, 1], [5, 1], [5, 2], [5, 3], [5, 4], [8, 1], [8, 1], [8, 1], [8, 1], [8, 1], [8, 1], [8, 1], [8, 1], [19, 1], [19, 1], [19, 1], [19, 1], [19, 4], [19, 1], [19, 4], [19, 1], [31, 3], [22, 4], [22, 6], [22, 4], [22, 6], [22, 2], [22, 3], [43, 1], [43, 1], [43, 1], [43, 1], [43, 1], [45, 1], [50, 1], [50, 1], [52, 1], [21, 2], [21, 4], [21, 5], [21, 4], [21, 5], [21, 6], [21, 7], [21, 6], [21, 8], [56, 1], [54, 3], [37, 1], [37, 3], [37, 4], [37, 4], [37, 5], [37, 6], [59, 1], [59, 1], [59, 1], [59, 3], [59, 1], [59, 3], [64, 2], [66, 1], [66, 1], [66, 0], [16, 1], [16, 1], [16, 1], [16, 1], [16, 1], [16, 1], [16, 1], [16, 1], [16, 1], [16, 1], [16, 1], [16, 1], [16, 1], [16, 1], [16, 1], [81, 1], [81, 3], [33, 1], [84, 1], [62, 1], [63, 1], [88, 1], [90, 1], [92, 1], [94, 1], [94, 3], [94, 4], [94, 3], [20, 1], [20, 2], [99, 2], [99, 1], [99, 1], [99, 1], [99, 1], [40, 1], [102, 1], [102, 2], [102, 2], [102, 2], [105, 2], [105, 3], [67, 1], [67, 1], [67, 1], [67, 1], [67, 1], [67, 1], [67, 1], [67, 1], [23, 2], [23, 2], [23, 1], [118, 1], [118, 2], [118, 4], [118, 2], [80, 3], [80, 4], [126, 1], [126, 1], [126, 1], [126, 1], [126, 0], [130, 4], [15, 1], [15, 2], [15, 2], [137, 3], [137, 3], [138, 0], [138, 1], [133, 1], [133, 2], [133, 3], [133, 3], [139, 1], [139, 3], [140, 3], [141, 1], [145, 1], [145, 1], [145, 1], [143, 1], [143, 3], [149, 1], [149, 2], [149, 3], [150, 1], [150, 1], [153, 3], [153, 3], [154, 1], [154, 3], [155, 1], [155, 2], [155, 2], [155, 3], [156, 3], [156, 2], [152, 3], [152, 1], [152, 1], [152, 1], [152, 1], [152, 1], [152, 1], [152, 1], [152, 1], [152, 4], [152, 1], [152, 2], [123, 2], [123, 1], [123, 2], [123, 2], [123, 2], [123, 2], [123, 2], [123, 2], [123, 3], [123, 4], [123, 5], [123, 2], [123, 3], [123, 3], [123, 4], [123, 4], [123, 3], [123, 3], [123, 3], [123, 3], [123, 4], [123, 3], [123, 4], [123, 2], [123, 2], [123, 2], [123, 3], [129, 1], [129, 3], [129, 2], [129, 4], [185, 1], [185, 2], [184, 3], [125, 2], [125, 3], [125, 3], [125, 1], [190, 1], [190, 3], [190, 4], [190, 6], [190, 4], [190, 6], [191, 1], [191, 2], [191, 1], [191, 1], [191, 1], [191, 1], [191, 1], [196, 1], [196, 3], [196, 4], [48, 1], [48, 2], [48, 2], [48, 2], [197, 2], [197, 3], [197, 4], [197, 5], [199, 1], [200, 2], [73, 1], [73, 3], [73, 5], [202, 2], [202, 1], [202, 1], [202, 3], [202, 5], [202, 3], [202, 5], [202, 1], [204, 1], [204, 2], [204, 1], [204, 1], [203, 1], [203, 3], [203, 3], [203, 1], [18, 1], [18, 1], [71, 1], [71, 1], [71, 1], [211, 2], [210, 2], [210, 5], [209, 1], [209, 2], [209, 2], [46, 6], [46, 4], [222, 1], [222, 3], [220, 1], [220, 1], [221, 1], [221, 1], [221, 1], [221, 3], [221, 2], [223, 2], [223, 3], [223, 1], [219, 1], [219, 1], [219, 1], [61, 0], [61, 1], [227, 0], [227, 1], [215, 0], [215, 1], [215, 3], [230, 1], [230, 1], [230, 1], [230, 1], [230, 1], [230, 1], [231, 1], [229, 1], [229, 1], [229, 1], [229, 2], [229, 2], [229, 3], [229, 3], [229, 3], [229, 1], [234, 1], [234, 2], [194, 2], [237, 1], [237, 1], [237, 1], [241, 1], [241, 2], [241, 1], [241, 1], [17, 2], [49, 3], [49, 5], [242, 1], [242, 1], [242, 1], [242, 1], [242, 1], [242, 1], [242, 2], [244, 3], [244, 3], [244, 4], [244, 5], [245, 1], [245, 1], [250, 1], [201, 1], [201, 1], [201, 1], [69, 2], [70, 1], [70, 1], [70, 1], [70, 1], [70, 1], [70, 1], [70, 1], [70, 1], [70, 1], [70, 1], [70, 1], [70, 2], [247, 1], [232, 4], [257, 0], [257, 1], [257, 3], [257, 4], [257, 6], [258, 1], [258, 3], [258, 4], [258, 4], [258, 6], [47, 1], [47, 2], [47, 2], [47, 2], [259, 3], [259, 2], [259, 2], [259, 4], [259, 5], [259, 4], [261, 1], [261, 1], [261, 3], [261, 3], [34, 2], [34, 3], [34, 4], [262, 1], [262, 3], [262, 2], [263, 1], [263, 1], [263, 2], [263, 1], [263, 1], [263, 1], [264, 2], [264, 3], [264, 2], [264, 2], [264, 1], [264, 1], [265, 3], [265, 1], [265, 3], [265, 3], [270, 3], [269, 1], [269, 1], [268, 1], [268, 1], [267, 1], [267, 2], [267, 2], [267, 2], [272, 1], [272, 1], [275, 3], [255, 3], [255, 2], [277, 0], [277, 1], [117, 2], [117, 4], [226, 1], [127, 1], [233, 2], [233, 4], [233, 2], [281, 1], [281, 1], [253, 5], [97, 1], [97, 3], [97, 4], [97, 6], [97, 4], [97, 6], [82, 2], [82, 1], [283, 1], [283, 2], [283, 1], [283, 1], [283, 1], [285, 1], [285, 3], [76, 2], [76, 3], [76, 3], [76, 4], [288, 2], [287, 3], [287, 2], [24, 2], [68, 3], [68, 4], [68, 2], [293, 2], [293, 4], [293, 2], [293, 4], [77, 2], [77, 2], [77, 2], [77, 1], [297, 2], [297, 2], [78, 2], [78, 2], [78, 2], [78, 4], [301, 1], [301, 1], [299, 2], [299, 2], [304, 2], [304, 3], [308, 1], [308, 2], [308, 1], [308, 1], [306, 1], [306, 3], [306, 5], [305, 2], [305, 2], [305, 4], [305, 4], [305, 4], [305, 6], [305, 6], [79, 5], [79, 7], [79, 4], [79, 6], [313, 1], [313, 2], [314, 3], [314, 4], [316, 3], [316, 5], [316, 4], [316, 3], [74, 1], [74, 3], [74, 3], [75, 5], [72, 2], [72, 2], [72, 2], [72, 2], [72, 2], [72, 2], [72, 2], [72, 2], [72, 2], [72, 2], [72, 2], [72, 3], [72, 3], [72, 3], [72, 3], [72, 3], [72, 3], [72, 3], [72, 4], [72, 3], [72, 3], [72, 5]], performAction: function(x, Li, I, ir, h) {
1980 var u = h.length - 1;
1981 switch (ir) {
1982 case 1:
1983 return x.$ = new I.Root([]);
1984 case 2:
1985 return x.$ = new I.Root(h[u]);
1986 case 3:
1987 return x.$ = h[u - 1];
1988 case 4:
1989 case 10:
1990 x.$ = new I.Block([]);
1991 break;
1992 case 5:
1993 x.$ = new I.Block([]).add(h[u]);
1994 break;
1995 case 6:
1996 case 392:
1997 x.$ = h[u - 2].break(h[u - 1]).add(h[u]);
1998 break;
1999 case 7:
2000 case 393:
2001 x.$ = h[u - 1].break(h[u]);
2002 break;
2003 case 8:
2004 x.$ = new I.Terminator(h[u]);
2005 break;
2006 case 9:
2007 x.$ = new I.TypeAnnotation(h[u]);
2008 break;
2009 case 11:
2010 x.$ = new I.Block([]).indented(h[u - 1], h[u]);
2011 break;
2012 case 12:
2013 case 89:
2014 case 142:
2015 case 148:
2016 case 220:
2017 case 389:
2018 x.$ = h[u - 1].indented(h[u - 2], h[u]);
2019 break;
2020 case 13:
2021 case 390:
2022 x.$ = h[u - 1].prebreak(h[u - 2]).indented(h[u - 3], h[u]);
2023 break;
2024 case 14:
2025 case 15:
2026 case 17:
2027 case 18:
2028 case 19:
2029 case 20:
2030 case 21:
2031 case 22:
2032 case 23:
2033 case 37:
2034 case 38:
2035 case 39:
2036 case 40:
2037 case 41:
2038 case 42:
2039 case 43:
2040 case 44:
2041 case 55:
2042 case 70:
2043 case 71:
2044 case 72:
2045 case 73:
2046 case 74:
2047 case 75:
2048 case 76:
2049 case 77:
2050 case 78:
2051 case 79:
2052 case 80:
2053 case 81:
2054 case 82:
2055 case 83:
2056 case 84:
2057 case 85:
2058 case 86:
2059 case 87:
2060 case 88:
2061 case 106:
2062 case 107:
2063 case 115:
2064 case 132:
2065 case 144:
2066 case 149:
2067 case 153:
2068 case 154:
2069 case 155:
2070 case 161:
2071 case 162:
2072 case 179:
2073 case 180:
2074 case 229:
2075 case 231:
2076 case 232:
2077 case 233:
2078 case 234:
2079 case 239:
2080 case 249:
2081 case 259:
2082 case 260:
2083 case 262:
2084 case 263:
2085 case 264:
2086 case 267:
2087 case 270:
2088 case 271:
2089 case 272:
2090 case 276:
2091 case 281:
2092 case 285:
2093 case 286:
2094 case 287:
2095 case 290:
2096 case 291:
2097 case 293:
2098 case 294:
2099 case 295:
2100 case 296:
2101 case 297:
2102 case 298:
2103 case 299:
2104 case 303:
2105 case 304:
2106 case 305:
2107 case 306:
2108 case 307:
2109 case 308:
2110 case 309:
2111 case 312:
2112 case 322:
2113 case 323:
2114 case 324:
2115 case 325:
2116 case 327:
2117 case 328:
2118 case 333:
2119 case 334:
2120 case 337:
2121 case 346:
2122 case 347:
2123 case 348:
2124 case 350:
2125 case 351:
2126 case 352:
2127 case 353:
2128 case 354:
2129 case 356:
2130 case 357:
2131 case 358:
2132 case 359:
2133 case 360:
2134 case 374:
2135 case 394:
2136 case 395:
2137 case 397:
2138 case 398:
2139 case 399:
2140 case 404:
2141 case 405:
2142 case 407:
2143 case 411:
2144 case 412:
2145 case 419:
2146 case 420:
2147 case 443:
2148 case 444:
2149 case 446:
2150 case 448:
2151 case 449:
2152 case 469:
2153 case 476:
2154 case 477:
2155 case 482:
2156 case 484:
2157 case 485:
2158 case 500:
2159 case 508:
2160 x.$ = h[u];
2161 break;
2162 case 16:
2163 x.$ = h[u].option("block", true);
2164 break;
2165 case 24:
2166 case 116:
2167 x.$ = new I.Literal(h[u]);
2168 break;
2169 case 25:
2170 x.$ = new I.BreakStatement(h[u]);
2171 break;
2172 case 26:
2173 x.$ = new I.BreakStatement(h[u - 3], h[u - 1]);
2174 break;
2175 case 27:
2176 x.$ = new I.ContinueStatement(h[u]);
2177 break;
2178 case 28:
2179 x.$ = new I.ContinueStatement(h[u - 3], h[u - 1]);
2180 break;
2181 case 29:
2182 x.$ = new I.DebuggerStatement(h[u]);
2183 break;
2184 case 30:
2185 x.$ = new I.ExtendDeclaration(h[u - 1], null, h[u]).set({instanceOnly: true, extension: h[u - 2]});
2186 break;
2187 case 31:
2188 x.$ = new I.ExportNamedDeclaration(h[u - 3], [h[u - 1]]);
2189 break;
2190 case 32:
2191 x.$ = new I.ExportNamedDeclaration(h[u - 5], [h[u - 3]], h[u]);
2192 break;
2193 case 33:
2194 x.$ = new I.ExportAllDeclaration(h[u - 3], [new I.ExportAllSpecifier(h[u - 2])], h[u]);
2195 break;
2196 case 34:
2197 x.$ = new I.ExportAllDeclaration(h[u - 5], [new I.ExportAllSpecifier(h[u - 4], h[u - 2])], h[u]);
2198 break;
2199 case 35:
2200 x.$ = new I.Export(h[u]).set({keyword: h[u - 1]});
2201 break;
2202 case 36:
2203 x.$ = new I.Export(h[u]).set({keyword: h[u - 2], default: h[u - 1]});
2204 break;
2205 case 45:
2206 x.$ = new I.ImportDefaultSpecifier(h[u]);
2207 break;
2208 case 46:
2209 x.$ = new I.ImportDeclaration(h[u - 1], null, h[u]);
2210 break;
2211 case 47:
2212 case 49:
2213 x.$ = new I.ImportDeclaration(h[u - 3], [h[u - 2]], h[u]);
2214 break;
2215 case 48:
2216 x.$ = new I.ImportTypeDeclaration(h[u - 4], [h[u - 2]], h[u]);
2217 break;
2218 case 50:
2219 x.$ = new I.ImportDeclaration(h[u - 4], null, h[u]);
2220 break;
2221 case 51:
2222 x.$ = new I.ImportDeclaration(h[u - 5], [h[u - 3]], h[u]);
2223 break;
2224 case 52:
2225 x.$ = new I.ImportTypeDeclaration(h[u - 6], [h[u - 3]], h[u]);
2226 break;
2227 case 53:
2228 x.$ = new I.ImportDeclaration(h[u - 5], [h[u - 4], h[u - 2]], h[u]);
2229 break;
2230 case 54:
2231 x.$ = new I.ImportDeclaration(h[u - 7], [h[u - 6], h[u - 3]], h[u]);
2232 break;
2233 case 56:
2234 x.$ = new I.ImportNamespaceSpecifier(new I.Literal(h[u - 2]), h[u]);
2235 break;
2236 case 57:
2237 x.$ = new I.ESMSpecifierList([]).add(h[u]);
2238 break;
2239 case 58:
2240 case 100:
2241 case 147:
2242 case 157:
2243 case 166:
2244 case 224:
2245 case 237:
2246 case 366:
2247 case 370:
2248 case 437:
2249 x.$ = h[u - 2].add(h[u]);
2250 break;
2251 case 59:
2252 x.$ = h[u - 3].add(h[u]);
2253 break;
2254 case 60:
2255 case 193:
2256 x.$ = h[u - 2];
2257 break;
2258 case 61:
2259 x.$ = h[u - 3];
2260 break;
2261 case 62:
2262 case 228:
2263 case 373:
2264 case 441:
2265 x.$ = h[u - 5].concat(h[u - 2]);
2266 break;
2267 case 63:
2268 case 64:
2269 case 65:
2270 x.$ = new I.ImportSpecifier(h[u]);
2271 break;
2272 case 66:
2273 x.$ = new I.ImportSpecifier(h[u - 2], h[u]);
2274 break;
2275 case 67:
2276 x.$ = new I.ImportSpecifier(new I.Literal(h[u]));
2277 break;
2278 case 68:
2279 x.$ = new I.ImportSpecifier(new I.Literal(h[u - 2]), h[u]);
2280 break;
2281 case 69:
2282 x.$ = new I.Require(h[u]).set({keyword: h[u - 1]});
2283 break;
2284 case 90:
2285 case 94:
2286 x.$ = new I.Identifier(h[u]);
2287 break;
2288 case 91:
2289 x.$ = new I.SymbolIdentifier(h[u]);
2290 break;
2291 case 92:
2292 x.$ = new I.DecoratorIdentifier(h[u]);
2293 break;
2294 case 93:
2295 x.$ = new I.MixinIdentifier(h[u]);
2296 break;
2297 case 95:
2298 x.$ = new I.Argvar(h[u]);
2299 break;
2300 case 96:
2301 x.$ = new I.Symbol(h[u]);
2302 break;
2303 case 97:
2304 x.$ = new I.Decorator(h[u]);
2305 break;
2306 case 98:
2307 x.$ = new I.Decorator(h[u - 2]);
2308 break;
2309 case 99:
2310 x.$ = new I.Decorator(h[u - 3]).set({params: h[u - 1]});
2311 break;
2312 case 101:
2313 case 301:
2314 case 486:
2315 x.$ = [h[u]];
2316 break;
2317 case 102:
2318 case 501:
2319 x.$ = h[u - 1].concat(h[u]);
2320 break;
2321 case 103:
2322 x.$ = new I.NumWithUnit(h[u - 1], h[u]);
2323 break;
2324 case 104:
2325 x.$ = new I.Num(h[u]);
2326 break;
2327 case 105:
2328 case 108:
2329 x.$ = new I.Str(h[u]);
2330 break;
2331 case 109:
2332 x.$ = new I.InterpolatedString([], {open: h[u]});
2333 break;
2334 case 110:
2335 case 127:
2336 case 146:
2337 case 159:
2338 case 168:
2339 case 169:
2340 case 214:
2341 case 217:
2342 x.$ = h[u - 1].add(h[u]);
2343 break;
2344 case 111:
2345 x.$ = h[u] ? h[u - 1].add(h[u]) : h[u - 1];
2346 break;
2347 case 112:
2348 case 129:
2349 x.$ = h[u - 1].option("close", h[u]);
2350 break;
2351 case 113:
2352 x.$ = null;
2353 break;
2354 case 114:
2355 case 209:
2356 case 210:
2357 case 218:
2358 case 221:
2359 case 282:
2360 case 442:
2361 x.$ = h[u - 1];
2362 break;
2363 case 117:
2364 x.$ = new I.RegExp(h[u]);
2365 break;
2366 case 118:
2367 x.$ = new I.Bool(h[u]);
2368 break;
2369 case 119:
2370 x.$ = new I.True(h[u]);
2371 break;
2372 case 120:
2373 x.$ = new I.False(h[u]);
2374 break;
2375 case 121:
2376 x.$ = new I.Nil(h[u]);
2377 break;
2378 case 122:
2379 x.$ = new I.Undefined(h[u]);
2380 break;
2381 case 123:
2382 case 124:
2383 x.$ = new I.Return(h[u]).set({keyword: h[u - 1]});
2384 break;
2385 case 125:
2386 x.$ = new I.Return().set({keyword: h[u]});
2387 break;
2388 case 126:
2389 x.$ = new I.Selector([], {type: h[u], open: h[u]});
2390 break;
2391 case 128:
2392 case 215:
2393 x.$ = h[u - 3].add(h[u - 1]);
2394 break;
2395 case 130:
2396 x.$ = h[u - 1].set({open: h[u - 2], close: h[u]});
2397 break;
2398 case 131:
2399 x.$ = h[u - 2].set({body: h[u], open: h[u - 3], close: h[u - 1]});
2400 break;
2401 case 133:
2402 case 134:
2403 case 247:
2404 x.$ = new I.TagTypeIdentifier(h[u]);
2405 break;
2406 case 135:
2407 x.$ = new I.ExpressionNode(h[u]);
2408 break;
2409 case 136:
2410 x.$ = new I.TagTypeIdentifier("div");
2411 break;
2412 case 137:
2413 case 150:
2414 x.$ = new I.StyleRuleSet(h[u - 2], h[u - 1]);
2415 break;
2416 case 138:
2417 x.$ = h[u].set({toplevel: true});
2418 break;
2419 case 139:
2420 case 242:
2421 case 277:
2422 case 377:
2423 x.$ = h[u].set({global: h[u - 1]});
2424 break;
2425 case 140:
2426 case 376:
2427 x.$ = h[u].set({local: h[u - 1]});
2428 break;
2429 case 141:
2430 x.$ = new I.StyleBody([]).indented(h[u - 2], h[u]);
2431 break;
2432 case 143:
2433 x.$ = new I.StyleBody([]);
2434 break;
2435 case 145:
2436 x.$ = new I.StyleBody([h[u]]);
2437 break;
2438 case 151:
2439 x.$ = new I.StyleDeclaration(h[u - 2], h[u].set({parens: false}));
2440 break;
2441 case 152:
2442 x.$ = new I.StyleProperty([h[u]]);
2443 break;
2444 case 156:
2445 case 165:
2446 x.$ = new I.StyleExpressions([h[u]]);
2447 break;
2448 case 158:
2449 case 167:
2450 x.$ = new I.StyleExpression().add(h[u]);
2451 break;
2452 case 160:
2453 case 170:
2454 x.$ = h[u - 2].addParam(h[u], h[u - 1]);
2455 break;
2456 case 163:
2457 x.$ = new I.StyleCalc([h[u - 2], h[u - 1], h[u]]);
2458 break;
2459 case 164:
2460 x.$ = h[u - 2].add([h[u - 1], h[u]]);
2461 break;
2462 case 171:
2463 x.$ = new I.StyleInterpolationExpression(h[u - 1]).setEnds(h[u - 2], h[u]);
2464 break;
2465 case 172:
2466 x.$ = h[u - 1].set({unit: h[u]});
2467 break;
2468 case 173:
2469 x.$ = h[u - 1].set({parens: true}).setEnds(h[u - 2], h[u]);
2470 break;
2471 case 174:
2472 x.$ = new I.StyleVar(h[u]);
2473 break;
2474 case 175:
2475 case 177:
2476 x.$ = new I.StyleDimension(h[u]);
2477 break;
2478 case 176:
2479 x.$ = new I.StyleColor(h[u]);
2480 break;
2481 case 178:
2482 x.$ = new I.StyleNumber(h[u]);
2483 break;
2484 case 181:
2485 x.$ = new I.StyleURL(h[u]);
2486 break;
2487 case 182:
2488 x.$ = new I.StyleFunction(h[u - 3], h[u - 1]);
2489 break;
2490 case 183:
2491 x.$ = new I.StyleIdentifier(h[u]);
2492 break;
2493 case 184:
2494 x.$ = h[u].set({op: h[u - 1]});
2495 break;
2496 case 185:
2497 x.$ = new I.Tag({type: h[u - 1], reference: h[u]});
2498 break;
2499 case 186:
2500 x.$ = new I.Tag({type: h[u]});
2501 break;
2502 case 187:
2503 x.$ = h[u - 1].addPart(h[u], I.TagId);
2504 break;
2505 case 188:
2506 case 189:
2507 x.$ = h[u - 1].addPart(new I.IdentifierExpression(h[u].cloneSlice(1)), I.TagId);
2508 break;
2509 case 190:
2510 x.$ = h[u - 1].addPart(h[u], I.TagFlag);
2511 break;
2512 case 191:
2513 x.$ = h[u - 1].addPart(h[u], I.TagAttr);
2514 break;
2515 case 192:
2516 x.$ = h[u - 1].addPart(h[u], I.TagHandler);
2517 break;
2518 case 194:
2519 x.$ = h[u - 3].addPart(new I.StyleRuleSet(null, h[u - 1]), I.TagFlag);
2520 break;
2521 case 195:
2522 x.$ = h[u - 4].addPart(new I.StyleRuleSet(null, h[u - 1]), I.TagFlag);
2523 break;
2524 case 196:
2525 x.$ = h[u - 1].addPart(new I.MixinIdentifier(h[u]), I.TagFlag);
2526 break;
2527 case 197:
2528 case 198:
2529 x.$ = h[u - 2].addPart(h[u], I.TagHandler);
2530 break;
2531 case 199:
2532 x.$ = h[u - 3].addPart(h[u].prepend("_"), I.TagFlag);
2533 break;
2534 case 200:
2535 x.$ = h[u - 3].addPart(h[u].prepend("!"), I.TagFlag);
2536 break;
2537 case 201:
2538 x.$ = h[u - 2].addPart(h[u], I.TagFlag);
2539 break;
2540 case 202:
2541 x.$ = h[u - 2].addPart(h[u], I.TagId);
2542 break;
2543 case 203:
2544 x.$ = h[u - 2].addPart(h[u - 1], I.TagSep).addPart(h[u], I.TagAttr);
2545 break;
2546 case 204:
2547 x.$ = h[u - 2].addPart(new I.ArgList([]), I.TagArgList);
2548 break;
2549 case 205:
2550 case 207:
2551 x.$ = h[u - 3].addPart(h[u - 1], I.TagArgList);
2552 break;
2553 case 206:
2554 x.$ = h[u - 2].addPart(null, I.TagArgList);
2555 break;
2556 case 208:
2557 x.$ = h[u - 1].addPart(h[u], I.TagSep);
2558 break;
2559 case 211:
2560 x.$ = h[u - 2].addPart(h[u], I.TagAttrValue, h[u - 1]);
2561 break;
2562 case 212:
2563 x.$ = new I.IdentifierExpression(h[u]);
2564 break;
2565 case 213:
2566 case 265:
2567 case 266:
2568 x.$ = new I.IdentifierExpression(h[u - 1]);
2569 break;
2570 case 216:
2571 x.$ = new I.TagFlag();
2572 break;
2573 case 219:
2574 x.$ = new I.TagBody([]).indented(h[u - 1], h[u]);
2575 break;
2576 case 222:
2577 x.$ = new I.TagBody([h[u]]);
2578 break;
2579 case 223:
2580 x.$ = new I.TagBody([]).add(h[u]);
2581 break;
2582 case 225:
2583 case 367:
2584 case 371:
2585 case 438:
2586 x.$ = h[u - 3].add(h[u - 1]).add(h[u]);
2587 break;
2588 case 226:
2589 case 439:
2590 x.$ = h[u - 5].add(h[u - 1]).add(h[u]);
2591 break;
2592 case 227:
2593 case 372:
2594 case 440:
2595 x.$ = h[u - 2].indented(h[u - 3], h[u]);
2596 break;
2597 case 230:
2598 case 445:
2599 x.$ = new I.Splat(h[u]).set({keyword: h[u - 1]});
2600 break;
2601 case 235:
2602 x.$ = h[u].set({inTagTree: true});
2603 break;
2604 case 236:
2605 x.$ = new I.TagHandler(new I.IdentifierExpression(h[u].cloneSlice(1, "TAG_LITERAL")));
2606 break;
2607 case 238:
2608 x.$ = h[u - 3].add(h[u - 1], h[u - 2].generated ? I.TagHandlerCallback : I.TagArgList, h[u - 2], h[u]);
2609 break;
2610 case 240:
2611 x.$ = h[u].set({extension: true});
2612 break;
2613 case 241:
2614 x.$ = h[u].set({local: true});
2615 break;
2616 case 243:
2617 x.$ = new I.TagDeclaration(h[u]).set({keyword: h[u - 1]});
2618 break;
2619 case 244:
2620 x.$ = new I.TagDeclaration(h[u - 1], null, h[u]).set({keyword: h[u - 2]});
2621 break;
2622 case 245:
2623 x.$ = new I.TagDeclaration(h[u - 2], h[u]).set({keyword: h[u - 3]});
2624 break;
2625 case 246:
2626 x.$ = new I.TagDeclaration(h[u - 3], h[u - 1], h[u]).set({keyword: h[u - 4]});
2627 break;
2628 case 248:
2629 x.$ = new I.TagIdRef(h[u]);
2630 break;
2631 case 250:
2632 case 330:
2633 x.$ = new I.Assign(h[u - 1], h[u - 2], h[u]);
2634 break;
2635 case 251:
2636 case 331:
2637 x.$ = new I.Assign(h[u - 3], h[u - 4], h[u - 1].indented(h[u - 2], h[u]));
2638 break;
2639 case 252:
2640 x.$ = new I.ObjRestAttr(h[u]).set({spread: h[u - 1]});
2641 break;
2642 case 253:
2643 x.$ = h[u].set({inObject: true});
2644 break;
2645 case 254:
2646 x.$ = new I.ObjAttr(h[u]);
2647 break;
2648 case 255:
2649 x.$ = new I.ObjAttr(h[u - 2], h[u]);
2650 break;
2651 case 256:
2652 x.$ = new I.ObjAttr(h[u - 4], h[u - 1].indented(h[u - 2], h[u]));
2653 break;
2654 case 257:
2655 x.$ = new I.ObjAttr(h[u - 2], null, h[u]);
2656 break;
2657 case 258:
2658 x.$ = new I.ObjAttr(h[u - 4], null, h[u - 1].indented(h[u - 2], h[u]));
2659 break;
2660 case 261:
2661 case 289:
2662 case 326:
2663 case 338:
2664 case 418:
2665 case 432:
2666 case 461:
2667 case 483:
2668 x.$ = h[u - 1].set({datatype: h[u]});
2669 break;
2670 case 268:
2671 x.$ = new I.Comment(h[u], true);
2672 break;
2673 case 269:
2674 x.$ = new I.Comment(h[u], false);
2675 break;
2676 case 273:
2677 x.$ = new I.Begin(h[u]);
2678 break;
2679 case 274:
2680 x.$ = new I.Lambda([], h[u], null, null, {bound: true, keyword: h[u - 1]});
2681 break;
2682 case 275:
2683 x.$ = new I.Lambda(h[u - 2], h[u], null, null, {bound: true, keyword: h[u - 4]});
2684 break;
2685 case 278:
2686 case 400:
2687 case 403:
2688 x.$ = h[u].set({static: h[u - 1]});
2689 break;
2690 case 279:
2691 x.$ = new I.MethodDeclaration(h[u - 1], h[u], h[u - 2], h[u - 4], h[u - 3]).set({def: h[u - 5], keyword: h[u - 5], datatype: h[u - 2].option("datatype")});
2692 break;
2693 case 280:
2694 x.$ = new I.MethodDeclaration(h[u - 1], h[u], h[u - 2], null).set({def: h[u - 3], keyword: h[u - 3], datatype: h[u - 2].option("datatype")});
2695 break;
2696 case 283:
2697 x.$ = {static: true};
2698 break;
2699 case 284:
2700 x.$ = {};
2701 break;
2702 case 288:
2703 x.$ = new I.InterpolatedIdentifier(h[u - 1]);
2704 break;
2705 case 292:
2706 x.$ = new I.Block([]).set({end: h[u]._loc});
2707 break;
2708 case 300:
2709 x.$ = [];
2710 break;
2711 case 302:
2712 x.$ = h[u - 2].concat(h[u]);
2713 break;
2714 case 310:
2715 case 311:
2716 case 319:
2717 x.$ = new I.Param(h[u]);
2718 break;
2719 case 313:
2720 x.$ = h[u].set({splat: h[u - 1]});
2721 break;
2722 case 314:
2723 x.$ = h[u].set({blk: h[u - 1]});
2724 break;
2725 case 315:
2726 x.$ = new I.Param(h[u - 2].value(), h[u]).set({datatype: h[u - 2].option("datatype")});
2727 break;
2728 case 316:
2729 case 317:
2730 x.$ = new I.Param(h[u - 2], h[u]);
2731 break;
2732 case 318:
2733 x.$ = new I.RestParam(h[u]);
2734 break;
2735 case 320:
2736 x.$ = new I.Param(h[u - 1]).set({datatype: h[u]});
2737 break;
2738 case 321:
2739 x.$ = I.SPLAT(h[u]);
2740 break;
2741 case 329:
2742 x.$ = new I.VarReference(h[u], h[u - 1]);
2743 break;
2744 case 332:
2745 x.$ = new I.EnvFlag(h[u]);
2746 break;
2747 case 335:
2748 case 384:
2749 x.$ = new I.VarOrAccess(h[u]);
2750 break;
2751 case 336:
2752 case 385:
2753 x.$ = new I.Access(".", null, h[u]);
2754 break;
2755 case 339:
2756 case 386:
2757 case 525:
2758 case 526:
2759 case 527:
2760 case 528:
2761 case 529:
2762 case 531:
2763 case 532:
2764 x.$ = I.OP(h[u - 1], h[u - 2], h[u]);
2765 break;
2766 case 340:
2767 case 387:
2768 x.$ = new I.IndexAccess(h[u - 1], h[u - 2], h[u]);
2769 break;
2770 case 341:
2771 x.$ = new I.IndexAccess(".", h[u - 3], h[u - 1]);
2772 break;
2773 case 342:
2774 x.$ = I.OP(h[u - 3], h[u - 4], h[u - 1]);
2775 break;
2776 case 345:
2777 x.$ = new I.Super(h[u]);
2778 break;
2779 case 349:
2780 x.$ = new I.Await(h[u]).set({keyword: h[u - 1]});
2781 break;
2782 case 355:
2783 x.$ = I.ARGUMENTS;
2784 break;
2785 case 361:
2786 x.$ = new I.BangCall(h[u - 1]).set({keyword: h[u]});
2787 break;
2788 case 362:
2789 x.$ = new I.Index(h[u]);
2790 break;
2791 case 363:
2792 x.$ = new I.Obj(h[u - 2], h[u - 3].generated).setEnds(h[u - 3], h[u]);
2793 break;
2794 case 364:
2795 x.$ = new I.AssignList([]);
2796 break;
2797 case 365:
2798 x.$ = new I.AssignList([h[u]]);
2799 break;
2800 case 368:
2801 x.$ = h[u - 5].concat(h[u - 2].indented(h[u - 3], h[u]));
2802 break;
2803 case 369:
2804 x.$ = new I.ExpressionList([]).add(h[u]);
2805 break;
2806 case 375:
2807 x.$ = h[u].set({extension: h[u - 1]});
2808 break;
2809 case 378:
2810 x.$ = new I.ClassDeclaration(h[u - 1], null, h[u]).set({keyword: h[u - 2]});
2811 break;
2812 case 379:
2813 x.$ = new I.ClassDeclaration(h[u], null, []).set({keyword: h[u - 1]});
2814 break;
2815 case 380:
2816 x.$ = new I.ClassDeclaration(null, null, h[u]).set({keyword: h[u - 1]});
2817 break;
2818 case 381:
2819 x.$ = new I.ClassDeclaration(h[u - 2], h[u], []).set({keyword: h[u - 3]});
2820 break;
2821 case 382:
2822 x.$ = new I.ClassDeclaration(h[u - 3], h[u - 1], h[u]).set({keyword: h[u - 4]});
2823 break;
2824 case 383:
2825 x.$ = new I.ClassDeclaration(null, h[u - 1], h[u]).set({keyword: h[u - 3]});
2826 break;
2827 case 388:
2828 x.$ = new I.ClassBody([]).indented(h[u - 1], h[u]);
2829 break;
2830 case 391:
2831 x.$ = new I.ClassBody([]).add(h[u]);
2832 break;
2833 case 396:
2834 x.$ = h[u - 1].concat([h[u]]);
2835 break;
2836 case 401:
2837 x.$ = h[u].set({static: h[u - 1], declareOnly: h[u - 2]});
2838 break;
2839 case 402:
2840 x.$ = h[u].set({declareOnly: h[u - 1]});
2841 break;
2842 case 406:
2843 x.$ = h[u - 2].set({value: h[u], op: h[u - 1]});
2844 break;
2845 case 408:
2846 case 409:
2847 case 410:
2848 x.$ = h[u - 2].set({watch: h[u]});
2849 break;
2850 case 415:
2851 x.$ = new I.ClassField(h[u]);
2852 break;
2853 case 416:
2854 x.$ = new I.ClassProperty(h[u]).set({keyword: h[u - 1]});
2855 break;
2856 case 417:
2857 x.$ = new I.ClassAttribute(h[u]).set({keyword: h[u - 1]});
2858 break;
2859 case 421:
2860 x.$ = [h[u - 2], h[u - 1]];
2861 break;
2862 case 422:
2863 x.$ = new I.Call(h[u - 2], h[u], h[u - 1]);
2864 break;
2865 case 423:
2866 x.$ = h[u - 1].addBlock(h[u]);
2867 break;
2868 case 424:
2869 x.$ = false;
2870 break;
2871 case 425:
2872 x.$ = true;
2873 break;
2874 case 426:
2875 x.$ = new I.ArgList([]).setEnds(h[u - 1], h[u]);
2876 break;
2877 case 427:
2878 x.$ = h[u - 2].setEnds(h[u - 3], h[u]);
2879 break;
2880 case 428:
2881 x.$ = new I.This(h[u]);
2882 break;
2883 case 429:
2884 x.$ = new I.Self(h[u]);
2885 break;
2886 case 430:
2887 x.$ = new I.Arr(new I.ArgList([])).setEnds(h[u - 1], h[u]);
2888 break;
2889 case 431:
2890 x.$ = new I.Arr(h[u - 2]).setEnds(h[u - 3], h[u - 2]);
2891 break;
2892 case 433:
2893 x.$ = "..";
2894 break;
2895 case 434:
2896 x.$ = "...";
2897 break;
2898 case 435:
2899 x.$ = I.OP(h[u - 2], h[u - 3], h[u - 1]);
2900 break;
2901 case 436:
2902 x.$ = new I.ArgList([h[u]]);
2903 break;
2904 case 447:
2905 x.$ = new I.DoPlaceholder(h[u]);
2906 break;
2907 case 450:
2908 x.$ = [].concat(h[u - 2], h[u]);
2909 break;
2910 case 451:
2911 x.$ = new I.Try(h[u]);
2912 break;
2913 case 452:
2914 x.$ = new I.Try(h[u - 1], h[u]);
2915 break;
2916 case 453:
2917 x.$ = new I.Try(h[u - 1], null, h[u]);
2918 break;
2919 case 454:
2920 x.$ = new I.Try(h[u - 2], h[u - 1], h[u]);
2921 break;
2922 case 455:
2923 x.$ = new I.Finally(h[u]);
2924 break;
2925 case 456:
2926 x.$ = new I.Catch(h[u], h[u - 1]);
2927 break;
2928 case 457:
2929 x.$ = new I.Catch(h[u], null);
2930 break;
2931 case 458:
2932 x.$ = new I.Throw(h[u]);
2933 break;
2934 case 459:
2935 x.$ = new I.Parens(h[u - 1], h[u - 2], h[u]);
2936 break;
2937 case 460:
2938 x.$ = new I.ExpressionWithUnit(new I.Parens(h[u - 2], h[u - 3], h[u - 1]), h[u]);
2939 break;
2940 case 462:
2941 x.$ = new I.While(h[u], {keyword: h[u - 1]});
2942 break;
2943 case 463:
2944 x.$ = new I.While(h[u - 2], {guard: h[u], keyword: h[u - 3]});
2945 break;
2946 case 464:
2947 x.$ = new I.While(h[u], {invert: true, keyword: h[u - 1]});
2948 break;
2949 case 465:
2950 x.$ = new I.While(h[u - 2], {invert: true, guard: h[u], keyword: h[u - 3]});
2951 break;
2952 case 466:
2953 case 474:
2954 x.$ = h[u - 1].addBody(h[u]);
2955 break;
2956 case 467:
2957 case 468:
2958 x.$ = h[u].addBody(I.Block.wrap([h[u - 1]]));
2959 break;
2960 case 470:
2961 x.$ = new I.While(new I.Literal("true", {keyword: h[u - 1]})).addBody(h[u]);
2962 break;
2963 case 471:
2964 x.$ = new I.While(new I.Literal("true", {keyword: h[u - 1]})).addBody(I.Block.wrap([h[u]]));
2965 break;
2966 case 472:
2967 case 473:
2968 x.$ = h[u].addBody([h[u - 1]]);
2969 break;
2970 case 475:
2971 x.$ = h[u - 3].addBody(h[u - 2]).addElse(h[u]);
2972 break;
2973 case 478:
2974 x.$ = {source: new I.ValueNode(h[u])};
2975 break;
2976 case 479:
2977 x.$ = h[u].configure({own: h[u - 1].own, name: h[u - 1][0], index: h[u - 1][1], keyword: h[u - 1].keyword, params: h[u - 1]});
2978 break;
2979 case 480:
2980 x.$ = (h[u].keyword = h[u - 1]) && h[u];
2981 break;
2982 case 481:
2983 x.$ = (h[u].own = true) && (h[u].keyword = h[u - 2]) && h[u];
2984 break;
2985 case 487:
2986 x.$ = [h[u - 2], h[u]];
2987 break;
2988 case 488:
2989 x.$ = [h[u - 4], h[u - 2], h[u]];
2990 break;
2991 case 489:
2992 x.$ = new I.ForIn({source: h[u]});
2993 break;
2994 case 490:
2995 x.$ = new I.ForOf({source: h[u], object: true});
2996 break;
2997 case 491:
2998 x.$ = new I.ForIn({source: h[u - 2], guard: h[u]});
2999 break;
3000 case 492:
3001 x.$ = new I.ForOf({source: h[u - 2], guard: h[u], object: true});
3002 break;
3003 case 493:
3004 x.$ = new I.ForIn({source: h[u - 2], step: h[u]});
3005 break;
3006 case 494:
3007 x.$ = new I.ForIn({source: h[u - 4], guard: h[u - 2], step: h[u]});
3008 break;
3009 case 495:
3010 x.$ = new I.ForIn({source: h[u - 4], step: h[u - 2], guard: h[u]});
3011 break;
3012 case 496:
3013 x.$ = new I.Switch(h[u - 3], h[u - 1]);
3014 break;
3015 case 497:
3016 x.$ = new I.Switch(h[u - 5], h[u - 3], h[u - 1]);
3017 break;
3018 case 498:
3019 x.$ = new I.Switch(null, h[u - 1]);
3020 break;
3021 case 499:
3022 x.$ = new I.Switch(null, h[u - 3], h[u - 1]);
3023 break;
3024 case 502:
3025 x.$ = [new I.SwitchCase(h[u - 1], h[u])];
3026 break;
3027 case 503:
3028 x.$ = [new I.SwitchCase(h[u - 2], h[u - 1])];
3029 break;
3030 case 504:
3031 x.$ = new I.If(h[u - 1], h[u], {type: h[u - 2]});
3032 break;
3033 case 505:
3034 x.$ = h[u - 4].addElse(new I.If(h[u - 1], h[u], {type: h[u - 2]}));
3035 break;
3036 case 506:
3037 x.$ = h[u - 3].addElse(new I.If(h[u - 1], h[u], {type: h[u - 2]}));
3038 break;
3039 case 507:
3040 x.$ = h[u - 2].addElse(h[u].set({keyword: h[u - 1]}));
3041 break;
3042 case 509:
3043 x.$ = new I.If(h[u], new I.Block([h[u - 2]]), {type: h[u - 1], statement: true});
3044 break;
3045 case 510:
3046 x.$ = new I.If(h[u], new I.Block([h[u - 2]]), {type: h[u - 1]});
3047 break;
3048 case 511:
3049 x.$ = I.If.ternary(h[u - 4], h[u - 2], h[u]);
3050 break;
3051 case 512:
3052 x.$ = I.Instantiation.for(h[u], h[u - 1]);
3053 break;
3054 case 513:
3055 case 514:
3056 case 515:
3057 case 516:
3058 case 517:
3059 case 518:
3060 x.$ = I.OP(h[u - 1], h[u]);
3061 break;
3062 case 519:
3063 case 520:
3064 x.$ = new I.UnaryOp(h[u - 1], null, h[u]);
3065 break;
3066 case 521:
3067 case 522:
3068 x.$ = new I.UnaryOp(h[u], h[u - 1], null, true);
3069 break;
3070 case 523:
3071 case 524:
3072 x.$ = new I.Op(h[u - 1], h[u - 2], h[u]);
3073 break;
3074 case 530:
3075 x.$ = I.OP(h[u - 1], h[u - 3], h[u]).invert(h[u - 2]);
3076 break;
3077 case 533:
3078 x.$ = I.OP(h[u - 3], h[u - 4], h[u - 1].indented(h[u - 2], h[u]));
3079 break;
3080 }
3081 }, table: [{1: [2, 1], 3: 1, 4: 2, 5: 3, 7: e, 8: 5, 12: r, 13: i, 15: 8, 16: 9, 17: 10, 18: 11, 19: 12, 20: 13, 21: 14, 22: 15, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 35: p, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 51: _, 57: f, 62: 88, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 86: N, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 94: 43, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 130: 16, 131: Q, 135: Dt, 136: Zt, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 207: ee, 208: oe, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {1: [3]}, {1: [2, 2], 6: Ye, 9: 139}, {6: [1, 141]}, t(ye, [2, 4]), t(ye, [2, 5]), t(Ga, [2, 10]), {4: 143, 6: [1, 144], 7: e, 8: 5, 14: [1, 142], 15: 8, 16: 9, 17: 10, 18: 11, 19: 12, 20: 13, 21: 14, 22: 15, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 35: p, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 51: _, 57: f, 62: 88, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 86: N, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 94: 43, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 130: 16, 131: Q, 135: Dt, 136: Zt, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 207: ee, 208: oe, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t(ye, [2, 14]), t(ye, [2, 15], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 294: V, 296: j, 302: G, 303: z, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}), t(ye, [2, 16], {183: Tc}), t(ye, [2, 17]), t(ye, [2, 18], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 160, 299: 161, 294: V, 296: j, 302: G, 303: z, 319: Ec}), t(ye, [2, 19], {62: 88, 94: 162, 86: N}), t(ye, [2, 20]), t(ye, [2, 21]), t(ye, [2, 138]), {15: 163, 46: 166, 130: 16, 131: Q, 135: ys, 136: gs, 197: 165, 198: P, 218: W, 259: 164, 260: st}, {15: 169, 130: 16, 131: Q, 135: ys, 136: gs, 197: 171, 198: P, 259: 170, 260: st}, t(Ct, [2, 73]), t(Ct, [2, 74], {277: 173, 210: 174, 245: 175, 27: Ac, 98: Ic, 213: $, 246: Rc, 249: Nc, 256: Cc, 278: Oc}), t(Ct, [2, 75]), t(Ct, [2, 76]), t(Ct, [2, 77]), t(Ct, [2, 78]), t(Ct, [2, 79]), t(Ct, [2, 80]), t(Ct, [2, 81]), t(Ct, [2, 82]), t(Ct, [2, 83]), t(Ct, [2, 84]), t(Ct, [2, 85]), t(Ct, [2, 86]), t(Ct, [2, 87]), {33: 181, 36: c, 83: v, 205: Ji, 232: 183, 233: 182, 241: 180}, t(Lc, [2, 268]), t(Lc, [2, 269]), t(mi, [2, 22]), t(mi, [2, 23]), t(mi, [2, 24]), t(mi, [2, 25], {27: [1, 185]}), t(mi, [2, 27], {27: [1, 186]}), t(mi, [2, 29]), t(Dc, [2, 101], {98: Fc}), {33: 194, 36: [1, 192], 40: 188, 52: 189, 53: [1, 190], 54: 191, 57: Me, 58: Mc, 83: v}, {15: 202, 17: 207, 32: [1, 205], 36: [1, 196], 41: [1, 197], 43: 198, 44: [1, 199], 46: 200, 47: 201, 48: 203, 49: 204, 130: 16, 131: Q, 135: [1, 206], 136: Zt, 197: 81, 198: P, 218: W, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 259: 80, 260: st}, {132: [1, 208]}, {16: 209, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t(fe, Pc, {183: [1, 213]}), t(fe, [2, 351]), t(fe, [2, 352]), t(fe, [2, 353], {10: 214, 11: kr}), t(fe, [2, 354]), t(fe, [2, 355]), t(fe, [2, 356]), t(fe, [2, 357]), t(fe, [2, 358], {36: [1, 217], 120: [1, 216], 121: [1, 218]}), t(fe, [2, 359]), t(fe, [2, 360]), t(Ct, [2, 270]), t(Ct, [2, 271]), t(Ct, [2, 272]), {16: 219, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {16: 220, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {16: 221, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {16: 222, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {16: 223, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {16: 224, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {16: 225, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {33: 113, 36: c, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 70: 227, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 118: 56, 119: q, 127: 112, 181: M, 200: 55, 201: 228, 205: X, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 242: 226, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 279: ot, 280: nt}, {33: 113, 36: c, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 70: 227, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 118: 56, 119: q, 127: 112, 181: M, 200: 55, 201: 228, 205: X, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 242: 229, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 279: ot, 280: nt}, t(w2, Cr, {10: 233, 11: kr, 271: [1, 232], 325: [1, 230], 326: [1, 231]}), t(Ct, [2, 249]), t(Ct, [2, 508], {300: [1, 234], 318: [1, 235]}), {5: 236, 12: r, 13: i}, {5: 237, 12: r, 13: i}, t(Ct, [2, 469]), {5: 238, 12: r, 13: i}, {13: [1, 240], 16: 239, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {33: 241, 83: v, 197: 243, 198: P, 259: 242, 260: st}, t(Ct, [2, 374]), t(Ct, [2, 239]), t(No, [2, 136], {123: 244, 126: 245, 127: 246, 129: 249, 36: Bn, 83: [1, 247], 128: [1, 248], 179: Hn, 280: nt}), t(S2, [2, 322]), t(S2, [2, 323]), t(S2, [2, 324]), t(mi, [2, 125], {69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 31: 30, 47: 31, 48: 32, 80: 33, 237: 34, 23: 37, 24: 38, 201: 48, 250: 49, 67: 50, 68: 51, 253: 52, 226: 54, 200: 55, 118: 56, 255: 57, 64: 58, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 242: 71, 49: 72, 316: 73, 293: 75, 297: 76, 299: 77, 259: 80, 197: 81, 233: 89, 232: 90, 99: 92, 46: 106, 90: 111, 127: 112, 33: 113, 84: 114, 244: 115, 301: 120, 304: 121, 92: 128, 102: 129, 17: 207, 19: 210, 16: 252, 117: 253, 25: s, 26: n, 27: Vc, 29: o, 30: a, 32: l, 36: c, 57: f, 65: d, 83: v, 85: y, 91: b, 93: m, 95: g, 100: S, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 119: q, 122: K, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 198: P, 205: X, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 243: at, 251: lt, 252: ht, 254: ct, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 298: _t, 312: dt, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}), {16: 255, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t(Ba, [2, 97], {95: [1, 256]}), t(w2, [2, 347], {10: 257, 11: kr}), t(w2, [2, 348]), t(fe, [2, 345]), t(fe, [2, 115]), t(fe, [2, 116]), t(fe, [2, 117]), t(fe, [2, 118]), t(fe, [2, 119]), t(fe, [2, 120]), t(fe, [2, 121]), t(fe, [2, 122]), {13: T2, 16: 259, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 258: 258, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {13: Zi, 16: 261, 17: 207, 18: 269, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 97: 263, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 193: oi, 194: 267, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 206: jc, 207: ee, 208: oe, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 236: tr, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 283: 264, 284: ai, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t([1, 6, 12, 13, 14, 27, 28, 38, 60, 86, 96, 98, 108, 142, 146, 147, 148, 165, 178, 181, 189, 193, 195, 206, 213, 216, 224, 225, 246, 248, 249, 256, 278, 282, 294, 295, 296, 302, 303, 311, 319, 320, 327, 328, 329, 330], [2, 428]), {83: [1, 271]}, t(Ha, [2, 126]), t(fe, [2, 72], {99: 92, 92: 128, 102: 129, 66: 272, 67: 273, 68: 274, 57: f, 93: m, 95: g, 100: S, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U}), t(Ct, [2, 276]), {46: 275, 218: W}, {5: 276, 12: r, 13: i, 214: [1, 277]}, {5: 278, 12: r, 13: i}, t(yi, [2, 332]), t(yi, [2, 333]), t(yi, [2, 334]), t(yi, [2, 335]), t(yi, [2, 336]), t(yi, [2, 337]), {16: 279, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {16: 280, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {16: 281, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {5: 282, 12: r, 13: i, 16: 283, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {33: 288, 36: c, 83: v, 205: X, 232: 290, 233: 289, 253: 284, 306: 285, 307: [1, 286], 308: 287}, {305: 291, 309: [1, 292], 310: [1, 293]}, {13: rn, 33: 297, 34: 295, 83: v, 84: 298, 85: y, 165: [1, 296], 261: 294}, {128: Gc, 199: 300}, t([1, 6, 11, 13, 14, 27, 36, 38, 60, 83, 85, 86, 95, 98, 181, 193, 205, 217, 218, 224, 225, 235, 266, 273, 274], [2, 92]), t([6, 13, 38, 60], Bc, {92: 128, 102: 129, 257: 302, 202: 303, 46: 305, 203: 306, 204: 307, 18: 308, 99: 311, 33: 312, 84: 313, 88: 314, 57: f, 83: v, 85: y, 89: Co, 93: m, 95: Oo, 100: S, 103: k, 193: Lo, 205: Do, 207: ee, 208: oe, 218: W}), t(fe, [2, 104], {101: [1, 316]}), t(fe, [2, 105]), t(fe, [2, 106]), t(fe, [2, 107], {105: 318, 104: [1, 317], 106: [1, 319], 107: [1, 320]}), {33: 325, 62: 326, 83: v, 84: 327, 85: y, 86: N, 127: 324, 205: Hc, 219: 321, 221: 322, 226: 323, 279: ot, 280: nt}, t(yi, [2, 95]), t([1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 27, 28, 38, 60, 86, 87, 95, 96, 98, 108, 124, 142, 146, 147, 148, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 175, 176, 177, 178, 181, 182, 183, 189, 193, 195, 206, 207, 208, 213, 216, 224, 225, 246, 248, 249, 256, 271, 278, 282, 294, 295, 296, 302, 303, 311, 319, 320, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330], [2, 429]), t([1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 27, 28, 36, 38, 39, 42, 55, 60, 83, 85, 86, 96, 98, 108, 142, 146, 147, 148, 165, 178, 181, 183, 189, 193, 195, 205, 206, 213, 216, 217, 218, 224, 225, 235, 246, 248, 249, 256, 266, 271, 273, 274, 278, 282, 294, 295, 296, 302, 303, 309, 310, 311, 319, 320, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330], [2, 90]), t([1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 27, 28, 36, 38, 60, 83, 86, 96, 98, 108, 142, 146, 147, 148, 165, 178, 181, 183, 189, 193, 195, 205, 206, 213, 216, 224, 225, 235, 246, 248, 249, 256, 271, 278, 282, 294, 295, 296, 302, 303, 311, 319, 320, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330], [2, 91]), t(zc, [2, 476]), t(zc, [2, 477]), t(fe, [2, 96]), t(zn, [2, 109]), t(ye, [2, 7], {15: 8, 16: 9, 17: 10, 18: 11, 19: 12, 20: 13, 21: 14, 22: 15, 130: 16, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 31: 30, 47: 31, 48: 32, 80: 33, 237: 34, 23: 37, 24: 38, 94: 43, 201: 48, 250: 49, 67: 50, 68: 51, 253: 52, 226: 54, 200: 55, 118: 56, 255: 57, 64: 58, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 242: 71, 49: 72, 316: 73, 293: 75, 297: 76, 299: 77, 259: 80, 197: 81, 62: 88, 233: 89, 232: 90, 99: 92, 46: 106, 90: 111, 127: 112, 33: 113, 84: 114, 244: 115, 301: 120, 304: 121, 92: 128, 102: 129, 8: 329, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 32: l, 35: p, 36: c, 51: _, 57: f, 65: d, 83: v, 85: y, 86: N, 91: b, 93: m, 95: g, 100: S, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 119: q, 122: K, 131: Q, 135: Dt, 136: Zt, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 198: P, 205: X, 207: ee, 208: oe, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 243: at, 251: lt, 252: ht, 254: ct, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 294: V, 296: j, 298: _t, 302: G, 303: z, 312: dt, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}), t([1, 6, 14, 25, 26, 29, 30, 32, 35, 36, 51, 57, 65, 83, 85, 86, 89, 91, 93, 95, 100, 103, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 119, 122, 131, 132, 135, 136, 144, 147, 148, 180, 181, 193, 195, 198, 205, 207, 208, 212, 213, 217, 218, 236, 238, 239, 240, 243, 251, 252, 254, 260, 266, 273, 274, 279, 280, 284, 286, 292, 294, 296, 298, 302, 303, 312, 317, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326], E2), {1: [2, 3]}, t(Ga, [2, 11]), {6: Ye, 9: 139, 14: [1, 330]}, {4: 331, 7: e, 8: 5, 15: 8, 16: 9, 17: 10, 18: 11, 19: 12, 20: 13, 21: 14, 22: 15, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 35: p, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 51: _, 57: f, 62: 88, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 86: N, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 94: 43, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 130: 16, 131: Q, 135: Dt, 136: Zt, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 207: ee, 208: oe, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {16: 332, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {16: 333, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {16: 334, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {16: 335, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {16: 336, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {16: 337, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {16: 338, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {330: [1, 339]}, {16: 340, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {16: 341, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {16: 342, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t(Ct, [2, 468]), t(Ct, [2, 473]), {13: [1, 344], 16: 343, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {16: 345, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t(Ct, [2, 467]), t(Ct, [2, 472]), t(Dc, [2, 102], {98: Fc}), t(ye, [2, 139]), t(Ct, [2, 377]), t(Ct, [2, 242]), t(Ct, [2, 277]), {15: 163, 130: 16, 131: Q, 135: ys, 136: gs}, {15: 169, 130: 16, 131: Q, 135: ys, 136: gs}, t(ye, [2, 140]), t(Ct, [2, 376]), t(Ct, [2, 241]), t(fe, [2, 361]), {27: Vc, 117: 346}, t(fe, [2, 423]), {33: 347, 83: v, 84: 348, 85: y}, {16: 350, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 247: 349, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t(Uc, [2, 344], {205: [1, 351]}), {27: [2, 425]}, t(Uc, [2, 343]), t(Fo, [2, 329]), t(Fo, [2, 325], {10: 352, 11: kr}), t(Fo, [2, 327], {10: 257, 11: kr}), t(Fo, [2, 328]), {13: Zi, 16: 353, 17: 207, 18: 269, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 97: 263, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 193: oi, 194: 267, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 206: jc, 207: ee, 208: oe, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 236: tr, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 283: 264, 284: ai, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {16: 354, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {16: 355, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {33: 356, 83: v}, t(ye, [2, 46]), {39: [1, 357], 55: [1, 358]}, {33: 194, 36: [1, 360], 52: 359, 83: v}, {39: [1, 361]}, {13: Un, 33: 366, 37: 363, 38: [1, 362], 44: Qi, 59: 364, 62: 367, 63: 368, 83: v, 86: N, 87: $i}, t([1, 6, 14, 36, 57, 60, 95, 96, 100, 134, 144, 146, 147, 148, 151, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 174], [2, 108]), t([39, 55], [2, 45]), {42: [1, 371]}, {13: Un, 33: 366, 37: 372, 44: Qi, 59: 364, 62: 367, 63: 368, 83: v, 86: N, 87: $i}, {39: [1, 373], 42: [1, 374]}, t(ye, [2, 35]), {16: 376, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 45: 375, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t(ye, [2, 37]), t(ye, [2, 38]), t(ye, [2, 39]), t(ye, [2, 40]), t(ye, [2, 41]), {197: 243, 198: P, 259: 242, 260: st}, {15: 163, 130: 16, 131: Q, 135: ys, 136: gs, 197: 165, 198: P, 259: 164, 260: st}, {183: Tc}, {13: Mo, 132: sn, 133: 377, 139: 378, 140: 380, 141: 382, 144: gi}, t(nn, [2, 349], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 329: Nt}), {293: 160, 294: V, 296: j, 299: 161, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 319: Ec}, {197: 171, 198: P, 259: 170, 260: st}, {46: 166, 197: 165, 198: P, 218: W, 259: 164, 260: st}, {13: [1, 385], 16: 384, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t(A2, [2, 461]), t([1, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 27, 28, 36, 38, 60, 83, 86, 96, 98, 108, 142, 146, 147, 148, 165, 178, 181, 183, 189, 193, 195, 205, 206, 213, 216, 224, 225, 235, 246, 248, 249, 256, 271, 278, 282, 294, 295, 296, 302, 303, 309, 310, 311, 319, 320, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330], [2, 9]), t(Ha, [2, 127]), {16: 386, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t(Ha, [2, 129]), t(nn, [2, 512], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 329: Nt}), t(nn, [2, 513], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 329: Nt}), t(nn, [2, 514], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 329: Nt}), t(za, [2, 515], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 327: Vt, 329: Nt}), t(za, [2, 516], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 327: Vt, 329: Nt}), t(nn, [2, 517], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 329: Nt}), t(nn, [2, 518], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 329: Nt}), t(Ct, [2, 519], {10: 233, 11: kr, 27: Cr, 98: Cr, 213: Cr, 246: Cr, 249: Cr, 256: Cr, 278: Cr}), {27: Ac, 98: Ic, 210: 174, 213: $, 245: 175, 246: Rc, 249: Nc, 256: Cc, 277: 173, 278: Oc}, t([27, 98, 213, 246, 249, 256, 278], Pc), t(Ct, [2, 520], {10: 233, 11: kr, 27: Cr, 98: Cr, 213: Cr, 246: Cr, 249: Cr, 256: Cr, 278: Cr}), t(Ct, [2, 521]), t(Ct, [2, 522]), {13: [1, 388], 16: 387, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t(yi, [2, 338]), {5: 390, 12: r, 13: i, 317: [1, 389]}, {16: 391, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t(Ct, [2, 451], {287: 392, 288: 393, 289: Yc, 290: [1, 394]}), t(Ct, [2, 466]), t(Ct, [2, 474], {300: [1, 396]}), {13: [1, 397], 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 293: 156, 294: V, 296: j, 299: 157, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}, {313: 398, 314: 399, 315: Ua}, {13: rn, 34: 401}, t(Ct, [2, 375]), t(Ct, [2, 240]), {6: [1, 419], 18: 418, 27: [1, 417], 87: [1, 411], 95: [1, 416], 124: [1, 402], 167: [1, 403], 168: [1, 404], 169: [1, 405], 170: [1, 406], 171: [1, 407], 172: [1, 408], 173: [1, 409], 175: [1, 410], 176: [1, 412], 177: [1, 413], 181: [1, 414], 182: [1, 415], 183: [1, 420], 207: ee, 208: oe}, t(Re, [2, 186], {166: [1, 421]}), t(No, [2, 132]), t(No, [2, 133]), t(No, [2, 134]), t(No, [2, 135], {36: Yn, 179: Kn}), t(Ya, [2, 212]), {16: 424, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t(mi, [2, 123], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}), t(mi, [2, 124]), {13: Zi, 16: 353, 17: 207, 18: 269, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 28: [1, 425], 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 97: 426, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 193: oi, 194: 267, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 207: ee, 208: oe, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 236: tr, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 283: 264, 284: ai, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t(mi, [2, 458], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}), {13: Zi, 16: 353, 17: 207, 18: 269, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 96: [1, 427], 97: 428, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 193: oi, 194: 267, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 207: ee, 208: oe, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 236: tr, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 283: 264, 284: ai, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t(I2, [2, 432]), t(Oi, qe, {61: 431, 60: R2, 96: [1, 429]}), t(Po, [2, 369], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 294: V, 296: j, 302: G, 303: z, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}), {13: T2, 16: 259, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 258: 432, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t([6, 13, 60, 206], Kc, {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 281: 433, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 193: [1, 435], 195: Qt, 282: [1, 434], 294: V, 296: j, 302: G, 303: z, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}), t(I2, [2, 430]), t([6, 13, 206], qe, {61: 436, 60: vs}), t(vi, [2, 436]), {13: Zi, 16: 353, 17: 207, 18: 269, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 97: 438, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 193: oi, 194: 267, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 207: ee, 208: oe, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 236: tr, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 283: 264, 284: ai, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {16: 439, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t(vi, [2, 446]), t(vi, [2, 447]), t(vi, [2, 448]), {16: 440, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t(fe, [2, 248]), t(fe, [2, 69]), t(fe, [2, 70]), t(fe, [2, 71], {10: 214, 11: kr}), t(Ct, [2, 278]), t(fe, [2, 274]), t([60, 216], Ka, {215: 441, 229: 442, 232: 443, 233: 444, 234: 445, 33: 448, 36: c, 83: v, 193: Vo, 205: Ji, 235: jo}), t(Ct, [2, 273]), {5: 449, 12: r, 13: i, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 293: 156, 294: V, 296: j, 299: 157, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}, t(qc, [2, 462], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 294: V, 295: [1, 450], 296: j, 302: G, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}), t(qc, [2, 464], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 294: V, 295: [1, 451], 296: j, 302: G, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}), t(Ct, [2, 470]), t(N2, [2, 471], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 294: V, 296: j, 302: G, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}), t(Ct, [2, 478]), t(Go, [2, 480]), {33: 288, 36: c, 83: v, 205: Ji, 232: 290, 233: 289, 306: 452, 308: 287}, t(Go, [2, 486], {60: [1, 453]}), t(qa, [2, 482], {10: 454, 11: kr}), t(qa, [2, 484], {10: 257, 11: kr}), t(qa, [2, 485]), t(Ct, [2, 479]), {16: 455, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {16: 456, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t(Xc, [2, 379], {34: 457, 13: rn, 98: [1, 459], 165: [1, 458]}), t(Ct, [2, 380]), {16: 460, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t(Xa, [2, 384]), t(Xa, [2, 385]), {6: [1, 463], 14: [1, 461], 15: 467, 18: 468, 20: 465, 33: 478, 46: 472, 62: 88, 80: 469, 83: v, 84: 479, 85: y, 86: N, 94: 43, 122: K, 130: 16, 131: Q, 135: ys, 136: gs, 207: ee, 208: oe, 217: Wa, 218: W, 262: 462, 263: 464, 264: 466, 265: 473, 266: Ja, 267: 474, 272: 475, 273: on, 274: an}, t(Xc, [2, 243], {34: 480, 13: rn, 165: [1, 481]}), t(Ct, [2, 247]), t([6, 13, 38], qe, {61: 482, 60: Wc}), t(Ge, [2, 365]), {16: 484, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t(Ge, [2, 253]), t(Ge, [2, 254], {142: [1, 485]}), t(Za, [2, 264], {183: [1, 486]}), t(Ge, [2, 259]), {16: 487, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {16: 488, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t(Za, [2, 267]), t(Bo, [2, 260], {10: 489, 11: kr}), t(Bo, [2, 262]), t(Bo, [2, 263]), t(Bo, [2, 94]), t(fe, [2, 103]), t(zn, [2, 110]), t(zn, [2, 111]), t(zn, [2, 112]), {16: 491, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 108: [1, 490], 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {98: [1, 493], 181: [1, 494], 220: 492}, t(Jc, Ka, {229: 442, 232: 443, 233: 444, 234: 445, 33: 448, 222: 495, 10: 496, 215: 497, 11: kr, 27: Zc, 36: c, 83: v, 98: Qc, 181: Qc, 193: Vo, 205: Ji, 235: jo}), t($c, [2, 294]), t($c, [2, 295]), t(Ho, [2, 285]), t(Ho, [2, 286]), t(Ho, [2, 287]), {16: 499, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t(ye, [2, 6]), t(Ga, [2, 12]), {6: Ye, 9: 139, 14: [1, 500]}, t(za, [2, 523], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 327: Vt, 329: Nt}), t(za, [2, 524], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 327: Vt, 329: Nt}), t(tu, [2, 525], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 327: Vt, 329: Nt}), t(tu, [2, 526], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 327: Vt, 329: Nt}), t([1, 6, 12, 13, 14, 28, 38, 60, 86, 96, 108, 142, 165, 178, 189, 193, 195, 206, 216, 224, 225, 248, 282, 294, 295, 296, 302, 303, 311, 319, 320, 328, 330], [2, 527], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 327: Vt, 329: Nt}), t([1, 6, 12, 13, 14, 28, 38, 60, 86, 96, 108, 142, 165, 178, 189, 193, 195, 206, 216, 224, 225, 248, 282, 294, 295, 296, 302, 303, 311, 319, 320], [2, 528], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}), t([1, 6, 12, 13, 14, 28, 38, 60, 86, 96, 108, 142, 178, 189, 193, 195, 206, 216, 224, 225, 248, 282, 294, 295, 296, 302, 303, 311, 319, 320], [2, 529], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}), {16: 501, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t([1, 6, 12, 13, 14, 28, 38, 60, 86, 96, 108, 142, 165, 178, 189, 193, 195, 206, 216, 224, 225, 248, 282, 294, 295, 296, 302, 303, 311, 319, 320, 330], [2, 531], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt}), t(eu, [2, 510], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 294: V, 296: j, 302: G, 303: z, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}), {142: [1, 502], 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 293: 156, 294: V, 296: j, 299: 157, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}, t(qn, [2, 330], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}), {16: 503, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t(eu, [2, 509], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 294: V, 296: j, 302: G, 303: z, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}), t(fe, [2, 422]), t(yi, [2, 339]), t(yi, [2, 340]), {248: [1, 504]}, t([206, 248], [2, 362], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 294: V, 296: j, 302: G, 303: z, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}), {16: 350, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 247: 505, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t(Fo, [2, 326]), t(vi, Kc, {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 294: V, 296: j, 302: G, 303: z, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}), {28: [1, 506], 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 293: 156, 294: V, 296: j, 299: 157, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}, {28: [1, 507], 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 293: 156, 294: V, 296: j, 299: 157, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}, t(Ba, [2, 100]), {40: 508, 57: Me}, {36: [1, 510], 54: 509, 58: Mc}, {39: [1, 511]}, {13: Un, 33: 366, 37: 512, 44: Qi, 59: 364, 62: 367, 63: 368, 83: v, 86: N, 87: $i}, {40: 513, 57: Me}, {39: [1, 514]}, t(Oi, qe, {61: 517, 38: [1, 515], 60: Xn}), t(Ge, [2, 57]), {13: Un, 33: 366, 37: 518, 44: Qi, 59: 364, 62: 367, 63: 368, 83: v, 86: N, 87: $i}, t(Ge, [2, 63], {42: [1, 519]}), t(Ge, [2, 64]), t(Ge, [2, 65]), t(Ge, [2, 67], {42: [1, 520]}), t(Ge, [2, 93]), {33: 521, 83: v}, t(Oi, qe, {61: 517, 38: [1, 522], 60: Xn}), {40: 523, 57: Me}, {33: 524, 83: v}, t(ye, [2, 36]), t(ye, [2, 42], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 294: V, 296: j, 302: G, 303: z, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}), {6: Ye, 9: 527, 134: [1, 525], 140: 526, 141: 382, 144: gi}, t(ln, [2, 145]), {13: Mo, 132: sn, 133: 528, 139: 378, 140: 380, 141: 382, 144: gi}, t(ln, [2, 149]), {13: [1, 530], 137: 529}, {142: [1, 531]}, {142: [2, 152]}, t(qn, [2, 250], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}), {16: 532, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {38: [1, 533], 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 293: 156, 294: V, 296: j, 299: 157, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}, t(qn, [2, 532], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}), {16: 534, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {16: 535, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t(Qa, [2, 507]), {5: 536, 12: r, 13: i, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 293: 156, 294: V, 296: j, 299: 157, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}, t(Ct, [2, 452], {288: 537, 289: Yc}), t(Ct, [2, 453]), {5: 539, 12: r, 13: i, 291: [1, 538]}, {5: 540, 12: r, 13: i}, {5: 541, 12: r, 13: i}, {313: 542, 314: 399, 315: Ua}, {14: [1, 543], 300: [1, 544], 314: 545, 315: Ua}, t($a, [2, 500]), {16: 547, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 285: 546, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t(Ct, [2, 30]), t(ru, [2, 130], {125: 548, 80: 551, 13: [1, 549], 27: [1, 550], 122: K}), t(Re, [2, 187]), t(Re, [2, 188]), t(Re, [2, 189]), t(Re, [2, 190]), t(Re, [2, 191]), t(Re, [2, 192]), {13: Mo, 132: sn, 133: 553, 139: 378, 140: 380, 141: 382, 144: gi, 174: [1, 552]}, {36: Bn, 129: 557, 173: [1, 554], 178: [1, 555], 179: Hn, 180: [1, 556]}, t(Re, [2, 196]), {36: Bn, 129: 558, 179: Hn}, {36: Bn, 129: 559, 179: Hn}, {36: Bn, 129: 560, 179: Hn}, t(Re, [2, 208], {129: 561, 36: Bn, 179: Hn}), {13: Zi, 16: 353, 17: 207, 18: 269, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 96: [1, 562], 97: 563, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 193: oi, 194: 267, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 207: ee, 208: oe, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 236: tr, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 283: 264, 284: ai, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {13: Zi, 16: 353, 17: 207, 18: 269, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 28: [1, 564], 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 97: 565, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 193: oi, 194: 267, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 207: ee, 208: oe, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 236: tr, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 283: 264, 284: ai, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t(Re, [2, 209]), t(Re, [2, 210]), {184: 566, 188: [1, 567]}, t(Re, [2, 185]), t(Ya, [2, 214]), {16: 568, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {38: [1, 569], 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 293: 156, 294: V, 296: j, 299: 157, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}, t(fe, [2, 426]), t([6, 13, 28], qe, {61: 570, 60: vs}), t(Ba, [2, 98]), t(Oi, qe, {61: 572, 60: vs, 96: [1, 571]}), t(A2, [2, 459], {101: [1, 573]}), t(bi, zo, {69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 31: 30, 47: 31, 48: 32, 80: 33, 237: 34, 23: 37, 24: 38, 201: 48, 250: 49, 67: 50, 68: 51, 253: 52, 226: 54, 200: 55, 118: 56, 255: 57, 64: 58, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 242: 71, 49: 72, 316: 73, 293: 75, 297: 76, 299: 77, 259: 80, 197: 81, 233: 89, 232: 90, 99: 92, 46: 106, 90: 111, 127: 112, 33: 113, 84: 114, 244: 115, 301: 120, 304: 121, 92: 128, 102: 129, 17: 207, 19: 210, 16: 574, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 32: l, 36: c, 57: f, 65: d, 83: v, 85: y, 91: b, 93: m, 95: g, 100: S, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 119: q, 122: K, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 198: P, 205: X, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 243: at, 251: lt, 252: ht, 254: ct, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 294: V, 296: j, 298: _t, 302: G, 303: z, 312: dt, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}), {6: Ye, 9: 575, 13: C2}, t(bi, qe, {61: 577, 60: R2}), {16: 578, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t(t1, [2, 433]), t(t1, [2, 434]), {6: Uo, 9: 580, 13: Yo, 206: [1, 579]}, t([6, 13, 14, 28, 206], zo, {69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 31: 30, 47: 31, 48: 32, 80: 33, 237: 34, 23: 37, 24: 38, 201: 48, 250: 49, 67: 50, 68: 51, 253: 52, 226: 54, 200: 55, 118: 56, 255: 57, 64: 58, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 242: 71, 49: 72, 316: 73, 293: 75, 297: 76, 299: 77, 259: 80, 197: 81, 233: 89, 232: 90, 99: 92, 46: 106, 90: 111, 127: 112, 33: 113, 84: 114, 244: 115, 301: 120, 304: 121, 92: 128, 102: 129, 17: 207, 19: 210, 194: 267, 18: 269, 16: 353, 283: 583, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 32: l, 36: c, 57: f, 65: d, 83: v, 85: y, 91: b, 93: m, 95: g, 100: S, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 119: q, 122: K, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 193: oi, 198: P, 205: X, 207: ee, 208: oe, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 236: tr, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 243: at, 251: lt, 252: ht, 254: ct, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 284: ai, 286: pt, 292: ft, 294: V, 296: j, 298: _t, 302: G, 303: z, 312: dt, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}), t(bi, qe, {61: 584, 60: vs}), t(vi, [2, 445], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 294: V, 296: j, 302: G, 303: z, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}), t(vi, [2, 321], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 294: V, 296: j, 302: G, 303: z, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}), {60: O2, 216: [1, 585]}, t(ki, [2, 301]), t(ki, [2, 310], {183: [1, 587]}), t(ki, [2, 311], {10: 257, 11: kr, 183: [1, 588]}), t(ki, [2, 312], {183: [1, 589]}), t(ki, [2, 318], {33: 448, 234: 590, 83: v}), {33: 448, 83: v, 234: 591}, t(iu, [2, 319], {10: 592, 11: kr}), t(Qa, [2, 504]), {16: 593, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {16: 594, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t(Go, [2, 481]), {33: 288, 36: c, 83: v, 205: Ji, 232: 290, 233: 289, 308: 595}, t(qa, [2, 483]), t([1, 6, 12, 13, 14, 28, 38, 60, 86, 96, 108, 142, 178, 189, 193, 206, 216, 224, 225, 248, 282, 294, 296, 302, 303, 319], [2, 489], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 295: [1, 596], 311: [1, 597], 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}), t(su, [2, 490], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 295: [1, 598], 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}), t(Ct, [2, 378]), {16: 599, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {33: 600, 83: v, 84: 601, 85: y}, {13: rn, 34: 602, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 293: 156, 294: V, 296: j, 299: 157, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}, t(Ct, [2, 388]), {6: Ye, 9: 604, 14: [1, 603]}, {15: 467, 18: 468, 20: 465, 33: 478, 46: 472, 62: 88, 80: 469, 83: v, 84: 479, 85: y, 86: N, 94: 43, 122: K, 130: 16, 131: Q, 135: ys, 136: gs, 207: ee, 208: oe, 217: Wa, 218: W, 262: 605, 263: 464, 264: 466, 265: 473, 266: Ja, 267: 474, 272: 475, 273: on, 274: an}, t(Or, [2, 391]), t(Or, [2, 394], {62: 88, 94: 162, 46: 472, 265: 473, 267: 474, 272: 475, 33: 478, 84: 479, 264: 606, 83: v, 85: y, 86: N, 217: Wa, 218: W, 266: Ja, 273: on, 274: an}), t(Or, [2, 395]), t(Or, [2, 397]), t(Or, [2, 398]), t(Or, [2, 399]), {33: 478, 46: 608, 83: v, 84: 479, 85: y, 218: W, 265: 607, 267: 474, 272: 475, 273: on, 274: an}, {33: 478, 83: v, 84: 479, 85: y, 217: [1, 609], 265: 610, 267: 474, 272: 475, 273: on, 274: an}, t(Or, [2, 404]), t(Or, [2, 405], {86: e1, 178: r1}), t(Wn, [2, 407], {268: 613, 10: 614, 11: kr, 183: [1, 615], 271: [1, 616]}), t(Jn, [2, 415]), {33: 478, 83: v, 84: 479, 85: y, 272: 617}, {33: 478, 83: v, 84: 479, 85: y, 272: 618}, t(Jn, [2, 419]), t(Jn, [2, 420]), t(Ct, [2, 244]), {128: Gc, 199: 619}, {6: Ye, 9: 621, 13: nu, 38: [1, 620]}, t([6, 13, 14, 38], zo, {92: 128, 102: 129, 46: 305, 203: 306, 204: 307, 18: 308, 99: 311, 33: 312, 84: 313, 88: 314, 202: 623, 57: f, 83: v, 85: y, 89: Co, 93: m, 95: Oo, 100: S, 103: k, 193: Lo, 205: Do, 207: ee, 208: oe, 218: W}), t(Ge, [2, 252], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 294: V, 296: j, 302: G, 303: z, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}), {13: [1, 625], 16: 624, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {13: [1, 627], 16: 626, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 206: [1, 628], 293: 156, 294: V, 296: j, 299: 157, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}, {96: [1, 629], 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 293: 156, 294: V, 296: j, 299: 157, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}, t(Bo, [2, 261]), t(zn, [2, 113]), {108: [1, 630], 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 293: 156, 294: V, 296: j, 299: 157, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}, {33: 325, 62: 326, 83: v, 84: 327, 85: y, 86: N, 205: Hc, 221: 631}, t(ou, [2, 283]), t(ou, [2, 284]), {223: 632, 224: au, 225: lu}, t(Ho, [2, 289]), t(cu, [2, 281], {60: O2}), t([28, 60], Ka, {229: 442, 232: 443, 233: 444, 234: 445, 33: 448, 215: 635, 36: c, 83: v, 193: Vo, 205: Ji, 235: jo}), {146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 206: [1, 636], 293: 156, 294: V, 296: j, 299: 157, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}, t(Ga, [2, 13]), t(nn, [2, 530], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 329: Nt}), {16: 637, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {6: Ye, 9: 639, 14: Lr, 82: 638, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 293: 156, 294: V, 296: j, 299: 157, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}, t(yi, [2, 341]), {206: [1, 641]}, t(mi, [2, 26]), t(mi, [2, 28]), t(ye, [2, 47]), {39: [1, 642]}, {13: Un, 33: 366, 37: 643, 44: Qi, 59: 364, 62: 367, 63: 368, 83: v, 86: N, 87: $i}, {40: 644, 57: Me}, t(Oi, qe, {61: 517, 38: [1, 645], 60: Xn}), t(ye, [2, 49]), {40: 646, 57: Me}, {39: [1, 647]}, t(bi, zo, {33: 366, 62: 367, 63: 368, 59: 648, 44: Qi, 83: v, 86: N, 87: $i}), {6: uu, 13: L2}, t(bi, qe, {61: 651, 60: Xn}), {33: 652, 83: v}, {33: 653, 83: v}, {39: [2, 56]}, t(ye, [2, 31], {39: [1, 654]}), t(ye, [2, 33]), {39: [1, 655]}, t([1, 6, 13, 14, 28, 60], [2, 137]), t(ln, [2, 146]), {132: sn, 139: 656, 140: 380, 141: 382, 144: gi}, {6: Ye, 9: 658, 14: Lr, 82: 657, 140: 526, 141: 382, 144: gi}, {134: [1, 659]}, {6: Ye, 9: 660, 13: Mo, 132: sn, 133: 661, 139: 378, 140: 380, 141: 382, 144: gi}, {36: Gr, 40: 673, 57: Me, 95: Br, 100: Hr, 143: 662, 149: 663, 150: 664, 152: 665, 153: 666, 156: 674, 158: zr, 159: Ur, 160: Yr, 161: Kr, 162: qr, 163: Xr, 164: Wr, 165: Jr}, {6: Ye, 9: 639, 14: Lr, 82: 680, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 293: 156, 294: V, 296: j, 299: 157, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}, t(Ha, [2, 128]), {6: Ye, 9: 639, 14: Lr, 82: 681, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 293: 156, 294: V, 296: j, 299: 157, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}, {5: 682, 12: r, 13: i, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 293: 156, 294: V, 296: j, 299: 157, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}, t(Qa, [2, 506]), t(Ct, [2, 454]), {5: 683, 12: r, 13: i}, t(hu, [2, 457]), t(Ct, [2, 455]), t(Ct, [2, 475]), {14: [1, 684], 300: [1, 685], 314: 545, 315: Ua}, t(Ct, [2, 498]), {5: 686, 12: r, 13: i}, t($a, [2, 501]), {5: 687, 12: r, 13: i, 60: [1, 688]}, t(pu, [2, 449], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 294: V, 296: j, 302: G, 303: z, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}), t(Ct, [2, 131]), {13: i1, 14: [1, 689], 16: 693, 17: 207, 18: 697, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 86: bs, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 130: 699, 131: Q, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 190: 690, 191: 691, 193: ks, 194: 695, 195: xs, 196: 698, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 207: ee, 208: oe, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 236: tr, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {13: i1, 16: 693, 17: 207, 18: 697, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 86: bs, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 130: 699, 131: Q, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 190: 701, 191: 691, 193: ks, 194: 695, 195: xs, 196: 698, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 207: ee, 208: oe, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 236: tr, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t(Ct, [2, 222]), t(Re, [2, 193]), {6: Ye, 9: 527, 140: 526, 141: 382, 144: gi, 174: [1, 702]}, {13: Mo, 132: sn, 133: 703, 139: 378, 140: 380, 141: 382, 144: gi}, {179: [1, 704]}, {179: [1, 705]}, t(Re, [2, 201], {36: Yn, 179: Kn}), t(Re, [2, 197], {36: Yn, 179: Kn}), t(Re, [2, 198], {36: Yn, 179: Kn}), t(Re, [2, 202], {36: Yn, 179: Kn}), t(Re, [2, 203], {36: Yn, 179: Kn}), t(Re, [2, 204]), t(Oi, qe, {61: 572, 60: vs, 96: [1, 706]}), t(Re, [2, 206]), t(Oi, qe, {61: 572, 28: [1, 707], 60: vs}), t(Re, [2, 211]), {16: 708, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {38: [1, 709], 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 293: 156, 294: V, 296: j, 299: 157, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}, t(Ya, [2, 213]), {6: Uo, 9: 580, 13: Yo, 28: [1, 710]}, t(Ba, [2, 99]), {6: Uo, 9: 580, 13: Yo}, t(A2, [2, 460]), t(Po, [2, 370], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 294: V, 296: j, 302: G, 303: z, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}), {16: 711, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {13: T2, 16: 259, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 258: 712, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {6: Ye, 9: 714, 13: C2, 14: Lr, 82: 713}, {146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 206: [1, 715], 293: 156, 294: V, 296: j, 299: 157, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}, t(I2, [2, 431]), {16: 353, 17: 207, 18: 269, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 193: oi, 194: 267, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 207: ee, 208: oe, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 236: tr, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 283: 716, 284: ai, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t([14, 25, 26, 29, 30, 32, 36, 57, 65, 83, 85, 91, 93, 95, 100, 103, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 119, 122, 135, 136, 147, 148, 180, 181, 193, 198, 205, 207, 208, 212, 213, 217, 218, 236, 238, 239, 240, 243, 251, 252, 254, 260, 279, 280, 284, 286, 292, 294, 296, 298, 302, 303, 312, 317, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326], E2, {192: [1, 717]}), {13: Zi, 16: 353, 17: 207, 18: 269, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 97: 718, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 193: oi, 194: 267, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 207: ee, 208: oe, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 236: tr, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 283: 264, 284: ai, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t(vi, [2, 437]), {6: Uo, 9: 720, 13: Yo, 14: Lr, 82: 719}, {5: 721, 12: r, 13: i}, {33: 448, 36: c, 83: v, 193: Vo, 205: Ji, 229: 722, 232: 443, 233: 444, 234: 445, 235: jo}, {16: 724, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 231: 723, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {16: 724, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 231: 725, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {16: 724, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 231: 726, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t(ki, [2, 313]), t(ki, [2, 314]), t(iu, [2, 320]), t(N2, [2, 463], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 294: V, 296: j, 302: G, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}), t(N2, [2, 465], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 294: V, 296: j, 302: G, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}), t(Go, [2, 487], {60: [1, 727]}), {16: 728, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {16: 729, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {16: 730, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t([1, 6, 12, 14, 28, 38, 60, 86, 96, 108, 142, 178, 189, 193, 206, 216, 224, 225, 248, 282, 295, 303, 311, 319], [2, 381], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 34: 731, 13: rn, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 294: V, 296: j, 302: G, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}), t(Xa, [2, 386]), t(Xa, [2, 387]), t(Ct, [2, 383]), t(Ct, [2, 389]), t(Or, [2, 393], {130: 16, 94: 43, 62: 88, 20: 465, 264: 466, 15: 467, 18: 468, 80: 469, 46: 472, 265: 473, 267: 474, 272: 475, 33: 478, 84: 479, 263: 732, 83: v, 85: y, 86: N, 122: K, 131: Q, 135: ys, 136: gs, 207: ee, 208: oe, 217: Wa, 218: W, 266: Ja, 273: on, 274: an}), {6: Ye, 9: 604, 14: [1, 733]}, t(Or, [2, 396]), t(Or, [2, 400], {86: e1, 178: r1}), t(Or, [2, 403]), {33: 478, 83: v, 84: 479, 85: y, 265: 734, 267: 474, 272: 475, 273: on, 274: an}, t(Or, [2, 402], {86: e1, 178: r1}), {5: 736, 12: r, 13: i, 16: 737, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 269: 735, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {5: 736, 12: r, 13: i, 16: 737, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 269: 738, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {16: 739, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t(Jn, [2, 418]), t(t1, [2, 413]), t(t1, [2, 414]), t(Jn, [2, 416]), t(Jn, [2, 417]), t(ru, [2, 245], {34: 740, 13: rn}), t([1, 6, 12, 13, 14, 27, 28, 38, 60, 86, 96, 98, 108, 142, 146, 147, 148, 165, 178, 183, 189, 193, 195, 206, 213, 216, 224, 225, 246, 248, 249, 256, 278, 282, 294, 295, 296, 302, 303, 309, 310, 311, 319, 320, 327, 328, 329, 330], [2, 363]), {18: 308, 33: 312, 46: 305, 57: f, 83: v, 84: 313, 85: y, 88: 314, 89: Co, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: Oo, 99: 311, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 193: Lo, 202: 741, 203: 306, 204: 307, 205: Do, 207: ee, 208: oe, 218: W}, t([6, 13, 14, 60], Bc, {92: 128, 102: 129, 202: 303, 46: 305, 203: 306, 204: 307, 18: 308, 99: 311, 33: 312, 84: 313, 88: 314, 257: 742, 57: f, 83: v, 85: y, 89: Co, 93: m, 95: Oo, 100: S, 103: k, 193: Lo, 205: Do, 207: ee, 208: oe, 218: W}), t(Ge, [2, 366]), t(Ge, [2, 255], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 294: V, 296: j, 302: G, 303: z, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}), {16: 743, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t(Ge, [2, 257], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 294: V, 296: j, 302: G, 303: z, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}), {16: 744, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t(Za, [2, 265]), t(Za, [2, 266]), t(zn, [2, 114]), t(Jc, Ka, {229: 442, 232: 443, 233: 444, 234: 445, 33: 448, 10: 496, 215: 497, 222: 745, 11: kr, 27: Zc, 36: c, 83: v, 193: Vo, 205: Ji, 235: jo}), t(Ct, [2, 280]), {5: 746, 12: r, 13: i, 213: [1, 747]}, t(Ct, [2, 292]), {28: [1, 748], 60: O2}, t(Ho, [2, 288]), t([1, 6, 12, 13, 14, 28, 38, 60, 86, 96, 108, 142, 178, 189, 193, 206, 216, 224, 225, 248, 282, 294, 295, 296, 302, 303, 311, 319, 320], [2, 511], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}), t(Ct, [2, 331]), {14: Zn}, t(fu, [2, 443]), t(yi, [2, 342]), {40: 750, 57: Me}, t(Oi, qe, {61: 517, 38: [1, 751], 60: Xn}), t(ye, [2, 48]), {39: [1, 752]}, t(ye, [2, 50]), {40: 753, 57: Me}, t(Ge, [2, 58]), {33: 366, 44: Qi, 59: 754, 62: 367, 63: 368, 83: v, 86: N, 87: $i}, {13: Un, 33: 366, 37: 755, 44: Qi, 59: 364, 62: 367, 63: 368, 83: v, 86: N, 87: $i}, {6: [1, 757], 13: L2, 14: [1, 756]}, t(Ge, [2, 66]), t(Ge, [2, 68]), {40: 758, 57: Me}, {40: 759, 57: Me}, t(ln, [2, 147]), t(ln, [2, 148]), {14: Zn, 132: sn, 139: 656, 140: 380, 141: 382, 144: gi}, t(ln, [2, 150]), {14: [1, 760]}, {6: Ye, 9: 658, 14: Lr, 82: 761, 140: 526, 141: 382, 144: gi}, t(ln, [2, 151], {60: _u}), t(du, [2, 156], {152: 665, 153: 666, 40: 673, 156: 674, 150: 763, 36: Gr, 57: Me, 95: Br, 100: Hr, 151: mu, 158: zr, 159: Ur, 160: Yr, 161: Kr, 162: qr, 163: Xr, 164: Wr, 165: Jr}), t(Ko, [2, 158]), t(Ko, [2, 161], {145: 765, 146: s1, 147: n1, 148: o1}), t(Ko, [2, 162], {145: 769, 146: s1, 147: n1, 148: o1}), {36: Gr, 40: 673, 57: Me, 95: Br, 100: Hr, 143: 770, 149: 663, 150: 664, 152: 665, 153: 666, 156: 674, 158: zr, 159: Ur, 160: Yr, 161: Kr, 162: qr, 163: Xr, 164: Wr, 165: Jr}, t(Zr, [2, 174]), t(Zr, [2, 175]), t(Zr, [2, 176]), t(Zr, [2, 177]), t(Zr, [2, 178]), t(Zr, [2, 179]), t(Zr, [2, 180], {157: [1, 771]}), t(Zr, [2, 181]), {95: [1, 772]}, t(Zr, [2, 183]), {36: Gr, 40: 673, 57: Me, 95: Br, 100: Hr, 152: 773, 156: 674, 158: zr, 159: Ur, 160: Yr, 161: Kr, 162: qr, 163: Xr, 164: Wr, 165: Jr}, {16: 774, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t(Ct, [2, 251]), t(Ct, [2, 533]), t(Qa, [2, 505]), t(hu, [2, 456]), t(Ct, [2, 496]), {5: 775, 12: r, 13: i}, {14: [1, 776]}, t($a, [2, 502], {6: [1, 777]}), {16: 778, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t(Ct, [2, 219]), t(Oi, qe, {61: 781, 14: [1, 779], 60: a1}), t(li, [2, 223]), {13: i1, 16: 693, 17: 207, 18: 697, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 86: bs, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 130: 699, 131: Q, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 190: 782, 191: 691, 193: ks, 194: 695, 195: xs, 196: 698, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 207: ee, 208: oe, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 236: tr, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t(li, [2, 229], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 294: V, 296: j, 302: G, 303: z, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}), {16: 783, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t(li, [2, 231]), t(li, [2, 232]), t(li, [2, 233]), t(li, [2, 234], {27: [1, 785], 98: [1, 784]}), t(li, [2, 235]), t(D2, [2, 236]), t(Oi, qe, {61: 781, 28: [1, 786], 60: a1}), t(Re, [2, 194]), {6: Ye, 9: 527, 140: 526, 141: 382, 144: gi, 174: [1, 787]}, t(Re, [2, 199]), t(Re, [2, 200]), t(Re, [2, 205]), t(Re, [2, 207]), {146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 189: [1, 788], 195: Qt, 293: 156, 294: V, 296: j, 299: 157, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}, t(Ya, [2, 215]), t(fe, [2, 427]), t(Po, [2, 371], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 294: V, 296: j, 302: G, 303: z, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}), t(bi, qe, {61: 789, 60: R2}), t(Po, [2, 372]), {14: Zn, 16: 711, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t(fe, [2, 435]), t(vi, [2, 438]), {6: Ye, 9: 790}, t(bi, qe, {61: 791, 60: vs}), t(vi, [2, 440]), {14: Zn, 16: 353, 17: 207, 18: 269, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 193: oi, 194: 267, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 207: ee, 208: oe, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 236: tr, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 283: 716, 284: ai, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t(fe, [2, 275]), t(ki, [2, 302]), t(ki, [2, 316]), t(ki, [2, 309], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 294: V, 296: j, 302: G, 303: z, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}), t(ki, [2, 317]), t(ki, [2, 315]), {33: 288, 36: c, 83: v, 205: Ji, 232: 290, 233: 289, 308: 792}, t([1, 6, 12, 13, 14, 28, 38, 60, 86, 96, 108, 142, 178, 189, 193, 206, 216, 224, 225, 248, 282, 294, 295, 296, 302, 303, 319], [2, 491], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 311: [1, 793], 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}), t(su, [2, 493], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 295: [1, 794], 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}), t(qn, [2, 492], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}), t(Ct, [2, 382]), t(Or, [2, 392]), t(Ct, [2, 390]), t(Or, [2, 401], {86: e1, 178: r1}), t(Wn, [2, 408]), t(Wn, [2, 411]), t(Wn, [2, 412], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 294: V, 296: j, 302: G, 303: z, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}), t(Wn, [2, 409]), t(Wn, [2, 406], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 294: V, 296: j, 302: G, 303: z, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}), t(Ct, [2, 246]), t(Ge, [2, 367]), t(bi, qe, {61: 795, 60: Wc}), {6: Ye, 9: 639, 14: Lr, 82: 796, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 293: 156, 294: V, 296: j, 299: 157, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}, {6: Ye, 9: 639, 14: Lr, 82: 797, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 293: 156, 294: V, 296: j, 299: 157, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}, {223: 798, 224: au, 225: lu}, t(Ct, [2, 290]), {5: 799, 12: r, 13: i}, t(cu, [2, 282]), t(fu, [2, 442]), t(ye, [2, 53]), {39: [1, 800]}, {40: 801, 57: Me}, t(ye, [2, 51]), t(Ge, [2, 59]), t(bi, qe, {61: 802, 60: Xn}), t(Ge, [2, 60]), {14: [1, 803], 33: 366, 44: Qi, 59: 754, 62: 367, 63: 368, 83: v, 86: N, 87: $i}, t(ye, [2, 32]), t(ye, [2, 34]), {134: [2, 141]}, {134: [2, 142]}, {36: Gr, 40: 673, 57: Me, 95: Br, 100: Hr, 149: 804, 150: 664, 152: 665, 153: 666, 156: 674, 158: zr, 159: Ur, 160: Yr, 161: Kr, 162: qr, 163: Xr, 164: Wr, 165: Jr}, t(Ko, [2, 159]), {36: Gr, 40: 673, 57: Me, 95: Br, 100: Hr, 152: 805, 156: 674, 158: zr, 159: Ur, 160: Yr, 161: Kr, 162: qr, 163: Xr, 164: Wr, 165: Jr}, {36: Gr, 40: 673, 57: Me, 95: Br, 100: Hr, 152: 806, 156: 674, 158: zr, 159: Ur, 160: Yr, 161: Kr, 162: qr, 163: Xr, 164: Wr, 165: Jr}, t(cn, [2, 153]), t(cn, [2, 154]), t(cn, [2, 155]), {36: Gr, 40: 673, 57: Me, 95: Br, 100: Hr, 152: 807, 156: 674, 158: zr, 159: Ur, 160: Yr, 161: Kr, 162: qr, 163: Xr, 164: Wr, 165: Jr}, {60: _u, 96: [1, 808]}, t(yu, [2, 172]), {36: Gr, 40: 673, 57: Me, 95: Br, 100: Hr, 152: 811, 154: 809, 155: 810, 156: 674, 158: zr, 159: Ur, 160: Yr, 161: Kr, 162: qr, 163: Xr, 164: Wr, 165: Jr}, t(Zr, [2, 184]), {38: [1, 812], 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 293: 156, 294: V, 296: j, 299: 157, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}, {6: Ye, 9: 639, 14: Lr, 82: 813}, t(Ct, [2, 499]), t($a, [2, 503]), t(pu, [2, 450], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 294: V, 296: j, 302: G, 303: z, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}), t(Ct, [2, 220]), t(bi, zo, {69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 31: 30, 47: 31, 48: 32, 80: 33, 237: 34, 23: 37, 24: 38, 201: 48, 250: 49, 67: 50, 68: 51, 253: 52, 226: 54, 200: 55, 118: 56, 255: 57, 64: 58, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 242: 71, 49: 72, 316: 73, 293: 75, 297: 76, 299: 77, 259: 80, 197: 81, 233: 89, 232: 90, 99: 92, 46: 106, 90: 111, 127: 112, 33: 113, 84: 114, 244: 115, 301: 120, 304: 121, 92: 128, 102: 129, 17: 207, 19: 210, 16: 693, 194: 695, 18: 697, 196: 698, 130: 699, 191: 814, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 32: l, 36: c, 57: f, 65: d, 83: v, 85: y, 86: bs, 91: b, 93: m, 95: g, 100: S, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 119: q, 122: K, 131: Q, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 193: ks, 195: xs, 198: P, 205: X, 207: ee, 208: oe, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 236: tr, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 243: at, 251: lt, 252: ht, 254: ct, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 294: V, 296: j, 298: _t, 302: G, 303: z, 312: dt, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}), {6: F2, 9: 815, 13: M2}, t(bi, qe, {61: 818, 60: a1}), t(li, [2, 230], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 294: V, 296: j, 302: G, 303: z, 319: ae, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}), {83: [1, 819]}, {13: Zi, 16: 353, 17: 207, 18: 269, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 97: 820, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 193: oi, 194: 267, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 207: ee, 208: oe, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 236: tr, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 283: 264, 284: ai, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t(Ct, [2, 221]), t(Re, [2, 195]), t(Re, [2, 218]), {6: Ye, 9: 714, 13: C2, 14: Lr, 82: 821}, {16: 353, 17: 207, 18: 269, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 193: oi, 194: 267, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 207: ee, 208: oe, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 236: tr, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 283: 822, 284: ai, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {6: Uo, 9: 720, 13: Yo, 14: Lr, 82: 823}, t(Go, [2, 488]), {16: 824, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {16: 825, 17: 207, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {6: Ye, 9: 827, 13: nu, 14: Lr, 82: 826}, t(Ge, [2, 256]), t(Ge, [2, 258]), t(Ct, [2, 279]), t(Ct, [2, 291]), {40: 828, 57: Me}, t(ye, [2, 52]), {6: uu, 13: L2, 14: [1, 829]}, t(Ge, [2, 61]), t(du, [2, 157], {152: 665, 153: 666, 40: 673, 156: 674, 150: 763, 36: Gr, 57: Me, 95: Br, 100: Hr, 151: mu, 158: zr, 159: Ur, 160: Yr, 161: Kr, 162: qr, 163: Xr, 164: Wr, 165: Jr}), t(Ko, [2, 160]), t(Zr, [2, 163]), t(Zr, [2, 164]), t(Zr, [2, 173]), {60: [1, 831], 96: [1, 830]}, t(gu, [2, 165], {40: 673, 156: 674, 145: 832, 152: 833, 36: Gr, 57: Me, 95: Br, 100: Hr, 146: s1, 147: n1, 148: o1, 151: vu, 158: zr, 159: Ur, 160: Yr, 161: Kr, 162: qr, 163: Xr, 164: Wr, 165: Jr}), t(cn, [2, 167]), t(yu, [2, 171]), t(Ct, [2, 497]), t(li, [2, 224]), {16: 693, 17: 207, 18: 697, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 86: bs, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 130: 699, 131: Q, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 191: 835, 193: ks, 194: 695, 195: xs, 196: 698, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 207: ee, 208: oe, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 236: tr, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t([14, 25, 26, 29, 30, 32, 36, 57, 65, 83, 85, 86, 91, 93, 95, 100, 103, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 119, 122, 131, 135, 136, 147, 148, 180, 181, 193, 195, 198, 205, 207, 208, 212, 213, 217, 218, 236, 238, 239, 240, 243, 251, 252, 254, 260, 279, 280, 286, 292, 294, 296, 298, 302, 303, 312, 317, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326], E2, {192: [1, 836]}), {13: i1, 16: 693, 17: 207, 18: 697, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 86: bs, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 130: 699, 131: Q, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 190: 837, 191: 691, 193: ks, 194: 695, 195: xs, 196: 698, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 207: ee, 208: oe, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 236: tr, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {6: F2, 9: 839, 13: M2, 14: Lr, 82: 838}, t(D2, [2, 237]), t(Oi, qe, {61: 572, 28: [1, 840], 60: vs}), t(Po, [2, 373]), t(vi, [2, 439]), t(vi, [2, 441]), t(qn, [2, 494], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}), t(qn, [2, 495], {301: 120, 304: 121, 293: 156, 299: 157, 146: Bt, 147: Ut, 148: Yt, 165: Jt, 195: Qt, 320: $t, 327: Vt, 328: qt, 329: Nt, 330: Xt}), t(Ge, [2, 368]), {14: Zn, 18: 308, 33: 312, 46: 305, 57: f, 83: v, 84: 313, 85: y, 88: 314, 89: Co, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: Oo, 99: 311, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 193: Lo, 202: 741, 203: 306, 204: 307, 205: Do, 207: ee, 208: oe, 218: W}, t(ye, [2, 54]), t(Ge, [2, 62]), t(Zr, [2, 182]), {36: Gr, 40: 673, 57: Me, 95: Br, 100: Hr, 152: 811, 155: 841, 156: 674, 158: zr, 159: Ur, 160: Yr, 161: Kr, 162: qr, 163: Xr, 164: Wr, 165: Jr}, t(cn, [2, 168]), t(cn, [2, 169]), {36: Gr, 40: 673, 57: Me, 95: Br, 100: Hr, 152: 842, 156: 674, 158: zr, 159: Ur, 160: Yr, 161: Kr, 162: qr, 163: Xr, 164: Wr, 165: Jr}, t(li, [2, 225]), {6: Ye, 9: 843}, t(bi, qe, {61: 844, 60: a1}), t(li, [2, 227]), {14: Zn, 16: 693, 17: 207, 18: 697, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 86: bs, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 130: 699, 131: Q, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 191: 835, 193: ks, 194: 695, 195: xs, 196: 698, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 207: ee, 208: oe, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 236: tr, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, t(D2, [2, 238]), t(gu, [2, 166], {40: 673, 156: 674, 145: 832, 152: 833, 36: Gr, 57: Me, 95: Br, 100: Hr, 146: s1, 147: n1, 148: o1, 151: vu, 158: zr, 159: Ur, 160: Yr, 161: Kr, 162: qr, 163: Xr, 164: Wr, 165: Jr}), t(cn, [2, 170]), {16: 693, 17: 207, 18: 697, 19: 210, 23: 37, 24: 38, 25: s, 26: n, 29: o, 30: a, 31: 30, 32: l, 33: 113, 36: c, 46: 106, 47: 31, 48: 32, 49: 72, 57: f, 64: 58, 65: d, 67: 50, 68: 51, 69: 19, 70: 20, 71: 21, 72: 22, 73: 23, 74: 24, 75: 25, 76: 26, 77: 27, 78: 28, 79: 29, 80: 33, 83: v, 84: 114, 85: y, 86: bs, 90: 111, 91: b, 92: 128, 93: m, 95: g, 99: 92, 100: S, 102: 129, 103: k, 109: E, 110: w, 111: O, 112: L, 113: D, 114: A, 115: U, 116: B, 118: 56, 119: q, 122: K, 127: 112, 130: 699, 131: Q, 135: wt, 136: St, 147: F, 148: H, 180: Y, 181: M, 191: 845, 193: ks, 194: 695, 195: xs, 196: 698, 197: 81, 198: P, 200: 55, 201: 48, 205: X, 207: ee, 208: oe, 209: 59, 210: 60, 211: 61, 212: tt, 213: $, 217: et, 218: W, 226: 54, 232: 90, 233: 89, 236: tr, 237: 34, 238: rt, 239: it, 240: ut, 242: 71, 243: at, 244: 115, 250: 49, 251: lt, 252: ht, 253: 52, 254: ct, 255: 57, 259: 80, 260: st, 279: ot, 280: nt, 286: pt, 292: ft, 293: 75, 294: V, 296: j, 297: 76, 298: _t, 299: 77, 301: 120, 302: G, 303: z, 304: 121, 312: dt, 316: 73, 317: mt, 321: yt, 322: gt, 323: vt, 324: bt, 325: kt, 326: xt}, {6: F2, 9: 839, 13: M2, 14: Lr, 82: 846}, t(li, [2, 226]), t(li, [2, 228])], defaultActions: {141: [2, 3], 178: [2, 425], 383: [2, 152], 521: [2, 56], 760: [2, 141], 761: [2, 142]}, parseError: function(x, Li) {
3082 if (Li.recoverable)
3083 this.trace(x);
3084 else
3085 throw new Error(x);
3086 }, parse: function(x, Li = null) {
3087 var I = this, ir = [0], h = [], u = [null], $n = this.table, V2 = "", L9 = 0, D9 = 0, qo = 0, l1 = 2, Xo = 1, ci = Object.create(this.lexer), c1 = this.yy;
3088 ci.setInput(x, c1), typeof c1.parseError == "function" ? this.parseError = c1.parseError : this.parseError = Object.getPrototypeOf(this).parseError;
3089 function Df(Ss) {
3090 ir.length = ir.length - 2 * Ss, u.length = u.length - Ss;
3091 }
3092 var Qr, to, ws, ji, F9, j2, G2 = {}, M9, u1, ku, B2;
3093 function Ff() {
3094 var Ss, eo = "";
3095 function wu(Wo) {
3096 for (var xi = ir.length - 1, Y2 = 0; ; ) {
3097 if (l1.toString() in $n[Wo])
3098 return Y2;
3099 if (Wo === 0 || xi < 2)
3100 return false;
3101 xi -= 2, Wo = ir[xi], ++Y2;
3102 }
3103 }
3104 if (qo)
3105 to !== Xo && (Ss = wu(ws));
3106 else {
3107 Ss = wu(ws), B2 = [];
3108 var H2 = ci.yytext, P9 = H2, z2 = I.terminals_[Qr] || Qr;
3109 let Wo = ci.tokens.indexOf(H2), xi = H2;
3110 for (; xi && xi._loc == -1; )
3111 xi = ci.tokens[--Wo];
3112 var un = xi ? xi._loc : -1, U2 = un > -1 ? un + (xi._len || 0) : -1, Pf = un != -1 ? "[" + xi._loc + ":" + xi._len + "]" : "[0:0]";
3113 ci.showPosition ? eo = "Parse error at " + Pf + `:
3114` + ci.showPosition() + `
3115Expecting ` + B2.join(", ") + ", got '" + z2 + "'" : eo = "Unexpected " + (Qr == Xo ? "end of input" : "'" + z2 + "'"), Li && Li.addDiagnostic("error", {message: eo, source: "imba-parser", range: Li.rangeAt(un, U2)}).raise(), I.parseError(eo, {lexer: ci, text: ci.match, token: z2, offset: un, length: U2 - un, start: {offset: un}, end: {offset: U2}, line: ci.yylineno, expected: B2, recoverable: Ss !== false});
3116 }
3117 if (qo == 3) {
3118 if (Qr === Xo || to === Xo)
3119 throw new Error(eo || "Parsing halted while starting to recover from another error.");
3120 V2 = ci.yytext;
3121 }
3122 if (Ss === false)
3123 throw new Error(eo || "Parsing halted. No suitable error recovery rule available.");
3124 Df(Ss), to = Qr == l1 ? null : Qr, Qr = l1, ws = ir[ir.length - 1], ji = $n[ws] && $n[ws][l1], qo = 3;
3125 }
3126 for (var Mf = this.symbols_, xu = this.productions_; ; ) {
3127 ws = ir[ir.length - 1], (Qr === null || typeof Qr == "undefined") && (Qr = Mf[ci.lex()] || Xo), ji = $n[ws] && $n[ws][Qr];
3128 t:
3129 (typeof ji == "undefined" || !ji.length || !ji[0]) && Ff();
3130 switch (ji[0]) {
3131 case 1:
3132 ir.push(Qr), ir.push(ji[1]), u.push(ci.yytext), Qr = null, to ? (Qr = to, to = null) : (V2 = ci.yytext, qo > 0 && qo--);
3133 break;
3134 case 2:
3135 if (u1 = xu[ji[1]][1], G2.$ = u[u.length - u1], j2 = this.performAction(G2, V2, c1, ji[1], u), typeof j2 != "undefined")
3136 return j2;
3137 for (; u1 > 0; )
3138 ir.pop(), ir.pop(), u.pop(), u1--;
3139 ir.push(xu[ji[1]][0]), ku = $n[ir[ir.length - 2]][ir[ir.length - 1]], ir.push(ku), u.push(G2.$);
3140 break;
3141 case 3:
3142 return true;
3143 }
3144 }
3145 return true;
3146 }};
3147 function P2() {
3148 this.yy = {};
3149 }
3150 return P2.prototype = bu, bu.Parser = P2, new P2();
3151 }();
3152 typeof la != "undefined" && (la.parser = L1, la.Parser = L1.Parser, la.parse = function() {
3153 return L1.parse.apply(L1, arguments);
3154 });
3155 });
3156 var Ll = er((L0) => {
3157 Gi(L0);
3158 Di(L0, {extractDependencies: () => dp, resolveDependencies: () => F0});
3159 function D0(t) {
3160 let e;
3161 return t ? (e = t.toIterable) ? e.call(t) : t : [];
3162 }
3163 var _p = Symbol.for("#locations");
3164 function dp(t, e = null) {
3165 let r = {}, i = 0, s = r[_p] = [];
3166 for (; ; ) {
3167 let n = t.indexOf("/*$path$*/", i);
3168 if (n == -1)
3169 break;
3170 let o = n - 1, a = o - 1, l = t[o], p = l == ")" ? "(" : l;
3171 for (; a > 0 && t[a - 1] != p; )
3172 --a;
3173 l == ")" && (t[a] == '"' || t[a] == "'") && (a += 1, o -= 1);
3174 let c = t.slice(a, o);
3175 s.push([a, o, c]), r[c] = c, i = n + 3;
3176 }
3177 return r;
3178 }
3179 function F0(t, e, r, i = {}) {
3180 let s = i.importer || (i.importer = t);
3181 i.resolveDir || (i.resolveDir = s.slice(0, s.lastIndexOf("/") + 1));
3182 let n = e, o = dp(e), a = o[_p].slice(0).reverse(), l = Object.assign({}, o);
3183 for (let p = 0, c = Object.keys(o), _ = c.length, f, d; p < _; p++) {
3184 f = c[p], d = o[f];
3185 let v = null;
3186 r instanceof Function ? v = r(Object.assign({path: f}, i)) : r[f] && (v = r[f]), v != null && (l[f] = v);
3187 }
3188 for (let p = 0, c = D0(a), _ = c.length; p < _; p++) {
3189 let [f, d, v] = c[p], y = l[v];
3190 n = n.slice(0, f) + y + n.slice(d);
3191 }
3192 return n;
3193 }
3194 });
3195 var vp = er((mp) => {
3196 function D1(t) {
3197 return t ? t.toArray ? t.toArray() : t : [];
3198 }
3199 var F1 = E1(), M0 = io(), yp = 5, gp = 1 << yp, P0 = gp - 1, V0 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
3200 function Fr(t, e) {
3201 this._script = t, this._options = e || {}, this._sourcePath = this._options.sourcePath, this._sourceRoot = this._options.sourceRoot, this._targetPath = this._options.targetPath, this._maps = [], this._map = "", this._js = "";
3202 }
3203 mp.SourceMap = Fr;
3204 Fr.prototype.result = function(t) {
3205 return this._result;
3206 };
3207 Fr.prototype.setResult = function(t) {
3208 return this._result = t, this;
3209 };
3210 Fr.prototype.source = function() {
3211 return this._source;
3212 };
3213 Fr.prototype.options = function() {
3214 return this._options;
3215 };
3216 Fr.prototype.sourceCode = function() {
3217 return this._script.sourceCode;
3218 };
3219 Fr.prototype.sourceName = function() {
3220 return F1.basename(this._sourcePath);
3221 };
3222 Fr.prototype.targetName = function() {
3223 return F1.basename(this._targetPath);
3224 };
3225 Fr.prototype.sourceFiles = function() {
3226 return [this.sourceName()];
3227 };
3228 Fr.prototype.parse = function() {
3229 var t = this, e = /\/\*\%([\w\|]*)?\$\*\//, r = /^(.*?)\/\*\%([\w\|]*)\$\*\//, i = t._script.js, s = t._script.js.split(/\n/g), n = t._options.debug, o = t.sourceCode(), a = M0.locationToLineColMap(o), l = "";
3230 t._locs = [], t._maps = [], t._names = [];
3231 var p = [], c = {}, _ = {}, f, d = 0;
3232 for (let N = 0, b = D1(s), m = b.length, g; N < m; N++) {
3233 g = b[N];
3234 var v = 0, y = -1;
3235 for (t._maps[N] = []; g.match(e); )
3236 g = g.replace(r, function(S, k, E) {
3237 var w;
3238 if (E == "")
3239 return k;
3240 let O = E.split("|"), L = parseInt(O[0]), D = O[1] && parseInt(O[1]);
3241 var A = a[L];
3242 if (!A)
3243 return k;
3244 let U = A[0] + 1, B = A[1] + 1;
3245 if (y != k.length) {
3246 y = k.length;
3247 var q = [[U, B], [N + 1, y + 1]];
3248 t._maps[N].push(q);
3249 }
3250 let K = [d + y, L];
3251 if (t._locs.push(K), D)
3252 if (w = c[D]) {
3253 w[1] = K[0], w[3] = K[1];
3254 let Q = w.join("|");
3255 if (_[Q])
3256 c[D] = [];
3257 else {
3258 _[Q] = true;
3259 let Dt = o.slice(w[2], w[3]);
3260 w.START && (w.START[2] = Dt, t._names.indexOf(Dt) < 0 && t._names.push(Dt));
3261 }
3262 } else
3263 c[D] = [K[0], null, K[1], null];
3264 return k;
3265 });
3266 d += g.length + 1, s[N] = g;
3267 }
3268 if (t._script.js = s.join(`
3269`), t._script.locs = {map: a, generated: t._locs, spans: Object.values(c)}, n) {
3270 for (let m = 0, g = D1(t._script.locs.spans), S = g.length, k; m < S; m++)
3271 if (k = g[m], k[1] != null) {
3272 let E = t._script.js.slice(k[0], k[1]).split(`
3273`), w = o.slice(k[2], k[3]).split(`
3275 k.push(E[0]), k.push(w[0]);
3276 }
3277 let N = {0: "\u2080", 1: "\u2081", 2: "\u2082", 3: "\u2083", 4: "\u2084", 5: "\u2085", 6: "\u2086", 7: "\u2087", 8: "\u2088", 9: "\u2089", "|": "\u208C"}, b = function(m, g) {
3278 return "[" + g + "]";
3279 };
3280 t._script.js = t._script.js + `
3282` + i.replace(/\/\*\%([\w\|]*)?\$\*\//g, b).replace(/\/\*/g, "**").replace(/\*\//g, "**") + `
3284 }
3285 return t;
3286 };
3287 Fr.prototype.generate = function() {
3288 this.parse();
3289 var t = 1, e = 1, r = 1, i = "";
3290 for (let l = 0, p = D1(this._maps), c = p.length, _; l < c; l++) {
3291 _ = p[l], t = 1;
3292 for (let f = 0, d = D1(_), v = d.length, y; f < v; f++) {
3293 y = d[f], f != 0 && (i += ",");
3294 var s = y[0], n = y[1];
3295 i += this.encodeVlq(n[1] - t), t = n[1], i += this.encodeVlq(0), i += this.encodeVlq(s[0] - e), e = s[0], i += this.encodeVlq(s[1] - r), r = s[1];
3296 }
3297 i += ";";
3298 }
3299 var o = this._targetPath && F1.relative(F1.dirname(this._targetPath), this._sourcePath), a = {version: 3, file: this.sourceName().replace(/\.imba/, ".js") || "", sourceRoot: this._sourceRoot || "", sources: [o || this._sourcePath], sourcesContent: [this.sourceCode()], names: [], mappings: i};
3300 return this._options.sourcemap == "inline" && (a.file = this.sourceName(), a.sources = [this.sourceName()]), this._result = a, this;
3301 };
3302 Fr.prototype.inlined = function() {
3303 try {
3304 var t = JSON.stringify(this._result);
3305 if (globalThis.Buffer)
3306 t = Buffer.from(t, "utf-8").toString("base64");
3307 else if (typeof btoa == "function")
3308 t = btoa(t);
3309 else
3310 return;
3311 return `
3312//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,` + t;
3313 } catch (e) {
3314 }
3315 return console.warn("base64 encoding not supported - skipping inline sourceMapping"), "";
3316 };
3317 Fr.prototype.encodeVlq = function(t) {
3318 for (var e = "", r = t < 0 ? 1 : 0, i, s = (Math.abs(t) << 1) + r; s || !e; )
3319 i = s & P0, s = s >> yp, s && (i |= gp), e += this.encodeBase64(i);
3320 return e;
3321 };
3322 Fr.prototype.toJSON = function() {
3323 return this._result;
3324 };
3325 Fr.prototype.encodeBase64 = function(t) {
3326 return V0[t];
3327 };
3328 });
3329 var Op = er((Td, Cp) => {
3330 var te = {rgb: {channels: 3, labels: "rgb"}, hsl: {channels: 3, labels: "hsl"}, hsv: {channels: 3, labels: "hsv"}, hwb: {channels: 3, labels: "hwb"}, cmyk: {channels: 4, labels: "cmyk"}, xyz: {channels: 3, labels: "xyz"}, lab: {channels: 3, labels: "lab"}, lch: {channels: 3, labels: "lch"}, hex: {channels: 1, labels: ["hex"]}, ansi16: {channels: 1, labels: ["ansi16"]}, ansi256: {channels: 1, labels: ["ansi256"]}, hcg: {channels: 3, labels: ["h", "c", "g"]}, apple: {channels: 3, labels: ["r16", "g16", "b16"]}, gray: {channels: 1, labels: ["gray"]}};
3331 Cp.exports = {conv: te};
3332 for (let t of Object.keys(te)) {
3333 if (!("channels" in te[t]))
3334 throw new Error("missing channels property: " + t);
3335 if (!("labels" in te[t]))
3336 throw new Error("missing channel labels property: " + t);
3337 if (te[t].labels.length !== te[t].channels)
3338 throw new Error("channel and label counts mismatch: " + t);
3339 let {channels: e, labels: r} = te[t];
3340 delete te[t].channels, delete te[t].labels, Object.defineProperty(te[t], "channels", {value: e}), Object.defineProperty(te[t], "labels", {value: r});
3341 }
3342 te.rgb.hsl = function(t) {
3343 let e = t[0] / 255, r = t[1] / 255, i = t[2] / 255, s = Math.min(e, r, i), n = Math.max(e, r, i), o = n - s, a, l;
3344 n === s ? a = 0 : e === n ? a = (r - i) / o : r === n ? a = 2 + (i - e) / o : i === n && (a = 4 + (e - r) / o), a = Math.min(a * 60, 360), a < 0 && (a += 360);
3345 let p = (s + n) / 2;
3346 return n === s ? l = 0 : p <= 0.5 ? l = o / (n + s) : l = o / (2 - n - s), [a, l * 100, p * 100];
3347 };
3348 te.rgb.hsv = function(t) {
3349 let e, r, i, s, n, o = t[0] / 255, a = t[1] / 255, l = t[2] / 255, p = Math.max(o, a, l), c = p - Math.min(o, a, l), _ = function(f) {
3350 return (p - f) / 6 / c + 1 / 2;
3351 };
3352 return c === 0 ? (s = 0, n = 0) : (n = c / p, e = _(o), r = _(a), i = _(l), o === p ? s = i - r : a === p ? s = 1 / 3 + e - i : l === p && (s = 2 / 3 + r - e), s < 0 ? s += 1 : s > 1 && (s -= 1)), [s * 360, n * 100, p * 100];
3353 };
3354 te.rgb.hwb = function(t) {
3355 let e = t[0], r = t[1], i = t[2], s = te.rgb.hsl(t)[0], n = 1 / 255 * Math.min(e, Math.min(r, i));
3356 return i = 1 - 1 / 255 * Math.max(e, Math.max(r, i)), [s, n * 100, i * 100];
3357 };
3358 te.rgb.cmyk = function(t) {
3359 let e = t[0] / 255, r = t[1] / 255, i = t[2] / 255, s = Math.min(1 - e, 1 - r, 1 - i), n = (1 - e - s) / (1 - s) || 0, o = (1 - r - s) / (1 - s) || 0, a = (1 - i - s) / (1 - s) || 0;
3360 return [n * 100, o * 100, a * 100, s * 100];
3361 };
3362 te.rgb.xyz = function(t) {
3363 let e = t[0] / 255, r = t[1] / 255, i = t[2] / 255;
3364 e = e > 0.04045 ? ((e + 0.055) / 1.055) ** 2.4 : e / 12.92, r = r > 0.04045 ? ((r + 0.055) / 1.055) ** 2.4 : r / 12.92, i = i > 0.04045 ? ((i + 0.055) / 1.055) ** 2.4 : i / 12.92;
3365 let s = e * 0.4124564 + r * 0.3575761 + i * 0.1804375, n = e * 0.2126729 + r * 0.7151522 + i * 0.072175, o = e * 0.0193339 + r * 0.119192 + i * 0.9503041;
3366 return [s * 100, n * 100, o * 100];
3367 };
3368 te.rgb.lab = function(t) {
3369 let e = te.rgb.xyz(t), r = e[0], i = e[1], s = e[2];
3370 r /= 95.047, i /= 100, s /= 108.883, r = r > 8856e-6 ? r ** (1 / 3) : 7.787 * r + 16 / 116, i = i > 8856e-6 ? i ** (1 / 3) : 7.787 * i + 16 / 116, s = s > 8856e-6 ? s ** (1 / 3) : 7.787 * s + 16 / 116;
3371 let n = 116 * i - 16, o = 500 * (r - i), a = 200 * (i - s);
3372 return [n, o, a];
3373 };
3374 te.hsl.rgb = function(t) {
3375 let e = t[0] / 360, r = t[1] / 100, i = t[2] / 100, s, n, o;
3376 if (r === 0)
3377 return o = i * 255, [o, o, o];
3378 i < 0.5 ? s = i * (1 + r) : s = i + r - i * r;
3379 let a = 2 * i - s, l = [0, 0, 0];
3380 for (let p = 0; p < 3; p++)
3381 n = e + 1 / 3 * -(p - 1), n < 0 && n++, n > 1 && n--, 6 * n < 1 ? o = a + (s - a) * 6 * n : 2 * n < 1 ? o = s : 3 * n < 2 ? o = a + (s - a) * (2 / 3 - n) * 6 : o = a, l[p] = o * 255;
3382 return l;
3383 };
3384 te.hsl.hsv = function(t) {
3385 let e = t[0], r = t[1] / 100, i = t[2] / 100, s = r, n = Math.max(i, 0.01);
3386 i *= 2, r *= i <= 1 ? i : 2 - i, s *= n <= 1 ? n : 2 - n;
3387 let o = (i + r) / 2, a = i === 0 ? 2 * s / (n + s) : 2 * r / (i + r);
3388 return [e, a * 100, o * 100];
3389 };
3390 te.hsv.rgb = function(t) {
3391 let e = t[0] / 60, r = t[1] / 100, i = t[2] / 100, s = Math.floor(e) % 6, n = e - Math.floor(e), o = 255 * i * (1 - r), a = 255 * i * (1 - r * n), l = 255 * i * (1 - r * (1 - n));
3392 switch (i *= 255, s) {
3393 case 0:
3394 return [i, l, o];
3395 case 1:
3396 return [a, i, o];
3397 case 2:
3398 return [o, i, l];
3399 case 3:
3400 return [o, a, i];
3401 case 4:
3402 return [l, o, i];
3403 case 5:
3404 return [i, o, a];
3405 }
3406 };
3407 te.hsv.hsl = function(t) {
3408 let e = t[0], r = t[1] / 100, i = t[2] / 100, s = Math.max(i, 0.01), n, o;
3409 o = (2 - r) * i;
3410 let a = (2 - r) * s;
3411 return n = r * s, n /= a <= 1 ? a : 2 - a, n = n || 0, o /= 2, [e, n * 100, o * 100];
3412 };
3413 te.hwb.rgb = function(t) {
3414 let e = t[0] / 360, r = t[1] / 100, i = t[2] / 100, s = r + i, n;
3415 s > 1 && (r /= s, i /= s);
3416 let o = Math.floor(6 * e), a = 1 - i;
3417 n = 6 * e - o, (o & 1) != 0 && (n = 1 - n);
3418 let l = r + n * (a - r), p, c, _;
3419 switch (o) {
3420 default:
3421 case 6:
3422 case 0:
3423 p = a, c = l, _ = r;
3424 break;
3425 case 1:
3426 p = l, c = a, _ = r;
3427 break;
3428 case 2:
3429 p = r, c = a, _ = l;
3430 break;
3431 case 3:
3432 p = r, c = l, _ = a;
3433 break;
3434 case 4:
3435 p = l, c = r, _ = a;
3436 break;
3437 case 5:
3438 p = a, c = r, _ = l;
3439 break;
3440 }
3441 return [p * 255, c * 255, _ * 255];
3442 };
3443 te.cmyk.rgb = function(t) {
3444 let e = t[0] / 100, r = t[1] / 100, i = t[2] / 100, s = t[3] / 100, n = 1 - Math.min(1, e * (1 - s) + s), o = 1 - Math.min(1, r * (1 - s) + s), a = 1 - Math.min(1, i * (1 - s) + s);
3445 return [n * 255, o * 255, a * 255];
3446 };
3447 te.xyz.rgb = function(t) {
3448 let e = t[0] / 100, r = t[1] / 100, i = t[2] / 100, s, n, o;
3449 return s = e * 3.2404542 + r * -1.5371385 + i * -0.4985314, n = e * -0.969266 + r * 1.8760108 + i * 0.041556, o = e * 0.0556434 + r * -0.2040259 + i * 1.0572252, s = s > 31308e-7 ? 1.055 * s ** (1 / 2.4) - 0.055 : s * 12.92, n = n > 31308e-7 ? 1.055 * n ** (1 / 2.4) - 0.055 : n * 12.92, o = o > 31308e-7 ? 1.055 * o ** (1 / 2.4) - 0.055 : o * 12.92, s = Math.min(Math.max(0, s), 1), n = Math.min(Math.max(0, n), 1), o = Math.min(Math.max(0, o), 1), [s * 255, n * 255, o * 255];
3450 };
3451 te.xyz.lab = function(t) {
3452 let e = t[0], r = t[1], i = t[2];
3453 e /= 95.047, r /= 100, i /= 108.883, e = e > 8856e-6 ? e ** (1 / 3) : 7.787 * e + 16 / 116, r = r > 8856e-6 ? r ** (1 / 3) : 7.787 * r + 16 / 116, i = i > 8856e-6 ? i ** (1 / 3) : 7.787 * i + 16 / 116;
3454 let s = 116 * r - 16, n = 500 * (e - r), o = 200 * (r - i);
3455 return [s, n, o];
3456 };
3457 te.lab.xyz = function(t) {
3458 let e = t[0], r = t[1], i = t[2], s, n, o;
3459 n = (e + 16) / 116, s = r / 500 + n, o = n - i / 200;
3460 let a = n ** 3, l = s ** 3, p = o ** 3;
3461 return n = a > 8856e-6 ? a : (n - 16 / 116) / 7.787, s = l > 8856e-6 ? l : (s - 16 / 116) / 7.787, o = p > 8856e-6 ? p : (o - 16 / 116) / 7.787, s *= 95.047, n *= 100, o *= 108.883, [s, n, o];
3462 };
3463 te.lab.lch = function(t) {
3464 let e = t[0], r = t[1], i = t[2], s;
3465 s = Math.atan2(i, r) * 360 / 2 / Math.PI, s < 0 && (s += 360);
3466 let o = Math.sqrt(r * r + i * i);
3467 return [e, o, s];
3468 };
3469 te.lch.lab = function(t) {
3470 let e = t[0], r = t[1], s = t[2] / 360 * 2 * Math.PI, n = r * Math.cos(s), o = r * Math.sin(s);
3471 return [e, n, o];
3472 };
3473 te.rgb.ansi16 = function(t, e = null) {
3474 let [r, i, s] = t, n = e === null ? te.rgb.hsv(t)[2] : e;
3475 if (n = Math.round(n / 50), n === 0)
3476 return 30;
3477 let o = 30 + (Math.round(s / 255) << 2 | Math.round(i / 255) << 1 | Math.round(r / 255));
3478 return n === 2 && (o += 60), o;
3479 };
3480 te.hsv.ansi16 = function(t) {
3481 return te.rgb.ansi16(te.hsv.rgb(t), t[2]);
3482 };
3483 te.rgb.ansi256 = function(t) {
3484 let e = t[0], r = t[1], i = t[2];
3485 return e === r && r === i ? e < 8 ? 16 : e > 248 ? 231 : Math.round((e - 8) / 247 * 24) + 232 : 16 + 36 * Math.round(e / 255 * 5) + 6 * Math.round(r / 255 * 5) + Math.round(i / 255 * 5);
3486 };
3487 te.ansi16.rgb = function(t) {
3488 let e = t % 10;
3489 if (e === 0 || e === 7)
3490 return t > 50 && (e += 3.5), e = e / 10.5 * 255, [e, e, e];
3491 let r = (~~(t > 50) + 1) * 0.5, i = (e & 1) * r * 255, s = (e >> 1 & 1) * r * 255, n = (e >> 2 & 1) * r * 255;
3492 return [i, s, n];
3493 };
3494 te.ansi256.rgb = function(t) {
3495 if (t >= 232) {
3496 let n = (t - 232) * 10 + 8;
3497 return [n, n, n];
3498 }
3499 t -= 16;
3500 let e, r = Math.floor(t / 36) / 5 * 255, i = Math.floor((e = t % 36) / 6) / 5 * 255, s = e % 6 / 5 * 255;
3501 return [r, i, s];
3502 };
3503 te.rgb.hex = function(t) {
3504 let r = (((Math.round(t[0]) & 255) << 16) + ((Math.round(t[1]) & 255) << 8) + (Math.round(t[2]) & 255)).toString(16).toUpperCase();
3505 return "000000".substring(r.length) + r;
3506 };
3507 te.hex.rgb = function(t) {
3508 let e = t.toString(16).match(/[a-f0-9]{6}|[a-f0-9]{3}/i);
3509 if (!e)
3510 return [0, 0, 0];
3511 let r = e[0];
3512 e[0].length === 3 && (r = r.split("").map((a) => a + a).join(""));
3513 let i = parseInt(r, 16), s = i >> 16 & 255, n = i >> 8 & 255, o = i & 255;
3514 return [s, n, o];
3515 };
3516 te.hex.hsl = function(t) {
3517 return te.rgb.hsl(te.hex.rgb(t));
3518 };
3519 te.rgb.hcg = function(t) {
3520 let e = t[0] / 255, r = t[1] / 255, i = t[2] / 255, s = Math.max(Math.max(e, r), i), n = Math.min(Math.min(e, r), i), o = s - n, a, l;
3521 return o < 1 ? a = n / (1 - o) : a = 0, o <= 0 ? l = 0 : s === e ? l = (r - i) / o % 6 : s === r ? l = 2 + (i - e) / o : l = 4 + (e - r) / o, l /= 6, l %= 1, [l * 360, o * 100, a * 100];
3522 };
3523 te.hsl.hcg = function(t) {
3524 let e = t[1] / 100, r = t[2] / 100, i = r < 0.5 ? 2 * e * r : 2 * e * (1 - r), s = 0;
3525 return i < 1 && (s = (r - 0.5 * i) / (1 - i)), [t[0], i * 100, s * 100];
3526 };
3527 te.hsv.hcg = function(t) {
3528 let e = t[1] / 100, r = t[2] / 100, i = e * r, s = 0;
3529 return i < 1 && (s = (r - i) / (1 - i)), [t[0], i * 100, s * 100];
3530 };
3531 te.hcg.rgb = function(t) {
3532 let e = t[0] / 360, r = t[1] / 100, i = t[2] / 100;
3533 if (r === 0)
3534 return [i * 255, i * 255, i * 255];
3535 let s = [0, 0, 0], n = e % 1 * 6, o = n % 1, a = 1 - o, l = 0;
3536 switch (Math.floor(n)) {
3537 case 0:
3538 s[0] = 1, s[1] = o, s[2] = 0;
3539 break;
3540 case 1:
3541 s[0] = a, s[1] = 1, s[2] = 0;
3542 break;
3543 case 2:
3544 s[0] = 0, s[1] = 1, s[2] = o;
3545 break;
3546 case 3:
3547 s[0] = 0, s[1] = a, s[2] = 1;
3548 break;
3549 case 4:
3550 s[0] = o, s[1] = 0, s[2] = 1;
3551 break;
3552 default:
3553 s[0] = 1, s[1] = 0, s[2] = a;
3554 }
3555 return l = (1 - r) * i, [(r * s[0] + l) * 255, (r * s[1] + l) * 255, (r * s[2] + l) * 255];
3556 };
3557 te.hcg.hsv = function(t) {
3558 let e = t[1] / 100, r = t[2] / 100, i = e + r * (1 - e), s = 0;
3559 return i > 0 && (s = e / i), [t[0], s * 100, i * 100];
3560 };
3561 te.hcg.hsl = function(t) {
3562 let e = t[1] / 100, i = t[2] / 100 * (1 - e) + 0.5 * e, s = 0;
3563 return i > 0 && i < 0.5 ? s = e / (2 * i) : i >= 0.5 && i < 1 && (s = e / (2 * (1 - i))), [t[0], s * 100, i * 100];
3564 };
3565 te.hcg.hwb = function(t) {
3566 let e = t[1] / 100, r = t[2] / 100, i = e + r * (1 - e);
3567 return [t[0], (i - e) * 100, (1 - i) * 100];
3568 };
3569 te.hwb.hcg = function(t) {
3570 let e = t[1] / 100, r = t[2] / 100, i = 1 - r, s = i - e, n = 0;
3571 return s < 1 && (n = (i - s) / (1 - s)), [t[0], s * 100, n * 100];
3572 };
3573 te.apple.rgb = function(t) {
3574 return [t[0] / 65535 * 255, t[1] / 65535 * 255, t[2] / 65535 * 255];
3575 };
3576 te.rgb.apple = function(t) {
3577 return [t[0] / 255 * 65535, t[1] / 255 * 65535, t[2] / 255 * 65535];
3578 };
3579 te.gray.rgb = function(t) {
3580 return [t[0] / 100 * 255, t[0] / 100 * 255, t[0] / 100 * 255];
3581 };
3582 te.gray.hsl = function(t) {
3583 return [0, 0, t[0]];
3584 };
3585 te.gray.hsv = te.gray.hsl;
3586 te.gray.hwb = function(t) {
3587 return [0, 100, t[0]];
3588 };
3589 te.gray.cmyk = function(t) {
3590 return [0, 0, 0, t[0]];
3591 };
3592 te.gray.lab = function(t) {
3593 return [t[0], 0, 0];
3594 };
3595 te.gray.hex = function(t) {
3596 let e = Math.round(t[0] / 100 * 255) & 255, i = ((e << 16) + (e << 8) + e).toString(16).toUpperCase();
3597 return "000000".substring(i.length) + i;
3598 };
3599 te.rgb.gray = function(t) {
3600 return [(t[0] + t[1] + t[2]) / 3 / 255 * 100];
3601 };
3602 });
3603 var Hp = er((q0) => {
3604 Gi(q0);
3605 Di(q0, {Calc: () => Mp, Color: () => Ei, Length: () => Cs, StyleExtenders: () => Gp, StyleRule: () => ss, StyleSheet: () => Bp, StyleTheme: () => jp, Tint: () => kn, TransformMixin: () => $0, Var: () => _o, abbreviations: () => Hl, aliases: () => fo, layouts: () => Fp, validTypes: () => ca});
3606 var Vl = Su(Op());
3607 function Tr(t) {
3608 let e;
3609 return t ? (e = t.toIterable) ? e.call(t) : t : [];
3610 }
3611 var Rd = Symbol.for("#__initor__"), Nd = Symbol.for("#__inited__"), jl = Symbol.for("#stack"), Gl = Symbol.for("#parts"), Bl = Symbol.for("#apply"), V1 = Symbol.for("#register"), bn = Symbol.for("#string"), X0 = Symbol.for("#media"), W0 = Symbol.for("#rules"), Lp = null, Dp = new WeakMap(), Fp = {group: function(t) {
3612 return t.display = "flex", t.jc = "flex-start", t.flw = "wrap", t["--u_sx"] = "calc(var(--u_cg,0) * 0.5)", t["--u_sy"] = "calc(var(--u_rg,0) * 0.5)", t.margin = "calc(var(--u_sy) * -1) calc(var(--u_sx) * -1)", t["&>*"] = {margin: "var(--u_sy) var(--u_sx)"};
3613 }, vflex: function(t) {
3614 return t.display = "flex", t.fld = "column";
3615 }, hflex: function(t) {
3616 return t.display = "flex", t.fld = "row";
3617 }, hgrid: function(t) {
3618 return t.display = "grid", t.gaf = "column", t.gac = "1fr";
3619 }, vgrid: function(t) {
3620 return t.display = "grid", t.gaf = "row";
3621 }}, ca = {ease: "linear|ease|ease-in|ease-out|ease-in-out|step-start|step-end|steps\u0192|cubic-bezier\u0192"};
3622 for (let t = 0, e = Object.keys(ca), r = e.length, i, s; t < r; t++) {
3623 i = e[t], s = ca[i];
3624 let n = {};
3625 for (let o = 0, a = Tr(s.split("|")), l = a.length; o < l; o++) {
3626 let p = a[o];
3627 n[p] = 1;
3628 }
3629 ca[i] = n;
3630 }
3631 var fo = {c: "color", d: "display", pos: "position", p: "padding", pl: "padding-left", pr: "padding-right", pt: "padding-top", pb: "padding-bottom", px: ["pl", "pr"], py: ["pt", "pb"], m: "margin", ml: "margin-left", mr: "margin-right", mt: "margin-top", mb: "margin-bottom", mx: ["ml", "mr"], my: ["mt", "mb"], w: "width", h: "height", t: "top", b: "bottom", l: "left", r: "right", size: ["width", "height"], ji: "justify-items", jc: "justify-content", js: "justify-self", j: ["justify-content", "justify-items"], ai: "align-items", ac: "align-content", as: "align-self", a: ["align-content", "align-items"], jai: ["justify-items", "align-items"], jac: ["justify-content", "align-content"], jas: ["justify-self", "align-self"], ja: ["justify-content", "align-content", "justify-items", "align-items"], fl: "flex", flf: "flex-flow", fld: "flex-direction", flb: "flex-basis", flg: "flex-grow", fls: "flex-shrink", flw: "flex-wrap", ff: "font-family", fs: "font-size", fw: "font-weight", ts: "text-shadow", td: "text-decoration", tdl: "text-decoration-line", tdc: "text-decoration-color", tds: "text-decoration-style", tdt: "text-decoration-thickness", tdsi: "text-decoration-skip-ink", te: "text-emphasis", tec: "text-emphasis-color", tes: "text-emphasis-style", tep: "text-emphasis-position", tet: "text-emphasis-thickness", tt: "text-transform", ta: "text-align", va: "vertical-align", ls: "letter-spacing", lh: "line-height", bd: "border", bdr: "border-right", bdl: "border-left", bdt: "border-top", bdb: "border-bottom", bs: "border-style", bsr: "border-right-style", bsl: "border-left-style", bst: "border-top-style", bsb: "border-bottom-style", bw: "border-width", bwr: "border-right-width", bwl: "border-left-width", bwt: "border-top-width", bwb: "border-bottom-width", bc: "border-color", bcr: "border-right-color", bcl: "border-left-color", bct: "border-top-color", bcb: "border-bottom-color", rd: "border-radius", rdtl: "border-top-left-radius", rdtr: "border-top-right-radius", rdbl: "border-bottom-left-radius", rdbr: "border-bottom-right-radius", rdt: ["border-top-left-radius", "border-top-right-radius"], rdb: ["border-bottom-left-radius", "border-bottom-right-radius"], rdl: ["border-top-left-radius", "border-bottom-left-radius"], rdr: ["border-top-right-radius", "border-bottom-right-radius"], bg: "background", bgp: "background-position", bgc: "background-color", bgr: "background-repeat", bgi: "background-image", bga: "background-attachment", bgs: "background-size", bgo: "background-origin", bgclip: "background-clip", g: "gap", rg: "row-gap", cg: "column-gap", gtr: "grid-template-rows", gtc: "grid-template-columns", gta: "grid-template-areas", gar: "grid-auto-rows", gac: "grid-auto-columns", gaf: "grid-auto-flow", gcg: "grid-column-gap", grg: "grid-row-gap", ga: "grid-area", gr: "grid-row", gc: "grid-column", gt: "grid-template", grs: "grid-row-start", gcs: "grid-column-start", gre: "grid-row-end", gce: "grid-column-end", bxs: "box-shadow", shadow: "box-shadow", of: "overflow", ofx: "overflow-x", ofy: "overflow-y", ofa: "overflow-anchor", prefix: "content@before", suffix: "content@after", x: "x", y: "y", z: "z", rotate: "rotate", scale: "scale", "scale-x": "scale-x", "scale-y": "scale-y", "skew-x": "skew-x", "skew-y": "skew-y", origin: "transform-origin", ws: "white-space", zi: "z-index", pe: "pointer-events", us: "user-select", o: "opacity", tween: "transition", e: "ease", eo: "ease-opacity", et: "ease-transform", ec: "ease-colors"}, Hl = {};
3632 for (let t = 0, e = Object.keys(fo), r = e.length, i, s; t < r; t++)
3633 i = e[t], s = fo[i], typeof s == "string" && (Hl[s] = i);
3634 function J0(t) {
3635 return !!(t._value && t._value._type == "NUMBER" && !t._unit);
3636 }
3637 var Ei = class {
3638 constructor(e, r, i, s, n = 1) {
3639 this.name = e, this.h = r, this.s = i, this.l = s, this.a = n;
3640 }
3641 alpha(e = 1) {
3642 return new Ei(this.name, this.h, this.s, this.l, e);
3643 }
3644 clone() {
3645 return new Ei(this.name, this.h, this.s, this.l, this.a);
3646 }
3647 mix(e, r = 0.5, i = 0.5, s = 0.5) {
3648 let n = this.h + (e.h - this.h) * r, o = this.s + (e.s - this.s) * i, a = this.l + (e.l - this.l) * s;
3649 return new Ei(this.name + e.name, n, o, a);
3650 }
3651 toString(e = this.a) {
3652 return typeof e == "string" && e[0] == "$" && (e = "var(--" + e.slice(1) + ",100%)"), "hsla(" + this.h.toFixed(2) + "," + this.s.toFixed(2) + "%," + this.l.toFixed(2) + "%," + e + ")";
3653 }
3654 toVar(e = 2) {
3655 return "" + Math.round(this.h) + "," + Math.round(this.s) + "%," + Math.round(this.l) + "%";
3656 }
3657 c() {
3658 return this.toString();
3659 }
3660 }, kn = class extends Ei {
3661 alpha(e = 1) {
3662 return new kn(this.name, this.h, this.s, this.l, e);
3663 }
3664 clone() {
3665 return new kn(this.name, this.h, this.s, this.l, this.a);
3666 }
3667 toString(e = this.a) {
3668 return typeof e == "string" && e[0] == "$" && (e = "var(--" + e.slice(1) + ",100%)"), "hsla(var(--" + this.name + ")," + e + ")";
3669 }
3670 }, Cs = class {
3671 static parse(e) {
3672 let r = String(e).match(/^(\-?[\d\.]+)(\w+|%)?$/);
3673 return r ? new this(parseFloat(r[1]), r[2]) : null;
3674 }
3675 constructor(e, r) {
3676 this.number = e, this.unit = r;
3677 }
3678 valueOf() {
3679 return this.number;
3680 }
3681 toString() {
3682 return this.number + (this.unit || "");
3683 }
3684 clone(e = this.number, r = this.unit) {
3685 return new Cs(e, r);
3686 }
3687 rounded() {
3688 return this.clone(Math.round(this.number));
3689 }
3690 c() {
3691 return this.toString();
3692 }
3693 get _unit() {
3694 return this.unit;
3695 }
3696 get _number() {
3697 return this.number;
3698 }
3699 }, _o = class {
3700 constructor(e, r) {
3701 this.name = e, this.fallback = r;
3702 }
3703 c() {
3704 return this.fallback ? "var(--" + this.name + "," + (this.fallback.c ? this.fallback.c() : String(this.fallback)) + ")" : "var(--" + this.name + ")";
3705 }
3706 }, Mp = class {
3707 constructor(e) {
3708 this.expr = e;
3709 }
3710 cpart(e) {
3711 let r = "(";
3712 for (let i = 0, s = Tr(e), n = s.length; i < n; i++) {
3713 let o = s[i];
3714 typeof o == "string" ? r += " " + o + " " : typeof o == "number" ? r += o : o.c instanceof Function ? r += o.c() : o instanceof Array && (r += this.cpart(o));
3715 }
3716 return r += ")", r;
3717 }
3718 c() {
3719 return "calc" + this.cpart(this.expr);
3720 }
3721 }, Pp = {current: {string: "currentColor", c: function() {
3722 return "currentColor";
3723 }}, transparent: new Ei("transparent", 0, 0, 100, "0%"), clear: new Ei("transparent", 100, 100, 100, "0%"), black: new Ei("black", 0, 0, 0, "100%"), white: new Ei("white", 0, 0, 100, "100%")};
3724 function Z0(t) {
3725 let e;
3726 if (e = t.match(/hsl\((\d+), *(\d+\%), *(\d+\%?)/)) {
3727 let r = parseInt(e[1]), i = parseInt(e[2]), s = parseInt(e[3]);
3728 return [r, i, s];
3729 } else if (t[0] == "#")
3730 return Vl.conv.rgb.hsl(Vl.conv.hex.rgb(t));
3731 }
3732 function Vp(t, e) {
3733 for (let r = 0, i = Object.keys(e), s = i.length, n, o; r < s; r++) {
3734 if (n = i[r], o = e[n], typeof o == "string") {
3735 t[n] = o;
3736 continue;
3737 }
3738 for (let a = 0, l = Object.keys(o), p = l.length, c, _; a < p; a++) {
3739 c = l[a], _ = o[c];
3740 let f = n + c;
3741 if (t[_])
3742 t[f] = t[_];
3743 else {
3744 let [d, v, y] = Z0(_), N = t[f] = new Ei(f, d, v, y, "100%");
3745 }
3746 }
3747 }
3748 return t;
3749 }
3750 Vp(Pp, Ml);
3751 var Q0 = "cm mm Q in pc pt px em ex ch rem vw vh vmin vmax % s ms fr deg rad grad turn Hz kHz".split(" "), jp = class {
3752 static instance() {
3753 return Lp || (Lp = new this());
3754 }
3755 static propAbbr(e) {
3756 return Hl[e] || e;
3757 }
3758 static wrap(e) {
3759 if (!e)
3760 return this.instance();
3761 let r = Dp.get(e);
3762 return r || Dp.set(e, r = new this(e)), r;
3763 }
3764 constructor(e = {}) {
3765 this.options = Dl, this.palette = Object.assign({}, Pp), e.theme && (e = e.theme), e && e.colors && Vp(this.palette, e.colors);
3766 }
3767 expandProperty(e) {
3768 return fo[e] || void 0;
3769 }
3770 expandValue(e, r) {
3771 if (e == null && (e = r.default), r.hasOwnProperty(e) && (e = r[e]), typeof e == "number" && r.NUMBER) {
3772 let [i, s, n] = r.NUMBER.match(/^(\-?[\d\.]+)(\w+|%)?$/);
3773 return e * parseFloat(s) + n;
3774 }
3775 return e;
3776 }
3777 padding_x([e, r = e]) {
3778 return {"padding-left": e, "padding-right": r};
3779 }
3780 padding_y([e, r = e]) {
3781 return {"padding-top": e, "padding-bottom": r};
3782 }
3783 margin_x([e, r = e]) {
3784 return {"margin-left": e, "margin-right": r};
3785 }
3786 margin_y([e, r = e]) {
3787 return {"margin-top": e, "margin-bottom": r};
3788 }
3789 ease(e) {
3790 return this.$ease(e, "");
3791 }
3792 ease_opacity(e) {
3793 return this.$ease(e, "o");
3794 }
3795 ease_transform(e) {
3796 return this.$ease(e, "t");
3797 }
3798 ease_colors(e) {
3799 return this.$ease(e, "c");
3800 }
3801 $ease(e, r = "") {
3802 e = e.slice(0);
3803 let i = {__ease__: ""}, s = /^[\-\+]?(\d*\.)?(\d+)(s|ms)?$/;
3804 if (String(e[0]).match(s) && (i["--e_d" + r] = e[0], e.shift()), e[0] && !String(e[0]).match(s)) {
3805 let n = this.$varFallback("ease", [e[0]]);
3806 i["--e_f" + r] = n, e.shift();
3807 }
3808 return String(e[0]).match(s) && (i["--e_w" + r] = e[0], e.shift()), i;
3809 }
3810 inset([e, r = e, i = e, s = r]) {
3811 return {position: "absolute", top: e, right: r, bottom: i, left: s};
3812 }
3813 size([e, r = e]) {
3814 return {width: e, height: r};
3815 }
3816 grid(e) {
3817 let r;
3818 if (r = this.$varFallback("grid", e))
3819 return r;
3820 }
3821 animation(...e) {
3822 let r = {normal: 1, reverse: 1, alternate: 1, "alternate-reverse": 1, infinite: 2, none: 3, forwards: 3, backwards: 3, both: 3, running: 4, paused: 4}, i = {};
3823 for (let s = 0, n = Tr(e), o = n.length; s < o; s++) {
3824 let a = n[s], l = null, p = null;
3825 for (let c = 0, _ = Tr(a), f = _.length; c < f; c++) {
3826 let d = _[c], v = String(d), y = r[v];
3827 ca.ease[v] && !p ? p = true : y ? (i[y] && (l = [c, v]), i[y] = true) : v.match(/^[^\d\.]/) && v.indexOf("(") == -1 && (l ? p = [c, v] : l = [c, v]);
3828 }
3829 if (l && (a[l[0]] = new _o("animation-" + l[1], l[1])), p instanceof Array) {
3830 let c = this.options.variants.easings[p[1]];
3831 a[p[0]] = new _o("ease-" + p[1], c);
3832 }
3833 }
3834 return {animation: e};
3835 }
3836 animation_timing_function(...e) {
3837 for (let r = 0, i = Tr(e), s = i.length; r < s; r++) {
3838 let n = i[r], o = this.$varFallback("ease", n);
3839 o && (e[r] = o);
3840 }
3841 return e;
3842 }
3843 animation_name(...e) {
3844 let r;
3845 for (let i = 0, s = Tr(e), n = s.length; i < n; i++) {
3846 let o = s[i], a = this.$varFallback("animation", o);
3847 a && (e[i] = a);
3848 }
3849 return e;
3850 }
3851 display(e) {
3852 let r = {display: e};
3853 for (let i = 0, s = Tr(e), n = s.length, o; i < n; i++) {
3854 let a = s[i];
3855 (o = Fp[String(a)]) && o.call(this, r, a, e);
3856 }
3857 return r;
3858 }
3859 position(e) {
3860 let r = {position: e}, i = String(e[0]);
3861 return i == "abs" ? r.position = "absolute" : i == "rel" && (r.position = "relative"), r;
3862 }
3863 width([...e]) {
3864 let r = {};
3865 for (let i = 0, s = Tr(e), n = s.length; i < n; i++) {
3866 let o = s[i], a = o._options || {}, l = o._unit;
3867 l == "c" || l == "col" || l == "cols" ? r["grid-column-end"] = "span " + o._number : a.op && String(a.op) == ">" ? r["min-width"] = o : a.op && String(a.op) == "<" ? r["max-width"] = o : r.width = o;
3868 }
3869 return r;
3870 }
3871 height([...e]) {
3872 let r = {};
3873 for (let i = 0, s = Tr(e), n = s.length; i < n; i++) {
3874 let o = s[i], a = o._options || {}, l = o._unit;
3875 l == "r" || l == "row" || l == "rows" ? r["grid-row-end"] = "span " + o._number : a.op && String(a.op) == ">" ? r["min-height"] = o : a.op && String(a.op) == "<" ? r["max-height"] = o : r.height = o;
3876 }
3877 return r;
3878 }
3879 transition(...e) {
3880 let r = {}, i = {}, s = ["name | duration", "name | duration | delay", "name | duration | ease", "name | duration | ease | delay"], n = {styles: ["background-color", "border-color", "color", "fill", "stroke", "opacity", "box-shadow", "transform"], sizes: ["width", "height", "left", "top", "right", "bottom", "margin", "padding"], colors: ["background-color", "border-color", "color", "fill", "stroke"]}, o = 0;
3881 for (; o < e.length; ) {
3882 let a = e[o], l = String(a[0]);
3883 l.match(/^[\-\+]?\d?(\.?\d+)(s|ms)?$/) && a.unshift(l = "styles");
3884 let p = a[2], c = n[l];
3885 if (c && e.length == 1)
3886 a[0] = "none", Object.assign(i, {"transition-property": c.join(",")});
3887 else if (c && e.length > 1) {
3888 let _ = c.map(function(f) {
3889 return [f].concat(a.slice(1));
3890 });
3891 e.splice(o, 1, ..._);
3892 continue;
3893 }
3894 o++;
3895 }
3896 return Object.assign(r, {transition: e}, i), r;
3897 }
3898 font(e, ...r) {
3899 for (let i = 0, s = Tr(e), n = s.length; i < n; i++) {
3900 let o = s[i];
3901 }
3902 }
3903 font_family(e) {
3904 let r;
3905 if (r = this.$varFallback("font", e))
3906 return r;
3907 }
3908 text_shadow(e) {
3909 let r;
3910 if (r = this.$varFallback("text-shadow", e))
3911 return r;
3912 }
3913 grid_template(e) {
3914 for (let r = 0, i = Tr(e), s = i.length; r < s; r++) {
3915 let n = i[r];
3916 J0(n) && (n._resolvedValue = "repeat(" + n._value + ",1fr)");
3917 }
3918 }
3919 grid_template_columns(e) {
3920 return this.grid_template(e);
3921 }
3922 grid_template_rows(e) {
3923 return this.grid_template(e);
3924 }
3925 font_size([e]) {
3926 let r = this.options.variants["font-size"], i = String(e), s = e, n, o = {};
3927 if (r[i] && ([s, n] = r[i], s = Cs.parse(s), n = Cs.parse(n || "")), e.param && e.param && (n = e.param), o["font-size"] = s, n) {
3928 let a = n._unit, l = n._number;
3929 if (o.lh = n, a == "fs")
3930 o.lh = new Cs(l);
3931 else if (a)
3932 o.lh = n;
3933 else if (l == 0)
3934 o.lh = "inherit";
3935 else if (l && s._unit == "px") {
3936 let p = Math.round(s._number * l);
3937 p % 2 == 1 && p++, o.lh = new Cs(p, "px");
3938 }
3939 }
3940 return o;
3941 }
3942 line_height([e]) {
3943 let r = e;
3944 return e._number && !e._unit && (r = e.clone(e._number, "em")), {"line-height": e, "--u_lh": r};
3945 }
3946 text_decoration(e) {
3947 for (let r = 0, i = Tr(e), s = i.length; r < s; r++) {
3948 let n = i[r], o = String(n);
3949 o == "u" ? n._resolvedValue = "underline" : o == "s" && (n._resolvedValue = "line-through");
3950 }
3951 return [e];
3952 }
3953 border([...e]) {
3954 if (e.length == 1 && this.$parseColor(e[0]))
3955 return [["1px", "solid", e[0]]];
3956 }
3957 border_left(e) {
3958 return this.border(e);
3959 }
3960 border_right(e) {
3961 return this.border(e);
3962 }
3963 border_top(e) {
3964 return this.border(e);
3965 }
3966 border_bottom(e) {
3967 return this.border(e);
3968 }
3969 border_x(e) {
3970 return {"border-left": this.border(e) || e, "border-right": this.border(e) || e};
3971 }
3972 border_y(e) {
3973 return {"border-top": this.border(e) || e, "border-bottom": this.border(e) || e};
3974 }
3975 border_x_width([e, r = e]) {
3976 return {blw: e, brw: r};
3977 }
3978 border_y_width([e, r = e]) {
3979 return {btw: e, bbw: r};
3980 }
3981 border_x_style([e, r = e]) {
3982 return {bls: e, brs: r};
3983 }
3984 border_y_style([e, r = e]) {
3985 return {bts: e, bbs: r};
3986 }
3987 border_x_color([e, r = e]) {
3988 return {blc: e, brc: r};
3989 }
3990 border_y_color([e, r = e]) {
3991 return {btc: e, bbc: r};
3992 }
3993 gap([e]) {
3994 return {gap: e, "--u_rg": e, "--u_cg": e};
3995 }
3996 row_gap([e]) {
3997 return {"row-gap": e, "--u_rg": e};
3998 }
3999 column_gap([e]) {
4000 return {"column-gap": e, "--u_cg": e};
4001 }
4002 tint([e]) {
4003 let r = {"--hue": e};
4004 for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++)
4005 r["--hue" + i] = "/*##*/" + e + i;
4006 return r;
4007 }
4008 hue([e]) {
4009 let r = {"--hue": e};
4010 for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++)
4011 r["--hue" + i] = "/*##*/" + e + i;
4012 return r;
4013 }
4014 $color(e) {
4015 let r = e.match(/^(\w+)(\d)(?:\-(\d+))?$/), i = r && r[1];
4016 if (i && typeof this.palette[i] == "string")
4017 return this.$color(this.palette[i] + e.slice(i.length));
4018 if (i == "tint") {
4019 let s = "hue" + e.slice(4);
4020 return console.warn("" + e + " renamed to " + s), new kn(s);
4021 }
4022 if (i == "hue")
4023 return new kn(e);
4024 if (this.palette[e])
4025 return this.palette[e];
4026 if (r) {
4027 let s = parseInt(r[2]), n = parseInt(r[3]) || 0, o = null, a = null, l = s + 1, p = s;
4028 if (typeof this.palette[i] == "string")
4029 return this.$color(this.palette[i] + e.slice(i.length));
4030 for (; l > 1 && !o; )
4031 o = this.palette[i + --l];
4032 for (; p < 9 && !a; )
4033 a = this.palette[i + ++p];
4034 let c = (s - l + n / 10) / (p - l), _ = c, f = c, d = c;
4035 if (a || (a = this.palette.blue9, _ = 0), o || (o = this.palette.blue1, _ = 1), o && a)
4036 return this.palette[e] = o.mix(a, _, f, d);
4037 }
4038 return null;
4039 }
4040 $parseColor(e) {
4041 let r, i = String(e);
4042 return (r = this.$color(i)) ? r : i.match(/^#[a-fA-F0-9]{3,8}/) || i.match(/^(rgb|hsl)/) || i == "currentColor" ? e : null;
4043 }
4044 $varFallback(e, r, i = []) {
4045 if (r.length == 1) {
4046 let s = String(r[0]), n = r[0];
4047 if (i.push("none", "initial", "unset", "inherit"), i.indexOf(s) == -1 && s.match(/^[\w\-]+$/))
4048 return e == "font" && P1[s] && (n = P1[s]), e == "ease" && this.options.variants.easings[s] && (n = this.options.variants.easings[s]), [new _o("" + e + "-" + s, n)];
4049 }
4050 }
4051 $value(e, r, i) {
4052 let s, n = i, o = e, a = e && e.toRaw ? e.toRaw() : String(e), l = String(e), p = false, c = null, _ = o._unit;
4053 if (typeof i == "string") {
4054 if (fo[i] && (i = fo[i], i instanceof Array && (i = i[0])), i.match(/^((min-|max-)?(width|height)|top|left|bottom|right|padding|margin|sizing|inset|spacing|sy$|s$|\-\-s[xy])/))
4055 i = "sizing";
4056 else if (i.match(/^\-\-[gs][xy]_/))
4057 i = "sizing";
4058 else if (i.match(/^(row-|column-)?gap/))
4059 i = "sizing";
4060 else if (i.match(/^[mps][trblxy]?$/))
4061 i = "sizing";
4062 else if (i.match(/^[trblwh]$/))
4063 i = "sizing";
4064 else if (i.match(/^border-.*radius/) || i.match(/^rd[tlbr]{0,2}$/))
4065 i = "radius", p = "border-radius";
4066 else if (i.match(/^box-shadow/))
4067 p = i = "box-shadow";
4068 else if (i.match(/^tween|transition/) && this.options.variants.easings[a])
4069 return this.options.variants.easings[a];
4070 i = this.options.variants[i] || {};
4071 }
4072 if (e == null && (e = i.default), i.hasOwnProperty(a) && (e = i[e]), typeof a == "number" && i.NUMBER) {
4073 let [f, d, v] = i.NUMBER.match(/^(\-?[\d\.]+)(\w+|%)?$/);
4074 return e * parseFloat(d) + v;
4075 } else if (typeof a == "string" && (s = this.$parseColor(a)))
4076 return s;
4077 if (p) {
4078 let f = l.match(/^[a-zA-Z\-][\w\-]*$/) && !l.match(/^(none|inherit|unset|initial)$/), d = _ && Q0.indexOf(_) == -1;
4079 if ((f || d) && e.alone)
4080 return new _o("" + p + "-" + l, o != e ? e : a);
4081 }
4082 return e;
4083 }
4084 transformColors(e, {prefix: r}) {
4085 var i = this;
4086 return e = e.replace(/\/\*(##?)\*\/(\w+)(?:\/(\d+%?|\$[\w\-]+))?/g, function(s, n, o, a) {
4087 let l;
4088 return (l = i.$color(o)) ? n == "##" ? "" + l.toVar(a) : "" + (r ? "PREFIX" : "") + l.toString(a) : s;
4089 }), e;
4090 }
4091 }, Gp = {transform: `--t_x:0;--t_y:0;--t_z:0;--t_rotate:0;
4094transform: translate3d(var(--t_x),var(--t_y),var(--t_z))
4095 rotate(var(--t_rotate))
4096 skewX(var(--t_skew-x)) skewY(var(--t_skew-y))
4097 scaleX(var(--t_scale-x)) scaleY(var(--t_scale-y)) scale(var(--t_scale));`, transition: `transition: all var(--e_d) var(--e_f) var(--e_w),
4098 transform var(--e_dt,var(--e_d)) var(--e_ft,var(--e_f)) var(--e_wt,var(--e_w)),
4099 color var(--e_dc,var(--e_d)) var(--e_fc,var(--e_f)) var(--e_wc,var(--e_w)),
4100 background-color var(--e_dc,var(--e_d)) var(--e_fc,var(--e_f)) var(--e_wc,var(--e_w)),
4101 opacity var(--e_do,var(--e_d)) var(--e_fo,var(--e_f)) var(--e_wo,var(--e_w));`}, $0 = `--t_x:0;--t_y:0;--t_z:0;--t_rotate:0;--t_scale:1;--t_scale-x:1;--t_scale-y:1;--t_skew-x:0;--t_skew-y:0;
4102transform: translate3d(var(--t_x),var(--t_y),var(--t_z)) rotate(var(--t_rotate)) skewX(var(--t_skew-x)) skewY(var(--t_skew-y)) scaleX(var(--t_scale-x)) scaleY(var(--t_scale-y)) scale(var(--t_scale));`, Bp = class {
4103 constructor(e) {
4104 this[jl] = e, this[Gl] = [], this[Bl] = {}, this[V1] = {}, this.transforms = null;
4105 }
4106 get transitions() {
4107 return this[V1].transition;
4108 }
4109 add(e, r = {}) {
4110 var i;
4111 if (this[Gl].push(e), r.apply)
4112 for (let s = r.apply, n = 0, o = Object.keys(s), a = o.length, l, p; n < a; n++) {
4113 l = o[n], p = s[l];
4114 let c = (i = this[Bl])[l] || (i[l] = []);
4115 for (let _ = 0, f = Tr(p), d = f.length; _ < d; _++) {
4116 let v = f[_];
4117 c.indexOf(v) < 0 && c.push(v);
4118 }
4119 }
4120 }
4121 js(e, r) {
4122 let i = [];
4123 for (let s = this[V1], n = 0, o = Object.keys(s), a = o.length, l, p; n < a; n++)
4124 l = o[n], p = s[l], i.push(e.runtime().transitions + (".addSelectors(" + JSON.stringify(p) + ",'" + l + "')"));
4125 return i.join(`
4127 }
4128 parse() {
4129 if (this[bn])
4130 return this[bn];
4131 let e = [], r = this[Gl].slice(0);
4132 for (let i = this[Bl], s = 0, n = Object.keys(i), o = n.length, a, l; s < o; s++) {
4133 a = n[s], l = i[a];
4134 let p = Gp[a], c = {}, _ = {}, f = {"": c}, d = a == "transition" || a.match(/^_(off|out|in)_sized/);
4135 for (let y = 0, N = Tr(l), b = N.length; y < b; y++) {
4136 let m = N[y];
4137 for (let g = 0, S = Tr(m[W0]), k = S.length; g < k; g++) {
4138 let E = S[g], w = E[X0], O = E[bn].replace(/:not\((#_|\._0?)+\)/g, "");
4139 d && (O = O.replace(/\._(off|out|in|on)_\b/g, ""));
4140 let L = f[w] || (f[w] = {});
4141 L[O] = E, _[O] = true;
4142 }
4143 }
4144 if (p)
4145 for (let y = 0, N = Object.keys(f), b = N.length, m, g; y < b; y++) {
4146 m = N[y], g = f[m];
4147 let S = Object.keys(g);
4148 if (m != "" && (S = S.filter(function(E) {
4149 return !c[E];
4150 })), S.length == 0)
4151 continue;
4152 a == "transition" && S.unshift("._ease_");
4153 let k = S.join(", ") + ` {
4154` + p + `
4156 m && (k = m + ` {
4157` + k + `
4158}`), r.unshift(k);
4159 }
4160 let v = Object.keys(_);
4161 a == "transition" && v.length && (r.unshift("._easing_ {--e_d:300ms;}"), r.unshift("._instant_ { transition-duration:0ms !important; }"), r.unshift(":root {--e_d:0ms;--e_f:ease-in-out;--e_w:0ms}")), d && (this[V1][a] = v), a == "ease" && v.length && r.unshift(":root {--e_d:0ms;--e_f:ease-in-out;--e_w:0ms}");
4162 }
4163 return this[bn] = r.join(`
4165`), this[jl].resolveColors() && (this[bn] = this[jl].theme().transformColors(this[bn], {prefix: false})), this[bn];
4166 }
4167 toString() {
4168 return this.parse();
4169 }
4170 }, ss = class {
4171 constructor(e, r, i, s = {}) {
4172 this.parent = e, this.selector = r, this.content = i, this.options = s, this.isKeyFrames = !!r.match(/\@keyframes \w/), this.isKeyFrame = e && e.isKeyFrames, this.meta = {};
4173 }
4174 root() {
4175 return this.parent ? this.parent.root : this;
4176 }
4177 apply(e, r) {
4178 var i;
4179 return ((i = this.options.apply)[e] || (i[e] = [])).push(r);
4180 }
4181 register(e, r) {
4182 var i;
4183 return ((i = this.options.register)[e] || (i[e] = [])).push(r);
4184 }
4185 toString(e = {}) {
4186 let r = [], i = [];
4187 if (this.isKeyFrames) {
4188 let [o, a] = this.selector.split(/\s*\@keyframes\s*/);
4189 o = o.trim(), a = a.trim();
4190 let l = [a, o, this.options.ns].filter(function(c) {
4191 return c;
4192 }).join("-");
4193 this.meta.name = a, this.meta.uniqueName = l.replace(/[\s\.\,]+/g, "").replace(/[^\w\-]/g, "_"), this.options.global && !o && (this.meta.uniqueName = this.meta.name);
4194 let p = {};
4195 p["--animation-" + a] = "" + this.meta.uniqueName, o ? i.push(new ss(null, o, p, this.options)) : this.options.ns && !this.options.global && i.push(new ss(null, "." + this.options.ns, p, {}));
4196 }
4197 for (let o = this.content, a = 0, l = Object.keys(o), p = l.length, c, _; a < p; a++) {
4198 if (c = l[a], _ = o[c], _ == null)
4199 continue;
4200 let f = null;
4201 if (c.indexOf("&") >= 0) {
4202 if (this.isKeyFrames) {
4203 let v = c.replace(/&/g, ""), y = new ss(this, v, _, this.options);
4204 r.push(y.toString({indent: true}));
4205 continue;
4206 }
4207 let d = Pl(this.selector, c);
4208 i.push(new ss(this, d, _, this.options));
4209 continue;
4210 } else if (c.indexOf("\xA7") >= 0) {
4211 let d = c.split("\xA7"), v = Pl(this.selector, d.slice(1).join(" ")), y = {};
4212 y[d[0]] = _, i.push(new ss(this, v, y, this.options));
4213 continue;
4214 } else if (c[0] == "[") {
4215 console.warn("DEPRECATED", c, this);
4216 let d = JSON.parse(c);
4217 i.push(new ss(this, this.selector, _, this.options));
4218 continue;
4219 } else
4220 c.match(/^(x|y|z|scale|scale-x|scale-y|skew-x|skew-y|rotate)$/) ? (this.meta.transform || (this.meta.transform = true), r.push("--t_" + c + ": " + _ + " !important;")) : c.match(/^__ease__$/) ? this.meta.ease = true : (c.match(/^(width|height)$/) && (this.meta.size = true), r.push("" + c + ": " + _ + ";"));
4221 }
4222 let s = r.join(`
4223`), n = "";
4224 if ((e.indent || this.isKeyFrames) && (s = `
4225` + s + `
4226`), this.isKeyFrame)
4227 n = "" + this.selector + " {" + s + "}";
4228 else if (this.isKeyFrames)
4229 n = "@keyframes " + this.meta.uniqueName + " {" + s + "}";
4230 else {
4231 let o = this.isKeyFrame ? this.selector : Np(this.selector, this.options);
4232 if (this.meta.transform && this.apply("transform", o), this.meta.ease && this.apply("ease", o), o && o.hasTransitionStyles && this.apply("transition", o), this.meta.size)
4233 for (let a = 0, l = ["_off_", "_out_", "_in_"], p = l.length; a < p; a++) {
4234 let c = l[a];
4235 o[c] && this.apply("" + c + "sized", o);
4236 }
4237 n = s.match(/[^\n\s]/) ? Rp(o, s, this.options) : "";
4238 }
4239 for (let o = 0, a = Tr(i), l = a.length; o < l; o++) {
4240 let p = a[o];
4241 n += `
4242` + p.toString();
4243 }
4244 return n;
4245 }
4246 };
4247 });
4248 var Up = er((t9) => {
4249 Gi(t9);
4250 Di(t9, {parseAsset: () => e9, parseHTML: () => r9});
4251 function j1(t) {
4252 let e;
4253 return t ? (e = t.toIterable) ? e.call(t) : t : [];
4254 }
4255 var ua = Symbol.for("#attributes");
4256 function e9(t, e) {
4257 var r, i;
4258 let s = t.body, n = s.indexOf("<svg");
4259 n > 0 && (s = s.slice(n));
4260 let o = mo.getTokenizer("xml"), a = o.getInitialState(), l = o.tokenize(s, a, 0), p = {}, c = {attributes: p, flags: []}, _, f = 0;
4261 for (let d = 0, v = j1(l.tokens), y = v.length; d < y; d++) {
4262 let N = v[d], b = N.value;
4263 if (N.type == "attribute.name.xml" && (_ = N, p[b] = true), N.type == "attribute.value.xml") {
4264 let m = b.length;
4265 m > 2 && b[0] == b[m - 1] && (b[0] == '"' || b[0] == "'") && (b = b.slice(1, -1)), p[_.value] = b;
4266 }
4267 if (N.type == "delimiter.xml" && b == ">") {
4268 f = N.offset + 1;
4269 break;
4270 }
4271 }
4272 return c.content = s.slice(f).replace("</svg>", ""), p.class && (c.flags = p.class.split(/\s+/g), r = p.class, delete p.class), e && c.flags.push("asset-" + e.toLowerCase()), i = p.xmlns, delete p.xmlns, c;
4273 }
4274 function r9(t) {
4275 var y;
4276 let e = t.body, r = mo.getTokenizer("xml"), i = r.getInitialState(), s = r.tokenize(e, i, 0), n, o = 0, a = {attributes: {}, [ua]: {}}, l = [], p = {text: t}, c = p.imports = [], _ = "", f = new Set(), d = s.tokens.slice(0);
4277 for (let N = 0, b = j1(d), m = b.length; N < m; N++) {
4278 let g = b[N], S = g.type, k = g.value, E = s.tokens[N - 1];
4279 if (S == "tag.xml" && (E.value == "<" ? (l.push(a = g), g.attributes = {}, g[ua] = {}, l[k] || (l[k] = []), l[k].push(g)) : E.value == "</" && (a.closer || (a.closer = g))), S == "delimiter.xml" && k == ">") {
4280 let w = a == null ? void 0 : a.value;
4281 (w == "head" || w == "body") && (g.value += "<!--$" + w + "$-->");
4282 }
4283 if (S == "attribute.name.xml" && (a[ua][k] = g, n = k), S == "attribute.value.xml") {
4284 let w = k;
4285 k.length > 2 && k[0] == k[k.length - 1] && (k[0] == '"' || k[0] == "'") && (w = k.slice(1, -1)), g.raw = w, a.attributes[n] = g;
4286 }
4287 }
4288 for (let N = 0, b = j1(l), m = b.length; N < m; N++) {
4289 let g = b[N], S = null, k = g.attributes.src;
4290 if (g.value == "script" && k)
4291 S = {path: k.raw, tagType: "script"};
4292 else if (g.value == "img" && k)
4293 S = {path: k.raw, tagType: "img"};
4294 else if (g.value == "link") {
4295 let E = (y = g.attributes.rel) == null ? void 0 : y.raw;
4296 k = g.attributes.href;
4297 let w = (k == null ? void 0 : k.raw) || "";
4298 if (E == "stylesheet")
4299 S = {path: w, tagType: "style"};
4300 else if (k && w.match(/^\.\.?\//)) {
4301 let O = k.raw;
4302 O.match(/\.json$/) && (O = O += "?as=file"), S = {path: O, tagType: "link"};
4303 }
4304 } else
4305 g.value == "style" && k && (S = {path: k.raw, tagType: "style"}, g.value = "link rel='stylesheet'", g.closer && (g.closer.value = "link"), g[ua].src && (g[ua].src.value = "href"));
4306 if (k && S && !S.path.match(/^(\/|https?\:\/\/)/)) {
4307 let E = c.push(S);
4308 k.value = "'ASSET_REF_" + (E - 1) + "'";
4309 }
4310 }
4311 let v = "";
4312 for (let N = 0, b = j1(d), m = b.length; N < m; N++)
4313 v += b[N].value;
4314 return p.contents = v.replace(/<\/link>/g, ""), p;
4315 }
4316 });
4317 var wf = er((T) => {
4318 function Ul(t) {
4319 return t && (t.len instanceof Function ? t.len() : t.length) || 0;
4320 }
4321 function ha(t, e) {
4322 return e && e.indexOf ? e.indexOf(t) : [].indexOf.call(t, e);
4323 }
4324 function R(t, e) {
4325 for (var r in e)
4326 e.hasOwnProperty(r) && (t[r] = e[r]);
4327 t.prototype = Object.create(e.prototype), t.__super__ = t.prototype.__super__ = e.prototype, t.prototype.initialize = t.prototype.constructor = t;
4328 }
4329 function It(t) {
4330 return t ? t.toArray ? t.toArray() : t : [];
4331 }
4332 var i9 = {}, be = io(), G1 = d1(), B1 = E1(), Yp = Ll(), Kp = I1(), jd = Kp.ImbaParseError, s9 = Kp.ImbaTraverseError, Er = Jo().Token, n9 = vp().SourceMap, ns = Hp(), o9 = ns.StyleRule, qp = ns.StyleTheme, Gd = ns.Color, a9 = ns.StyleSheet, ns = K2(), l9 = ns.ReservedIdentifierRegex, H1 = ns.InternalPrefixes, c9 = ns.toJSIdentifier, Bd = ns.toCustomTagIdentifier, Hd = Up().parseAsset, Xp = A1().Compilation, pa = kl().SourceMapper, Wp = G1.TAG_NAMES, Jp = G1.TAG_GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTES, fa = {}, Zp = {}, u9 = {svg: "image", png: "image", apng: "image", jpg: "image", jpeg: "image", gif: "image", tiff: "image", bmp: "image"};
4333 fa.HTML = "a abbr address area article aside audio b base bdi bdo big blockquote body br button canvas caption cite code col colgroup data datalist dd del details dfn div dl dt em embed fieldset figcaption figure footer form h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 head header hr html i iframe img input ins kbd keygen label legend li link main map mark menu menuitem meta meter nav noscript object ol optgroup option output p param pre progress q rp rt ruby s samp script section select small source span strong strike style sub summary sup table tbody td textarea tfoot th thead time title tr track u ul var video wbr".split(" ");
4334 fa.SVG = "circle defs ellipse g line linearGradient mask path pattern polygon polyline radialGradient rect stop svg text tspan".split(" ");
4335 Zp.HTML = "accept accessKey action allowFullScreen allowTransparency alt async autoComplete autoFocus autoPlay cellPadding cellSpacing charSet checked className cols colSpan content contentEditable contextMenu controls coords crossOrigin data dateTime defer dir disabled download draggable encType form formNoValidate frameBorder height hidden href hrefLang htmlFor httpEquiv icon id label lang list loop max maxLength mediaGroup method min multiple muted name noValidate pattern placeholder poster preload radioGroup readOnly rel required role rows rowSpan sandbox scope scrollLeft scrolling scrollTop seamless selected shape size span spellCheck src srcDoc srcSet start step style tabIndex target title type useMap value width wmode";
4336 Zp.SVG = "cx cy d dx dy fill fillOpacity fontFamily fontSize fx fy gradientTransform gradientUnits markerEnd markerMid markerStart offset opacity patternContentUnits patternUnits points preserveAspectRatio r rx ry spreadMethod stopColor stopOpacity stroke strokeDasharray strokeLinecap strokeOpacity strokeWidth textAnchor transform version viewBox x1 x2 x y1 y2 y";
4337 var Qp = {intersect: "events_intersect", selection: "events_selection", resize: "events_resize", hotkey: "events_hotkey", touch: "events_touch", pointer: "events_pointer", pointerdown: "events_pointer", pointermove: "events_pointer", pointerover: "events_pointer", pointerout: "events_pointer", pointerup: "events_pointer", pointercancel: "events_pointer", lostpointercapture: "events_pointer", click: "events_mouse", mousedown: "events_mouse", mouseup: "events_mouse", mouseenter: "events_mouse", mouseleave: "events_mouse", mousemove: "events_mouse", mouseout: "events_mouse", mouseover: "events_mouse", mousewheel: "events_mouse", keydown: "events_keyboard", keyup: "events_keyboard", keypress: "events_keyboard"}, Ft = T.AST = {}, Se = T.F = {TAG_INITED: 2 ** 0, TAG_BUILT: 2 ** 1, TAG_CUSTOM: 2 ** 2, TAG_AWAKENED: 2 ** 3, TAG_MOUNTED: 2 ** 4, TAG_SCHEDULE: 2 ** 5, TAG_SCHEDULED: 2 ** 6, TAG_FIRST_CHILD: 2 ** 7, TAG_LAST_CHILD: 2 ** 8, TAG_HAS_DYNAMIC_FLAGS: 2 ** 9, TAG_HAS_BRANCHES: 2 ** 10, TAG_HAS_LOOPS: 2 ** 11, TAG_HAS_DYNAMIC_CHILDREN: 2 ** 12, TAG_IN_BRANCH: 2 ** 13, TAG_BIND_MODEL: 2 ** 14, TAG_INDEXED: 2 ** 15, TAG_KEYED: 2 ** 16, EL_INITED: 2 ** 0, EL_HYDRATED: 2 ** 1, EL_HYDRATING: 2 ** 2, EL_AWAKENED: 2 ** 3, EL_MOUNTING: 2 ** 4, EL_MOUNTED: 2 ** 5, EL_SCHEDULE: 2 ** 6, EL_SCHEDULED: 2 ** 7, EL_RENDERING: 2 ** 8, EL_RENDERED: 2 ** 9, EL_SSR: 2 ** 10, EL_TRACKED: 2 ** 11, EL_SUSPENDED: 2 ** 12, EL_UNRENDERED: 2 ** 13, DIFF_BUILT: 2 ** 0, DIFF_FLAGS: 2 ** 1, DIFF_ATTRS: 2 ** 2, DIFF_CHILDREN: 2 ** 3, DIFF_MODIFIERS: 2 ** 4, DIFF_INLINE: 2 ** 5}, Z = T.OP = function(t, e, r) {
4338 var i = String(t);
4339 switch (i) {
4340 case ".":
4341 case "?.": {
4342 if (e instanceof Je)
4343 return e.setMember(r), e;
4344 return (typeof r == "string" || r instanceof String) && (r = new At(r)), new se(t, e, r);
4345 break;
4346 }
4347 case "=":
4348 return new Ve(t, e, r);
4349 case "~=":
4350 return Z("&=", e, Z("~", r));
4351 case "?=":
4352 case "||=":
4353 case "&&=":
4354 case "??=":
4355 return new Os(t, e, r);
4356 case "+=":
4357 case "-=":
4358 case "*=":
4359 case "/=":
4360 case "^=":
4361 case "%=":
4362 case "**=":
4363 return new Ls(t, e, r);
4364 case "instanceof":
4365 case "isa":
4366 return new z1(t, e, r);
4367 case "in":
4368 return new da(t, e, r);
4369 case "typeof":
4370 return new U1(t, e, r);
4371 case "delete":
4372 return new _a(t, e, r);
4373 case "--":
4374 case "++":
4375 case "!":
4376 case "\u221A":
4377 case "not":
4378 case "!!":
4379 return new ti(t, e, r);
4380 case ">":
4381 case "<":
4382 case ">=":
4383 case "<=":
4384 case "==":
4385 case "===":
4386 case "!=":
4387 case "!==":
4388 return new os(t, e, r);
4389 case "..":
4390 case "...":
4391 return new xn(t, e, r);
4392 default:
4393 return new re(t, e, r);
4394 }
4395 }, $p = function(t) {
4396 for (t instanceof Ds && (t = t.value()), t instanceof ar && (t = t.values()[0]); t instanceof Ee; )
4397 t = t.value();
4398 if (t instanceof ue && (t = t._variable || t.value()), t instanceof se) {
4399 let e = t.left(), r = t.right() instanceof as ? t.right().value() : t.right();
4400 return e instanceof ue && (e = e._variable || e.value()), r instanceof ue && (r = r._variable || r.value()), t instanceof wn && (e || (e = t.scope__().context())), r instanceof hi || r instanceof At && (r = be.singlequote(String(r.js())), r = new de(r)), [e, r];
4401 }
4402 return t;
4403 }, ls = {}, Y1 = null, zd = T.NODES = [], Fs = function(t, e) {
4404 return typeof t == "string" || typeof t == "number" ? t : t.c(e);
4405 }, yo = function(t, e) {
4406 return e === void 0 && (e = "path"), C.tsc() ? t : "" + t + "/*$" + e + "$*/";
4407 }, Yl = function(t, e) {
4408 return e == null && (e = t), {startLoc: function() {
4409 return t;
4410 }, endLoc: function() {
4411 return e;
4412 }};
4413 }, Tt = function(t, e, r) {
4414 if (e == null && (e = t), e && e.startLoc) {
4415 t = Fs(t, r);
4416 let i = C.incr("sourcePair"), s = e.startLoc(), n = e.endLoc(), o = "", a = "";
4417 return (s == 0 || s > 0) && (o = n >= s ? "/*%" + s + "|" + i + "$*/" : "/*%" + s + "$*/"), (n == 0 || n > 0) && (a = s >= 0 ? "/*%" + n + "|" + i + "$*/" : "/*%" + n + "$*/"), r && r.locRef && (t = yo(t, r.locRef)), o + t + a;
4418 }
4419 return Fs(t, r);
4420 }, h9 = function() {
4421 for (var t = arguments, e = t.length, r = new Array(e > 0 ? e : 0); e > 0; )
4422 r[e - 1] = t[--e];
4423 for (let i = 0, s = It(r), n = s.length, o; i < n; i++) {
4424 if (o = s[i], typeof o == "number" || o instanceof Number)
4425 return o;
4426 if (o && o.startLoc instanceof Function)
4427 return o.startLoc();
4428 }
4429 return null;
4430 }, p9 = function() {
4431 for (var t = arguments, e = t.length, r = new Array(e > 0 ? e : 0); e > 0; )
4432 r[e - 1] = t[--e];
4433 for (let i = 0, s = It(r), n = s.length, o; i < n; i++) {
4434 if (o = s[i], typeof o == "number" || o instanceof Number)
4435 return o;
4436 if (o && o.endLoc instanceof Function)
4437 return o.endLoc();
4438 }
4439 return null;
4440 }, Ot = function(t) {
4441 return new ma(t);
4442 }, tf = function(t) {
4443 return t instanceof Er && (t = t.value()), (typeof t == "string" || t instanceof String) && (t.match(/^[a-zA-Z\$\_]+[\d\w\$\_]*$/) ? t = new At(t) : t = new de(be.singlequote(String(t)))), t;
4444 }, Ze = function(t) {
4445 return t instanceof de ? t : new de(be.singlequote(String(t)));
4446 }, K1 = function(t, e, r, i) {
4447 i === void 0 && (i = {});
4448 var s = new he(t, e, i);
4449 return r && s.addElse(r), s;
4450 }, f9 = function(t) {
4451 return t == null ? new Ms() : t == false ? new Vs() : t == true ? new Ps() : typeof t == "string" || t instanceof String ? Ze(t) : typeof t == "number" || t instanceof Number ? new Ae(t) : t;
4452 }, js = function(t, e, r) {
4453 let i = new ie(t, e);
4454 return r && (i._scope._systemscope = r), i;
4455 }, He = function(t, e) {
4456 return e === void 0 && (e = []), new ke(t, e);
4457 }, Sn = function(t, e) {
4458 return Z(".", t, e);
4459 }, Ud = T.SPLAT = function(t) {
4460 return new Tn(t);
4461 }, _9 = /;(\s*\/\/.*)?[\n\s\t]*$/, d9 = /^(default|char|for)$/;
4462 T.parseError = i9.parseError = function(t, e) {
4463 var r = Xp.error({category: "parser", severity: "error", offset: e.offset, length: e.length, message: t});
4464 return r.raise();
4465 };
4466 Ft.c = function(t) {
4467 return typeof t == "string" ? t : t.c();
4468 };
4469 Ft.compileRaw = function(t) {
4470 let e = "";
4471 if (t instanceof Array) {
4472 e = "[";
4473 for (let r = 0, i = It(t), s = i.length; r < s; r++)
4474 e += Ft.compileRaw(i[r]) + ",";
4475 e = e.slice(0, -1) + "]";
4476 } else if (t instanceof Object) {
4477 e = "{";
4478 for (let r, i = 0, s = Object.keys(t), n = s.length, o; i < n; i++)
4479 o = s[i], r = t[o], e = +("" + o + ":" + Ft.compileRaw(r) + ",");
4480 e = e.slice(0, -1) + "}";
4481 } else
4482 e = JSON.stringify(t);
4483 return e;
4484 };
4485 Ft.blk = function(t) {
4486 return t instanceof Array ? Lt.wrap(t) : t;
4487 };
4488 Ft.sym = function(t) {
4489 return be.symbolize(String(t), C);
4490 };
4491 Ft.cary = function(t, e) {
4492 return e === void 0 && (e = null), t.map(function(r) {
4493 return typeof r == "string" ? r : r && r.c ? e ? r.c(e) : r.c() : (console.warn("could not compile", r), String(r));
4494 });
4495 };
4496 Ft.dump = function(t, e) {
4497 if (t instanceof Array)
4498 return t.map(function(r) {
4499 return r && r.dump ? r.dump(e) : r;
4500 });
4501 if (t && t.dump)
4502 return t.dump();
4503 };
4504 Ft.compact = function(t) {
4505 return t instanceof jt ? t.compact() : t.filter(function(e) {
4506 return e != null && e != null;
4507 });
4508 };
4509 Ft.reduce = function(t, e) {
4510 for (let r = 0, i = It(e), s = i.length, n; r < s; r++)
4511 n = i[r], n instanceof Array ? Ft.reduce(t, n) : t.push(n);
4512 };
4513 Ft.flatten = function(t, e) {
4514 e === void 0 && (e = false);
4515 var r = [];
4516 for (let i = 0, s = It(t), n = s.length, o; i < n; i++)
4517 o = s[i], o instanceof Array ? Ft.reduce(r, o) : r.push(o);
4518 return r;
4519 };
4520 Ft.loc = function(t) {
4521 if (t) {
4522 if (t instanceof Er)
4523 return t.region();
4524 if (t instanceof J)
4525 return t.loc();
4526 } else
4527 return [0, 0];
4528 };
4529 Ft.parse = function(t, e) {
4530 e === void 0 && (e = {});
4531 var r = t.match(/\t+/)[0];
4532 return Imbac.parse(t, e);
4533 };
4534 Ft.inline = function(t, e) {
4535 return e === void 0 && (e = {}), this.parse(t, e).body();
4536 };
4537 Ft.node = function(t, e) {
4538 if (t == "call")
4539 return e[0].c() == "return" && (e[0] = "tata"), new ke(e[0], e[1], e[2]);
4540 };
4541 Ft.escapeComments = function(t) {
4542 return t || "";
4543 };
4544 var q1 = [];
4545 Ft.counterToShortRef = function(t) {
4546 var e = "A".charCodeAt(0);
4547 for (t += 30; q1.length <= t; ) {
4548 for (var r = q1.length + 1, i = ""; r -= 1, i = String.fromCharCode(e + r % 26) + i, r = Math.floor(r / 26), !(r <= 0); )
4549 ;
4550 q1.push(i.toLowerCase());
4551 }
4552 return q1[t];
4553 };
4554 Ft.truthy = function(t) {
4555 if (t instanceof Ps)
4556 return true;
4557 if (t instanceof Vs)
4558 return false;
4559 if (t.isTruthy)
4560 return t.isTruthy();
4561 };
4562 function Ar(t, e) {
4563 this._open = t, this._close = e;
4564 }
4565 T.Indentation = Ar;
4566 Ar.prototype.open = function(t) {
4567 return this._open;
4568 };
4569 Ar.prototype.setOpen = function(t) {
4570 return this._open = t, this;
4571 };
4572 Ar.prototype.close = function(t) {
4573 return this._close;
4574 };
4575 Ar.prototype.setClose = function(t) {
4576 return this._close = t, this;
4577 };
4578 Ar.prototype.isGenerated = function() {
4579 return this._open && this._open.generated;
4580 };
4581 Ar.prototype.aloc = function() {
4582 return this._open && this._open._loc || 0;
4583 };
4584 Ar.prototype.bloc = function() {
4585 return this._close && this._close._loc || 0;
4586 };
4587 Ar.prototype.startLoc = function() {
4588 return this.aloc();
4589 };
4590 Ar.prototype.endLoc = function() {
4591 return this.bloc();
4592 };
4593 Ar.prototype.wrap = function(t) {
4594 var e = this._open && this._open._meta, r = e && e.pre || "", i = e && e.post || "", s = Ft.escapeComments, n = this._close;
4595 return t = i.replace(/^\n/, "") + t, t = t.replace(/^/g, " ").replace(/\n/g, `
4596 `).replace(/\n\t$/g, `
4597`), t = r + `
4598` + t, n instanceof ei && (t += n.c()), t[t.length - 1] != `
4599` && (t = t + `
4600`), t;
4601 };
4602 var Kl = new Ar({}, {});
4603 function ql() {
4604 this._entities = [];
4605 }
4606 ql.prototype.add = function(t) {
4607 return this._entities.unshift(t), this;
4608 };
4609 ql.prototype.pluck = function(t) {
4610 var e = null;
4611 for (let r = 0, i = It(this._entities), s = i.length, n; r < s; r++)
4612 if (n = i[r], n == t || n instanceof t)
4613 return e = n, this._entities.splice(r, 1), e;
4614 return null;
4615 };
4616 function Gt() {
4617 this.reset();
4618 }
4619 T.Stack = Gt;
4620 Gt.prototype.loglevel = function(t) {
4621 return this._loglevel;
4622 };
4623 Gt.prototype.setLoglevel = function(t) {
4624 return this._loglevel = t, this;
4625 };
4626 Gt.prototype.nodes = function(t) {
4627 return this._nodes;
4628 };
4629 Gt.prototype.setNodes = function(t) {
4630 return this._nodes = t, this;
4631 };
4632 Gt.prototype.scopes = function(t) {
4633 return this._scopes;
4634 };
4635 Gt.prototype.setScopes = function(t) {
4636 return this._scopes = t, this;
4637 };
4638 Gt.prototype.root = function(t) {
4639 return this._root;
4640 };
4641 Gt.prototype.setRoot = function(t) {
4642 return this._root = t, this;
4643 };
4644 Gt.prototype.state = function(t) {
4645 return this._state;
4646 };
4647 Gt.prototype.setState = function(t) {
4648 return this._state = t, this;
4649 };
4650 Gt.prototype.semanticTokens = function(t) {
4651 return this._semanticTokens;
4652 };
4653 Gt.prototype.setSemanticTokens = function(t) {
4654 return this._semanticTokens = t, this;
4655 };
4656 Gt.prototype.meta = function(t) {
4657 return this._meta;
4658 };
4659 Gt.prototype.setMeta = function(t) {
4660 return this._meta = t, this;
4661 };
4662 Gt.prototype.theme = function(t) {
4663 return this._theme;
4664 };
4665 Gt.prototype.setTheme = function(t) {
4666 return this._theme = t, this;
4667 };
4668 Gt.prototype.css = function(t) {
4669 return this._css;
4670 };
4671 Gt.prototype.setCss = function(t) {
4672 return this._css = t, this;
4673 };
4674 Gt.prototype.reset = function() {
4675 return this._nodes = [], this._scoping = [], this._scopes = [], this._stash = new ql(this), this._loglevel = 3, this._counter = 0, this._counters = {}, this._options = {}, this._state = {}, this._tag = null, this._sourceId = null, this._semanticTokens = [], this._symbols = {}, this._css = new a9(this), this._theme = null, this._meta = {}, this._runtime, this;
4676 };
4677 Gt.prototype.runtime = function() {
4678 return this._root.runtime();
4679 };
4680 Gt.prototype.cssns = function() {
4681 return this._root.cssns();
4682 };
4683 Gt.prototype.registerSemanticToken = function(t, e, r) {
4684 return t instanceof J && (e || (e = t._variable), t = t._value), typeof t != "string" && (e instanceof Mt ? (t._kind = e.type(), t._level = e.scope().level(), t._scope = e.scope().kind()) : t._kind = e), this._semanticTokens.push(t);
4685 };
4686 Gt.prototype.use = function(t) {
4687 return this._root.use(t);
4688 };
4689 Gt.prototype.incr = function(t) {
4690 return this._counters[t] || (this._counters[t] = 0), this._counters[t] += 1;
4691 };
4692 Gt.prototype.decr = function(t) {
4693 return this._counters[t] || (this._counters[t] = 0), this._counters[t] -= 1;
4694 };
4695 Gt.prototype.generateId = function(t) {
4696 return t === void 0 && (t = "oid"), Ft.counterToShortRef(C.incr(t));
4697 };
4698 Gt.prototype.getSymbol = function(t, e) {
4699 e === void 0 && (e = null);
4700 let r = t || this.incr("symbols");
4701 return this._symbols[r] || (this._symbols[r] = this._root.declare(e || t, Ot("Symbol()"), {system: true, alias: e || t}).resolve().c());
4702 };
4703 Gt.prototype.symbolFor = function(t) {
4704 return this._root.symbolRef(t);
4705 };
4706 Gt.prototype.domCall = function(t) {
4707 return t = {start: "beforeVisit", end: "afterVisit", open: "beforeReconcile", close: "afterReconcile", insert: "placeChild"}[t] || t, "[" + this.symbolFor("#" + t) + "]";
4708 };
4709 Gt.prototype.sourceId = function() {
4710 if (this._sourceId || (this._sourceId = this._options.sourceId))
4711 return this._sourceId;
4712 let t = this.sourcePath(), e = this.cwd();
4713 return this._options.path && e && (t = this._options.path.relative(e, t)), this._sourceId = be.identifierForPath(t), this._sourceId;
4714 };
4715 Gt.prototype.theme = function() {
4716 return this._theme || (this._theme = qp.wrap(this._options.config));
4717 };
4718 Gt.prototype.stash = function() {
4719 return this._stash;
4720 };
4721 Gt.prototype.set = function(t) {
4722 this._options || (this._options = {});
4723 for (let e, r = 0, i = Object.keys(t), s = i.length, n; r < s; r++)
4724 n = i[r], e = t[n], this._options[n] = e;
4725 return this;
4726 };
4727 Gt.prototype.option = function(t, e) {
4728 return e != null ? (this._options || (this._options = {}), this._options[t] = e, this) : this._options && this._options[t];
4729 };
4730 Gt.prototype.platform = function() {
4731 return this._options.platform || "browser";
4732 };
4733 Gt.prototype.format = function() {
4734 return this._options.format;
4735 };
4736 Gt.prototype.sourcePath = function() {
4737 return this._options.sourcePath;
4738 };
4739 Gt.prototype.imbaPath = function() {
4740 return this._options.imbaPath;
4741 };
4742 Gt.prototype.resolveColors = function() {
4743 return this._options.styles !== "extern";
4744 };
4745 Gt.prototype.config = function() {
4746 return this._options.config || {};
4747 };
4748 Gt.prototype.cwd = function() {
4749 return this.config() && this.config().cwd;
4750 };
4751 Gt.prototype.tsc = function() {
4752 return this.platform() == "tsc" || this._options.tsc;
4753 };
4754 Gt.prototype.hmr = function() {
4755 return !!this._options.hmr;
4756 };
4757 Gt.prototype.isStdLib = function() {
4758 return !!this._options.stdlib;
4759 };
4760 Gt.prototype.isWeb = function() {
4761 return this.platform() == "browser" || this.platform() == "web";
4762 };
4763 Gt.prototype.isWorker = function() {
4764 return this.platform() == "worker";
4765 };
4766 Gt.prototype.isNode = function() {
4767 return this.platform() == "node";
4768 };
4769 Gt.prototype.cjs = function() {
4770 return this.format() == "cjs";
4771 };
4772 Gt.prototype.esm = function() {
4773 return !this.cjs();
4774 };
4775 Gt.prototype.env = function(t) {
4776 var e, r = this._options["ENV_" + t];
4777 if (r != null)
4778 return r;
4779 if (Se[t] !== void 0)
4780 return Se[t];
4781 var i = t.toLowerCase();
4782 if (this._options[i] != null)
4783 return this._options[i];
4784 if (t == "WEB" || t == "BROWSER")
4785 return this._meta.universal = false, this.isWeb();
4786 if (t == "NODE")
4787 return this._meta.universal = false, this.isNode();
4788 if (t == "WORKER" || t == "WEBWORKER")
4789 return this._meta.universal = false, this.isWorker();
4790 if (t == "HMR")
4791 return !!this._options.hmr;
4792 if (e = this._options.env) {
4793 if (e.hasOwnProperty(t))
4794 return e[t];
4795 if (e.hasOwnProperty(t.toLowerCase()))
4796 return e[t.toLowerCase()];
4797 }
4798 };
4799 Gt.prototype.addScope = function(t) {
4800 return this._scopes.push(t), this;
4801 };
4802 Gt.prototype.traverse = function(t) {
4803 return this;
4804 };
4805 Gt.prototype.push = function(t) {
4806 return this._nodes.push(t), this;
4807 };
4808 Gt.prototype.pop = function(t) {
4809 return this._nodes.pop(), this;
4810 };
4811 Gt.prototype.parent = function() {
4812 return this._nodes[this._nodes.length - 2];
4813 };
4814 Gt.prototype.current = function() {
4815 return this._nodes[this._nodes.length - 1];
4816 };
4817 Gt.prototype.up = function(t) {
4818 if (t || (t = function(i) {
4819 return !(i instanceof ue);
4820 }), typeof t == "number")
4821 return this._nodes[this._nodes.length - (1 + t)];
4822 var e = this._nodes.length - 2;
4823 if (t.prototype instanceof J) {
4824 for (; e >= 0; ) {
4825 var r = this._nodes[e--];
4826 if (r instanceof t)
4827 return r;
4828 }
4829 return null;
4830 }
4831 for (; e >= 0; ) {
4832 if (r = this._nodes[e], t(r))
4833 return r;
4834 e -= 1;
4835 }
4836 return null;
4837 };
4838 Gt.prototype.parents = function(t) {
4839 if (t || (t = function(e) {
4840 return !(e instanceof ue);
4841 }), t.prototype instanceof J) {
4842 let e = t;
4843 t = function(r) {
4844 return r instanceof e;
4845 };
4846 }
4847 return this._nodes.filter(t);
4848 };
4849 Gt.prototype.relative = function(t, e) {
4850 e === void 0 && (e = 0);
4851 var r = this._nodes.indexOf(t);
4852 return r >= 0 ? this._nodes[r + e] : null;
4853 };
4854 Gt.prototype.scope = function(t) {
4855 if (t === void 0 && (t = 0), this._withScope)
4856 return this._withScope;
4857 for (var e = this._nodes.length - 1 - t; e >= 0; ) {
4858 var r = this._nodes[e];
4859 if (r._scope)
4860 return r._scope;
4861 e -= 1;
4862 }
4863 return null;
4864 };
4865 Gt.prototype.withScope = function(t, e) {
4866 let r = this._withScope;
4867 this._withScope = t, e(), this._withScope = r;
4868 };
4869 Gt.prototype.scopes = function() {
4870 for (var t = [], e = this._nodes.length - 1; e >= 0; ) {
4871 var r = this._nodes[e];
4872 r._scope && t.push(r._scope), e -= 1;
4873 }
4874 return t;
4875 };
4876 Gt.prototype.closures = function() {
4877 return this.scopes().filter(function(t) {
4878 return t.closure() == t;
4879 });
4880 };
4881 Gt.prototype.method = function() {
4882 return this.up(Ie);
4883 };
4884 Gt.prototype.block = function() {
4885 return this.up(Lt);
4886 };
4887 Gt.prototype.blockpart = function() {
4888 let t = this._nodes.length - 1;
4889 for (; t; ) {
4890 if (this._nodes[t - 1] instanceof Lt)
4891 return this._nodes[t];
4892 t--;
4893 }
4894 };
4895 Gt.prototype.lastImport = function() {
4896 let t = this.scopes();
4897 for (let e = 0, r = It(t), i = r.length, s; e < i; e++)
4898 if (s = r[e], s._lastImport)
4899 return s._lastImport;
4900 return null;
4901 };
4902 Gt.prototype.isExpression = function() {
4903 for (var t = this._nodes.length - 1; t >= 0; ) {
4904 var e = this._nodes[t];
4905 if (e instanceof pr || e instanceof Le || e.isStatementLike())
4906 return false;
4907 if (e.isExpression())
4908 return true;
4909 t -= 1;
4910 }
4911 return false;
4912 };
4913 Gt.prototype.toString = function() {
4914 return "Stack(" + this._nodes.join(" -> ") + ")";
4915 };
4916 Gt.prototype.isAnalyzing = function() {
4917 return this._analyzing;
4918 };
4919 Gt.prototype.scoping = function() {
4920 return this._nodes.filter(function(t) {
4921 return t._scope;
4922 }).map(function(t) {
4923 return t._scope;
4924 });
4925 };
4926 Gt.prototype.currentRegion = function() {
4927 let t = this._nodes.length, e = this._nodes[--t];
4928 return e && [e.startLoc(), e.endLoc()];
4929 };
4930 var C = T.STACK = new Gt();
4931 function J() {
4932 this.setup();
4933 }
4934 T.Node = J;
4935 J.prototype.o = function(t) {
4936 return this._o;
4937 };
4938 J.prototype.setO = function(t) {
4939 return this._o = t, this;
4940 };
4941 J.prototype.options = function(t) {
4942 return this._options;
4943 };
4944 J.prototype.setOptions = function(t) {
4945 return this._options = t, this;
4946 };
4947 J.prototype.traversed = function(t) {
4948 return this._traversed;
4949 };
4950 J.prototype.setTraversed = function(t) {
4951 return this._traversed = t, this;
4952 };
4953 J.prototype.script = function() {
4954 return Xp.current;
4955 };
4956 J.prototype.safechain = function() {
4957 return false;
4958 };
4959 J.prototype.oid = function() {
4960 return this._oid || (this._oid = C.generateId(""));
4961 };
4962 J.prototype.osym = function(t) {
4963 return t === void 0 && (t = ""), C.getSymbol(this.oid() + t);
4964 };
4965 J.prototype.symbolRef = function(t) {
4966 return C.root().symbolRef(t);
4967 };
4968 J.prototype.domCall = function(t) {
4969 return C.domCall(t);
4970 };
4971 J.prototype.gsym = function(t) {
4972 return C.root().symbolRef(t);
4973 };
4974 J.prototype.sourceId = function() {
4975 return C.sourceId();
4976 };
4977 J.prototype.slf = function() {
4978 return this.scope__().context();
4979 };
4980 J.prototype.p = function() {
4981 return C.loglevel() > 0 && console.log.apply(console, arguments), this;
4982 };
4983 J.prototype.runtime = function() {
4984 return C.runtime();
4985 };
4986 J.prototype.typeName = function() {
4987 return this.constructor.name;
4988 };
4989 J.prototype.namepath = function() {
4990 return this.typeName();
4991 };
4992 J.prototype.setup = function() {
4993 return this._expression = false, this._traversed = false, this._parens = false, this._cache = null, this._value = null, this;
4994 };
4995 J.prototype.setStartLoc = function(t) {
4996 return this._startLoc = t, this;
4997 };
4998 J.prototype.setEndLoc = function(t) {
4999 return this._endLoc = t, this;
5000 };
5001 J.prototype.setRegion = function(t) {
5002 return t instanceof J && (t = t.region()), t instanceof Array && (this._startLoc = t[0], this._endLoc = t[1]), this;
5003 };
5004 J.prototype.setEnds = function(t, e) {
5005 return e && e.endLoc && (this._endLoc = e.endLoc()), t && t.startLoc && (this._startLoc = t.startLoc()), this;
5006 };
5007 J.prototype.startLoc = function() {
5008 return this._startLoc;
5009 };
5010 J.prototype.endLoc = function() {
5011 return this._endLoc;
5012 };
5013 J.prototype.set = function(t) {
5014 this._options || (this._options = {});
5015 for (let e, r = 0, i = Object.keys(t), s = i.length, n; r < s; r++)
5016 n = i[r], e = t[n], this._options[n] = e;
5017 return this;
5018 };
5019 J.prototype.option = function(t, e) {
5020 return e != null ? (this._options || (this._options = {}), this._options[t] = e, this) : this._options && this._options[t];
5021 };
5022 J.prototype.o = function() {
5023 return this._options || (this._options = {});
5024 };
5025 J.prototype.keyword = function() {
5026 return this._keyword || this._options && this._options.keyword;
5027 };
5028 J.prototype.datatype = function() {
5029 return this._options ? this._options.datatype : null;
5030 };
5031 J.prototype.configure = function(t) {
5032 return this.set(t);
5033 };
5034 J.prototype.region = function() {
5035 return [0, 0];
5036 };
5037 J.prototype.loc = function() {
5038 return [this.startLoc() || 0, this.endLoc() || 0];
5039 };
5040 J.prototype.token = function() {
5041 return null;
5042 };
5043 J.prototype.compile = function() {
5044 return this;
5045 };
5046 J.prototype.visit = function() {
5047 return this;
5048 };
5049 J.prototype.stack = function() {
5050 return C;
5051 };
5052 J.prototype.isString = function() {
5053 return false;
5054 };
5055 J.prototype.isPrimitive = function(t) {
5056 return false;
5057 };
5058 J.prototype.isReserved = function() {
5059 return false;
5060 };
5061 J.prototype.isGlobal = function(t) {
5062 return false;
5063 };
5064 J.prototype.isConstant = function() {
5065 return false;
5066 };
5067 J.prototype.traverse = function(t) {
5068 if (this._traversed)
5069 return this;
5070 this._traversed = true;
5071 let e;
5072 return t && (e = C.state(), C.setState(t)), C.push(this), this.visit(C, C.state()), C.pop(this), t && C.setState(e), this;
5073 };
5074 J.prototype.inspect = function() {
5075 return {type: this.constructor.toString()};
5076 };
5077 J.prototype.js = function(t) {
5078 return "NODE";
5079 };
5080 J.prototype.toString = function() {
5081 return "" + this.constructor.name;
5082 };
5083 J.prototype.consume = function(t) {
5084 return t instanceof Et ? t.register(this) : t instanceof ri ? (t.register(this), new ri(t.op(), t.left(), this)) : t instanceof Ve ? Z(t.op(), t.left(), this) : t instanceof Ke ? Z("=", t.left(), this) : t instanceof re ? Z(t.op(), t.left(), this) : t instanceof Qe ? new Qe(this) : this;
5085 };
5086 J.prototype.toExpression = function() {
5087 return this._expression = true, this;
5088 };
5089 J.prototype.forceExpression = function() {
5090 return this._expression = true, this;
5091 };
5092 J.prototype.isExpressable = function() {
5093 return true;
5094 };
5095 J.prototype.isExpression = function() {
5096 return this._expression || false;
5097 };
5098 J.prototype.isStatementLike = function() {
5099 return false;
5100 };
5101 J.prototype.isRuntimeReference = function() {
5102 return false;
5103 };
5104 J.prototype.hasSideEffects = function() {
5105 return true;
5106 };
5107 J.prototype.isUsed = function() {
5108 return true;
5109 };
5110 J.prototype.shouldParenthesize = function() {
5111 return false;
5112 };
5113 J.prototype.shouldParenthesizeInTernary = function() {
5114 return true;
5115 };
5116 J.prototype.block = function() {
5117 return Lt.wrap([this]);
5118 };
5119 J.prototype.node = function() {
5120 return this;
5121 };
5122 J.prototype.unwrappedNode = function() {
5123 return this;
5124 };
5125 J.prototype.scope__ = function() {
5126 return C.scope();
5127 };
5128 J.prototype.up = function() {
5129 return C.parent();
5130 };
5131 J.prototype.util = function() {
5132 return Ht;
5133 };
5134 J.prototype.receiver = function() {
5135 return this;
5136 };
5137 J.prototype.indented = function(t, e) {
5138 return t instanceof Ar ? (this._indentation = t, this) : (e instanceof Array && (this.add(e[0]), e = e[1]), this._indentation || (this._indentation = t && e ? new Ar(t, e) : Kl), this);
5139 };
5140 J.prototype.prebreak = function(t) {
5141 return t === void 0 && (t = `
5142`), this;
5143 };
5144 J.prototype.invert = function() {
5145 return Z("!", this);
5146 };
5147 J.prototype.cache = function(t) {
5148 return t === void 0 && (t = {}), this._cache = t, t.var = (t.scope || this.scope__()).temporary(this, t), t.lookups = 0, this;
5149 };
5150 J.prototype.cachevar = function() {
5151 return this._cache && this._cache.var;
5152 };
5153 J.prototype.decache = function() {
5154 return this._cache && (this.cachevar().free(), this._cache = null), this;
5155 };
5156 J.prototype.alias = function() {
5157 return null;
5158 };
5159 J.prototype.warn = function(t, e) {
5160 e === void 0 && (e = {});
5161 let r = e.loc || this.loc() || [0, 0];
5162 return r instanceof J && (r = [r.startLoc(), r.endLoc()]), r instanceof Er && (r = r.loc()), this.script().addDiagnostic(e.severity || "warning", {message: t, range: this.script().rangeAt(r[0], r[1])});
5163 };
5164 J.prototype.error = function(t, e) {
5165 return e === void 0 && (e = {}), e.severity = "error", this.warn(t, e);
5166 };
5167 J.prototype.c = function(t) {
5168 var e, r = C, i = this._cache;
5169 if (i && i.cached)
5170 return this.c_cached(i);
5171 r.push(this), t && t.expression && this.forceExpression(), t && t.indent && (this._indentation || (this._indentation = Kl));
5172 var s = this.js(r, t), n = this.shouldParenthesize();
5173 if (r.pop(this), s == null)
5174 return s;
5175 if ((e = this._indentation) && (s = e.wrap(s, t)), n && (s = "(" + s + ")"), (t && t.braces || this._options && this._options.braces) && (e ? s = "{" + s + "}" : s = "{ " + s + " }"), i = this._cache) {
5176 i.manual || (s = "" + i.var.c() + " = " + s);
5177 var o = r.current();
5178 o instanceof Kt && (o = o.node()), (o instanceof se || o instanceof re) && (s = "(" + s + ")"), i.cached = true;
5179 }
5180 return ls.sourcemap && (!t || t.mark !== false) && (s = Tt(s, this)), s;
5181 };
5182 J.prototype.c_cached = function(t) {
5183 return t.lookups++, t.uses == t.lookups && t.var.free(), t.var.c();
5184 };
5185 function Kt(t) {
5186 this.setup(), this._value = this.load(t);
5187 }
5188 R(Kt, J);
5189 T.ValueNode = Kt;
5190 Kt.prototype.value = function(t) {
5191 return this._value;
5192 };
5193 Kt.prototype.setValue = function(t) {
5194 return this._value = t, this;
5195 };
5196 Kt.prototype.startLoc = function() {
5197 return this._value && this._value.startLoc && this._value.startLoc();
5198 };
5199 Kt.prototype.endLoc = function() {
5200 return this._value && this._value.endLoc && this._value.endLoc();
5201 };
5202 Kt.prototype.load = function(t) {
5203 return t;
5204 };
5205 Kt.prototype.js = function(t) {
5206 return typeof this._value == "string" ? this._value : this._value.c();
5207 };
5208 Kt.prototype.visit = function() {
5209 return this._value instanceof J && this._value.traverse(), this;
5210 };
5211 Kt.prototype.region = function() {
5212 return [this._value._loc, this._value._loc + this._value._len];
5213 };
5214 function pi(t, e) {
5215 this.setup(), this._value = t, this._orig = e || t;
5216 }
5217 R(pi, J);
5218 T.ValueReferenceNode = pi;
5219 pi.prototype.value = function(t) {
5220 return this._value;
5221 };
5222 pi.prototype.setValue = function(t) {
5223 return this._value = t, this;
5224 };
5225 pi.prototype.orig = function(t) {
5226 return this._orig;
5227 };
5228 pi.prototype.setOrig = function(t) {
5229 return this._orig = t, this;
5230 };
5231 pi.prototype.startLoc = function() {
5232 return this._orig && this._orig.startLoc && this._orig.startLoc();
5233 };
5234 pi.prototype.endLoc = function() {
5235 return this._orig && this._orig.endLoc && this._orig.endLoc();
5236 };
5237 pi.prototype.load = function(t) {
5238 return t;
5239 };
5240 pi.prototype.js = function(t) {
5241 return Tt(this._value.c({mark: false}), this);
5242 };
5243 pi.prototype.visit = function() {
5244 return this._value instanceof J && this._value.traverse(), this;
5245 };
5246 pi.prototype.region = function() {
5247 return [this._orig._loc, this._orig._loc + this._orig._len];
5248 };
5249 function X1() {
5250 return Kt.apply(this, arguments);
5251 }
5252 R(X1, Kt);
5253 T.ExpressionNode = X1;
5254 function Xl() {
5255 return Kt.apply(this, arguments);
5256 }
5257 R(Xl, Kt);
5258 T.AssertionNode = Xl;
5259 Xl.prototype.js = function(t) {
5260 let e = this._value, r = [];
5261 if (e instanceof re && !(e instanceof se)) {
5262 let i = e.left(), s = e.right();
5263 r.push(i.cache().c(t)), r.push(be.singlequote(e._op)), r.push(s.cache().c(t)), r = ["imba.$a=[" + r.join(",") + "]"], r.push(e.c(t));
5264 } else
5265 r.push("imba.$a=null"), r.push(e.c(t));
5266 return "(" + r.join(",") + ")";
5267 };
5268 function Fi() {
5269 return Kt.apply(this, arguments);
5270 }
5271 R(Fi, Kt);
5272 T.Statement = Fi;
5273 Fi.prototype.isExpressable = function() {
5274 return false;
5275 };
5276 function Mr() {
5277 return Kt.apply(this, arguments);
5278 }
5279 R(Mr, Kt);
5280 T.Meta = Mr;
5281 Mr.prototype.isPrimitive = function(t) {
5282 return true;
5283 };
5284 function En() {
5285 return Mr.apply(this, arguments);
5286 }
5287 R(En, Mr);
5288 T.Comment = En;
5289 En.prototype.visit = function() {
5290 var t, e;
5291 if (t = this.up()) {
5292 var r = t.indexOf(this) + 1;
5293 t.index(r) instanceof ei && (r += 1), (e = t.index(r)) && (e._desc = this);
5294 }
5295 return this;
5296 };
5297 En.prototype.toDoc = function() {
5298 return be.normalizeIndentation("" + this._value._value);
5299 };
5300 En.prototype.toJSON = function() {
5301 return be.normalizeIndentation("" + this._value._value);
5302 };
5303 En.prototype.toString = function() {
5304 return this._value._value;
5305 };
5306 En.prototype.c = function(t) {
5307 if (C.option("comments") == false || this._skip)
5308 return "";
5309 var e = this._value._value;
5310 if (t && t.expression || e.match(/\n/) || this._value.type() == "HERECOMMENT") {
5311 var r = e.replace(/\*\//g, "\\*\\/").replace(/\/\*/g, "\\/\\*");
5312 return "/*" + r + "*/";
5313 } else
5314 return e.match(/\@(type|param)/) ? "/** " + e + " */" : "// " + e;
5315 };
5316 function ei(t) {
5317 this._value = t;
5318 }
5319 R(ei, Mr);
5320 T.Terminator = ei;
5321 ei.prototype.traverse = function() {
5322 return this;
5323 };
5324 ei.prototype.loc = function() {
5325 return [this._value._loc, this._value._loc + this._value._value.length];
5326 };
5327 ei.prototype.startLoc = function() {
5328 return this._value.startLoc ? this._value.startLoc() : -1;
5329 };
5330 ei.prototype.endLoc = function() {
5331 return this._value._value ? this.startLoc() + this._value._value.length : -1;
5332 };
5333 ei.prototype.c = function() {
5334 let t = this._value.c();
5335 return C.option("comments") == false && (t = t.replace(/\/\/.*$/gm, "")), C.tsc() && (t = t.replace(/\/\/(.*)$/gm, "/**$1 */ ")), C.tsc() && (t.length > 1 || this._first) ? Tt(t.replace(/^[\t ]+/gm, ""), this) : t.replace(/^[\t ]+/gm, "");
5336 };
5337 function go(t) {
5338 this._traversed = false, this._value = t || `
5340 }
5341 R(go, ei);
5342 T.Newline = go;
5343 go.prototype.c = function() {
5344 return this._value;
5345 };
5346 function as() {
5347 return Kt.apply(this, arguments);
5348 }
5349 R(as, Kt);
5350 T.Index = as;
5351 as.prototype.cache = function(t) {
5352 return t === void 0 && (t = {}), this._value.cache(t);
5353 };
5354 as.prototype.js = function(t) {
5355 return this._value.c();
5356 };
5357 function jt(t) {
5358 this.setup(), this._nodes = this.load(t || []), this._indentation = null;
5359 }
5360 R(jt, J);
5361 T.ListNode = jt;
5362 jt.prototype.nodes = function(t) {
5363 return this._nodes;
5364 };
5365 jt.prototype.setNodes = function(t) {
5366 return this._nodes = t, this;
5367 };
5368 jt.prototype.list = function() {
5369 return this._nodes;
5370 };
5371 jt.prototype.compact = function() {
5372 return this._nodes = Ft.compact(this._nodes), this;
5373 };
5374 jt.prototype.load = function(t) {
5375 return t;
5376 };
5377 jt.prototype.concat = function(t) {
5378 return this._nodes = this.nodes().concat(t instanceof Array ? t : t.nodes()), this;
5379 };
5380 jt.prototype.swap = function(t, e) {
5381 var r = this.indexOf(t);
5382 return r >= 0 && (this.nodes()[r] = e), this;
5383 };
5384 jt.prototype.push = function(t) {
5385 return this._nodes.push(t), this;
5386 };
5387 jt.prototype.pop = function() {
5388 var t = this._nodes.pop();
5389 return t;
5390 };
5391 jt.prototype.add = function(t, e) {
5392 let r = null;
5393 if (e && e.before)
5394 r = this._nodes.indexOf(e.before), r == -1 && (r = null);
5395 else if (e && e.after) {
5396 if (r = this._nodes.indexOf(e.after) + 1, r == 0 && (r = null), r >= 1)
5397 for (; this._nodes[r] instanceof Mr; )
5398 r++;
5399 } else
5400 (typeof e == "number" || e instanceof Number) && (r = e);
5401 return r !== null ? t instanceof Array ? this._nodes.splice.apply(this._nodes, [].concat([r, 0], Array.from(t))) : this._nodes.splice(r, 0, t) : t instanceof Array ? this._nodes.push.apply(this._nodes, t) : this._nodes.push(t), this;
5402 };
5403 jt.prototype.unshift = function(t, e) {
5404 return e && this._nodes.unshift(De), this._nodes.unshift(t), this;
5405 };
5406 jt.prototype.slice = function(t, e) {
5407 return new this.constructor(this._nodes.slice(t, e));
5408 };
5409 jt.prototype.break = function(t, e) {
5410 return e === void 0 && (e = false), typeof t == "string" && (t = new ei(t)), e ? this.unshift(t) : this.push(t), this;
5411 };
5412 jt.prototype.some = function(t) {
5413 for (let e = 0, r = It(this._nodes), i = r.length, s; e < i; e++)
5414 if (s = r[e], t(s))
5415 return true;
5416 return false;
5417 };
5418 jt.prototype.every = function(t) {
5419 for (let e = 0, r = It(this._nodes), i = r.length, s; e < i; e++)
5420 if (s = r[e], !t(s))
5421 return false;
5422 return true;
5423 };
5424 jt.prototype.values = function() {
5425 return this._nodes.filter(function(t) {
5426 return !(t instanceof Mr);
5427 });
5428 };
5429 jt.prototype.filter = function(t) {
5430 return this._nodes.filter(t);
5431 };
5432 jt.prototype.pluck = function(t) {
5433 var e = this.filter(t)[0];
5434 return e && this.remove(e), e;
5435 };
5436 jt.prototype.indexOf = function(t) {
5437 return this._nodes.indexOf(t);
5438 };
5439 jt.prototype.index = function(t) {
5440 return this._nodes[t];
5441 };
5442 jt.prototype.remove = function(t) {
5443 var e = this._nodes.indexOf(t);
5444 return e >= 0 && this._nodes.splice(e, 1), this;
5445 };
5446 jt.prototype.removeAt = function(t) {
5447 var e = this._nodes[t];
5448 return t >= 0 && this._nodes.splice(t, 1), e;
5449 };
5450 jt.prototype.replace = function(t, e) {
5451 var r = this._nodes.indexOf(t);
5452 return r >= 0 && (e instanceof Array ? this._nodes.splice.apply(this._nodes, [].concat([r, 1], Array.from(e))) : this._nodes[r] = e), this;
5453 };
5454 jt.prototype.first = function() {
5455 return this._nodes[0];
5456 };
5457 jt.prototype.last = function() {
5458 for (var t = this._nodes.length; t; ) {
5459 t = t - 1;
5460 var e = this._nodes[t];
5461 if (!(e instanceof Mr))
5462 return e;
5463 }
5464 return null;
5465 };
5466 jt.prototype.map = function(t) {
5467 return this._nodes.map(t);
5468 };
5469 jt.prototype.forEach = function(t) {
5470 return this._nodes.forEach(t);
5471 };
5472 jt.prototype.remap = function(t) {
5473 return this._nodes = this.map(t), this;
5474 };
5475 jt.prototype.count = function() {
5476 return this._nodes.length;
5477 };
5478 jt.prototype.len = function() {
5479 return this._nodes.length;
5480 };
5481 jt.prototype.realCount = function() {
5482 var t = 0;
5483 for (let e = 0, r = It(this._nodes), i = r.length, s; e < i; e++)
5484 s = r[e], s && !(s instanceof Mr) && t++;
5485 return t;
5486 };
5487 jt.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
5488 return this.realCount() == 0;
5489 };
5490 jt.prototype.visit = function() {
5491 let t = this._nodes, e = 0;
5492 for (; e < t.length; ) {
5493 let r = t[e];
5494 if (r.traverse) {
5495 let i = r.traverse();
5496 if (i != r && i instanceof Array) {
5497 t.splice.apply(t, [].concat([e, 1], Array.from(i)));
5498 continue;
5499 }
5500 }
5501 e++;
5502 }
5503 return this;
5504 };
5505 jt.prototype.isExpressable = function() {
5506 for (let t = 0, e = It(this.nodes()), r = e.length, i; t < r; t++)
5507 if (i = e[t], i && !i.isExpressable())
5508 return false;
5509 return true;
5510 };
5511 jt.prototype.toArray = function() {
5512 return this._nodes;
5513 };
5514 jt.prototype.delimiter = function() {
5515 return this._delimiter || ",";
5516 };
5517 jt.prototype.js = function(t, e) {
5518 (!e || e.constructor !== Object) && (e = {});
5519 var r = e.nodes !== void 0 ? e.nodes : this._nodes, i = ",", s = i != ";", n = this.last(), o = 0, a = r.length, l = "";
5520 for (let c = 0, _ = It(r), f = _.length, d; c < f; c++) {
5521 d = _[c];
5522 var p = typeof d == "string" ? d : d ? d.c({expression: s}) : "";
5523 l += p, p && (!s || d != n) && !(d instanceof Mr) && (l += i);
5524 }
5525 return l;
5526 };
5527 jt.prototype.indented = function(t, e) {
5528 return t instanceof Ar ? (this._indentation = t, this) : (this._indentation || (this._indentation = t && e ? new Ar(t, e) : Kl), this);
5529 };
5530 jt.prototype.endLoc = function() {
5531 var t;
5532 if (this._endLoc)
5533 return this._endLoc;
5534 var e = this._nodes.length;
5535 return (t = this._nodes[e - 1]) && t.endLoc && t.endLoc();
5536 };
5537 function ar() {
5538 return jt.apply(this, arguments);
5539 }
5540 R(ar, jt);
5541 T.ArgList = ar;
5542 ar.prototype.startLoc = function() {
5543 var t;
5544 return typeof this._startLoc == "number" ? this._startLoc : (t = this.first()) && t.startLoc && t.startLoc();
5545 };
5546 ar.prototype.consume = function(t) {
5547 return t instanceof Et ? (this._nodes = this._nodes.map(function(e) {
5548 return e instanceof Mr ? e : e.consume(t);
5549 }), this) : ar.prototype.__super__.consume.apply(this, arguments);
5550 };
5551 ar.prototype.setEnds = function(t, e) {
5552 return e && e.endLoc && e.endLoc() != -1 && (this._endLoc = e.endLoc()), t && t.startLoc && t.startLoc() != -1 && (this._startLoc = t.startLoc()), this;
5553 };
5554 function vo() {
5555 return ar.apply(this, arguments);
5556 }
5557 R(vo, ar);
5558 T.AssignList = vo;
5559 vo.prototype.concat = function(t) {
5560 return this._nodes.length == 0 && t instanceof vo ? t : (vo.prototype.__super__.concat.call(this, t), this);
5561 };
5562 function Lt(t) {
5563 this.setup(), this._nodes = t || [], this._head = null, this._indentation = null;
5564 }
5565 R(Lt, jt);
5566 T.Block = Lt;
5567 Lt.prototype.head = function(t) {
5568 return this._head;
5569 };
5570 Lt.prototype.setHead = function(t) {
5571 return this._head = t, this;
5572 };
5573 Lt.prototype.startLoc = function() {
5574 return this._indentation ? this._indentation.startLoc() : Lt.prototype.__super__.startLoc.apply(this, arguments);
5575 };
5576 Lt.prototype.endLoc = function() {
5577 return this._indentation ? this._indentation.endLoc() : Lt.prototype.__super__.endLoc.apply(this, arguments);
5578 };
5579 Lt.wrap = function(t) {
5580 if (!(t instanceof Array))
5581 throw new SyntaxError("what");
5582 return t.length == 1 && t[0] instanceof Lt ? t[0] : new Lt(t);
5583 };
5584 Lt.prototype.visit = function(t) {
5585 this._scope && this._scope.visit(), t && t._tag && (this._tag = t._tag), this._traversing = true;
5586 for (let e = 0, r = It(this._nodes.slice(0)), i = r.length, s; e < i; e++)
5587 s = r[e], s && s.traverse();
5588 return this._traversing = false, this;
5589 };
5590 Lt.prototype.block = function() {
5591 return this;
5592 };
5593 Lt.prototype.collectDecorators = function() {
5594 var t;
5595 return (t = this._decorators) ? (this._decorators = null, t) : null;
5596 };
5597 Lt.prototype.loc = function() {
5598 var t, e;
5599 if (t = this.option("ends")) {
5600 var r = t[0].loc(), i = t[1].loc();
5601 return r || this.p("no loc for " + t[0]), i || this.p("no loc for " + t[1]), [r[0], i[1]];
5602 }
5603 return (e = this._indentation) && e.aloc() != -1 ? [e.aloc(), e.bloc()] : (r = this._nodes[0], i = this._nodes[this._nodes.length - 1], [r && r.loc()[0] || 0, i && i.loc()[1] || 0]);
5604 };
5605 Lt.prototype.unwrap = function() {
5606 var t = [];
5607 for (let e = 0, r = It(this.nodes()), i = r.length, s; e < i; e++)
5608 s = r[e], s instanceof Lt ? t.push.apply(t, s.unwrap()) : t.push(s);
5609 return t;
5610 };
5611 Lt.prototype.compile = function(t) {
5612 t === void 0 && (t = {});
5613 var e = new cs(this, t);
5614 return e.compile(t);
5615 };
5616 Lt.prototype.analyze = function(t) {
5617 return t === void 0 && (t = {}), this;
5618 };
5619 Lt.prototype.cpart = function(t) {
5620 if (t === m9)
5621 return "";
5622 var e = typeof t == "string" ? t : t ? t.c() : "";
5623 if (e == null || e == null || e == "")
5624 return "";
5625 if (e instanceof Array) {
5626 for (var r = "", i = e.length, s = 0; s < i; )
5627 r += this.cpart(e[s++]);
5628 return r;
5629 }
5630 var n = _9.test(e);
5631 return n || t instanceof Mr || (e += this.delimiter()), e;
5632 };
5633 Lt.prototype.delimiter = function() {
5634 return this._delimiter == null ? ";" : this._delimiter;
5635 };
5636 Lt.prototype.js = function(t, e) {
5637 var r = this._nodes, i = r.length, s = this.isExpression() || t.isExpression() || this.option("express") && this.isExpressable();
5638 if (r.length == 0 && (!this._head || this._head.length == 0))
5639 return "";
5640 if (s)
5641 return Lt.prototype.__super__.js.call(this, t, {nodes: r});
5642 var n = "";
5643 let o = false;
5644 for (let p = 0, c = It(r), _ = c.length; p < _; p++) {
5645 let f = this.cpart(c[p]);
5646 if (f[0] == `
5647` && /^\n+$/.test(f)) {
5648 if (o)
5649 continue;
5650 o = true;
5651 } else
5652 f && (o = false);
5653 n += f;
5654 }
5655 if (this._head && this._head.length > 0) {
5656 var a = "";
5657 for (let p = 0, c = It(this._head), _ = c.length; p < _; p++) {
5658 var l = this.cpart(c[p]);
5659 l && (a += l + `
5661 }
5662 n = a + n;
5663 }
5664 return this.option("strict") && (n = this.cpart(`"use strict";
5665`) + n), n;
5666 };
5667 Lt.prototype.defers = function(t, e) {
5668 var r = this._nodes.indexOf(t);
5669 r >= 0 && (this._nodes[r] = e);
5670 var i = this._nodes.splice(r + 1);
5671 return i;
5672 };
5673 Lt.prototype.expressions = function() {
5674 var t = [];
5675 for (let e = 0, r = It(this.nodes()), i = r.length, s; e < i; e++)
5676 s = r[e], s instanceof ei || t.push(s);
5677 return t;
5678 };
5679 Lt.prototype.consume = function(t) {
5680 var e;
5681 if (t instanceof Et) {
5682 let i = this.expressions();
5683 return this._nodes = this._nodes.map(function(s) {
5684 return ha(s, i) >= 0 && !(s instanceof Ve) ? s.consume(t) : s;
5685 }), this;
5686 }
5687 if (e = this.last()) {
5688 var r = e.consume(t);
5689 r != e && (r instanceof Lt && (r = r.nodes()), this.replace(e, r));
5690 }
5691 return this;
5692 };
5693 Lt.prototype.isExpressable = function() {
5694 return !!this._nodes.every(function(t) {
5695 return t.isExpressable();
5696 });
5697 };
5698 Lt.prototype.isExpression = function() {
5699 return this.option("express") || this._expression;
5700 };
5701 Lt.prototype.shouldParenthesizeInTernary = function() {
5702 return this.count() == 1 ? this.first().shouldParenthesizeInTernary() : true;
5703 };
5704 Lt.prototype.indented = function(t, e) {
5705 var r;
5706 if (Lt.prototype.__super__.indented.apply(this, arguments), t instanceof Er && t._type == "INDENT" && (r = t._meta && t._meta.post)) {
5707 let i = new Er("TERMINATOR", r);
5708 this._nodes.unshift(new ei(i)), t._meta.post = "";
5709 }
5710 return this;
5711 };
5712 function W1() {
5713 return Lt.apply(this, arguments);
5714 }
5715 R(W1, Lt);
5716 function Wl() {
5717 return Lt.apply(this, arguments);
5718 }
5719 R(Wl, Lt);
5720 function xe(t) {
5721 xe.prototype.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments), this._name = t;
5722 }
5723 R(xe, J);
5724 T.ClassField = xe;
5725 xe.prototype.name = function(t) {
5726 return this._name;
5727 };
5728 xe.prototype.setName = function(t) {
5729 return this._name = t, this;
5730 };
5731 xe.prototype.visit = function() {
5732 var t;
5733 return this._decorators = (t = this.up()) && t.collectDecorators && t.collectDecorators(), this._classdecl = C.up(me), this._name && this._name.traverse && this._name.traverse(), this.value() && (this.value()._scope = this._vscope = new ya(this.value()), this.value()._scope._parent = this.scope__(), this.value().traverse()), this.watchBody() && (this._descriptor = C.root().declare("" + this.oid() + "$Prop", this.util().watcher(this.storageSymbol(), this.watcherSymbol()), {type: "const", system: true})), this;
5734 };
5735 xe.prototype.value = function() {
5736 return this.option("value");
5737 };
5738 xe.prototype.target = function() {
5739 return this.option("static") ? Ot("this") : Ot("this.prototype");
5740 };
5741 xe.prototype.storageSymbol = function() {
5742 return this.symbolRef("#" + this.name().c({as: "symbolpart"}));
5743 };
5744 xe.prototype.watcherSymbol = function() {
5745 return this.symbolRef("#" + this.name().c({as: "symbolpart"}) + "DidSet");
5746 };
5747 xe.prototype.storageKey = function() {
5748 return this._storageKey || (this._storageKey = Ze(this.name().c() + "$$"));
5749 };
5750 xe.prototype.storageMap = function() {
5751 return this._storageMap || (this._storageMap = this.scope__().root().declare(null, Ot("new WeakMap()")));
5752 };
5753 xe.prototype.isPlain = function() {
5754 return !this._decorators && (!this._value || this._value.isPrimitive());
5755 };
5756 xe.prototype.isMember = function() {
5757 return !this.option("static");
5758 };
5759 xe.prototype.isLazy = function() {
5760 return false;
5761 };
5762 xe.prototype.hasStaticInits = function() {
5763 return this.isStatic() || this._decorators;
5764 };
5765 xe.prototype.hasConstructorInits = function() {
5766 return !this.isStatic();
5767 };
5768 xe.prototype.isStatic = function() {
5769 return this.option("static");
5770 };
5771 xe.prototype.watchBody = function() {
5772 return this.option("watch");
5773 };
5774 xe.prototype.loc = function() {
5775 return [this._name._loc, this._name.region()[1]];
5776 };
5777 xe.prototype.c = function() {
5778 var t, e;
5779 if (this.option("struct"))
5780 return;
5781 let r = C.current(), i;
5782 if (r instanceof us) {
5783 let s = this.isStatic() ? "" + Tt("static", this.option("static")) + " " : "", n = this.name() instanceof Fe ? this.name().asObjectKey() : this.name().c({as: "field"});
5784 if (C.tsc()) {
5785 i = "" + s + Tt(n, this._name), this.value() && (i += " = " + this.value().c() + ";");
5786 let o = this.datatype();
5787 o && (i = "" + o.c() + " " + i);
5788 } else if (this instanceof An || this._decorators && this._decorators.length > 0 && false) {
5789 let o = "" + s + "set " + n + this.setter().c({keyword: ""}), a = "" + s + "get " + n + this.getter().c({keyword: ""});
5790 i = "" + o + `
5791` + a;
5792 }
5793 return i;
5794 }
5795 if (!C.tsc()) {
5796 if (this.isStatic() && r instanceof W1)
5797 this._vscope && (t = C.up(ie)) && this._vscope.mergeScopeInto(t._scope), i = Z("=", Z(".", Ir, this.name()), this.value() || ga).c() + `;
5799 else {
5800 if (!this.isStatic() && r instanceof W1)
5801 return "";
5802 if (!this.isStatic() && r instanceof Wl) {
5803 this._vscope && (e = C.up(ie)) && this._vscope.mergeScopeInto(e._scope);
5804 let s = this.name();
5805 this.name() instanceof At && (s = this.name().toStr());
5806 let n = r.option("ctor"), o = r.option("opts"), a = this.value() || ga, l = this.option("paramIndex"), p = this.option("restIndex"), c;
5807 if (l != null) {
5808 let _ = this.option("paramName");
5809 c = n._params.at(l, true, _), this.value() ? a = he.ternary(Z("!==", c, ga), c, a) : a = c;
5810 } else if (p != null) {
5811 let _ = n._params.at(p, true, "$$", Ot("null"));
5812 c = Z(".", _, this.name()), this.value() ? (c.cache({reuse: true, name: "v"}), a = he.ternary(Z("&&", _, Z("!==", c, ga)), c, a)) : a = he.ternary(_, c, ga);
5813 }
5814 if (this instanceof An && !this.value())
5815 return;
5816 i = Z("=", Z(".", Ir, this.name()), a).c() + `;
5817`, this.watchBody() && (this._descriptor || (this._descriptor = C.root().declare("" + this.oid() + "$Prop", this.util().watcher(this.storageSymbol(), this.watcherSymbol()), {type: "const", system: true})), i = "Object.defineProperty(this," + s.c() + "," + this._descriptor.c() + `);
5818` + i);
5819 }
5820 }
5821 return i;
5822 }
5823 };
5824 xe.prototype.getter = function() {
5825 return this._getter ? this._getter : this.parseTemplate("(){ return $get$; }");
5826 };
5827 xe.prototype.setterForValue = function(t) {
5828 return Z("=", Z(".", Ir, this.storageKey()), t);
5829 };
5830 xe.prototype.parseTemplate = function(t) {
5831 var e = this;
5832 return t = t.replace(/\$(\w+)\$/g, function(r, i) {
5833 return i == "get" ? Sn(Ir, e.storageSymbol()).c() : i == "set" ? Z("=", Sn(Ir, e.storageSymbol()), Ot("value")).c() : i == "watcher" ? Sn(Ir, e.watcherSymbol()).c() : "";
5834 }), Ot(t);
5835 };
5836 xe.prototype.setter = function() {
5837 return this._setter || (this._setter = this.parseTemplate("(value){ $set$; }"));
5838 };
5839 xe.prototype.decorater = function() {
5840 return this._decorater || (this._decorater = this.util().decorate(new je(this._decorators), this.target(), this.name(), Ot("null")));
5841 };
5842 function ef() {
5843 return xe.apply(this, arguments);
5844 }
5845 R(ef, xe);
5846 T.ClassProperty = ef;
5847 function An() {
5848 return xe.apply(this, arguments);
5849 }
5850 R(An, xe);
5851 T.ClassAttribute = An;
5852 An.prototype.hasConstructorInits = function() {
5853 return !this.isStatic() && this.value();
5854 };
5855 An.prototype.getter = function() {
5856 var t;
5857 return this._getter || (this._getter = (t = He(Sn(Ir, "getAttribute"), [this.name().toAttrString()]), js([], [t])));
5858 };
5859 An.prototype.setter = function() {
5860 var t;
5861 return this._setter || (this._setter = (t = He(Sn(Ir, "setAttribute"), [this.name().toAttrString(), Ot("value")]), js([Ot("value")], [t]).set({noreturn: true})));
5862 };
5863 function us() {
5864 return Lt.apply(this, arguments);
5865 }
5866 R(us, Lt);
5867 T.ClassBody = us;
5868 us.prototype.setup = function() {
5869 return us.prototype.__super__.setup.apply(this, arguments), this._fields = [], this._staticFields = [];
5870 };
5871 us.prototype.visit = function(t) {
5872 this._scope && this._scope.visit(), t && t._tag && (this._tag = t._tag);
5873 for (let e = 0, r = It(this._nodes), i = r.length, s; e < i; e++) {
5874 if (s = r[e], s instanceof ne) {
5875 s.tagName() != "self" && (s._options.type || s).error("only <self> tag allowed here");
5876 let n = new Ie([], [s], new At("render"), null, {});
5877 this._nodes[e] = s = n;
5878 }
5879 s && s.traverse();
5880 }
5881 return this;
5882 };
5883 function rf() {
5884 return Lt.apply(this, arguments);
5885 }
5886 R(rf, Lt);
5887 T.ExpressionList = rf;
5888 function va() {
5889 return Lt.apply(this, arguments);
5890 }
5891 R(va, Lt);
5892 T.VarDeclList = va;
5893 va.prototype.type = function() {
5894 return this.option("type") || "var";
5895 };
5896 va.prototype.add = function(t) {
5897 this._nodes.length && this.push(De);
5898 let e = new Ke(t[0], t[1], this.type()).set({decl: this, datatype: t[0].option("datatype")});
5899 return this._firstDeclaration || (this._firstDeclaration = e, e.set({keyword: this.keyword()})), this.push(e), this;
5900 };
5901 va.prototype.consume = function(t) {
5902 return this._nodes.length == 1 ? this._nodes[0].consume(t) : this;
5903 };
5904 function Ee(t, e, r) {
5905 this.setup(), this._open = e, this._close = r, this._value = this.load(t);
5906 }
5907 R(Ee, Kt);
5908 T.Parens = Ee;
5909 Ee.prototype.unwrappedNode = function() {
5910 return this._value.unwrappedNode();
5911 };
5912 Ee.prototype.loc = function() {
5913 try {
5914 let t = this._open.loc(), e = this._close.loc();
5915 return [t[0], e[1]];
5916 } catch (t) {
5917 return [0, 0];
5918 }
5919 };
5920 Ee.prototype.load = function(t) {
5921 return this._noparen = false, t instanceof Lt && t.count() == 1 ? t.first() : t;
5922 };
5923 Ee.prototype.isString = function() {
5924 return this._open && String(this._open) == '("' || this.value().isString();
5925 };
5926 Ee.prototype.js = function(t) {
5927 var e = this.up(), r = this._value, i = null;
5928 return r instanceof ie && (this._noparen = true), e instanceof Lt ? (t.isExpression() || (this._noparen = true), i = r instanceof Array ? Ft.cary(r) : r.c({expression: t.isExpression()})) : i = r instanceof Array ? Ft.cary(r) : r.c({expression: true}), this.datatype() && C.tsc() && (i = this.datatype().c() + "(" + i + ")"), i;
5929 };
5930 Ee.prototype.set = function(t) {
5931 return Ee.prototype.__super__.set.call(this, t);
5932 };
5933 Ee.prototype.shouldParenthesize = function() {
5934 return !this._noparen;
5935 };
5936 Ee.prototype.prebreak = function(t) {
5937 return Ee.prototype.__super__.prebreak.call(this, t), console.log("PREBREAK"), this._value && this._value.prebreak(t), this;
5938 };
5939 Ee.prototype.isExpressable = function() {
5940 return this._value.isExpressable();
5941 };
5942 Ee.prototype.consume = function(t) {
5943 return this._value.consume(t);
5944 };
5945 function sf() {
5946 return Ee.apply(this, arguments);
5947 }
5948 R(sf, Ee);
5949 T.PureExpression = sf;
5950 function ba() {
5951 return jt.apply(this, arguments);
5952 }
5953 R(ba, jt);
5954 T.ExpressionBlock = ba;
5955 ba.prototype.c = function(t) {
5956 return this.map(function(e) {
5957 return e.c(t);
5958 }).join(",");
5959 };
5960 ba.prototype.consume = function(t) {
5961 return this.value().consume(t);
5962 };
5963 function Qe(t) {
5964 return this._traversed = false, this._value = t instanceof ar && t.count() == 1 ? t.last() : t, this;
5965 }
5966 R(Qe, Fi);
5967 T.Return = Qe;
5968 Qe.prototype.value = function(t) {
5969 return this._value;
5970 };
5971 Qe.prototype.setValue = function(t) {
5972 return this._value = t, this;
5973 };
5974 Qe.prototype.visit = function() {
5975 if (this._value instanceof Ne && this._value.option("virtualize", true), this._value && this._value.traverse)
5976 return this._value.traverse();
5977 };
5978 Qe.prototype.startLoc = function() {
5979 let t = this.keyword() || this._value;
5980 return t ? t.startLoc() : null;
5981 };
5982 Qe.prototype.js = function(t) {
5983 var e = this._value;
5984 let r = Tt("return", this.keyword());
5985 return e instanceof ar ? "" + r + " [" + e.c({expression: true}) + "]" : e ? "" + r + " " + e.c({expression: true}) : r;
5986 };
5987 Qe.prototype.c = function() {
5988 return !this.value() || this.value().isExpressable() ? Qe.prototype.__super__.c.apply(this, arguments) : this.value().consume(this).c();
5989 };
5990 Qe.prototype.consume = function(t) {
5991 return this;
5992 };
5993 function In() {
5994 return Qe.apply(this, arguments);
5995 }
5996 R(In, Qe);
5997 T.ImplicitReturn = In;
5998 function Jl() {
5999 return In.apply(this, arguments);
6000 }
6001 R(Jl, In);
6002 T.GreedyReturn = Jl;
6003 function J1() {
6004 return Fi.apply(this, arguments);
6005 }
6006 R(J1, Fi);
6007 T.Throw = J1;
6008 J1.prototype.js = function(t) {
6009 return "throw " + this.value().c();
6010 };
6011 J1.prototype.consume = function(t) {
6012 return this;
6013 };
6014 function Rr(t, e) {
6015 this.setLiteral(t), this.setExpression(e);
6016 }
6017 R(Rr, Fi);
6018 T.LoopFlowStatement = Rr;
6019 Rr.prototype.literal = function(t) {
6020 return this._literal;
6021 };
6022 Rr.prototype.setLiteral = function(t) {
6023 return this._literal = t, this;
6024 };
6025 Rr.prototype.expression = function(t) {
6026 return this._expression;
6027 };
6028 Rr.prototype.setExpression = function(t) {
6029 return this._expression = t, this;
6030 };
6031 Rr.prototype.visit = function() {
6032 if (this.expression())
6033 return this.expression().traverse();
6034 };
6035 Rr.prototype.consume = function(t) {
6036 return this;
6037 };
6038 Rr.prototype.c = function() {
6039 if (!this.expression())
6040 return Rr.prototype.__super__.c.apply(this, arguments);
6041 var t = C.up(Le), e = this.expression();
6042 if (t.catcher()) {
6043 e = e.consume(t.catcher());
6044 var r = new this.constructor(this.literal());
6045 return new Lt([e, r]).c();
6046 } else
6047 return e ? (r = new this.constructor(this.literal()), new Lt([e, r]).c()) : Rr.prototype.__super__.c.apply(this, arguments);
6048 };
6049 function ka() {
6050 return Rr.apply(this, arguments);
6051 }
6052 R(ka, Rr);
6053 T.BreakStatement = ka;
6054 ka.prototype.js = function(t) {
6055 return "break";
6056 };
6057 function Z1() {
6058 return Rr.apply(this, arguments);
6059 }
6060 R(Z1, Rr);
6061 T.ContinueStatement = Z1;
6062 Z1.prototype.js = function(t) {
6063 return "continue";
6064 };
6065 function nf() {
6066 return Fi.apply(this, arguments);
6067 }
6068 R(nf, Fi);
6069 T.DebuggerStatement = nf;
6070 function pe(t, e, r) {
6071 typeof t == "string" && (t = new At(t)), this._traversed = false, this._name = t, this._value = t, this._defaults = e, this._typ = r, this._variable = null;
6072 }
6073 R(pe, J);
6074 T.Param = pe;
6075 pe.prototype.name = function(t) {
6076 return this._name;
6077 };
6078 pe.prototype.setName = function(t) {
6079 return this._name = t, this;
6080 };
6081 pe.prototype.index = function(t) {
6082 return this._index;
6083 };
6084 pe.prototype.setIndex = function(t) {
6085 return this._index = t, this;
6086 };
6087 pe.prototype.defaults = function(t) {
6088 return this._defaults;
6089 };
6090 pe.prototype.setDefaults = function(t) {
6091 return this._defaults = t, this;
6092 };
6093 pe.prototype.splat = function(t) {
6094 return this._splat;
6095 };
6096 pe.prototype.setSplat = function(t) {
6097 return this._splat = t, this;
6098 };
6099 pe.prototype.variable = function(t) {
6100 return this._variable;
6101 };
6102 pe.prototype.setVariable = function(t) {
6103 return this._variable = t, this;
6104 };
6105 pe.prototype.value = function(t) {
6106 return this._value;
6107 };
6108 pe.prototype.setValue = function(t) {
6109 return this._value = t, this;
6110 };
6111 pe.prototype.varname = function() {
6112 return this._variable ? this._variable.c() : this.name();
6113 };
6114 pe.prototype.datatype = function() {
6115 return pe.prototype.__super__.datatype.apply(this, arguments) || this._value.datatype();
6116 };
6117 pe.prototype.type = function() {
6118 return "param";
6119 };
6120 pe.prototype.jsdoc = function() {
6121 let t = this.datatype();
6122 return t && this.name() ? t.asParam(this.name()) : "";
6123 };
6124 pe.prototype.js = function(t, e) {
6125 return !e || e.as != "declaration" ? "" + this._value.c() : this._defaults ? "" + this._value.c() + " = " + this._defaults.c() : this.option("splat") ? "..." + this._value.c() : this._value.c();
6126 };
6127 pe.prototype.visit = function(t) {
6128 return this._defaults && this._defaults.traverse(), this._value && this._value.traverse({declaring: "param"}), this._value instanceof At && (this._value._variable || (this._value._variable = this.scope__().register(this._value.symbol(), this._value, {type: this.type()})), t.registerSemanticToken(this._value)), this;
6129 };
6130 pe.prototype.assignment = function() {
6131 return Z("=", this.variable().accessor(), this.defaults());
6132 };
6133 pe.prototype.isExpressable = function() {
6134 return !this.defaults() || this.defaults().isExpressable();
6135 };
6136 pe.prototype.dump = function() {
6137 return {loc: this.loc()};
6138 };
6139 pe.prototype.loc = function() {
6140 return this._name && this._name.region();
6141 };
6142 pe.prototype.toJSON = function() {
6143 return {type: this.typeName(), name: this.name(), defaults: this.defaults()};
6144 };
6145 function Zl() {
6146 return pe.apply(this, arguments);
6147 }
6148 R(Zl, pe);
6149 T.RestParam = Zl;
6150 function bo() {
6151 return pe.apply(this, arguments);
6152 }
6153 R(bo, pe);
6154 T.BlockParam = bo;
6155 bo.prototype.c = function() {
6156 return "blockparam";
6157 };
6158 bo.prototype.loc = function() {
6159 var t = this.name().region();
6160 return [t[0] - 1, t[1]];
6161 };
6162 function Ql() {
6163 return pe.apply(this, arguments);
6164 }
6165 R(Ql, pe);
6166 T.OptionalParam = Ql;
6167 function of() {
6168 return pe.apply(this, arguments);
6169 }
6170 R(of, pe);
6171 T.NamedParam = of;
6172 function af() {
6173 return pe.apply(this, arguments);
6174 }
6175 R(af, pe);
6176 T.RequiredParam = af;
6177 function Pr() {
6178 return jt.apply(this, arguments);
6179 }
6180 R(Pr, jt);
6181 T.ParamList = Pr;
6182 Pr.prototype.splat = function(t) {
6183 return this._splat;
6184 };
6185 Pr.prototype.setSplat = function(t) {
6186 return this._splat = t, this;
6187 };
6188 Pr.prototype.block = function(t) {
6189 return this._block;
6190 };
6191 Pr.prototype.setBlock = function(t) {
6192 return this._block = t, this;
6193 };
6194 Pr.prototype.at = function(t, e, r, i) {
6195 if (e === void 0 && (e = false), r === void 0 && (r = null), i === void 0 && (i = null), e)
6196 for (; t >= this.count(); ) {
6197 let s = this.count() == t, n = s ? i : null;
6198 this.add(new pe(s && r || "_" + this.count(), n));
6199 }
6200 return this.list()[t];
6201 };
6202 Pr.prototype.metadata = function() {
6203 return this.filter(function(t) {
6204 return !(t instanceof Mr);
6205 });
6206 };
6207 Pr.prototype.toJSON = function() {
6208 return this.metadata();
6209 };
6210 Pr.prototype.jsdoc = function() {
6211 let t = [];
6212 for (let r = 0, i = It(this.nodes()), s = i.length, n; r < s; r++)
6213 n = i[r], n instanceof pe && n.datatype() && t.push(n.jsdoc());
6214 let e = t.join(`
6216 return e ? `/**
6217` + e + `
6219` : "";
6220 };
6221 Pr.prototype.visit = function() {
6222 var t = this.filter(function(e) {
6223 return e instanceof bo;
6224 });
6225 return t.length > 1 ? t[1].warn("a method can only have one &block parameter") : t[0] && t[0] != this.last() && t[0].warn("&block must be the last parameter of a method"), Pr.prototype.__super__.visit.apply(this, arguments);
6226 };
6227 Pr.prototype.js = function(t) {
6228 if (this.count() == 0)
6229 return $l;
6230 if (t.parent() instanceof Lt)
6231 return this.head(t);
6232 if (t.parent() instanceof pr) {
6233 let i = !(t.parent() instanceof Ie);
6234 var e = this.nodes(), r = {as: "declaration", typed: i};
6235 return Ft.compact(this.nodes().map(function(s) {
6236 let n = s.c(r), o = i && s.datatype();
6237 return o && (n = o.c() + n), n;
6238 })).join(",");
6239 } else
6240 throw "not implemented paramlist js";
6241 };
6242 Pr.prototype.head = function(t) {
6243 var e = [], r = [], i = null, s = null, n = null, o = [], a = [], l = 0;
6244 if (this.nodes().forEach(function(w, O) {
6245 if (!(w instanceof ma))
6246 return w.setIndex(l), w instanceof Ql ? (a.push("opt"), r.push(w)) : w instanceof bo ? (a.push("blk"), i = w) : (a.push("reg"), e.push(w)), l++;
6247 }), n)
6248 var p = n.variable();
6249 var c = [], _ = function(w) {
6250 return "typeof " + w + " == 'function'";
6251 }, f = function(w) {
6252 return "" + w + ".constructor === Object";
6253 }, d = function(w) {
6254 return "" + w + ".constructor !== Object";
6255 };
6256 if (!n && !s && !i && r.length > 0 && a.join(" ").match(/opt$/))
6257 for (let w = 0, O = r.length, L; w < O; w++)
6258 L = r[w], c.push("if(" + L.name().c() + " === undefined) " + L.name().c() + " = " + L.defaults().c());
6259 else if (n && !s && !i && r.length == 0)
6260 c.push("if(!" + p.c() + "||" + d(p.c()) + ") " + p.c() + " = {}");
6261 else if (i && r.length == 1 && !s && !n) {
6262 var v = r[0], y = v.name().c(), N = i.name().c();
6263 c.push("if(" + N + "==undefined && " + _(y) + ") " + N + " = " + y + "," + y + " = " + v.defaults().c()), c.push("if(" + y + "==undefined) " + y + " = " + v.defaults().c());
6264 } else if (i && n && r.length == 0 && !s)
6265 N = i.name().c(), c.push("if(" + N + "==undefined && " + _(p.c()) + ") " + N + " = " + p.c() + "," + p.c() + " = {}"), c.push("else if(!" + p.c() + "||" + d(p.c()) + ") " + p.c() + " = {}");
6266 else if (r.length > 0 || s) {
6267 var b = this.scope__().temporary(this, {pool: "arguments"}).predeclared().c(), m = this.scope__().temporary(this, {pool: "counter"}).predeclared().c(), g = "" + b + "[" + m + "-1]", S = "" + b + "[--" + m + "]";
6268 c.push("var " + b + " = arguments, " + m + " = " + b + ".length"), i && (N = i.name().c(), s ? c.push("var " + N + " = " + _(g) + " ? " + S + " : null") : e.length > 0 ? c.push("var " + N + " = " + m + " > " + e.length + " && " + _(g) + " ? " + S + " : null") : c.push("var " + N + " = " + _(g) + " ? " + S + " : null")), n && c.push("var " + p.c() + " = " + g + "&&" + f(g) + " ? " + S + " : {}");
6269 for (let w = 0, O = r.length, L; w < O; w++)
6270 L = r[w], c.push("if(" + m + " < " + (L.index() + 1) + ") " + L.name().c() + " = " + L.defaults().c());
6271 if (s) {
6272 var k = s.name().c(), E = s.index();
6273 E == 0 ? (c.push("var " + k + " = new Array(" + m + ">" + E + " ? " + m + " : 0)"), c.push("while(" + m + ">" + E + ") " + k + "[" + m + "-1] = " + S)) : (c.push("var " + k + " = new Array(" + m + ">" + E + " ? " + m + "-" + E + " : 0)"), c.push("while(" + m + ">" + E + ") " + k + "[--" + m + " - " + E + "] = " + b + "[" + m + "]"));
6274 }
6275 } else if (r.length > 0)
6276 for (let w = 0, O = r.length, L; w < O; w++)
6277 L = r[w], c.push("if(" + L.name().c() + " === undefined) " + L.name().c() + " = " + L.defaults().c());
6278 if (n)
6279 for (let w = 0, O = It(n.nodes()), L = O.length, D; w < L; w++)
6280 D = O[w], v = Z(".", p, D.c()).c(), c.push("var " + D.c() + " = " + v + " !== undefined ? " + v + " : " + D.defaults().c());
6281 if (o.length)
6282 for (let w = 0, O = o.length; w < O; w++)
6283 o[w].head(t, c, this);
6284 return c.length > 0 ? c.join(`;
6285`) + ";" : $l;
6286 };
6287 function Mi() {
6288 return jt.apply(this, arguments);
6289 }
6290 R(Mi, jt);
6291 T.ScopeVariables = Mi;
6292 Mi.prototype.kind = function(t) {
6293 return this._kind;
6294 };
6295 Mi.prototype.setKind = function(t) {
6296 return this._kind = t, this;
6297 };
6298 Mi.prototype.split = function(t) {
6299 return this._split;
6300 };
6301 Mi.prototype.setSplit = function(t) {
6302 return this._split = t, this;
6303 };
6304 Mi.prototype.add = function(t, e, r) {
6305 r === void 0 && (r = -1);
6306 var i = new hs(t, e);
6307 return t instanceof Mt && i.setVariable(t), r == 0 ? this.unshift(i) : this.push(i), i;
6308 };
6309 Mi.prototype.load = function(t) {
6310 return t.map(function(e) {
6311 return new hs(e.name(), e.defaults(), e.splat());
6312 });
6313 };
6314 Mi.prototype.isExpressable = function() {
6315 return this.nodes().every(function(t) {
6316 return t.isExpressable();
6317 });
6318 };
6319 Mi.prototype.js = function(t) {
6320 if (this.count() == 0)
6321 return $l;
6322 if (this.count() == 1 && !this.isExpressable())
6323 return this.first().variable().autodeclare(), this.first().assignment().c();
6324 var e = "var", r = {};
6325 if (this.nodes().forEach(function(s) {
6326 let n = s._variable || s, o = n instanceof Mt && n.type();
6327 if (o)
6328 return r[o] || (r[o] = []), r[o].push(s);
6329 }), r.let && (r.var || r.const) ? r.let.forEach(function(s) {
6330 return (s._variable || s)._virtual = true;
6331 }) : r.let && (e = "let"), this.split()) {
6332 let s = [];
6333 for (let n, o = 0, a = Object.keys(r), l = a.length, p; o < l; o++)
6334 p = a[o], n = r[p], s.push("" + p + " " + Ft.cary(n, {as: "declaration"}).join(", ") + ";");
6335 return s.join(`
6337 }
6338 var i = Ft.compact(Ft.cary(this.nodes(), {as: "declaration"})).join(", ");
6339 return i ? "" + e + " " + i : "";
6340 };
6341 function hs() {
6342 return pe.apply(this, arguments);
6343 }
6344 R(hs, pe);
6345 T.VariableDeclarator = hs;
6346 hs.prototype.type = function(t) {
6347 return this._type;
6348 };
6349 hs.prototype.setType = function(t) {
6350 return this._type = t, this;
6351 };
6352 hs.prototype.visit = function() {
6353 var t, e;
6354 return (t = this.variable()) || this.setVariable(e = this.scope__().register(this.name(), null, {type: this._type || "var"})), this.defaults() && this.defaults().traverse(), this.variable().setDeclarator(this), this.variable().addReference(this.name()), this;
6355 };
6356 hs.prototype.js = function(t) {
6357 if (this.variable()._proxy)
6358 return null;
6359 var e = this.defaults();
6360 let r = this.variable().datatype();
6361 return e != null && e != null ? (e instanceof J && (e = e.c({expression: true})), r && (e = "" + r.c() + "(" + e + ")"), "" + this.variable().c() + " = " + e) : r ? "" + this.variable().c() + " = " + r.c() + "(undefined)" : "" + this.variable().c();
6362 };
6363 hs.prototype.accessor = function() {
6364 return this;
6365 };
6366 function Ke(t, e, r, i) {
6367 i === void 0 && (i = "="), this._op = i, this._left = t, this._right = e, this._kind = r;
6368 }
6369 R(Ke, J);
6370 T.VarDeclaration = Ke;
6371 Ke.prototype.kind = function(t) {
6372 return this._kind;
6373 };
6374 Ke.prototype.setKind = function(t) {
6375 return this._kind = t, this;
6376 };
6377 Ke.prototype.left = function(t) {
6378 return this._left;
6379 };
6380 Ke.prototype.setLeft = function(t) {
6381 return this._left = t, this;
6382 };
6383 Ke.prototype.right = function(t) {
6384 return this._right;
6385 };
6386 Ke.prototype.setRight = function(t) {
6387 return this._right = t, this;
6388 };
6389 Ke.prototype.op = function() {
6390 return this._op;
6391 };
6392 Ke.prototype.type = function() {
6393 return this._kind;
6394 };
6395 Ke.prototype.visit = function(t) {
6396 var e = this;
6397 return e._left instanceof At && e._right instanceof ie || e._right && e._right.traverse(), e._variables = e.scope__().captureVariableDeclarations(function() {
6398 if (e._left && e._left.traverse({declaring: e.type()}), e._left instanceof At)
6399 return e._left._variable || (e._left._variable = e.scope__().register(e._left.symbol(), e._left, {type: e.type()})), t.registerSemanticToken(e._left);
6400 }), e._right && e._right.traverse(), e;
6401 };
6402 Ke.prototype.isExpressable = function() {
6403 return false;
6404 };
6405 Ke.prototype.consume = function(t) {
6406 if (t instanceof Et)
6407 return this;
6408 if (t instanceof ri || t instanceof Qe) {
6409 let e = this;
6410 if (this.right() && !this.right().isExpressable()) {
6411 let r = this.scope__().temporary(this), i = this.right().consume(Z("=", r, Gs));
6412 return this.setRight(r), new Lt([i, De, this.consume(t)]);
6413 }
6414 return new Lt([e, De, this._left.consume(t)]);
6415 }
6416 return t instanceof Qe ? new Lt([this, De, this._left.consume(t)]) : Ke.prototype.__super__.consume.call(this, t);
6417 };
6418 Ke.prototype.c = function(t) {
6419 if (this.right() && !this.right().isExpressable()) {
6420 let e = this.scope__().temporary(this), r = this.right().consume(Z("=", e, Gs));
6421 return this.setRight(e), new Lt([r, De, this]).c(t);
6422 }
6423 return Ke.prototype.__super__.c.call(this, t);
6424 };
6425 Ke.prototype.js = function() {
6426 let t = "", e = this.kind(), r = this.datatype() || this._left && this._left.datatype();
6427 if (C.tsc() && this._variables.length > 1 && this._variables.some(function(i) {
6428 return i.vartype();
6429 })) {
6430 e = "let";
6431 for (let i = 0, s = It(this._variables), n = s.length, o; i < n; i++)
6432 o = s[i], o.vartype() && (t += o.vartype().c() + " "), t += "" + Tt(e, this.keyword()) + " " + o.c() + `;
6434 t += "(" + this.left().c(), this.right() && (t += " = " + this.right().c({expression: true})), t += ")";
6435 } else
6436 t += "" + Tt(e, this.keyword()) + " " + this.left().c(), this.right() && (t += " = " + this.right().c({expression: true}));
6437 return this.option("export") && (C.cjs() ? t = "" + t + `;
6438exports.` + this.left().c() + " = " + this.left().c() : t = Tt("export", this.option("export")) + (" " + t)), r && (t = r.c() + `
6439` + t), t;
6440 };
6441 function Ui(t, e) {
6442 Ui.prototype.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments), this._splat = e;
6443 }
6444 R(Ui, Kt);
6445 T.VarName = Ui;
6446 Ui.prototype.variable = function(t) {
6447 return this._variable;
6448 };
6449 Ui.prototype.setVariable = function(t) {
6450 return this._variable = t, this;
6451 };
6452 Ui.prototype.splat = function(t) {
6453 return this._splat;
6454 };
6455 Ui.prototype.setSplat = function(t) {
6456 return this._splat = t, this;
6457 };
6458 Ui.prototype.visit = function() {
6459 var t, e;
6460 return (t = this.variable()) || this.setVariable(e = this.scope__().register(this.value().c(), null)), this.variable().setDeclarator(this), this.variable().addReference(this.value()), this;
6461 };
6462 Ui.prototype.js = function(t) {
6463 return this.variable().c();
6464 };
6465 Ui.prototype.c = function() {
6466 return this.variable().c();
6467 };
6468 function pr() {
6469 return J.apply(this, arguments);
6470 }
6471 R(pr, J);
6472 T.Code = pr;
6473 pr.prototype.head = function(t) {
6474 return this._head;
6475 };
6476 pr.prototype.setHead = function(t) {
6477 return this._head = t, this;
6478 };
6479 pr.prototype.body = function(t) {
6480 return this._body;
6481 };
6482 pr.prototype.setBody = function(t) {
6483 return this._body = t, this;
6484 };
6485 pr.prototype.scope = function(t) {
6486 return this._scope;
6487 };
6488 pr.prototype.setScope = function(t) {
6489 return this._scope = t, this;
6490 };
6491 pr.prototype.params = function(t) {
6492 return this._params;
6493 };
6494 pr.prototype.setParams = function(t) {
6495 return this._params = t, this;
6496 };
6497 pr.prototype.isStatementLike = function() {
6498 return true;
6499 };
6500 pr.prototype.scopetype = function() {
6501 return Rt;
6502 };
6503 pr.prototype.visit = function() {
6504 return this._scope && this._scope.visit(), this;
6505 };
6506 function cs(t, e) {
6507 this._traversed = false, this._body = Ft.blk(t), this._scope = new le(this, null), this._options = {};
6508 }
6509 R(cs, pr);
6510 T.Root = cs;
6511 cs.prototype.loc = function() {
6512 return this._body.loc();
6513 };
6514 cs.prototype.visit = function() {
6515 Y1 = C.ROOT = this._scope;
6516 try {
6517 if (this.scope().visit(), this.body().traverse(), this.body().first() instanceof ei)
6518 return this.body().first()._first = true;
6519 } catch (t) {
6520 let e = s9.wrap(t);
6521 throw e._sourcePath = ls.sourcePath, e._loc = C.currentRegion(), e;
6522 }
6523 };
6524 cs.prototype.compile = function(t, e) {
6525 if (e === void 0 && (e = {}), C.reset(), this._scope.setOptions(ls = C._options = this._options = t || {}), C.setRoot(this._scope), this._scope._imba.configure(t), this.traverse(), C.setRoot(this._scope), t.bundle)
6526 if (t.cwd && C.isNode()) {
6527 let n = B1.resolve(t.cwd, t.sourcePath), o = B1.relative(t.cwd, n).split(B1.sep).join("/"), a = this._scope.importProxy("path").proxy();
6528 this._scope.lookup("__filename").c = function() {
6529 return Ot("" + a.resolve + "(" + Ze(o).c() + ")").c();
6530 }, this._scope.lookup("__dirname").c = function() {
6531 return Ot("" + a.dirname + "(" + a.resolve + "(" + Ze(o).c() + "))").c();
6532 };
6533 } else
6534 this._scope.lookup("__filename")._c = Ze(t.sourcePath).c(), this._scope.lookup("__dirname")._c = Ze(B1.dirname(t.sourcePath)).c();
6535 t.onTraversed instanceof Function && t.onTraversed(this, C);
6536 let r = C.css(), i = r.toString();
6537 r.transitions && this.runtime().transitions, i && (!t.styles || t.styles == "inline") && this.runtime().styles;
6538 var s = this.c(t);
6539 if (C.tsc() && (s = `export {};String();
6540` + s + `
6541`), e.rawResult = {js: s, css: i}, e.js = s, e.css = i || "", e.sourceId = this.sourceId(), e.assets = this.scope().assets(), e.dependencies = Object.keys(this.scope()._dependencies), e.universal = C.meta().universal !== false, e.imports = Yp.extractDependencies(e.js), t.resolve && (e.js = Yp.resolveDependencies(t.sourcePath, e.js, t.resolve)), !C.tsc() && e.css && (!t.styles || t.styles == "inline")) {
6542 let n = "`\n" + e.css + "\n`";
6543 e.js = "" + e.js + `
6544` + this.runtime().styles + ".register('" + e.sourceId + "'," + n + ");", t.debug && (e.js += `
6546` + e.css + `
6549 }
6550 if (t.sourcemap || C.tsc()) {
6551 let n = new n9(e, t).generate();
6552 e.sourcemap = n.result(), t.sourcemap == "inline" && (e.js += n.inlined());
6553 }
6554 return t.raw || (e.css && (e.css = pa.strip(e.css)), e.js = pa.strip(e.js), C.tsc() && (e.js = e.js.replace(/\*\/\s[\r\n]+(\t*)\/\*\*/gm, function(n) {
6555 return n.replace(/[^\n\t]/g, " ");
6556 }))), e;
6557 };
6558 cs.prototype.js = function(t) {
6559 var e = this.scope().c(), r = [];
6560 return e = e.replace(/^[ \t]*\/\/(\!.+)$/mg, function(i, s) {
6561 return s = s.replace(/\bimba\b/g, "node"), r.push("#" + s + `
6562`), "";
6563 }), e = r.join("") + e, e;
6564 };
6565 cs.prototype.analyze = function(t) {
6566 return t === void 0 && (t = {}), C.setLoglevel(t.loglevel || 0), C._analyzing = true, Y1 = C.ROOT = this._scope, ls = C._options = {platform: t.platform, loglevel: t.loglevel || 0, analysis: {entities: t.entities || false, scopes: t.scopes == null ? t.scopes = true : t.scopes}}, this.traverse(), C._analyzing = false, this.scope().dump();
6567 };
6568 cs.prototype.inspect = function() {
6569 return true;
6570 };
6571 function me(t, e, r) {
6572 this._traversed = false, t instanceof ue && (t = t._value), this._name = t, this._superclass = e, this._scope = this.isTag() ? new Q1(this) : new Ai(this), this._body = Ft.blk(r) || new us([]), this._entities = {};
6573 }
6574 R(me, pr);
6575 T.ClassDeclaration = me;
6576 me.prototype.name = function(t) {
6577 return this._name;
6578 };
6579 me.prototype.setName = function(t) {
6580 return this._name = t, this;
6581 };
6582 me.prototype.superclass = function(t) {
6583 return this._superclass;
6584 };
6585 me.prototype.setSuperclass = function(t) {
6586 return this._superclass = t, this;
6587 };
6588 me.prototype.initor = function(t) {
6589 return this._initor;
6590 };
6591 me.prototype.setInitor = function(t) {
6592 return this._initor = t, this;
6593 };
6594 me.prototype.consume = function(t) {
6595 return t instanceof Qe ? (this.option("return", t), this) : me.prototype.__super__.consume.apply(this, arguments);
6596 };
6597 me.prototype.namepath = function() {
6598 return this._namepath || (this._namepath = "" + (this.name() ? this.name().c() : "--"));
6599 };
6600 me.prototype.metadata = function() {
6601 var t;
6602 return {type: "class", namepath: this.namepath(), inherits: (t = this.superclass()) && t.namepath && t.namepath(), path: this.name() && this.name().c().toString(), desc: this._desc, loc: this.loc(), symbols: this._scope.entities()};
6603 };
6604 me.prototype.loc = function() {
6605 var t;
6606 return (t = this.option("keyword")) ? [t._loc, this.body().loc()[1]] : me.prototype.__super__.loc.apply(this, arguments);
6607 };
6608 me.prototype.startLoc = function() {
6609 return this._startLoc == null ? this._startLoc = h9(this.option("export"), this.option("keyword")) : this._startLoc;
6610 };
6611 me.prototype.endLoc = function() {
6612 return this._endLoc == null ? this._endLoc = p9(this.body()) : this._endLoc;
6613 };
6614 me.prototype.toJSON = function() {
6615 return this.metadata();
6616 };
6617 me.prototype.isStruct = function() {
6618 return this.keyword() && String(this.keyword()) == "struct";
6619 };
6620 me.prototype.isExtension = function() {
6621 return this.option("extension");
6622 };
6623 me.prototype.isTag = function() {
6624 return false;
6625 };
6626 me.prototype.staticInit = function() {
6627 return this._staticInit || (this._staticInit = this.addMethod(this.initKey(), [], "this").set({static: true}));
6628 };
6629 me.prototype.initKey = function() {
6630 return this._initKey || (this._initKey = C.tsc() ? C.root().symbolRef("#__init__") : new hi("#__init__"));
6631 };
6632 me.prototype.initPath = function() {
6633 return this._initPath || (this._initPath = Z(".", Ot("super"), this.initKey()));
6634 };
6635 me.prototype.virtualSuper = function() {
6636 return this._virtualSuper || (this._virtualSuper = this._scope.parent().declare("tmp", null, {system: true, type: "let"}));
6637 };
6638 me.prototype.instanceInit = function() {
6639 if (this._instanceInit)
6640 return this._instanceInit;
6641 let t = Je.callOp(this.initKey());
6642 this._superclass && (t = Z("&&", Z(".", Ot("super"), this.initKey()), t));
6643 let e = this.addMethod(this.initKey(), [], this.isTag() || this._superclass ? [t, De] : "", {}, function(r) {
6644 return true;
6645 });
6646 return e.set({noreturn: true}), this._instanceInit = e;
6647 };
6648 me.prototype.isInitingFields = function() {
6649 return this._inits || this._supernode && this._supernode.isInitingFields && this._supernode.isInitingFields();
6650 };
6651 me.prototype.visit = function() {
6652 this._body._delimiter = "";
6653 let t = C.up(Lt);
6654 this._decorators = t && t.collectDecorators(), C.pop(this);
6655 let e = this._superclass;
6656 if (e && (e.traverse(), e instanceof ue)) {
6657 if (e._variable) {
6658 let y = e._variable.value();
6659 y instanceof me && (this._supernode = y);
6660 } else if (e.symbol() == "Object")
6661 if (!C.tsc())
6662 e = this._superclass = null;
6663 else {
6664 this._autosuper = true;
6665 try {
6666 e._identifier._symbol = "\u03A4Object";
6667 } catch (y) {
6668 }
6669 }
6670 }
6671 this.isExtension() && this._name ? (this._name.traverse(), this._name instanceof At && this._name.resolveVariable(), this.isTag() ? this._className = Ot(this._name.toClassName()) : (this._className = this._name, this._name = this.scope__().register("Extend$" + this._name.value() + "$" + this.oid(), null), C.tsc() && this.option("export", true))) : this._name instanceof At ? (!this.isTag() || this._name.isCapitalized()) && (this._name.registerVariable("const"), this._name._variable.setValue(this)) : this._name && !(this._name instanceof se) ? this._name.traverse({declaring: this}) : this._name && this._name.traverse(), C.push(this), Y1.entities().add(this.namepath(), this), this.scope().visit(), this.set({iife: C.up() instanceof xa});
6672 var r = true, i = [], s = [], n = [], o = {}, a = void 0, l = {};
6673 for (let y = 0, N = It(this.body()), b = N.length, m; y < b; y++) {
6674 if (m = N[y], m instanceof xe && !m.isStatic()) {
6675 let g = String(m.name());
6676 o[g] = m, r && m.set({restIndex: 0});
6677 }
6678 if (m instanceof Ie) {
6679 let g = m.rawName();
6680 m.isMember() && (l[g] = m);
6681 }
6682 }
6683 if (this.option("params")) {
6684 let y = [];
6685 for (let N = 0, b = It(this.option("params")), m = b.length, g; N < m; N++) {
6686 if (g = b[N], g instanceof Zl) {
6687 a = N;
6688 continue;
6689 }
6690 let S = String(g.name()), k = o[S], E = g.option("datatype");
6691 k ? (E && !k.datatype() && k.set({datatype: E}), g.defaults() && !k.value() && k.set({value: g.defaults()})) : (k = i[S] = new xe(g.name()).set({datatype: E, value: g.defaults()}), y.push(k), n.push(g)), k && k.set({paramIndex: N, paramName: S});
6692 }
6693 for (let N = 0, b = It(y.reverse()), m = b.length; N < m; N++)
6694 this.body().unshift(b[N]);
6695 }
6696 this.body().traverse();
6697 var p = this.body().option("ctor");
6698 let c = C.tsc();
6699 var _ = new Wl(), f = new W1();
6700 p = this.body().option("ctor");
6701 let d = this.body().filter(function(y) {
6702 return y instanceof xe;
6703 }), v = [];
6704 for (let y = 0, N = It(d), b = N.length, m; y < b; y++)
6705 m = N[y], m.watchBody() && this.addMethod(m.watcherSymbol(), [], [m.watchBody()], {}, function(g) {
6706 return m._watchMethod = g, m._watchParam = g.params().at(0, true, "e");
6707 }), m.hasStaticInits() && !m.option("declareOnly") && f.add(m), m.hasConstructorInits() && (this.isExtension() ? m.value() && m._name.warn("field with value not supported in class extension") : m.option("declareOnly") || _.add(m)), !m.isStatic() && a != null && m.set({restIndex: a});
6708 if (!c && this._decorators) {
6709 let y = this.util().decorate(new je(this._decorators), Ir);
6710 f.add([y, De]), v.push(this._decorators);
6711 }
6712 for (let y = 0, N = It(this.body()), b = N.length, m; y < b; y++)
6713 if (m = N[y], m._decorators) {
6714 let g = m.option("static") ? Ir : y9, S = Ot("null"), k = this.util().decorate(new je(m._decorators), g, m.name(), S);
6715 v.push(m._decorators), f.add([k, De]);
6716 }
6717 if (!_.isEmpty() && !c && (this._inits = _, this.instanceInit(), _.set({ctor: this.instanceInit()}), this.instanceInit().inject(_), !this.isTag()))
6718 if (this._superclass) {
6719 if (!this._supernode || !this._supernode.isInitingFields()) {
6720 let y = Z("||", this.initPath(), He(Z(".", Ir, this.initKey()), []));
6721 if (!p)
6722 p = this.addMethod("constructor", [], [new Je(), De, y], {});
6723 else {
6724 let N = p.option("injectInitAfter");
6725 p.inject(y, N ? {after: N} : 0);
6726 }
6727 }
6728 } else {
6729 let y = Z(".", Ir, this.initKey());
6730 if (p) {
6731 let N = p.option("supr");
6732 N ? N.real.set({target: y, args: []}) : p.body().add([He(y, []), De], 0);
6733 } else {
6734 p = this.addMethod("constructor", [], [], {});
6735 let N = p.params().at(0, true, "$$", Ot("null")), b = He(y, [N]);
6736 c || p.body().add([b, De], 0);
6737 }
6738 }
6739 if (c && p && this._autosuper && p.body().add([Ot("super()"), De], 0), !f.isEmpty() && !c && this.staticInit().inject(f, 0), !C.tsc()) {
6740 let y = !!l["#__inited__"], N = v.length > 0;
6741 if (N) {
6742 C.use("hooks");
6743 let b = C.symbolFor("#__hooks__");
6744 this.staticInit().inject(Ot("this.prototype[" + b + "] = " + this.runtime().hooks), 0);
6745 }
6746 if (!this.isTag() && !p && (y || N)) {
6747 let b = e ? [new Je(), De] : [De];
6748 p = this.addMethod("constructor", [], b, {});
6749 }
6750 if (p && !this.isTag() && !C.isStdLib()) {
6751 let b = C.symbolFor("#__initor__"), m = C.symbolFor("#__inited__"), g = C.symbolFor("#__hooks__"), S = Ot("this[" + g + "]&&this[" + g + "].inited(this)");
6752 if (e) {
6753 let k = C.getSymbol();
6754 this.staticInit().inject(Ot("this.prototype[" + b + "] = " + k), 0), y ? p.inject(Ot("if(this[" + b + "]===" + k + ") (" + S + ",this[" + m + "]());")) : p.inject(Ot("this[" + b + "]===" + k + " && (" + S + ",this[" + m + "] && this[" + m + "]())"));
6755 } else
6756 y ? p.inject(Ot("if(!this[" + b + "]) (" + S + ",this[" + m + "]());")) : N && p.inject(Ot("!this[" + b + "] && this[" + g + "].inited(this);"));
6757 }
6758 }
6759 return this;
6760 };
6761 me.prototype.addMethod = function(t, e, r, i, s) {
6762 (typeof r == "string" || r instanceof String) && (r = [Ot(r)]), (typeof t == "string" || t instanceof String) && (t = new At(t));
6763 let n = new Ie(e, r || [], t, null, i || {});
6764 return this.body().unshift(n, true), s instanceof Function && s(n), n.traverse(), n;
6765 };
6766 me.prototype.js = function(t) {
6767 this.scope().virtualize(), this.scope().context().setValue(this.name()), this.scope().context().setReference(this.name());
6768 var e = C.up(), t = this._options || {}, r = this.name() instanceof se ? this.name().right() : this.name(), i = null, s = this.superclass();
6769 typeof r != "string" && r && (r = r.c({mark: true})), this._cname = r;
6770 let n = this.body().c(), o = Tt("class", this.keyword());
6771 if (this.name())
6772 o += " " + Tt(r, this.name());
6773 else if (e instanceof Ne)
6774 try {
6775 o += " " + e._value._symbol;
6776 } catch (l) {
6777 }
6778 s && (o += " extends " + Tt(s)), this.name() instanceof se && (o = "" + this.name().c() + " = " + o), this.option("export") && !C.cjs() && (this.option("default") ? o = "" + Tt("export", this.option("export")) + " " + Tt("default", this.option("default")) + " " + o : o = "" + Tt("export", this.option("export")) + " " + o), this.isExtension() && C.tsc();
6779 let a = "" + o + " {" + n + "}";
6780 if (this.option("export") && C.cjs()) {
6781 let l = this.option("default") ? "default" : r;
6782 a = "" + a + `;
6783` + Tt("exports", t.export) + "." + l + " = " + r;
6784 }
6785 if (this.isExtension() && !C.tsc()) {
6786 let l = this instanceof tc ? Ot(this._className.c()) : Ot("" + this._className.c() + ".prototype");
6787 if (this._virtualSuper) {
6788 let p = Z("=", this._virtualSuper, this.util().virtualSuper(l));
6789 l = Ot("(" + p.c() + "," + l.c() + ")");
6790 }
6791 a += `;
6792` + this.util().extend(l, Ot("" + this.name().c() + ".prototype")).c() + `;
6794 }
6795 return this.option("global") && (a = "" + a + "; " + this.scope__().root().globalRef() + "." + this._cname + " = " + this._cname), this._staticInit && (e instanceof Lt || e instanceof Ii ? a = "" + a + "; " + Z(".", Ot(r), this.initKey()).c() + "();" : a = "((" + a + ")[" + this.initKey().c() + "]())"), a;
6796 };
6797 function tc() {
6798 return me.apply(this, arguments);
6799 }
6800 R(tc, me);
6801 T.ExtendDeclaration = tc;
6802 function sr() {
6803 return me.apply(this, arguments);
6804 }
6805 R(sr, me);
6806 T.TagDeclaration = sr;
6807 sr.prototype.isTag = function() {
6808 return true;
6809 };
6810 sr.prototype.isInitingFields = function() {
6811 return true;
6812 };
6813 sr.prototype.namepath = function() {
6814 return "<" + this.name() + ">";
6815 };
6816 sr.prototype.metadata = function() {
6817 return Object.assign(sr.prototype.__super__.metadata.apply(this, arguments), {type: "tag"});
6818 };
6819 sr.prototype.cssns = function() {
6820 return this._cssns || (this._cssns = this._scope.cssns());
6821 };
6822 sr.prototype.cssid = function() {
6823 return this._cssid || (this._cssid = this._scope.cssid());
6824 };
6825 sr.prototype.cssref = function(t) {
6826 if (this.isNeverExtended() && !this.superclass())
6827 return this._cssns;
6828 if (t) {
6829 let e = t.closure();
6830 return e.memovar("_ns_", Z("||", Z(".", e.context(), "_ns_"), Ze("")));
6831 } else
6832 return Z("||", Z(".", Ir, "_ns_"), Ze(""));
6833 };
6834 sr.prototype.isNeverExtended = function() {
6835 return this.name() && this.name().isClass() ? !this.option("export") && !this.option("extended") : false;
6836 };
6837 sr.prototype.visit = function() {
6838 this.scope__().imbaDependency("core"), C.hmr() && (this.cssid(), this.cssns()), sr.prototype.__super__.visit.apply(this, arguments);
6839 let t = this.superclass();
6840 if (this._config = {}, t && !C.tsc()) {
6841 if (t.isNative() || t.isNativeSVG()) {
6842 let e = t.nativeCreateNode();
6843 e = this.util().extendTag(e, Ir), this.addMethod("create$", [], [e]).set({static: true}), this.set({extends: ze.wrap({extends: t.name()})}), this._config.extends = t.name();
6844 } else if (t.isClass()) {
6845 t.resolveVariable(this.scope__().parent());
6846 let e = t._variable && t._variable.value();
6847 e && e.set({extended: this});
6848 }
6849 }
6850 if (this._elementReferences) {
6851 for (let e = this._elementReferences, r, i = 0, s = Object.keys(e), n = s.length, o; i < n; i++)
6852 if (o = s[i], r = e[o], C.tsc()) {
6853 let a = r.option("reference"), l = r.type(), p = "" + Tt(Ft.sym(a), a);
6854 l && l.toClassName && (p += " = new " + l.toClassName()), this.body().unshift(Ot(p + ";"), true);
6855 }
6856 }
6857 if (!C.tsc() && this.name() && this.name().toNodeName && !this.option("extension")) {
6858 let e = this.name().toNodeName();
6859 e.indexOf("-") == -1 && (e = e + "-tag"), C.css().add(e + " { display:block; }");
6860 }
6861 this.option("export") && this.name() && this.name().isLowerCase && this.name().isLowerCase() && this.warn("Lowercased tags are globally available - not exportable", {loc: this.option("export")});
6862 };
6863 sr.prototype.addElementReference = function(t, e) {
6864 let r = this._elementReferences || (this._elementReferences = {});
6865 return r[t] && r[t] != e ? e.warn("Duplicate elements with same reference", {loc: t}) : (r[t] = e, e.set({tagdeclbody: this._body})), e;
6866 };
6867 sr.prototype.js = function(t) {
6868 this.scope().virtualize(), this.scope().context().setValue(this.name()), this.scope().context().setReference(this.name());
6869 let e = this.name().toClassName(), r = this.superclass(), i = !this.option("extension") && !this.name().isClass() && C.tsc();
6870 if (r && r._variable ? r = r._variable : r ? r = He(this.runtime().getSuperTagType, [r, Ze(r.toClassName()), this.runtime().Component]) : r = this.runtime().Component, C.tsc())
6871 if (r = this.superclass() ? this.superclass().toClassName() : Ot("imba.Component"), this.option("extension")) {
6872 let l = "class Extend$" + e.replace(/\./g, "__") + "$" + this.oid(), p = this.body().c();
6873 return l = "" + l + " {" + p + "}", this._name._variable || (l = "export " + l), l;
6874 } else
6875 this.body().unshift(Ot(`static $$TAG$$
6877 else if (this.option("extension")) {
6878 let p = this._name._variable || He(this.runtime().getTagType, [this.name(), Ze(this.name().toClassName())]);
6879 (e == "ImbaElement" || e == "imba.Component") && (p = this.runtime().Component);
6880 let c = new ce(this.name()), _ = "(class {" + this.body().c() + "}).prototype";
6881 return this.util().extend("" + p.c() + ".prototype", Ot(_)).c();
6882 } else
6883 this.name().isNative() && this.name().error("tag " + this.name().symbol() + " already exists");
6884 let s = this.scope__().parent(), n = this.body().c(), o = "" + Tt("class", this.keyword()) + " " + Tt(e, this.name()) + " extends " + Tt(r, this.superclass());
6885 this.option("export") && !C.cjs() && (this.option("default") ? o = "" + Tt("export", this.option("export")) + " " + Tt("default", this.option("default")) + " " + o : o = "" + Tt("export", this.option("export")) + " " + o), i && (o = "globalThis[" + Tt("'" + Tt(this.name().toNodeName(), this.name()) + " tag'", this.name()) + "] = " + Tt("class", this.keyword()) + " extends " + Tt(r, this.superclass()), o = "globalThis." + Tt(e, this.name()) + " = " + Tt("class", this.keyword()) + " extends " + Tt(r, this.superclass()));
6886 let a = "" + o + " {" + n + "}";
6887 if (this.option("export") && C.cjs()) {
6888 let l = this.option("default") ? "default" : e;
6889 a = "" + a + `;
6890` + Tt("exports", this.o().export) + "." + l + " = " + e;
6891 }
6892 if (this._cssns && (this._config.cssns = this.cssns()), this._cssid && (this._config.cssid = this.cssid()), !C.tsc()) {
6893 this._staticInit && (a += "; " + Z(".", Ot(e), this.initKey()).c() + "()");
6894 let l = ze.wrap(this._config).c();
6895 this.name().isClass() && (this._config.name = this.name().symbol()), a += "; " + this.runtime().defineTag + "(" + this.name().c() + "," + e + "," + l + ")";
6896 }
6897 return a;
6898 };
6899 function ie(t, e, r, i, s) {
6900 this._options = s;
6901 var n = this.scopetype();
6902 this._traversed = false, this._body = Ft.blk(e), this._scope || (this._scope = s && s.scope || new n(this)), this._scope.setParams(this._params = new Pr(t)), this._name = r || "", this._target = i, this._type = "function", this._variable = null;
6903 }
6904 R(ie, pr);
6905 T.Func = ie;
6906 ie.prototype.name = function(t) {
6907 return this._name;
6908 };
6909 ie.prototype.setName = function(t) {
6910 return this._name = t, this;
6911 };
6912 ie.prototype.params = function(t) {
6913 return this._params;
6914 };
6915 ie.prototype.setParams = function(t) {
6916 return this._params = t, this;
6917 };
6918 ie.prototype.target = function(t) {
6919 return this._target;
6920 };
6921 ie.prototype.setTarget = function(t) {
6922 return this._target = t, this;
6923 };
6924 ie.prototype.options = function(t) {
6925 return this._options;
6926 };
6927 ie.prototype.setOptions = function(t) {
6928 return this._options = t, this;
6929 };
6930 ie.prototype.type = function(t) {
6931 return this._type;
6932 };
6933 ie.prototype.setType = function(t) {
6934 return this._type = t, this;
6935 };
6936 ie.prototype.context = function(t) {
6937 return this._context;
6938 };
6939 ie.prototype.setContext = function(t) {
6940 return this._context = t, this;
6941 };
6942 ie.prototype.scopetype = function() {
6943 return wa;
6944 };
6945 ie.prototype.inject = function(t, e) {
6946 return this._body.add([t, De], e);
6947 };
6948 ie.prototype.nonlocals = function() {
6949 return this._scope._nonlocals;
6950 };
6951 ie.prototype.returnType = function() {
6952 return this.datatype();
6953 };
6954 ie.prototype.visit = function(t, e) {
6955 return this.scope().visit(), this._context = this.scope().parent(), this._params.traverse({declaring: "arg"}), this._body.traverse();
6956 };
6957 ie.prototype.funcKeyword = function() {
6958 let t = "function";
6959 return this.option("async") && (t = "async " + t), t;
6960 };
6961 ie.prototype.jsdoc = function() {
6962 let t = [];
6963 this._desc && (this._desc._skip = true, t.push(this._desc.toString()));
6964 for (let r = 0, i = It(this._params.nodes()), s = i.length, n; r < s; r++)
6965 n = i[r], n instanceof pe && n.datatype() && t.push(n.jsdoc());
6966 if (this.option("inExtension") && this._target) {
6967 let r = this._context.node()._className;
6968 r && C.tsc() && t.push("@this { this & " + r.c() + " }");
6969 } else
6970 this.option("jsdocthis") && t.push("@this { " + this.option("jsdocthis") + " }");
6971 this.returnType() && t.push("@returns { " + this.returnType().asRawType() + " }");
6972 let e = t.join(`
6974 return e ? `/**
6975` + e + `
6977` : "";
6978 };
6979 ie.prototype.js = function(t, e) {
6980 this.option("noreturn") || this.body().consume(new In());
6981 var r = this.body()._indentation;
6982 r && r.isGenerated() && (this.body()._indentation = null);
6983 var i = this.scope().c({indent: !r || !r.isGenerated(), braces: true}), s = typeof this._name == "string" ? this._name : this._name.c();
6984 s = s ? " " + s.replace(/\./g, "_") : "";
6985 var n = e && e.keyword != null ? e.keyword : this.funcKeyword(), o = "" + Tt(n, this.option("def") || this.option("keyword")) + be.toValidIdentifier(s) + "(" + this.params().c() + ") " + i;
6986 return this.option("eval") && (o = "(" + o + ")()"), o;
6987 };
6988 ie.prototype.shouldParenthesize = function(t) {
6989 return t === void 0 && (t = this.up()), t instanceof ke && t.callee() == this;
6990 };
6991 function Ri() {
6992 return ie.apply(this, arguments);
6993 }
6994 R(Ri, ie);
6995 T.IsolatedFunc = Ri;
6996 Ri.prototype.leaks = function(t) {
6997 return this._leaks;
6998 };
6999 Ri.prototype.setLeaks = function(t) {
7000 return this._leaks = t, this;
7001 };
7002 Ri.prototype.scopetype = function() {
7003 return $1;
7004 };
7005 Ri.prototype.isStatic = function() {
7006 return true;
7007 };
7008 Ri.prototype.isPrimitive = function() {
7009 return true;
7010 };
7011 Ri.prototype.visit = function(t) {
7012 var e = this, r;
7013 if (Ri.prototype.__super__.visit.apply(e, arguments), !t.tsc())
7014 return (r = e._scope._leaks) && (e._leaks = [], r.forEach(function(i, s) {
7015 return i._proxy = e._params.at(e._params.count(), true), e._leaks.push(s);
7016 })), e;
7017 };
7018 function t2() {
7019 return ie.apply(this, arguments);
7020 }
7021 R(t2, ie);
7022 T.Lambda = t2;
7023 t2.prototype.scopetype = function() {
7024 var t = this.option("keyword");
7025 return t && t._value == "\u0192" ? Bs : ko;
7026 };
7027 function ec() {
7028 return ie.apply(this, arguments);
7029 }
7030 R(ec, ie);
7031 T.ClosedFunc = ec;
7032 ec.prototype.scopetype = function() {
7033 return Bs;
7034 };
7035 function rc() {
7036 return ie.apply(this, arguments);
7037 }
7038 R(rc, ie);
7039 T.TagFragmentFunc = rc;
7040 rc.prototype.scopetype = function() {
7041 return this.option("closed") ? Bs : ko;
7042 };
7043 function Ie() {
7044 return ie.apply(this, arguments);
7045 }
7046 R(Ie, ie);
7047 T.MethodDeclaration = Ie;
7048 Ie.prototype.variable = function(t) {
7049 return this._variable;
7050 };
7051 Ie.prototype.setVariable = function(t) {
7052 return this._variable = t, this;
7053 };
7054 Ie.prototype.decorators = function(t) {
7055 return this._decorators;
7056 };
7057 Ie.prototype.setDecorators = function(t) {
7058 return this._decorators = t, this;
7059 };
7060 Ie.prototype.scopetype = function() {
7061 return Bs;
7062 };
7063 Ie.prototype.consume = function(t) {
7064 return t instanceof Qe ? (this.option("return", true), this) : Ie.prototype.__super__.consume.apply(this, arguments);
7065 };
7066 Ie.prototype.identifier = function() {
7067 return this._name;
7068 };
7069 Ie.prototype.rawName = function() {
7070 return this._name instanceof At ? this._name.toRaw() : "";
7071 };
7072 Ie.prototype.metadata = function() {
7073 return {type: "method", name: "" + this.name(), namepath: this.namepath(), params: this._params.metadata(), desc: this._desc, scopenr: this.scope()._nr, loc: this.loc()};
7074 };
7075 Ie.prototype.loc = function() {
7076 var t;
7077 if (t = this.option("def")) {
7078 let e = this.body().option("end") || this.body().loc()[1];
7079 return [t._loc, e];
7080 } else
7081 return [0, 0];
7082 };
7083 Ie.prototype.isGetter = function() {
7084 return this._type == "get";
7085 };
7086 Ie.prototype.isSetter = function() {
7087 return this._type == "set";
7088 };
7089 Ie.prototype.isConstructor = function() {
7090 return String(this.name()) == "constructor";
7091 };
7092 Ie.prototype.isMember = function() {
7093 return !this.option("static");
7094 };
7095 Ie.prototype.toJSON = function() {
7096 return this.metadata();
7097 };
7098 Ie.prototype.namepath = function() {
7099 if (this._namepath)
7100 return this._namepath;
7101 var t = String(this.name().c()), e = this.option("static") ? "." : "#";
7102 if (this.target()) {
7103 let r = this.target();
7104 return r.namepath() == "ValueNode" && (r = this._context.node()), this._namepath = r.namepath() + e + t;
7105 } else
7106 return this._namepath = "&" + t;
7107 };
7108 Ie.prototype.visit = function() {
7109 var t, e, r;
7110 this._type = this.option("type") || (t = this.option("def")) && t._value || "def", this._decorators = (e = this.up()) && e.collectDecorators && e.collectDecorators();
7111 var i = this._options;
7112 if (this.scope().visit(), this.option("inObject"))
7113 return this._params.traverse(), this._body.traverse(), this;
7114 var s = this._context = this.scope().parent().closure();
7115 if (s instanceof le && !this.target() ? this.scope()._context = s.context() : s instanceof Bs && !this.target() && (this.scope()._selfless = true), this._params.traverse(), this._name.isPredicate && this._name.isPredicate() && !this.isSetter() && !this.isGetter() && this._name.warn("Only getters/setters should end with ?"), this.target() instanceof At && (r = this.scope().lookup(this.target().toString())) && this.setTarget(r), String(this.name()) == "initialize" && s instanceof Ai && !(s instanceof Q1) && this.setType("constructor"), (String(this.name()) == "constructor" || this.isConstructor()) && (this.up().set({ctor: this}), this.set({noreturn: true})), s instanceof Ai && !this.target() && (this._target = s.prototype(), this.set({prototype: this._target, inClassBody: true, inExtension: s.node().option("extension")}), s.annotate(this)), this.target() instanceof ii ? (this._target = s.context(), s.annotate(this), this.set({static: true})) : i.variable ? (this._variable = this.scope().parent().register(this.name(), this, {type: String(i.variable)}), this.target() && this.warn("" + String(i.variable) + " def cannot have a target")) : this.target() || (this._variable = this.scope().parent().register(this.name(), this, {type: "const"})), i.export && !(s instanceof le) && this.warn("cannot export non-root method", {loc: i.export.loc()}), Y1.entities().add(this.namepath(), this), this._body.traverse(), this.isConstructor() && this.option("supr")) {
7116 let n = this.scope__().context()._reference, o = this.option("supr"), a = o.node, l = o.block;
7117 if (n) {
7118 n.declarator()._defaults = null;
7119 let p = Z("=", n, new ps());
7120 l.replace(a, [a, p]);
7121 }
7122 }
7123 return this;
7124 };
7125 Ie.prototype.supername = function() {
7126 return this.type() == "constructor" ? this.type() : this.name();
7127 };
7128 Ie.prototype.js = function(t) {
7129 var t = this._options;
7130 this.type() == "constructor" || this.option("noreturn") || this.isSetter() || (this.option("chainable") ? this.body().add(new In(this.scope().context())) : this.option("greedy") ? this.body().consume(new Jl()) : this.body().consume(new In()));
7131 var e = this.scope().c({indent: true, braces: true}), r = typeof this._name == "string" ? this._name : this._name.c({as: "field"}), i = "";
7132 if (this.option("inClassBody") || this.option("inObject")) {
7133 let a = "";
7134 return this.isGetter() ? a = Tt("get", this.option("keyword")) + " " : this.isSetter() && (a = Tt("set", this.option("keyword")) + " "), this.option("async") && (a = "async " + a), this.option("static") && (a = "" + Tt("static", this.option("static")) + " " + a), i = "" + a + Tt(r, null, {as: "field"}) + "(" + this.params().c() + ")" + e, i = this.jsdoc() + i, i;
7135 }
7136 var s = "(" + this.params().c() + ")" + e, n = this.context(), o = be.toValidIdentifier(Ft.sym(this.name()));
7137 if (this.target()) {
7138 if (o[0] == "[" ? o = o.slice(1, -1) : o = "'" + o + "'", this.isGetter())
7139 i = "Object.defineProperty(" + this.target().c() + ",'" + o + "',{get: " + this.funcKeyword() + s + ", configurable: true})";
7140 else if (this.isSetter())
7141 i = "Object.defineProperty(" + this.target().c() + ",'" + o + "',{set: " + this.funcKeyword() + s + ", configurable: true})";
7142 else {
7143 C.tsc() && this.set({jsdocthis: this.target().c()});
7144 let a = Z(".", this.target(), this._name);
7145 i = "" + a.c() + " = " + this.funcKeyword() + " " + s;
7146 }
7147 t.export && (i = "exports." + (t.default ? "default" : o) + " = " + i);
7148 } else if (i = "" + Tt(this.funcKeyword(), this.keyword()) + " " + Tt(o, this._name) + s, t.export)
7149 if (C.cjs()) {
7150 let a = t.default ? "default" : o;
7151 i = "" + i + `;
7152` + Tt("exports", t.export) + "." + a + " = " + o;
7153 } else
7154 i = "" + Tt("export", t.export) + " " + (t.default ? Tt("default ", t.default) : "") + i;
7155 return t.global && (i = "" + i + "; " + this.scope__().root().globalRef() + "." + o + " = " + o + ";"), this.option("return") && (i = "return " + i), i = this.jsdoc() + i, i;
7156 };
7157 function Ce(t) {
7158 this._traversed = false, this._expression = true, this._cache = null, this._raw = null, this._value = this.load(t);
7159 }
7160 R(Ce, Kt);
7161 T.Literal = Ce;
7162 Ce.prototype.isConstant = function() {
7163 return true;
7164 };
7165 Ce.prototype.load = function(t) {
7166 return t;
7167 };
7168 Ce.prototype.toString = function() {
7169 return "" + this.value();
7170 };
7171 Ce.prototype.hasSideEffects = function() {
7172 return false;
7173 };
7174 Ce.prototype.shouldParenthesizeInTernary = function() {
7175 return false;
7176 };
7177 Ce.prototype.startLoc = function() {
7178 return this._startLoc || this._value && this._value.startLoc && this._value.startLoc();
7179 };
7180 Ce.prototype.endLoc = function() {
7181 return this._endLoc || this._value && this._value.endLoc && this._value.endLoc();
7182 };
7183 function ma() {
7184 return Ce.apply(this, arguments);
7185 }
7186 R(ma, Ce);
7187 T.RawScript = ma;
7188 ma.prototype.c = function() {
7189 return this._value;
7190 };
7191 function fi(t) {
7192 this._value = t, this._raw = String(t) == "true";
7193 }
7194 R(fi, Ce);
7195 T.Bool = fi;
7196 fi.prototype.cache = function() {
7197 return this;
7198 };
7199 fi.prototype.isPrimitive = function() {
7200 return true;
7201 };
7202 fi.prototype.truthy = function() {
7203 return String(this.value()) == "true";
7204 };
7205 fi.prototype.js = function(t) {
7206 return String(this._value);
7207 };
7208 fi.prototype.c = function() {
7209 return C._counter += 1, String(this._value);
7210 };
7211 fi.prototype.toJSON = function() {
7212 return {type: "Bool", value: this._value};
7213 };
7214 fi.prototype.loc = function() {
7215 return this._value.region ? this._value.region() : [0, 0];
7216 };
7217 function Rn() {
7218 return Ce.apply(this, arguments);
7219 }
7220 R(Rn, Ce);
7221 T.Undefined = Rn;
7222 Rn.prototype.isPrimitive = function() {
7223 return true;
7224 };
7225 Rn.prototype.isTruthy = function() {
7226 return false;
7227 };
7228 Rn.prototype.cache = function() {
7229 return this;
7230 };
7231 Rn.prototype.c = function() {
7232 return Tt("undefined", this._value);
7233 };
7234 function Ms() {
7235 return Ce.apply(this, arguments);
7236 }
7237 R(Ms, Ce);
7238 T.Nil = Ms;
7239 Ms.prototype.isPrimitive = function() {
7240 return true;
7241 };
7242 Ms.prototype.isTruthy = function() {
7243 return false;
7244 };
7245 Ms.prototype.cache = function() {
7246 return this;
7247 };
7248 Ms.prototype.c = function() {
7249 return Tt("null", this._value);
7250 };
7251 function Ps() {
7252 return fi.apply(this, arguments);
7253 }
7254 R(Ps, fi);
7255 T.True = Ps;
7256 Ps.prototype.raw = function() {
7257 return true;
7258 };
7259 Ps.prototype.isTruthy = function() {
7260 return true;
7261 };
7262 Ps.prototype.c = function() {
7263 return Tt("true", this._value);
7264 };
7265 function Vs() {
7266 return fi.apply(this, arguments);
7267 }
7268 R(Vs, fi);
7269 T.False = Vs;
7270 Vs.prototype.raw = function() {
7271 return false;
7272 };
7273 Vs.prototype.isTruthy = function() {
7274 return false;
7275 };
7276 Vs.prototype.c = function() {
7277 return Tt("false", this._value);
7278 };
7279 function Ae(t) {
7280 this._traversed = false, this._value = t;
7281 }
7282 R(Ae, Ce);
7283 T.Num = Ae;
7284 Ae.prototype.toString = function() {
7285 return String(this._value).replace(/\_/g, "");
7286 };
7287 Ae.prototype.toNumber = function() {
7288 return this._number == null ? this._number = parseFloat(this.toString()) : this._number;
7289 };
7290 Ae.prototype.isPrimitive = function(t) {
7291 return true;
7292 };
7293 Ae.prototype.isTruthy = function() {
7294 return this.toNumber() != 0;
7295 };
7296 Ae.prototype.negate = function() {
7297 return this._value = -this.toNumber(), this;
7298 };
7299 Ae.prototype.shouldParenthesize = function(t) {
7300 return t === void 0 && (t = this.up()), t instanceof se && t.left() == this;
7301 };
7302 Ae.prototype.js = function(t) {
7303 return this.toString();
7304 };
7305 Ae.prototype.c = function(t) {
7306 if (this._cache)
7307 return Ae.prototype.__super__.c.call(this, t);
7308 var e = Tt(this.toString(), this._value), r = C.current(), i = r instanceof se && r.left() == this;
7309 return i ? "(" + e + ")" : e;
7310 };
7311 Ae.prototype.cache = function(t) {
7312 return t && (t.cache || t.pool) ? Ae.prototype.__super__.cache.call(this, t) : this;
7313 };
7314 Ae.prototype.raw = function() {
7315 return JSON.parse(this.toString());
7316 };
7317 Ae.prototype.toJSON = function() {
7318 return {type: this.typeName(), value: this.raw()};
7319 };
7320 function Sa(t, e) {
7321 this._traversed = false, this._value = t, this._unit = e;
7322 }
7323 R(Sa, Ce);
7324 T.NumWithUnit = Sa;
7325 Sa.prototype.negate = function() {
7326 return this.set({negate: true}), this;
7327 };
7328 Sa.prototype.c = function(t) {
7329 let e = String(this._unit), r = String(this._value);
7330 return this.option("negate") && (r = "-" + r), e == "s" ? r = "(" + r + " * 1000)" : e == "ms" ? r = "" + r : e == "fps" ? r = "(1000 / " + r + ")" : (r = "" + r + e, t && t.unqouted || (r = "'" + r + "'")), ls.sourcemap && (!t || t.mark !== false) && (r = Tt(r, this)), r;
7331 };
7332 Sa.prototype.endLoc = function() {
7333 return this._unit.endLoc();
7334 };
7335 function ic(t, e) {
7336 this._value = t, this._unit = e;
7337 }
7338 R(ic, Kt);
7339 T.ExpressionWithUnit = ic;
7340 ic.prototype.js = function(t) {
7341 let e = String(this._unit);
7342 return "(" + this.value().c() + "+" + Ze(this._unit).c() + ")";
7343 };
7344 function de(t) {
7345 this._traversed = false, this._expression = true, this._cache = null, this._value = t;
7346 }
7347 R(de, Ce);
7348 T.Str = de;
7349 de.prototype.isString = function() {
7350 return true;
7351 };
7352 de.prototype.isPrimitive = function(t) {
7353 return true;
7354 };
7355 de.prototype.raw = function() {
7356 return this._raw || (this._raw = String(this.value()).slice(1, -1));
7357 };
7358 de.prototype.isValidIdentifier = function() {
7359 return !!this.raw().match(/^[a-zA-Z\$\_]+[\d\w\$\_]*$/);
7360 };
7361 de.prototype.js = function(t) {
7362 return String(this._value);
7363 };
7364 de.prototype.c = function(t) {
7365 return this._cache ? de.prototype.__super__.c.call(this, t) : Tt(this.js(), this._value, t);
7366 };
7367 function sc() {
7368 return jt.apply(this, arguments);
7369 }
7370 R(sc, jt);
7371 T.TemplateString = sc;
7372 sc.prototype.js = function() {
7373 let t = this._nodes.map(function(r) {
7374 return typeof r == "string" || r instanceof String ? r : r.c();
7375 });
7376 return "`" + t.join("") + "`";
7377 };
7378 function lf() {
7379 return Kt.apply(this, arguments);
7380 }
7381 R(lf, Kt);
7382 T.Interpolation = lf;
7383 function Yi(t, e) {
7384 e === void 0 && (e = {}), this._nodes = t, this._options = e;
7385 }
7386 R(Yi, J);
7387 T.InterpolatedString = Yi;
7388 Yi.prototype.add = function(t) {
7389 return t && this._nodes.push(t), this;
7390 };
7391 Yi.prototype.visit = function() {
7392 for (let t = 0, e = It(this._nodes), r = e.length; t < r; t++)
7393 e[t].traverse();
7394 return this;
7395 };
7396 Yi.prototype.isString = function() {
7397 return true;
7398 };
7399 Yi.prototype.escapeString = function(t) {
7400 return t = t.replace(/\n/g, `\\
7402 };
7403 Yi.prototype.toArray = function() {
7404 return this._nodes.map(function(e, r) {
7405 return e instanceof Er && e._type == "NEOSTRING" ? new de('"' + e._value + '"') : e;
7406 });
7407 };
7408 Yi.prototype.js = function(t) {
7409 var e = this, r = String(e.option("open") || '"');
7410 r.length == 3 && (r = r[0]);
7411 var i = [], s = e._noparen ? "" : "(";
7412 return e._nodes.map(function(n, o) {
7413 if (n instanceof Er && n._type == "NEOSTRING")
7414 return i.push(r + e.escapeString(n._value) + r);
7415 if (n)
7416 return o == 0 && i.push('""'), n._parens = true, i.push(n.c({expression: true}));
7417 }), s += i.join(" + "), e._noparen || (s += ")"), s;
7418 };
7419 function Hs() {
7420 return Ce.apply(this, arguments);
7421 }
7422 R(Hs, Ce);
7423 T.Symbol = Hs;
7424 Hs.prototype.isValidIdentifier = function() {
7425 return !!this.raw().match(/^[a-zA-Z\$\_]+[\d\w\$\_]*$/);
7426 };
7427 Hs.prototype.isPrimitive = function(t) {
7428 return true;
7429 };
7430 Hs.prototype.raw = function() {
7431 return this._raw || (this._raw = Ft.sym(this.value().toString().replace(/^\:/, "")));
7432 };
7433 Hs.prototype.js = function(t) {
7434 return "'" + Ft.sym(this.raw()) + "'";
7435 };
7436 function Ta() {
7437 return Ce.apply(this, arguments);
7438 }
7439 R(Ta, Ce);
7440 T.RegExp = Ta;
7441 Ta.prototype.isPrimitive = function() {
7442 return true;
7443 };
7444 Ta.prototype.js = function() {
7445 var t, e = Ta.prototype.__super__.js.apply(this, arguments);
7446 if (t = G1.HEREGEX.exec(e)) {
7447 var r = t[1].replace(G1.HEREGEX_OMIT, "").replace(/\//g, "\\/");
7448 return "/" + (r || "(?:)") + "/" + t[2];
7449 }
7450 return e == "//" ? "/(?:)/" : e;
7451 };
7452 function je() {
7453 return Ce.apply(this, arguments);
7454 }
7455 R(je, Ce);
7456 T.Arr = je;
7457 je.prototype.load = function(t) {
7458 return t instanceof Array ? new ar(t) : t;
7459 };
7460 je.prototype.push = function(t) {
7461 return this.value().push(t), this;
7462 };
7463 je.prototype.count = function() {
7464 return this.value().length;
7465 };
7466 je.prototype.nodes = function() {
7467 var t = this.value();
7468 return t instanceof Array ? t : t.nodes();
7469 };
7470 je.prototype.splat = function() {
7471 return this.value().some(function(t) {
7472 return t instanceof Tn;
7473 });
7474 };
7475 je.prototype.visit = function() {
7476 return this._value && this._value.traverse && this._value.traverse(), this;
7477 };
7478 je.prototype.isPrimitive = function(t) {
7479 return !this.value().some(function(e) {
7480 return !e.isPrimitive(true);
7481 });
7482 };
7483 je.prototype.js = function(t) {
7484 var e = this._value;
7485 if (!e)
7486 return "[]";
7487 var r = e instanceof Array ? e : e.nodes(), i = e instanceof Array ? Ft.cary(e) : e.c();
7488 return i = "[" + i + "]", this.datatype() && C.tsc() && (i = this.datatype().c() + "(" + i + ")"), i;
7489 };
7490 je.prototype.hasSideEffects = function() {
7491 return this.value().some(function(t) {
7492 return t.hasSideEffects();
7493 });
7494 };
7495 je.prototype.toString = function() {
7496 return "Arr";
7497 };
7498 je.prototype.indented = function(t, e) {
7499 return this._value.indented(t, e), this;
7500 };
7501 je.wrap = function(t) {
7502 return new je(t);
7503 };
7504 function ze() {
7505 return Ce.apply(this, arguments);
7506 }
7507 R(ze, Ce);
7508 T.Obj = ze;
7509 ze.prototype.load = function(t) {
7510 return t instanceof Array ? new vo(t) : t;
7511 };
7512 ze.prototype.visit = function() {
7513 return this._value && this._value.traverse(), this;
7514 };
7515 ze.prototype.isPrimitive = function(t) {
7516 return !this.value().some(function(e) {
7517 return !e.isPrimitive(true);
7518 });
7519 };
7520 ze.prototype.js = function(t) {
7521 return "{" + this.value().c() + "}";
7522 };
7523 ze.prototype.add = function(t, e) {
7524 (typeof t == "string" || t instanceof String || t instanceof Er) && (t = new At(t));
7525 var r = new fr(t, e);
7526 return this.value().push(r), r;
7527 };
7528 ze.prototype.remove = function(t) {
7529 for (let e = 0, r = It(this.value()), i = r.length, s; e < i; e++)
7530 s = r[e], s.key().symbol() == t && this.value().remove(s);
7531 return this;
7532 };
7533 ze.prototype.keys = function() {
7534 return Object.keys(this.hash());
7535 };
7536 ze.prototype.hash = function() {
7537 var t = {};
7538 for (let e = 0, r = It(this.value()), i = r.length, s; e < i; e++)
7539 s = r[e], s instanceof fr && (t[s.key().symbol()] = s.value());
7540 return t;
7541 };
7542 ze.prototype.key = function(t) {
7543 for (let e = 0, r = It(this.value()), i = r.length, s; e < i; e++)
7544 if (s = r[e], s instanceof fr && s.key().symbol() == t)
7545 return s;
7546 return null;
7547 };
7548 ze.prototype.indented = function(t, e) {
7549 return this._value.indented(t, e), this;
7550 };
7551 ze.prototype.hasSideEffects = function() {
7552 return this.value().some(function(t) {
7553 return t.hasSideEffects();
7554 });
7555 };
7556 ze.wrap = function(t) {
7557 var e = [];
7558 for (let r, i = 0, s = Object.keys(t), n = s.length, o; i < n; i++)
7559 o = s[i], r = t[o], r instanceof Array ? r = je.wrap(r) : r.constructor == Object && (r = ze.wrap(r)), r = f9(r), (typeof o == "string" || o instanceof String) && (o = new At(o)), e.push(new fr(o, r));
7560 return new ze(e);
7561 };
7562 ze.prototype.toString = function() {
7563 return "Obj";
7564 };
7565 function fr(t, e, r) {
7566 this._traversed = false, this._key = t, this._value = e, this._dynamic = t instanceof re, this._defaults = r;
7567 }
7568 R(fr, J);
7569 T.ObjAttr = fr;
7570 fr.prototype.key = function(t) {
7571 return this._key;
7572 };
7573 fr.prototype.setKey = function(t) {
7574 return this._key = t, this;
7575 };
7576 fr.prototype.value = function(t) {
7577 return this._value;
7578 };
7579 fr.prototype.setValue = function(t) {
7580 return this._value = t, this;
7581 };
7582 fr.prototype.options = function(t) {
7583 return this._options;
7584 };
7585 fr.prototype.setOptions = function(t) {
7586 return this._options = t, this;
7587 };
7588 fr.prototype.visit = function(t, e) {
7589 this.key().traverse(), this.value() && this.value().traverse(), this._defaults && this._defaults.traverse();
7590 let r = e && e.declaring;
7591 return this.key() instanceof Nn ? this.value() || (this.setKey(new At(this.key().value())), this.setValue(Z(".", this.scope__().context(), this.key())), this._defaults && (this.setValue(Z("=", this.value(), this._defaults)), this._defaults = null)) : this.key() instanceof Ea ? this.value() || (this.setValue(Z(".", this.scope__().context(), this.key())), this.setKey(new At(this.key().value()))) : this.key() instanceof At && (this.value() || (r ? (this.setValue(this.scope__().register(this.key().symbol(), this.key(), {type: r})), t.registerSemanticToken(this.key(), this.value()), this.setValue(this.value().via(this.key())), this._defaults && (this.setValue(Z("=", this.value(), this._defaults)), this._defaults = null)) : (this.setValue(this.scope__().lookup(this.key().symbol())), this.value() || this.setValue(Z(".", this.scope__().context(), this.key()))))), this;
7592 };
7593 fr.prototype.js = function(t) {
7594 let e = this.key(), r;
7595 return e instanceof Fe || e instanceof hi ? r = e.asObjectKey() : e instanceof Yi ? r = "[" + e.c() + "]" : e.isReserved() ? r = "'" + e.c() + "'" : e instanceof de && e.isValidIdentifier() ? r = e.raw() : r = e.c({as: "key"}), this._defaults ? "" + r + " = " + this._defaults.c() : this.value() ? "" + r + ": " + this.value().c() : "" + r;
7596 };
7597 fr.prototype.hasSideEffects = function() {
7598 return true;
7599 };
7600 fr.prototype.isPrimitive = function(t) {
7601 return !this._value || this._value.isPrimitive(t);
7602 };
7603 function nc() {
7604 return fr.apply(this, arguments);
7605 }
7606 R(nc, fr);
7607 T.ObjRestAttr = nc;
7608 nc.prototype.js = function(t) {
7609 let e = this.key();
7610 return this.value() ? "..." + this.value().c() : "..." + e.c();
7611 };
7612 function e2() {
7613 return J.apply(this, arguments);
7614 }
7615 R(e2, J);
7616 T.ArgsReference = e2;
7617 e2.prototype.c = function() {
7618 return "arguments";
7619 };
7620 function ii(t) {
7621 this._value = t;
7622 }
7623 R(ii, Ce);
7624 T.Self = ii;
7625 ii.prototype.cache = function() {
7626 return this;
7627 };
7628 ii.prototype.reference = function() {
7629 return this;
7630 };
7631 ii.prototype.visit = function() {
7632 return this.scope__().context(), this;
7633 };
7634 ii.prototype.js = function() {
7635 var t = this.scope__();
7636 return t ? t.context().c() : "this";
7637 };
7638 ii.prototype.c = function() {
7639 let t = Tt(this.js(), this._value), e = C.tsc() && this.option("datatype");
7640 return e && (t = "" + e.c() + "(" + t + ")"), t;
7641 };
7642 function ps() {
7643 return ii.apply(this, arguments);
7644 }
7645 R(ps, ii);
7646 T.This = ps;
7647 ps.prototype.cache = function() {
7648 return this;
7649 };
7650 ps.prototype.reference = function() {
7651 return this;
7652 };
7653 ps.prototype.visit = function() {
7654 return this;
7655 };
7656 ps.prototype.js = function() {
7657 return "this";
7658 };
7659 function re(t, e, r) {
7660 return this._expression = false, this._traversed = false, this._parens = false, this._cache = null, this._invert = false, this._opToken = t, this._op = t && t._value || t, this._op == "and" ? this._op = "&&" : this._op == "or" ? this._op = "||" : this._op == "is" ? this._op = "===" : this._op == "isnt" ? this._op = "!==" : this._op == "not" && (this._op = "!"), this._left = e, this._right = r, this;
7661 }
7662 R(re, J);
7663 T.Op = re;
7664 re.prototype.op = function(t) {
7665 return this._op;
7666 };
7667 re.prototype.setOp = function(t) {
7668 return this._op = t, this;
7669 };
7670 re.prototype.left = function(t) {
7671 return this._left;
7672 };
7673 re.prototype.setLeft = function(t) {
7674 return this._left = t, this;
7675 };
7676 re.prototype.right = function(t) {
7677 return this._right;
7678 };
7679 re.prototype.setRight = function(t) {
7680 return this._right = t, this;
7681 };
7682 re.prototype.visit = function() {
7683 return this._right && this._right.traverse && this._right.traverse(), this._left && this._left.traverse && this._left.traverse(), this;
7684 };
7685 re.prototype.hasTagRight = function() {
7686 if (this.isLogical()) {
7687 let t = this._left.unwrappedNode(), e = this._right.unwrappedNode();
7688 if (e instanceof Et || e instanceof re && e.hasTagRight() || e instanceof re && e.hasTagRight())
7689 return true;
7690 }
7691 return false;
7692 };
7693 re.prototype.opToIfTree = function() {
7694 if (this.hasTagRight()) {
7695 let t = this._left.unwrappedNode(), e = this._right.unwrappedNode();
7696 if (this._op == "&&")
7697 return t instanceof re && t.hasTagRight() && this._left.warn("Tag not allowed here"), t instanceof re && (t = t.opToIfTree()), e instanceof re && (e = e.opToIfTree()), e instanceof he ? (e.setTest(Z("&&", t, e.test())), e) : new he(t, new Lt([e])).traverse();
7698 if (this._op == "||")
7699 return t instanceof re && (t = t.opToIfTree()), t instanceof he ? t.addElse(new Lt([e])) : new he(t, new Lt([])).addElse(new Lt([e])).traverse();
7700 }
7701 return this;
7702 };
7703 re.prototype.isExpressable = function() {
7704 return !this.right() || this.right().isExpressable();
7705 };
7706 re.prototype.startLoc = function() {
7707 let t = this._left;
7708 return t && t.startLoc ? t.startLoc() : re.prototype.__super__.startLoc.apply(this, arguments);
7709 };
7710 re.prototype.js = function(t) {
7711 var e = null, r = this._op;
7712 let i = r;
7713 var s = this._left, n = this._right;
7714 if (r == "!&")
7715 return "(" + Fs(s) + " " + Tt("&", this._opToken) + " " + Fs(n) + ")==0";
7716 if (r == "??") {
7717 let o = K1(Z("!=", s.cache(), Gs), s, n, {type: "?"});
7718 return o._scope._systemscope = this.stack().scope(), o.c({expression: true});
7719 } else {
7720 if (r == "|=?")
7721 return he.ternary(Z("!&", s, n.cache()), new Ee([Z("|=", s, n), oc]), ac).c();
7722 if (r == "~=?")
7723 return he.ternary(Z("&", s, n.cache()), new Ee([Z("~=", s, n), oc]), ac).c();
7724 if (r == "^=?")
7725 return Z("!!", Z("&", Z("^=", s, n.cache()), n)).c();
7726 if (r == "=?")
7727 return n.cache(), he.ternary(Z("!=", s, n), new Ee([Z("=", s, n), oc]), ac).c();
7728 }
7729 if (s instanceof J && (s = s.c()), n instanceof J && (n = n.c()), s && n)
7730 e || (e = "" + s + " " + Tt(r, this._opToken) + " " + n);
7731 else if (s) {
7732 let o = this._opToken && this._opToken.spaced ? " " : "";
7733 e || (e = "" + Tt(r, this._opToken) + o + s);
7734 }
7735 return e;
7736 };
7737 re.prototype.isString = function() {
7738 return this._op == "+" && this._left && this._left.isString();
7739 };
7740 re.prototype.isLogical = function() {
7741 return this._op == "&&" || this._op == "||";
7742 };
7743 re.prototype.shouldParenthesize = function() {
7744 return this._parens;
7745 };
7746 re.prototype.precedence = function() {
7747 return 10;
7748 };
7749 re.prototype.consume = function(t) {
7750 if (this.isExpressable())
7751 return re.prototype.__super__.consume.apply(this, arguments);
7752 var e = this.scope__().declare("tmp", null, {system: true}), r = Z(this.op(), this.left(), null), i = this.right().consume(r);
7753 return t && i.consume(t), i;
7754 };
7755 function os() {
7756 return re.apply(this, arguments);
7757 }
7758 R(os, re);
7759 T.ComparisonOp = os;
7760 os.prototype.invert = function() {
7761 var t = this._op, e = ["==", "!=", "===", "!==", ">", "<=", "<", ">="], r = e.indexOf(t);
7762 return r += r % 2 ? -1 : 1, this.setOp(e[r]), this._invert = !this._invert, this;
7763 };
7764 os.prototype.c = function() {
7765 return this.left() instanceof os ? (this.left().right().cache(), Z("&&", this.left(), Z(this.op(), this.left().right(), this.right())).c()) : os.prototype.__super__.c.apply(this, arguments);
7766 };
7767 os.prototype.js = function(t) {
7768 var e = this._op, r = this._left, i = this._right;
7769 return r instanceof J && (r = r.c()), i instanceof J && (i = i.c()), "" + r + " " + Tt(e, this._opToken) + " " + i;
7770 };
7771 function ti() {
7772 return re.apply(this, arguments);
7773 }
7774 R(ti, re);
7775 T.UnaryOp = ti;
7776 ti.prototype.invert = function() {
7777 return this.op() == "!" ? this.left() : ti.prototype.__super__.invert.apply(this, arguments);
7778 };
7779 ti.prototype.isTruthy = function() {
7780 var t = Ft.truthy(this.left());
7781 return t !== void 0 ? !t : void 0;
7782 };
7783 ti.prototype.startLoc = function() {
7784 let t = this._left || this._op;
7785 return t && t.startLoc ? t.startLoc() : this._startLoc;
7786 };
7787 ti.prototype.js = function(t) {
7788 var e = this._left, r = this._right, i = this.op(), s = this._opToken && this._opToken.spaced ? " " : "";
7789 if (i == "not" && (i = "!"), i == "!" || i == "!!") {
7790 var n = e.c(), o = e.shouldParenthesize(this);
7791 return (n.match(/^\!?([\w\.]+)$/) || e instanceof Ee || o || e instanceof se || e instanceof ke) && !n.match(/[\s\&\|]/) || (n = "(" + n + ")"), "" + i + n;
7792 } else
7793 return this.left() ? "" + e.c() + s + i : "" + i + s + r.c();
7794 };
7795 ti.prototype.normalize = function() {
7796 if (this.op() == "!")
7797 return this;
7798 var t = (this.left() || this.right()).node();
7799 return this;
7800 };
7801 ti.prototype.consume = function(t) {
7802 var e = this.normalize();
7803 return e == this ? ti.prototype.__super__.consume.apply(this, arguments) : e.consume(t);
7804 };
7805 ti.prototype.c = function() {
7806 var t = this.normalize();
7807 return t == this ? ti.prototype.__super__.c.apply(this, arguments) : t.c();
7808 };
7809 function z1() {
7810 return re.apply(this, arguments);
7811 }
7812 R(z1, re);
7813 T.InstanceOf = z1;
7814 z1.prototype.js = function(t) {
7815 if (this.right() instanceof At || this.right() instanceof ue) {
7816 var e = Ft.c(this.right().value()), r = this.left().node();
7817 if (ha(e, ["String", "Number", "Boolean"]) >= 0)
7818 return C.tsc() ? "(typeof " + r.c() + "=='" + e.toLowerCase() + "')" : (r instanceof Ni || r.cache(), "(typeof " + r.c() + "=='" + e.toLowerCase() + "'||" + r.c() + " instanceof " + e + ")");
7819 }
7820 var i = "" + this.left().c() + " instanceof " + this.right().c();
7821 return t.parent() instanceof re && (i = be.parenthesize(i)), i;
7822 };
7823 function U1() {
7824 return re.apply(this, arguments);
7825 }
7826 R(U1, re);
7827 T.TypeOf = U1;
7828 U1.prototype.js = function(t) {
7829 return "typeof " + this.left().c();
7830 };
7831 function _a() {
7832 return re.apply(this, arguments);
7833 }
7834 R(_a, re);
7835 T.Delete = _a;
7836 _a.prototype.js = function(t) {
7837 var e = this.left(), r = this.scope__().temporary(this, {pool: "val"}), t = Z("=", r, e);
7838 return "(" + t.c() + ",delete " + e.c() + ", " + r.c() + ")";
7839 };
7840 _a.prototype.shouldParenthesize = function() {
7841 return true;
7842 };
7843 function da() {
7844 return re.apply(this, arguments);
7845 }
7846 R(da, re);
7847 T.In = da;
7848 da.prototype.invert = function() {
7849 return this._invert = !this._invert, this;
7850 };
7851 da.prototype.js = function(t) {
7852 var e = this.util().contains(this.left(), this.right());
7853 return "" + (this._invert ? "!" : "") + e.c();
7854 };
7855 function se(t, e, r) {
7856 return this._expression = false, this._traversed = false, this._parens = false, this._cache = null, this._invert = false, this._op = t && t._value || t, this._left = e, this._right = r, this;
7857 }
7858 R(se, re);
7859 T.Access = se;
7860 se.prototype.startLoc = function() {
7861 return (this._left || this._right).startLoc();
7862 };
7863 se.prototype.endLoc = function() {
7864 return this._right && this._right.endLoc();
7865 };
7866 se.prototype.clone = function(t, e) {
7867 var r = this.constructor;
7868 return new r(this.op(), t, e);
7869 };
7870 se.prototype.isRuntimeReference = function() {
7871 return this.left() instanceof ue && this.left()._variable instanceof zs ? this.right() instanceof At ? this.right().toString() : true : false;
7872 };
7873 se.prototype.js = function(t) {
7874 var e, r = null, i = this.left(), s = this.right(), n = null;
7875 if (i instanceof ue && i._variable instanceof br)
7876 return i._variable.access(s, i).c();
7877 s instanceof Er && (s = new At(s));
7878 var o = i || this.scope__().context(), a = "", l = "";
7879 let p = this.safechain() ? "?" : "";
7880 if (this._startLoc || (this._startLoc = (i || s).startLoc()), i instanceof Je && t.method() && t.method().option("inExtension"), s instanceof as && s.value() instanceof Ae && (s = s.value()), s instanceof Ae)
7881 return s.toNumber() < 0 ? p ? this.util().optNegIndex(o, s).c() : this.util().negIndex(o, s).c() : o.c() + ("" + (p ? "?." : "") + "[") + s.c() + "]";
7882 s instanceof as && (s.value() instanceof de || s.value() instanceof Hs) && (s = s.value()), s instanceof de && s.isValidIdentifier() || s instanceof Hs && s.isValidIdentifier() ? r = s.raw() : s instanceof r2 ? s = s.value() : s instanceof hi || s instanceof At && s.isValidIdentifier() && (r = s.c());
7883 var c = r ? o ? "" + p + "." + r : r : (e = s instanceof J ? s.c({expression: true, as: "value"}) : s, "" + (p ? "?." : "") + "[" + e + "]");
7884 let _ = t.up(), f = this.option("datatype");
7885 return o && (this instanceof Us && f && t.tsc() && _ instanceof Lt, c = o.c() + c), this instanceof Us && (c = Tt(c, s._token || s._value)), f && (!(_ instanceof Ve) || _.right().node() == this) && (_ instanceof Lt && (this instanceof Us || i instanceof ii) ? c = f.c() + " " + c : c = f.c() + "(" + c + ")"), c = a + c, a && (c = "(" + c + ")"), c;
7886 };
7887 se.prototype.visit = function() {
7888 let t = this.left();
7889 this.left() && this.left().traverse(), this.right() && this.right().traverse(), this._left || (this._left = this.scope__().context());
7890 };
7891 se.prototype.isExpressable = function() {
7892 return true;
7893 };
7894 se.prototype.alias = function() {
7895 return this.right() instanceof At ? this.right().alias() : se.prototype.__super__.alias.call(this);
7896 };
7897 se.prototype.safechain = function() {
7898 return String(this._op) == "?.";
7899 };
7900 se.prototype.cache = function(t) {
7901 return this.right() instanceof Nn && !this.left() ? this : se.prototype.__super__.cache.call(this, t);
7902 };
7903 se.prototype.shouldParenthesizeInTernary = function() {
7904 return this._parens || this._cache;
7905 };
7906 function Us() {
7907 return se.apply(this, arguments);
7908 }
7909 R(Us, se);
7910 T.ImplicitAccess = Us;
7911 Us.prototype.datatype = function() {
7912 return Us.prototype.__super__.datatype.apply(this, arguments) || this._right.datatype();
7913 };
7914 function Ni() {
7915 return se.apply(this, arguments);
7916 }
7917 R(Ni, se);
7918 T.LocalVarAccess = Ni;
7919 Ni.prototype.safechain = function(t) {
7920 return this._safechain;
7921 };
7922 Ni.prototype.setSafechain = function(t) {
7923 return this._safechain = t, this;
7924 };
7925 Ni.prototype.js = function(t) {
7926 return this.right() instanceof Mt && this.right().type() == "meth" && !(this.up() instanceof ke) ? "" + this.right().c() + "()" : this.right().c();
7927 };
7928 Ni.prototype.variable = function() {
7929 return this.right();
7930 };
7931 Ni.prototype.cache = function(t) {
7932 return t === void 0 && (t = {}), t.force && Ni.prototype.__super__.cache.call(this, t), this;
7933 };
7934 Ni.prototype.alias = function() {
7935 return this.variable()._alias || Ni.prototype.__super__.alias.call(this);
7936 };
7937 function Ki(t, e, r) {
7938 return this._traversed = false, this._invert = false, this._parens = false, this._expression = false, this._cache = null, this._op = t, this._left = e, this._right = r, this;
7939 }
7940 R(Ki, se);
7941 T.PropertyAccess = Ki;
7942 Ki.prototype.visit = function() {
7943 return this._right && this._right.traverse(), this._left && this._left.traverse(), this;
7944 };
7945 Ki.prototype.js = function(t) {
7946 var e = this.up(), r = "" + Ki.prototype.__super__.js.call(this, t);
7947 return r;
7948 };
7949 Ki.prototype.receiver = function() {
7950 return this.left() instanceof Je ? g9 : null;
7951 };
7952 function wn() {
7953 return se.apply(this, arguments);
7954 }
7955 R(wn, se);
7956 T.IvarAccess = wn;
7957 wn.prototype.visit = function() {
7958 return this._right && this._right.traverse(), this._left ? this._left.traverse() : this.scope__().context(), this;
7959 };
7960 wn.prototype.cache = function() {
7961 return this;
7962 };
7963 function Aa() {
7964 return se.apply(this, arguments);
7965 }
7966 R(Aa, se);
7967 T.IndexAccess = Aa;
7968 Aa.prototype.cache = function(t) {
7969 return t === void 0 && (t = {}), t.force ? Aa.prototype.__super__.cache.apply(this, arguments) : (this.right().cache(), this);
7970 };
7971 function lc() {
7972 return Kt.apply(this, arguments);
7973 }
7974 R(lc, Kt);
7975 T.VarAccess = lc;
7976 function ue(t) {
7977 this._traversed = false, this._parens = false, this._value = t, this._identifier = t, this._token = t._value, this._variable = null;
7978 }
7979 R(ue, Kt);
7980 T.VarOrAccess = ue;
7981 ue.prototype.isGlobal = function(t) {
7982 return this._variable && this._variable.isGlobal(t);
7983 };
7984 ue.prototype.startLoc = function() {
7985 return this._token.startLoc();
7986 };
7987 ue.prototype.endLoc = function() {
7988 return this._token.endLoc();
7989 };
7990 ue.prototype.visit = function(t, e) {
7991 var r, i = this.scope__(), s = this.value().symbol();
7992 if (e && e.declaring && (r = i.register(this.value(), this, {type: e.declaring})), r || (r = i.lookup(this.value().symbol())), r && r instanceof Cn) {
7993 let n = r.name();
7994 r instanceof On && !t.tsc() ? this._value = r.forScope(i) : t.tsc() ? this._value = Ot(n) : t.isNode() ? (this._value = Ot(i.imba().c()), n != "imba" && (this._value = Ot("" + i.imba().c() + "." + n))) : this._value = Ot(n);
7995 } else if (r && r.declarator()) {
7996 let n = r.scope();
7997 if (n == i && !r._initialized) {
7998 let o = i.parent().lookup(this.value());
7999 o && (r._virtual = true, r._shadowing = o, r = o);
8000 }
8001 if (r && r._initialized || i.closure() != n.closure())
8002 return this._variable = r, r.addReference(this), this._value = r, this._token._variable = r, t.registerSemanticToken(this._token, r), this;
8003 } else if (this.value().symbol() == "self")
8004 this._value = i.context();
8005 else if (!this._identifier.isCapitalized()) {
8006 let n = i.lookup("self"), o = i.context();
8007 !n && o.isGlobalContext() ? this._includeType = true : (o = n || o, this._value = new Us(".", o, this._value).set({datatype: this.datatype()}), t.registerSemanticToken(this._token, "accessor"));
8008 }
8009 return this;
8010 };
8011 ue.prototype.js = function(t) {
8012 if (this._tagref)
8013 return this._tagref.ref();
8014 let e = this._variable || this._value;
8015 if (this._variable && this._variable.declarator() != this) {
8016 if (C.tsc() && e._typedAlias)
8017 return e._typedAlias.c();
8018 let r = this.datatype();
8019 if (r)
8020 return r.c() + "(" + this._variable.c() + ")";
8021 }
8022 return e.c();
8023 };
8024 ue.prototype.node = function() {
8025 return this._variable ? this : this.value();
8026 };
8027 ue.prototype.datatype = function() {
8028 return ue.prototype.__super__.datatype.apply(this, arguments) || this._identifier.datatype();
8029 };
8030 ue.prototype.symbol = function() {
8031 return this._identifier.symbol();
8032 };
8033 ue.prototype.cache = function(t) {
8034 return t === void 0 && (t = {}), this._variable ? t.force ? ue.prototype.__super__.cache.call(this, t) : this : this.value().cache(t);
8035 };
8036 ue.prototype.decache = function() {
8037 return this._variable ? ue.prototype.__super__.decache.call(this) : this.value().decache(), this;
8038 };
8039 ue.prototype.dom = function() {
8040 return this.value().dom();
8041 };
8042 ue.prototype.safechain = function() {
8043 return this._identifier.safechain();
8044 };
8045 ue.prototype.dump = function() {
8046 return {loc: this.loc()};
8047 };
8048 ue.prototype.loc = function() {
8049 var t = this._identifier.region();
8050 return t || [0, 0];
8051 };
8052 ue.prototype.region = function() {
8053 return this._identifier.region();
8054 };
8055 ue.prototype.shouldParenthesizeInTernary = function() {
8056 return this._cache || this._value && this._value._cache || this._parens;
8057 };
8058 ue.prototype.toString = function() {
8059 return "VarOrAccess(" + this.value() + ")";
8060 };
8061 ue.prototype.toJSON = function() {
8062 return {type: this.typeName(), value: this._identifier.toString()};
8063 };
8064 function Ne(t, e) {
8065 t instanceof ue ? (t = t.value(), this._variable = null) : t instanceof Mt && (this._variable = t, t = ""), Ne.prototype.__super__.constructor.call(this, t), this._export = false, this._type = e && String(e), this._declared = true;
8066 }
8067 R(Ne, Kt);
8068 T.VarReference = Ne;
8069 Ne.prototype.variable = function(t) {
8070 return this._variable;
8071 };
8072 Ne.prototype.setVariable = function(t) {
8073 return this._variable = t, this;
8074 };
8075 Ne.prototype.declared = function(t) {
8076 return this._declared;
8077 };
8078 Ne.prototype.setDeclared = function(t) {
8079 return this._declared = t, this;
8080 };
8081 Ne.prototype.type = function(t) {
8082 return this._type;
8083 };
8084 Ne.prototype.setType = function(t) {
8085 return this._type = t, this;
8086 };
8087 Ne.prototype.datatype = function() {
8088 return Ne.prototype.__super__.datatype.apply(this, arguments) || (this._value.datatype ? this._value.datatype() : null);
8089 };
8090 Ne.prototype.loc = function() {
8091 return this._value.region();
8092 };
8093 Ne.prototype.declare = function() {
8094 return this;
8095 };
8096 Ne.prototype.consume = function(t) {
8097 return this.forceExpression(), this;
8098 };
8099 Ne.prototype.forceExpression = function() {
8100 if (this._expression != true) {
8101 this._expression = true;
8102 for (let t = 0, e = It(this._variables), r = e.length, i; t < r; t++)
8103 i = e[t], i._type = "let", i._virtual = true, i.autodeclare();
8104 }
8105 return this;
8106 };
8107 Ne.prototype.visit = function(t, e) {
8108 var r = this, i = [], s = t;
8109 let n = r.scope__();
8110 return r._variables = n.captureVariableDeclarations(function() {
8111 if (r._value.traverse({declaring: r._type, variables: i}), r._value instanceof At)
8112 return r._value._variable || (r._value._variable = n.register(r._value.symbol(), r._value, {type: r._type, datatype: r.datatype()})), t.registerSemanticToken(r._value, r._variable);
8113 }), r;
8114 };
8115 Ne.prototype.js = function(t, e) {
8116 let r = this._value.c(), i = C.tsc() && this.datatype();
8117 if (this._right) {
8118 let s = this._right.c({expression: true});
8119 i && (s = "" + i.c() + "(" + s + ")"), r += " = " + s;
8120 }
8121 if (this._expression)
8122 this._value instanceof ze && (r = "(" + r + ")");
8123 else {
8124 if (C.tsc() && this._variables.length > 1 && this._variables.some(function(s) {
8125 return s.vartype();
8126 })) {
8127 let s = this._type, n = "";
8128 for (let o = 0, a = It(this._variables), l = a.length, p; o < l; o++)
8129 p = a[o], p.vartype() && (n += p.vartype().c() + " "), n += "" + Tt(s, this._keyword) + " " + p.c() + `;
8131 return this._value instanceof ze && (r = "(" + r + ")"), n += "" + r, n;
8132 }
8133 r = "" + this._type + " " + r, this.option("export") && (r = "" + Tt("export", this.option("export")) + " " + r), !this._right && i && (r = i.c() + " " + r);
8134 }
8135 return r;
8136 };
8137 function Ve(t, e, r) {
8138 return this._expression = false, this._traversed = false, this._parens = false, this._cache = null, this._invert = false, this._opToken = t, this._op = t && t._value || t, this._left = e, this._right = r, this;
8139 }
8140 R(Ve, re);
8141 T.Assign = Ve;
8142 Ve.prototype.isExpressable = function() {
8143 return !this.right() || this.right().isExpressable();
8144 };
8145 Ve.prototype.isUsed = function() {
8146 return !(this.up() instanceof Lt);
8147 };
8148 Ve.prototype.visit = function() {
8149 var t = this._left, e = this._right;
8150 t instanceof ue && e instanceof ue && t._identifier.symbol() == e._identifier.symbol() && (this._left = t = new se(".", this.scope__().context(), t._value)), t instanceof Ne && e instanceof t2 && t.traverse(), e && e.traverse({assignment: true}), t && t.traverse();
8151 let r = C.up();
8152 return t instanceof Ne && !(r instanceof Lt) && !(r instanceof Ii) && !(r instanceof fs) && t.forceExpression(), this;
8153 };
8154 Ve.prototype.c = function(t) {
8155 return this.right().isExpressable() ? Ve.prototype.__super__.c.call(this, t) : (this.left() instanceof Ne && (!(this.right() instanceof Le) || this._expression) && this.left().forceExpression(), this.right().consume(this).c(t));
8156 };
8157 Ve.prototype.js = function(t) {
8158 var e, r;
8159 if (!this.right().isExpressable())
8160 return this.p("Assign#js right is not expressable "), this.left() instanceof Ne && this.left().forceExpression(), this.right().consume(this).c();
8161 this._expression && this.left().forceExpression();
8162 var i = this.left().node(), s = this.right();
8163 if (i instanceof se && i.left() instanceof Je && (e = C.method()) && e.option("inExtension")) {
8164 let l = i.right();
8165 return l instanceof At && (l = l.toStr()), He(Z(".", this.scope__().context(), "super$set"), [l, this.right()]).c({expression: true});
8166 }
8167 if (i instanceof ii) {
8168 var n = this.scope__().context();
8169 i = n.reference();
8170 }
8171 if (i instanceof Ne)
8172 return i._right = s, i.c();
8173 var o = i.c(), a = "" + o + " " + this.op() + " " + this.right().c({expression: true});
8174 return (r = this.datatype() || i && !(i instanceof Ne) && i.datatype()) && (a = r.c() + " " + a), i instanceof ze && (a = "(" + a + ")"), a;
8175 };
8176 Ve.prototype.shouldParenthesize = function(t) {
8177 return t === void 0 && (t = this.up()), this._parens || t instanceof re && t.op() != "=";
8178 };
8179 Ve.prototype.consume = function(t) {
8180 if (t instanceof Et)
8181 return this.right() instanceof Et ? (this.right().set({assign: this.left()}), this.right().consume(t)) : this;
8182 if (t instanceof Qe && this.left() instanceof Ne) {
8183 if (C.tsc()) {
8184 let r = this._right, i = this._left._variables, s = i[0] ? new lc(i[0]).consume(t) : t;
8185 return new Lt([this, De, s]);
8186 }
8187 this.left().forceExpression();
8188 }
8189 if (this.isExpressable())
8190 return this.forceExpression(), Ve.prototype.__super__.consume.call(this, t);
8191 var e = this.right().consume(this);
8192 return e.consume(t);
8193 };
8194 function ri() {
8195 return Ve.apply(this, arguments);
8196 }
8197 R(ri, Ve);
8198 T.PushAssign = ri;
8199 ri.prototype.consumed = function(t) {
8200 return this._consumed;
8201 };
8202 ri.prototype.setConsumed = function(t) {
8203 return this._consumed = t, this;
8204 };
8205 ri.prototype.register = function(t) {
8206 return this._consumed || (this._consumed = []), this._consumed.push(t), this;
8207 };
8208 ri.prototype.js = function(t) {
8209 return "" + this.left().c() + ".push(" + this.right().c() + ")";
8210 };
8211 ri.prototype.consume = function(t) {
8212 return this;
8213 };
8214 function Ia() {
8215 return ri.apply(this, arguments);
8216 }
8217 R(Ia, ri);
8218 T.TagPushAssign = Ia;
8219 Ia.prototype.js = function(t) {
8220 return "" + this.left().c() + ".push(" + this.right().c() + ")";
8221 };
8222 Ia.prototype.consume = function(t) {
8223 return this;
8224 };
8225 function Os() {
8226 return Ve.apply(this, arguments);
8227 }
8228 R(Os, Ve);
8229 T.ConditionalAssign = Os;
8230 Os.prototype.consume = function(t) {
8231 return this.normalize().consume(t);
8232 };
8233 Os.prototype.normalize = function() {
8234 var t = this.left().node(), e = t;
8235 t instanceof se && (t.left() && t.left().cache(), e = t.clone(t.left(), t.right()), t instanceof Ki && t.cache(), (t instanceof Aa || t.right() instanceof Fe) && t.right().cache());
8236 var r = this.right().isExpressable(), i = null;
8237 return r && this.op() == "||=" ? i = Z("||", t, Z("=", e, this.right())) : r && this.op() == "&&=" ? i = Z("&&", t, Z("=", e, this.right())) : (i = K1(this.condition(), Z("=", e, this.right()), t), i.setScope(null)), i.isExpressable() && i.toExpression(), i;
8238 };
8239 Os.prototype.c = function() {
8240 return this.normalize().c();
8241 };
8242 Os.prototype.condition = function() {
8243 return this.op() == "?=" || this.op() == "??=" ? Z("==", this.left(), Gs) : this.op() == "||=" ? Z("!", this.left()) : this.op() == "&&=" ? this.left() : this.op() == "!?=" ? Z("!=", this.left(), Gs) : this.left();
8244 };
8245 Os.prototype.js = function(t) {
8246 var e = K1(this.condition(), Z("=", this.left(), this.right()), this.left());
8247 return e.setScope(null), e.isExpressable() && e.toExpression(), e.c();
8248 };
8249 function Ls() {
8250 return Ve.apply(this, arguments);
8251 }
8252 R(Ls, Ve);
8253 T.CompoundAssign = Ls;
8254 Ls.prototype.consume = function(t) {
8255 if (this.isExpressable())
8256 return Ls.prototype.__super__.consume.apply(this, arguments);
8257 var e = this.normalize();
8258 return e != this || (e = this.right().consume(this)), e.consume(t);
8259 };
8260 Ls.prototype.normalize = function() {
8261 var t = this.left().node();
8262 if (!(t instanceof Ki))
8263 return this;
8264 t.left() && t.left().cache();
8265 var e = Z("=", this.left(), Z(this.op()[0], this.left(), this.right()));
8266 return e.isExpressable() && e.toExpression(), e;
8267 };
8268 Ls.prototype.c = function() {
8269 var t = this.normalize();
8270 if (t == this)
8271 return Ls.prototype.__super__.c.apply(this, arguments);
8272 var e = C.current();
8273 return e instanceof Lt && e.replace(this, t), t.c();
8274 };
8275 function qi(t) {
8276 this._value = t;
8277 }
8278 R(qi, J);
8279 T.TypeAnnotation = qi;
8280 qi.prototype.add = function(t) {
8281 return this._parts.push(t);
8282 };
8283 qi.prototype.startLoc = function() {
8284 return this._value.startLoc() + 1;
8285 };
8286 qi.prototype.endLoc = function() {
8287 return this._value.endLoc();
8288 };
8289 qi.prototype.asParam = function(t) {
8290 return "@param {" + this.asRawType() + "} " + t;
8291 };
8292 qi.prototype.asRawType = function() {
8293 let t = String(this._value).slice(1);
8294 return t = t.replace(/(^|[\[\,])\<([a-z\-\d]+)\>/g, function(e, r, i) {
8295 return r + new ce(i).toClassName();
8296 }), Tt(t, this);
8297 };
8298 qi.prototype.asIteratorValue = function() {
8299 return console.log("asInteratorValue"), this.wrapDoc(this.asRawType() + "[]");
8300 };
8301 qi.prototype.wrapDoc = function(t) {
8302 return "/**@type {" + t + "}*/";
8303 };
8304 qi.prototype.c = function() {
8305 return "/**@type {" + this.asRawType() + "}*/";
8306 };
8307 function At(t) {
8308 t instanceof Er && (this._startLoc = t.startLoc()), this._value = this.load(t), this._symbol = null, ("" + t).indexOf("?") >= 0 && (this._safechain = true);
8309 }
8310 R(At, J);
8311 T.Identifier = At;
8312 At.prototype.safechain = function(t) {
8313 return this._safechain;
8314 };
8315 At.prototype.setSafechain = function(t) {
8316 return this._safechain = t, this;
8317 };
8318 At.prototype.value = function(t) {
8319 return this._value;
8320 };
8321 At.prototype.setValue = function(t) {
8322 return this._value = t, this;
8323 };
8324 At.prototype.variable = function(t) {
8325 return this._variable;
8326 };
8327 At.prototype.setVariable = function(t) {
8328 return this._variable = t, this;
8329 };
8330 At.prototype.isStatic = function() {
8331 return true;
8332 };
8333 At.prototype.toRaw = function() {
8334 return this._value._value || this._value;
8335 };
8336 At.prototype.add = function(t) {
8337 return new Fe(this).add(t);
8338 };
8339 At.prototype.references = function(t) {
8340 return this._value && (this._value._variable = t), this._value && C.registerSemanticToken(this._value, t), this;
8341 };
8342 At.prototype.load = function(t) {
8343 return t instanceof At ? t.value() : t;
8344 };
8345 At.prototype.traverse = function() {
8346 return this;
8347 };
8348 At.prototype.visit = function() {
8349 return this._value instanceof J && this._value.traverse(), this;
8350 };
8351 At.prototype.region = function() {
8352 return [this._value._loc, this._value._loc + this._value._len];
8353 };
8354 At.prototype.startLoc = function() {
8355 return this._value && this._value.startLoc ? this._value.startLoc() : null;
8356 };
8357 At.prototype.endLoc = function() {
8358 return this._value && this._value.endLoc ? this._value.endLoc() : null;
8359 };
8360 At.prototype.loc = function() {
8361 return [this.startLoc(), this.endLoc()];
8362 };
8363 At.prototype.isValidIdentifier = function() {
8364 return be.isValidIdentifier(this.symbol());
8365 };
8366 At.prototype.isReserved = function() {
8367 return this._value.reserved || d9.test(String(this._value));
8368 };
8369 At.prototype.isPredicate = function() {
8370 return /\?$/.test(String(this._value));
8371 };
8372 At.prototype.isCapitalized = function() {
8373 return /^[A-Z]/.test(String(this._value));
8374 };
8375 At.prototype.isInternal = function() {
8376 return /^\$/.test(String(this._value));
8377 };
8378 At.prototype.symbol = function() {
8379 return this._symbol || (this._symbol = Ft.sym(this.value()));
8380 };
8381 At.prototype.toString = function() {
8382 return String(this._value);
8383 };
8384 At.prototype.toStr = function() {
8385 return new de("'" + this.symbol() + "'");
8386 };
8387 At.prototype.toAttrString = function() {
8388 return new de("'" + String(this._value) + "'");
8389 };
8390 At.prototype.toJSON = function() {
8391 return this.toString();
8392 };
8393 At.prototype.alias = function() {
8394 return Ft.sym(this._value);
8395 };
8396 At.prototype.js = function(t) {
8397 return this._variable ? this._variable.c() : this.symbol();
8398 };
8399 At.prototype.c = function(t) {
8400 if (t) {
8401 if (t.as == "value")
8402 return "'" + this.symbol() + "'";
8403 if (t.as == "field" && !this.isValidIdentifier())
8404 return Tt("['" + this.symbol() + "']", this._token || this._value);
8405 if (t.as == "key" && !this.isValidIdentifier())
8406 return "'" + this.symbol() + "'";
8407 }
8408 let e = C.current();
8409 if (e instanceof Ht && !(e instanceof Ht.Iterable))
8410 return this.toStr().c();
8411 let r = this.js();
8412 return ls.sourcemap && (!t || t.mark !== false) && (r = Tt(r, this._token || this._value)), r;
8413 };
8414 At.prototype.dump = function() {
8415 return {loc: this.region()};
8416 };
8417 At.prototype.namepath = function() {
8418 return this.toString();
8419 };
8420 At.prototype.shouldParenthesizeInTernary = function() {
8421 return this._parens || this._cache;
8422 };
8423 At.prototype.registerVariable = function(t, e) {
8424 return e === void 0 && (e = this.scope__()), this._variable = e.register(this.symbol(), this, {type: t}), this.stack().registerSemanticToken(this._value, this._variable), this;
8425 };
8426 At.prototype.resolveVariable = function(t) {
8427 t === void 0 && (t = this.scope__());
8428 let e = t.lookup(this.symbol());
8429 return this._variable = e, this.stack().registerSemanticToken(this._value, this._variable), this;
8430 };
8431 function i2() {
8432 return At.apply(this, arguments);
8433 }
8434 R(i2, At);
8435 T.DecoratorIdentifier = i2;
8436 i2.prototype.symbol = function() {
8437 return be.toValidIdentifier(String(this._value));
8438 };
8439 i2.prototype.toString = function() {
8440 return this.symbol();
8441 };
8442 function hi() {
8443 return At.apply(this, arguments);
8444 }
8445 R(hi, At);
8446 T.SymbolIdentifier = hi;
8447 hi.prototype.c = function(t) {
8448 if (t === void 0 && (t = {}), C.tsc())
8449 return this.variable().c();
8450 let e = this.variable().c();
8451 return t.as == "field" ? "[" + e + "]" : e;
8452 };
8453 hi.prototype.variable = function() {
8454 return this._variable || (this._variable = this.scope__().root().symbolRef(this._value.slice(0)));
8455 };
8456 hi.prototype.isConstant = function() {
8457 return true;
8458 };
8459 hi.prototype.asObjectKey = function() {
8460 return "[" + this.c() + "]";
8461 };
8462 hi.prototype.toString = function() {
8463 return this.c();
8464 };
8465 hi.prototype.resolveVariable = function() {
8466 return this;
8467 };
8468 hi.prototype.registerVariable = function() {
8469 return this;
8470 };
8471 function Ci() {
8472 return At.apply(this, arguments);
8473 }
8474 R(Ci, At);
8475 T.MixinIdentifier = Ci;
8476 Ci.prototype.symbol = function() {
8477 return "mixin$" + this._value.slice(1);
8478 };
8479 Ci.prototype.traverse = function(t) {
8480 return this._traversed ? this : (this._variable || this.resolveVariable(), this._traversed = true);
8481 };
8482 Ci.prototype.c = function(t) {
8483 if (t && (t.as == "string" || t.as == "substr")) {
8484 let s = this.toFlags().map(function(n) {
8485 return n instanceof Mt ? "${" + n.c() + "}" : n.raw();
8486 }).join(" ");
8487 return t.as == "string" ? "`" + s + "`" : s;
8488 }
8489 let e = C.current();
8490 if (e instanceof Ht && !(e instanceof Ht.Iterable))
8491 return this.toStr().c();
8492 let r = this.js();
8493 return ls.sourcemap && (!t || t.mark !== false) && (r = Tt(r, this._token || this._value)), r;
8494 };
8495 Ci.prototype.toString = function() {
8496 return this.symbol();
8497 };
8498 Ci.prototype.toFlagName = function() {
8499 return this.symbol();
8500 };
8501 Ci.prototype.toFlags = function() {
8502 if (this._parts)
8503 return this._parts;
8504 this.traverse();
8505 let t = this._variable, e = [], r = t;
8506 for (; r; )
8507 r._declarator instanceof _r ? e.push(Ze(r._declarator._name)) : e.push(r), r = r._parent;
8508 return this._parts = e;
8509 };
8510 function Ea() {
8511 return At.apply(this, arguments);
8512 }
8513 R(Ea, At);
8514 T.Private = Ea;
8515 Ea.prototype.symbol = function() {
8516 return this._symbol || (this._symbol = Ft.sym("__" + this.value()));
8517 };
8518 Ea.prototype.add = function(t) {
8519 return new Fe(this.value()).add(t).set({prefix: "__", private: true});
8520 };
8521 function cc(t) {
8522 this._value = t instanceof At ? t.value() : t;
8523 }
8524 R(cc, Kt);
8525 T.TagIdRef = cc;
8526 cc.prototype.js = function() {
8527 return "" + this.scope__().imba().c() + ".getElementById('" + this.value().c() + "')";
8528 };
8529 function Nn(t) {
8530 this._value = t instanceof At ? t.value() : t;
8531 }
8532 R(Nn, At);
8533 T.Ivar = Nn;
8534 Nn.prototype.name = function() {
8535 return be.dashToCamelCase(this._value).replace(/^[\#]/, "");
8536 };
8537 Nn.prototype.alias = function() {
8538 return this.name();
8539 };
8540 Nn.prototype.js = function(t) {
8541 return this.symbol();
8542 };
8543 function xo() {
8544 return Kt.apply(this, arguments);
8545 }
8546 R(xo, Kt);
8547 T.Decorator = xo;
8548 xo.prototype.name = function() {
8549 return this._name || (this._name = this._value.js());
8550 };
8551 xo.prototype.visit = function() {
8552 var t;
8553 if (this._variable = this.scope__().lookup(this.name()), this._value._variable || (this._value._variable = this._variable), this._variable || (this._value = this.runtime()[this.name()]), this._call && this._call.traverse(), this.option("params") && (this._params = this.option("params"), this._params.traverse()), t = this.up())
8554 return t._decorators || (t._decorators = []), t._decorators.push(this);
8555 };
8556 xo.prototype.c = function() {
8557 if (C.current() instanceof us)
8558 return;
8559 let t = this._value.c();
8560 return this._params ? t += ".bind([" + this._params.c({expression: true}) + "])" : t += ".bind([])", t;
8561 };
8562 function Ys() {
8563 return At.apply(this, arguments);
8564 }
8565 R(Ys, At);
8566 T.Const = Ys;
8567 Ys.prototype.symbol = function() {
8568 return this._symbol || (this._symbol = Ft.sym(this.value()));
8569 };
8570 Ys.prototype.js = function(t) {
8571 return this._variable ? this._variable.c() : this.symbol();
8572 };
8573 Ys.prototype.traverse = function() {
8574 if (this._traversed)
8575 return this;
8576 this._traversed = true;
8577 var t = C.current();
8578 return (!(t instanceof se) || t.left() == this) && (this.symbol() == "Imba" ? this._variable = this.scope__().imba() : this._variable = this.scope__().lookup(this.value())), this;
8579 };
8580 Ys.prototype.c = function() {
8581 return this.option("export") ? "exports." + this._value + " = " + this.js() : Ys.prototype.__super__.c.apply(this, arguments);
8582 };
8583 function ce(t) {
8584 this._token = t, this._value = this.load(t);
8585 }
8586 R(ce, At);
8587 T.TagTypeIdentifier = ce;
8588 ce.prototype.name = function(t) {
8589 return this._name;
8590 };
8591 ce.prototype.setName = function(t) {
8592 return this._name = t, this;
8593 };
8594 ce.prototype.ns = function(t) {
8595 return this._ns;
8596 };
8597 ce.prototype.setNs = function(t) {
8598 return this._ns = t, this;
8599 };
8600 ce.prototype.startLoc = function() {
8601 return this._token && this._token.startLoc && this._token.startLoc();
8602 };
8603 ce.prototype.endLoc = function() {
8604 return this._token && this._token.endLoc && this._token.endLoc();
8605 };
8606 ce.prototype.toFunctionalType = function() {
8607 let t = new At(this._token);
8608 return this.isClass() || (t = new ue(t)), t;
8609 };
8610 ce.prototype.load = function(t) {
8611 this._str = "" + t;
8612 var e = this._str.split(":");
8613 return this._raw = t, this._name = e.pop(), this._ns = e.shift(), this._str;
8614 };
8615 ce.prototype.traverse = function(t) {
8616 return this._traversed ? this : (this._traversed = true, this.isClass() && (t && t.declaring ? (this.registerVariable("const", t.declscope || C.scope()), this._variable && this._variable.setValue(t.declaring)) : this.resolveVariable()), this);
8617 };
8618 ce.prototype.js = function(t) {
8619 return "'" + this.toNodeName() + "'";
8620 };
8621 ce.prototype.c = function() {
8622 return this.js();
8623 };
8624 ce.prototype.func = function() {
8625 var t = this._name.replace(/-/g, "_").replace(/\#/, "");
8626 return this._ns && (t += "$" + this._ns.toLowerCase()), t;
8627 };
8628 ce.prototype.nativeCreateNode = function() {
8629 let t = this.scope__().root().document().c();
8630 return this.isSVG() ? He(Ot("" + t + ".createElementNS"), [Ze("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), Ze(this.name())]) : He(Ot("" + t + ".createElement"), [Ze(this.name())]);
8631 };
8632 ce.prototype.isClass = function() {
8633 return !!this._str.match(/^[A-Z]/);
8634 };
8635 ce.prototype.isLowerCase = function() {
8636 return !this._name.match(/^[A-Z]/);
8637 };
8638 ce.prototype.isNative = function() {
8639 return !this._ns && fa.HTML.indexOf(this._str) >= 0;
8640 };
8641 ce.prototype.isNativeHTML = function() {
8642 return (!this._ns || this._ns == "html") && fa.HTML.indexOf(this._name) >= 0;
8643 };
8644 ce.prototype.isNativeSVG = function() {
8645 return this._ns == "svg" && fa.SVG.indexOf(this._str) >= 0;
8646 };
8647 ce.prototype.isSVG = function() {
8648 return this._ns == "svg" || !this.isNative() && !this._ns && Wp["svg_" + this._str];
8649 };
8650 ce.prototype.isAsset = function() {
8651 return false;
8652 };
8653 ce.prototype.toAssetName = function() {
8654 return this.isAsset() ? this._str : null;
8655 };
8656 ce.prototype.symbol = function() {
8657 return this._str;
8658 };
8659 ce.prototype.isCustom = function() {
8660 return !this.isNative() && !this.isNativeSVG();
8661 };
8662 ce.prototype.isComponent = function() {
8663 return !this.isNative() && !this.isNativeSVG();
8664 };
8665 ce.prototype.toSelector = function() {
8666 return this.toNodeName();
8667 };
8668 ce.prototype.resolveVariable = function(t) {
8669 t === void 0 && (t = this.scope__());
8670 let e = this.scope__().lookup(this._str);
8671 return (this._variable = e) && this.stack().registerSemanticToken(this._value, this._variable), this;
8672 };
8673 ce.prototype.toVarPrefix = function() {
8674 return this._str.replace(/[\:\-]/g, "");
8675 };
8676 ce.prototype.toClassName = function() {
8677 let t = this._str;
8678 if (t == "element")
8679 return "Element";
8680 if (t == "component")
8681 return "imba.Component";
8682 if (t == "svg:element")
8683 return "SVGElement";
8684 if (t == "htmlelement")
8685 return "HTMLElement";
8686 if (t == "fragment")
8687 return "DocumentFragment";
8688 let e = Wp[this.isSVG() ? "svg_" + this._name : this._name];
8689 return e ? e.name : this._str == "fragment" ? "DocumentFragment" : this.isClass() ? this._str : C.tsc() ? "\u0393" + be.toValidIdentifier(this._str) : be.pascalCase(this._str + "-component");
8690 };
8691 ce.prototype.toTscName = function() {
8692 return this._str.replace(/\-/g, "_") + "$$TAG$$";
8693 };
8694 ce.prototype.sourceId = function() {
8695 return this._sourceId || (this._sourceId = C.sourceId() + "-" + C.generateId("tag"));
8696 };
8697 ce.prototype.toNodeName = function() {
8698 return this.isClass() ? this._nodeName || (this._nodeName = be.dasherize(this._str + "-" + this.sourceId())) : this._str;
8699 };
8700 ce.prototype.toTypeArgument = function() {
8701 return this._variable ? this._variable.c() : this.name();
8702 };
8703 ce.prototype.id = function() {
8704 var t = this._str.match(/\#([\w\-\d\_]+)\b/);
8705 return t ? t[1] : null;
8706 };
8707 ce.prototype.flag = function() {
8708 return "_" + this.name().replace(/--/g, "_").toLowerCase();
8709 };
8710 ce.prototype.sel = function() {
8711 return "." + this.flag();
8712 };
8713 ce.prototype.string = function() {
8714 return this.value();
8715 };
8716 ce.prototype.toString = function() {
8717 return this.value();
8718 };
8719 function r2() {
8720 return Kt.apply(this, arguments);
8721 }
8722 R(r2, Kt);
8723 T.InterpolatedIdentifier = r2;
8724 r2.prototype.js = function() {
8725 return "[" + this.value().c() + "]";
8726 };
8727 function uc() {
8728 return Kt.apply(this, arguments);
8729 }
8730 R(uc, Kt);
8731 T.Argvar = uc;
8732 uc.prototype.c = function() {
8733 var t = parseInt(String(this.value())), e = "arguments";
8734 if (t > 0) {
8735 var r = this.scope__(), i = r.params().at(t - 1, true);
8736 e = "" + Ft.c(i.name());
8737 }
8738 return Tt(e, this._token || this._value);
8739 };
8740 function hc() {
8741 return J.apply(this, arguments);
8742 }
8743 R(hc, J);
8744 T.DoPlaceholder = hc;
8745 function ke(t, e, r) {
8746 if (this._traversed = false, this._expression = false, this._parens = false, this._cache = null, this._receiver = null, this._opexists = r, t instanceof Ks && (t = t._callee), t instanceof Je)
8747 return t.setArgs(this instanceof Ks ? [] : e), t;
8748 if (t instanceof ue) {
8749 var i = t.value().symbol();
8750 if (i == "new" && console.log("calling"), i == "extern")
8751 return t.value().value()._type = "EXTERN", new Ra(e);
8752 if (i == "tag")
8753 return new Na(e && e.index ? e.index(0) : e[0]);
8754 if (i == "export")
8755 return new Ii(e);
8756 }
8757 return this._callee = t, this._args = e || new ar([]), e instanceof Array && (this._args = new ar(e)), t instanceof xo ? (t._call = this, t) : this;
8758 }
8759 R(ke, J);
8760 T.Call = ke;
8761 ke.prototype.callee = function(t) {
8762 return this._callee;
8763 };
8764 ke.prototype.setCallee = function(t) {
8765 return this._callee = t, this;
8766 };
8767 ke.prototype.receiver = function(t) {
8768 return this._receiver;
8769 };
8770 ke.prototype.setReceiver = function(t) {
8771 return this._receiver = t, this;
8772 };
8773 ke.prototype.args = function(t) {
8774 return this._args;
8775 };
8776 ke.prototype.setArgs = function(t) {
8777 return this._args = t, this;
8778 };
8779 ke.prototype.block = function(t) {
8780 return this._block;
8781 };
8782 ke.prototype.setBlock = function(t) {
8783 return this._block = t, this;
8784 };
8785 ke.prototype.loc = function() {
8786 return this._callee.loc();
8787 };
8788 ke.prototype.visit = function() {
8789 this.args().traverse(), this.callee().traverse();
8790 let t = this.callee().isRuntimeReference();
8791 if (this.callee() instanceof se && this.callee().left().isGlobal("import")) {
8792 let e = this.args().first(), r = this.callee().right().toString();
8793 if (this.setCallee(this.runtime().asset), e instanceof de) {
8794 let i = C.root().registerAsset(e.raw(), "" + r, this);
8795 this.args().replace(e, i.ref);
8796 }
8797 } else if (this.callee().isGlobal("import")) {
8798 let e = this.args().first(), r = e instanceof de && e.raw();
8799 if (r) {
8800 let i = r.split(".").pop();
8801 (u9[i] || r.indexOf("?as=") >= 0) && (this._asset = C.root().registerAsset(r, "", this), this.args().replace(e, this._asset.ref));
8802 }
8803 } else if (this.callee().isGlobal("require")) {
8804 let e = this.args().first();
8805 e instanceof de && e.raw() && this.args().replace(e, Ot(yo(e.c())));
8806 }
8807 if (t == "asset") {
8808 let e = this.args().first();
8809 if (e instanceof de) {
8810 let r = C.root().registerAsset(e.raw(), "asset", this);
8811 this.args().replace(e, r.ref);
8812 }
8813 }
8814 if (this._block && this._block.traverse(), this instanceof Ks && this._args.count() == 0 && this.option("keyword")) {
8815 let e = this.option("keyword");
8816 this._args.setEnds(e, e);
8817 }
8818 return this;
8819 };
8820 ke.prototype.addBlock = function(t) {
8821 var e = this._args.filter(function(r, i) {
8822 return r instanceof hc;
8823 })[0];
8824 return e ? this.args().replace(e, t) : this.args().push(t), this;
8825 };
8826 ke.prototype.receiver = function() {
8827 return this._receiver || (this._receiver = this.callee() instanceof se && this.callee().left() || Gs);
8828 };
8829 ke.prototype.safechain = function() {
8830 return this.callee().safechain();
8831 };
8832 ke.prototype.shouldParenthesizeInTernary = function() {
8833 return this._parens || this.safechain() || this._cache;
8834 };
8835 ke.prototype.startLoc = function() {
8836 return this._startLoc || this._callee && this._callee.startLoc ? this._callee.startLoc() : 0;
8837 };
8838 ke.prototype.endLoc = function() {
8839 return this._endLoc || this._args && this._args.endLoc() || this._callee.endLoc();
8840 };
8841 ke.prototype.js = function(t) {
8842 var e;
8843 if (this._asset)
8844 return this._asset.ref.c();
8845 var r = {expression: true}, i = null, s = this.args(), n = s.some(function(f) {
8846 return f instanceof Tn;
8847 }), o = null, a = null, l = null, p = null, c = this._callee = this._callee.node();
8848 c instanceof se && (a = c.left(), l = c.right()), c instanceof Je && (e = C.method()) && e.option("inExtension") && (c = Z(".", c, e.name()), this._receiver = this.scope__().context()), c instanceof Ki && (this._receiver = c.receiver(), c = this._callee = new se(c.op(), c.left(), c.right())), l instanceof At && l.value() == "assert";
8849 let _ = "";
8850 if (c instanceof se && c.op() == "?." && (_ = "?."), this._receiver)
8851 this._receiver instanceof rr || this._receiver.cache(), s.unshift(this.receiver()), o = "" + c.c({expression: true}) + ".call(" + s.c({expression: true, mark: false}) + ")";
8852 else {
8853 let f = "(" + s.c({expression: true, mark: false}) + ")";
8854 o = "" + c.c({expression: true}) + _ + Tt(f, this._args);
8855 }
8856 return p && (this._cache && (this._cache.manual = true, o = "(" + this.cachevar().c() + "=" + o + ")"), o = [p[0], o, p[1]].join("")), o;
8857 };
8858 function Ks() {
8859 return ke.apply(this, arguments);
8860 }
8861 R(Ks, ke);
8862 T.BangCall = Ks;
8863 function xa() {
8864 return Kt.apply(this, arguments);
8865 }
8866 R(xa, Kt);
8867 T.Instantiation = xa;
8868 xa.for = function(t, e) {
8869 return t instanceof ne ? t.set({unmemoized: e}) : new this(t).set({keyword: e});
8870 };
8871 xa.prototype.js = function(t) {
8872 return "" + Tt("new", this.keyword()) + " " + this.value().c();
8873 };
8874 function qs() {
8875 return ke.apply(this, arguments);
8876 }
8877 R(qs, ke);
8878 T.New = qs;
8879 qs.prototype.visit = function() {
8880 return this.keyword().warn("Value.new is deprecated - use new Value"), qs.prototype.__super__.visit.apply(this, arguments);
8881 };
8882 qs.prototype.endLoc = function() {
8883 return this.keyword() && this.keyword().endLoc() || qs.prototype.__super__.endLoc.apply(this, arguments);
8884 };
8885 qs.prototype.startLoc = function() {
8886 return null;
8887 };
8888 qs.prototype.js = function(t) {
8889 for (var e = this.callee(); e instanceof se; ) {
8890 let i = e.left();
8891 if (i instanceof Ki || i instanceof ue) {
8892 this.callee()._parens = true;
8893 break;
8894 }
8895 e = i;
8896 }
8897 var r = "" + Tt("new", this.keyword()) + " " + Tt(this.callee().c(), this.callee());
8898 return t.parent() instanceof ke || t.parent() instanceof Ks || (r += "()"), r;
8899 };
8900 function Ra() {
8901 return jt.apply(this, arguments);
8902 }
8903 R(Ra, jt);
8904 T.ExternDeclaration = Ra;
8905 Ra.prototype.visit = function() {
8906 this.setNodes(this.map(function(r) {
8907 return r.node();
8908 }));
8909 var t = this.scope__();
8910 for (let r = 0, i = It(this.nodes()), s = i.length, n; r < s; r++) {
8911 n = i[r];
8912 var e = t.register(n.symbol(), n, {type: "global"});
8913 e.addReference(n);
8914 }
8915 return this;
8916 };
8917 Ra.prototype.c = function() {
8918 return "// externs";
8919 };
8920 function wo() {
8921 return J.apply(this, arguments);
8922 }
8923 R(wo, J);
8924 T.ControlFlow = wo;
8925 wo.prototype.loc = function() {
8926 return this._body ? this._body.loc() : [0, 0];
8927 };
8928 function Xs() {
8929 return wo.apply(this, arguments);
8930 }
8931 R(Xs, wo);
8932 T.ControlFlowStatement = Xs;
8933 Xs.prototype.isExpressable = function() {
8934 return false;
8935 };
8936 function he(t, e, r) {
8937 r === void 0 && (r = {}), this.setup(), this._test = t, this._body = e, this._alt = null, this._type = r.type, this._type == "unless" && this.invert(), this._scope = new pc(this);
8938 }
8939 R(he, wo);
8940 T.If = he;
8941 he.prototype.test = function(t) {
8942 return this._test;
8943 };
8944 he.prototype.setTest = function(t) {
8945 return this._test = t, this;
8946 };
8947 he.prototype.body = function(t) {
8948 return this._body;
8949 };
8950 he.prototype.setBody = function(t) {
8951 return this._body = t, this;
8952 };
8953 he.prototype.alt = function(t) {
8954 return this._alt;
8955 };
8956 he.prototype.setAlt = function(t) {
8957 return this._alt = t, this;
8958 };
8959 he.prototype.scope = function(t) {
8960 return this._scope;
8961 };
8962 he.prototype.setScope = function(t) {
8963 return this._scope = t, this;
8964 };
8965 he.prototype.prevIf = function(t) {
8966 return this._prevIf;
8967 };
8968 he.prototype.setPrevIf = function(t) {
8969 return this._prevIf = t, this;
8970 };
8971 he.ternary = function(t, e, r) {
8972 var i = new he(t, new Lt([e]), {type: "?"});
8973 return i.addElse(new Lt([r])), i;
8974 };
8975 he.prototype.addElse = function(t) {
8976 return this.alt() && this.alt() instanceof he ? this.alt().addElse(t) : (this.setAlt(t), t instanceof he && t.setPrevIf(this)), this;
8977 };
8978 he.prototype.loc = function() {
8979 return this._loc || (this._loc = [this._type ? this._type._loc : 0, this.body().loc()[1]]);
8980 };
8981 he.prototype.invert = function() {
8982 return this._test instanceof os ? this._test = this._test.invert() : this._test = new ti("!", this._test, null);
8983 };
8984 he.prototype.visit = function(t) {
8985 var e = this.alt(), r = this._scope;
8986 r && r.visit(), this.test() && (this._scope = null, this.test().traverse(), this._scope = r), this._tag = t._tag;
8987 for (let i = this._scope.varmap(), s, n = 0, o = Object.keys(i), a = o.length, l; n < a; n++)
8988 l = o[n], s = i[l], s.type() == "let" && (s._virtual = true, s.autodeclare());
8989 return !t.isAnalyzing() && !t.tsc() && (this._pretest = Ft.truthy(this.test()), this._pretest === true ? (e = this._alt = null, this.test() instanceof Ws && (this._preunwrap = true)) : this._pretest === false && (this.loc(), this.setBody(null))), this.body() && this.body().traverse(), e && (C.pop(this), e._scope || (e._scope = new Ca(e)), e.traverse(), C.push(this)), this._type == "?" && this.isExpressable() && this.toExpression(), this;
8990 };
8991 he.prototype.js = function(t) {
8992 var e, r, i = this.body(), s = {braces: true, indent: true};
8993 if (this._pretest === true && this._preunwrap) {
8994 let p = i ? i.c({braces: !!this.prevIf()}) : "true";
8995 return this.prevIf() || (p = be.normalizeIndentation(p)), t.isExpression() && (p = "(" + p + ")"), p;
8996 } else
8997 this._pretest;
8998 if (t.isExpression()) {
8999 (r = this.test()) && r.shouldParenthesizeInTernary && r.shouldParenthesizeInTernary() && (this.test()._parens = true);
9000 var n = this.test().c({expression: true}), o = i ? i.c() : "true";
9001 if (i && i.shouldParenthesizeInTernary() && (o = "(" + o + ")"), this.alt()) {
9002 var a = this.alt().c();
9003 return this.alt().shouldParenthesizeInTernary() && (a = "(" + a + ")"), "" + n + " ? " + o + " : " + a;
9004 } else
9005 return this._tag ? "" + n + " ? " + o + " : void(0)" : "" + n + " && " + o;
9006 } else {
9007 o = null, n = this.test().c({expression: true}), i instanceof Lt && i.count() == 1 && !(i.first() instanceof Rr) && (i = i.first()), o = i ? i.c({braces: true}) : "{}";
9008 var l = "" + Tt("if", this._type) + " (" + n + ") " + o;
9009 return this.alt() && (l += " else " + this.alt().c(this.alt() instanceof he ? {} : s)), l;
9010 }
9011 };
9012 he.prototype.shouldParenthesize = function() {
9013 return !!this._parens;
9014 };
9015 he.prototype.consume = function(t) {
9016 if (t instanceof Et) {
9017 if (t.flag(Se.TAG_HAS_BRANCHES), t.body() == this) {
9018 let r = this._body ? [this._body] : [], i = this._alt;
9019 for (; i instanceof he; )
9020 i._body && r.push(i._body), i = i._alt;
9021 i && r.push(i);
9022 for (let s = 0, n = It(r), o = n.length; s < o; s++)
9023 t._branches.push([]), n[s].consume(t);
9024 return this;
9025 }
9026 return t instanceof Nr ? (this._body && (this._body = this._body.consume(t)), this._alt && (this._alt = this._alt.consume(t)), this) : t.register(this);
9027 }
9028 if (t instanceof Ia || t instanceof fc)
9029 return t.register(this), this._body && (this._body = this._body.consume(t)), this._alt && (this._alt = this._alt.consume(t)), this;
9030 var e = t instanceof Qe;
9031 return this._expression || (!e || this._type == "?") && this.isExpressable() ? (this.toExpression(), he.prototype.__super__.consume.call(this, t)) : (this._body && (this._body = this._body.consume(t)), this._alt && (this._alt = this._alt.consume(t)), this);
9032 };
9033 he.prototype.isExpressable = function() {
9034 var t = (!this.body() || this.body().isExpressable()) && (!this.alt() || this.alt().isExpressable());
9035 return t;
9036 };
9037 function Le(t) {
9038 t === void 0 && (t = {}), this._traversed = false, this._options = t, this._body = null;
9039 }
9040 R(Le, Fi);
9041 T.Loop = Le;
9042 Le.prototype.scope = function(t) {
9043 return this._scope;
9044 };
9045 Le.prototype.setScope = function(t) {
9046 return this._scope = t, this;
9047 };
9048 Le.prototype.options = function(t) {
9049 return this._options;
9050 };
9051 Le.prototype.setOptions = function(t) {
9052 return this._options = t, this;
9053 };
9054 Le.prototype.body = function(t) {
9055 return this._body;
9056 };
9057 Le.prototype.setBody = function(t) {
9058 return this._body = t, this;
9059 };
9060 Le.prototype.catcher = function(t) {
9061 return this._catcher;
9062 };
9063 Le.prototype.setCatcher = function(t) {
9064 return this._catcher = t, this;
9065 };
9066 Le.prototype.elseBody = function(t) {
9067 return this._elseBody;
9068 };
9069 Le.prototype.setElseBody = function(t) {
9070 return this._elseBody = t, this;
9071 };
9072 Le.prototype.loc = function() {
9073 var t = this._options.keyword, e = this._body;
9074 return t && e ? [t._loc, e.loc()[1]] : [0, 0];
9075 };
9076 Le.prototype.set = function(t) {
9077 this._options || (this._options = {});
9078 var e = Object.keys(t);
9079 for (let r = 0, i = It(e), s = i.length, n; r < s; r++)
9080 n = i[r], this._options[n] = t[n];
9081 return this;
9082 };
9083 Le.prototype.addBody = function(t) {
9084 return this.setBody(Ft.blk(t)), this;
9085 };
9086 Le.prototype.addElse = function(t) {
9087 return this.setElseBody(t), this;
9088 };
9089 Le.prototype.isReactive = function() {
9090 return this._tag && this._tag.fragment().isReactive();
9091 };
9092 Le.prototype.isStatementLike = function() {
9093 return true;
9094 };
9095 Le.prototype.c = function(t) {
9096 var e = this.stack(), r = e.current();
9097 if (this.stack().isExpression() || this.isExpression()) {
9098 this.scope().closeScope();
9099 var i = He(js([], [this]), []);
9100 return i.c(t);
9101 } else
9102 return this.stack().current() instanceof Lt || e.up() instanceof Lt && e.current()._consumer == this ? Le.prototype.__super__.c.call(this, t) : this._tag ? Le.prototype.__super__.c.call(this, 0) : (this.scope().closeScope(), i = He(js([], [this]), []), i.c(t));
9103 };
9104 function _s(t, e) {
9105 this._traversed = false, this._test = t, this._options = e || {}, this._scope = new s2(this), this.option("invert") && (this._test = t.invert());
9106 }
9107 R(_s, Le);
9108 T.While = _s;
9109 _s.prototype.test = function(t) {
9110 return this._test;
9111 };
9112 _s.prototype.setTest = function(t) {
9113 return this._test = t, this;
9114 };
9115 _s.prototype.visit = function() {
9116 if (this.scope().visit(), this.test() && this.test().traverse(), this.body())
9117 return this.body().traverse();
9118 };
9119 _s.prototype.loc = function() {
9120 var t = this._options;
9121 return be.unionOfLocations(t.keyword, this._body, t.guard, this._test);
9122 };
9123 _s.prototype.consume = function(t) {
9124 if (this.isExpressable())
9125 return _s.prototype.__super__.consume.apply(this, arguments);
9126 var e = false, r = this.scope().declare("res", new je([]), {system: true});
9127 this._catcher = new ri("push", r, null), this.body().consume(this._catcher);
9128 var i = new Lt([this, r.accessor()]);
9129 return i.consume(t);
9130 };
9131 _s.prototype.js = function(t) {
9132 var e = "while (" + this.test().c({expression: true}) + ")" + this.body().c({braces: true, indent: true});
9133 return this.scope().vars().count() > 0 && (e = this.scope().vars().c() + ";" + e), e;
9134 };
9135 function si(t) {
9136 t === void 0 && (t = {}), this._traversed = false, this._options = t, this._scope = new n2(this), this._catcher = null;
9137 }
9138 R(si, Le);
9139 T.For = si;
9140 si.prototype.loc = function() {
9141 var t = this._options;
9142 return be.unionOfLocations(t.keyword, this._body, t.guard, t.step, t.source);
9143 };
9144 si.prototype.ref = function() {
9145 return this._ref || "" + this._tag.fragment().cvar() + "." + this.oid();
9146 };
9147 si.prototype.visit = function(t) {
9148 this.scope().visit();
9149 var e = t._tag;
9150 if (this.options().source.traverse(), this.options().guard) {
9151 var r = K1(this.options().guard.invert(), Lt.wrap([new Z1("continue")]));
9152 this.body().unshift(r, De);
9153 }
9154 return this.declare(), e && (this._tag = e, t._tag = this, this._level = (this._tag && this._tag._level || 0) + 1), this.body().traverse(), t._tag = e, this;
9155 };
9156 si.prototype.isBare = function(t) {
9157 return t && t._variable && t._variable._isArray;
9158 };
9159 si.prototype.declare = function() {
9160 var t = this.options(), e = this.scope(), r = t.source, i = t.vars = {}, s = t.index, n = t.params, o = this.isBare(r);
9161 if (r instanceof xn) {
9162 let a = r.left(), l = r.right(), p = !(a instanceof Ae) || !(l instanceof Ae);
9163 l instanceof Ae ? i.len = l : i.len = e.declare("len", l, {type: "let"}), i.value = e.declare(t.name, a, {type: "let"}), t.name && i.value.addReference(t.name), t.index ? (i.index = e.declare(t.index, 0, {type: "let"}), i.index.addReference(t.index)) : i.index = i.value, p && (i.diff = e.declare("rd", Z("-", i.len, i.value), {type: "let"}));
9164 } else {
9165 if (s ? i.index = e.declare(s, 0, {type: "let"}) : i.index = e.declare("i", new Ae(0), {system: true, type: "let", pool: "counter"}), i.source = o ? r : e.declare("items", this.util().iterable(r), {system: true, type: "let", pool: "iter"}), n[2] ? i.len = e.declare(n[2], this.util().len(i.source), {type: "let"}) : i.len = e.declare("len", this.util().len(i.source), {type: "let", pool: "len", system: true}), t.name) {
9166 let a = Z(".", i.source, i.index).set({datatype: t.name.datatype()});
9167 t.name.set({datatype: void 0});
9168 let l = new Ke(t.name, a, "let");
9169 this.body().unshift(l, De);
9170 }
9171 s && i.index.addReference(s);
9172 }
9173 return this;
9174 };
9175 si.prototype.consume = function(t) {
9176 if (t instanceof Et)
9177 return t.register(this);
9178 if (this.isExpressable())
9179 return si.prototype.__super__.consume.apply(this, arguments);
9180 if (this._resvar) {
9181 var e = new Lt([this, De, this._resvar.accessor()]);
9182 return e.consume(t), e;
9183 }
9184 var r = null, i = false, s = null;
9185 r = this._resvar || (this._resvar = this.scope().register("res", null, {system: true, type: "var"})), this._catcher = new ri("push", r, null);
9186 let n = new je([]);
9187 if (this.body().consume(this._catcher), r.autodeclare(), t instanceof Ke || t instanceof Ve)
9188 return t.setRight(r.accessor()), new Lt([Z("=", r, n), De, this, De, t]);
9189 if (t) {
9190 let o = [Z("=", r, n), De, this, De, r.accessor().consume(t)];
9191 return new Lt(o);
9192 }
9193 return this;
9194 };
9195 si.prototype.js = function(t) {
9196 var e = this.options().vars, r = e.index, i = e.value, s = this.options().source, n, o;
9197 if (s instanceof xn) {
9198 let _ = s.left(), f = s.right(), d = s.inclusive();
9199 n = Z(d ? "<=" : "<", i, e.len), o = Z("++", i), e.diff && (n = he.ternary(Z(">", e.diff, new Ae(0)), n, Z(d ? ">=" : ">", i, e.len)), o = he.ternary(Z(">", e.diff, new Ae(0)), Z("++", i), Z("--", i))), r && r != i && (o = new ba([o, Z("++", r)]));
9200 } else
9201 n = Z("<", r, e.len), this.options().step ? o = Z("=", r, Z("+", r, this.options().step)) : o = Z("++", r);
9202 var a = "", l = "", p = this.body().c({braces: true, indent: true}), c = "" + Tt("for", this.keyword()) + " (" + this.scope().vars().c() + "; " + n.c({expression: true}) + "; " + o.c({expression: true}) + ") ";
9203 return a + c + p + l;
9204 };
9205 function cf() {
9206 return si.apply(this, arguments);
9207 }
9208 R(cf, si);
9209 T.ForIn = cf;
9210 function Ln() {
9211 return si.apply(this, arguments);
9212 }
9213 R(Ln, si);
9214 T.ForOf = Ln;
9215 Ln.prototype.source = function(t) {
9216 return this._source;
9217 };
9218 Ln.prototype.setSource = function(t) {
9219 return this._source = t, this;
9220 };
9221 Ln.prototype.declare = function() {
9222 var t = this, e = t.options(), r = e.vars = {}, i = e.params, s, n;
9223 if (e.own) {
9224 r.source = e.source._variable || t.scope().declare("o", e.source, {system: true, type: "let"}), e.value = e.index;
9225 var o = r.index = t.scope().declare("i", new Ae(0), {system: true, type: "let", pool: "counter"}), a = r.keys = t.scope().declare("keys", Ht.keys(r.source.accessor()), {system: true, type: "let"}), l = r.len = t.scope().declare("l", Ht.len(a.accessor()), {system: true, type: "let"});
9226 s = r.key = t.scope().declare(e.name, null, {type: "let"}), e.value instanceof ze || e.value instanceof je ? (t.body().unshift(new Ke(e.value, Z(".", r.source, s), "let"), De), r.value = null) : e.value && (n = r.value = t.scope().declare(e.value, null, {let: true, type: "let"}));
9227 } else {
9228 t.setSource(r.source = C.tsc() ? e.source : t.util().iterable(e.source)), r.value = e.value = e.name;
9229 let p = t.scope__().captureVariableDeclarations(function() {
9230 var c;
9231 if (e.value.traverse({declaring: "let"}), e.value instanceof At)
9232 return (c = e.value)._variable || (c._variable = t.scope__().register(e.value.symbol(), e.value, {type: "let"})), C.registerSemanticToken(e.value);
9233 });
9234 t._declvars = p, e.index && (r.counter = t.scope().parent().temporary(null, {}, "" + e.index + "$"), t.body().unshift(new Ke(e.index, Z("++", r.counter), "let"), De)), i[2] && i[2].warn("Length parameter only allowed on for-in loops");
9235 }
9236 return n && e.index && n.addReference(e.index), s && e.name && s.addReference(e.name), t;
9237 };
9238 Ln.prototype.js = function(t) {
9239 var e = this.options().vars, r = this.options().source, i = e.source, s = e.key, n = e.value, o = e.index, a;
9240 if (this.options().own) {
9241 n && n.refcount() > 0 && this.body().unshift(Z("=", n, Z(".", i, s))), this.body().unshift(Z("=", s, Z(".", e.keys, o))), a = this.body().c({indent: true, braces: true});
9242 var l = "" + Tt("for", this.keyword()) + " (" + this.scope().vars().c() + "; " + Z("<", o, e.len).c() + "; " + Z("++", o).c() + ")";
9243 return l + a;
9244 } else {
9245 if (C.tsc()) {
9246 for (let _ = 0, f = It(this._declvars), d = f.length, v; _ < d; _++)
9247 if (v = f[_], v.vartype()) {
9248 let y = v.c(), N = v._declarator, b = Ot("let " + Tt(v.typedAlias().c(), N) + " = " + v.vartype().c() + "(" + y + ")");
9249 this.body().unshift(b);
9250 }
9251 }
9252 a = this.scope().c({braces: true, indent: true});
9253 let p = i.c({expression: true}), c = "" + Tt("for", this.keyword()) + " (let " + n.c() + " of " + p + ")" + a;
9254 return e.counter && (c = "" + e.counter + " = 0; " + c), c;
9255 }
9256 };
9257 Ln.prototype.head = function() {
9258 var t = this.options().vars;
9259 return [Z("=", t.key, Z(".", t.keys, t.index)), t.value && Z("=", t.value, Z(".", t.source, t.key))];
9260 };
9261 function _c(t) {
9262 this._nodes = Ft.blk(t).nodes();
9263 }
9264 R(_c, Lt);
9265 T.Begin = _c;
9266 _c.prototype.shouldParenthesize = function() {
9267 return this.isExpression();
9268 };
9269 function ni(t, e, r) {
9270 this._traversed = false, this._source = t, this._cases = e, this._fallback = r;
9271 }
9272 R(ni, Xs);
9273 T.Switch = ni;
9274 ni.prototype.source = function(t) {
9275 return this._source;
9276 };
9277 ni.prototype.setSource = function(t) {
9278 return this._source = t, this;
9279 };
9280 ni.prototype.cases = function(t) {
9281 return this._cases;
9282 };
9283 ni.prototype.setCases = function(t) {
9284 return this._cases = t, this;
9285 };
9286 ni.prototype.fallback = function(t) {
9287 return this._fallback;
9288 };
9289 ni.prototype.setFallback = function(t) {
9290 return this._fallback = t, this;
9291 };
9292 ni.prototype.visit = function() {
9293 for (let t = 0, e = It(this.cases()), r = e.length; t < r; t++)
9294 e[t].traverse();
9295 this.fallback() && this.fallback().traverse(), this.source() && this.source().traverse();
9296 };
9297 ni.prototype.consume = function(t) {
9298 if (t instanceof Et) {
9299 if (t.body() == this) {
9300 let e = this._cases.slice(0).concat([this._fallback]);
9301 for (let r = 0, i = It(e), s = i.length, n; r < s; r++)
9302 n = i[r], !!n && (t._branches.push([]), n.consume(t));
9303 return this;
9304 }
9305 return t.register(this);
9306 }
9307 return this._cases = this._cases.map(function(e) {
9308 return e.consume(t);
9309 }), this._fallback && (this._fallback = this._fallback.consume(t)), this;
9310 };
9311 ni.prototype.c = function(t) {
9312 if (this.stack().isExpression() || this.isExpression()) {
9313 var e = He(js([], [this]), []);
9314 return e.c(t);
9315 }
9316 return ni.prototype.__super__.c.call(this, t);
9317 };
9318 ni.prototype.js = function(t) {
9319 var e = [];
9320 for (let r = 0, i = It(this.cases()), s = i.length, n; r < s; r++)
9321 n = i[r], n.autobreak(), e.push(n);
9322 return this.fallback() && e.push(`default:
9323` + this.fallback().c({indent: true})), "switch (" + this.source().c() + ") " + be.bracketize(Ft.cary(e).join(`
9324`), true);
9325 };
9326 function Xi(t, e) {
9327 this._traversed = false, this._test = t, this._body = Ft.blk(e), this._scope = new Ca(this);
9328 }
9329 R(Xi, Xs);
9330 T.SwitchCase = Xi;
9331 Xi.prototype.test = function(t) {
9332 return this._test;
9333 };
9334 Xi.prototype.setTest = function(t) {
9335 return this._test = t, this;
9336 };
9337 Xi.prototype.body = function(t) {
9338 return this._body;
9339 };
9340 Xi.prototype.setBody = function(t) {
9341 return this._body = t, this;
9342 };
9343 Xi.prototype.visit = function() {
9344 return this.scope__().visit(), this.body().traverse();
9345 };
9346 Xi.prototype.consume = function(t) {
9347 return this.body().consume(t), this;
9348 };
9349 Xi.prototype.autobreak = function() {
9350 return this.body().last() instanceof ka || this.body().push(new ka()), this;
9351 };
9352 Xi.prototype.js = function(t) {
9353 this._test instanceof Array || (this._test = [this._test]);
9354 var e = this._test.map(function(r) {
9355 return "case " + r.c() + ": ";
9356 });
9357 return e.join(`
9358`) + this.body().c({indent: true, braces: true});
9359 };
9360 function Dn(t, e, r) {
9361 this._traversed = false, this._body = Ft.blk(t), this._catch = e, this._finally = r;
9362 }
9363 R(Dn, Xs);
9364 T.Try = Dn;
9365 Dn.prototype.body = function(t) {
9366 return this._body;
9367 };
9368 Dn.prototype.setBody = function(t) {
9369 return this._body = t, this;
9370 };
9371 Dn.prototype.consume = function(t) {
9372 return this._body = this._body.consume(t), this._catch && (this._catch = this._catch.consume(t)), this._finally && (this._finally = this._finally.consume(t)), this;
9373 };
9374 Dn.prototype.visit = function() {
9375 if (this._body.traverse(), this._catch && this._catch.traverse(), this._finally)
9376 return this._finally.traverse();
9377 };
9378 Dn.prototype.js = function(t) {
9379 var e = "try " + this.body().c({braces: true, indent: true});
9380 return this._catch && (e += " " + this._catch.c()), this._finally && (e += " " + this._finally.c()), this._catch || this._finally || (e += " catch (e) { }"), e += ";", e;
9381 };
9382 function Fn(t, e) {
9383 this._traversed = false, this._body = Ft.blk(t || []), this._scope = new dc(this), this._varname = e;
9384 }
9385 R(Fn, Xs);
9386 T.Catch = Fn;
9387 Fn.prototype.body = function(t) {
9388 return this._body;
9389 };
9390 Fn.prototype.setBody = function(t) {
9391 return this._body = t, this;
9392 };
9393 Fn.prototype.consume = function(t) {
9394 return this._body = this._body.consume(t), this;
9395 };
9396 Fn.prototype.visit = function() {
9397 return this._scope.visit(), this._variable = this._scope.register(this._varname, this, {type: "let", pool: "catchvar"}), this._body.traverse();
9398 };
9399 Fn.prototype.js = function(t) {
9400 return "catch (" + this._variable.c() + ") " + this._body.c({braces: true, indent: true});
9401 };
9402 function Oa(t) {
9403 this._traversed = false, this._body = Ft.blk(t || []);
9404 }
9405 R(Oa, Xs);
9406 T.Finally = Oa;
9407 Oa.prototype.visit = function() {
9408 return this._body.traverse();
9409 };
9410 Oa.prototype.consume = function(t) {
9411 return this;
9412 };
9413 Oa.prototype.js = function(t) {
9414 return "finally " + this._body.c({braces: true, indent: true});
9415 };
9416 function xn() {
9417 return re.apply(this, arguments);
9418 }
9419 R(xn, re);
9420 T.Range = xn;
9421 xn.prototype.inclusive = function() {
9422 return this.op() == "..";
9423 };
9424 xn.prototype.c = function() {
9425 return "range";
9426 };
9427 function Tn() {
9428 return Kt.apply(this, arguments);
9429 }
9430 R(Tn, Kt);
9431 T.Splat = Tn;
9432 Tn.prototype.js = function(t) {
9433 return "..." + this.value().c();
9434 var e;
9435 };
9436 Tn.prototype.node = function() {
9437 return this.value();
9438 };
9439 function Fe(t) {
9440 Fe.prototype.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments), this._static = true, this._nodes = [this._single = t];
9441 }
9442 R(Fe, J);
9443 T.IdentifierExpression = Fe;
9444 Fe.prototype.single = function(t) {
9445 return this._single;
9446 };
9447 Fe.prototype.setSingle = function(t) {
9448 return this._single = t, this;
9449 };
9450 Fe.wrap = function(t) {
9451 return t;
9452 };
9453 Fe.prototype.add = function(t) {
9454 return this._nodes.push(t), this._single = null, this;
9455 };
9456 Fe.prototype.isPrimitive = function() {
9457 return this._single && this._single instanceof Er;
9458 };
9459 Fe.prototype.isStatic = function() {
9460 return this.isPrimitive();
9461 };
9462 Fe.prototype.visit = function() {
9463 for (let t = 0, e = It(this._nodes), r = e.length, i; t < r; t++)
9464 i = e[t], i instanceof J && i.traverse();
9465 return this;
9466 };
9467 Fe.prototype.asObjectKey = function() {
9468 return this.isPrimitive() ? "" + this._single.c() : this._single ? "[" + this._single.c() + "]" : "[" + this.asString() + "]";
9469 };
9470 Fe.prototype.startLoc = function() {
9471 var t;
9472 return (t = this._nodes[0]) && t.startLoc && t.startLoc();
9473 };
9474 Fe.prototype.endLoc = function() {
9475 var t;
9476 return (t = this._nodes[this._nodes.length - 1]) && t.endLoc && t.endLoc();
9477 };
9478 Fe.prototype.asIdentifier = function() {
9479 return this._single ? "[" + this._single.c() + "]" : "[" + this.asString() + "]";
9480 };
9481 Fe.prototype.asString = function() {
9482 let t = "`";
9483 this.option("prefix") && (t += this.option("prefix"));
9484 for (let e = 0, r = It(this._nodes), i = r.length, s; e < i; e++)
9485 s = r[e], s instanceof Er ? t += s.value() : (t += "${", t += s.c(), t += "}");
9486 return t += "`", t;
9487 };
9488 Fe.prototype.toRaw = function() {
9489 return this._single ? this._single.c() : "";
9490 };
9491 Fe.prototype.toString = function() {
9492 return this.toRaw();
9493 };
9494 Fe.prototype.js = function(t, e) {
9495 return e === void 0 && (e = {}), e.as == "string" || t.parent() instanceof Ht ? this.asString() : e.as == "key" ? this.asObjectKey() : e.as == "access" ? true : this._single && this._single instanceof J ? this._single.c(e) : this.asString();
9496 };
9497 function _e(t, e) {
9498 this._name = this.load(t), this._tag = e, this._chain = [], this._special = false, this._params = null;
9499 }
9500 R(_e, J);
9501 T.TagPart = _e;
9502 _e.prototype.name = function(t) {
9503 return this._name;
9504 };
9505 _e.prototype.setName = function(t) {
9506 return this._name = t, this;
9507 };
9508 _e.prototype.value = function(t) {
9509 return this._value;
9510 };
9511 _e.prototype.setValue = function(t) {
9512 return this._value = t, this;
9513 };
9514 _e.prototype.params = function(t) {
9515 return this._params;
9516 };
9517 _e.prototype.setParams = function(t) {
9518 return this._params = t, this;
9519 };
9520 _e.prototype.load = function(t) {
9521 return t;
9522 };
9523 _e.prototype.isSpecial = function() {
9524 return this._special;
9525 };
9526 _e.prototype.visit = function() {
9527 return this._chain.map(function(t) {
9528 return t.traverse();
9529 }), this._value && this._value.traverse(), this._name.traverse && this._name.traverse(), this;
9530 };
9531 _e.prototype.quoted = function() {
9532 return this._quoted || (this._quoted = this._name instanceof Fe ? this._name.asString() : be.singlequote(this._name));
9533 };
9534 _e.prototype.valueIsStatic = function() {
9535 return !this.value() || this.value().isPrimitive() || this.value() instanceof ie && !this.value().nonlocals();
9536 };
9537 _e.prototype.isStatic = function() {
9538 return this.valueIsStatic();
9539 };
9540 _e.prototype.isProxy = function() {
9541 return false;
9542 };
9543 _e.prototype.add = function(t, e) {
9544 return e == o2 ? (this._last || this).setParams(t || new jt([])) : this._chain.push(this._last = new Pi(t)), this;
9545 };
9546 _e.prototype.modifiers = function() {
9547 return this._modifiers || (this._modifiers = new Mn(this._chain).traverse());
9548 };
9549 _e.prototype.js = function() {
9550 return "";
9551 };
9552 _e.prototype.ref = function() {
9553 return "c$." + this.oid();
9554 };
9555 _e.prototype.tagRef = function() {
9556 return this._tagRef || this._tag.ref();
9557 };
9558 function a2() {
9559 return _e.apply(this, arguments);
9560 }
9561 R(a2, _e);
9562 T.TagId = a2;
9563 a2.prototype.js = function() {
9564 return "" + this.tagRef() + ".id=" + this.quoted();
9565 };
9566 function dr() {
9567 return _e.apply(this, arguments);
9568 }
9569 R(dr, _e);
9570 T.TagFlag = dr;
9571 dr.prototype.condition = function(t) {
9572 return this._condition;
9573 };
9574 dr.prototype.setCondition = function(t) {
9575 return this._condition = t, this;
9576 };
9577 dr.prototype.rawClassName = function() {
9578 return this.name().toRaw();
9579 };
9580 dr.prototype.value = function() {
9581 return this._name;
9582 };
9583 dr.prototype.visit = function() {
9584 if (this._chain.map(function(t) {
9585 return t.traverse();
9586 }), this._condition && this._condition.traverse(), this._name.traverse)
9587 return this._name.traverse();
9588 };
9589 dr.prototype.isStatic = function() {
9590 return !this.isConditional() && (this._name instanceof Er || this._name.isStatic() || this._name instanceof Ci);
9591 };
9592 dr.prototype.isConditional = function() {
9593 return !!this.condition();
9594 };
9595 dr.prototype.js = function() {
9596 if (C.tsc()) {
9597 let e = this.value().c();
9598 return this.condition() ? "[" + e + "," + this.condition().c() + "]" : "[" + e + "]";
9599 }
9600 let t = this.value().c({as: "string"});
9601 return this.condition() ? "" + this.tagRef() + ".flags.toggle(" + t + "," + this.condition().c() + ")" : "" + this.tagRef() + ".classList.add(" + t + ")";
9602 };
9603 function mc() {
9604 return _e.apply(this, arguments);
9605 }
9606 R(mc, _e);
9607 T.TagSep = mc;
9608 function o2() {
9609 return _e.apply(this, arguments);
9610 }
9611 R(o2, _e);
9612 T.TagArgList = o2;
9613 function nr() {
9614 return _e.apply(this, arguments);
9615 }
9616 R(nr, _e);
9617 T.TagAttr = nr;
9618 nr.prototype.isSpecial = function() {
9619 return String(this._name) == "value";
9620 };
9621 nr.prototype.startLoc = function() {
9622 return this._name && this._name.startLoc && this._name.startLoc();
9623 };
9624 nr.prototype.endLoc = function() {
9625 return this._value && this._value.endLoc && this._value.endLoc();
9626 };
9627 nr.prototype.isStatic = function() {
9628 return nr.prototype.__super__.isStatic.apply(this, arguments) && this._chain.every(function(t) {
9629 let e = t instanceof Ee ? t.value() : t;
9630 return e instanceof ie ? !e.nonlocals() : e.isPrimitive();
9631 });
9632 };
9633 nr.prototype.visit = function() {
9634 this._chain.map(function(i) {
9635 return i.traverse();
9636 }), this._value && this._value.traverse(), this._name.traverse && this._name.traverse();
9637 let t = this._key = String(this._name), e = t.indexOf(":");
9638 if (e >= 0 && (this._ns = t.slice(0, e), this._key = t.slice(e + 1)), this._value || (this._autovalue = true, this._value = Ze(t)), this._chain.length) {
9639 this._mods = {};
9640 for (let i = 0, s = It(this._chain), n = s.length; i < n; i++)
9641 this._mods[s[i].name()] = 1;
9642 }
9643 if (this._ns == "bind" && C.use("dom_bind"), !this._ns && this._key == "ease" && C.use("dom_transitions"), t == "asset" || t == "src" && this.value() instanceof de && /^(style|img|script|svg)$/.test(this._tag.tagName())) {
9644 let i = this._tag.tagName(), s = "asset";
9645 i == "img" || i == "svg" ? s = "img" : i == "script" ? s = "web" : i == "style" && (s = "css");
9646 let n = this.value() instanceof de && this.value().raw();
9647 n && !n.match(/^(\/|https?\:\/\/)/) && (C.tsc() || (this._asset = C.root().registerAsset(n, s, this)));
9648 }
9649 return this;
9650 };
9651 nr.prototype.ns = function() {
9652 return this._ns;
9653 };
9654 nr.prototype.key = function() {
9655 return this._key;
9656 };
9657 nr.prototype.mods = function() {
9658 return this._mods;
9659 };
9660 nr.prototype.nameIdentifier = function() {
9661 return this._nameIdentifier || (this._nameIdentifier = new At(this.key()));
9662 };
9663 nr.prototype.modsIdentifier = function() {
9664 return this._modsIdentifier || (this._modsIdentifier = new At(this.key() + "__"));
9665 };
9666 nr.prototype.js = function(t) {
9667 let e = this.value().c(t), r = e, i = Tt("=", this.option("op")), s = this.key().match(/^(aria-|data-)/) || this.key() == "style" || this._tag && this._tag.isSVG() || this.ns() == "html", n = this._tag && this._tag._tagName, o = this._tag.ref(), a = this.key() == "asset" || this.key() == "src" && this.value() instanceof de && (n == "style" || n == "img" || n == "script" || n == "svg");
9668 if (this._asset && !C.tsc() && (e = this._asset.ref.c()), C.tsc() && (s || Jp[this.key()]))
9669 return "" + o + ".setAttribute('" + this.key() + "',String(" + e + "))";
9670 if (s && (C.isNode() || this.ns() == "html") && !this._asset)
9671 return C.meta().universal = false, "" + o + ".setAttribute('" + this.key() + "'," + e + ")";
9672 if (C.tsc()) {
9673 let p = this.nameIdentifier().c();
9674 p == "value" && ha(this._tag._tagName, ["input", "textarea", "select", "option", "button"]) >= 0 && (e = "/**@type {any}*/(" + e + ")");
9675 let c = "" + o + "." + Tt(p, this._name);
9676 return "" + Tt(c, this._name) + i + (this._autovalue ? Tt("true", this._value) : e);
9677 }
9678 let l = this.key();
9679 if (l == "tabindex" && (l = "tabIndex"), l == "value" && ha(this._tag._tagName, ["input", "textarea", "select", "option", "button"]) >= 0 && !C.isNode() && (l = "richValue"), this.ns() == "css")
9680 return "" + o + ".css$('" + l + "'," + e + ")";
9681 if (this.ns() == "bind") {
9682 let p = $p(this.value());
9683 if (p instanceof Mt) {
9684 let c = "function(){ return " + e + " }", _ = "function(v$){ " + e + " = v$ }";
9685 r = "{get:" + c + ",set:" + _ + "}";
9686 } else
9687 p instanceof Array && (r = "[" + e[0].c(t) + "," + e[1].c(t) + "]");
9688 return "" + o + ".bind$('" + l + "'," + r + ")";
9689 } else if (l.indexOf("--") == 0) {
9690 let p = ["'" + l + "'", e], c = this.option("unit"), _ = qp.propAbbr(this.option("propname"));
9691 (c || _) && (p.push(c ? Ze(c) : Gs), _ && p.push(Ze(_))), C.use("styles");
9692 let f = this.option("styleterm");
9693 if (f && f.param) {
9694 for (; p.length < 4; )
9695 p.push(Gs);
9696 p.push(f.param);
9697 }
9698 return "" + o + ".css$var(" + Ft.cary(p, {as: "js"}).join(",") + ")";
9699 } else
9700 return l.indexOf("aria-") == 0 || this._tag && this._tag.isSVG() || l == "for" || Jp[l] ? this.ns() ? "" + o + ".setns$('" + this.ns() + "','" + l + "'," + e + ")" : "" + o + ".set$('" + l + "'," + e + ")" : l.indexOf("data-") == 0 ? "" + o + ".setAttribute('" + l + "'," + e + ")" : Z(".", Ot(o), l).c() + ("" + i + e);
9701 };
9702 function l2() {
9703 return nr.apply(this, arguments);
9704 }
9705 R(l2, nr);
9706 T.TagStyleAttr = l2;
9707 function Ds() {
9708 return _e.apply(this, arguments);
9709 }
9710 R(Ds, _e);
9711 T.TagAttrValue = Ds;
9712 Ds.prototype.isPrimitive = function() {
9713 return this.value().isPrimitive();
9714 };
9715 Ds.prototype.value = function() {
9716 return this.name();
9717 };
9718 Ds.prototype.js = function() {
9719 return this.value().c();
9720 };
9721 Ds.prototype.toRaw = function() {
9722 return this.value() instanceof de ? this.value().raw() : null;
9723 };
9724 function c2() {
9725 return Kt.apply(this, arguments);
9726 }
9727 R(c2, Kt);
9728 T.TagHandlerSpecialArg = c2;
9729 c2.prototype.isPrimitive = function() {
9730 return true;
9731 };
9732 c2.prototype.c = function() {
9733 return "'~$" + this.value() + "'";
9734 };
9735 function Mn() {
9736 return jt.apply(this, arguments);
9737 }
9738 R(Mn, jt);
9739 T.TagModifiers = Mn;
9740 Mn.prototype.isStatic = function() {
9741 return this._nodes.every(function(t) {
9742 let e = t instanceof Ee ? t.value() : t;
9743 return e instanceof ie ? !e.nonlocals() : e.isPrimitive();
9744 });
9745 };
9746 Mn.prototype.visit = function() {
9747 var t = {FUNC: 0};
9748 for (let e = 0, r = It(this.nodes()), i = r.length, s; e < i; e++) {
9749 s = r[e];
9750 let n = String(s.name());
9751 t[n] ? s.setName(n + "~" + t[n]++) : t[n] = 1;
9752 }
9753 return this;
9754 };
9755 Mn.prototype.extractDynamics = function() {
9756 if (this._dynamics)
9757 return this._dynamics;
9758 this._dynamics = [];
9759 for (let t = 0, e = It(this.nodes()), r = e.length, i; t < r; t++)
9760 if (i = e[t], i instanceof Pi) {
9761 for (let s = 0, n = It(i.params()), o = n.length, a; s < o; s++)
9762 if (a = n[s], !a.isPrimitive()) {
9763 let l = new u2(a).set({key: tf(i.name()), index: s});
9764 i.params().swap(a, Ot("null")), this._dynamics.push(l);
9765 }
9766 }
9767 return this._dynamics;
9768 };
9769 Mn.prototype.c = function() {
9770 if (C.tsc())
9771 return "[" + this.nodes().map(function(e) {
9772 return e.c();
9773 }).join(",") + "]";
9774 let t = new ze([]);
9775 for (let e = 0, r = It(this.nodes()), i = r.length, s; e < i; e++) {
9776 s = r[e];
9777 let n = s.params() ? new je(s.params()) : Ot("true");
9778 t.add(tf(s.name()), n);
9779 }
9780 return t.c();
9781 };
9782 function Pi() {
9783 return _e.apply(this, arguments);
9784 }
9785 R(Pi, _e);
9786 T.TagModifier = Pi;
9787 Pi.prototype.params = function(t) {
9788 return this._params;
9789 };
9790 Pi.prototype.setParams = function(t) {
9791 return this._params = t, this;
9792 };
9793 Pi.prototype.load = function(t) {
9794 return t instanceof Fe ? t._single : t;
9795 };
9796 Pi.prototype.isPrimitive = function() {
9797 return !this.params() || this.params().every(function(t) {
9798 return t.isPrimitive();
9799 });
9800 };
9801 Pi.prototype.visit = function() {
9802 if (this._name instanceof Pn && (this._name.traverse(), this._name = this._name.value()), this._name instanceof ie) {
9803 let t = this._name.params().at(0, true, "e"), e = this._name.params().at(1, true, "$");
9804 this._name.traverse();
9805 }
9806 return this._name instanceof Ri && (this._value = this._name, this._name = Ze("$_"), this._params = new jt([this._value].concat(this._value.leaks() || []))), this._params && this._params.traverse(), this;
9807 };
9808 Pi.prototype.js = function() {
9809 if (C.tsc()) {
9810 if (this._name instanceof ie)
9811 return "(" + this._name.c() + ")(e,{})";
9812 let t = this.quoted().slice(1, -1).split("-"), e = false;
9813 t[0][0] == "!" && (e = true, t[0] = t[0].slice(1));
9814 let r = t[0];
9815 t.length > 1 && (r == "emit" || r == "flag" || r == "css" ? r = "" + r + "-name" : r = t.join("-")), r = be.toValidIdentifier("\u03B1" + r);
9816 let i = this.params() ? this.params().c() : "";
9817 this.params() && i == "" && (r == "\u03B1options" ? i = Tt("", Yl(this._handlerName.endLoc() + 1)) : i = Tt("", Yl(this._name.endLoc() + 1)));
9818 let s = "" + Tt(r, this._name) + "(" + i + ")";
9819 if ((!this.params() || this.params().count() == 0) && (s = Tt(s, this._name)), e) {
9820 let n = Yl(this._name.startLoc() - 1, this._name.startLoc());
9821 return Tt("e." + s + "===true", n);
9822 }
9823 return "e." + s;
9824 }
9825 return this.params() && this.params().count() > 0 ? "[" + this.quoted() + "," + this.params().c() + "]" : this.params() ? "[" + this.quoted() + "]" : this.quoted();
9826 };
9827 function Js() {
9828 return _e.apply(this, arguments);
9829 }
9830 R(Js, _e);
9831 T.TagData = Js;
9832 Js.prototype.value = function() {
9833 return this.name();
9834 };
9835 Js.prototype.isStatic = function() {
9836 return !this.value() || this.value().isPrimitive();
9837 };
9838 Js.prototype.isSpecial = function() {
9839 return true;
9840 };
9841 Js.prototype.isProxy = function() {
9842 return this.proxyParts() instanceof Array;
9843 };
9844 Js.prototype.proxyParts = function() {
9845 var t = this.value();
9846 if (t instanceof ar && (t = t.values()[0]), t instanceof Ee && (t = t.value()), t instanceof ue && (t = t._variable || t.value()), t instanceof se) {
9847 let e = t.left(), r = t.right() instanceof as ? t.right().value() : t.right();
9848 return t instanceof wn && (e || (e = t.scope__().context())), [e, r];
9849 }
9850 return t;
9851 };
9852 Js.prototype.js = function() {
9853 var t = this.value();
9854 if (t instanceof ar && (t = t.values()[0]), t instanceof Ee && (t = t.value()), t instanceof ue && (t = t._variable || t.value()), t instanceof se) {
9855 let e = t.left(), r = t.right() instanceof as ? t.right().value() : t.right();
9856 t instanceof wn && (e || (e = t.scope__().context()));
9857 let i = [e.c(), r.c()];
9858 return r instanceof At && (i[1] = "'" + i[1] + "'"), "bind$('data',[" + i.join(",") + "])";
9859 } else
9860 return "data=(" + t.c() + ")";
9861 };
9862 function u2() {
9863 return Kt.apply(this, arguments);
9864 }
9865 R(u2, Kt);
9866 T.TagDynamicArg = u2;
9867 u2.prototype.c = function() {
9868 return this.value().c();
9869 };
9870 function lr() {
9871 return _e.apply(this, arguments);
9872 }
9873 R(lr, _e);
9874 T.TagHandler = lr;
9875 lr.prototype.__params = {watch: "paramsDidSet", name: "params"};
9876 lr.prototype.params = function(t) {
9877 return this._params;
9878 };
9879 lr.prototype.setParams = function(t) {
9880 var e = this.params();
9881 return t != e && (this._params = t), t != e && this.paramsDidSet && this.paramsDidSet(t, e, this.__params), this;
9882 };
9883 lr.prototype.paramsDidSet = function(t) {
9884 return this._chain.push(this._last = new Pi("options")), this._last._handlerName = this._name, this._last.setParams(t), t;
9885 };
9886 lr.prototype.add = function(t, e, r, i) {
9887 return e == Pn && (t instanceof ar && (t = t.first()), t = new Pn(t)), lr.prototype.__super__.add.call(this, t, e);
9888 };
9889 lr.prototype.visit = function() {
9890 if (lr.prototype.__super__.visit.apply(this, arguments), C.use("events"), this._name && Qp[String(this._name)] && C.isWeb())
9891 return C.use(Qp[String(this._name)]);
9892 };
9893 lr.prototype.isStatic = function() {
9894 return (!this.value() || this.value().isPrimitive() || this.value() instanceof ie && !this.value().nonlocals()) && this._chain.every(function(e) {
9895 let r = e instanceof Ee ? e.value() : e;
9896 return r instanceof ie ? !r.nonlocals() : r.isPrimitive();
9897 });
9898 };
9899 lr.prototype.modsIdentifier = function() {
9900 return null;
9901 };
9902 lr.prototype.js = function(t) {
9903 if (C.tsc()) {
9904 let e = "" + this.tagRef() + ".addEventListener(" + this.quoted() + `,(e)=>{
9906 for (let r = 0, i = It(this.modifiers()), s = i.length; r < s; r++)
9907 e += i[r].c() + `;
9909 return e += "})", e;
9910 }
9911 if (this._standalone) {
9912 let e = this._tag, r = "" + e.cvar() + "[" + this.osym() + "]", i = this.modifiers(), s = i.extractDynamics(), n = false, o = [], a = function(p) {
9913 return o.push(p);
9914 }, l = e.hvar();
9915 a("" + e.hvar() + " = " + r + " || (" + r + "=" + i.c(t) + ")");
9916 for (let p = 0, c = It(s), _ = c.length, f; p < _; p++) {
9917 f = c[p];
9918 let d = f.option("key"), v = f.option("index"), y = "" + Z(".", l, d).c() + "[" + v + "]";
9919 d == "options" ? (n = true, a("(" + this.vvar() + "=" + f.c(t) + "," + this.vvar() + "===" + y + " || (" + y + "=" + this.vvar() + "," + this.dvar() + "|=" + Se.DIFF_MODIFIERS + "|" + Se.DIFF_INLINE + "))")) : a("" + y + "=" + f.c(t));
9920 }
9921 return a("" + e.bvar() + " || " + e.ref() + ".on$(" + this.quoted() + "," + l.c() + "," + this.scope__().context().c() + ")"), n && a("" + e.dvar() + "&" + Se.DIFF_INLINE + " && (" + e.dvar() + "^=" + Se.DIFF_INLINE + "," + l + "[" + this.gsym("#visit") + "]?.())"), "(" + o.join(`,
9922`) + ")";
9923 }
9924 return "" + this.tagRef() + ".on$(" + this.quoted() + "," + this.modifiers().c() + "," + this.scope__().context().c() + ")";
9925 };
9926 lr.prototype.consume = function(t) {
9927 return t instanceof Et && (this._tag = t, this._standalone = true), this;
9928 };
9929 function Pn() {
9930 return Kt.apply(this, arguments);
9931 }
9932 R(Pn, Kt);
9933 T.TagHandlerCallback = Pn;
9934 Pn.prototype.visit = function() {
9935 let t = this.value();
9936 if (t instanceof Ee && (t = t.value()), t instanceof ie && (t = t.body()), t instanceof se || t instanceof ue) {
9937 let e = t;
9938 t = He(t, [Ot("e")]), t._args._startLoc = e.endLoc(), t._args._endLoc = e.endLoc();
9939 }
9940 if (this.setValue(new (C.tsc() ? ie : Ri)([], [t], null, {})), this.value() instanceof ie) {
9941 let e = this.value().params().at(0, true, "e"), r = this.value().params().at(1, true, "$$");
9942 }
9943 this.value().traverse();
9944 };
9945 function fs() {
9946 return jt.apply(this, arguments);
9947 }
9948 R(fs, jt);
9949 T.TagBody = fs;
9950 fs.prototype.add = function(t, e) {
9951 return t instanceof Yi && (t = t.toArray(), t.length == 1 && (t = new So(t[0]))), fs.prototype.__super__.add.call(this, t, e);
9952 };
9953 fs.prototype.consume = function(t) {
9954 return t instanceof Et ? (this._nodes = this._nodes.map(function(e) {
9955 return e instanceof Mr ? e : e.consume(t);
9956 }), this) : fs.prototype.__super__.consume.apply(this, arguments);
9957 };
9958 function Et(t) {
9959 t === void 0 && (t = {}), this._options = t, this._flags = 0, this._tagvars = {}, this.setup(t);
9960 }
9961 R(Et, J);
9962 Et.prototype.isIndexableInLoop = function() {
9963 return false;
9964 };
9965 Et.prototype.sourceId = function() {
9966 return this._sourceId || (this._sourceId = C.sourceId() + "-" + this.oid());
9967 };
9968 Et.prototype.body = function() {
9969 return this._body || this._options.body;
9970 };
9971 Et.prototype.value = function() {
9972 return this._options.value;
9973 };
9974 Et.prototype.isReactive = function() {
9975 return true;
9976 };
9977 Et.prototype.isDetached = function() {
9978 return this.option("detached");
9979 };
9980 Et.prototype.isSVG = function() {
9981 return this._isSVG == null ? this._isSVG = this._parent ? this._parent.isSVG() : false : this._isSVG;
9982 };
9983 Et.prototype.parentTag = function() {
9984 let t = this._parent;
9985 for (; t && !(t instanceof ne); )
9986 t = t._parent;
9987 return t;
9988 };
9989 Et.prototype.tagLikeParents = function() {
9990 let t = [], e = this._parent;
9991 for (; e instanceof Et; )
9992 t.push(e), e = e.parent();
9993 return t;
9994 };
9995 Et.prototype.setup = function() {
9996 return this._traversed = false, this._consumed = [], this;
9997 };
9998 Et.prototype.osym = function(t) {
9999 return t === void 0 && (t = ""), C.getSymbol(this.oid() + t, H1.SYM + (this.tagvarprefix() || "") + t);
10000 };
10001 Et.prototype.root = function() {
10002 return this._parent ? this._parent.root() : this;
10003 };
10004 Et.prototype.register = function(t) {
10005 return t instanceof he || t instanceof ni ? (this.flag(Se.TAG_HAS_BRANCHES), t = new Ue({body: t})) : t instanceof Le ? (this.flag(Se.TAG_HAS_LOOPS), t = new Nr({body: t.body(), value: t})) : t instanceof ne ? t.isSlot() && this.flag(Se.TAG_HAS_DYNAMIC_CHILDREN) : t instanceof re ? (t = t.opToIfTree(), t instanceof he ? (this.flag(Se.TAG_HAS_BRANCHES), t = new Ue({body: t})) : (this.flag(Se.TAG_HAS_DYNAMIC_CHILDREN), t = new Vi({value: t}))) : t instanceof _r || (t instanceof de || this.flag(Se.TAG_HAS_DYNAMIC_CHILDREN), t = new Vi({value: t})), this._consumed.push(t), t._consumedBy = this, t._parent = this, t;
10006 };
10007 Et.prototype.flag = function(t) {
10008 return this._flags |= t;
10009 };
10010 Et.prototype.type = function() {
10011 return "frag";
10012 };
10013 Et.prototype.unflag = function(t) {
10014 return this._flags = this._flags & ~t;
10015 };
10016 Et.prototype.hasFlag = function(t) {
10017 return this._flags & t;
10018 };
10019 Et.prototype.isAbstract = function() {
10020 return true;
10021 };
10022 Et.prototype.isOnlyChild = function() {
10023 return this.isFirstChild() && this.isLastChild();
10024 };
10025 Et.prototype.isFirstChild = function() {
10026 return this.hasFlag(Se.TAG_FIRST_CHILD);
10027 };
10028 Et.prototype.isLastChild = function() {
10029 return this.hasFlag(Se.TAG_LAST_CHILD);
10030 };
10031 Et.prototype.isIndexed = function() {
10032 return this.option("indexed");
10033 };
10034 Et.prototype.isComponent = function() {
10035 return this._kind == "component";
10036 };
10037 Et.prototype.isSelf = function() {
10038 return this.type() instanceof ii || this.type() instanceof ps;
10039 };
10040 Et.prototype.isShadowRoot = function() {
10041 return this._tagName && this._tagName == "shadow-root";
10042 };
10043 Et.prototype.isSlot = function() {
10044 return this._kind == "slot";
10045 };
10046 Et.prototype.isFragment = function() {
10047 return this._kind == "fragment";
10048 };
10049 Et.prototype.isMemoized = function() {
10050 return !this.option("unmemoized");
10051 };
10052 Et.prototype.hasLoops = function() {
10053 return this.hasFlag(Se.TAG_HAS_LOOPS);
10054 };
10055 Et.prototype.hasBranches = function() {
10056 return this.hasFlag(Se.TAG_HAS_BRANCHES);
10057 };
10058 Et.prototype.hasDynamicChildren = function() {
10059 return this.hasFlag(Se.TAG_HAS_DYNAMIC_CHILDREN);
10060 };
10061 Et.prototype.hasDynamicFlags = function() {
10062 return this.hasFlag(Se.TAG_HAS_DYNAMIC_FLAGS);
10063 };
10064 Et.prototype.hasNonTagChildren = function() {
10065 return this.hasLoops() || this.hasBranches() || this.hasDynamicChildren();
10066 };
10067 Et.prototype.hasDynamicDescendants = function() {
10068 if (this.hasNonTagChildren())
10069 return true;
10070 for (let t = 0, e = It(this._consumed), r = e.length, i; t < r; t++)
10071 if (i = e[t], i instanceof ne && i.hasDynamicDescendants())
10072 return true;
10073 return false;
10074 };
10075 Et.prototype.hasChildren = function() {
10076 return this._consumed.length > 0;
10077 };
10078 Et.prototype.tagvar = function(t) {
10079 return t = H1[t] || t, this._tagvars[t] || (this._tagvars[t] = this.scope__().closure().temporary(null, {reuse: false, alias: "" + t + this.tagvarprefix()}, "" + t + this.tagvarprefix()));
10080 };
10081 Et.prototype.tagvarprefix = function() {
10082 return "";
10083 };
10084 Et.prototype.level = function() {
10085 return this._level;
10086 };
10087 Et.prototype.parent = function() {
10088 return this._parent || (this._parent = this.option("parent"));
10089 };
10090 Et.prototype.fragment = function() {
10091 return this._fragment || this.parent();
10092 };
10093 Et.prototype.tvar = function() {
10094 return this._tvar || this.tagvar("T");
10095 };
10096 Et.prototype.parentRef = function() {
10097 return this._parentRef || (this._parentRef = this.parent() ? this.parent().ref() : "" + this.parentCache() + "._");
10098 };
10099 Et.prototype.parentCache = function() {
10100 return this._parentCache || (this._parentCache = this.parent() ? this.parent().cvar() : this.isMemoized() ? this.scope__().closure().tagCache() : this.scope__().closure().tagTempCache());
10101 };
10102 Et.prototype.renderContextFn = function() {
10103 return "" + this.parentCache() + "[" + this.gsym("#getRenderContext") + "]";
10104 };
10105 Et.prototype.dynamicContextFn = function() {
10106 return "" + this.parentCache() + "[" + this.gsym("#getDynamicContext") + "]";
10107 };
10108 Et.prototype.bvar = function() {
10109 return this._bvar || (this._parent ? this._parent.bvar() : this.tagvar("B"));
10110 };
10111 Et.prototype.cvar = function() {
10112 return this._cvar || (this._parent ? this._parent.cvar() : this.tagvar("C"));
10113 };
10114 Et.prototype.owncvar = function() {
10115 return this.tagvar("C");
10116 };
10117 Et.prototype.vvar = function() {
10118 return this.tagvar("V");
10119 };
10120 Et.prototype.hvar = function() {
10121 return this.tagvar("H");
10122 };
10123 Et.prototype.kvar = function() {
10124 return this.tagvar("K");
10125 };
10126 Et.prototype.dvar = function() {
10127 return this.tagvar("D");
10128 };
10129 Et.prototype.ref = function() {
10130 return this._ref || (this._cachedRef = "" + (this.parent() ? this.parent().cvar() : "") + "[" + this.osym() + "]");
10131 };
10132 Et.prototype.visit = function(t) {
10133 var e = this._options, r = this._tagScope = this.scope__();
10134 this.up() instanceof re && this.set({detached: true});
10135 let i = this._parent = t._tag;
10136 this._level = (this._parent && this._parent._level || 0) + 1, t._tag = null;
10137 for (let s = 0, n = It(this._attributes), o = n.length; s < o; s++)
10138 n[s].traverse();
10139 return t._tag = this, e.key && e.key.traverse(), this.visitBeforeBody(t), this.body() && this.body().traverse(), this.visitAfterBody(t), t._tag = this._parent, this._parent || (this._level = 0, this.consumeChildren(), this.visitAfterConsumed()), this;
10140 };
10141 Et.prototype.visitBeforeBody = function() {
10142 return this;
10143 };
10144 Et.prototype.visitAfterBody = function() {
10145 return this;
10146 };
10147 Et.prototype.consumeChildren = function() {
10148 if (this._consumed.length)
10149 return;
10150 this.body() && this.body().consume(this);
10151 let t = this._consumed[0], e = this._consumed[this._consumed.length - 1];
10152 this.isAbstract() || (t instanceof Et && t.flag(Se.TAG_FIRST_CHILD), e instanceof Et && e.flag(Se.TAG_LAST_CHILD));
10153 for (let r = 0, i = It(this._consumed), s = i.length, n; r < s; r++)
10154 n = i[r], n instanceof Et && (n._consumedBy = this, n._parent = this, n._level = this._level + 1, n.visitAfterConsumed(), n.consumeChildren());
10155 return this.visitAfterConsumedChildren(), this;
10156 };
10157 Et.prototype.visitAfterConsumedChildren = function() {
10158 return this;
10159 };
10160 Et.prototype.visitAfterConsumed = function() {
10161 return this;
10162 };
10163 Et.prototype.consume = function(t) {
10164 return t instanceof Et ? t.register(this) : t instanceof Mt ? (this.option("assignToVar", t), this) : t instanceof Ve ? Z(t.op(), t.left(), this) : t instanceof Ke ? Z("=", t.left(), this) : t instanceof re ? Z(t.op(), t.left(), this) : t instanceof Qe ? (this.option("return", true), this) : this;
10165 };
10166 function So() {
10167 return Kt.apply(this, arguments);
10168 }
10169 R(So, Kt);
10170 T.TagTextContent = So;
10171 function Vi() {
10172 return Et.apply(this, arguments);
10173 }
10174 R(Vi, Et);
10175 T.TagContent = Vi;
10176 Vi.prototype.vvar = function() {
10177 return this.parent().vvar();
10178 };
10179 Vi.prototype.bvar = function() {
10180 return this.parent().bvar();
10181 };
10182 Vi.prototype.ref = function() {
10183 return this.fragment().tvar();
10184 };
10185 Vi.prototype.key = function() {
10186 return this._key || (this._key = "" + this.parent().cvar() + "[" + this.osym() + "]");
10187 };
10188 Vi.prototype.isStatic = function() {
10189 return this.value() instanceof de || this.value() instanceof Ae;
10190 };
10191 Vi.prototype.js = function() {
10192 let t = this.value(), e = [], r = t instanceof de || t instanceof Ae || t instanceof So, i = this.isStatic();
10193 if (C.tsc())
10194 return t.c(this.o());
10195 if (this.parent() instanceof Ue || this._tvar && this.parent() instanceof ne && (this.parent().isSlot() || this.isDetached())) {
10196 if (e.push("" + this._tvar + "=" + t.c(this.o())), t instanceof ke || t instanceof Ks) {
10197 let s = "" + this.parent().cvar() + "[" + this.osym("$") + "]";
10198 e.unshift("" + this.runtime().renderContext + ".context=(" + s + " || (" + s + "={_:" + this.fragment().tvar() + "}))"), e.push("" + this.runtime().renderContext + ".context=null");
10199 }
10200 } else {
10201 if (this.isOnlyChild() && (t instanceof de || t instanceof Ae))
10202 return "" + this.bvar() + " || " + this.ref() + ".text$(" + t.c(this.o()) + ")";
10203 if (i)
10204 return "" + this.bvar() + " || " + this.ref() + this.domCall("insert") + "(" + t.c(this.o()) + ")";
10205 if (t instanceof So && this.isOnlyChild() && !(this.parent() instanceof Ue))
10206 return "(" + this.vvar() + "=" + t.c(this.o()) + "," + this.vvar() + "===" + this.key() + " || " + this.ref() + ".text$(String(" + this.key() + "=" + this.vvar() + ")))";
10207 {
10208 e.push("" + this.vvar() + "=" + t.c(this.o()));
10209 let s = "" + this.parent().cvar() + "[" + this.osym("i") + "]";
10210 if (t instanceof ke || t instanceof Ks) {
10211 let n = "" + this.parent().cvar() + "[" + this.osym("$") + "]";
10212 e.unshift("" + this.runtime().renderContext + ".context=(" + n + " || (" + n + "={_:" + this.fragment().tvar() + "}))"), e.push("" + this.runtime().renderContext + ".context=null");
10213 }
10214 t instanceof So ? e.push("(" + this.vvar() + "===" + this.key() + "&&" + this.bvar() + ") || (" + s + " = " + this.ref() + this.domCall("insert") + "(String(" + this.key() + "=" + this.vvar() + ")," + this._flags + "," + s + "))") : e.push("(" + this.vvar() + "===" + this.key() + "&&" + this.bvar() + ") || (" + s + " = " + this.ref() + this.domCall("insert") + "(" + this.key() + "=" + this.vvar() + "," + this._flags + "," + s + "))");
10215 }
10216 }
10217 return "(" + e.join(",") + ")";
10218 };
10219 function fc() {
10220 return Et.apply(this, arguments);
10221 }
10222 R(fc, Et);
10223 T.TagFragment = fc;
10224 function Ue() {
10225 return Et.apply(this, arguments);
10226 }
10227 R(Ue, Et);
10228 T.TagSwitchFragment = Ue;
10229 Ue.prototype.setup = function() {
10230 return Ue.prototype.__super__.setup.apply(this, arguments), this._branches = [], this._inserts = [], this._styles = [];
10231 };
10232 Ue.prototype.getInsertVar = function(t) {
10233 return this._inserts[t] || (this._inserts[t] = this.tagvar("\u03C4" + t + "if"));
10234 };
10235 Ue.prototype.getStyleVar = function(t) {
10236 return this._styles[t] || (this._styles[t] = this.tagvar("\u03C4" + t + "css"));
10237 };
10238 Ue.prototype.tvar = function() {
10239 return this.fragment().tvar();
10240 };
10241 Ue.prototype.register = function(t) {
10242 let e = Ue.prototype.__super__.register.apply(this, arguments);
10243 if (this._branches) {
10244 let r = this._branches[this._branches.length - 1];
10245 r && r.push(e);
10246 }
10247 return e;
10248 };
10249 Ue.prototype.visitAfterConsumedChildren = function() {
10250 if (!(this._parent instanceof Ue)) {
10251 let t = this.assignChildIndices(0, 0, this);
10252 }
10253 return this;
10254 };
10255 Ue.prototype.assignChildIndices = function(t, e, r) {
10256 let i = t, s = t, n = e, o = e;
10257 for (let a = 0, l = It(this._branches), p = l.length, c; a < p; a++) {
10258 c = l[a], i = t;
10259 for (let _ = 0, f = It(c), d = f.length, v; _ < d; _++)
10260 if (v = f[_], v instanceof Ue) {
10261 let y = v.assignChildIndices(i, n, r);
10262 i = y[0], n = y[1];
10263 } else
10264 v instanceof _r ? (v._tvar = r.getStyleVar(n), v._tvar._stylerule = v, n++) : (v._tvar = r.getInsertVar(i), v.set({detached: true}), i++);
10265 i > s && (s = i), n > o && (o = n);
10266 }
10267 return [s, o];
10268 };
10269 Ue.prototype.js = function(t) {
10270 var e = [], r = "";
10271 let i = this._inserts.concat(this._styles);
10272 Ul(i) && (r = i.join(" = ") + " = null");
10273 let s = t.inline;
10274 this.body().isExpression() && (t.inline = true);
10275 var n = this.body().c(t);
10276 if (t.inline = s, C.tsc())
10277 return n;
10278 r && e.push(r), e.push(n);
10279 for (let o = 0, a = It(this._inserts), l = a.length; o < l; o++) {
10280 let p = "" + this.cvar() + "[" + this.osym(o) + "]";
10281 e.push("(" + p + " = " + this.tvar() + this.domCall("insert") + "(" + a[o] + ",0," + p + "))");
10282 }
10283 for (let o = 0, a = It(this._styles), l = a.length, p; o < l; o++) {
10284 p = a[o];
10285 let c = p._stylerule._name;
10286 e.push("" + this.tvar() + ".flags.toggle('" + c + "',!!" + p + ")");
10287 }
10288 return t.inline ? e.join(",") : e.join(`;
10290 };
10291 function Nr() {
10292 return Et.apply(this, arguments);
10293 }
10294 R(Nr, Et);
10295 T.TagLoopFragment = Nr;
10296 Nr.prototype.isKeyed = function() {
10297 return this.option("keyed") || this.hasFlag(Se.TAG_HAS_BRANCHES);
10298 };
10299 Nr.prototype.isIndexableInLoop = function() {
10300 return true;
10301 };
10302 Nr.prototype.consumeChildren = function() {
10303 return Nr.prototype.__super__.consumeChildren.apply(this, arguments), this.hasFlag(Se.TAG_HAS_BRANCHES) ? this.set({keyed: true}) : this._consumed.every(function(t) {
10304 return t instanceof Et && t.isIndexableInLoop();
10305 }) ? this.set({indexed: true}) : this.set({keyed: true});
10306 };
10307 Nr.prototype.cvar = function() {
10308 return this._cvar || this.tagvar("C");
10309 };
10310 Nr.prototype.js = function(t) {
10311 if (this.stack().isExpression())
10312 return He(js([], [this], this.stack().scope()), []).c();
10313 if (C.tsc())
10314 return "" + this.tvar() + ` = new DocumentFragment;
10315` + this.value().c(t);
10316 this.parent() instanceof Nr && this.parent().isKeyed() && this.set({detached: true}), this.parent() instanceof Ue && this.set({detached: true}), this.parent() && !this._consumedBy && this.set({detached: true});
10317 let e = this.option("indexed") ? this.runtime().createIndexedList : this.runtime().createKeyedList, r = this.parent().cvar(), i = this.isDetached() ? Ot("null") : this.fragment().tvar(), s = "", n;
10318 return this.parent() instanceof Nr ? this.parent().isKeyed() ? (this.option("key", Z("+", Ot("'" + this.oid() + "$'"), this.parent().kvar())), s += "" + this.hvar() + "=" + this.option("key").c() + `;
10319`, n = this._ref = "" + this.parent().cvar() + "[" + this.hvar() + "]") : n = this._ref = "" + this.parent().cvar() + "[" + this.parent().kvar() + "]" : n = "" + r + "[" + this.osym() + "]", s += "(" + this.tvar() + " = " + n + ") || (" + n + "=" + this.tvar() + "=" + e + "(" + this._flags + "," + i + `));
10320`, this._ref = "" + this.tvar(), this.isDetached() && (s += "" + this.tvar() + "[" + this.gsym("##up") + "] = " + this.fragment().tvar() + `;
10321`), s += "" + this.kvar() + ` = 0;
10322`, s += "" + this.cvar() + "=" + this.tvar() + `.$;
10323`, s += this.value().c(t), s += ";" + this.tvar() + this.domCall("end") + "(" + this.kvar() + ");", this.parent() instanceof Nr && (this.parent().isKeyed() ? s += "" + this.parent().ref() + ".push(" + this.tvar() + "," + this.parent().kvar() + "++," + this.hvar() + ");" : this.parent().isIndexed() && (s += "" + this.parent().kvar() + "++;")), s;
10324 };
10325 function uf() {
10326 return Et.apply(this, arguments);
10327 }
10328 R(uf, Et);
10329 T.TagIndexedFragment = uf;
10330 function hf() {
10331 return Et.apply(this, arguments);
10332 }
10333 R(hf, Et);
10334 T.TagKeyedFragment = hf;
10335 function To() {
10336 return Et.apply(this, arguments);
10337 }
10338 R(To, Et);
10339 T.TagSlotProxy = To;
10340 To.prototype.ref = function() {
10341 return this.tvar();
10342 };
10343 To.prototype.tagvarprefix = function() {
10344 return this.oid() + "S";
10345 };
10346 function ne() {
10347 return Et.apply(this, arguments);
10348 }
10349 R(ne, Et);
10350 T.Tag = ne;
10351 ne.prototype.attrmap = function(t) {
10352 return this._attrmap;
10353 };
10354 ne.prototype.setAttrmap = function(t) {
10355 return this._attrmap = t, this;
10356 };
10357 ne.prototype.setup = function() {
10358 return ne.prototype.__super__.setup.apply(this, arguments), this._attributes = this._options.attributes || [], this._attrmap = {}, this._classNames = [], this._className = null;
10359 };
10360 ne.prototype.isAbstract = function() {
10361 return this.isSlot() || this.isFragment();
10362 };
10363 ne.prototype.attrs = function() {
10364 return this._attributes;
10365 };
10366 ne.prototype.cssns = function() {
10367 return this._cssns || (this._cssns = ("" + this.sourceId()).replace("-", "_"));
10368 };
10369 ne.prototype.cssid = function() {
10370 return this._cssid || (this._cssid = ("" + this.sourceId()).replace("_", "-"));
10371 };
10372 ne.prototype.cssflag = function() {
10373 return this._cssflag || (this._cssflag = "" + this.sourceId());
10374 };
10375 ne.prototype.tagvarprefix = function() {
10376 return this.isSelf() ? "SELF" : "T";
10377 };
10378 ne.prototype.isStatementLike = function() {
10379 return this.option("iife");
10380 };
10381 ne.prototype.isIndexableInLoop = function() {
10382 return !this.option("key") && !this.isDynamicType();
10383 };
10384 ne.prototype.traverse = function() {
10385 if (this._traversed)
10386 return this;
10387 this._tid = C.generateId("tag"), this.scope__().imbaDependency("core"), this._tagDeclaration = C.up(sr);
10388 let t = this._options.close, e = this._options.body || [], r = this;
10389 return t && t._value == "/>" && Ul(e) && (r = [this].concat(e._nodes), this._options.body = new ar([])), ne.prototype.__super__.traverse.apply(this, arguments), r;
10390 };
10391 ne.prototype.visitBeforeBody = function(t) {
10392 var e = this;
10393 e.oid();
10394 let r = e._options.type;
10395 r && r.traverse(), C.hmr() && e.cssid(), e.isSelf() || e.tagName().indexOf("-") >= 0 || e.isDynamicType() || r && r.isComponent() ? (e._options.custom = true, e._kind = "component") : e._kind = "element", e.attrs().length == 0 && !e._options.type && (e._options.type = "fragment");
10396 let i = e.tagName();
10397 if (i == "slot" ? e._kind = "slot" : i == "fragment" && (e._kind = "fragment"), i == "shadow-root" && (e._kind = "shadow-root"), e.isSelf()) {
10398 let n = t.up(sr);
10399 n && n.set({self: e, sourceId: e.sourceId()});
10400 }
10401 e._tagName = i, e._dynamics = [];
10402 let s = 0;
10403 for (; s < e._attributes.length; ) {
10404 let n = e._attributes[s++];
10405 if (n instanceof dr && n.name() instanceof _r && n.name().placeholders().length)
10406 for (let o = 0, a = It(n.name().placeholders()), l = a.length, p; o < l; o++) {
10407 p = a[o];
10408 let c = new l2(p.name());
10409 c._tag = e, c.setValue(p.runtimeValue()), c.set({propname: p._propname, unit: p.option("unit"), styleterm: p}), e._attributes.splice(s++, 0, c), c.traverse();
10410 }
10411 }
10412 if (e._attributes = e._attributes.filter(function(n) {
10413 if (n instanceof dr && n.isStatic())
10414 return e._classNames.push(n), false;
10415 if (!C.tsc()) {
10416 if (n == e._attrmap.$key)
10417 return n.warn("$key= is deprecated, use key=", {loc: n._name}), e.set({key: n.value()}), false;
10418 if (n == e._attrmap.key)
10419 return e.set({key: n.value()}), false;
10420 }
10421 return n.isStatic() || e._dynamics.push(n), true;
10422 }), e.isSlot()) {
10423 let n = e._attrmap.name ? e._attrmap.name.value() : "__";
10424 n instanceof de && (n = n.raw()), e.set({name: n}), e._attributes = [];
10425 }
10426 return e._scope = new yc(e), e._scope.visit(), ne.prototype.__super__.visitBeforeBody.apply(e, arguments);
10427 };
10428 ne.prototype.register = function(t) {
10429 if (t = ne.prototype.__super__.register.call(this, t), t instanceof Et && this.isComponent() && !this.isSelf()) {
10430 let e = t instanceof ne ? t._attrmap.slot : null, r = "__";
10431 e && e.value() instanceof de && (r = e.value().raw());
10432 let i = this.getSlot(r);
10433 t._fragment = i;
10434 }
10435 return t;
10436 };
10437 ne.prototype.visitAfterBody = function(t) {
10438 return this;
10439 };
10440 ne.prototype.visitAfterConsumed = function() {
10441 if (this.isSVG() && (this._kind = "svg"), this._options.reference) {
10442 let t = this.stack().up(Ie), e = this.stack().up(sr), r;
10443 if (this._options.key && (r = "Named element cannot be keyed at the same time"), e && t && String(t.name()) == "render") {
10444 for (let i = 0, s = It(this.tagLikeParents()), n = s.length, o; i < n; i++)
10445 o = s[i], o instanceof Nr && (r = "Named tags not allowed inside loops"), o instanceof ne && o.isDynamicType() && (r = "Named tags not allowed inside dynamic parent");
10446 r || e.addElementReference(this._options.reference, this);
10447 } else
10448 r = "Named tags are only allowed inside render method";
10449 r && this.warn(r, {loc: this._options.reference});
10450 }
10451 return this;
10452 };
10453 ne.prototype.visitAfterConsumedChildren = function() {
10454 this.isSlot() && this._consumed.length > 1 && this.set({markWhenBuilt: true, reactive: true});
10455 };
10456 ne.prototype.hasBlockScopedVariables = function() {
10457 return Object.keys(this._scope.varmap()).length > 0;
10458 };
10459 ne.prototype.getSlot = function(t) {
10460 return this._slots || (this._slots = {}), this._slots[t] || (this._slots[t] = new To({parent: this, name: t}));
10461 };
10462 ne.prototype.addPart = function(t, e, r) {
10463 let i = this._attributes, s = i.CURRENT, n = s;
10464 if (e == a2 && this.set({id: t}), e == o2 && i.length == 0) {
10465 let o = this.option("type");
10466 o._token == "div" && (o = null), this.set({dynamic: true});
10467 let a = t.nodes()[0];
10468 return o && (a = He(o.toFunctionalType(), t.nodes())), this.set({type: a, functional: a}), this;
10469 }
10470 if (e == mc)
10471 n = null;
10472 else if (e == Ds)
10473 t instanceof Ee && (t = t.value()), s instanceof dr ? (s.setCondition(t), this.flag(Se.TAG_HAS_DYNAMIC_FLAGS), s.set({op: r})) : s instanceof lr ? t && s.add(new Pn(t), e) : s && (s.setValue(t), s.set({op: r}));
10474 else if (s instanceof lr)
10475 t instanceof Fe && t.single() && !t.isPrimitive() && (t = new (C.tsc() ? ie : Ri)([], [t.single()], null, {})), s.add(t, e);
10476 else if (s instanceof nr)
10477 s.add(t, e);
10478 else if (e == dr && t instanceof Fe && !t.isPrimitive() && this.flag(Se.TAG_HAS_DYNAMIC_FLAGS), t instanceof e ? t._tag = this : t = new e(t, this), i.push(n = t), n instanceof nr && n.name().isPrimitive()) {
10479 let o = String(n.name().toRaw());
10480 o.match(/^bind(?=\:|$)/) && this.isFunctional() && n._name.error("bind not supported for functional fragments"), o == "bind" && ((n._name._single || n._name)._value = "bind:data", o = "bind:data"), this._attrmap[o] = n;
10481 }
10482 return n != s && (i.CURRENT = n), this;
10483 };
10484 ne.prototype.type = function() {
10485 return this._options.type || (this._attributes.length == 0 ? "fragment" : "div");
10486 };
10487 ne.prototype.tagName = function() {
10488 return this._tagName || String(this._options.type);
10489 };
10490 ne.prototype.isDynamicType = function() {
10491 return this.type() instanceof X1 || this._options.dynamic;
10492 };
10493 ne.prototype.isFunctional = function() {
10494 return !!this._options.functional;
10495 };
10496 ne.prototype.isSVG = function() {
10497 return this._isSVG == null ? this._isSVG = this.type() instanceof ce && this.type().isSVG() || this._parent && this._parent.isSVG() : this._isSVG;
10498 };
10499 ne.prototype.isAsset = function() {
10500 return this._isAsset || false;
10501 };
10502 ne.prototype.create_ = function() {
10503 return this.isFragment() || this.isSlot() ? this.runtime().createLiveFragment : this.isAsset() ? this.runtime().createAssetElement : this.isSVG() ? this.runtime().createSVGElement : this.isDynamicType() ? this.runtime().createDynamic : this.isComponent() ? this.runtime().createComponent : this.runtime().createElement;
10504 };
10505 ne.prototype.isReactive = function() {
10506 return this.option("reactive") || (this._parent ? this._parent.isReactive() : !(this.scope__() instanceof le));
10507 };
10508 ne.prototype.isDetached = function() {
10509 return this.option("detached");
10510 };
10511 ne.prototype.hasDynamicParts = function() {
10512 return this._dynamics.length == 0 && !this.hasDynamicFlags() && !(this.type() instanceof X1) && (this.body() ? this.body().values() : []).every(function(e) {
10513 return e instanceof de || e instanceof ne && !e.isDynamicType();
10514 }) && !this.hasNonTagChildren() && !this.isSlot() && !this.option("dynamic") && this.setHasDynamicParts(false), true;
10515 };
10516 ne.prototype.js = function(t) {
10517 var e, r = C, i = r.isExpression(), s = [], n = [], o = [], a = function(Q) {
10518 return Q instanceof Mt && (Q = Q.toString()), n.push(Q);
10519 }, l = this.parent(), p = this.fragment(), c = this._tagDeclaration;
10520 let _ = this._tagDeclaration ? this._tagDeclaration.scope() : null, f = this.isSelf() ? "self" : this.isFragment() ? "'fragment'" : this.type().isClass && this.type().isClass() ? this.type().toTypeArgument() : "'" + this.type()._value + "'";
10521 (this.type()._value == "global" || this.type()._value == "teleport") && (f = "'i-" + this.type()._value + "'", C.use("dom_teleport")), l && !this._consumedBy && this.set({detached: true});
10522 var d = t.inline, v = this.isSVG(), y = this.isReactive(), N = false, b = true, m = this._attrmap.route || this._attrmap.routeTo || this._attrmap["route-to"], g = this.isComponent() || m;
10523 m && r.use("router");
10524 var S = null, k = false;
10525 this._asset && (f = this._assetRef.c());
10526 var E = "";
10527 if (this.isSlot())
10528 if (this.root().isSelf())
10529 E = Z(".", Z(".", this.root().tvar(), Ze("__slots")), Ze(this.option("name"))).c();
10530 else {
10531 let Q = Z(".", this.root().tvar(), this.gsym("#registerFunctionalSlot")).c();
10532 E = "" + Q + "(" + Ze(this.option("name")).c() + ")";
10533 }
10534 if (r.tsc()) {
10535 this.type() instanceof ce && !this.isSelf() ? this.type().isAsset() ? a("" + this.tvar() + " = new " + Tt("SVGSVGElement", this.type())) : a("" + this.tvar() + " = new " + Tt(this.type().toClassName(), this.type())) : this.isSelf() ? a("" + this.tvar() + " = " + this.type().c()) : this.isDynamicType() ? this._options.dynamic ? (a("" + this.tvar() + " = new \u0393any"), a("" + this.type().c())) : (a("" + this.tvar() + " = new " + Tt("\u0393any", this.type())), a("" + this.type().c())) : (a("" + this.tvar() + " = new " + Tt("HTMLElement", this.type())), a("" + this.type().c()));
10536 for (let Dt = 0, Zt = It(this._attributes), F = Zt.length, H; Dt < F; Dt++)
10537 H = Zt[Dt], this._ref = this.tvar(), (H instanceof nr || H instanceof lr || H instanceof dr) && a(H.c(t));
10538 let Q = this.body() ? this.body().values() : [];
10539 for (let Dt = 0, Zt = It(Q), F = Zt.length; Dt < F; Dt++)
10540 a(Zt[Dt].c());
10541 if (t.inline || i)
10542 return a(this.option("return") ? "return " + this.tvar() : "" + this.tvar()), "(" + n.join(`,
10543`) + ")";
10544 {
10545 this.option("return") && a("return " + this.tvar());
10546 let Dt = n.join(`;
10548 return this.hasBlockScopedVariables() && (Dt = "{" + Dt + "}"), Dt;
10549 }
10550 }
10551 var w = g || this.hasDynamicFlags() || this.attrs().length || this.option("markWhenBuilt") || this.isDetached() || this.isDynamicType() || !!this.option("key"), O = l && l.option("condition");
10552 this.isDynamicType() && (k = true, f = "" + this.owncvar() + ".value"), this._cssid && this._classNames.unshift(this.cssid());
10553 for (let Q = 0, Dt = It(C.closures()), Zt = Dt.length, F; Q < Zt; Q++)
10554 F = Dt[Q], F._cssns && (!this.isSelf() || F != _) && this._classNames.push(F._cssns);
10555 for (let Q = 0, Dt = It(this.tagLikeParents()), Zt = Dt.length, F; Q < Zt; Q++)
10556 F = Dt[Q], F._cssns && this._classNames.push(F._cssns);
10557 if (c && !this.isSelf() && (e = c.cssref(this.option("reference") ? null : this.scope__()))) {
10558 let Q = c._cssns;
10559 this._classNames.indexOf(Q) >= 0 && this._classNames.splice(this._classNames.indexOf(Q), 1), this._classNames.push(e);
10560 }
10561 if (this.option("reference") && _) {
10562 let Q = String(this.option("reference")).slice(1);
10563 this._classNames.push("ref--" + Q);
10564 }
10565 if (this.option("key") && this.set({detached: true}), this._classNames.length) {
10566 let Q = [], Dt = false;
10567 for (let F = 0, H = It(this._classNames), Y = H.length, M; F < Y; F++)
10568 M = H[F], M instanceof dr ? M.name() instanceof Ci ? (Q.push(M.name().c({as: "substr"})), Dt = true) : Q.push(M.rawClassName()) : M instanceof J ? (Dt = true, Q.push("${" + M.c() + "}")) : Q.push(M);
10569 Q = Q.filter(function(F, H) {
10570 return Q.indexOf(F) == H;
10571 });
10572 let Zt = Dt ? "`" : "'";
10573 this._className = Zt + Q.join(" ") + Zt;
10574 }
10575 var L = [f, p && !this.option("detached") ? p.tvar() : "null", this._className || "null", "null"], D = this.body() ? this.body().values() : [];
10576 D.length == 1 && D[0] instanceof Vi && D[0].isStatic() && !this.isSelf() && !this.isSlot() && (L[3] = D[0].value().c(), D = []), this._dynamics.length == 0 && !this.hasDynamicFlags() && !S && !this.isDynamicType() && D.every(function(Q) {
10577 return Q instanceof de || Q instanceof ne && !Q.isDynamicType() && !Q.option("key");
10578 }) && !g && !this.hasNonTagChildren() && !this.isSlot() && !this.option("dynamic") && !this.option("reference") && (b = false, l instanceof ne && !(this.up() instanceof re) && (N = true)), (this.isFragment() || this.isSlot()) && (L = [this._flags].concat(L.slice(1, 2))), this.isSlot() && (L[1] = "null");
10579 var A = Tt("" + this.create_() + "(" + L.join(",") + ")", this.type());
10580 if (this.option("reference")) {
10581 let Q = L[1];
10582 L[1] = "null", A = Tt("" + this.create_() + "(" + L.join(",") + ")", this.type()), this.set({ctor: A}), A = Z(".", this.scope__().context(), this.option("reference")).c(), A = "(" + this.tvar() + "=" + A + "," + this.tvar() + "[" + this.gsym("##up") + "]=" + Q + "," + this.tvar() + ")";
10583 let Dt = this.option("tagdeclbody");
10584 if (Dt && !C.tsc()) {
10585 let Zt = Dt._head || (Dt._head = []), F = be.toValidIdentifier(this.option("reference").c()), H = this.option("ctor"), Y = "let el=" + H + `;
10586 return (Object.defineProperty(this,'` + F + "',{value:el}),el);", M = "get " + F + `(){
10587 ` + Y + `
10589 Zt.push(M);
10590 }
10591 } else
10592 A = "" + this.tvar() + "=" + A;
10593 this.option("assign") && (A = Z("=", this.option("assign"), Ot(A)).c());
10594 let U = this.hasDynamicDescendants();
10595 if (this._consumedBy) {
10596 if (t.inline && !N && (this.option("iife", true), t.inline = false), this.isShadowRoot()) {
10597 let Q = "" + this.cvar() + "[" + this.osym() + "]";
10598 a("" + this.tvar() + "=" + Q + " || (" + Q + "=" + p.tvar() + ".attachShadow({mode:'open'}))");
10599 } else if (this.isSlot() && !this.hasChildren()) {
10600 if (a("" + this.tvar() + "=" + E), !(l instanceof Ue)) {
10601 let Q = "" + this.cvar() + "[" + this.osym() + "]";
10602 a("(" + Q + " = " + p.tvar() + this.domCall("insert") + "(" + this.tvar() + "," + this._flags + "," + Q + "))");
10603 }
10604 } else if (this.isSlot() && this._consumed.length == 1)
10605 this._consumed[0].set({dynamic: true, detached: true}), this._consumed[0]._tvar = this.tvar(), this._consumed[0]._parent = l;
10606 else if (l instanceof Nr) {
10607 this._bvar = this.tagvar("B");
10608 let Q = this.option("key");
10609 if (this.option("key"))
10610 if (this.isDynamicType()) {
10611 a("" + this.owncvar() + "=" + this.renderContextFn() + "(" + this.option("key").c() + ")");
10612 let Dt = "" + this.owncvar() + ".run(" + this.type().c() + ")";
10613 a("(" + this.bvar() + "=" + this.dvar() + "=1," + this.tvar() + "=" + Dt + ") || (" + this.bvar() + "=" + this.dvar() + "=0," + this.owncvar() + ".cache(" + A + "))");
10614 } else {
10615 let Dt = "" + this.parentCache() + ".get(" + this.kvar() + "=" + this.option("key").c() + ")";
10616 a("(" + this.bvar() + "=" + this.dvar() + "=1," + this.tvar() + "=" + Dt + ") || (" + this.bvar() + "=" + this.dvar() + "=0," + this.parentCache() + ".set(" + this.kvar() + "," + A + "))");
10617 }
10618 else if (l.isIndexed()) {
10619 let Dt = "" + this.parentCache() + "[" + l.kvar() + "]";
10620 a("(" + this.bvar() + "=" + this.dvar() + "=1," + this.tvar() + "=" + Dt + ") || (" + this.bvar() + "=" + this.dvar() + "=0," + Dt + "=" + A + ")");
10621 } else if (l.isKeyed())
10622 if (this.isDynamicType()) {
10623 let Dt = "(" + this.owncvar() + "=" + this.dynamicContextFn() + "(" + this.type().osym() + "," + l.kvar() + ")).run(" + this.type().c() + ")";
10624 a("(" + this.bvar() + "=" + this.dvar() + "=1," + this.tvar() + "=" + Dt + ") || (" + this.bvar() + "=" + this.dvar() + "=0," + this.owncvar() + ".cache(" + A + "))");
10625 } else {
10626 let Dt = "(" + this.kvar() + "=" + this.renderContextFn() + "(" + this.osym() + ")).get(" + l.kvar() + ")";
10627 a("(" + this.bvar() + "=" + this.dvar() + "=1," + this.tvar() + "=" + Dt + ") || (" + this.bvar() + "=" + this.dvar() + "=0," + this.kvar() + ".set(" + l.kvar() + "," + A + "))");
10628 }
10629 this._ref = "" + this.tvar(), a("" + this.bvar() + "||(" + this.tvar() + "[" + this.gsym("##up") + "]=" + p.tvar() + ")"), (this._dynamics.length || this._consumed.length && D.length) && (k = true);
10630 } else if (!y)
10631 a("(" + A + ")");
10632 else if (N)
10633 this._ref = this.tvar(), this._bvar = l.bvar(), a("" + l.bvar() + " || (" + A + ")");
10634 else {
10635 let Q = this.option("key"), Dt = this._cref || (this._cref = "" + this.cvar() + "[" + this.osym() + "]");
10636 if (w && (this._bvar = this.tagvar("B")), this.isDynamicType()) {
10637 a(Q ? "" + this.owncvar() + "=" + this.dynamicContextFn() + "(" + Q.osym() + "," + Q.c() + ")" : "" + this.owncvar() + "=" + this.renderContextFn() + "(" + this.type().osym() + ")");
10638 let Zt = "" + this.owncvar() + ".run(" + this.type().c() + ")";
10639 a("(" + this.bvar() + "=" + this.dvar() + "=1," + this.tvar() + "=" + Zt + ") || (" + this.bvar() + "=" + this.dvar() + "=0," + this.owncvar() + ".cache(" + A + "))");
10640 } else if (Q) {
10641 a("" + this.owncvar() + "=" + this.renderContextFn() + "(" + Q.osym() + ")");
10642 let Zt = "" + this.owncvar() + ".run(" + Q.c() + ")";
10643 a("(" + this.bvar() + "=" + this.dvar() + "=1," + this.tvar() + "=" + Zt + ") || (" + this.bvar() + "=" + this.dvar() + "=0," + this.owncvar() + ".cache(" + A + "))");
10644 } else {
10645 let Zt = "" + this.parentCache() + "[" + this.osym() + "]";
10646 a(w ? "(" + this.bvar() + "=" + this.dvar() + "=1," + this.tvar() + "=" + Zt + ") || (" + this.bvar() + "=" + this.dvar() + "=0," + Zt + "=" + A + ")" : "(" + this.tvar() + "=" + Zt + ") || (" + Zt + "=" + A + ")");
10647 }
10648 this.isDetached() && a("" + this.bvar() + "||(" + this.tvar() + "[" + this.gsym("##up") + "]=" + p.tvar() + ")"), this._ref = this.tvar(), S && (k = true), l instanceof Ue && (k = true);
10649 }
10650 k && (this._cvar = this.tvar());
10651 } else if (this._ref = "" + this.tvar(), this.isSelf())
10652 a("" + this.tvar() + "=this"), a("" + this.tvar() + this.domCall("open") + "()"), a("(" + this.bvar() + "=" + this.dvar() + "=1," + this.tvar() + "[" + this.osym() + "] === 1) || (" + this.bvar() + "=" + this.dvar() + "=0," + this.tvar() + "[" + this.osym() + "]=1)"), this._cvar = this.tvar();
10653 else if (y) {
10654 let Q = "" + this.parentCache() + "[" + this.osym() + "]";
10655 this.isDynamicType() ? (this.option("key") ? a("" + this.owncvar() + "=" + this.dynamicContextFn() + "(" + this.osym() + "," + this.option("key").c() + ")") : a("" + this.owncvar() + "=" + this.renderContextFn() + "(" + this.osym() + ")"), A = "" + this.owncvar() + ".cache(" + A + ")", a("(" + this.bvar() + "=" + this.dvar() + "=1," + this.tvar() + "=" + this.owncvar() + ".run(" + this.type().c() + ")) || (" + this.bvar() + "=" + this.dvar() + "=0," + A + ")")) : this.option("key") ? (a("" + this.cvar() + "=(" + Q + "=" + Q + "||new Map())"), a("(" + this.bvar() + "=" + this.dvar() + "=1," + this.tvar() + "=" + this.cvar() + ".get(" + this.kvar() + "=" + this.option("key").c() + ")) || (" + this.bvar() + "=" + this.dvar() + "=0," + this.cvar() + ".set(" + this.kvar() + "," + A + "))")) : this.isMemoized() ? a("(" + this.bvar() + "=" + this.dvar() + "=1," + this.tvar() + "=" + Q + ") || (" + this.bvar() + "=" + this.dvar() + "=0," + this.tvar() + "=" + Q + "=" + A + ")") : a("(" + this.bvar() + "=" + this.dvar() + "=0," + this.tvar() + "=" + A + ")"), a("" + this.bvar() + " || (" + this.tvar() + "[" + this.gsym("##up") + "]=" + this.parentRef() + ")"), this._cvar = this.tvar(), this._ref = this.tvar(), i && !U ? (this.option("inline", N = true), t.inline = true) : (i && this.option("iife", true), t.inline = false);
10656 } else
10657 a("(" + A + ")"), this._cvar = this.tvar(), i && !b ? (this.option("inline", N = true), t.inline = true) : (this.option("iife", true), t.inline = false);
10658 if (this.isDynamicType() && a({if: "" + this.tvar() + "[" + this.gsym("#isRichElement") + "]"}), this._slots)
10659 for (let Q = this._slots, Dt, Zt = 0, F = Object.keys(Q), H = F.length, Y; Zt < H; Zt++) {
10660 Y = F[Zt], Dt = Q[Y], C.use("slots");
10661 let M = this.isDynamicType() ? this.gsym("#getFunctionalSlot") : this.gsym("#getSlot");
10662 a("" + Dt.tvar() + " = " + Z(".", this.tvar(), M).c() + "('" + Y + "'," + this.cvar() + ")");
10663 }
10664 let B = [];
10665 for (let Q = 0, Dt = It(this._attributes), Zt = Dt.length, F; Q < Zt; Q++) {
10666 if (F = Dt[Q], F._chain && F._chain.length && !(F instanceof lr)) {
10667 let H = F.modifiers(), Y = !H.isStatic(), M = H.extractDynamics(), P = F.modsIdentifier(), X = P ? Z(".", this.tvar(), P).c() : "" + this.cvar() + "[" + H.osym() + "]";
10668 if (Y) {
10669 a("" + this.vvar() + " = " + X + " || (" + H.c(t) + ")");
10670 for (let ee = 0, oe = It(M), tt = oe.length, $; ee < tt; ee++) {
10671 $ = oe[ee];
10672 let et = $.option("key"), W = $.option("index");
10673 a("" + Z(".", this.vvar(), et).c() + "[" + W + "]=" + $.c(t));
10674 }
10675 a("" + this.bvar() + " || (" + X + "=" + this.vvar() + ")");
10676 } else
10677 a("" + this.bvar() + " || (" + X + "=" + H.c(t) + ")");
10678 }
10679 if (!y)
10680 a(F.c(t));
10681 else if (F.isStatic())
10682 a("" + this.bvar() + " || (" + F.c(t) + ")");
10683 else {
10684 let H = "" + this.cvar() + "[" + F.osym() + "]";
10685 if (F instanceof dr) {
10686 let Y = F.condition(), M = F.name(), P, X, ee = !this.isDynamicType();
10687 Y && !Y.isPrimitive() && (P = "" + this.cvar() + "[" + Y.osym() + "]", a("(" + this.vvar() + "=(" + Y.c(t) + "||undefined)," + this.vvar() + "===" + P + "||(" + this.dvar() + "|=" + Se.DIFF_FLAGS + "," + P + "=" + this.vvar() + "))")), M && !(M instanceof Er) && !M.isPrimitive() && !(M instanceof Ci) && !(M instanceof _r) && (X = "" + this.cvar() + "[" + M.osym() + "]", a("(" + this.vvar() + "=" + M.c(t) + "," + this.vvar() + "===" + X + "||(" + this.dvar() + "|=" + Se.DIFF_FLAGS + "," + X + "=" + this.vvar() + "))")), P && X ? B.push("(" + P + " ? (" + X + "||'') : '')") : P ? B.push("(" + P + " ? " + M.c({as: "string"}) + " : '')") : X ? B.push("(" + X + "||'')") : M instanceof Ci ? B.push(M.c({as: "string"})) : B.push("'" + M.c({as: "substring"}) + "'");
10688 } else if (F instanceof lr) {
10689 let Y = F.modifiers(), M = Y.extractDynamics(), P = false;
10690 a("" + this.hvar() + " = " + H + " || (" + H + "=" + Y.c(t) + ")");
10691 for (let X = 0, ee = It(M), oe = ee.length, tt; X < oe; X++) {
10692 tt = ee[X];
10693 let $ = tt.option("key"), et = tt.option("index"), W = "" + Z(".", this.hvar(), $).c() + "[" + et + "]";
10694 $ == "options" ? (P = true, a("(" + this.vvar() + "=" + tt.c(t) + "," + this.vvar() + "===" + W + " || (" + W + "=" + this.vvar() + "," + this.dvar() + "|=" + Se.DIFF_MODIFIERS + "|" + Se.DIFF_INLINE + "))")) : a("" + W + "=" + tt.c(t));
10695 }
10696 a("" + this.bvar() + " || " + this.ref() + ".on$(" + F.quoted() + "," + this.hvar().c() + "," + this.scope__().context().c() + ")"), P && a("" + this.dvar() + "&" + Se.DIFF_INLINE + " && (" + this.dvar() + "^=" + Se.DIFF_INLINE + "," + this.hvar() + "[" + this.gsym("#visit") + "]?.())");
10697 } else if (F instanceof nr && F.ns() == "bind") {
10698 let Y = F.value(), M = $p(Y);
10699 if (g = true, M instanceof Array) {
10700 let P = M[0], X = M[1], ee = "[]", oe = P && P.isConstant(), tt = X && X.isConstant();
10701 oe && tt ? ee = "[" + P.c(t) + "," + X.c(t) + "]" : tt && (ee = "[null," + X.c(t) + "]"), a("" + this.vvar() + "=" + H + " || (" + H + "=" + this.ref() + ".bind$('" + F.key() + "'," + ee + "))");
10702 for (let $ = 0, et = It(M), W = et.length, rt; $ < W; $++)
10703 rt = et[$], rt && rt.isConstant() || a("" + this.vvar() + "[" + $ + "]=" + rt.c(t));
10704 } else if (M instanceof Mt) {
10705 let P = "function(){ return " + M.c(t) + " }", X = "function(v$){ " + M.c(t) + " = v$ }", ee = "{get:" + P + ",set:" + X + "}";
10706 a("" + this.bvar() + " || " + this.ref() + ".bind$('" + F.key() + "'," + ee + ")");
10707 }
10708 } else {
10709 v && F.option({svg: true});
10710 let Y = F.value();
10711 if (F.valueIsStatic())
10712 a("" + this.bvar() + " || (" + Tt(F.js(t), F) + ")");
10713 else if (Y instanceof ie)
10714 a("(" + F.js(t) + ")");
10715 else if (Y._variable) {
10716 let M = Y.c(t);
10717 F.setValue(Ot("" + H + "=" + M)), a("(" + M + "===" + H + " || (" + Tt(F.js(t), F) + "))");
10718 } else
10719 F.setValue(Ot("" + H + "=" + this.vvar())), a("(" + this.vvar() + "=" + Y.c(t) + "," + this.vvar() + "===" + H + " || (" + Tt(F.js(t), F) + "))");
10720 }
10721 }
10722 }
10723 if (B.length || (this.isSelf() || this.isDynamicType()) && this._className) {
10724 this._className && B.unshift(this._className);
10725 let Q = "" + this.dvar() + "&" + Se.DIFF_FLAGS, Dt = this.isSelf() ? "flagSelf$" : "flag$";
10726 (this.isSelf() || this.isDynamicType()) && (Q = "(!" + this.bvar() + "||" + Q + ")"), this.isDynamicType() ? a("(" + Q + " && " + this.tvar() + ".flags.reconcile(" + this.osym() + "," + B.join("+' '+") + "))") : a("(" + Q + " && " + this.tvar() + "." + Dt + "(" + B.join("+' '+") + "))");
10727 }
10728 let q = D.length;
10729 for (let Q = 0, Dt = D.length, Zt; Q < Dt; Q++)
10730 if (Zt = D[Q], Zt instanceof de)
10731 a(y ? "" + this.bvar() + " || " + this.tvar() + this.domCall("insert") + "(" + Zt.c(t) + ")" : "" + this.tvar() + this.domCall("insert") + "(" + Zt.c(t) + ")");
10732 else if (Zt instanceof _r)
10733 for (let F = 0, H = It(Zt.placeholders()), Y = H.length; F < Y; F++) {
10734 let M = H[F]._setter, P = "" + this.cvar() + "[" + M.osym() + "]", X = M.value();
10735 if (M.valueIsStatic())
10736 a("" + this.bvar() + " || (" + Tt(M.js(t), M) + ")");
10737 else if (X instanceof ie)
10738 a("(" + M.js(t) + ")");
10739 else if (X._variable) {
10740 let ee = X.c(t);
10741 M.setValue(Ot("" + P + "=" + ee)), a("(" + ee + "===" + P + " || (" + Tt(M.js(t), M) + "))");
10742 } else
10743 M.setValue(Ot("" + P + "=" + this.vvar())), a("(" + this.vvar() + "=" + X.c(t) + "," + this.vvar() + "===" + P + " || (" + Tt(M.js(t), M) + "))");
10744 }
10745 else
10746 a(Zt.c(t));
10747 if (g && (!l && !this.isSelf() ? (o.push("" + this.bvar() + " || " + this.parentCache() + ".sym || !" + this.tvar() + ".setup || " + this.tvar() + ".setup(" + this.dvar() + ")"), o.push("" + this.parentCache() + ".sym || " + this.tvar() + this.domCall("end") + "(" + this.dvar() + ")")) : this.isSelf() ? o.push("" + this.tvar() + this.domCall("close") + "(" + this.dvar() + ")") : (o.push("" + this.bvar() + " || !" + this.tvar() + ".setup || " + this.tvar() + ".setup(" + this.dvar() + ")"), o.push("" + this.tvar() + this.domCall("end") + "(" + this.dvar() + ")"))), this.isDynamicType() && o.push({endif: true}), l instanceof Nr)
10748 l.isKeyed() ? o.push("" + l.ref() + ".push(" + this.tvar() + "," + l.kvar() + "++," + this.kvar() + ")") : l.isIndexed() && o.push("" + l.kvar() + "++");
10749 else if (!(this.isFragment() && l && !(l instanceof Ue))) {
10750 if (l && !(l instanceof Ue) && (this.isComponent() || S || this.option("reference"))) {
10751 let Q = p.ref(), Dt = this._cref;
10752 S || this.isDynamicType() || this.isDetached() ? p instanceof To ? o.push("(" + this.tvar() + "==" + Dt + ") || (!" + Dt + " && " + Q + this.domCall("appendChild") + "(" + Dt + "=" + this.tvar() + ")) || (" + Q + this.domCall("replaceChild") + "(" + this.tvar() + "," + Dt + ")," + Dt + "=" + this.tvar() + ")") : o.push("(" + this.tvar() + "==" + Dt + ") || (!" + Dt + " && (" + Dt + "=" + this.tvar() + ")" + this.domCall("insertInto") + "(" + Q + ")) || " + Dt + this.domCall("replaceWith") + "(" + Dt + "=" + this.tvar() + "," + Q + ")") : this.isDetached() || o.push("" + this.bvar() + " || " + Q + this.domCall("appendChild") + "(" + this.tvar() + ")");
10753 }
10754 }
10755 if (this.option("fragmented") && a("" + this.runtime().renderContext + ".context=null"), this._consumedBy || (this.option("return") || this.option("iife") ? o.push("return " + this.tvar()) : (!y || t.inline) && o.push("" + this.tvar())), n = n.concat(o), t.inline) {
10756 t.inline = d;
10757 let Q = "(", Dt = n.length - 1;
10758 for (let Zt = 0, F = It(n), H = F.length, Y; Zt < H; Zt++)
10759 Y = F[Zt], Y.if ? Q += "(" + Y.if + ` && (
10760` : (Q += Y.endif ? "))" : Y, Zt == Dt || n[Zt + 1].endif || (Q += `,
10762 if (Q += ")", this.isSlot() && this.hasChildren()) {
10763 let Zt = "";
10764 if (!(l instanceof Ue)) {
10765 let F = "" + this.cvar() + "[" + this.osym() + "]", H = "" + this.cvar() + "[" + this.osym("_") + "]", Y = "" + this.cvar() + "[" + this.osym("__") + "]", M = "" + this.tvar() + "===" + Y + " || (" + H + " = " + p.tvar() + this.domCall("insert") + "(" + Y + "=" + this.tvar() + "," + this._flags + "," + H + "))";
10766 }
10767 Q = "(" + this.tvar() + "=" + E + "),(!" + this.tvar() + " || !" + this.tvar() + ".hasChildNodes() && " + Q + "),(" + Zt + ")";
10768 }
10769 return Q;
10770 }
10771 t.inline = d;
10772 let K = "";
10773 for (let Q = 0, Dt = It(n), Zt = Dt.length, F; Q < Zt; Q++)
10774 F = Dt[Q], F.if ? K += "if(" + F.if + `){
10775` : F.endif ? K += `};
10776` : K += F + `;
10778 if (this.isSlot() && this.hasChildren()) {
10779 let Q = "";
10780 if (!(l instanceof Ue)) {
10781 let Dt = "" + this.cvar() + "[" + this.osym() + "]", Zt = "" + this.cvar() + "[" + this.osym("_") + "]", F = "" + this.cvar() + "[" + this.osym("__") + "]";
10782 Q = "" + this.tvar() + "===" + F + " || (" + Zt + " = " + p.tvar() + this.domCall("insert") + "(" + F + "=" + this.tvar() + "," + this._flags + "," + Zt + "))";
10783 }
10784 K = "" + this.tvar() + "=" + E + `;
10785if(!` + this.tvar() + " || !" + this.tvar() + `.hasChildNodes()){
10786` + K + `
10788` + Q;
10789 }
10790 return this.option("iife") ? (K = "(()=>{" + K + ";})()", this.option("return") && (K = "return " + K)) : this.hasBlockScopedVariables() && (K = "{" + K + "}"), K;
10791 };
10792 function Na() {
10793 return Kt.apply(this, arguments);
10794 }
10795 R(Na, Kt);
10796 T.TagWrapper = Na;
10797 Na.prototype.visit = function() {
10798 return this.value() instanceof Array ? this.value().map(function(t) {
10799 return t.traverse();
10800 }) : this.value().traverse(), this;
10801 };
10802 Na.prototype.c = function() {
10803 return "" + this.scope__().imba().c() + ".getTagForDom(" + this.value().c({expression: true}) + ")";
10804 };
10805 function Zs(t, e) {
10806 this._nodes = t || [], this._options = e;
10807 }
10808 R(Zs, jt);
10809 T.Selector = Zs;
10810 Zs.prototype.add = function(t, e) {
10811 return this.push(t), this;
10812 };
10813 Zs.prototype.isExpressable = function() {
10814 return true;
10815 };
10816 Zs.prototype.visit = function() {
10817 let t = [];
10818 for (let e = 0, r = It(this._nodes), i = r.length, s; e < i; e++)
10819 s = r[e], t.push(!(s instanceof Er) && s.traverse());
10820 return t;
10821 };
10822 Zs.prototype.query = function() {
10823 var t = "", e = [];
10824 for (let i = 0, s = It(this.nodes()), n = s.length, o; i < n; i++) {
10825 o = s[i];
10826 var r = o.c();
10827 o instanceof Er ? e.push("'" + r.replace(/\'/g, '"') + "'") : e.push(r);
10828 }
10829 return e.join(" + ");
10830 };
10831 Zs.prototype.toString = function() {
10832 return Ft.cary(this.nodes()).join("");
10833 };
10834 Zs.prototype.js = function(t) {
10835 var e = this.option("type"), r = Ft.c(this.query()), i = this.scope__().imba().c();
10836 return e == "%" ? "" + i + ".q$(" + r + "," + t.scope().context().c({explicit: true}) + ")" : e == "%%" ? "" + i + ".q$$(" + r + "," + t.scope().context().c({explicit: true}) + ")" : "" + i + ".q" + e + "(" + r + ")";
10837 };
10838 function pf() {
10839 return Kt.apply(this, arguments);
10840 }
10841 R(pf, Kt);
10842 T.SelectorPart = pf;
10843 function Eo() {
10844 return Kt.apply(this, arguments);
10845 }
10846 R(Eo, Kt);
10847 T.Await = Eo;
10848 Eo.prototype.func = function(t) {
10849 return this._func;
10850 };
10851 Eo.prototype.setFunc = function(t) {
10852 return this._func = t, this;
10853 };
10854 Eo.prototype.js = function(t) {
10855 return this.option("native") ? "await " + this.value().c() : He(Z(".", new Ht.Promisify([this.value()]), "then"), [this.func()]).c();
10856 };
10857 Eo.prototype.visit = function(t) {
10858 this.value().traverse();
10859 var e = t.up(ie);
10860 if (e)
10861 return this.set({native: true}), e.set({async: true}), this;
10862 this.warn("toplevel await not allowed");
10863 var r = t.up(Lt), i = t.relative(r, 1), s = t.relative(this, -1);
10864 if (this.setFunc(new La([], [])), this.func().body().setNodes(r.defers(i, this)), this.func().scope().visit(), s instanceof Ve) {
10865 s.left().traverse();
10866 var n = s.left().node();
10867 n instanceof Ne ? this.func().params().at(0, true, n.variable().name()) : (s.setRight(this.func().params().at(0, true)), this.func().body().unshift(s), this.func().scope().context());
10868 }
10869 return this.func().traverse(), this;
10870 };
10871 function La(t, e, r, i, s) {
10872 La.prototype.__super__.constructor.call(this, t, e, r, i, s);
10873 }
10874 R(La, ie);
10875 T.AsyncFunc = La;
10876 La.prototype.scopetype = function() {
10877 return ko;
10878 };
10879 function cr(t, e) {
10880 this._name = t, this._alias = e;
10881 }
10882 R(cr, J);
10883 T.ESMSpecifier = cr;
10884 cr.prototype.alias = function(t) {
10885 return this._alias;
10886 };
10887 cr.prototype.setAlias = function(t) {
10888 return this._alias = t, this;
10889 };
10890 cr.prototype.name = function(t) {
10891 return this._name;
10892 };
10893 cr.prototype.setName = function(t) {
10894 return this._name = t, this;
10895 };
10896 cr.prototype.loc = function() {
10897 return this._alias ? this._alias.loc() : this._name.loc();
10898 };
10899 cr.prototype.visit = function(t) {
10900 return this._declaration = t.up(Vr), this._declaration instanceof Vn ? this._importer = this._declaration : this._exporter = this._declaration, this._cname = be.clearLocationMarkers(this._name.c()), this._key = this._alias ? be.clearLocationMarkers(this._alias.c()) : this._cname, this._exporter ? this._exporter.source() || (this._variable = this.scope__().root().lookup(this._cname)) : (this._variable = this.scope__().root().register(this._key, this, {type: "imported"}), t.registerSemanticToken(this._alias || this._name, this._variable)), this;
10901 };
10902 cr.prototype.js = function() {
10903 let t = be.toValidIdentifier(this._name.c()), e = this._alias && be.toValidIdentifier(this._alias.c());
10904 return e ? "" + t + " as " + e : "" + t;
10905 };
10906 function h2() {
10907 return cr.apply(this, arguments);
10908 }
10909 R(h2, cr);
10910 T.ImportSpecifier = h2;
10911 h2.prototype.visit = function() {
10912 if (h2.prototype.__super__.visit.apply(this, arguments), this._importer && C.cjs())
10913 return this._variable._c = Z(".", this._importer.variable(), this._name).c();
10914 };
10915 function p2() {
10916 return cr.apply(this, arguments);
10917 }
10918 R(p2, cr);
10919 T.ImportNamespaceSpecifier = p2;
10920 p2.prototype.visit = function() {
10921 if (p2.prototype.__super__.visit.apply(this, arguments), this._importer && C.cjs())
10922 return this._variable._c = this._importer.variable().c();
10923 };
10924 function ff() {
10925 return cr.apply(this, arguments);
10926 }
10927 R(ff, cr);
10928 T.ExportSpecifier = ff;
10929 function _f() {
10930 return cr.apply(this, arguments);
10931 }
10932 R(_f, cr);
10933 T.ExportAllSpecifier = _f;
10934 function Da() {
10935 return cr.apply(this, arguments);
10936 }
10937 R(Da, cr);
10938 T.ImportDefaultSpecifier = Da;
10939 Da.prototype.visit = function() {
10940 if (Da.prototype.__super__.visit.apply(this, arguments), C.cjs() && this._importer)
10941 return this._variable._c = "" + this._importer.variable().c() + ".default";
10942 };
10943 function f2() {
10944 return jt.apply(this, arguments);
10945 }
10946 R(f2, jt);
10947 T.ESMSpecifierList = f2;
10948 f2.prototype.js = function() {
10949 return "{" + f2.prototype.__super__.js.apply(this, arguments) + "}";
10950 };
10951 function Vr(t, e, r) {
10952 this.setup(), this._keyword = t, this._specifiers = e, this._source = r, this._defaults = e && e.find(function(i) {
10953 return i instanceof Da;
10954 });
10955 }
10956 R(Vr, Fi);
10957 T.ESMDeclaration = Vr;
10958 Vr.prototype.variable = function(t) {
10959 return this._variable;
10960 };
10961 Vr.prototype.setVariable = function(t) {
10962 return this._variable = t, this;
10963 };
10964 Vr.prototype.source = function(t) {
10965 return this._source;
10966 };
10967 Vr.prototype.setSource = function(t) {
10968 return this._source = t, this;
10969 };
10970 Vr.prototype.isExport = function() {
10971 return String(this.keyword()) == "export";
10972 };
10973 Vr.prototype.js = function() {
10974 let t = Tt(this.keyword().c(), this.keyword());
10975 if (this._specifiers && this._source)
10976 return "" + t + " " + Ft.cary(this._specifiers).join(",") + " from " + this._source.c();
10977 if (this._specifiers)
10978 return "" + t + " " + Ft.cary(this._specifiers).join(",");
10979 if (this._source)
10980 return "" + t + " " + this._source.c();
10981 };
10982 function Ao() {
10983 return Kt.apply(this, arguments);
10984 }
10985 R(Ao, Kt);
10986 T.AssetReference = Ao;
10987 Ao.prototype.setup = function() {
10988 return this;
10989 };
10990 Ao.prototype.asset = function() {
10991 return this._value;
10992 };
10993 Ao.prototype.c = function() {
10994 let t = "", e = this.value().ref.c(), r = this.value().path;
10995 return this.asset().kind && r.indexOf("?as=") == -1 && (r += "?as=" + this.asset().kind), C.tsc() ? t = "const " + e + " = /** @type{ImbaAsset} */({path:'" + r + "'})" : t = "import " + e + " from " + yo("'" + r + "'"), t;
10996 };
10997 function Vn() {
10998 return Vr.apply(this, arguments);
10999 }
11000 R(Vn, Vr);
11001 T.ImportDeclaration = Vn;
11002 Vn.prototype.ownjs = function() {
11003 var t, e = this._source && this._source.c({locRef: "path"});
11004 if (C.tsc()) {
11005 var t = It(this._source.raw().split("?"));
11006 let i = t[0], s = t[1];
11007 (i.match(/\.(html|svg|png|jpe?g|gif)$/) || s && s.match(/^as=/)) && (e = Tt("'data:text/asset;charset=utf-8," + this._source.raw() + "'", this._source));
11008 }
11009 if (C.cjs()) {
11010 let r = "require(" + e + ")";
11011 return this._specifiers ? this._defaults && this._specifiers.length == 1 ? "var " + this._variable.c() + " = " + this.util().requireDefault(Ot(r)).c() : "var " + this._variable.c() + " = " + r : r;
11012 }
11013 return this._specifiers && this._source ? "" + Tt(this.keyword().c(), this.keyword()) + " " + Ft.cary(this._specifiers).join(",") + " from " + e : "" + Tt(this.keyword().c(), this.keyword()) + " " + e;
11014 };
11015 Vn.prototype.js = function() {
11016 return this.ownjs();
11017 };
11018 Vn.prototype.push = function(t) {
11019 let e = this._next || this;
11020 return this._up.replace(e, [e, De, this._next = t]);
11021 };
11022 Vn.prototype.visit = function() {
11023 var t;
11024 if (C.cjs() && this._specifiers) {
11025 var e = this._source.c(), r = be.clearLocationMarkers(e).match(/([\w\_\-]+)(\.js|imba)?[\"\']$/);
11026 this._alias = r ? "_$" + r[1].replace(/[\/\-]/g, "_") : "mod$", this._variable = this.scope__().register(this._alias, null, {system: true});
11027 }
11028 for (let i = 0, s = It(this._specifiers), n = s.length; i < n; i++)
11029 (t = s[i]) && t.traverse && t.traverse();
11030 this.scope__()._lastImport = this, this._up = this.up();
11031 };
11032 function gc() {
11033 return Vr.apply(this, arguments);
11034 }
11035 R(gc, Vr);
11036 T.ImportTypeDeclaration = gc;
11037 gc.prototype.js = function() {
11038 if (!C.tsc())
11039 return "";
11040 let t = this._source.c();
11041 if (this._defaults) {
11042 let e = "/** @typedef {import(SOURCE).default} NAME */true";
11043 return e = e.replace("SOURCE", t).replace("NAME", this._defaults.c()), e;
11044 } else {
11045 let e = [];
11046 for (let r = 0, i = It(this._specifiers[0].nodes()), s = i.length, n; r < s; r++) {
11047 n = i[r];
11048 let o = n._name.c(), a = n._alias ? n._alias.c() : n._name.c(), l = "/** @typedef {import(" + t + ")." + o + "} " + a + " */true";
11049 e.push(l);
11050 }
11051 return e.join(`;
11053 }
11054 };
11055 function Qs() {
11056 return Vr.apply(this, arguments);
11057 }
11058 R(Qs, Vr);
11059 T.ExportDeclaration = Qs;
11060 Qs.prototype.visit = function() {
11061 var t;
11062 this.scope__().root().activateExports();
11063 for (let e = 0, r = It(this._specifiers), i = r.length; e < i; e++)
11064 (t = r[e]) && t.traverse && t.traverse();
11065 return this;
11066 };
11067 Qs.prototype.js = function() {
11068 let t = Tt(this.keyword().c(), this.keyword());
11069 if (C.cjs()) {
11070 let r = [];
11071 if (this._source) {
11072 this._variable || (this._variable = this.scope__().register(null, null, {system: true}));
11073 let i = "var " + this._variable.c() + " = require(" + this._source.c() + ")";
11074 r.push(i);
11075 let s = `Object.defineProperty(exports, $name$, {
11076 enumerable: true, get: function get() { return $path$; }
11078 for (let n = 0, o = It(this._specifiers[0]), a = o.length, l; n < a; n++) {
11079 l = o[n];
11080 let p = s.replace("$name$", (l.alias() || l.name()).toStr().c());
11081 p = p.replace("$path$", Z(".", this._variable, l.name()).c()), r.push(p);
11082 }
11083 } else
11084 for (let i = 0, s = It(this._specifiers[0]), n = s.length, o; i < n; i++) {
11085 o = s[i];
11086 let a = Z("=", Z(".", Ot("exports"), o.alias() || o.name()), o._variable);
11087 r.push(a.c());
11088 }
11089 return r.join(`;
11091 }
11092 if (this._specifiers && this._source)
11093 return "" + t + " " + Ft.cary(this._specifiers).join(",") + " from " + this._source.c();
11094 if (this._specifiers)
11095 return "" + t + " " + Ft.cary(this._specifiers).join(",");
11096 if (this._source)
11097 return "" + t + " " + this._source.c();
11098 };
11099 function df() {
11100 return Qs.apply(this, arguments);
11101 }
11102 R(df, Qs);
11103 T.ExportAllDeclaration = df;
11104 function mf() {
11105 return Qs.apply(this, arguments);
11106 }
11107 R(mf, Qs);
11108 T.ExportNamedDeclaration = mf;
11109 function Ii() {
11110 return Kt.apply(this, arguments);
11111 }
11112 R(Ii, Kt);
11113 T.Export = Ii;
11114 Ii.prototype.loc = function() {
11115 let t = this.option("keyword");
11116 return t && t.region ? t.region() : Ii.prototype.__super__.loc.apply(this, arguments);
11117 };
11118 Ii.prototype.consume = function(t) {
11119 return t instanceof Qe ? (this.option("return", true), this) : Ii.prototype.__super__.consume.apply(this, arguments);
11120 };
11121 Ii.prototype.visit = function() {
11122 return this.scope__().root().activateExports(), this.value().set({export: this.option("keyword") || this, return: this.option("return"), default: this.option("default")}), Ii.prototype.__super__.visit.apply(this, arguments);
11123 };
11124 Ii.prototype.js = function(t) {
11125 var e = this;
11126 let r = e.option("default");
11127 if (e.value() instanceof jt && e.value().map(function(i) {
11128 return i.set({export: e});
11129 }), e.value() instanceof Ie || e.value() instanceof me)
11130 return e.value().c();
11131 if (e.value() instanceof Ve && e.value().left() instanceof Ne)
11132 if (C.cjs()) {
11133 let i = e.value().left().value(), s = r ? "default" : e.value().left().value().symbol();
11134 return e.value().setRight(Z("=", Ot("exports." + s), e.value().right())), e.value().c();
11135 } else {
11136 let i = Tt("export", e.option("keyword")), s = r && Tt("default", e.option("default"));
11137 return r ? "" + i + " " + s + " " + e.value().c() : "" + i + " " + e.value().c();
11138 }
11139 if (r) {
11140 let i = e.value().c();
11141 return C.cjs() ? "exports.default = " + i : "export default " + i;
11142 }
11143 return e.value().c();
11144 };
11145 function _2() {
11146 return Kt.apply(this, arguments);
11147 }
11148 R(_2, Kt);
11149 T.Require = _2;
11150 _2.prototype.js = function(t) {
11151 var e = this.value() instanceof Ee ? this.value().value() : this.value(), r = e.c({locRef: "path"});
11152 return r == "require" ? "require" : "require(" + r + ")";
11153 };
11154 function Ws() {
11155 Ws.prototype.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments), this._key = String(this._value).slice(1, -1);
11156 }
11157 R(Ws, Kt);
11158 T.EnvFlag = Ws;
11159 Ws.prototype.raw = function() {
11160 return this._raw == null ? this._raw = C.env("" + this._key) : this._raw;
11161 };
11162 Ws.prototype.isTruthy = function() {
11163 var t = this.raw();
11164 if (t !== void 0)
11165 return !!t;
11166 };
11167 Ws.prototype.loc = function() {
11168 return [0, 0];
11169 };
11170 Ws.prototype.c = function() {
11171 var t = this.raw(), e = t;
11172 return t !== void 0 ? typeof t == "string" || t instanceof String ? t.match(/^\d+(\.\d+)?$/) ? e = String(parseFloat(t)) : e = "'" + t + "'" : e = "" + t : e = "ENV_" + this._key, Tt(e, this._value);
11173 };
11174 function ds() {
11175 return J.apply(this, arguments);
11176 }
11177 R(ds, J);
11178 T.StyleNode = ds;
11179 function yf() {
11180 return ds.apply(this, arguments);
11181 }
11182 R(yf, ds);
11183 T.StyleSelector = yf;
11184 function _r(t, e) {
11185 this._placeholders = [], this._selectors = t, this._body = e;
11186 }
11187 R(_r, ds);
11188 T.StyleRuleSet = _r;
11189 _r.prototype.isStatic = function() {
11190 return true;
11191 };
11192 _r.prototype.isGlobal = function() {
11193 return !!this.option("global");
11194 };
11195 _r.prototype.addPlaceholder = function(t) {
11196 return this._placeholders.push(t), this;
11197 };
11198 _r.prototype.placeholders = function() {
11199 return this._placeholders;
11200 };
11201 _r.prototype.cssid = function() {
11202 return this._cssid || (this._cssid = "" + C.root().sourceId() + "-" + this.oid());
11203 };
11204 _r.prototype.visit = function(t, e) {
11205 let r = this._tagDeclaration = t.up(sr);
11206 this._css = {}, this._flag = t.up(dr), this._tag = this._flag && this._flag._tag;
11207 let i = String(this._selectors).trim();
11208 if (t.parent() instanceof us)
11209 if (t.up(2) instanceof sr)
11210 this._css.type = "component", this._variable || (this._sel = i || "&", this._css.scope = r);
11211 else
11212 throw "css not allowed in class declaration";
11213 else
11214 t.parent() instanceof fs ? (this._tag = t.up(Et), this._sel = i || "&", this._css.type = "scoped", this._css.scope = this._tag) : this.option("toplevel") ? t.up(fs) ? (this._tag = t.up(Et), this._sel = i || "&", this._css.scope = this._tag, this._css.ns = this.cssid(), this._css.id = this.cssid(), this._css.type = "scoped", this._name = this.cssid(), this.set({inTagTree: true})) : (this._css.scope = this.isGlobal() ? null : this.scope__().closure(), this._sel || (this._sel = i)) : e.rule ? (this._sel || (this._sel = this._selectors && this._selectors.toString && this._selectors.toString().trim()), this._sel.indexOf("&") == -1 && (this._sel = "& " + this._sel)) : !this._name && this._tag && this._flag && !this._flag._condition ? (this._css.scope = this._tag, this._name = this._tag.cssid(), this._sel = "&") : this._name || (this._name = this.cssid(), this._sel = "." + this._name);
11215 if (this._selectors && this._selectors.traverse && this._selectors.traverse(), this._styles = {}, this._body && this._body.traverse && this._body.traverse({rule: this, styles: this._styles, rootRule: e.rule || this}), this._placeholders.length) {
11216 if (this.option("inTagTree"))
11217 for (let s = 0, n = It(this._placeholders), o = n.length, a; s < o; s++) {
11218 a = n[s];
11219 let l = new l2(a.name());
11220 l._tag = this._tag, l.setValue(a.runtimeValue()), l.set({propname: a._propname, unit: a.option("unit"), styleterm: a}), a._setter = l, l.traverse();
11221 }
11222 else if (!this._flag)
11223 for (let s = 0, n = It(this._placeholders), o = n.length, a; s < o; s++)
11224 a = n[s], console.log("" + a), a.warn("Only allowed inside tag tree");
11225 }
11226 if (e.rule && e.styles)
11227 e.styles[this._sel] ? Object.assign(e.styles[this._sel], this._styles) : e.styles[this._sel] = this._styles;
11228 else {
11229 let s = this._tagDeclaration, n = {selectors: [], ns: this._css.ns, id: this._css.id, type: this._css.type, scope: this._css.scope, component: r, inline: !!this._flag, global: !!this.isGlobal(), mixins: {}, apply: {}, depth: this._tag ? this._tag._level : 0};
11230 this._css = new o9(null, this._sel, this._styles, n).toString(), C.css().add(this._css, n);
11231 }
11232 return this;
11233 };
11234 _r.prototype.toRaw = function() {
11235 return "" + this._name;
11236 };
11237 _r.prototype.c = function() {
11238 if (this.option("toplevel") && this.option("export"))
11239 return C.cjs() ? "exports." + this._identifier.c() + " = '" + this._name + "'" : Tt("export", this.option("export")) + (" const " + this._identifier.c() + " = '" + this._name + "'");
11240 if (this._tvar) {
11241 let e = ["" + this._tvar + " = '" + this._name + "'"], r = function(o) {
11242 return e.push(o);
11243 }, i = this._tag.cvar(), s = this._tag.bvar();
11244 for (let o = 0, a = It(this._placeholders), l = a.length; o < l; o++) {
11245 let p = a[o]._setter, c = "" + i + "[" + p.osym() + "]", _ = p.value();
11246 r("" + Tt(p.js(this.o()), p));
11247 }
11248 return C.isExpression() ? "(" + e.join(",") + ")" : e.join(`;
11250 }
11251 if (C.tsc() && this._placeholders.length) {
11252 let e = [];
11253 for (let i = 0, s = It(this.placeholders()), n = s.length; i < n; i++)
11254 e.push(s[i].runtimeValue().c());
11255 return C.isExpression() ? "(" + e.join(",") + ")" : e.join(`;
11257 }
11258 return this.option("inClassBody") || this.option("inTagTree") || this.option("toplevel") ? "" : "'" + this._name + "'";
11259 };
11260 function Fa() {
11261 return jt.apply(this, arguments);
11262 }
11263 R(Fa, jt);
11264 T.StyleBody = Fa;
11265 Fa.prototype.visit = function() {
11266 let t = this._nodes, e = 0, r;
11267 for (let i = 0, s = It(t), n = s.length, o; i < n; i++)
11268 o = s[i], o instanceof $s && (o._property._name || o._property.setName(r), r = o._property._name);
11269 for (; e < t.length; ) {
11270 let i = t[e], s = i.traverse();
11271 if (s != i && s instanceof Array) {
11272 t.splice.apply(t, [].concat([e, 1], Array.from(s)));
11273 continue;
11274 }
11275 i == t[e] && e++;
11276 }
11277 return this;
11278 };
11279 Fa.prototype.toJSON = function() {
11280 return this.values();
11281 };
11282 function $s(t, e) {
11283 this._property = t, this._expr = e instanceof Wi ? e : new Wi(e);
11284 }
11285 R($s, ds);
11286 T.StyleDeclaration = $s;
11287 $s.prototype.clone = function(t, e) {
11288 return e || (e = this._expr.clone()), (typeof e == "string" || typeof e == "number") && (e = [e]), !(e instanceof Array) && (!(e instanceof jt) || e instanceof d2) && (e = [e]), new $s(this._property.clone(t), e);
11289 };
11290 $s.prototype.visit = function(t, e) {
11291 var r = this, i;
11292 let s = t.theme(), n = t.parent(), o = String(r._property.name()), a = s.expandProperty(o);
11293 if (r._expr && r._expr.traverse({rule: e.rule, rootRule: e.rootRule, decl: r, property: r._property}), a instanceof Array) {
11294 n.replace(r, a.map(function(p) {
11295 return r.clone(p);
11296 }));
11297 return;
11298 } else
11299 a && a != o && (r._property = r._property.clone(a));
11300 let l = String(a || o).replace(/-/g, "_");
11301 if (r._expr && r._expr.traverse({decl: r, property: r._property}), s[l] && !r.option("plain")) {
11302 let p = s[l].apply(s, r._expr.toArray()), c = [];
11303 if (p instanceof Array)
11304 r._expr = new Wi(p);
11305 else if (p instanceof Object) {
11306 for (let _, f = 0, d = Object.keys(p), v = d.length, y; f < v; f++)
11307 if (y = d[f], _ = p[y], y.indexOf("&") >= 0) {
11308 let N = new Fa([]), b = new _r(Ot(y), N);
11309 c.push(b);
11310 for (let m, g = 0, S = Object.keys(_), k = S.length, E; g < k; g++)
11311 E = S[g], m = _[E], N.add(r.clone(E, m));
11312 } else
11313 c.push(r.clone(y, _).set({plain: y == o}));
11314 n.replace(r, c);
11315 return;
11316 }
11317 }
11318 if (r._expr && (r._expr.traverse({decl: r, property: r._property}), r._expr.set({parens: false})), e.styles) {
11319 let p = r._property.toKey(), c = r._expr;
11320 e.selector && (p = JSON.stringify([e.selector, p])), r._property.isUnit() && r._property.number() != 1 && (c = Ot("calc(" + c.c() + " / " + r._property.number() + ")")), e.styles[p] && (i = e.styles[p], delete e.styles[p]), e.styles[p] = c.c({property: r._property});
11321 }
11322 return r;
11323 };
11324 $s.prototype.toCSS = function() {
11325 return "" + this._property.c() + ": " + Ft.cary(this._expr).join(" ");
11326 };
11327 $s.prototype.toJSON = function() {
11328 return this.toCSS();
11329 };
11330 function ur(t) {
11331 var e;
11332 this._token = t, this._parts = String(this._token).replace(/(^|\b)\$/g, "--").split(/\b(?=[\.\@])/g);
11333 for (let r = 0, i = It(this._parts), s = i.length; r < s; r++)
11334 this._parts[r] = i[r].replace(/^\./, "@.");
11335 this._name = String(this._parts[0]), (e = this._name.match(/^(\d+)([a-zA-Z]+)$/)) && (this._number = parseInt(e[1]), this._unit = e[2]), this._name.match(/^[\w\-]/) || this._parts.unshift(this._name = null);
11336 }
11337 R(ur, ds);
11338 T.StyleProperty = ur;
11339 ur.prototype.name = function(t) {
11340 return this._name;
11341 };
11342 ur.prototype.setName = function(t) {
11343 return this._name = t, this;
11344 };
11345 ur.prototype.number = function(t) {
11346 return this._number;
11347 };
11348 ur.prototype.setNumber = function(t) {
11349 return this._number = t, this;
11350 };
11351 ur.prototype.unit = function(t) {
11352 return this._unit;
11353 };
11354 ur.prototype.setUnit = function(t) {
11355 return this._unit = t, this;
11356 };
11357 ur.prototype.setName = function(t) {
11358 var e;
11359 return (e = t.match(/^(\d+)([a-zA-Z]+)$/)) ? (this._number = parseInt(e[1]), this._unit = e[2]) : this._number = this._unit = null, this._name = t, this;
11360 };
11361 ur.prototype.name = function() {
11362 return this._name || (this._name = String(this._parts[0]));
11363 };
11364 ur.prototype.clone = function(t) {
11365 return new ur([t || this.name()].concat(this.modifiers()).join(""));
11366 };
11367 ur.prototype.addModifier = function(t) {
11368 return this._parts.push(t), this;
11369 };
11370 ur.prototype.isUnit = function() {
11371 return this._unit;
11372 };
11373 ur.prototype.modifiers = function() {
11374 return this._parts.slice(1);
11375 };
11376 ur.prototype.toJSON = function() {
11377 return this.name() + this.modifiers().join("\xA7");
11378 };
11379 ur.prototype.toString = function() {
11380 return this.name() + this.modifiers().join("\xA7");
11381 };
11382 ur.prototype.toKey = function() {
11383 return [this.isUnit() ? "--u_" + this._unit : this.name()].concat(this.modifiers()).join("\xA7");
11384 };
11385 ur.prototype.c = function() {
11386 return this.toString();
11387 };
11388 function m2(t) {
11389 this._name = t, String(t)[0] == "$" && (this._name = "--" + String(t).slice(1));
11390 }
11391 R(m2, ds);
11392 T.StylePropertyIdentifier = m2;
11393 m2.prototype.toJSON = function() {
11394 return String(this._name);
11395 };
11396 m2.prototype.toString = function() {
11397 return String(this._name);
11398 };
11399 function y2(t) {
11400 this._name = t;
11401 }
11402 R(y2, ds);
11403 T.StylePropertyModifier = y2;
11404 y2.prototype.toJSON = function() {
11405 return String(this._name);
11406 };
11407 y2.prototype.toString = function() {
11408 return String(this._name);
11409 };
11410 function Wi() {
11411 return jt.apply(this, arguments);
11412 }
11413 R(Wi, jt);
11414 T.StyleExpressions = Wi;
11415 Wi.prototype.load = function(t) {
11416 return t instanceof Array && (t = t.map(function(e) {
11417 return e instanceof mr ? e : new mr(e);
11418 })), [].concat(t);
11419 };
11420 Wi.prototype.c = function(t) {
11421 let e = Ft.cary(this._nodes, t).join(", ");
11422 return this.option("parens") && (e = "( " + e + " )"), e;
11423 };
11424 Wi.prototype.clone = function() {
11425 return new Wi(this._nodes.slice(0));
11426 };
11427 Wi.prototype.toArray = function() {
11428 return this._nodes.filter(function(t) {
11429 return t instanceof mr;
11430 }).map(function(t) {
11431 return t.toArray();
11432 });
11433 };
11434 function mr() {
11435 return jt.apply(this, arguments);
11436 }
11437 R(mr, jt);
11438 T.StyleExpression = mr;
11439 mr.prototype.load = function(t) {
11440 return [].concat(t);
11441 };
11442 mr.prototype.toString = function() {
11443 return Ft.cary(this._nodes).join(" ");
11444 };
11445 mr.prototype.toArray = function() {
11446 return this._nodes.slice(0);
11447 };
11448 mr.prototype.clone = function() {
11449 return new mr(this._nodes.slice(0));
11450 };
11451 mr.prototype.c = function(t) {
11452 return t && t.as == "js" ? Ft.cary(this._nodes, t).join(" ") : this.toString();
11453 };
11454 mr.prototype.toJSON = function() {
11455 return this.toString();
11456 };
11457 mr.prototype.toArray = function() {
11458 return this._nodes;
11459 };
11460 mr.prototype.toIterable = function() {
11461 return this._nodes;
11462 };
11463 mr.prototype.addParam = function(t, e) {
11464 return t._op = e, this.last().addParam(t), this;
11465 };
11466 mr.prototype.reclaimParams = function() {
11467 let t = this.filter(function(e) {
11468 return e.param;
11469 });
11470 for (let e = 0, r = It(t), i = r.length, s; e < i; e++) {
11471 s = r[e];
11472 let n = s.param, o = n._op;
11473 this.add([o, n], {after: s}), s._params = [];
11474 }
11475 };
11476 mr.prototype.visit = function(t, e) {
11477 if (e && e.property) {
11478 let r = e.property._name;
11479 (r == "gt" || r == "grid-template") && this.reclaimParams();
11480 }
11481 return mr.prototype.__super__.visit.apply(this, arguments);
11482 };
11483 function d2() {
11484 return jt.apply(this, arguments);
11485 }
11486 R(d2, jt);
11487 T.StyleCalc = d2;
11488 d2.prototype.c = function(t) {
11489 return t && t.as == "js" ? Ft.cary(this._nodes, t).join(" ") : "calc(" + Ft.cary(this._nodes, t).join(" ") + ")";
11490 };
11491 function Xe() {
11492 return Kt.apply(this, arguments);
11493 }
11494 R(Xe, Kt);
11495 T.StyleTerm = Xe;
11496 Xe.prototype.valueOf = function() {
11497 return String(this._value);
11498 };
11499 Xe.prototype.toString = function() {
11500 return String(this._value);
11501 };
11502 Xe.prototype.toRaw = function() {
11503 return this.valueOf();
11504 };
11505 Xe.prototype.toAlpha = function() {
11506 return this.toString();
11507 };
11508 Xe.prototype.visit = function(t, e) {
11509 this._token = this._value, this._property = e.property, this._propname = e.property && e.property._name, this.alone = t.up().values().length == 1;
11510 let r = t.theme().$value(this, 0, this._propname);
11511 return t.up(jn) || (this._resolvedValue = r), this;
11512 };
11513 Object.defineProperty(Xe.prototype, "param", {get: function() {
11514 return this._params && this._params[0];
11515 }, configurable: true});
11516 Xe.prototype.kind = function() {
11517 return this._kind;
11518 };
11519 Xe.prototype.runtimeValue = function() {
11520 return this.value();
11521 };
11522 Xe.prototype.addParam = function(t) {
11523 return this._params || (this._params = []), this._params.push(t), this;
11524 };
11525 Xe.prototype.c = function(t) {
11526 return this._resolvedValue && !(this._resolvedValue instanceof J) ? Fs(this._resolvedValue) : this.valueOf();
11527 };
11528 function ms() {
11529 return Xe.apply(this, arguments);
11530 }
11531 R(ms, Xe);
11532 T.StyleInterpolationExpression = ms;
11533 ms.prototype.name = function(t) {
11534 return this._name;
11535 };
11536 ms.prototype.setName = function(t) {
11537 return this._name = t, this;
11538 };
11539 ms.prototype.loc = function() {
11540 return [this._startLoc, this._endLoc];
11541 };
11542 ms.prototype.visit = function(t, e) {
11543 return ms.prototype.__super__.visit.apply(this, arguments), e.rootRule && e.rootRule.addPlaceholder(this), this._id = "" + this.sourceId() + "_" + this.oid(), this._name = "--" + this._id, this._runtimeValue = this.value();
11544 };
11545 ms.prototype.runtimeValue = function() {
11546 return this._runtimeValue;
11547 };
11548 ms.prototype.c = function() {
11549 return "var(--" + this._id + ")";
11550 };
11551 function jn(t, e) {
11552 this._name = t, this._params = e;
11553 }
11554 R(jn, J);
11555 T.StyleFunction = jn;
11556 jn.prototype.kind = function() {
11557 return "function";
11558 };
11559 jn.prototype.visit = function(t, e) {
11560 return this._params && this._params.traverse && this._params.traverse(), this;
11561 };
11562 jn.prototype.toString = function() {
11563 return this.c();
11564 };
11565 jn.prototype.c = function(t) {
11566 let e = String(this._name), r = this._params.c();
11567 if (e == "url")
11568 return yo("" + e + "(" + pa.strip(r) + ")", "path");
11569 let i = "" + e + "(" + r + ")";
11570 return t && t.as == "js" && (i = be.singlequote(i)), i;
11571 };
11572 function vc() {
11573 return Kt.apply(this, arguments);
11574 }
11575 R(vc, Kt);
11576 T.StyleURL = vc;
11577 vc.prototype.c = function() {
11578 let t = String(this._value);
11579 return yo(pa.strip(t), "path");
11580 };
11581 function tn() {
11582 return Xe.apply(this, arguments);
11583 }
11584 R(tn, Xe);
11585 T.StyleIdentifier = tn;
11586 tn.prototype.color = function(t) {
11587 return this._color;
11588 };
11589 tn.prototype.setColor = function(t) {
11590 return this._color = t, this;
11591 };
11592 tn.prototype.visit = function(t) {
11593 var e;
11594 let r = this.toString();
11595 return r == "black" || r == "white" ? (e = t.theme().$color(r)) && this.setColor(this.param ? e.alpha(this.param.toAlpha()) : e) : r.match(/^[a-zA-Z]+\d$/) && (this.setColor("/*#*/" + r), this.param && this.setColor(this.color() + "/" + this.param.toAlpha())), tn.prototype.__super__.visit.apply(this, arguments);
11596 };
11597 tn.prototype.c = function(t) {
11598 if (this.color())
11599 return this.color().toString();
11600 let e = this.toString();
11601 return e[0] == "$" ? (e = "var(--" + e.slice(1) + ")", t && t.as == "js" && (e = be.singlequote(e)), e) : tn.prototype.__super__.c.apply(this, arguments);
11602 };
11603 function gf() {
11604 return Xe.apply(this, arguments);
11605 }
11606 R(gf, Xe);
11607 T.StyleString = gf;
11608 function vf() {
11609 return Xe.apply(this, arguments);
11610 }
11611 R(vf, Xe);
11612 T.StyleColor = vf;
11613 function bc() {
11614 return Xe.apply(this, arguments);
11615 }
11616 R(bc, Xe);
11617 T.StyleVar = bc;
11618 bc.prototype.c = function(t) {
11619 return this.toString();
11620 };
11621 var v9 = "cm mm Q in pc pt px em ex ch rem vw vh vmin vmax % s ms fr deg rad grad turn Hz kHz".split(" ");
11622 function jr(t) {
11623 this._value = t;
11624 let e = String(t).match(/^([\-\+]?[\d\.]*)([a-zA-Z]+|%)?$/);
11625 this._number = parseFloat(e[1]), this._unit = e[2] || null;
11626 }
11627 R(jr, Xe);
11628 T.StyleDimension = jr;
11629 jr.prototype.unit = function(t) {
11630 return this._unit;
11631 };
11632 jr.prototype.setUnit = function(t) {
11633 return this._unit = t, this;
11634 };
11635 jr.prototype.number = function(t) {
11636 return this._number;
11637 };
11638 jr.prototype.setNumber = function(t) {
11639 return this._number = t, this;
11640 };
11641 jr.prototype.clone = function(t, e) {
11642 t === void 0 && (t = this._number), e === void 0 && (e = this._unit);
11643 let r = new jr(this.value());
11644 return r._unit = e, r._number = t, r;
11645 };
11646 jr.prototype.toString = function() {
11647 return "" + this._number + (this._unit || "");
11648 };
11649 jr.prototype.toRaw = function() {
11650 return this._unit ? this.toString() : this._number;
11651 };
11652 jr.prototype.c = function(t) {
11653 let e = this._resolvedValue && !(this._resolvedValue instanceof J) ? Fs(this._resolvedValue) : this.valueOf();
11654 return t && t.as == "js" && this._unit && (e = be.singlequote(e)), e;
11655 };
11656 jr.prototype.valueOf = function() {
11657 return this.unit() == "u" ? this.number() * 4 + "px" : this.unit() == null ? this.number() : ha(this.unit(), v9) >= 0 ? String(this._value) : "calc(var(--u_" + this.unit() + ",1" + this.unit() + ") * " + this._number + ")";
11658 };
11659 jr.prototype.toAlpha = function() {
11660 return this.unit() ? this.valueOf() : this.number() + "%";
11661 };
11662 function bf() {
11663 return jr.apply(this, arguments);
11664 }
11665 R(bf, jr);
11666 T.StyleNumber = bf;
11667 function Ht(t) {
11668 this._args = t;
11669 }
11670 R(Ht, J);
11671 T.Util = Ht;
11672 Ht.prototype.args = function(t) {
11673 return this._args;
11674 };
11675 Ht.prototype.setArgs = function(t) {
11676 return this._args = t, this;
11677 };
11678 Ht.extend = function(t, e) {
11679 return new Ht.Extend([t, e]);
11680 };
11681 Ht.callImba = function(t, e, r) {
11682 return He(Z(".", t.imba(), new At(e)), r);
11683 };
11684 Ht.repeat = function(t, e) {
11685 for (var r = ""; e > 0; )
11686 e % 2 == 1 && (r += t), t += t, e >>= 1;
11687 return r;
11688 };
11689 Ht.keys = function(t) {
11690 var e = new Ys("Object"), r = new At("keys");
11691 return He(Z(".", e, r), [t]);
11692 };
11693 Ht.len = function(t, e) {
11694 var r = new At("length"), i = Z(".", t, r);
11695 return e && i.cache({force: true, pool: "len"}), i;
11696 };
11697 Ht.indexOf = function(t, e) {
11698 var r = new Ht.IndexOf([t, e]);
11699 return r;
11700 };
11701 Ht.slice = function(t, e, r) {
11702 var i = new At("slice");
11703 return console.log("slice " + e + " " + r), He(Z(".", t, i), Ft.compact([e, r]));
11704 };
11705 Ht.iterable = function(t, e) {
11706 if (C.tsc())
11707 return t;
11708 var r = new Ht.Iterable([t]);
11709 return e && r.cache({force: true, pool: "iter"}), r;
11710 };
11711 Ht.counter = function(t, e) {
11712 var r = new Ae(t);
11713 return e && r.cache({force: true, pool: "counter"}), r;
11714 };
11715 Ht.array = function(t, e) {
11716 var r = new Ht.Array([t]);
11717 return e && r.cache({force: true, pool: "list"}), r;
11718 };
11719 Ht.prototype.name = function() {
11720 return "requireDefault$";
11721 };
11722 Ht.prototype.js = function() {
11723 return this.scope__().root().helper(this, this.helper()), "" + this.name() + "(" + this._args.map(function(t) {
11724 return t.c();
11725 }).join(",") + ")";
11726 };
11727 var kf = {setField: `(target,key,value,o){
11728 Object.defineProperty(target,key,{value:value});
11729};`, unit: `(value,unit){
11730 return value + unit;
11731};`, optNegIndex: "(value,index){ return value ? value[value.length + index] : null };", negIndex: "(value,index){ return value[value.length + index] };", extendTag: `(el,cls){
11732 Object.defineProperties(el,Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(cls.prototype));
11733 return el;
11734};`, initField: `(target,key,o){
11735 Object.defineProperty(target,key,o);
11736};`, watcher: `(k,w){
11737 return { enumerable:true,
11738 set(v){var o=this[k]; (v===o)||(this[k]=v,this[w]({value:v,oldValue:o}));},
11739 get(){ return this[k] }
11740 };
11741};`, decorate: `(decorators,target,key,desc){
11742 var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d;
11743 if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);
11744 else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;
11745 return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;
11746};`, contains: `(a,b){
11747 var res = (b && b.indexOf) ? b.indexOf(a) : [].indexOf.call(a,b);
11748 return res >= 0;
11749};`, requireDefault: `(obj){
11750 return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj };
11751};`, virtualSuper: `(target){
11752 var up = Object.getPrototypeOf(target);
11753 var supers = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(target);
11755 const map = new WeakMap();
11756 const obj = Object.defineProperties(Object.create(up), supers);
11758 const proxy = {
11759 apply: (self, key, ...params) => { return obj[key].apply(self, params) },
11760 get: (self, key) => { return Reflect.get(obj, key, self); },
11761 set: (self, key, value, receiver) => { return Reflect.set(obj, key, value, self);}
11762 }
11764 return function (s) {
11765 return map.get(s) || map.set(s, new Proxy(s, proxy)) && map.get(s);
11766 }
11768 Ht.Helper = function() {
11769 return Ht.apply(this, arguments);
11770 };
11771 R(Ht.Helper, Ht);
11772 Ht.Helper.prototype.name = function() {
11773 return this.option("name");
11774 };
11775 Ht.Helper.prototype.helper = function() {
11776 return this.option("helper");
11777 };
11778 for (let t, e = 0, r = Object.keys(kf), i = r.length, s; e < i; e++)
11779 s = r[e], t = kf[s], Ht[s] = function() {
11780 for (var n = arguments, o = n.length, a = new Array(o > 0 ? o : 0); o > 0; )
11781 a[o - 1] = n[--o];
11782 let l = "function " + s + "$__" + t;
11783 return new Ht.Helper(a).set({name: s + "$__", helper: l});
11784 };
11785 Ht.Extend = function() {
11786 return Ht.apply(this, arguments);
11787 };
11788 R(Ht.Extend, Ht);
11789 Ht.Extend.prototype.helper = function() {
11790 return `function extend$__(target,ext){
11791 // @ts-ignore
11792 const descriptors = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(ext);
11793 delete descriptors.constructor;
11794 // @ts-ignore
11795 Object.defineProperties(target,descriptors);
11796 return target;
11798 };
11799 Ht.Extend.prototype.js = function(t) {
11800 return this.scope__().root().helper(this, this.helper()), "extend$__(" + Ft.compact(Ft.cary(this.args())).join(",") + ")";
11801 };
11802 Ht.IndexOf = function() {
11803 return Ht.apply(this, arguments);
11804 };
11805 R(Ht.IndexOf, Ht);
11806 Ht.IndexOf.prototype.helper = function() {
11807 return `function idx$__(a,b){
11808 return (b && b.indexOf) ? b.indexOf(a) : [].indexOf.call(a,b);
11810 };
11811 Ht.IndexOf.prototype.js = function(t) {
11812 return this.scope__().root().helper(this, this.helper()), "idx$__(" + this.args().map(function(e) {
11813 return e.c();
11814 }).join(",") + ")";
11815 };
11816 Ht.Promisify = function() {
11817 return Ht.apply(this, arguments);
11818 };
11819 R(Ht.Promisify, Ht);
11820 Ht.Promisify.prototype.helper = function() {
11821 return `function promise$__(a){
11822 if(a instanceof Array){
11823 console.warn("await (Array) is deprecated - use await Promise.all(Array)");
11824 return Promise.all(a);
11825 } else {
11826 return (a && a.then ? a : Promise.resolve(a));
11827 }
11829 };
11830 Ht.Promisify.prototype.js = function(t) {
11831 return this.scope__().root().helper(this, this.helper()), "promise$__(" + this.args().map(function(e) {
11832 return e.c();
11833 }).join(",") + ")";
11834 };
11835 Ht.Iterable = function() {
11836 return Ht.apply(this, arguments);
11837 };
11838 R(Ht.Iterable, Ht);
11839 Ht.Iterable.prototype.helper = function() {
11840 return "function iter$__(a){ let v; return a ? ((v=a.toIterable) ? v.call(a) : a) : []; };";
11841 };
11842 Ht.Iterable.prototype.js = function(t) {
11843 return this.args()[0] instanceof je ? this.args()[0].c() : (this.scope__().root().helper(this, this.helper()), "iter$__(" + this.args()[0].c() + ")");
11844 };
11845 Ht.IsFunction = function() {
11846 return Ht.apply(this, arguments);
11847 };
11848 R(Ht.IsFunction, Ht);
11849 Ht.IsFunction.prototype.js = function(t) {
11850 return "" + this.args()[0].c();
11851 };
11852 Ht.Array = function() {
11853 return Ht.apply(this, arguments);
11854 };
11855 R(Ht.Array, Ht);
11856 Ht.Array.prototype.js = function(t) {
11857 return "new Array(" + this.args().map(function(e) {
11858 return e.c();
11859 }) + ")";
11860 };
11861 function Ma(t) {
11862 return this._root = t, this._map = [], this;
11863 }
11864 Ma.prototype.add = function(t, e) {
11865 return this._map[t] = e, this._map.indexOf(e) < 0 && this._map.push(e), this;
11866 };
11867 Ma.prototype.lookup = function(t) {
11868 return this._map[t];
11869 };
11870 Ma.prototype.plain = function() {
11871 return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this._map));
11872 };
11873 Ma.prototype.toJSON = function() {
11874 return this._map;
11875 };
11876 function Pa(t) {
11877 return this._root = t, this._map = {}, this;
11878 }
11879 Pa.prototype.add = function(t, e) {
11880 return this._map[t] = e, this;
11881 };
11882 Pa.prototype.register = function(t) {
11883 var e = t.namepath();
11884 return this._map[e] || (this._map[e] = t), this;
11885 };
11886 Pa.prototype.plain = function() {
11887 return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this._map));
11888 };
11889 Pa.prototype.toJSON = function() {
11890 return this._map;
11891 };
11892 function Rt(t, e) {
11893 this._nr = C.incr("scopes"), this._head = [], this._node = t, this._parent = e, this._vars = new Mi([]), this._entities = new Ma(this), this._meta = {}, this._annotations = [], this._closure = this, this._virtual = false, this._counter = 0, this._varmap = {}, this._counters = {}, this._varpool = [], this._refcounter = 0, this._declListeners = [], this._level = (e ? e._level : -1) + 1, this.setup();
11894 }
11895 T.Scope = Rt;
11896 Rt.prototype.level = function(t) {
11897 return this._level;
11898 };
11899 Rt.prototype.setLevel = function(t) {
11900 return this._level = t, this;
11901 };
11902 Rt.prototype.context = function(t) {
11903 return this._context;
11904 };
11905 Rt.prototype.setContext = function(t) {
11906 return this._context = t, this;
11907 };
11908 Rt.prototype.node = function(t) {
11909 return this._node;
11910 };
11911 Rt.prototype.setNode = function(t) {
11912 return this._node = t, this;
11913 };
11914 Rt.prototype.parent = function(t) {
11915 return this._parent;
11916 };
11917 Rt.prototype.setParent = function(t) {
11918 return this._parent = t, this;
11919 };
11920 Rt.prototype.varmap = function(t) {
11921 return this._varmap;
11922 };
11923 Rt.prototype.setVarmap = function(t) {
11924 return this._varmap = t, this;
11925 };
11926 Rt.prototype.varpool = function(t) {
11927 return this._varpool;
11928 };
11929 Rt.prototype.setVarpool = function(t) {
11930 return this._varpool = t, this;
11931 };
11932 Rt.prototype.params = function(t) {
11933 return this._params;
11934 };
11935 Rt.prototype.setParams = function(t) {
11936 return this._params = t, this;
11937 };
11938 Rt.prototype.head = function(t) {
11939 return this._head;
11940 };
11941 Rt.prototype.setHead = function(t) {
11942 return this._head = t, this;
11943 };
11944 Rt.prototype.vars = function(t) {
11945 return this._vars;
11946 };
11947 Rt.prototype.setVars = function(t) {
11948 return this._vars = t, this;
11949 };
11950 Rt.prototype.counter = function(t) {
11951 return this._counter;
11952 };
11953 Rt.prototype.setCounter = function(t) {
11954 return this._counter = t, this;
11955 };
11956 Rt.prototype.entities = function(t) {
11957 return this._entities;
11958 };
11959 Rt.prototype.setEntities = function(t) {
11960 return this._entities = t, this;
11961 };
11962 Rt.prototype.p = function() {
11963 return C.loglevel() > 0 && console.log.apply(console, arguments), this;
11964 };
11965 Rt.prototype.oid = function() {
11966 return this._oid || (this._oid = C.generateId(""));
11967 };
11968 Rt.prototype.stack = function() {
11969 return C;
11970 };
11971 Rt.prototype.kind = function() {
11972 return this._kind || (this._kind = this.constructor.name.replace("Scope", "").toLowerCase());
11973 };
11974 Rt.prototype.runtime = function() {
11975 return this.root().runtime();
11976 };
11977 Rt.prototype.setup = function() {
11978 return this._selfless = true;
11979 };
11980 Rt.prototype.incr = function(t) {
11981 t === void 0 && (t = "i");
11982 var e = this._counters[t] || (this._counters[t] = 0);
11983 return this._counters[t]++, e;
11984 };
11985 Rt.prototype.nextShortRef = function() {
11986 return Ft.counterToShortRef(this._refcounter++);
11987 };
11988 Rt.prototype.memovar = function(t, e) {
11989 this._memovars || (this._memovars = {});
11990 let r = this._memovars[t];
11991 return r || (r = this._memovars[t] = this.declare(r, e)), r;
11992 };
11993 Rt.prototype.captureVariableDeclarations = function(t) {
11994 let e = [];
11995 return this._declListeners.push(e), t(), this._declListeners.pop(), e;
11996 };
11997 Rt.prototype.meta = function(t, e) {
11998 return e != null ? (this._meta[t] = e, this) : this._meta[t];
11999 };
12000 Rt.prototype.namepath = function() {
12001 return "?";
12002 };
12003 Rt.prototype.cssid = function() {
12004 return this._cssid || (this._cssid = "" + this.root().sourceId() + "-" + this.oid());
12005 };
12006 Rt.prototype.cssns = function() {
12007 return this._cssns || (this._cssns = "" + this.root().sourceId() + "_" + this.oid());
12008 };
12009 Rt.prototype.tagCache = function() {
12010 return this._tagCache || (this._tagCache = this.declare("\u03F2\u03C4", Ot("" + this.runtime().getRenderContext + "()"), {system: true, temporary: true, alias: "\u03F2\u03C4"}));
12011 };
12012 Rt.prototype.tagTempCache = function() {
12013 return this._tagTempCache || (this._tagTempCache = this.declare("\u03F2\u03C4\u03C4", Ot("{}"), {system: true, temporary: true, alias: "\u03F2\u03C4\u03C4"}));
12014 };
12015 Rt.prototype.context = function() {
12016 return this._context || (this.selfless() ? this._context = this.parent().context().fromScope(this) : this._context = new rr(this)), this._context;
12017 };
12018 Rt.prototype.traverse = function() {
12019 return this;
12020 };
12021 Rt.prototype.visit = function() {
12022 return this._parent ? this : (this._parent = C.scope(1), this._level = C.scopes().length - 1, C.addScope(this), this.root().scopes().push(this), this);
12023 };
12024 Rt.prototype.wrap = function(t) {
12025 return this._parent = t._parent, t._parent = this, this;
12026 };
12027 Rt.prototype.virtualize = function() {
12028 return this;
12029 };
12030 Rt.prototype.root = function() {
12031 return C.ROOT;
12032 var t;
12033 };
12034 Rt.prototype.register = function(t, e, r) {
12035 if (e === void 0 && (e = null), r === void 0 && (r = {}), t || (r.system = true), r.system)
12036 return new (r.varclass || en)(this, t, e, r);
12037 t = Ft.sym(t);
12038 var i = this._varmap.hasOwnProperty(t) && this._varmap[t];
12039 if (i && e && i.type() != "global" && e.error("Cannot redeclare variable"), i && !r.unique && i.type() != "global")
12040 return i;
12041 let s = r.lookup && this.parent() && this.parent().lookup(t);
12042 var n = new (r.varclass || Mt)(this, t, e, r);
12043 if (s && (n._parent = s), !r.system && (!i || i.type() == "global") && (this._varmap[t] = n), C.state() && C.state().variables instanceof Array && C.state().variables.push(n), this._declListeners.length)
12044 for (let o = 0, a = It(this._declListeners), l = a.length; o < l; o++)
12045 a[o].push(n);
12046 return n;
12047 };
12048 Rt.prototype.annotate = function(t) {
12049 return this._annotations.push(t), this;
12050 };
12051 Rt.prototype.declare = function(t, e, r) {
12052 var i;
12053 e === void 0 && (e = null), r === void 0 && (r = {});
12054 var s = t instanceof Mt ? t : this.register(t, null, r), n = this._vars.add(s, e);
12055 return (i = s.declarator()) || s.setDeclarator(n), s;
12056 };
12057 Rt.prototype.reusevar = function(t) {
12058 return this.temporary(null, {reuse: true}, t);
12059 };
12060 Rt.prototype.temporary = function(t, e, r) {
12061 if (e === void 0 && (e = {}), r === void 0 && (r = null), this._systemscope && this._systemscope != this)
12062 return this._systemscope.temporary(t, e, r);
12063 if (r || (r = e.name), e.temporary = true, r && e.reuse && this._vars["_temp_" + r])
12064 return this._vars["_temp_" + r];
12065 if (e.pool) {
12066 for (let s = 0, n = It(this._varpool), o = n.length, a; s < o; s++)
12067 if (a = n[s], a.pool() == e.pool && a.declarator() == null)
12068 return a.reuse(t);
12069 }
12070 var i = new en(this, r, t, e);
12071 return this._varpool.push(i), this._vars.push(i), r && e.reuse && (this._vars["_temp_" + r] = i), i;
12072 };
12073 Rt.prototype.lookup = function(t) {
12074 this._lookups || (this._lookups = {});
12075 var e = null;
12076 return t = Ft.sym(t), this._varmap.hasOwnProperty(t) ? e = this._varmap[t] : (e = this.parent() && this.parent().lookup(t), e && (this._nonlocals || (this._nonlocals = {}), this._nonlocals[t] = e)), e;
12077 };
12078 Rt.prototype.requires = function(t, e) {
12079 return e === void 0 && (e = ""), this.root().requires(t, e);
12080 };
12081 Rt.prototype.imba = function() {
12082 return this._imba || this.imbaDependency("core"), C.meta().universal = false, this._imba || (this._imba = C.isNode() ? Ot("(this && this[" + this.root().symbolRef("#imba").c() + "] || globalThis[" + this.root().symbolRef("#imba").c() + "])") : Ot("imba"));
12083 };
12084 Rt.prototype.imbaDependency = function() {
12085 for (var t, e = arguments, r = e.length, i = new Array(r > 0 ? r : 0); r > 0; )
12086 i[r - 1] = e[--r];
12087 return (t = this.root()).imbaDependency.apply(t, i);
12088 };
12089 Rt.prototype.autodeclare = function(t) {
12090 return this.vars().add(t);
12091 };
12092 Rt.prototype.free = function(t) {
12093 return t.free(), this;
12094 };
12095 Rt.prototype.selfless = function() {
12096 return !!this._selfless;
12097 };
12098 Rt.prototype.closure = function() {
12099 return this._closure;
12100 };
12101 Rt.prototype.finalize = function() {
12102 return this;
12103 };
12104 Rt.prototype.klass = function() {
12105 for (var t = this; t; )
12106 if (t = t.parent(), t instanceof Ai)
12107 return t;
12108 return null;
12109 };
12110 Rt.prototype.head = function() {
12111 return [this._vars, this._params];
12112 };
12113 Rt.prototype.c = function(t) {
12114 var e;
12115 return t === void 0 && (t = {}), t.expression = false, this.node().body().setHead(this.head()), e = this.node().body().c(t);
12116 };
12117 Rt.prototype.region = function() {
12118 return this.node().body().region();
12119 };
12120 Rt.prototype.loc = function() {
12121 return this.node().loc();
12122 };
12123 Rt.prototype.dump = function() {
12124 var t = this, e = Object.keys(t._varmap).map(function(i) {
12125 var s = t._varmap[i];
12126 return s.references().length ? Ft.dump(s) : null;
12127 }), r = {nr: t._nr, type: t.constructor.name, level: t.level() || 0, vars: Ft.compact(e), loc: t.loc()};
12128 return r;
12129 };
12130 Rt.prototype.toJSON = function() {
12131 return this.dump();
12132 };
12133 Rt.prototype.toString = function() {
12134 return "" + this.constructor.name;
12135 };
12136 Rt.prototype.closeScope = function() {
12137 return this;
12138 };
12139 function le() {
12140 le.prototype.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments), this.register("global", this, {type: "global"})._c = "globalThis", this.REQUIRE = this.register("require", this, {type: "global"}), this.IMPORT = this.register("import", this, {type: "global"}), this.MODULE = this.register("module", this, {type: "global"}), this.register("window", this, {type: "global", varclass: g2}), this.setDocument(this.register("document", this, {type: "global", varclass: Va})), this.register("exports", this, {type: "global"}), this.register("console", this, {type: "global"}), this.register("process", this, {type: "global"}), this.register("parseInt", this, {type: "global"}), this.register("parseFloat", this, {type: "global"}), this.register("setTimeout", this, {type: "global"}), this.register("setInterval", this, {type: "global"}), this.register("setImmediate", this, {type: "global"}), this.register("clearTimeout", this, {type: "global"}), this.register("clearInterval", this, {type: "global"}), this.register("clearImmediate", this, {type: "global"}), this.register("globalThis", this, {type: "global"}), this.register("isNaN", this, {type: "global"}), this.register("isFinite", this, {type: "global"}), this.register("__dirname", this, {type: "global"}), this.register("__filename", this, {type: "global"}), this.register("__realname", this, {type: "global"})._c = "__filename", this.register("__pure__", this, {type: "global", varclass: kc})._c = "/* @__PURE__ */", this.register("_", this, {type: "global"}), this._requires = {}, this._warnings = [], this._scopes = [], this._helpers = [], this._assets = {}, this._selfless = true, this._implicitAccessors = [], this._entities = new Pa(this), this._object = ze.wrap({}), this._head = [this._vars], this._dependencies = {}, this._symbolRefs = {}, this._importProxies = {}, this._vars.setSplit(true), this._imba = this.register("imba", this, {type: "global", varclass: zs, path: "imba"}), this._runtime = this._imba.proxy();
12141 }
12142 R(le, Rt);
12143 T.RootScope = le;
12144 le.prototype.warnings = function(t) {
12145 return this._warnings;
12146 };
12147 le.prototype.setWarnings = function(t) {
12148 return this._warnings = t, this;
12149 };
12150 le.prototype.scopes = function(t) {
12151 return this._scopes;
12152 };
12153 le.prototype.setScopes = function(t) {
12154 return this._scopes = t, this;
12155 };
12156 le.prototype.entities = function(t) {
12157 return this._entities;
12158 };
12159 le.prototype.setEntities = function(t) {
12160 return this._entities = t, this;
12161 };
12162 le.prototype.object = function(t) {
12163 return this._object;
12164 };
12165 le.prototype.setObject = function(t) {
12166 return this._object = t, this;
12167 };
12168 le.prototype.options = function(t) {
12169 return this._options;
12170 };
12171 le.prototype.setOptions = function(t) {
12172 return this._options = t, this;
12173 };
12174 le.prototype.assets = function(t) {
12175 return this._assets;
12176 };
12177 le.prototype.setAssets = function(t) {
12178 return this._assets = t, this;
12179 };
12180 le.prototype.document = function(t) {
12181 return this._document;
12182 };
12183 le.prototype.setDocument = function(t) {
12184 return this._document = t, this;
12185 };
12186 le.prototype.importProxy = function(t, e) {
12187 return this._importProxies[t] || (this._importProxies[t] = this.register("$" + t + "$", this, {type: "global", varclass: br, path: e || t}));
12188 };
12189 le.prototype.runtime = function() {
12190 return this._runtime;
12191 };
12192 le.prototype.use = function(t) {
12193 if (!C.tsc())
12194 return this._imba.touch("use_" + t);
12195 };
12196 le.prototype.sourceId = function() {
12197 return this._sourceId || (this._sourceId = C.sourceId());
12198 };
12199 le.prototype.cssns = function() {
12200 return this._cssns || (this._cssns = "" + this.sourceId() + "_");
12201 };
12202 le.prototype.sfco = function() {
12203 return this._sfco || (this._sfco = this.declare("sfc$", Ot("{/*$sfc$*/}")));
12204 };
12205 le.prototype.context = function() {
12206 return this._context || (this._context = new Io(this));
12207 };
12208 le.prototype.globalRef = function() {
12209 return this._globalRef || (this._globalRef = Ot("globalThis"));
12210 };
12211 le.prototype.activateExports = function() {
12212 if (C.cjs() && !this._hasExports)
12213 return this._hasExports = true, this._head.push(Ot('Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {value: true});'));
12214 };
12215 le.prototype.registerAsset = function(t, e, r) {
12216 let i = t + e;
12217 if (this._assets[i])
12218 return this._assets[i];
12219 let s = C.lastImport() || this.head(), n = this._assets[i] = {path: t, kind: e, external: true, context: r, ref: this.register("asset", null, {system: true})};
12220 return s.push(new Ao(n)), n;
12221 };
12222 le.prototype.lookup = function(t) {
12223 if (t = Ft.sym(t), this._varmap.hasOwnProperty(t))
12224 return this._varmap[t];
12225 };
12226 le.prototype.visit = function() {
12227 return C.addScope(this), this;
12228 };
12229 le.prototype.helper = function(t, e) {
12230 return this._helpers.indexOf(e) == -1 && this._helpers.push(e), this;
12231 };
12232 le.prototype.head = function() {
12233 return this._head;
12234 };
12235 le.prototype.dump = function() {
12236 var t = {autoself: this._implicitAccessors.map(function(r) {
12237 return r.dump();
12238 })};
12239 if (ls.analysis.scopes) {
12240 var e = this._scopes.map(function(r) {
12241 return r.dump();
12242 });
12243 e.unshift(le.prototype.__super__.dump.call(this)), t.scopes = e;
12244 }
12245 return ls.analysis.entities && (t.entities = this._entities), t;
12246 };
12247 le.prototype.requires = function(t, e) {
12248 var r, i;
12249 if (r = this.lookup(e))
12250 return r;
12251 if (r = this._requires[e]) {
12252 if (r._requirePath != t)
12253 throw new Error("" + e + " is already defined as require('" + r._requirePath + "')");
12254 return r;
12255 }
12256 var s = new _2(new de("'" + t + "'"));
12257 r = new Mt(this, e, null, {system: true});
12258 var n = this._vars.add(r, s);
12259 return (i = r.declarator()) || r.setDeclarator(n), r._requirePath = t, this._requires[e] = r, r;
12260 };
12261 le.prototype.imba = function() {
12262 return this._imba;
12263 };
12264 le.prototype.imbaDependency = function(t) {
12265 };
12266 le.prototype.symbolRef = function(t) {
12267 if (t = pa.strip(t), C.tsc())
12268 return this._symbolRefs[t] || (this._symbolRefs[t] = new At(t.slice(1) + "_$INTERNAL$_"));
12269 let e = this._symbolRefs;
12270 return e[t] || (e[t] = this.declare(null, Ot("Symbol.for('" + t + "')"), {type: "const", system: true, alias: c9(t)}));
12271 };
12272 le.prototype.c = function(t) {
12273 t === void 0 && (t = {}), t.expression = false;
12274 let e = this.node().body().c(t), r = C.css(), i = new Lt([]);
12275 i.setHead(this.head()), i.add(Ot(r.js(this, C)));
12276 let s = i.c(t) + `
12278` + e;
12279 return Ul(this._helpers) && (s = Ft.cary(this._helpers).join(`;
12280`) + `
12281` + s), s;
12282 };
12283 function v2() {
12284 return Rt.apply(this, arguments);
12285 }
12286 R(v2, Rt);
12287 T.ModuleScope = v2;
12288 v2.prototype.setup = function() {
12289 return this._selfless = false;
12290 };
12291 v2.prototype.namepath = function() {
12292 return this._node.namepath();
12293 };
12294 function Ai() {
12295 return Rt.apply(this, arguments);
12296 }
12297 R(Ai, Rt);
12298 T.ClassScope = Ai;
12299 Ai.prototype.setup = function() {
12300 return this._selfless = false;
12301 };
12302 Ai.prototype.namepath = function() {
12303 return this._node.namepath();
12304 };
12305 Ai.prototype.virtualize = function() {
12306 var t = this.parent();
12307 for (let e = this._varmap, r, i = 0, s = Object.keys(e), n = s.length, o; i < n; i++)
12308 o = s[i], r = e[o], r.resolve(t, true);
12309 return this;
12310 };
12311 Ai.prototype.prototype = function() {
12312 return this._prototype || (this._prototype = new Kt(Z(".", this.context(), "prototype")));
12313 };
12314 function Q1() {
12315 return Ai.apply(this, arguments);
12316 }
12317 R(Q1, Ai);
12318 T.TagScope = Q1;
12319 function xf() {
12320 return Rt.apply(this, arguments);
12321 }
12322 R(xf, Rt);
12323 T.ClosureScope = xf;
12324 function wa() {
12325 return Rt.apply(this, arguments);
12326 }
12327 R(wa, Rt);
12328 T.FunctionScope = wa;
12329 function $1() {
12330 return wa.apply(this, arguments);
12331 }
12332 R($1, wa);
12333 T.IsolatedFunctionScope = $1;
12334 $1.prototype.lookup = function(t) {
12335 this._lookups || (this._lookups = {});
12336 var e = null;
12337 if (t = Ft.sym(t), this._varmap.hasOwnProperty(t))
12338 e = this._varmap[t];
12339 else if (e = this.parent() && this.parent().lookup(t), e && e.closure() == this.parent().closure()) {
12340 this._leaks || (this._leaks = new Map()), this._nonlocals || (this._nonlocals = {}), this._nonlocals[t] = e;
12341 let r = this._leaks.get(e);
12342 r || this._leaks.set(e, r = new xc(this, t, e)), e = r;
12343 }
12344 return e;
12345 };
12346 function Bs() {
12347 return Rt.apply(this, arguments);
12348 }
12349 R(Bs, Rt);
12350 T.MethodScope = Bs;
12351 Bs.prototype.setup = function() {
12352 return this._selfless = false;
12353 };
12354 function ya() {
12355 return Rt.apply(this, arguments);
12356 }
12357 R(ya, Rt);
12358 T.FieldScope = ya;
12359 ya.prototype.setup = function() {
12360 return this._selfless = false;
12361 };
12362 ya.prototype.mergeScopeInto = function(t) {
12363 for (let e = this._varmap, r, i = 0, s = Object.keys(e), n = s.length, o; i < n; i++)
12364 o = s[i], r = e[o], o != "self" && (r.resolve(t, true), t.declare(r));
12365 return this._context && this._context._reference && (this._context._reference = t.context().reference()), true;
12366 };
12367 function ko() {
12368 return Rt.apply(this, arguments);
12369 }
12370 R(ko, Rt);
12371 T.LambdaScope = ko;
12372 ko.prototype.context = function() {
12373 return this._context || (this._context = this.parent().context().fromScope(this)), this._context;
12374 };
12375 function $e() {
12376 return Rt.apply(this, arguments);
12377 }
12378 R($e, Rt);
12379 T.FlowScope = $e;
12380 $e.prototype.params = function() {
12381 if (this._parent)
12382 return this._parent.params();
12383 };
12384 $e.prototype.register = function(t, e, r) {
12385 var i;
12386 return e === void 0 && (e = null), r === void 0 && (r = {}), r.type != "let" && r.type != "const" && this.closure() != this ? ((i = this.lookup(t)) && i.type() == "let" && e && e.warn("Variable already exists in block"), this.closure().register(t, e, r)) : $e.prototype.__super__.register.call(this, t, e, r);
12387 };
12388 $e.prototype.autodeclare = function(t) {
12389 return this.parent().autodeclare(t);
12390 };
12391 $e.prototype.closure = function() {
12392 return this._parent.closure();
12393 };
12394 $e.prototype.context = function() {
12395 return this._context || (this._context = this.parent().context());
12396 };
12397 $e.prototype.closeScope = function() {
12398 return this._context && this._context.reference(), this;
12399 };
12400 $e.prototype.temporary = function(t, e, r) {
12401 return e === void 0 && (e = {}), r === void 0 && (r = null), (this._systemscope || this.parent()).temporary(t, e, r);
12402 };
12403 function dc() {
12404 return $e.apply(this, arguments);
12405 }
12406 R(dc, $e);
12407 T.CatchScope = dc;
12408 function s2() {
12409 return $e.apply(this, arguments);
12410 }
12411 R(s2, $e);
12412 T.WhileScope = s2;
12413 s2.prototype.autodeclare = function(t) {
12414 return this.vars().add(t);
12415 };
12416 function n2() {
12417 return $e.apply(this, arguments);
12418 }
12419 R(n2, $e);
12420 T.ForScope = n2;
12421 n2.prototype.autodeclare = function(t) {
12422 return this.vars().add(t);
12423 };
12424 function pc() {
12425 return $e.apply(this, arguments);
12426 }
12427 R(pc, $e);
12428 T.IfScope = pc;
12429 function Ca() {
12430 return $e.apply(this, arguments);
12431 }
12432 R(Ca, $e);
12433 T.BlockScope = Ca;
12434 Ca.prototype.region = function() {
12435 return this.node().region();
12436 };
12437 function yc() {
12438 return $e.apply(this, arguments);
12439 }
12440 R(yc, $e);
12441 T.TagBodyScope = yc;
12442 function Mt(t, e, r, i) {
12443 this._ref = C._counter++, this._c = null, this._scope = t, this._name = e, this._alias = null, this._initialized = true, this._declarator = r, this._autodeclare = false, this._declared = i && i.declared || false, this._datatype = i && i.datatype, this._resolved = false, this._options = i || {}, this._type = i && i.type || "var", this._export = false, this._references = [], this._assignments = [];
12444 }
12445 R(Mt, J);
12446 T.Variable = Mt;
12447 Mt.prototype.scope = function(t) {
12448 return this._scope;
12449 };
12450 Mt.prototype.setScope = function(t) {
12451 return this._scope = t, this;
12452 };
12453 Mt.prototype.name = function(t) {
12454 return this._name;
12455 };
12456 Mt.prototype.setName = function(t) {
12457 return this._name = t, this;
12458 };
12459 Mt.prototype.alias = function(t) {
12460 return this._alias;
12461 };
12462 Mt.prototype.setAlias = function(t) {
12463 return this._alias = t, this;
12464 };
12465 Mt.prototype.type = function(t) {
12466 return this._type;
12467 };
12468 Mt.prototype.setType = function(t) {
12469 return this._type = t, this;
12470 };
12471 Mt.prototype.options = function(t) {
12472 return this._options;
12473 };
12474 Mt.prototype.setOptions = function(t) {
12475 return this._options = t, this;
12476 };
12477 Mt.prototype.initialized = function(t) {
12478 return this._initialized;
12479 };
12480 Mt.prototype.setInitialized = function(t) {
12481 return this._initialized = t, this;
12482 };
12483 Mt.prototype.declared = function(t) {
12484 return this._declared;
12485 };
12486 Mt.prototype.setDeclared = function(t) {
12487 return this._declared = t, this;
12488 };
12489 Mt.prototype.declarator = function(t) {
12490 return this._declarator;
12491 };
12492 Mt.prototype.setDeclarator = function(t) {
12493 return this._declarator = t, this;
12494 };
12495 Mt.prototype.autodeclare = function(t) {
12496 return this._autodeclare;
12497 };
12498 Mt.prototype.setAutodeclare = function(t) {
12499 return this._autodeclare = t, this;
12500 };
12501 Mt.prototype.references = function(t) {
12502 return this._references;
12503 };
12504 Mt.prototype.setReferences = function(t) {
12505 return this._references = t, this;
12506 };
12507 Mt.prototype.export = function(t) {
12508 return this._export;
12509 };
12510 Mt.prototype.setExport = function(t) {
12511 return this._export = t, this;
12512 };
12513 Mt.prototype.value = function(t) {
12514 return this._value;
12515 };
12516 Mt.prototype.setValue = function(t) {
12517 return this._value = t, this;
12518 };
12519 Mt.prototype.datatype = function(t) {
12520 return this._datatype;
12521 };
12522 Mt.prototype.setDatatype = function(t) {
12523 return this._datatype = t, this;
12524 };
12525 Mt.prototype.pool = function() {
12526 return null;
12527 };
12528 Mt.prototype.typedAlias = function() {
12529 return this._typedAlias || (this._typedAlias = new Mt(this._scope, this._name + "$TYPED$", this._declarator, this._options));
12530 };
12531 Mt.prototype.isGlobal = function(t) {
12532 return this._type == "global" && (!t || this._name == t);
12533 };
12534 Mt.prototype.closure = function() {
12535 return this._scope.closure();
12536 };
12537 Mt.prototype.assignments = function() {
12538 return this._assignments;
12539 };
12540 Mt.prototype.vartype = function() {
12541 return this._vartype || this._declarator && this._declarator.datatype && this._declarator.datatype();
12542 };
12543 Mt.prototype.assigned = function(t, e) {
12544 return this._assignments.push(t), t instanceof je ? this._isArray = true : this._isArray = false, this;
12545 };
12546 Mt.prototype.parents = function() {
12547 let t = [], e = this.closure().parent(), r = this;
12548 for (; e && r && t.length < 5; )
12549 if (console.log("get parents!!!"), r = e.lookup(this._name)) {
12550 t.unshift(r);
12551 let i = r.scope().parent();
12552 if (e == i)
12553 break;
12554 e = i;
12555 }
12556 return t;
12557 };
12558 Mt.prototype.resolve = function(t, e) {
12559 if (t === void 0 && (t = this.scope()), e === void 0 && (e = false), this._resolved && !e)
12560 return this;
12561 this._resolved = true;
12562 var r = this._scope.closure(), i = this._shadowing || t.lookup(this._name);
12563 if (this._scope != r && this._type == "let" && this._virtual && (i = r.lookup(this._name), t = r), i == this)
12564 return t.varmap()[this._name] = this, this;
12565 if (i) {
12566 if (i.scope() != t && (this.options().let || this._type == "let") && (t.varmap()[this._name] = this, !this._virtual && !this._shadowing))
12567 return this;
12568 if (!this._options.proxy)
12569 for (var s = 0, n = this._name; t.lookup(this._name); )
12570 this._name = "" + n + (s += 1);
12571 }
12572 return t.varmap()[this._name] = this, r.varmap()[this._name] = this, this;
12573 };
12574 Mt.prototype.reference = function() {
12575 return this;
12576 };
12577 Mt.prototype.node = function() {
12578 return this;
12579 };
12580 Mt.prototype.cache = function() {
12581 return this;
12582 };
12583 Mt.prototype.traverse = function() {
12584 return this;
12585 };
12586 Mt.prototype.free = function(t) {
12587 return this._declarator = null, this;
12588 };
12589 Mt.prototype.reuse = function(t) {
12590 return this._declarator = t, this;
12591 };
12592 Mt.prototype.proxy = function(t, e) {
12593 return this._proxy = [t, e], this;
12594 };
12595 Mt.prototype.refcount = function() {
12596 return this._references.length;
12597 };
12598 Mt.prototype.c = function(t) {
12599 if (t && t.as == "field")
12600 return "[" + this.c({}) + "]";
12601 if (this._c)
12602 return this._c;
12603 if (this._typedAlias && this._typedAlias.c(t), this._proxy)
12604 this._proxy instanceof J ? this._c = this._proxy.c() : (this._c = this._proxy[0].c(), this._proxy[1] && (this._c += "[" + this._proxy[1].c() + "]"));
12605 else {
12606 this._resolved || this.resolve();
12607 var e = this.alias() || this.name();
12608 this._c = typeof e == "string" ? be.toValidIdentifier(e) : e.c({as: "variable"}), b9.test(this._c) && (this._c = "" + this.c() + "$");
12609 }
12610 return this._c;
12611 };
12612 Mt.prototype.js = function() {
12613 return this.c();
12614 };
12615 Mt.prototype.consume = function(t) {
12616 return this;
12617 };
12618 Mt.prototype.accessor = function(t) {
12619 var e = new Ni(".", null, this);
12620 return e;
12621 };
12622 Mt.prototype.assignment = function(t) {
12623 return new Ve("=", this, t);
12624 };
12625 Mt.prototype.addReference = function(t) {
12626 return t instanceof At && t.references(this), t.region && t.region() && (this._references.push(t), t.scope__() != this._scope && (this._noproxy = true)), this;
12627 };
12628 Mt.prototype.autodeclare = function() {
12629 return this._declared ? this : (this._autodeclare = true, this.scope().autodeclare(this), this._declared = true, this);
12630 };
12631 Mt.prototype.predeclared = function() {
12632 return this._declared = true, this;
12633 };
12634 Mt.prototype.toString = function() {
12635 return String(this.name());
12636 };
12637 Mt.prototype.dump = function(t) {
12638 var e = this.name();
12639 return e[0].match(/[A-Z]/) ? null : {type: this.type(), name: e, refs: Ft.dump(this._references, t)};
12640 };
12641 Mt.prototype.via = function(t) {
12642 return new pi(this, t);
12643 };
12644 function en() {
12645 return Mt.apply(this, arguments);
12646 }
12647 R(en, Mt);
12648 T.SystemVariable = en;
12649 en.prototype.pool = function() {
12650 return this._options.pool;
12651 };
12652 en.prototype.predeclared = function() {
12653 return this.scope().vars().remove(this), this;
12654 };
12655 en.prototype.resolve = function() {
12656 if (this._resolved)
12657 return this;
12658 this._resolved = true;
12659 let t = C.incr("sysvar");
12660 return this._name = "$" + t, this;
12661 let e = this._options;
12662 var r = e.alias || this._name, i = e.pool, s = [].concat(e.names), n = null, o = null;
12663 this._name = null;
12664 let a = r || H1.ANY;
12665 /\d/.test(a[0]) && (a = "_" + a), /\d$/.test(a) && (a = a + H1.SEP);
12666 let l = C.incr(a);
12667 return l == 1 && (l = ""), l9.test(a) ? this._name = "" + a + l : this._name = "" + a + "\u03C6" + l, this;
12668 };
12669 en.prototype.name = function() {
12670 return this.resolve(), this._name;
12671 };
12672 function xc() {
12673 return Mt.apply(this, arguments);
12674 }
12675 R(xc, Mt);
12676 T.ShadowedVariable = xc;
12677 function Cn() {
12678 return Mt.apply(this, arguments);
12679 }
12680 R(Cn, Mt);
12681 T.GlobalReference = Cn;
12682 function kc() {
12683 return Mt.apply(this, arguments);
12684 }
12685 R(kc, Mt);
12686 T.PureReference = kc;
12687 function On() {
12688 return Cn.apply(this, arguments);
12689 }
12690 R(On, Cn);
12691 T.ZonedVariable = On;
12692 On.prototype.forScope = function(t) {
12693 return new b2(this, t);
12694 };
12695 On.prototype.c = function() {
12696 return "" + this._name;
12697 };
12698 function Va() {
12699 return On.apply(this, arguments);
12700 }
12701 R(Va, On);
12702 T.DocumentReference = Va;
12703 Va.prototype.forScope = function(t) {
12704 return this;
12705 };
12706 Va.prototype.c = function() {
12707 return C.isNode() ? "" + this.runtime().get_document + "()" : "globalThis.document";
12708 };
12709 function g2() {
12710 return Cn.apply(this, arguments);
12711 }
12712 R(g2, Cn);
12713 T.WindowReference = g2;
12714 g2.prototype.c = function() {
12715 return C.isNode() ? "" + this.runtime().get_window + "()" : "window";
12716 };
12717 function b2(t, e) {
12718 this._variable = t, this._scope = e;
12719 }
12720 R(b2, J);
12721 T.ZonedVariableAccess = b2;
12722 b2.prototype.c = function() {
12723 let t = this._variable._name;
12724 return C.isNode() ? (C.use("" + t), "" + this.runtime().zone + ".get('" + t + "'," + this._scope.context().c() + ")") : "" + t;
12725 };
12726 function br() {
12727 var t = this;
12728 br.prototype.__super__.constructor.apply(t, arguments), t._path = t._options.path, t._exports = {}, t._touched = {}, t._head = Ot("import "), t._head.c = t.head.bind(t), t.scope()._head.push(t._head);
12729 var e = function(r, i, s) {
12730 return t.access(i);
12731 };
12732 t._proxy_ = new Proxy(t, {get: e});
12733 }
12734 R(br, Mt);
12735 T.ImportProxy = br;
12736 br.prototype.proxy = function(t) {
12737 return this._proxy;
12738 };
12739 br.prototype.setProxy = function(t) {
12740 return this._proxy = t, this;
12741 };
12742 br.prototype.path = function(t) {
12743 return this._path;
12744 };
12745 br.prototype.setPath = function(t) {
12746 return this._path = t, this;
12747 };
12748 br.prototype.proxy = function() {
12749 return this._proxy_;
12750 };
12751 br.prototype.touch = function(t) {
12752 return this._touched[t] || (this._touched[t] = this.access(t)), this;
12753 };
12754 br.prototype.head = function() {
12755 var t = this;
12756 let e = Object.keys(t._exports), r = Object.values(t._touched), i = [], s = C.cjs(), n = t.path();
12757 n == "imba" && (n = C.imbaPath() || "imba");
12758 let o = yo("'" + n + "'");
12759 if (t._importAll && (s ? i.push("const " + t._name + " = require(" + o + ");") : i.push("import * as " + t._name + " from " + o + ";")), e.length > 0)
12760 if (s) {
12761 let a = e.map(function(l) {
12762 return "" + l + ": " + t._exports[l];
12763 }).join(", ");
12764 i.push("const {" + a + "} = require(" + o + ");");
12765 } else {
12766 let a = e.map(function(l) {
12767 return "" + l + " as " + t._exports[l];
12768 }).join(", ");
12769 i.push("import {" + a + "} from " + o + ";");
12770 }
12771 return r.length && i.push("(" + r.map(function(a) {
12772 return a.c() + "()";
12773 }).join(",") + ");"), i.length ? i.join(`
12774`) : "";
12775 };
12776 br.prototype.access = function(t, e) {
12777 if (e === void 0 && (e = null), this._globalName)
12778 return Ot("" + Tt(this._globalName, e) + "." + Fs(t));
12779 let r = Fs(t, {mark: false});
12780 return this._exports[r] || (this._exports[r] = Ot("" + this._name + "_" + r));
12781 };
12782 br.prototype.c = function() {
12783 return this._importAll || (this._importAll = true), br.prototype.__super__.c.apply(this, arguments);
12784 };
12785 function zs() {
12786 return br.apply(this, arguments);
12787 }
12788 R(zs, br);
12789 T.ImbaRuntime = zs;
12790 zs.prototype.configure = function(t) {
12791 return t.runtime == "global" || C.tsc() ? this._globalName = "imba" : t.runtime && this.setPath(t.runtime), this;
12792 };
12793 zs.prototype.head = function() {
12794 return C.tsc() ? "" : zs.prototype.__super__.head.apply(this, arguments);
12795 };
12796 zs.prototype.c = function() {
12797 return this._importAll || (this._importAll = true, C.current().warn("Referencing imba directly disables efficient tree-shaking")), this._c = "imba";
12798 };
12799 function rr(t, e) {
12800 this._scope = t, this._value = e, this._reference = null;
12801 }
12802 R(rr, J);
12803 T.ScopeContext = rr;
12804 rr.prototype.scope = function(t) {
12805 return this._scope;
12806 };
12807 rr.prototype.setScope = function(t) {
12808 return this._scope = t, this;
12809 };
12810 rr.prototype.value = function(t) {
12811 return this._value;
12812 };
12813 rr.prototype.setValue = function(t) {
12814 return this._value = t, this;
12815 };
12816 rr.prototype.reference = function(t) {
12817 return this._reference;
12818 };
12819 rr.prototype.setReference = function(t) {
12820 return this._reference = t, this;
12821 };
12822 rr.prototype.namepath = function() {
12823 return this._scope.namepath();
12824 };
12825 rr.prototype.reference = function() {
12826 return this._reference || (this._reference = this.scope().lookup("self") || this.scope().declare("self", new ps()));
12827 };
12828 rr.prototype.fromScope = function(t) {
12829 return new Ro(t, this);
12830 };
12831 rr.prototype.isConstant = function() {
12832 return true;
12833 };
12834 rr.prototype.c = function() {
12835 var t = this._value;
12836 return t ? t.c() : "this";
12837 };
12838 rr.prototype.cache = function() {
12839 return this;
12840 };
12841 rr.prototype.proto = function() {
12842 return "" + this.c() + ".prototype";
12843 };
12844 rr.prototype.isGlobalContext = function() {
12845 return false;
12846 };
12847 function Ro(t, e) {
12848 this._scope = t, this._parent = e, this._reference = e.reference();
12849 }
12850 R(Ro, rr);
12851 T.IndirectScopeContext = Ro;
12852 Ro.prototype.reference = function() {
12853 return this._reference;
12854 };
12855 Ro.prototype.c = function() {
12856 return this.reference().c();
12857 };
12858 Ro.prototype.isGlobalContext = function() {
12859 return this._parent.isGlobalContext();
12860 };
12861 function Io() {
12862 return rr.apply(this, arguments);
12863 }
12864 R(Io, rr);
12865 T.RootScopeContext = Io;
12866 Io.prototype.reference = function() {
12867 return this._reference || (this._reference = this.scope().lookup("global"));
12868 };
12869 Io.prototype.c = function(t) {
12870 return "globalThis";
12871 var e;
12872 };
12873 Io.prototype.isGlobalContext = function() {
12874 return true;
12875 };
12876 function Je(t, e) {
12877 this._keyword = t, this._member = e, Je.prototype.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
12878 }
12879 R(Je, J);
12880 T.Super = Je;
12881 Je.prototype.member = function(t) {
12882 return this._member;
12883 };
12884 Je.prototype.setMember = function(t) {
12885 return this._member = t, this;
12886 };
12887 Je.prototype.args = function(t) {
12888 return this._args;
12889 };
12890 Je.prototype.setArgs = function(t) {
12891 return this._args = t, this;
12892 };
12893 Je.prototype.visit = function() {
12894 var t;
12895 return this._method = C.method(), this._up = C.parent(), (t = C.method()) && (t.set({supr: {node: C.blockpart(), block: C.block(), real: this}}), t.set({injectInitAfter: C.blockpart()})), this._method && (this._class = C.up(me)), this.args() && this.args().traverse(), this;
12896 };
12897 Je.prototype.replaceWithInitor = function() {
12898 if (this.up() instanceof ke)
12899 return true;
12900 };
12901 Je.prototype.startLoc = function() {
12902 return this._keyword && this._keyword.startLoc();
12903 };
12904 Je.prototype.endLoc = function() {
12905 return this._keyword && this._keyword.endLoc();
12906 };
12907 Je.callOp = function(t) {
12908 let e = Z(".", Ot("super"), t);
12909 return He(e, [Ot("...arguments")]);
12910 };
12911 Je.prototype.c = function() {
12912 let t = this._method, e = this._up, r = Ot("super"), i, s = this.option("top"), n = t && t.option("inExtension"), o = this.args();
12913 if (n && this._class && (r = He(this._class.virtualSuper(), [this.slf()])), !(e instanceof se || e instanceof ke)) {
12914 if (t && t.isConstructor() && !this.member()) {
12915 if (C.tsc() && this._class && !this._class.superclass())
12916 return o ? "[" + o.c() + "]" : "";
12917 let a = this.option("target") || Ot("super"), l = this.option("args") || [Ot("...arguments")];
12918 return Tt(He(a, o || l).c(), this._keyword);
12919 } else
12920 this.member() ? i = Z(".", r, this.member()) : t && (i = Z(".", r, t.name()), t.isSetter() ? i = Z("=", i, t.params().at(0)) : t.isGetter() || o || (o = [Ot("...arguments")]));
12921 return o && (i = He(i, o)), i ? Tt(i.c({mark: false}), this._keyword) : "/**/";
12922 }
12923 return e instanceof ke && t && !t.isConstructor() ? Z(".", r, t.name()).c() : "super";
12924 };
12925 var m9 = T.BR0 = new go(`
12926`), De = T.BR = new go(`
12927`), Yd = T.BR2 = new go(`
12929`), g9 = T.SELF = new ii(), Ir = T.THIS = Ot("this"), y9 = T.PROTO = Ot("this.prototype"), oc = T.TRUE = new Ps("true"), ac = T.FALSE = new Vs("false"), ga = T.UNDEFINED = new Rn(), Kd = T.NIL = new Ms(), qd = T.ARGUMENTS = new e2("arguments"), $l = T.EMPTY = "", Gs = T.NULL = "null", Xd = T.RESERVED = ["default", "native", "enum", "with"], b9 = T.RESERVED_REGEX = /^(default|native|enum|with|new|char)$/;
12930 });
12931 var Tf = er((k9) => {
12932 Gi(k9);
12933 Di(k9, {resolveConfigFile: () => Sf});
12934 function x9(t) {
12935 let e;
12936 return t ? (e = t.toIterable) ? e.call(t) : t : [];
12937 }
12938 var ja = {};
12939 function wc(t, e) {
12940 var r;
12941 if (t instanceof Array)
12942 for (let i = 0, s = x9(t), n = s.length; i < n; i++) {
12943 let o = s[i];
12944 t[i] = wc(o, e);
12945 }
12946 else {
12947 if (typeof t == "string")
12948 return t.replace(/^\.\//, e + "/");
12949 if (typeof t == "object")
12950 for (let i = 0, s = Object.keys(t), n = s.length, o, a; i < n; i++) {
12951 o = s[i], a = t[o];
12952 let l = o.replace(/^\.\//, e + "/");
12953 t[l] = wc(a, e), l != o && (r = t[o], delete t[o]);
12954 }
12955 }
12956 return t;
12957 }
12958 function Sf(t, {path: e, fs: r}) {
12959 if (!e || !r || !t || t == e.dirname(t))
12960 return null;
12961 let i = e.resolve(t, "package.json");
12962 if (ja[i])
12963 return ja[i];
12964 if (ja[i] !== null && r.existsSync(i)) {
12965 let s = function(a, l) {
12966 return typeof l == "string" && l.match(/^\.\//) ? e.resolve(t, l) : l;
12967 }, n = JSON.parse(r.readFileSync(i, "utf8")), o = n.imba || (n.imba = {});
12968 return wc(o, t), o.package = n, o.cwd || (o.cwd = t), ja[i] = o;
12969 } else
12970 ja[i] = null;
12971 return Sf(e.dirname(t), {path: e, fs: r});
12972 }
12973 });
12974 var Rf = er((_i) => {
12975 var di = {}, Zd = Jo(), w9 = io(), S9 = np(), k2 = pp(), x2 = _i.parser = fp().parser, T9 = wf(), Qd = Ll(), E9 = Tf().resolveConfigFile, Ef = I1().ImbaParseError, Af = A1(), $d = Af.Diagnostic, Gn = Af.Compilation, If = _i.lex = new S9.Lexer(), A9 = _i.Rewriter = k2.Rewriter, t5 = _i.helpers = w9;
12976 k2 = new A9();
12977 x2.lexer = If.jisonBridge();
12978 x2.yy = T9;
12979 Gn.prototype.lexer = If;
12980 Gn.prototype.rewriter = k2;
12981 Gn.prototype.parser = x2;
12982 _i.resolveConfig = di.resolveConfig = function(t) {
12983 t === void 0 && (t = {});
12984 let e = t.sourcePath;
12985 return t.config || (t.config = E9(e, t) || {}), t;
12986 };
12987 _i.deserialize = di.deserialize = function(t, e) {
12988 return e === void 0 && (e = {}), Gn.deserialize(t, e);
12989 };
12990 _i.tokenize = di.tokenize = function(t, e) {
12991 return e === void 0 && (e = {}), new Gn(t, e).tokenize();
12992 };
12993 _i.rewrite = di.rewrite = function(t, e) {
12994 return e === void 0 && (e = {}), k2.rewrite(t, e);
12995 };
12996 _i.parse = di.parse = function(t, e) {
12997 e === void 0 && (e = {}), e = di.resolveConfig(e);
12998 var r = t instanceof Array ? t : di.tokenize(t, e);
12999 try {
13000 return x2.parse(r);
13001 } catch (i) {
13002 throw i._code = t, e.sourcePath && (i._sourcePath = e.sourcePath), i;
13003 }
13004 };
13005 _i.compile = di.compile = function(t, e) {
13006 return e === void 0 && (e = {}), new Gn(t, di.resolveConfig(e)).compile();
13007 };
13008 _i.resolve = di.resolve = function(t, e) {
13009 return e === void 0 && (e = {}), new Gn(t, di.resolveConfig(e)).compile();
13010 };
13011 _i.analyze = di.analyze = function(t, e) {
13012 e === void 0 && (e = {});
13013 var r;
13014 try {
13015 var i = di.parse(t, e);
13016 r = i.analyze(e);
13017 } catch (s) {
13018 if (!(s instanceof Ef))
13019 if (s.lexer)
13020 s = new Ef(s, {tokens: s.lexer.tokens, pos: s.lexer.pos});
13021 else
13022 throw s;
13023 r = {warnings: [s]};
13024 }
13025 return r;
13026 };
13027 });
13028 var Lf = er((O9) => {
13029 Gi(O9);
13030 Di(O9, {program: () => Of});
13031 hn(O9, Su(Rf()));
13032 var Of = Sc;
13033 });
13034 var m1 = Symbol.for("#__init__");
13035 var o_ = Symbol.for("#__initor__");
13036 var a_ = Symbol.for("#__inited__");
13037 var so = Symbol.for("#source");
13038 var a3 = Symbol.for("#lineText");
13039 var l3 = Symbol.for("#version");
13040 var Lu = new WeakMap();
13041 var pn = class {
13042 [m1](e = null) {
13043 this.line = e ? e.line : void 0, this.character = e ? e.character : void 0, this.offset = e ? e.offset : void 0;
13044 }
13045 constructor(e, r, i, s = null) {
13046 this[m1](), this.line = e, this.character = r, this.offset = i, this[l3] = s;
13047 }
13048 toString() {
13049 return "" + this.line + ":" + this.character;
13050 }
13051 valueOf() {
13052 return this.offset;
13053 }
13054 };
13055 var ts = class {
13056 [m1](e = null) {
13057 this.start = e ? e.start : void 0, this.end = e ? e.end : void 0;
13058 }
13059 constructor(e, r) {
13060 this[m1](), this.start = e, this.end = r;
13061 }
13062 get offset() {
13063 return this.start.offset;
13064 }
13065 get length() {
13066 return this.end.offset - this.start.offset;
13067 }
13068 get ["0"]() {
13069 return this.start.offset;
13070 }
13071 get ["1"]() {
13072 return this.end.offset;
13073 }
13074 getText(e) {
13075 return e.slice(this.start, this.end);
13076 }
13077 equals(e) {
13078 return e.offset == this.offset && e.length == this.length;
13079 }
13080 };
13081 var Zo = {Error: 1, Warning: 2, Information: 3, Hint: 4, error: 1, warning: 2, warn: 2, info: 3, hint: 4};
13082 var Z2 = class {
13083 constructor(e, r = null) {
13084 this.range = e.range, this.severity = Zo[e.severity] || e.severity, this.code = e.code, this.source = e.source, this.message = e.message, Lu.set(this, r);
13085 }
13086 get [so]() {
13087 return Lu.get(this);
13088 }
13089 get [a3]() {
13090 return this[so].doc.getLineText(this.range.start.line);
13091 }
13092 toSnippet() {
13093 let e = this.range.start, r = this.range.end, i = "" + this[so].sourcePath + ":" + (e.line + 1) + ":" + (e.character + 1) + ": " + this.message, s = this[so].doc.getLineText(e.line), n = [i, s];
13094 return n.push(s.replace(/[^\t]/g, " ").slice(0, e.character) + "^".repeat(r.character - e.character)), n.join(`
13095`).replace(/\t/g, " ") + `
13097 }
13098 toError() {
13099 let e = this.range.start, r = this.range.end, i = "" + this[so].sourcePath + ":" + (e.line + 1) + ":" + (e.character + 1) + ": " + this.message, s = new SyntaxError(i), n = this[so].doc.getLineText(e.line), o = [i, n];
13100 return o.push(n.replace(/[^\t]/g, " ").slice(0, e.character) + "^".repeat(r.character - e.character)), s.stack = `
13101` + o.join(`
13102`).replace(/\t/g, " ") + `
13103`, s;
13104 }
13105 raise() {
13106 throw this.toError();
13107 }
13108 };
13109 function c3(t) {
13110 let e;
13111 return t ? (e = t.toIterable) ? e.call(t) : t : [];
13112 }
13113 var u_ = Symbol.for("#__initor__");
13114 var h_ = Symbol.for("#__inited__");
13115 function y1(t, e, r = 1e5) {
13116 let i = t;
13117 for (; i && r > 0; ) {
13118 if (i.match(e))
13119 return i;
13120 r--, i = i.prev;
13121 }
13122 return null;
13123 }
13124 function Q2(t, e, r) {
13125 r === void 0 && (r = 0);
13126 for (var i = e ? [r] : [], s = 0; s < t.length; ) {
13127 var n = t.charCodeAt(s);
13128 (n === 13 || n === 10) && (n === 13 && s + 1 < t.length && t.charCodeAt(s + 1) === 10 && s++, i.push(r + s + 1)), s++;
13129 }
13130 return i;
13131 }
13132 function Du(t) {
13133 var e = t.start, r = t.end;
13134 return e.line > r.line || e.line === r.line && e.character > r.character ? new ts(r, e) : t instanceof ts ? t : new ts(e, r);
13135 }
13136 function Fu(t) {
13137 return t != null && typeof t.text == "string" && t.range === void 0;
13138 }
13139 function Mu(t) {
13140 let e = t.split(/\n/), r = [], i = {indent: -1, children: []}, s = i, n, o = Date.now();
13141 for (let a = 0, l = c3(e), p = l.length; a < p; a++) {
13142 let c = l[a];
13143 if (c.match(/^\s*$/))
13144 continue;
13145 let _ = c.match(/^\t*/)[0].length;
13146 for (; i.indent >= _; )
13147 i = i.parent || s;
13148 if (n = c.match(/^(\t*((?:export )?(?:static )?(?:extend )?)(class|tag|def|get|set|prop|attr) )(\@?[\w\-\$\:]+(?:\.[\w\-\$]+)?)/), n) {
13149 let f = n[3], d = n[4], v = i.name ? i.name + "." : "", y = n[2].trim().split(/\s+/), N = "", b = {start: {line: a, character: n[1].length}, end: {line: a, character: n[0].length}}, m = {kind: f, ownName: d, name: v + d, span: b, indent: _, modifiers: y, children: [], parent: i == s ? null : i, type: f, data: {}, static: y.indexOf("static") >= 0, extends: y.indexOf("extend") >= 0};
13150 m.static && (m.containerName = "static"), m.containerName = n[2] + n[3], f == "tag" && (n = c.match(/\<\s+([\w\-\$\:]+(?:\.[\w\-\$]+)?)/)) && (m.superclass = n[1]), i.type == "tag" && (N = "```html\n<" + i.name + " " + d + ">\n```\n", m.description = {kind: "markdown", value: N}), i.children.push(m), i = m, r.push(m);
13151 }
13152 }
13153 return s.all = r, console.log("fast outline", t.length, Date.now() - o), s;
13154 }
13155 function $2(t) {
13156 let e;
13157 return t ? (e = t.toIterable) ? e.call(t) : t : [];
13158 }
13159 var tl = [/^/, {token: "@rematch", next: "@pop"}];
13160 var Pu = {token: "@rematch", next: "@pop"};
13161 var Vu = {token: "white.indent", next: "@>illegal_indent"};
13162 function u3(t, e = "#") {
13163 typeof t == "string" && (t = t.split(" "));
13164 let r = t.slice().sort(function(i, s) {
13165 return s.length - i.length;
13166 });
13167 return r = r.map(function(i) {
13168 let s = i.replace(/[.*+\-?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&");
13169 return e.replace("#", s);
13170 }), new RegExp("(?:" + r.join("|") + ")");
13171 }
13172 function ve(t, e, r, i = {}) {
13173 var s;
13174 t == null ? t = Vu : t == 1 ? t = {next: "@>"} : t == 2 ? t = {next: "@>_indent&-_indent"} : typeof t == "string" && (t = {next: t}), e == -1 && (e = Pu), r == -1 ? r = Pu : r == 0 && (i.comment == null ? i.comment = true : i.comment, r = {}), t = Object.assign({token: "white.tabs"}, t || {}), r = Object.assign({token: "white.tabs"}, r || {}), e = Object.assign({token: "@rematch", next: "@pop"}, e || {});
13175 let n = {"$1==$S2 ": t, "$1==$S2": {cases: {"$1==$S6": r, "@default": {token: "@rematch", switchTo: "@*$1"}}}, "@default": e};
13176 s = 0;
13177 for (let a of ["next", "switchTo"]) {
13178 let l = s++;
13179 t[a] && t[a].indexOf("*") == -1 && (t[a] += "*$1");
13180 }
13181 let o = [/^(\t*)(?=[^ \t\n])/, {cases: n}];
13182 if (i.comment) {
13183 let a = {};
13184 for (let l = 0, p = Object.keys(n), c = p.length, _, f; l < c; l++) {
13185 _ = p[l], f = n[_];
13186 let d = Object.assign({}, f);
13187 !d.next && !d.switchTo && (d.next = "@>_comment"), a[_] = d;
13188 }
13189 return [[/^(\t*)(?=#\s|#$)/, {cases: a}], o];
13190 }
13191 return o;
13192 }
13193 var el = {root: [[/^@comment/, "comment", "@>_comment"], [/^(\t+)(?=[^\t\n])/, {cases: {"$1==$S2 ": {token: "white.indent", next: "@>_indent*$1"}, "@default": "white.indent"}}], "block_"], _comment: [[/^([\t\s\n]*)$/, "comment"], [/^(\t*)([\S\s]*)/, {cases: {"$1~$S2 *": {token: "comment"}, "@default": {token: "@rematch", next: "@pop"}}}], [/[\S\s]+/, "comment"]], illegal_indent: [ve()], identifier_: [[/\$\w+\$/, "identifier.env"], [/\$\d+/, "identifier.special"], [/\#+@id/, "identifier.symbol"], [/\¶@id/, "ivar"], [/@id\!?/, {cases: {this: "this", self: "self", "@keywords": "keyword.$#", "$0~[A-Z].*": "identifier.uppercase.$F", "@default": "identifier.$F"}}]], block_: [[/^(\t+)(?=[\r\n]|$)/, "white.tabs"], "class_", "tagclass_", "var_", "func_", "import_", "export_", "flow_", "for_", "try_", "catch_", "while_", "css_", "tag_", "do_", "block_comment_", "expr_", [/[ ]+/, "white"], "common_"], indentable_: [[/^[ ]+/, "white"], ve("@>_paren_indent&-_indent", null, null), [/^(\t+)(?=[\r\n]|$)/, "white.tabs"], "whitespace"], _indent: [ve(2, -1, 0), "block_"], _paren_indent: [ve(2, -1, 0), "block_", [/\)|\}|\]/, "@rematch", "@pop"]], block: [ve("@>", -1, 0), "block_"], bool_: [[/(true|false|yes|no|undefined|null)(?![\:\-\w\.\_])/, "boolean"]], op_: [[/\s+\:\s+/, "operator.ternary"], [/(@unspaced_ops)/, {cases: {"@spread": "operator.spread", "@access": "operator.access", "@default": "operator"}}], [/\/(?!\/)/, "operator.math"], [/\&(?=[,\)])/, "operator.special.blockparam"], [/(\s*)(@symbols)(\s*)/, {cases: {"$2@assignments": "operator.assign", "$2@math": "operator.math", "$2@operators": "operator", "$2@logic": "operator.logic", "$2@access": "operator.access", "@default": "delimiter"}}], [/\&\b/, "operator"]], keyword_: [[/new@B/, "keyword.new"], [/isa@B/, "keyword.isa"], [/is@B/, "keyword.is"], [/(switch|when|throw|continue|break|then|await|typeof|by)@B/, "keyword.$1"], [/delete@B/, "keyword.delete"], [/and@B|or@B/, "operator.flow"]], return_: [[/return@B/, "keyword.new"]], primitive_: ["string_", "number_", "regexp_", "bool_"], value_: ["primitive_", "keyword_", "implicit_call_", "parens_", "key_", "access_", "identifier_", "array_", "object_"], expr_: ["comment_", "inline_var_", "return_", "value_", "tag_", "op_", "type_", "spread_"], attr_expr_: ["primitive_", "parens_", "access_", "identifier_", "array_", "object_", "tag_", "op_"], access_: [[/(\.\.?)(@propid\!?)/, {cases: {"$2~[A-Z].*": ["operator.access", "accessor.uppercase"], "$2~#.*": ["operator.access", "accessor.symbol"], "@default": ["operator.access", "accessor"]}}]], call_: [[/\(/, "(", "@call_body"]], key_: [[/(\#+@id)(\:\s*)/, ["key.symbol", "operator.assign.key-value"]], [/(@propid)(\:\s*)/, {cases: {"@default": ["key", "operator.assign.key-value"]}}]], implicit_call_: [[/(\.\.?)(@propid)@implicitCall/, {cases: {"$2~[A-Z].*": ["operator.access", "accessor.uppercase", "@implicit_call_body"], "@default": ["operator.access", "accessor", "@implicit_call_body"]}}], [/(@propid)@implicitCall/, {cases: {"$2~[A-Z].*": ["identifier.uppercase", "@implicit_call_body"], "@default": ["identifier", "@implicit_call_body"]}}]], implicit_call_body: [tl, [/\)|\}|\]|\>/, "@rematch", "@pop"], "arglist_", "whitespace"], arglist_: ["do_", "expr_", [/\s*\,\s*/, "delimiter.comma"]], params_: [[/\[/, "array.[", "@array_var_body=decl-param"], [/\{/, "object.{", "@object_body=decl-param"], [/(@variable)/, "identifier.decl-param"], "spread_", "type_", [/\s*\=\s*/, "operator", "@var_value="], [/\s*\,\s*/, "separator"]], object_: [[/\{/, "object.{", "@object_body"]], parens_: [[/\(/, "parens.(", "@parens_body"]], parens_body: [[/\)/, ")", "@pop"], "indentable_", "arglist_"], array_: [[/\[/, "array.[", "@array_body"]], array_body: [[/\]@implicitCall/, {token: "]", switchTo: "@implicit_call_body="}], [/\]/, "]", "@pop"], [/\)|\}/, "invalid"], "indentable_", "expr_", [",", "delimiter"]], object_body: [[/\}/, "}", "@pop"], [/(@id)(\s*:\s*)/, ["key", "operator.assign.key-value", "@object_value"]], [/(@id)/, "identifier.$F"], [/\[/, "[", "@object_dynamic_key="], [/\s*=\s*/, "operator.assign", "@object_value="], [/:/, "operator.assign.key-value", "@object_value="], [/\,/, "delimiter.comma"], "indentable_", "expr_"], object_value: [tl, [/,|\}|\]|\)/, "@rematch", "@pop"], "expr_"], object_dynamic_key: [["]", "]", "@pop"], "expr_"], comment_: [[/#(\s.*)?(\n|$)/, "comment"]], block_comment_: [[/###/, "comment.start", "@_block_comment"]], _block_comment: [[/###/, "comment.end", "@pop"], [/[^#]+/, "comment"], [/#(?!##)/, "comment"]], try_: [[/try@B/, "keyword.try", "@>_try&try"]], catch_: [[/(catch\s+)(?=@id(\s|$))/, "keyword.catch", "@catch_start&catch"], [/catch@B/, "keyword.catch", "@catch_start&catch"]], catch_start: [[/@id/, "identifier.decl-const", {switchTo: "@>_catch"}], [/.?/, "@rematch", {switchTo: "@>_catch"}]], _catch: [ve("@>block", -1, 0), "block_"], _try: [ve("@>block", -1, 0), "block_"], do_: [[/do(?=\()/, "keyword.do", "@>do_start&do"], [/do(?=\s*\|)/, "keyword.do", "@>do_piped&do"], [/do@B/, "keyword.do", "@>_do&do"]], do_start: [ve(null, -1, -1), [/\(/, "(", {switchTo: "@_do_params"}], [/./, "@rematch", {switchTo: "@_do"}]], do_piped: [ve(null, -1, -1), [/\s*\|/, "args.open", {switchTo: "@_do_piped_params"}], [/./, "@rematch", {switchTo: "@_do"}]], _do_piped_params: [[/\|/, "args.close", {switchTo: "@_do"}], "params_"], _do_params: [[/\)/, ")", {switchTo: "@_do"}], "params_"], _do: [ve(2, -1, 0), [/(\}|\)|\])/, "@rematch", "@pop"], "block_"], class_: [[/(extend)(?=\s+class )/, "keyword.$1"], [/(global)(?=\s+class )/, "keyword.$1"], [/(class)(\s)(@id)/, ["keyword.$1", "white.$1name", "entity.name.class.decl-const", "@class_start="]], [/(class)(?=\n)/, "keyword.$1", "@>_class&class="]], class_start: [[/(\s+\<\s+)(@id)/, ["keyword.extends", "identifier.superclass"]], [/@comment/, "comment"], [/^/, "@rematch", {switchTo: "@>_class&class="}]], tagclass_: [[/(extend)(?=\s+tag )/, "keyword.$1"], [/(global)(?=\s+tag )/, "keyword.$1"], [/(tag)(\s)(@constant)/, ["keyword.tag", "white.tagname", "entity.name.component.local", "@tagclass_start="]], [/(tag)(\s)(@id)/, ["keyword.tag", "white.tagname", "entity.name.component.global", "@tagclass_start="]]], tagclass_start: [[/(\s+\<\s+)(@id)/, ["keyword.extends", "identifier.superclass"]], [/@comment/, "comment"], [/^/, "@rematch", {switchTo: "@>_tagclass&component="}]], import_: [[/(import)(?=\s+['"])/, "keyword.import", "@>import_source"], [/(import)(\s+type)(?=\s[\w\$\@\{])/, ["keyword.import", "keyword.type", "@>import_body&-_imports=decl-import/part"]], [/(import)@B/, "keyword.import", "@>import_body&-_imports=decl-import/part"]], import_body: [ve(null, -1, 0), [/(@esmIdentifier)( +from)/, ["identifier.$F.default", "keyword.from", {switchTo: "@import_source"}]], [/(\*)(\s+as\s+)(@esmIdentifier)(\s+from)/, ["keyword.star", "keyword.as", "identifier.$F.ns", "keyword.from", {switchTo: "@import_source"}]], 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{token: "delimiter.type", next: "@pop"}, "@default": {token: "@rematch", next: "@pop"}}}], [/[\w\-\$]+/, "type"]], css_: [[/global(?=\s+css@B)/, "keyword.$#"], [/css(?:\s+)?/, "keyword.css", "@>css_selector&rule-_sel"]], sel_: [[/(\%)((?:@id)?)/, ["style.selector.mixin.prefix", "style.selector.mixin"]], [/(\@)(\.{0,2}[\w\-\<\>\!]*\+?)/, "style.selector.modifier"], [/(\@)(\.{0,2}[\w\-\<\>\!]*)/, "style.selector.modifier"], [/\.([\w\-]+)/, "style.selector.class-name"], [/\#([\w\-]+)/, "style.selector.id"], [/([\w\-]+)/, "style.selector.element"], [/(>+|~|\+)/, "style.selector.operator"], [/(\*+)/, "style.selector.element.any"], [/(\$)((?:@id)?)/, ["style.selector.reference.prefix", "style.selector.reference"]], [/\&/, "style.selector.context"], [/\(/, "delimiter.selector.parens.open", "@css_selector_parens"], [/\[/, "delimiter.selector.attr.open", "@css_selector_attr"], [/\s+/, "white"], [/,/, "style.selector.delimiter"], [/#(\s.*)?\n?$/, "comment"]], css_props: [ve(null, -1, 0), [/(?=@cssPropertyKey2)/, "", "@css_property&-_styleprop-_stylepropkey"], [/#(\s.*)?\n?$/, "comment"], [/(?=[\%\*\w\&\$\>\.\[\@\!]|\#[\w\-])/, "", "@>css_selector&rule-_sel"], [/\s+/, "white"]], css_selector: [ve({switchTo: "@css_props"}, -1, {token: "@rematch", switchTo: "@css_props&_props"}), [/(\}|\)|\])/, "@rematch", "@pop"], [/(?=\s*@cssPropertyKey2)/, "", {switchTo: "@css_props&_props"}], [/\s*#\s/, "@rematch", {switchTo: "@css_props&_props"}], "sel_"], css_inline: [[/\]/, "style.close", "@pop"], [/(?=@cssPropertyKey2)/, "", "@css_property&-_styleprop-_stylepropkey"], [/(?=@cssPropertyPath\])/, "", "@css_property&-_styleprop-_stylepropkey"]], css_selector_parens: [[/\)/, "delimiter.selector.parens.close", "@pop"], "sel_"], css_selector_attr: [[/\]/, "delimiter.selector.parens.close", "@pop"], "sel_"], css_property: [ve(null, -1, -1), [/\]/, "@rematch", "@pop"], [/(\d+)(@id)/, ["style.property.unit.number", "style.property.unit.name"]], [/((--|\$)@id)/, "style.property.var"], [/(-*@id)/, "style.property.name"], [/@cssModifier/, "style.property.modifier"], [/(\@+|\.+)(@id\-?)/, ["style.property.modifier.start", "style.property.modifier"]], [/\+(@id)/, "style.property.scope"], [/\s*([\:]\s*)(?=@br|$)/, "style.property.operator", {switchTo: "@>css_multiline_value&_stylevalue"}], [/\s*([\:]\s*)/, "style.property.operator", {switchTo: "@>css_value&_stylevalue"}]], css_value_: [[/(x?xs|sm\-?|md\-?|lg\-?|xx*l|\dxl|hg|x+h)\b/, "style.value.size"], [/\#[0-9a-fA-F]+/, "style.value.color.hex"], [/((--|\$)@id)/, "style.value.var"], [/(@optid)(\@+|\.+)(@optid)/, ["style.property.name", "style.property.modifier.prefix", "style.property.modifier"]], "op_", "string_", "number_", "comment_", [/\s+/, "style.value.white"], [/\(/, "delimiter.style.parens.open", "@css_expressions"], [/\{/, "delimiter.style.curly.open", "@css_interpolation&-_styleinterpolation"], [/(@id)/, "style.value"]], css_value: [ve({switchTo: "@>css_multiline_value"}, -1, -1), [/@cssPropertyKey2/, "@rematch", "@pop"], [/;/, "style.delimiter", "@pop"], [/(\}|\)|\])/, "@rematch", "@pop"], "css_value_"], css_multiline_value: [ve(null, -1, 0), [/@cssPropertyKey2/, "invalid"], "css_value_"], css_expressions: [[/\)/, "delimiter.style.parens.close", "@pop"], [/\(/, "delimiter.style.parens.open", "@css_expressions"], "css_value"], css_interpolation: [[/\}/, "delimiter.style.curly.close", "@pop"], "expr_"], expressions: [[/\,/, "delimiter.comma"]], whitespace: [[/[\r\n]+/, "br"], [/[ \t\r\n]+/, "white"]], space: [[/[ \t]+/, "white"]], tag_: [[/(\s*)(<)(?=\.)/, ["white", "tag.open", "@_tag/flag"]], [/(\s*)(<)(?=\w|\{|\[|\%|\#|>)/, ["white", "tag.open", "@_tag/name"]]], tag_content: [ve(2, -1, 0), [/\)|\}|\]/, "@rematch", "@pop"], "common_", "flow_", "var_", "for_", "css_", "expr_", "do_"], tag_children: [], _tag: [[/\/>/, "tag.close", "@pop"], [/>/, "tag.close", {switchTo: "@>tag_content=&-_tagcontent"}], [/>/, "tag.close", "@pop"], [/(\-?\d+)/, "tag.$S3"], [/(\%)(@id)/, ["tag.mixin.prefix", "tag.mixin"]], [/\#@id/, "tag.id"], [/\./, {cases: {"$/==event": {token: "tag.event-modifier.start", switchTo: "@/event-modifier"}, "$/==event-modifier": {token: "tag.event-modifier.start", switchTo: "@/event-modifier"}, "$/==modifier": {token: "tag.modifier.start", switchTo: "@/modifier"}, "$/==rule": {token: "tag.rule-modifier.start", switchTo: "@/rule-modifier"}, "$/==rule-modifier": {token: "tag.rule-modifier.start", switchTo: "@/rule-modifier"}, "@default": {token: "tag.flag.start", switchTo: "@/flag"}}}], [/(\$@id)/, {cases: {"$/==name": "tag.reference", "@default": "tag.$/"}}], [/\{/, "tag.$/.interpolation.open", "@_tag_interpolation"], [/\[/, "style.open", "@css_inline"], [/(\s*\=\s*)/, "operator.equals.tagop.tag-$/", "@_tag_value&-value"], [/\:/, {token: "tag.event.start", switchTo: "@/event"}], "tag_event_", [/(\-?@tagIdentifier)(\:@id)?/, {cases: {"$/==attr": {token: "@rematch", next: "@_tag_attr&-_tagattr"}, "@default": {token: "tag.$/"}}}], [/\(/, {token: "tag.$/.parens.open", next: "@_tag_parens/0"}], [/\s+/, {token: "tag.white", switchTo: "@/attr"}], "comment_"], tag_event_: [[/(?=\@@optid)/, "", "@_tag_event&-_listener"]], _tag_part: [[/\)|\}|\]|\>/, "@rematch", "@pop"]], _tag_event: ["_tag_part", [/(\@)(@optid)/, ["tag.event.start", "tag.event.name"]], [/(\.)(@optid)/, ["tag.event-modifier.start", "tag.event-modifier.name"]], [/\(/, {token: "tag.$/.parens.open", next: "@_tag_parens/0"}], [/(\s*\=\s*)/, "operator.equals.tagop.tag-$/", "@_tag_value&handler"], [/\s+/, "@rematch", "@pop"]], tag_attr_: [[/(?=@tagIdentifier(\:@id)?)/, "", "@_tag_attr&-_attribute"]], _tag_attr: ["_tag_part", [/(\-?@tagIdentifier)(\:@id)?/, "tag.attr"], [/\.(@optid)/, "tag.event-modifierzz"], [/\(/, {token: "tag.parens.open.$/", next: "@_tag_parens/0"}], [/(\s*\=\s*)/, "operator.equals.tagop.tag-$/", "@_tag_value&-tagattrvalue"], [/\s+/, "@rematch", "@pop"]], _tag_interpolation: [[/\}/, "tag.$/.interpolation.close", "@pop"], "expr_", [/\)|\]/, "invalid"]], _tag_parens: [[/\)/, "tag.$/.parens.close", "@pop"], "arglist_", [/\]|\}/, "invalid"]], _tag_value: [[/(?=(\/?\>|\s))/, "", "@pop"], "attr_expr_"], regexp_: [[/\/(?!\ )(?=([^\\\/]|\\.)+\/)/, {token: "regexp.slash.open", bracket: "@open", next: "@_regexp"}], [/\/\/\//, {token: "regexp.slash.open", bracket: "@open", next: "@_hereregexp"}], [/(\/)(\/)/, ["regexp.slash.open", "regexp.slash.close"]]], _regexp: [[/(\{)(\d+(?:,\d*)?)(\})/, ["regexp.escape.control", "regexp.escape.control", "regexp.escape.control"]], [/(\[)(\^?)(?=(?:[^\]\\\/]|\\.)+)/, ["regexp.escape.control", {token: "regexp.escape.control", next: "@_regexrange"}]], [/(\()(\?:|\?=|\?!)/, ["regexp.escape.control", "regexp.escape.control"]], [/[()]/, "regexp.escape.control"], [/@regexpctl/, "regexp.escape.control"], [/[^\\\/]/, "regexp"], [/@regexpesc/, "regexp.escape"], [/\\:/, "regexp.escape"], [/\\\./, "regexp.invalid"], [/(\/)(\w+)/, [{token: "regexp.slash.close"}, {token: "regexp.flags", next: "@pop"}]], ["/", {token: "regexp.slash.close", next: "@pop"}], [/./, "regexp.invalid"]], _regexrange: [[/-/, "regexp.escape.control"], [/\^/, "regexp.invalid"], [/@regexpesc/, "regexp.escape"], [/[^\]]/, "regexp"], [/\]/, "regexp.escape.control", "@pop"]], _hereregexp: [[/[^\\\/#]/, "regexp"], [/\\./, "regexp"], [/#.*$/, "comment"], ["///[igm]*", "regexp", "@pop"], [/\//, "regexp"], "comment_"]};
13194 function v1(t) {
13195 let e = ["$S1", "$S2", "$S3", "$S4", "$S5", "$S6"];
13196 if (t.match(/\@(pop|push|popall)/) || (t[0] == "@" && (t = t.slice(1)), t.indexOf(".") >= 0))
13197 return t;
13198 t = g1(t), t[0] == ">" && (e[1] = "$S6 ", t = t.slice(1));
13199 for (let r = 0, i = $2(t.split(/(?=[\/\&\=\*])/)), s = i.length; r < s; r++) {
13200 let n = i[r];
13201 n[0] == "&" ? n[1] == "-" || n[1] == "_" ? e[2] = "$S3" + n.slice(1) : e[2] = "$S3-" + n.slice(1) : n[0] == "+" ? e[3] = "$S4-" + n.slice(1) : n[0] == "=" ? e[3] = n.slice(1) : n[0] == "/" ? e[4] = n.slice(1) : n[0] == "*" ? e[5] = n.slice(1) : e[0] = n;
13202 }
13203 return e.join(".");
13204 }
13205 function g1(t) {
13206 let e = t;
13207 return t = t.replace("$/", "$S5"), t = t.replace("$F", "$S4"), t = t.replace("$&", "$S3"), t = t.replace("$I", "$S2"), t = t.replace("$T", "$S2"), t;
13208 }
13209 function rl(t, e) {
13210 if (typeof t == "string" && (t = {token: t}), t && t.token != null)
13211 t.token = g1(t.token), typeof e == "string" ? t.next = e : e && Object.assign(t, e), t.next && (t.next = v1(t.next)), t.switchTo && (t.switchTo = v1(t.switchTo));
13212 else if (t && t.cases) {
13213 let r = {};
13214 for (let i = t.cases, s = 0, n = Object.keys(i), o = n.length, a, l; s < o; s++) {
13215 a = n[s], l = i[a];
13216 let p = g1(a);
13217 r[p] = rl(l);
13218 }
13219 t.cases = r;
13220 } else if (t instanceof Array) {
13221 let r = [], i = null;
13222 for (let s = 0, n = $2(t), o = n.length; s < o; s++) {
13223 let a = n[s];
13224 a[0] == "@" && s == t.length - 1 && i && (a = {next: a}), typeof a == "object" ? a.token != null || a.cases ? r.push(i = Object.assign({}, a)) : Object.assign(i, a) : typeof a == "string" && r.push(i = {token: g1(a)});
13225 }
13226 t = r;
13227 }
13228 if (t instanceof Array)
13229 for (let r = 0, i = $2(t), s = i.length; r < s; r++) {
13230 let n = i[r];
13231 n.token && n.token.indexOf("$$") >= 0 && (n.token = n.token.replace("$$", "$" + (r + 1))), n.next && (n.next = v1(n.next)), n.switchTo && (n.switchTo = v1(n.switchTo));
13232 }
13233 return t;
13234 }
13235 for (let t = 0, e = Object.keys(el), r = e.length, i, s; t < r; t++) {
13236 i = e[t], s = el[i];
13237 let n = 0;
13238 for (; n < s.length; ) {
13239 let o = s[n];
13240 if (o[0] instanceof Array) {
13241 s.splice(n, 1, ...o);
13242 continue;
13243 } else
13244 typeof o == "string" ? s[n] = {include: o} : o[1] instanceof Array ? o[1] = rl(o[1]) : o instanceof Array && o.splice(1, 2, rl(o[1], o[2]));
13245 n++;
13246 }
13247 }
13248 var b1 = {defaultToken: "invalid", ignoreCase: false, tokenPostfix: "", brackets: [{open: "{", close: "}", token: "bracket.curly"}, {open: "[", close: "]", token: "bracket.square"}, {open: "(", close: ")", token: "bracket.parenthesis"}], keywords: ["def", "and", "or", "is", "isnt", "not", "on", "yes", "@", "no", "off", "true", "false", "null", "this", "self", "as", "new", "delete", "typeof", "in", "instanceof", "return", "throw", "break", "continue", "debugger", "if", "elif", "else", "switch", "for", "while", "do", "try", "catch", "finally", "class", "extends", "super", "undefined", "then", "unless", "until", "loop", "of", "by", "when", "tag", "prop", "attr", "export", "import", "extend", "var", "let", "const", "require", "isa", "await"], boolean: ["true", "false", "yes", "no", "undefined", "null"], operators: ["=", "!", "~", "?", ":", "!!", "??", "&", "|", "^", "%", "<<", "!&", ">>", ">>>", "+=", "-=", "*=", "/=", "&=", "|=", "?=", "??=", "^=", "%=", "~=", "<<=", ">>=", ">>>=", "..", "...", "||=", "&&=", "**=", "**", "|=?", "~=?", "^=?", "=?", "and", "or"], assignments: ["=", "|=?", "~=?", "^=?", "=?", "^=", "%=", "~=", "<<=", ">>=", ">>>=", "||=", "&&=", "?=", "??=", "+=", "-=", "*=", "/=", "&=", "|=", "**="], logic: [">", "<", "==", "<=", ">=", "!=", "&&", "||", "===", "!=="], ranges: ["..", "..."], spread: ["..."], dot: ["."], access: [".", ".."], math: ["+", "-", "*", "/", "++", "--"], unspaced_ops: u3("... . .. + * ++ --"), comment: /#(\s.*)?(\n|$)/, symbols: /[=><!~?&%|+\-*\^,]+/, escapes: /\\(?:[abfnrtv\\"'$]|x[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}|u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}|U[0-9A-Fa-f]{8})/, postaccess: /(:(?=\w))?/, ivar: /\@[a-zA-Z_]\w*/, B: /(?=\s|$)/, br: /[\r\n]+/, constant: /[A-Z][\w\$]*(?:\-+[\w\$]+)*/, id: /[A-Za-z_\$][\w\$]*(?:\-+[\w\$]+)*\??/, plainid: /[A-Za-z_\$][\w\$]*(?:\-+[\w\$]+)*\??/, fieldid: /[\@\#]*@plainid/, propid: /[\@\#]*@plainid/, defid: /[\@\#]*@plainid/, decid: /\@@plainid/, symid: /\#+@plainid/, symref: /\#\#@plainid/, optid: /(?:@id)?/, esmIdentifier: /[A-Za-z_\$\@][\w\$]*(?:\-+[\w\$]+)*\??/, propertyPath: /(?:[A-Za-z_\$][A-Za-z\d\-\_\$]*\.)?(?:[A-Za-z_\$][A-Za-z\d\-\_\$]*)/, tagNameIdentifier: /(?:[\w\-]+\:)?\w+(?:\-\w+)*/, variable: /[\w\$]+(?:-[\w\$]*)*\??/, varKeyword: /var|let|const/, tagIdentifier: /-*[a-zA-Z][\w\-]*/, implicitCall: /(?!\s(?:and|or|is|isa)\s)(?=\s[\w\'\"\/\[\{])/, cssModifier: /(?:\@+[\<\>\!]?[\w\-]+\+?|\.+@id\-?)/, cssPropertyPath: /[\@\.]*[\w\-\$]+(?:[\@\.]+[\w\-\$]+)*/, cssPropertyKey: /[\@\.]*[\w\-\$]+(?:[\@\.]+[\w\-\$]+)*(?:\s*\:)/, cssVariable: /(?:--|\$)[\w\-\$]+/, cssPropertyName: /[\w\-\$]+/, cssPropertyKey2: /(?:@cssPropertyName(?:@cssModifier)*|@cssModifier+)(?:\s*\:)/, cssUpModifier: /\.\.[\w\-\$]+/, cssIsModifier: /\.[\w\-\$]+/, regEx: /\/(?!\/\/)(?:[^\/\\]|\\.)*\/[igm]*/, regexpctl: /[(){}\[\]\$\^|\-*+?\.]/, regexpesc: /\\(?:[bBdDfnrstvwWn0\\\/]|@regexpctl|c[A-Z]|x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/, tokenizer: el};
13249 var Es;
13250 (function(t) {
13251 t[t.None = 0] = "None", t[t.Open = 1] = "Open", t[t.Close = -1] = "Close";
13252 })(Es || (Es = {}));
13253 function h3(t) {
13254 return Array.isArray(t);
13255 }
13256 function ju(t) {
13257 return !h3(t);
13258 }
13259 function il(t) {
13260 return typeof t == "string";
13261 }
13262 function Gu(t) {
13263 return !il(t);
13264 }
13265 function Bu(t) {
13266 return !t;
13267 }
13268 function fn(t, e) {
13269 return t.ignoreCase && e ? e.toLowerCase() : e;
13270 }
13271 function sl(t) {
13272 return t.replace(/[&<>'"_]/g, "-");
13273 }
13274 function Hu(t, e) {
13275 console.log(`${t.languageId}: ${e}`);
13276 }
13277 function we(t, e) {
13278 return new Error(`${t.languageId}: ${e}`);
13279 }
13280 var zu = {};
13281 function p3(t) {
13282 let e = [], r = 0, i = t.length, s = "", n = 0;
13283 for (; r < i; ) {
13284 let o = t[r++];
13285 if (o == "$") {
13286 let a = t[r++];
13287 if (a == "$") {
13288 s += "$";
13289 continue;
13290 }
13291 s && e.push(s), s = "", a == "#" ? e.push(0) : a == "S" ? e.push(parseInt(t[r++]) + 100) : e.push(parseInt(a) + 1);
13292 } else
13293 s += o;
13294 }
13295 return s && e.push(s), zu[t] = e, e;
13296 }
13297 function es(t, e, r, i, s) {
13298 let n = null, o = zu[e] || p3(e), a = "";
13299 for (let l = 0; l < o.length; l++) {
13300 let p = o[l];
13301 typeof p == "string" ? a += p : p > 100 ? (n === null && (n = s.split(".")), a += n[p - 101] || "") : p === 100 ? a += s : p === 0 ? a += r : p > 0 && (a += i[p - 1]);
13302 }
13303 return a;
13304 }
13305 var nl = {};
13306 function k1(t, e) {
13307 let r = e;
13308 if (nl[r])
13309 return t.tokenizer[nl[r]];
13310 for (; r && r.length > 0; ) {
13311 let i = t.tokenizer[r];
13312 if (i)
13313 return nl[e] = r, i;
13314 let s = r.lastIndexOf(".");
13315 s < 0 ? r = null : r = r.substr(0, s);
13316 }
13317 return null;
13318 }
13319 function Uu(t, e) {
13320 let r = e;
13321 for (; r && r.length > 0; ) {
13322 if (t.stateNames[r])
13323 return true;
13324 let s = r.lastIndexOf(".");
13325 s < 0 ? r = null : r = r.substr(0, s);
13326 }
13327 return false;
13328 }
13329 function f3(t, e) {
13330 if (!e || !Array.isArray(e))
13331 return false;
13332 for (let r of e)
13333 if (!t(r))
13334 return false;
13335 return true;
13336 }
13337 function Yu(t, e) {
13338 return typeof t == "boolean" ? t : e;
13339 }
13340 function Ku(t, e) {
13341 return typeof t == "string" ? t : e;
13342 }
13343 function _3(t) {
13344 let e = {};
13345 for (let r of t)
13346 e[r] = true;
13347 return e;
13348 }
13349 function qu(t, e = false) {
13350 e && (t = t.map(function(i) {
13351 return i.toLowerCase();
13352 }));
13353 let r = _3(t);
13354 return e ? function(i) {
13355 return r[i.toLowerCase()] !== void 0 && r.hasOwnProperty(i.toLowerCase());
13356 } : function(i) {
13357 return r[i] !== void 0 && r.hasOwnProperty(i);
13358 };
13359 }
13360 function ol(t, e) {
13361 let r = 0;
13362 for (; e.indexOf("@") >= 0 && r < 5; )
13363 r++, e = e.replace(/@(\w+)/g, function(i, s) {
13364 let n = "";
13365 if (typeof t[s] == "string")
13366 n = t[s];
13367 else if (t[s] && t[s] instanceof RegExp)
13368 n = t[s].source;
13369 else
13370 throw t[s] === void 0 ? we(t, "language definition does not contain attribute '" + s + "', used at: " + e) : we(t, "attribute reference '" + s + "' must be a string, used at: " + e);
13371 return Bu(n) ? "" : "(?:" + n + ")";
13372 });
13373 return new RegExp(e, t.ignoreCase ? "i" : "");
13374 }
13375 function d3(t, e, r, i) {
13376 if (i < 0)
13377 return t;
13378 if (i < e.length)
13379 return e[i];
13380 if (i >= 100) {
13381 i = i - 100;
13382 let s = r.split(".");
13383 if (s.unshift(r), i < s.length)
13384 return s[i];
13385 }
13386 return null;
13387 }
13388 function m3(t, e, r, i) {
13389 let s = -1, n = r, o = r.match(/^\$(([sS]?)(\d\d?)|#)(.*)$/);
13390 o && (o[3] && (s = parseInt(o[3]), o[2] && (s = s + 100)), n = o[4]);
13391 let a = "~", l = n;
13392 !n || n.length === 0 ? (a = "!=", l = "") : /^\w*$/.test(l) ? a = "==" : (o = n.match(/^(@|!@|~|!~|==|!=)(.*)$/), o && (a = o[1], l = o[2]));
13393 let p;
13394 if ((a === "~" || a === "!~") && /^(\w|\|)*$/.test(l)) {
13395 let c = qu(l.split("|"), t.ignoreCase);
13396 p = function(_) {
13397 return a === "~" ? c(_) : !c(_);
13398 };
13399 } else if (a === "@" || a === "!@") {
13400 let c = t[l];
13401 if (!c)
13402 throw we(t, "the @ match target '" + l + "' is not defined, in rule: " + e);
13403 if (!f3(function(f) {
13404 return typeof f == "string";
13405 }, c))
13406 throw we(t, "the @ match target '" + l + "' must be an array of strings, in rule: " + e);
13407 let _ = qu(c, t.ignoreCase);
13408 p = function(f) {
13409 return a === "@" ? _(f) : !_(f);
13410 };
13411 } else if (a === "~" || a === "!~")
13412 if (l.indexOf("$") < 0) {
13413 let c = ol(t, "^" + l + "$");
13414 p = function(_) {
13415 return a === "~" ? c.test(_) : !c.test(_);
13416 };
13417 } else
13418 p = function(c, _, f, d) {
13419 return ol(t, "^" + es(t, l, _, f, d) + "$").test(c);
13420 };
13421 else if (l.indexOf("$") < 0) {
13422 let c = fn(t, l);
13423 p = function(_) {
13424 return a === "==" ? _ === c : _ !== c;
13425 };
13426 } else {
13427 let c = fn(t, l);
13428 p = function(_, f, d, v, y) {
13429 let N = es(t, c, f, d, v);
13430 return a === "==" ? _ === N : _ !== N;
13431 };
13432 }
13433 return s === -1 ? {name: r, value: i, test: function(c, _, f, d) {
13434 return p(c, c, _, f, d);
13435 }} : {name: r, value: i, test: function(c, _, f, d) {
13436 let v = d3(c, _, f, s);
13437 return p(v || "", c, _, f, d);
13438 }};
13439 }
13440 function al(t, e, r) {
13441 if (r) {
13442 if (typeof r == "string")
13443 return r;
13444 if (r.token || r.token === "") {
13445 if (typeof r.token != "string")
13446 throw we(t, "a 'token' attribute must be of type string, in rule: " + e);
13447 {
13448 let i = {token: r.token};
13449 if (r.token.indexOf("$") >= 0 && (i.tokenSubst = true), typeof r.bracket == "string")
13450 if (r.bracket === "@open")
13451 i.bracket = Es.Open;
13452 else if (r.bracket === "@close")
13453 i.bracket = Es.Close;
13454 else
13455 throw we(t, "a 'bracket' attribute must be either '@open' or '@close', in rule: " + e);
13456 if (r.next) {
13457 if (typeof r.next != "string")
13458 throw we(t, "the next state must be a string value in rule: " + e);
13459 {
13460 let s = r.next;
13461 if (!/^(@pop|@push|@popall)$/.test(s) && (s[0] === "@" && (s = s.substr(1)), s.indexOf("$") < 0 && !Uu(t, es(t, s, "", [], ""))))
13462 throw we(t, "the next state '" + r.next + "' is not defined in rule: " + e);
13463 i.next = s;
13464 }
13465 }
13466 return typeof r.goBack == "number" && (i.goBack = r.goBack), typeof r.switchTo == "string" && (i.switchTo = r.switchTo), typeof r.log == "string" && (i.log = r.log), typeof r._push == "string" && (i._push = r._push), typeof r._pop == "string" && (i._pop = r._pop), typeof r.mark == "string" && (i.mark = r.mark), typeof r.fn == "string" && (i.fn = r.fn), typeof r.nextEmbedded == "string" && (i.nextEmbedded = r.nextEmbedded, t.usesEmbedded = true), i;
13467 }
13468 } else if (Array.isArray(r)) {
13469 let i = [];
13470 for (let s = 0, n = r.length; s < n; s++)
13471 i[s] = al(t, e, r[s]);
13472 return {group: i};
13473 } else if (r.cases) {
13474 let i = [];
13475 for (let n in r.cases)
13476 if (r.cases.hasOwnProperty(n)) {
13477 let o = al(t, e, r.cases[n]);
13478 n === "@default" || n === "@" || n === "" ? i.push({test: void 0, value: o, name: n}) : n === "@eos" ? i.push({test: function(a, l, p, c) {
13479 return c;
13480 }, value: o, name: n}) : i.push(m3(t, e, n, o));
13481 }
13482 let s = t.defaultToken;
13483 return {test: function(n, o, a, l) {
13484 for (let p of i)
13485 if (!p.test || p.test(n, o, a, l))
13486 return p.value;
13487 return s;
13488 }};
13489 } else
13490 throw we(t, "an action must be a string, an object with a 'token' or 'cases' attribute, or an array of actions; in rule: " + e);
13491 } else
13492 return {token: ""};
13493 }
13494 var Xu = class {
13495 constructor(e) {
13496 this.regex = new RegExp("");
13497 this.action = {token: ""};
13498 this.matchOnlyAtLineStart = false;
13499 this.name = "";
13500 this.name = e, this.stats = {time: 0, count: 0, hits: 0};
13501 }
13502 setRegex(e, r) {
13503 let i;
13504 if (typeof r == "string")
13505 i = r;
13506 else if (r instanceof RegExp)
13507 i = r.source;
13508 else
13509 throw we(e, "rules must start with a match string or regular expression: " + this.name);
13510 i.length == 2 && i[0] == "\\" && /[\{\}\(\)\[\]]/.test(i[1]) && (this.string = i[1]), this.matchOnlyAtLineStart = i.length > 0 && i[0] === "^", this.name = this.name + ": " + i, this.regex = ol(e, "^(?:" + (this.matchOnlyAtLineStart ? i.substr(1) : i) + ")");
13511 }
13512 setAction(e, r) {
13513 this.action = al(e, this.name, r);
13514 }
13515 };
13516 function x1(t, e) {
13517 if (!e || typeof e != "object")
13518 throw new Error("Monarch: expecting a language definition object");
13519 let r = {};
13520 r.languageId = t, r.noThrow = false, r.maxStack = 100, r.start = typeof e.start == "string" ? e.start : null, r.ignoreCase = Yu(e.ignoreCase, false), r.tokenPostfix = Ku(e.tokenPostfix, "." + r.languageId), r.defaultToken = Ku(e.defaultToken, "source"), r.usesEmbedded = false;
13521 let i = e;
13522 i.languageId = t, i.ignoreCase = r.ignoreCase, i.noThrow = r.noThrow, i.usesEmbedded = r.usesEmbedded, i.stateNames = e.tokenizer, i.defaultToken = r.defaultToken;
13523 function s(o, a, l) {
13524 for (let p of l) {
13525 let c = p.include;
13526 if (c) {
13527 if (typeof c != "string")
13528 throw we(r, "an 'include' attribute must be a string at: " + o);
13529 if (c[0] === "@" && (c = c.substr(1)), !e.tokenizer[c])
13530 throw we(r, "include target '" + c + "' is not defined at: " + o);
13531 s(o + "." + c, a, e.tokenizer[c]);
13532 } else {
13533 let _ = new Xu(o);
13534 if (Array.isArray(p) && p.length >= 1 && p.length <= 3)
13535 if (_.setRegex(i, p[0]), p.length >= 3)
13536 if (typeof p[1] == "string")
13537 _.setAction(i, {token: p[1], next: p[2]});
13538 else if (typeof p[1] == "object") {
13539 let f = p[1];
13540 f.next = p[2], _.setAction(i, f);
13541 } else
13542 throw we(r, "a next state as the last element of a rule can only be given if the action is either an object or a string, at: " + o);
13543 else
13544 _.setAction(i, p[1]);
13545 else {
13546 if (!p.regex)
13547 throw we(r, "a rule must either be an array, or an object with a 'regex' or 'include' field at: " + o);
13548 p.name && typeof p.name == "string" && (_.name = p.name), p.matchOnlyAtStart && (_.matchOnlyAtLineStart = Yu(p.matchOnlyAtLineStart, false)), _.setRegex(i, p.regex), _.setAction(i, p.action);
13549 }
13550 a.push(_);
13551 }
13552 }
13553 }
13554 if (!e.tokenizer || typeof e.tokenizer != "object")
13555 throw we(r, "a language definition must define the 'tokenizer' attribute as an object");
13556 r.tokenizer = [];
13557 for (let o in e.tokenizer)
13558 if (e.tokenizer.hasOwnProperty(o)) {
13559 r.start || (r.start = o);
13560 let a = e.tokenizer[o];
13561 r.tokenizer[o] = new Array(), s("tokenizer." + o, r.tokenizer[o], a);
13562 }
13563 if (r.usesEmbedded = i.usesEmbedded, e.brackets) {
13564 if (!Array.isArray(e.brackets))
13565 throw we(r, "the 'brackets' attribute must be defined as an array");
13566 } else
13567 e.brackets = [{open: "{", close: "}", token: "delimiter.curly"}, {open: "[", close: "]", token: "delimiter.square"}, {open: "(", close: ")", token: "delimiter.parenthesis"}, {open: "<", close: ">", token: "delimiter.angle"}];
13568 let n = [];
13569 for (let o of e.brackets) {
13570 let a = o;
13571 if (a && Array.isArray(a) && a.length === 3 && (a = {token: a[2], open: a[0], close: a[1]}), a.open === a.close)
13572 throw we(r, "open and close brackets in a 'brackets' attribute must be different: " + a.open + `
13573 hint: use the 'bracket' attribute if matching on equal brackets is required.`);
13574 if (typeof a.open == "string" && typeof a.token == "string" && typeof a.close == "string")
13575 n.push({token: a.token + r.tokenPostfix, open: fn(r, a.open), close: fn(r, a.close)});
13576 else
13577 throw we(r, "every element in the 'brackets' array must be a '{open,close,token}' object or array");
13578 }
13579 return r.brackets = n, r.noThrow = true, r;
13580 }
13581 var Si = class {
13582 constructor(e, r, i) {
13583 this.offset = e | 0, this.type = r, this.language = i, this.kind = 0, this.mods = 0, this.value = null, this.stack = null;
13584 }
13585 toString() {
13586 return this.value || "";
13587 }
13588 get span() {
13589 return {offset: this.offset, length: this.value ? this.value.length : 0};
13590 }
13591 get indent() {
13592 return 0;
13593 }
13594 get startOffset() {
13595 return this.offset;
13596 }
13597 get endOffset() {
13598 return this.offset + (this.value ? this.value.length : 0);
13599 }
13600 clone() {
13601 let e = new Si(this.offset, this.type, this.language);
13602 return e.value = this.value, e.stack = this.stack, e;
13603 }
13604 match(e) {
13605 if (typeof e == "string")
13606 if (e.indexOf(" ") > 0)
13607 e = e.split(" ");
13608 else {
13609 let r = this.type.indexOf(e);
13610 return e[0] == "." ? r >= 0 : r == 0;
13611 }
13612 if (e instanceof Array)
13613 for (let r of e) {
13614 let i = this.type.indexOf(r);
13615 if (r[0] == "." ? i >= 0 : i == 0)
13616 return true;
13617 }
13618 return e instanceof RegExp ? e.test(this.type) : false;
13619 }
13620 };
13621 var ll = class {
13622 constructor(e, r) {
13623 this.tokens = e, this.endState = r;
13624 }
13625 };
13626 var Wu = 10;
13627 function Qo(t, e) {
13628 return t.split(".")[e];
13629 }
13630 var cl = class {
13631 static create(e, r) {
13632 return this._INSTANCE.create(e, r);
13633 }
13634 constructor(e) {
13635 this._maxCacheDepth = e, this._entries = Object.create(null);
13636 }
13637 create(e, r) {
13638 if (e !== null && e.depth >= this._maxCacheDepth)
13639 return new _n(e, r);
13640 let i = _n.getStackElementId(e);
13641 i.length > 0 && (i += "|"), i += r;
13642 let s = this._entries[i];
13643 return s || (s = new _n(e, r), this._entries[i] = s, s);
13644 }
13645 };
13646 var $o = cl;
13647 $o._INSTANCE = new cl(Wu);
13648 var _n = class {
13649 constructor(e, r) {
13650 this.parent = e, this.state = r, this.depth = (this.parent ? this.parent.depth : 0) + 1;
13651 }
13652 static getStackElementId(e) {
13653 let r = "";
13654 for (; e !== null; )
13655 r.length > 0 && (r += "|"), r += e.state, e = e.parent;
13656 return r;
13657 }
13658 static _equals(e, r) {
13659 for (; e !== null && r !== null; ) {
13660 if (e === r)
13661 return true;
13662 if (e.state !== r.state)
13663 return false;
13664 e = e.parent, r = r.parent;
13665 }
13666 return e === null && r === null;
13667 }
13668 get indent() {
13669 return this.state.lastIndexOf(" ") - this.state.indexOf(" ");
13670 }
13671 get scope() {
13672 return this.part(2);
13673 }
13674 get detail() {
13675 return this.part(2);
13676 }
13677 part(e) {
13678 return this.state.split(".")[e];
13679 }
13680 equals(e) {
13681 return _n._equals(this, e);
13682 }
13683 push(e) {
13684 return $o.create(this, e);
13685 }
13686 pop() {
13687 return this.parent;
13688 }
13689 popall() {
13690 let e = this;
13691 for (; e.parent; )
13692 e = e.parent;
13693 return e;
13694 }
13695 switchTo(e) {
13696 return $o.create(this.parent, e);
13697 }
13698 };
13699 var ul = class {
13700 static create(e) {
13701 return this._INSTANCE.create(e);
13702 }
13703 constructor(e) {
13704 this._maxCacheDepth = e, this._entries = Object.create(null);
13705 }
13706 create(e) {
13707 if (e !== null && e.depth >= this._maxCacheDepth)
13708 return new ea(e);
13709 let r = _n.getStackElementId(e), i = this._entries[r];
13710 return i || (i = new ea(e), this._entries[r] = i, i);
13711 }
13712 };
13713 var ta = ul;
13714 ta._INSTANCE = new ul(Wu);
13715 var ea = class {
13716 constructor(e) {
13717 this.stack = e;
13718 }
13719 clone() {
13720 return ta.create(this.stack);
13721 }
13722 equals(e) {
13723 return !(!(e instanceof ea) || !this.stack.equals(e.stack));
13724 }
13725 };
13726 var Ju = class {
13727 constructor() {
13728 this._tokens = [], this._language = null, this._lastToken = new Si(0, "start", "imba"), this._lastTokenType = null;
13729 }
13730 enterMode(e, r) {
13731 this._language = r;
13732 }
13733 emit(e, r, i) {
13734 this._lastTokenType;
13735 let s = new Si(e, r, this._language);
13736 return this._lastTokenType = r, this._lastToken = s, this._tokens.push(s), s;
13737 }
13738 finalize(e) {
13739 return new ll(this._tokens, e);
13740 }
13741 };
13742 var ra = class {
13743 constructor(e, r) {
13744 this._modeId = e, this._lexer = r, this._profile = false;
13745 }
13746 dispose() {
13747 }
13748 getLoadStatus() {
13749 return {loaded: true};
13750 }
13751 getInitialState() {
13752 let e = $o.create(null, this._lexer.start);
13753 return ta.create(e);
13754 }
13755 tokenize(e, r, i) {
13756 let s = new Ju(), n = this._tokenize(e, r, i, s);
13757 return s.finalize(n);
13758 }
13759 _tokenize(e, r, i, s) {
13760 return this._myTokenize(e, r, i, s);
13761 }
13762 _safeRuleName(e) {
13763 return e ? e.name : "(unknown)";
13764 }
13765 _rescope(e, r, i, s) {
13766 let n = (e || "").split("-"), o = (r || "").split("-");
13767 if (e == r)
13768 return;
13769 let a = 1;
13770 for (; n[a] && n[a] == o[a]; )
13771 a++;
13772 let l = n.length;
13773 for (; l > a; )
13774 i.push("pop." + n[--l] + "." + l);
13775 for (; o.length > a; ) {
13776 let p = "push." + o[a++] + "." + (a - 1);
13777 if (s) {
13778 let c = Qo(s, 1);
13779 p += "." + c;
13780 }
13781 i.push(p);
13782 }
13783 }
13784 _myTokenize(e, r, i, s) {
13785 s.enterMode(i, this._modeId);
13786 let n = e.length, o = r.stack, a = null, l = 0, p = this._profile, c = null, _ = true, f = [], d = 0, v = [], y = null, N = -1;
13787 for (; _ || l < n; ) {
13788 if (d++, d > 1e3) {
13789 if (l == N)
13790 throw console.log("infinite recursion", l, n, o, s), "infinite recursion in tokenizer?";
13791 N = l, d = 0;
13792 }
13793 let b = l, m = o.depth, g = c ? c.groups.length : 0, S = o.state, k = null, E = null, w = null, O = null;
13794 if (c) {
13795 k = c.matches;
13796 let D = c.groups.shift();
13797 E = D.matched, w = D.action, O = c.rule, c.groups.length === 0 && (c = null);
13798 } else {
13799 if (!_ && l >= n)
13800 break;
13801 if (_ = false, v = this._lexer.tokenizer[S], !v && (v = k1(this._lexer, S), !v))
13802 throw we(this._lexer, "tokenizer state is not defined: " + S);
13803 let D = e.substr(l);
13804 for (let A of v)
13805 if (A.string !== void 0) {
13806 if (D[0] === A.string) {
13807 k = [A.string], E = A.string, w = A.action;
13808 break;
13809 }
13810 } else if (l === 0 || !A.matchOnlyAtLineStart) {
13811 if (p) {
13812 A.stats.count++;
13813 let U = performance.now();
13814 k = D.match(A.regex), A.stats.time += performance.now() - U, k && A.stats.hits++;
13815 } else
13816 k = D.match(A.regex);
13817 if (k) {
13818 E = k[0], w = A.action;
13819 break;
13820 }
13821 }
13822 }
13823 if (k || (k = [""], E = ""), w || (l < n && (k = [e.charAt(l)], E = k[0]), w = this._lexer.defaultToken), E === null)
13824 break;
13825 for (l += E.length; ju(w) && Gu(w) && w.test; )
13826 w = w.test(E, k, S, l === n);
13827 let L = null;
13828 if (typeof w == "string" || Array.isArray(w))
13829 L = w;
13830 else if (w.group)
13831 L = w.group;
13832 else if (w.token !== null && w.token !== void 0) {
13833 if (w.tokenSubst ? L = es(this._lexer, w.token, E, k, S) : L = w.token, w.goBack && (l = Math.max(0, l - w.goBack)), w.switchTo && typeof w.switchTo == "string") {
13834 let D = es(this._lexer, w.switchTo, E, k, S);
13835 if (D[0] === "@" && (D = D.substr(1)), k1(this._lexer, D)) {
13836 let A = o.scope, U = Qo(D, 2);
13837 A !== U && this._rescope(A, U, f, D), o = o.switchTo(D);
13838 } else
13839 throw we(this._lexer, "trying to switch to a state '" + D + "' that is undefined in rule: " + this._safeRuleName(O));
13840 } else {
13841 if (w.transform && typeof w.transform == "function")
13842 throw we(this._lexer, "action.transform not supported");
13843 if (w.next)
13844 if (w.next === "@push") {
13845 if (o.depth >= this._lexer.maxStack)
13846 throw we(this._lexer, "maximum tokenizer stack size reached: [" + o.state + "," + o.parent.state + ",...]");
13847 o = o.push(S);
13848 } else if (w.next === "@pop") {
13849 if (o.depth <= 1)
13850 throw we(this._lexer, "trying to pop an empty stack in rule: " + this._safeRuleName(O));
13851 {
13852 let D = o;
13853 o = o.pop();
13854 let A = Qo(D.state, 2), U = Qo(o.state, 2);
13855 A !== U && this._rescope(A, U, f, o.state);
13856 }
13857 } else if (w.next === "@popall")
13858 o = o.popall();
13859 else {
13860 let D = es(this._lexer, w.next, E, k, S);
13861 D[0] === "@" && (D = D.substr(1));
13862 let A = Qo(D, 2);
13863 if (k1(this._lexer, D))
13864 A != o.scope && this._rescope(o.scope || "", A, f, D), o = o.push(D);
13865 else
13866 throw we(this._lexer, "trying to set a next state '" + D + "' that is undefined in rule: " + this._safeRuleName(O));
13867 }
13868 }
13869 w.log && typeof w.log == "string" && Hu(this._lexer, this._lexer.languageId + ": " + es(this._lexer, w.log, E, k, S)), w.mark && s.emit(b + i, w.mark, o);
13870 }
13871 if (L === null)
13872 throw we(this._lexer, "lexer rule has no well-defined action in rule: " + this._safeRuleName(O));
13873 if (Array.isArray(L)) {
13874 if (c && c.groups.length > 0)
13875 throw we(this._lexer, "groups cannot be nested: " + this._safeRuleName(O));
13876 if (k.length !== L.length + 1)
13877 throw we(this._lexer, "matched number of groups does not match the number of actions in rule: " + this._safeRuleName(O));
13878 let D = 0;
13879 for (let A = 1; A < k.length; A++)
13880 D += k[A].length;
13881 if (D !== E.length)
13882 throw we(this._lexer, "with groups, all characters should be matched in consecutive groups in rule: " + this._safeRuleName(O));
13883 c = {rule: O, matches: k, groups: []};
13884 for (let A = 0; A < L.length; A++)
13885 c.groups[A] = {action: L[A], matched: k[A + 1]};
13886 l -= E.length;
13887 continue;
13888 } else {
13889 if (L === "@rematch" && (l -= E.length, E = "", k = null, L = ""), E.length === 0)
13890 if (n === 0 || m !== o.depth || S !== o.state || (c ? c.groups.length : 0) !== g) {
13891 for (typeof L == "string" && L && s.emit(l + i, L, o); f.length > 0; )
13892 s.emit(l + i, f.shift(), o);
13893 continue;
13894 } else
13895 throw we(this._lexer, "no progress in tokenizer in rule: " + this._safeRuleName(O));
13896 let D = null;
13897 if (il(L) && L.indexOf("@brackets") === 0) {
13898 let U = L.substr("@brackets".length), B = y3(this._lexer, E);
13899 if (!B)
13900 throw we(this._lexer, "@brackets token returned but no bracket defined as: " + E);
13901 D = sl(B.token + U);
13902 } else {
13903 let U = L === "" ? "" : L + this._lexer.tokenPostfix;
13904 D = sl(U);
13905 }
13906 let A = s.emit(b + i, D, o);
13907 for (A.stack = o, a && a != A && (a.value = e.slice(a.offset - i, b)), a = A; f.length > 0; )
13908 s.emit(l + i, f.shift(), o);
13909 }
13910 }
13911 return a && !a.value && (a.value = e.slice(a.offset - i)), ta.create(o);
13912 }
13913 };
13914 function y3(t, e) {
13915 if (!e)
13916 return null;
13917 e = fn(t, e);
13918 let r = t.brackets;
13919 for (let i of r) {
13920 if (i.open === e)
13921 return {token: i.token, bracketType: Es.Open};
13922 if (i.close === e)
13923 return {token: i.token, bracketType: Es.Close};
13924 }
13925 return null;
13926 }
13927 function g3(t) {
13928 let e;
13929 return t ? (e = t.toIterable) ? e.call(t) : t : [];
13930 }
13931 var Zu = Symbol.for("#__init__");
13932 var T_ = Symbol.for("#__initor__");
13933 var E_ = Symbol.for("#__inited__");
13934 var ia = class {
13935 constructor(e = null) {
13936 this[Zu](e);
13937 }
13938 [Zu](e = null) {
13939 this.offset = e ? e.offset : void 0, this.text = e ? e.text : void 0, this.tokens = e ? e.tokens : void 0, this.startState = e ? e.startState : void 0, this.endState = e ? e.endState : void 0;
13940 }
13941 clone(e = this.offset) {
13942 let r = [], i = e - this.offset;
13943 for (let s = 0, n = g3(this.tokens), o = n.length; s < o; s++) {
13944 let a = n[s], l = a.clone();
13945 l.offset = a.offset + i, r.push(l);
13946 }
13947 return new ia({offset: e, startState: this.startState, endState: this.endState, text: this.text, tokens: r});
13948 }
13949 };
13950 var v3 = x1("imba", b1);
13951 var dn = new ra("imba", v3);
13952 function Qu(t) {
13953 let e;
13954 return t ? (e = t.toIterable) ? e.call(t) : t : [];
13955 }
13956 var no = ["comment", "string", "keyword", "number", "regexp", "operator", "namespace", "type", "struct", "class", "interface", "enum", "typeParameter", "function", "member", "macro", "variable", "parameter", "property", "label"];
13957 for (let t = 0, e = Qu(no), r = e.length; t < r; t++) {
13958 let i = e[t];
13959 no[i] = t;
13960 }
13961 var Be = {Declaration: 1 << 0, Import: 1 << 1, Export: 1 << 2, Global: 1 << 3, ReadOnly: 1 << 4, Static: 1 << 5, Modification: 1 << 6, Deprecated: 1 << 7, Access: 1 << 8, Root: 1 << 9, Special: 1 << 10, Class: 1 << 11, Member: 1 << 12, Function: 1 << 13, Def: 1 << 14, Var: 1 << 15, Let: 1 << 16, Const: 1 << 17, Get: 1 << 18, Set: 1 << 19};
13962 var $u = Object.keys(Be).map(function(t) {
13963 return t.toLowerCase();
13964 });
13965 for (let t = 0, e = Qu(Object.keys(Be)), r = e.length; t < r; t++) {
13966 let i = e[t];
13967 Be[i.toLowerCase()] = Be[i];
13968 }
13969 var Dr = {Keyword: 1 << 0, Access: 1 << 1, Key: 1 << 2, TagName: 1 << 3, TagEvent: 1 << 4, TagFlag: 1 << 5, TagProp: 1 << 6, TagEventModifier: 1 << 7, Value: 1 << 8, Path: 1 << 9, StyleProp: 1 << 10, StyleValue: 1 << 11, Type: 1 << 12, StyleModifier: 1 << 13, StyleSelector: 1 << 14, VarName: 1 << 15, ImportName: 1 << 16};
13970 var zt = {Keyword: 1 << 0, Root: 1 << 1, Class: 1 << 2, Block: 1 << 3};
13971 var sa = {and: zt.Block, await: zt.Block, begin: zt.Block, break: zt.Block, by: zt.Block, case: zt.Block, catch: zt.Block, class: zt.Block, const: zt.Block, continue: zt.Block, css: zt.Class | zt.Root, debugger: zt.Block, def: zt.Class | zt.Block, get: zt.Class, set: zt.Class, delete: zt.Block, do: zt.Block, elif: zt.Block, else: zt.Block, export: zt.Root, extends: zt.Block, false: zt.Block, finally: zt.Block, for: zt.Block, if: zt.Block, import: zt.Root, in: zt.Block, instanceof: zt.Block, is: zt.Block, isa: zt.Block, isnt: zt.Block, let: zt.Block, loop: zt.Block, module: zt.Block, nil: zt.Block, no: zt.Block, not: zt.Block, null: zt.Block, of: zt.Block, or: zt.Block, require: zt.Block, return: zt.Block, self: zt.Block, static: zt.Block | zt.Class, super: zt.Block, switch: zt.Block, tag: zt.Root, then: zt.Block, this: zt.Block, throw: zt.Block, true: zt.Block, try: zt.Block, typeof: zt.Block, undefined: zt.Block, unless: zt.Block, until: zt.Block, var: zt.Block, when: zt.Block, while: zt.Block, yes: zt.Block};
13972 var hr = {File: 1, Module: 2, Namespace: 3, Package: 4, Class: 5, Method: 6, Property: 7, Field: 8, Constructor: 9, Enum: 10, Interface: 11, Function: 12, Variable: 13, Constant: 14, String: 15, Number: 16, Boolean: 17, Array: 18, Object: 19, Key: 20, Null: 21, EnumMember: 22, Struct: 23, Event: 24, Operator: 25, TypeParameter: 26};
13973 for (let t = 0, e = Object.keys(hr), r = e.length, i, s; t < r; t++)
13974 i = e[t], s = hr[i], hr[s] = i;
13975 function b3(t) {
13976 let e;
13977 return t ? (e = t.toIterable) ? e.call(t) : t : [];
13978 }
13979 var th = Symbol.for("#__init__");
13980 var L_ = Symbol.for("#__initor__");
13981 var D_ = Symbol.for("#__inited__");
13982 var w1 = Symbol.for("#datatype");
13983 var Pt = {None: 0, ConstVariable: 1 << 0, LetVariable: 1 << 1, Property: 1 << 2, EnumMember: 1 << 3, Function: 1 << 4, Class: 1 << 5, LocalComponent: 1 << 6, GlobalComponent: 1 << 7, RegularEnum: 1 << 8, ValueModule: 1 << 9, Parameter: 1 << 10, TypeLiteral: 1 << 11, ObjectLiteral: 1 << 12, Method: 1 << 13, Constructor: 1 << 14, GetAccessor: 1 << 15, SetAccessor: 1 << 16, Signature: 1 << 17, TypeParameter: 1 << 18, TypeAlias: 1 << 19, ExportValue: 1 << 20, Alias: 1 << 21, Prototype: 1 << 22, ExportStar: 1 << 23, Optional: 1 << 24, IsSpecial: 1 << 27, IsImport: 1 << 28, IsStatic: 1 << 29, IsGlobal: 1 << 30, IsRoot: 1 << 31};
13984 Pt.Component = Pt.LocalComponent | Pt.GlobalComponent;
13985 Pt.Variable = Pt.LetVariable | Pt.ConstVariable | Pt.Parameter;
13986 Pt.Accessor = Pt.GetAccessor | Pt.SetAccessor;
13987 Pt.ClassMember = Pt.Method | Pt.Accessor | Pt.Property;
13988 Pt.Scoped = Pt.Function | Pt.Variable | Pt.Class | Pt.Enum | Pt.LocalComponent;
13989 Pt.Type = Pt.Component | Pt.Class;
13990 Pt.GlobalVar = Pt.ConstVariable | Pt.IsGlobal;
13991 Pt.SpecialVar = Pt.ConstVariable | Pt.IsSpecial;
13992 var eh = [["entity.name.component.local", 0, Pt.LocalComponent], ["entity.name.component.global", 0, Pt.GlobalComponent], ["entity.name.function", 0, Pt.Function], ["entity.name.class", 0, Pt.Class], ["entity.name.constructor", 0, Pt.Method], ["entity.name.def", 0, Pt.Method], ["entity.name.get", 0, Pt.GetAccessor], ["entity.name.set", 0, Pt.SetAccessor], ["field", 0, Pt.Property], ["decl-let", 0, Pt.LetVariable], ["decl-for-index", 0, Pt.LetVariable, {datatype: "\\number"}], ["decl-for", 0, Pt.LetVariable, {kind: "for"}], ["decl-var", 0, Pt.LetVariable], ["decl-param", 0, Pt.Parameter], ["decl-const", 0, Pt.ConstVariable], ["decl-import", 0, Pt.ConstVariable | Pt.IsImport]];
13993 var hl = {};
13994 var rs = class {
13995 [th](e = null) {
13996 var r;
13997 this.value = e ? e.value : void 0, this.body = e && (r = e.body) !== void 0 ? r : null;
13998 }
13999 static typeMatch(e) {
14000 if (hl[e] != null)
14001 return hl[e];
14002 for (let r = 0, i = b3(eh), s = i.length; r < s; r++) {
14003 let [n, o, a, l] = i[r];
14004 if (e.indexOf(n) >= 0)
14005 return hl[e] = eh[r];
14006 }
14007 return null;
14008 }
14009 static forToken(e, r, i = 0) {
14010 let s = this.typeMatch(r);
14011 return s ? new this(s[2], e.value, e, s[3]) : null;
14012 }
14013 constructor(e, r, i, s = null) {
14014 this[th](), this.flags = e, this.name = r, this.node = i, this.desc = s;
14015 }
14016 get importSource() {
14017 return this.imported\u03A6 ? this.node.context.closest("imports").sourcePath : null;
14018 }
14019 get exportName() {
14020 return this.node.prev.match("keyword.as") ? this.node.prev.prev.value : this.node.match(".default") ? "default" : this.node.value;
14021 }
14022 get importInfo() {
14023 if (!this.imported\u03A6)
14024 return null;
14025 let e = this.node.context.closest("imports");
14026 return {exportName: this.exportName, name: this.node.value, isTypeOnly: e.isTypeOnly, path: e.sourcePath};
14027 }
14028 get datatype() {
14029 var n;
14030 let e, r = this.desc && this.desc.datatype;
14031 if (r)
14032 return r;
14033 if (this[w1])
14034 return this[w1];
14035 let i = this.node && this.node.nextNode;
14036 if (i && i.type == "type")
14037 return i;
14038 let s = this.scope;
14039 if (s && ((n = this.desc) == null ? void 0 : n.kind) == "for") {
14040 let o = s.doc.getDestructuredPath(this.node, [[s.expression, "__@iterable"]]);
14041 return this[w1] || (this[w1] = o);
14042 }
14043 return (e = this.importInfo) ? e : null;
14044 }
14045 get static\u03A6() {
14046 return this.node && this.node.mods & Be.Static;
14047 }
14048 get itervar\u03A6() {
14049 return this.node && this.node.match(".decl-for");
14050 }
14051 get variable\u03A6() {
14052 return this.flags & Pt.Variable;
14053 }
14054 get parameter\u03A6() {
14055 return this.flags & Pt.Parameter;
14056 }
14057 get member\u03A6() {
14058 return this.flags & Pt.ClassMember;
14059 }
14060 get scoped\u03A6() {
14061 return this.flags & Pt.Scoped;
14062 }
14063 get type\u03A6() {
14064 return this.flags & Pt.Type;
14065 }
14066 get global\u03A6() {
14067 return this.flags & Pt.IsGlobal;
14068 }
14069 get imported\u03A6() {
14070 return this.flags & Pt.IsImport;
14071 }
14072 get component\u03A6() {
14073 return this.flags & Pt.Component;
14074 }
14075 get escapedName() {
14076 return this.name;
14077 }
14078 get scope() {
14079 var e, r;
14080 return (r = (e = this.node) == null ? void 0 : e.context) == null ? void 0 : r.scope;
14081 }
14082 addReference(e) {
14083 return this.references || (this.references = []), this.references.push(e), e.symbol = this, this;
14084 }
14085 dereference(e) {
14086 let r = this.references.indexOf(e);
14087 return r >= 0 && (e.symbol = null, this.references.splice(r, 1)), this;
14088 }
14089 get kind() {
14090 return this.variable\u03A6 ? hr.Variable : this.flags & Pt.Class ? hr.Class : this.flags & Pt.Component ? hr.Class : this.flags & Pt.Property ? hr.Field : this.flags & Pt.Method ? this.escapedName == "constructor" ? hr.Constructor : hr.Method : this.flags & Pt.Function ? hr.Function : hr.Method;
14091 }
14092 get semanticKind() {
14093 return this.flags & Pt.Parameter ? "parameter" : this.variable\u03A6 ? "variable" : this.type\u03A6 ? "type" : this.flags & Pt.Function ? "function" : this.member\u03A6 ? "member" : this.component\u03A6 ? "component" : "variable";
14094 }
14095 get semanticFlags() {
14096 let e = 0;
14097 return this.flags & Pt.ConstVariable && (e |= Be.ReadOnly), this.static\u03A6 && (e |= Be.Static), this.flags & Pt.IsImport && (e |= Be.Import), this.flags & Pt.IsGlobal && (e |= Be.Global), this.flags & Pt.IsRoot && (e |= Be.Root), this.flags & Pt.IsSpecial && (e |= Be.Special), e;
14098 }
14099 };
14100 function k3(t) {
14101 let e;
14102 return t ? (e = t.toIterable) ? e.call(t) : t : [];
14103 }
14104 var As = Symbol.for("#__init__");
14105 var oo = Symbol.for("#__initor__");
14106 var ao = Symbol.for("#__inited__");
14107 var rh = Symbol();
14108 var ih = Symbol();
14109 var sh = Symbol();
14110 var nh = {global: {datatype: "globalThis"}, imba: {datatype: "globalThis.imba"}, module: {}, window: {datatype: "globalThis.window"}, document: {datatype: "globalThis.document"}, exports: {}, console: {datatype: "globalThis.console"}, process: {datatype: "globalThis.process"}, parseInt: {datatype: "globalThis.parseInt"}, parseFloat: {datatype: "globalThis.parseFloat"}, setTimeout: {datatype: "globalThis.setTimeout"}, setInterval: {datatype: "globalThis.setInterval"}, setImmediate: {datatype: "globalThis.setImmediate"}, clearTimeout: {datatype: "globalThis.clearTimeout"}, clearInterval: {datatype: "globalThis.clearInterval"}, clearImmediate: {datatype: "globalThis.clearImmediate"}, globalThis: {datatype: "globalThis"}, isNaN: {datatype: "globalThis.isNaN"}, isFinite: {datatype: "globalThis.isFinite"}, __dirname: {datatype: "\\string"}, __filename: {datatype: "\\string"}, __realname: {datatype: "\\string"}};
14111 var na = class {
14112 [As](e = null) {
14113 var r;
14114 this.type = e && (r = e.type) !== void 0 ? r : "", this.start = e ? e.start : void 0, this.end = e ? e.end : void 0, this.parent = e ? e.parent : void 0;
14115 }
14116 static build(e, r, i, s, n) {
14117 return new this(e, r, i, s, n);
14118 }
14119 constructor(e, r, i, s) {
14120 this[As](), this.doc = e, this.start = r, this.end = null, this.type = s, this.parent = i, this.$name = null, r.scope = this;
14121 }
14122 pop(e) {
14123 return this.end = e, e.start = this.start, e.pops = this, this.start.end = e, this.visit(), this.parent;
14124 }
14125 find(e) {
14126 return this.findChildren(e, true)[0];
14127 }
14128 get childNodes() {
14129 return this.doc.getNodesInScope(this);
14130 }
14131 findChildren(e, r = false) {
14132 let i = [], s = this.start;
14133 for (; s; ) {
14134 if (r && i.length)
14135 return i;
14136 if (s.scope && s.scope != this) {
14137 s.scope.match(e) && i.push(s.scope), s = s.scope.next;
14138 continue;
14139 }
14140 if (s.match(e) && i.push(s), s == this.end)
14141 break;
14142 s = s.next;
14143 }
14144 return i;
14145 }
14146 closest(e) {
14147 return this.match(e) ? this : this.parent ? this.parent.closest(e) : null;
14148 }
14149 visit() {
14150 return this;
14151 }
14152 get member\u03A6() {
14153 return false;
14154 }
14155 get top\u03A6() {
14156 return false;
14157 }
14158 get selfScope() {
14159 return this.member\u03A6 || this.top\u03A6 ? this : this.parent.selfScope;
14160 }
14161 get name() {
14162 return this.$name || "";
14163 }
14164 get value() {
14165 return this.doc.content.slice(this.start.offset, this.next ? this.next.offset : -1);
14166 }
14167 get next() {
14168 return this.end ? this.end.next : null;
14169 }
14170 get prev() {
14171 return this.start ? this.start.prev : null;
14172 }
14173 match(e) {
14174 return typeof e == "string" ? this.type == e : e instanceof RegExp ? e.test(this.type) : e instanceof Function ? e(this) : true;
14175 }
14176 };
14177 var Oe = class extends na {
14178 static [As]() {
14179 return this.prototype[oo] = rh, this;
14180 }
14181 constructor(e, r, i, s, n = []) {
14182 super(e, r, i, s);
14183 this[oo] === rh && this[ao] && this[ao]();
14184 }
14185 get scope() {
14186 return this.parent.scope;
14187 }
14188 get varmap() {
14189 return this.parent.varmap;
14190 }
14191 register(e) {
14192 return this.parent.register(e);
14193 }
14194 lookup(...e) {
14195 return this.parent.lookup(...e);
14196 }
14197 };
14198 Oe[As]();
14199 var oh = class extends Oe {
14200 };
14201 var ah = class extends Oe {
14202 };
14203 var lh = class extends Oe {
14204 get properties() {
14205 return this.findChildren("styleprop");
14206 }
14207 };
14208 var ch = class extends Oe {
14209 };
14210 var Hi = class extends na {
14211 static [As]() {
14212 return this.prototype[oo] = ih, this;
14213 }
14214 constructor(e, r, i, s, n = []) {
14215 super(e, r, i, s);
14216 if (this.children = [], this.entities = [], this.refs = [], this.varmap = Object.create(i ? i.varmap : {}), this instanceof lo)
14217 for (let o = 0, a = Object.keys(nh), l = a.length, p, c; o < l; o++) {
14218 p = a[o], c = nh[p];
14219 let _ = {value: p, offset: -1, mods: 0};
14220 this.varmap[p] = new rs(Pt.GlobalVar, p, _, c);
14221 }
14222 return this.indent = n[3] && n[3][0] == " " ? n[3].length : 0, this.setup(), this;
14223 this[oo] === ih && this[ao] && this[ao]();
14224 }
14225 setup() {
14226 if (this.handler\u03A6 && (this.varmap.e = new rs(Pt.SpecialVar, "e", null, "eventReference")), (this.class\u03A6 || this.property\u03A6) && (this.ident = this.token = y1(this.start, "entity."), this.ident && (this.ident.body = this), this.ident && this.ident.type == "entity.name.def.render" && (this.$name = "render", this.ident.symbol)))
14227 return this.ident.symbol.name = "render";
14228 }
14229 get selfPath() {
14230 let e = this.path;
14231 return this.property\u03A6 ? e.slice(0, e.lastIndexOf(".")) : e;
14232 }
14233 get path() {
14234 let e = this.parent ? this.parent.path : "";
14235 if (this.property\u03A6) {
14236 let r = this.static\u03A6 ? "." : ".prototype.";
14237 return this.parent ? "" + this.parent.path + r + this.name : this.name;
14238 }
14239 return this.component\u03A6 ? this.name[0] == this.name[0].toLowerCase() ? this.name.replace(/\-/g, "_") + "$$TAG$$" : this.name : this.class\u03A6 ? this.name : e;
14240 }
14241 get allowedKeywordTypes() {
14242 return this.class\u03A6 ? zt.Class : this.root\u03A6 ? zt.Root | zt.Block : zt.Block;
14243 }
14244 get component\u03A6() {
14245 return !!this.type.match(/^component/);
14246 }
14247 get root\u03A6() {
14248 return this instanceof lo;
14249 }
14250 get top\u03A6() {
14251 return this instanceof lo;
14252 }
14253 get class\u03A6() {
14254 return !!this.type.match(/^class/) || this.component\u03A6;
14255 }
14256 get def\u03A6() {
14257 return !!this.type.match(/def|get|set/);
14258 }
14259 get static\u03A6() {
14260 return !!(this.ident && this.ident.mods & Be.Static);
14261 }
14262 get handler\u03A6() {
14263 return !!this.type.match(/handler|spy/);
14264 }
14265 get member\u03A6() {
14266 return !!this.type.match(/def|get|set/);
14267 }
14268 get property\u03A6() {
14269 return !!this.type.match(/def|get|set|field/);
14270 }
14271 get flow\u03A6() {
14272 return !!this.type.match(/if|else|elif|unless|for|while|until/);
14273 }
14274 get closure\u03A6() {
14275 return !!this.type.match(/class|component|def|get|set|do/);
14276 }
14277 get scope() {
14278 return this;
14279 }
14280 get name() {
14281 return this.$name || (this.ident ? this.ident.value : "");
14282 }
14283 visit() {
14284 return this;
14285 }
14286 register(e) {
14287 return e.scoped\u03A6 && (this.varmap[e.name] = e, this.root\u03A6 && (e.flags |= Pt.IsRoot)), e;
14288 }
14289 lookup(e, r = Pt.Scoped) {
14290 let i, s = e.value;
14291 return s[s.length - 1] == "!" && (s = s.slice(0, -1)), (i = this.varmap[s]) ? i : null;
14292 }
14293 toOutline() {
14294 return {kind: this.type, name: this.name, children: [], span: this.ident ? this.ident.span : this.start.span};
14295 }
14296 };
14297 Hi[As]();
14298 var lo = class extends Hi {
14299 };
14300 var uh = class extends Hi {
14301 get expression() {
14302 return this.find("keyword.in keyword.of").next.next;
14303 }
14304 get forvars() {
14305 return Object.values(this.varmap).filter(function(e) {
14306 return e.itervar\u03A6;
14307 });
14308 }
14309 };
14310 var hh = class extends Hi {
14311 register(e) {
14312 return this.parent.register(e);
14313 }
14314 lookup(...e) {
14315 return this.parent.lookup(...e);
14316 }
14317 };
14318 var ph = class extends Hi {
14319 get selfScope() {
14320 return this;
14321 }
14322 };
14323 var fh = class extends Oe {
14324 };
14325 var _h = class extends Oe {
14326 get propertyName() {
14327 var e;
14328 return this.start.next.match("style.property.name") ? this.start.next.value : (e = this.parent.prevProperty) == null ? void 0 : e.propertyName;
14329 }
14330 get modifier() {
14331 if (this.start.next.match("style.property.modifier"))
14332 return this.start.next.value;
14333 }
14334 get styleValue() {
14335 return true;
14336 }
14337 };
14338 var dh = class extends Oe {
14339 get key() {
14340 return this.parent.key;
14341 }
14342 get propertyName() {
14343 return this.parent.propertyName;
14344 }
14345 get modifier() {
14346 return this.parent.modifier;
14347 }
14348 };
14349 var mh = class extends Oe {
14350 get key() {
14351 return this.find("stylepropkey");
14352 }
14353 get prevProperty() {
14354 return this.start.prev.pops ? this.start.prev.pops : null;
14355 }
14356 get propertyName() {
14357 var e;
14358 return (e = this.key) == null ? void 0 : e.propertyName;
14359 }
14360 get modifier() {
14361 var e;
14362 return (e = this.key) == null ? void 0 : e.modifier;
14363 }
14364 };
14365 var yh = class extends Oe {
14366 };
14367 var gh = class extends Oe {
14368 get innerText() {
14369 return this.value.slice(1, -1);
14370 }
14371 };
14372 var vh = class extends Oe {
14373 get name() {
14374 let e = this.findChildren("tag.name").join("");
14375 return e == "self" ? this.closest("component").name : e;
14376 }
14377 get local\u03A6() {
14378 return this.name[0] == this.name[0].toUpperCase();
14379 }
14380 get tagName() {
14381 return this.name;
14382 }
14383 get parentTag() {
14384 var e;
14385 return (e = this.closest("tagcontent")) == null ? void 0 : e.ownerTag;
14386 }
14387 get ancestorTags() {
14388 var e;
14389 return (e = this.closest("tagcontent")) == null ? void 0 : e.ownerTags;
14390 }
14391 get ancestorPath() {
14392 return this.ancestorTags.map(function(e) {
14393 return e.tagName;
14394 }).join(".");
14395 }
14396 get pathName() {
14397 return "<" + this.name + ">";
14398 }
14399 get outline() {
14400 return this.findChildren(/tag\.(reference|name|id|white|flag|event(?!\-))/).join("");
14401 }
14402 };
14403 var bh = class extends Oe {
14404 get propertyName() {
14405 return this.start.next.match("tag.attr") ? this.start.next.value : "";
14406 }
14407 get tagName() {
14408 return this.parent.name;
14409 }
14410 };
14411 var kh = class extends Oe {
14412 get propertyName() {
14413 return this.parent.propertyName;
14414 }
14415 get tagName() {
14416 return this.parent.tagName;
14417 }
14418 };
14419 var xh = class extends hh {
14420 get ownerTag() {
14421 return this.start.prev.pops;
14422 }
14423 get ownerTags() {
14424 let e = [this.ownerTag], r;
14425 for (; r = e[0].parentTag; )
14426 e.unshift(r);
14427 return e;
14428 }
14429 };
14430 var wh = class extends Oe {
14431 get name() {
14432 return this.findChildren("tag.event.name").join("").replace("@", "");
14433 }
14434 };
14435 var pl = class extends Oe {
14436 };
14437 var oa = class extends Oe {
14438 static build(e, r, i, s, n) {
14439 let o = this, a = e.content[r.offset - 1];
14440 return !a || ` [{(|=&-;
14441 :/*%+-`.indexOf(a) >= 0 ? (s = "array", o = Sh) : (s = "index", o = Th), new o(e, r, i, s, n);
14442 }
14443 };
14444 var S1 = class extends Oe {
14445 };
14446 var Eh = class extends S1 {
14447 };
14448 var Sh = class extends oa {
14449 get delimiters() {
14450 return this.childNodes.filter(function(e) {
14451 return e.match("delimiter");
14452 });
14453 }
14454 indexOfNode(e) {
14455 var r;
14456 let i = this.delimiters, s = 0;
14457 r = 0;
14458 for (let n of k3(i)) {
14459 let o = r++;
14460 e.offset > n.offset && s++;
14461 }
14462 return s;
14463 }
14464 };
14465 var Th = class extends oa {
14466 };
14467 var fl = class extends Oe {
14468 static [As]() {
14469 return this.prototype[oo] = sh, this;
14470 }
14471 constructor() {
14472 super(...arguments);
14473 this.prev.datatype = this, this[oo] === sh && this[ao] && this[ao]();
14474 }
14475 toString() {
14476 return this.value;
14477 }
14478 };
14479 fl[As]();
14480 var Ah = class extends Oe {
14481 };
14482 var Ih = class extends S1 {
14483 };
14484 var Rh = class extends Oe {
14485 get isTypeOnly() {
14486 return this.start.prev.match("keyword.type");
14487 }
14488 get sourcePath() {
14489 let e = this.childNodes.find(function(r) {
14490 return r.match("path");
14491 });
14492 return e == null ? void 0 : e.innerText;
14493 }
14494 get specifiers() {
14495 return this.childNodes.find(function(e) {
14496 return e.match("specifiers");
14497 });
14498 }
14499 get default() {
14500 return this.childNodes.find(function(e) {
14501 return e.match(".default");
14502 });
14503 }
14504 get namespace() {
14505 return this.childNodes.find(function(e) {
14506 return e.match(".ns");
14507 });
14508 }
14509 };
14510 var is = {style: lh, array: oa, stylerule: ch, sel: fh, path: gh, value: oh, tag: vh, forscope: uh, field: ph, type: fl, parens: pl, brackets: oa, object: Ih, braces: S1, specifiers: Eh, string: ah, tagattr: bh, imports: Rh, interpolation: Ah, tagattrvalue: kh, tagcontent: xh, listener: wh, styleinterpolation: yh, styleprop: mh, stylepropkey: _h, stylevalue: dh, args: pl};
14511 function x3(t, e) {
14512 let r = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(e);
14513 return delete r.constructor, Object.defineProperties(t, r), t;
14514 }
14515 function yr(t) {
14516 let e;
14517 return t ? (e = t.toIterable) ? e.call(t) : t : [];
14518 }
14519 var $_ = Symbol.for("#__initor__");
14520 var td = Symbol.for("#__inited__");
14521 var _l = Symbol.for("#ins");
14522 var dl = Symbol.for("#del");
14523 var Nh = Symbol.for("#version");
14524 var Ch = Symbol.for("#multiline");
14525 var Oh = Symbol.for("#significant");
14526 var ml = Symbol.for("#body");
14527 var mn = Symbol.for("#lexed");
14528 var Lh = class {
14529 get node() {
14530 return this.scope && this.scope.start == this ? this.scope : this.pops ? this.pops : this;
14531 }
14532 get nextNode() {
14533 var e;
14534 return (e = this.next) == null ? void 0 : e.node;
14535 }
14536 get prevNode() {
14537 var e;
14538 return (e = this.prev) == null ? void 0 : e.node;
14539 }
14540 };
14541 x3(Si.prototype, Lh.prototype);
14542 var yn = class {
14543 static tmp(e) {
14544 return new this("file://temporary.imba", "imba", 0, e);
14545 }
14546 static from(e, r, i, s) {
14547 return new this(e, r, i, s);
14548 }
14549 constructor(e, r, i, s) {
14550 this.uri = e, this.languageId = r, this.version = i, this.content = s, this.connection = null, this.lineTokens = [], this.isLegacy = r == "imba1" || e && e.match(/\.imba1$/), this.head = this.seed = new Si(0, "eol", "imba"), this.initialState = dn.getInitialState(), this.seed.stack = dn.getInitialState(), this.history = [], this.lexer = dn, this.versionToHistoryMap = {}, this.versionToHistoryMap[i] = -1, s && s.match(/^\#[^\n]+imba1/m) && (this.isLegacy = true);
14551 }
14552 log(...e) {
14553 return console.log(...e);
14554 }
14555 get lineCount() {
14556 return this.lineOffsets.length;
14557 }
14558 get lineOffsets() {
14559 return this._lineOffsets || (this._lineOffsets = Q2(this.content, true));
14560 }
14561 getText(e = null) {
14562 if (e) {
14563 let r = this.offsetAt(e.start), i = this.offsetAt(e.end);
14564 return this.content.substring(r, i);
14565 }
14566 return this.content;
14567 }
14568 getLineText(e) {
14569 let r = this.lineOffsets[e], i = this.lineOffsets[e + 1];
14570 return this.content.substring(r, i).replace(/[\r\n]/g, "");
14571 }
14572 positionAt(e) {
14573 if (e instanceof pn)
14574 return e;
14575 typeof e == "object" && (e = e.offset), e = Math.max(Math.min(e, this.content.length), 0);
14576 let r = this.lineOffsets, i = 0, s = r.length;
14577 if (s === 0)
14578 return new pn(0, e, e, this.version);
14579 for (; i < s; ) {
14580 let o = Math.floor((i + s) / 2);
14581 r[o] > e ? s = o : i = o + 1;
14582 }
14583 let n = i - 1;
14584 return new pn(n, e - r[n], e, this.version);
14585 }
14586 offsetAt(e) {
14587 if (e.offset)
14588 return e.offset;
14589 let r = this.lineOffsets;
14590 if (e.line >= r.length)
14591 return this.content.length;
14592 if (e.line < 0)
14593 return 0;
14594 let i = r[e.line], s = e.line + 1 < r.length ? r[e.line + 1] : this.content.length;
14595 return e.offset = Math.max(Math.min(i + e.character, s), i);
14596 }
14597 rangeAt(e, r = e) {
14598 return new ts(this.positionAt(e), this.positionAt(r));
14599 }
14600 overwrite(e, r) {
14601 return this.version = r || this.version + 1, this.content = e, this._lineOffsets = null, this.invalidateFromLine(0), this;
14602 }
14603 update(e, r) {
14604 r == null && (r = this.version + 1);
14605 let i = [], s = false;
14606 i[_l] = "", i[dl] = "";
14607 for (let a = 0, l = yr(e), p = l.length; a < p; a++) {
14608 let c = l[a];
14609 if (Fu(c)) {
14610 this.overwrite(c.text, r), i.push([0, this.content.length, c.text]), s = true;
14611 continue;
14612 }
14613 let _ = Du(c.range), f = this.offsetAt(_.start), d = this.offsetAt(_.end);
14614 c.range = _, c.offset = f, c.length = d - f, _.start.offset = f, _.end.offset = d;
14615 let y = d - f ? this.content.slice(f, d) : "";
14616 i[dl] += y, i[_l] += c.text || "", this.applyEdit(c, r, e), i.push([f, d - f, c.text || "", y]);
14617 let N = Math.max(_.start.line, 0), b = Math.max(_.end.line, 0), m = this.lineOffsets, g = Q2(c.text, false, f);
14618 if (b - N === g.length)
14619 for (let k = 0, E = yr(g), w = E.length; k < w; k++) {
14620 let O = E[k];
14621 m[k + N + 1] = g[a];
14622 }
14623 else
14624 g.length < 1e4 ? m.splice.apply(m, [N + 1, b - N].concat(g)) : this._lineOffsets = m = m.slice(0, N + 1).concat(g, m.slice(b + 1));
14625 let S = c.text.length - (d - f);
14626 if (S !== 0) {
14627 let k = N + 1 + g.length;
14628 for (; k < m.length; )
14629 m[k] = m[k] + S, k++;
14630 }
14631 }
14632 this.history.push(i), i[Nh] = r;
14633 let n = this.history[this.history.length - 2];
14634 return (i[_l] + i[dl]).indexOf(`
14635`) >= 0 && (i[Ch] = true, n && !n[Ch] && (i[Oh] = true, i[ml] = this.content)), this.versionToHistoryMap[r] = this.history.length - 1, this.updated(e, r);
14636 }
14637 get lastSignificantVersion() {
14638 let e = this.history.length;
14639 for (; e > 0; ) {
14640 let r = this.history[--e];
14641 if (r && r[Oh])
14642 return r[Nh];
14643 }
14644 return null;
14645 }
14646 editsSinceVersion(e) {
14647 let r = this.versionToHistoryMap[e], i = [];
14648 for (let s = 0, n = yr(this.history.slice(r + 1)), o = n.length; s < o; s++) {
14649 let a = n[s];
14650 i.push(...a);
14651 }
14652 return i;
14653 }
14654 contentAtVersion(e) {
14655 let r = this.versionToHistoryMap[e], i = this.history[r];
14656 return i[ml] != null ? i[ml] : null;
14657 }
14658 offsetAtVersion(e, r, i = this.version, s = false) {
14659 let n = this.versionToHistoryMap[r], o = this.versionToHistoryMap[i], a = e, l = false;
14660 if (n < o)
14661 for (; n < o; ) {
14662 let p = this.history[++n];
14663 for (let c = 0, _ = yr(p), f = _.length; c < f; c++) {
14664 let [d, v, y] = _[c];
14665 d > a || (s && (d -= 1), a > d && a > d + v && (a += y.length - v));
14666 }
14667 }
14668 else if (o < n)
14669 for (; o < n; ) {
14670 let p = this.history[n--];
14671 for (let c = 0, _ = yr(p), f = _.length; c < f; c++) {
14672 let [d, v, y] = _[c];
14673 d > a || a > d && a > d + v && (a -= y.length - v);
14674 }
14675 }
14676 return a;
14677 }
14678 historicalOffset(e, r) {
14679 return this.offsetAtVersion(e, this.version, r, true);
14680 }
14681 applyEdit(e, r, i) {
14682 this.content = this.content.substring(0, e.range.start.offset) + e.text + this.content.substring(e.range.end.offset, this.content.length);
14683 let s = e.range.start.line;
14684 this.invalidateFromLine(s);
14685 }
14686 updated(e, r) {
14687 return this.version = r, this;
14688 }
14689 invalidateFromLine(e) {
14690 return this.head = this.seed, this;
14691 }
14692 after(e, r) {
14693 let i = this.tokens.indexOf(e);
14694 if (r) {
14695 for (; i < this.tokens.length; ) {
14696 let s = this.tokens[++i];
14697 if (s && this.matchToken(s, r))
14698 return s;
14699 }
14700 return null;
14701 }
14702 return this.tokens[i + 1];
14703 }
14704 matchToken(e, r) {
14705 return r instanceof RegExp ? e.type.match(r) : typeof r == "string" ? e.type == r : false;
14706 }
14707 before(e, r, i = 0) {
14708 let s = this.tokens.indexOf(e) + i;
14709 if (r) {
14710 for (; s > 0; ) {
14711 let n = this.tokens[--s];
14712 if (this.matchToken(n, r))
14713 return n;
14714 }
14715 return null;
14716 }
14717 return this.tokens[s - 1];
14718 }
14719 getTokenRange(e) {
14720 return {start: this.positionAt(e.offset), end: this.positionAt(e.offset + e.value.length)};
14721 }
14722 getTokensInScope(e) {
14723 let r = this.tokens.indexOf(e.start), i = e.end ? this.tokens.indexOf(e.end) : this.tokens.length, s = r, n = [];
14724 for (; s < i; ) {
14725 let o = this.tokens[s++];
14726 o.scope && o.scope != e ? (n.push(o.scope), s = o.scope.endIndex + 1) : n.push(o);
14727 }
14728 return n;
14729 }
14730 getSymbols() {
14731 var e;
14732 return this.astify(), (e = this[mn]).symbols || (e.symbols = this.tokens.map(function(r) {
14733 return r.symbol;
14734 }).filter(function(r) {
14735 return r;
14736 }).filter(function(r, i, s) {
14737 return s.indexOf(r) == i;
14738 }));
14739 }
14740 getImportedSymbols() {
14741 return this.getSymbols().filter(function(e) {
14742 return e.imported\u03A6;
14743 });
14744 }
14745 getImportNodes() {
14746 return this.tokens.filter(function(r) {
14747 return r.match("push._imports");
14748 }).map(function(r) {
14749 return r.scope;
14750 });
14751 }
14752 getNodesInScope(e, r = false) {
14753 let i = e.start, s = e.end;
14754 r ? s = s.next : i = i.next;
14755 let n = [];
14756 for (; i && i != s; ) {
14757 if (i.scope && i.scope != e) {
14758 n.push(i.scope), i = i.scope.end.next;
14759 continue;
14760 } else
14761 i.type != "white" && n.push(i);
14762 i = i.next;
14763 }
14764 return n;
14765 }
14766 getTokenAtOffset(e, r = false) {
14767 return this.tokenAtOffset(e);
14768 }
14769 getSemanticTokens(e = Pt.Scoped) {
14770 let r = this.parse(), i = [];
14771 for (let s = 0, n = yr(r), o = n.length; s < o; s++) {
14772 let a = n[s], l = a.symbol;
14773 if (!(l && (!e || l.flags & e)))
14774 continue;
14775 let p = no[l.semanticKind], c = a.mods | l.semanticFlags;
14776 i.push([a.offset, a.value.length, p, c]);
14777 }
14778 return i;
14779 }
14780 getEncodedSemanticTokens() {
14781 let e = this.getSemanticTokens(), r = [], i = 0, s = 0;
14782 for (let n = 0, o = yr(e), a = o.length; n < a; n++) {
14783 let l = o[n], p = this.positionAt(l[0]), c = p.line - i, _ = c ? p.character : p.character - s;
14784 r.push(c, _, l[1], l[2], l[3]), i = p.line, s = p.character;
14785 }
14786 return r;
14787 }
14788 getDestructuredPath(e, r = [], i = null) {
14789 if (e.context.type == "array")
14790 return this.getDestructuredPath(e.context.start, r, i), r.push(e.context.indexOfNode(e)), r;
14791 let s = e.value;
14792 return e.prev.match("operator.assign.key-value") && (s = e.prev.prev.value), e.context.type == "object" && (this.getDestructuredPath(e.context.start, r, i), r.push(s)), r;
14793 }
14794 tokenAtOffset(e) {
14795 let r = this.tokens[0];
14796 for (; r; ) {
14797 let i = r.next;
14798 if (r.offset >= e)
14799 return r.prev;
14800 if (r.end && r.end.offset < e)
14801 r = r.end;
14802 else if (i)
14803 r = i;
14804 else
14805 return r;
14806 }
14807 return r;
14808 }
14809 patternAtOffset(e, r = /[\w\-\.\%]/) {
14810 let i = e, s = e, n = this.content;
14811 for (; i > 0 && r.test(this.content[i - 1]); )
14812 i--;
14813 for (; r.test(this.content[s + 1] || ""); )
14814 s++;
14815 return [n.slice(i, s + 1), i, s];
14816 }
14817 adjustmentAtOffset(e, r = 1) {
14818 let [i, s, n] = this.patternAtOffset(e), [o, a = ""] = i.split(/[\d\.]+/), l = parseFloat(i.slice(o.length).slice(0, a.length ? -a.length : 1e3));
14819 return Number.isNaN(l) ? null : (l += r, [s + o.length, i.length - o.length - a.length, String(l)]);
14820 }
14821 contextAtOffset(e) {
14822 var r;
14823 this.ensureParsed();
14824 let i = this.positionAt(e), s = this.tokenAtOffset(e), n = this.lineOffsets[i.line], o = e - s.offset, a = s.context, l = {character: this.content[e - 1], line: this.content.slice(n, e), token: s.value.slice(0, o)}, p = {character: this.content[e], token: s.value.slice(o), line: this.content.slice(e, this.lineOffsets[i.line + 1]).replace(/[\r\n]+/, "")};
14825 s.scope && !p.token && (a = s.scope), s.next && s.next.value == null && s.next.scope && !p.token && s.match("operator.assign") && (a = s.next.scope);
14826 let c = y1(s, "white.tabs"), _ = c ? c.value.length : 0, f = a, d = a.scope, v = {}, y = s, N = s.stack.state || "", b = Dr;
14827 f && (f.start && (l.group = this.content.slice(f.start.offset, e)), f.end && (p.group = this.content.slice(e, f.end.offset)));
14828 let m = {keywords: []}, g = 0;
14829 if (s == c && (_ = o), s.match("br white.tabs"))
14830 for (; d.indent > _; )
14831 d = d.parent;
14832 if (f.type == "tag", s.match("entity string regexp comment style.") && (g = 0), s.match("tag.event.name tag.event-modifier.name") && (y = s.prev), (s.type == "path" || s.type == "path.open") && (g |= Dr.Path, m.paths = 1), s.match("identifier tag.operator.equals br white delimiter array operator ( self") && (g |= Dr.Value, y = null), s.match("operator.access") && (g |= Dr.Access, y = s), s.match("accessor") && (g |= Dr.Access, y = s.prev), s.match("delimiter.type.prefix type") && (g |= Dr.Type), s.match("tag.name tag.open") ? g |= Dr.TagName : s.match("tag.attr tag.white") ? g |= Dr.TagProp : s.match("tag.flag") ? g |= Dr.TagFlag : s.match("tag.event.modifier") ? g |= Dr.TagEventModifier : s.match("tag.event") ? g |= Dr.TagEvent : s.match("operator.equals.tagop") && (g |= Dr.Value), s.match("style.property.operator") || f.closest("stylevalue")) {
14833 g |= b.StyleValue;
14834 try {
14835 m.styleProperty = f.closest("styleprop").propertyName;
14836 } catch (E) {
14837 }
14838 }
14839 s.match("style.open style.property.name") && (g |= b.StyleProp), (s.match("style.value.white") || s.prev && s.prev.match("style.value.white")) && (g |= b.StyleProp), s.match("style.selector.element") && p.line.match(/^\s*$/) && (g |= b.StyleProp), d.closest("rule") && (g |= b.StyleProp, g &= ~b.Value), s.match("style.property.operator") && (g &= ~b.StyleProp), f.match("stylevalue") && l.group.indexOf(" ") == -1 && (g = b.StyleValue), s.match("style.selector.modifier style.property.modifier") && (g = b.StyleModifier), s.match("style.selector.element") && (g |= b.StyleSelector), d.closest("rule") && l.line.match(/^\s*$/) && (g |= b.StyleSelector, g &= ~b.StyleValue), s.match("operator.access accessor white.classname white.tagname") && (g &= ~b.Value), f.closest("imports") && (g &= ~b.Value, g |= b.ImportName), (N.match(/\.decl-(let|var|const|param|for)/) || s.match(/\.decl-(for|let|var|const|param)/)) && (g &= ~b.Value, g |= b.VarName);
14840 let S = d.allowedKeywordTypes;
14841 r = [];
14842 for (let E = 0, w = Object.keys(sa), O = w.length, L, D; E < O; E++)
14843 L = w[E], D = sa[L], !!(D & S) && r.push(L);
14844 m.keywords = r, m.flags = g;
14845 for (let E = 0, w = Object.keys(b), O = w.length, L, D; E < O; E++)
14846 L = w[E], D = b[L], g & D && (m[L] || (m[L] = true));
14847 return {token: s, offset: e, position: i, linePos: n, scope: d, indent: _, group: a, mode: "", target: y, path: d.path, suggest: m, before: l, after: p};
14848 }
14849 textBefore(e) {
14850 let r = this.content.slice(0, e), i = r.lastIndexOf(`
14852 return r.slice(i + 1);
14853 }
14854 varsAtOffset(e, r = false) {
14855 let i = this.tokenAtOffset(e), s = [], n = i.context.scope, o = {};
14856 for (; n; ) {
14857 for (let a = 0, l = yr(Object.values(n.varmap)), p = l.length; a < p; a++) {
14858 let c = l[a];
14859 c.global\u03A6 && !r || o[c.name] || (!c.node || c.node.offset < e) && (s.push(c), o[c.name] = c);
14860 }
14861 n = n.parent;
14862 }
14863 return s;
14864 }
14865 getOutline(e = null) {
14866 var r, i, s, n;
14867 if (this.isLegacy) {
14868 let b = Mu(this.content);
14869 for (let m = 0, g = yr(b.all), S = g.length; m < S; m++) {
14870 let k = g[m];
14871 r = k.parent, delete k.parent, k.path = k.name, k.name = k.ownName, e && e(k, b.all);
14872 }
14873 return b;
14874 }
14875 this.ensureParsed();
14876 let o = Date.now(), a = [], l = {children: []}, p = l, c = null, _ = {}, f = new Set(), d = null;
14877 function v(b, m) {
14878 return b instanceof rs && (f.add(b), b = {name: b.name, kind: b.kind}), _ = b, b.token = m, b.children || (b.children = []), b.span || (b.span = m.span), b.name || (b.name = m.value), a.push(b), p.children.push(b);
14879 }
14880 function y(b) {
14881 return _.children || (_.children = []), _.parent || (_.parent = p), p = _, p.end = b;
14882 }
14883 function N(b) {
14884 return p = p.parent;
14885 }
14886 for (let b = 0, m = yr(this.tokens), g = m.length; b < g; b++) {
14887 let S = m[b], k = S.symbol, E = S.scope;
14888 if (S.type == "key")
14889 v({kind: hr.Key}, S);
14890 else if (k) {
14891 if (k.parameter\u03A6)
14892 continue;
14893 f.has(k) || v(k, S), k.body && (d = k.body.start);
14894 } else if (E && E.type == "do") {
14895 let w = this.textBefore(S.offset - 3).replace(/^\s*(return\s*)?/, "");
14896 w += " callback", v({kind: hr.Function, name: w}, S.prev), d = S;
14897 } else
14898 E && E.type == "tag" && v({kind: hr.Field, name: E.outline}, S);
14899 S == d && y(S.end), S == p.end && N();
14900 }
14901 for (let b = 0, m = yr(a), g = m.length; b < g; b++) {
14902 let S = m[b];
14903 if (S.span) {
14904 let k = S.span.length;
14905 S.span.start = this.positionAt(S.span.offset), S.span.end = k ? this.positionAt(S.span.offset + k) : S.span.start;
14906 }
14907 e && e(S, a), i = S.parent, delete S.parent, s = S.end, delete S.end, n = S.token, delete S.token;
14908 }
14909 return l;
14910 }
14911 getContextAtOffset(e, r = false) {
14912 return this.contextAtOffset(e);
14913 }
14914 ensureParsed() {
14915 return this.parse(), this;
14916 }
14917 reparse() {
14918 return this.invalidateFromLine(0), this.parse();
14919 }
14920 profileReparse() {
14921 let e = Date.now(), r = this.reparse();
14922 return console.log("took", Date.now() - e), r;
14923 }
14924 tokenize(e = false) {
14925 var r;
14926 let i = this[mn] || {lines: [], version: -1};
14927 if (i.version == this.version && !e)
14928 return i;
14929 let s = this.content;
14930 this.isLegacy && (s = s.replace(/\@\w/g, function(f) {
14931 return "\xB6" + f.slice(1);
14932 }), s = s.replace(/\w\:(?=\w)/g, function(f) {
14933 return f[0] + ".";
14934 }), s = s.replace(/(do)(\s?)\|([^\|]*)\|/g, function(f, d, v, y) {
14935 return d + "(" + (v || "") + y + ")";
14936 }));
14937 let n = this.lineOffsets, o = [], l = this.seed, p = Date.now(), c = this.initialState;
14938 this[mn] = {version: this.version, lines: [], tokens: o};
14939 let _ = {};
14940 this[mn].cache = _;
14941 for (let f = 0, d = yr(i.lines), v = d.length; f < v; f++) {
14942 let y = d[f];
14943 (_[r = y.text] || (_[r] = [])).push(y);
14944 }
14945 for (let f = 0, d = yr(n), v = d.length; f < v; f++) {
14946 let y = d[f], b = n[f + 1] || s.length, m = s.slice(y, b), g = c, S = _[m], k = S && S.filter(function(O) {
14947 return O.startState == g;
14948 }), E = k && (k.find(function(O) {
14949 return O.offset == y;
14950 }) || k[0]), w = null;
14951 if (E && (E.offset == y, w = E.clone(y)), !w) {
14952 let O = dn.tokenize(m, g, y);
14953 w = new ia({offset: y, text: m, startState: g, endState: O.endState, tokens: O.tokens});
14954 }
14955 for (let O = 0, L = yr(w.tokens), D = L.length; O < D; O++) {
14956 let A = L[O];
14957 o.push(A);
14958 }
14959 this[mn].lines.push(w), c = w.endState;
14960 }
14961 return this[mn];
14962 }
14963 get tokens() {
14964 return this.astify(), this[mn].tokens;
14965 }
14966 getTokens(e = null) {
14967 return this.tokens;
14968 }
14969 astify() {
14970 let e = this.tokenize();
14971 if (e.root)
14972 return this;
14973 let r = {"]": "[", ")": "(", "}": "{", ">": "<"}, i = {"[": "]", "(": ")", "{": "}", "<": ">"}, s = /[\w\$\)\]\?]/, n = Date.now(), o = null, a = e.root = new lo(this, this.seed, null, "root"), l = this.content, p = console.log.bind(console), c = null, _ = null, f = null, d = null, v = 0;
14974 for (let y = 0, N = yr(e.tokens), b = N.length; y < b; y++) {
14975 let m = N[y], g = m.type.split("."), S = m.value, k = e.tokens[y + 1], [E, w, O] = g, L = g[g.length - 1], D = g[g.length - 2], A = null, U = 0;
14976 if (E == "ivar" && (S = m.value = "@" + S.slice(1)), d && (d.next = m), m.prev = d, m.context = a, E == "(" && d) {
14977 let B = l[m.offset - 1] || "";
14978 s.test(B) && (a = m.scope = is.args.build(this, m, a, "args", g));
14979 }
14980 if (E == "operator" && (m.op = m.value.trim()), E == "keyword" && (Be[w] && (v |= Be[w]), (S == "let" || S == "const") && (_ = m, f = null)), E == "entity" && (m.mods |= v, v = 0), E == "push") {
14981 let B = w, q = w.lastIndexOf("_"), K = q >= 0 ? Oe : Hi;
14982 q >= 0 ? (B = B.slice(q + 1), K = is[B] || Oe) : is[B] && (K = is[B]), a = m.scope = new K(this, m, a, B, g), c && (c.body = a, a.symbol = c, c = null), a == a.scope && (_ = null, f = null);
14983 } else
14984 E == "pop" ? (w == "value" && (f = null), a = a.pop(m)) : (w == "open" || i[w]) && is[E] ? a = m.scope = is[E].build(this, m, a, E, g) : L == "open" && (A = is[D]) ? a = m.scope = A.build(this, m, a, D, g) : (L == "close" && a.type == D || w == "close" && is[E] || r[E] && a && a.start.value == r[E]) && (a = a.pop(m));
14985 if (m.match(/entity\.name|decl-/)) {
14986 let B = rs.forToken(m, m.type, m.mods);
14987 B && (c = m.symbol = B, m.symbol.keyword = _, a.register(m.symbol)), m.mods |= Be.Declaration;
14988 }
14989 if (w == "declval" && (f = m), m.match("identifier") && !m.symbol) {
14990 let B = a.lookup(m, _);
14991 if (B && B.scoped\u03A6 && (f && B.keyword == _ || B.addReference(m)), d && d.op == "=" && B) {
14992 let q = d.prev;
14993 q && q.symbol == B && (q.mods & Be.Declaration ? B.dereference(m) : (!k || k.match("br")) && B.dereference(q));
14994 }
14995 }
14996 d = m;
14997 }
14998 return this;
14999 }
15000 parse() {
15001 return this.tokens;
15002 }
15003 getMatchingTokens(e) {
15004 let r = this.getTokens();
15005 return r = r.slice(0).filter(function(i) {
15006 return i.match(e);
15007 }), r;
15008 }
15009 migrateToImba2() {
15010 let e = this.content;
15011 e = e.replace(/\bdef self\./g, "static def "), e = e.replace(/\b(var|let|const) def /g, "def "), e = e.replace(/\?\./g, ".."), e = e.replace(/def ([\w\-]+)\=/g, "set $1"), e = e.replace(/do\s?\|([^\|]+)\|/g, "do($1)"), e = e.replace(/(prop) ([\w\-]+) (.+)$/gm, function(n, o, a, l) {
15012 var p, c;
15013 let _ = {};
15014 l.split(/,\s*/).map(function(d) {
15015 return d.split(/\:\s*/);
15016 }).map(function(d) {
15017 return _[d[0]] = d[1];
15018 });
15019 let f = "" + o + " " + a;
15020 return _.watch && _.watch[0].match(/[\'\"\:]/) ? f = "@watch(" + _.watch + ") " + f : _.watch && (f = "@watch " + f), p = _.watch, delete _.watch, _.default && (f = "" + f + " = " + _.default, c = _.default, delete _.default), Object.keys(_).length && console.log("more prop values", n, _), f;
15021 });
15022 let i = yn.tmp(e).getTokens(), s = "";
15023 for (let n = 0, o = yr(i), a = o.length; n < a; n++) {
15024 let l = o[n], p = i[n + 1], {value: c, type: _, offset: f} = l, d = f + c.length;
15025 _ == "operator.dot.legacy" && (c = ".", p && (p.access = true)), _ == "operator.spread.legacy" && (c = "..."), _ == "identifier.tagname" && c.indexOf(":") >= 0 && (c = c.replace(":", "-")), _ == "identifier.def.propname" && c == "initialize" && (c = "constructor"), _ == "decorator" && !e.slice(d).match(/^\s(prop|def|get|set)/) && (c = s + c.slice(1)), _ == "property" && (c[0] == "@" ? (c = c.replace(/^\@/, s), l.access = true) : c == "len" ? c = "length" : /^(\n|\s\:|\)|\,|\.)/.test(e.slice(d)) && !l.access && c[0] == c[0].toLowerCase() && (c = c + "!")), _ == "identifier" && !l.access && c[0] == c[0].toLowerCase() && c[0] != "_" && !l.variable && /^(\n|\s\:|\)|\,|\.)/.test(e.slice(d)) && c != "new" && (c = c + "!"), l.value = c;
15026 }
15027 return i.map(function(n) {
15028 return n.value;
15029 }).join("");
15030 }
15031 createImportEdit(e, r, i = r) {
15032 e = e.replace(/\.imba$/, "");
15033 let s = this.getImportNodes().filter(function(p) {
15034 return p.sourcePath == e;
15035 }), n = "", o = 0, a = [], l = {changes: a};
15036 if (this.getImportedSymbols().map(function(_) {
15037 return _.importInfo;
15038 }).find(function(_) {
15039 return _.path == e && _.name == i && _.exportName == r;
15040 }))
15041 return l;
15042 r != "default" && r != "*" && (s = s.filter(function(p) {
15043 return p.specifiers || !p.ns;
15044 }));
15045 for (let p = 0, c = yr(s), _ = c.length; p < _; p++) {
15046 let f = c[p], d = f.default, v = f.specifiers, y = f.namespace;
15047 if (r == "default")
15048 if (o = f.start.offset + 1, d) {
15049 if (d.value == i)
15050 return l;
15051 l.alias = d.value, o = 0;
15052 continue;
15053 } else
15054 n = i, (y || v) && (n += ", ");
15055 else if (r == "*") {
15056 if (v)
15057 continue;
15058 d ? (o = d.endOffset, n = ", * as " + i) : (o = f.start.offset + 1, n = "* as " + i + " ");
15059 } else if (y) {
15060 l.alias = "" + y.value + "." + r;
15061 continue;
15062 } else {
15063 let N = r;
15064 i != r && (N += " as " + i), v ? (o = v.start.offset + 1, n = " " + N + ",") : d ? (o = d.endOffset, n = ", { " + N + " }") : (n = "{ " + N + " }", o = f.start.offset + 1);
15065 }
15066 if (n)
15067 break;
15068 }
15069 return n || (r == "default" ? n = "import " + i + " from '" + e + "'" : r == "*" ? n = "import * as " + i + " from '" + e + "'" : i != r ? n = "import { " + r + " as " + i + " } from '" + e + "'" : n = "import { " + r + " } from '" + e + "'", n += `
15070`), a.push({newText: n, range: this.rangeAt(o, o)}), l;
15071 }
15072 };
15073 function Sr() {
15074 this.pseudos = {}, this.attrEqualityMods = {}, this.ruleNestingOperators = {}, this.substitutesEnabled = false;
15075 }
15076 Sr.prototype.registerSelectorPseudos = function(t) {
15077 for (var e = 0, r = arguments.length; e < r; e++)
15078 t = arguments[e], this.pseudos[t] = "selector";
15079 return this;
15080 };
15081 Sr.prototype.unregisterSelectorPseudos = function(t) {
15082 for (var e = 0, r = arguments.length; e < r; e++)
15083 t = arguments[e], delete this.pseudos[t];
15084 return this;
15085 };
15086 Sr.prototype.registerNumericPseudos = function(t) {
15087 for (var e = 0, r = arguments.length; e < r; e++)
15088 t = arguments[e], this.pseudos[t] = "numeric";
15089 return this;
15090 };
15091 Sr.prototype.unregisterNumericPseudos = function(t) {
15092 for (var e = 0, r = arguments.length; e < r; e++)
15093 t = arguments[e], delete this.pseudos[t];
15094 return this;
15095 };
15096 Sr.prototype.registerNestingOperators = function(t) {
15097 for (var e = 0, r = arguments.length; e < r; e++)
15098 t = arguments[e], this.ruleNestingOperators[t] = true;
15099 return this;
15100 };
15101 Sr.prototype.unregisterNestingOperators = function(t) {
15102 for (var e = 0, r = arguments.length; e < r; e++)
15103 t = arguments[e], delete this.ruleNestingOperators[t];
15104 return this;
15105 };
15106 Sr.prototype.registerAttrEqualityMods = function(t) {
15107 for (var e = 0, r = arguments.length; e < r; e++)
15108 t = arguments[e], this.attrEqualityMods[t] = true;
15109 return this;
15110 };
15111 Sr.prototype.unregisterAttrEqualityMods = function(t) {
15112 for (var e = 0, r = arguments.length; e < r; e++)
15113 t = arguments[e], delete this.attrEqualityMods[t];
15114 return this;
15115 };
15116 Sr.prototype.enableSubstitutes = function() {
15117 return this.substitutesEnabled = true, this;
15118 };
15119 Sr.prototype.disableSubstitutes = function() {
15120 return this.substitutesEnabled = false, this;
15121 };
15122 function j0(t) {
15123 return t >= "a" && t <= "z" || t >= "A" && t <= "Z" || t === "-" || t === "_";
15124 }
15125 function G0(t) {
15126 return t >= "a" && t <= "z" || t >= "A" && t <= "Z" || t >= "0" && t <= "9" || t === "-" || t === "_";
15127 }
15128 function M1(t) {
15129 return t >= "a" && t <= "f" || t >= "A" && t <= "F" || t >= "0" && t <= "9";
15130 }
15131 var bp = {"!": true, '"': true, "#": true, $: true, "%": true, "&": true, "'": true, "(": true, ")": true, "*": true, "+": true, ",": true, ".": true, "/": true, ";": true, "<": true, "=": true, ">": true, "?": true, "@": true, "[": true, "\\": true, "]": true, "^": true, "`": true, "{": true, "|": true, "}": true, "~": true};
15132 var B0 = {"\n": "\\n", "\r": "\\r", " ": "\\t", "\f": "\\f", "\v": "\\v"};
15133 var kp = {n: `
15134`, r: "\r", t: " ", f: "\f", "\\": "\\", "'": "'"};
15135 var xp = {n: `
15136`, r: "\r", t: " ", f: "\f", "\\": "\\", '"': '"'};
15137 function H0(t, e, r, i, s, n) {
15138 var o, a, l, p, c;
15139 return p = t.length, o = null, l = function(_, f) {
15140 var d, v, y;
15141 for (y = "", e++, o = t.charAt(e); e < p; ) {
15142 if (o === _)
15143 return e++, y;
15144 if (o === "\\")
15145 if (e++, o = t.charAt(e), o === _)
15146 y += _;
15147 else if (d = f[o])
15148 y += d;
15149 else if (M1(o)) {
15150 for (v = o, e++, o = t.charAt(e); M1(o); )
15151 v += o, e++, o = t.charAt(e);
15152 o === " " && (e++, o = t.charAt(e)), y += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(v, 16));
15153 continue;
15154 } else
15155 y += o;
15156 else
15157 y += o;
15158 e++, o = t.charAt(e);
15159 }
15160 return y;
15161 }, a = function(_) {
15162 var f = "";
15163 for (o = t.charAt(e); e < p; ) {
15164 if (G0(o) || _ && _[o])
15165 f += o;
15166 else if (o === "\\") {
15167 if (e++, e >= p)
15168 throw Error("Expected symbol but end of file reached.");
15169 if (o = t.charAt(e), bp[o])
15170 f += o;
15171 else if (M1(o)) {
15172 var d = o;
15173 for (e++, o = t.charAt(e); M1(o); )
15174 d += o, e++, o = t.charAt(e);
15175 o === " " && (e++, o = t.charAt(e)), f += String.fromCharCode(parseInt(d, 16));
15176 continue;
15177 } else
15178 f += o;
15179 } else
15180 return f;
15181 e++, o = t.charAt(e);
15182 }
15183 return f;
15184 }, c = function() {
15185 o = t.charAt(e);
15186 for (var _ = false; o === " " || o === " " || o === `
15187` || o === "\r" || o === "\f"; )
15188 _ = true, e++, o = t.charAt(e);
15189 return _;
15190 }, this.parse = function() {
15191 var _ = this.parseSelector();
15192 if (e < p)
15193 throw Error('Rule expected but "' + t.charAt(e) + '" found.');
15194 return _;
15195 }, this.parseSelector = function() {
15196 var _, f = _ = this.parseSingleSelector();
15197 for (o = t.charAt(e); o === ","; ) {
15198 if (e++, c(), _.type !== "selectors" && (_ = {type: "selectors", selectors: [f]}), f = this.parseSingleSelector(), !f)
15199 throw Error('Rule expected after ",".');
15200 _.selectors.push(f);
15201 }
15202 return _;
15203 }, this.parseSingleSelector = function() {
15204 c();
15205 let _ = t.slice(e, e + 4).match(/^(\>{1,3}|\+|~)/);
15206 var f = {type: "ruleSet"}, d = _ ? {type: "rule", isScope: true} : this.parseRule();
15207 if (!d)
15208 return null;
15209 for (var v = f; d && (d.type = "rule", v.rule = d, v = d, c(), o = t.charAt(e), !(e >= p || o === "," || o === ")")); )
15210 if (s[o]) {
15211 var y = o;
15212 if (y == ">" && t.charAt(e + 1) == ">" && t.charAt(e + 2) == ">" ? (y = ">>>", e = e + 3) : y == ">" && t.charAt(e + 1) == ">" ? (y = ">>", e = e + 2) : e++, c(), d = this.parseRule(), !d)
15213 if (y == ">" || y == ">>>" || y == ">>")
15214 d = {tagName: "*"};
15215 else
15216 throw Error('Rule expected after "' + y + '".');
15217 d.nestingOperator = y;
15218 } else
15219 d = this.parseRule(), d && (d.nestingOperator = null);
15220 return f;
15221 }, this.parseRule = function() {
15222 for (var _ = null; e < p; )
15223 if (o = t.charAt(e), o === "&")
15224 e++, (_ = _ || {}).isScope = true;
15225 else if (o === "*")
15226 e++, (_ = _ || {}).tagName = "*";
15227 else if (j0(o) || o === "\\")
15228 (_ = _ || {}).tagName = a();
15229 else if (o === "$" || o === "%")
15230 e++, _ = _ || {}, (_.classNames = _.classNames || []).push(o + a());
15231 else if (o === ".")
15232 e++, _ = _ || {}, (_.classNames = _.classNames || []).push(a());
15233 else if (o === "#")
15234 e++, (_ = _ || {}).id = a();
15235 else if (o === "[") {
15236 e++, c();
15237 var f = {name: a()};
15238 if (c(), o === "]")
15239 e++;
15240 else {
15241 var d = "";
15242 if (i[o] && (d = o, e++, o = t.charAt(e)), e >= p)
15243 throw Error('Expected "=" but end of file reached.');
15244 if (o !== "=")
15245 throw Error('Expected "=" but "' + o + '" found.');
15246 f.operator = d + "=", e++, c();
15247 var v = "";
15248 if (f.valueType = "string", o === '"')
15249 v = l('"', xp);
15250 else if (o === "'")
15251 v = l("'", kp);
15252 else if (n && o === "$")
15253 e++, v = a(), f.valueType = "substitute";
15254 else {
15255 for (; e < p && o !== "]"; )
15256 v += o, e++, o = t.charAt(e);
15257 v = v.trim();
15258 }
15259 if (c(), e >= p)
15260 throw Error('Expected "]" but end of file reached.');
15261 if (o !== "]")
15262 throw Error('Expected "]" but "' + o + '" found.');
15263 e++, f.value = v;
15264 }
15265 _ = _ || {}, (_.attrs = _.attrs || []).push(f);
15266 } else if (o === ":" || o === "@") {
15267 let m = o === "@";
15268 e++;
15269 for (var y = ""; t.charAt(e) == "."; )
15270 y += ".", e++;
15271 y += a({"~": true, "+": true, ".": false, ">": true, "<": true, "!": true});
15272 var N = {special: m, name: y};
15273 if (o === "(") {
15274 e++;
15275 var b = "";
15276 if (c(), r[y] === "selector")
15277 N.valueType = "selector", b = this.parseSelector();
15278 else {
15279 if (N.valueType = r[y] || "string", o === '"')
15280 b = l('"', xp);
15281 else if (o === "'")
15282 b = l("'", kp);
15283 else if (n && o === "$")
15284 e++, b = a(), N.valueType = "substitute";
15285 else {
15286 for (; e < p && o !== ")"; )
15287 b += o, e++, o = t.charAt(e);
15288 b = b.trim();
15289 }
15290 c();
15291 }
15292 if (e >= p)
15293 throw Error('Expected ")" but end of file reached.');
15294 if (o !== ")")
15295 throw Error('Expected ")" but "' + o + '" found.');
15296 e++, N.value = b;
15297 }
15298 _ = _ || {}, (_.pseudos = _.pseudos || []).push(N);
15299 } else
15300 break;
15301 return _;
15302 }, this;
15303 }
15304 Sr.prototype.parse = function(t) {
15305 var e = new H0(t, 0, this.pseudos, this.attrEqualityMods, this.ruleNestingOperators, this.substitutesEnabled);
15306 return e.parse();
15307 };
15308 Sr.prototype.escapeIdentifier = function(t) {
15309 for (var e = "", r = 0, i = t.length; r < i; ) {
15310 var s = t.charAt(r);
15311 if (bp[s])
15312 e += "\\" + s;
15313 else if (s === "_" || s === "-" || s >= "A" && s <= "Z" || s >= "a" && s <= "z" || r !== 0 && s >= "0" && s <= "9")
15314 e += s;
15315 else {
15316 var n = s.charCodeAt(0);
15317 if ((n & 63488) == 55296) {
15318 var o = t.charCodeAt(r++);
15319 if ((n & 64512) != 55296 || (o & 64512) != 56320)
15320 throw Error("UCS-2(decode): illegal sequence");
15321 n = ((n & 1023) << 10) + (o & 1023) + 65536;
15322 }
15323 e += "\\" + n.toString(16) + " ";
15324 }
15325 r++;
15326 }
15327 return e;
15328 };
15329 Sr.prototype.escapeStr = function(t) {
15330 for (var e = "", r = 0, i = t.length, s, n; r < i; )
15331 s = t.charAt(r), s === '"' ? s = '\\"' : s === "\\" ? s = "\\\\" : (n = B0[s]) && (s = n), e += s, r++;
15332 return '"' + e + '"';
15333 };
15334 Sr.prototype.render = function(t) {
15335 return this._renderEntity(t).trim();
15336 };
15337 Sr.prototype._renderEntity = function(t) {
15338 var e, r, i;
15339 switch (i = "", t.type) {
15340 case "ruleSet":
15341 for (e = t.rule, r = []; e; )
15342 e.nestingOperator && r.push(e.nestingOperator), r.push(this._renderEntity(e)), e = e.rule;
15343 i = r.join(" ");
15344 break;
15345 case "selectors":
15346 i = t.selectors.map(this._renderEntity, this).join(", ");
15347 break;
15348 case "rule":
15349 let s = t.s1, n = t.s2;
15350 if (t.tagName && (t.tagName === "*" ? i = "*" : i = this.escapeIdentifier(t.tagName)), t.id && (i += "#" + this.escapeIdentifier(t.id)), t.classNames) {
15351 let o = null;
15352 if (i += t.classNames.map(function(a) {
15353 if (a[0] == "!")
15354 return ":not(." + this.escapeIdentifier(a.slice(1)) + ")";
15355 {
15356 let l = this.escapeIdentifier(a);
15357 return n && (!o || o.length > l.length) && (o = l), "." + l;
15358 }
15359 }, this).join(""), n > 0 && o && o.length < 9)
15360 for (; --n >= 0; )
15361 i += "." + o;
15362 }
15363 if (t.pri > 0, s > 0)
15364 for (; --s >= 0; )
15365 i += ":not(#_)";
15366 if (n > 0)
15367 for (; --s >= 0; )
15368 i += ":not(._0)";
15369 t.attrs && (i += t.attrs.map(function(o) {
15370 return o.operator ? o.valueType === "substitute" ? "[" + this.escapeIdentifier(o.name) + o.operator + "$" + o.value + "]" : "[" + this.escapeIdentifier(o.name) + o.operator + this.escapeStr(o.value) + "]" : "[" + this.escapeIdentifier(o.name) + "]";
15371 }, this).join("")), t.pseudos && (i += t.pseudos.map(function(o) {
15372 let a = ":" + this.escapeIdentifier(o.name), l = "";
15373 return o.neg && (a = ":not(" + a, l = ")"), o.valueType ? o.valueType === "selector" ? a + "(" + this._renderEntity(o.value) + ")" + l : o.valueType === "substitute" ? a + "($" + o.value + ")" + l : o.valueType === "numeric" || o.valueType === "raw" || o.valueType === "string" ? a + "(" + o.value + ")" + l : a + "(" + this.escapeIdentifier(o.value) + ")" + l : o.type == "el" ? ":" + a : a + l;
15374 }, this).join(""));
15375 break;
15376 default:
15377 throw Error('Unknown entity type: "' + t.type(+'".'));
15378 }
15379 return i;
15380 };
15381 var po = new Sr();
15382 po.registerSelectorPseudos("has", "not", "is", "matches", "any");
15383 po.registerNumericPseudos("nth-child");
15384 po.registerNestingOperators(">>>", ">>", ">", "+", "~");
15385 po.registerAttrEqualityMods("^", "$", "*", "~");
15386 var wp = function(t) {
15387 return po.parse(t);
15388 };
15389 var Sp = function(t) {
15390 return po.render(t);
15391 };
15392 var Dl = {};
15393 Di(Dl, {colors: () => Ml, fonts: () => P1, modifiers: () => Fl, variants: () => z0});
15394 var P1 = {sans: 'system-ui, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, "Noto Sans", sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji"', serif: 'Georgia, Cambria, "Times New Roman", Times, serif', mono: 'Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, "Liberation Mono", "Courier New", monospace'};
15395 var Fl = {odd: {name: "nth-child", valueType: "string", value: "odd"}, even: {name: "nth-child", valueType: "string", value: "even"}, first: {name: "first-child"}, last: {name: "last-child"}, only: {name: "only-child"}, "not-first": {name: "not", valueType: "raw", value: ":first-child"}, "not-last": {name: "not", valueType: "raw", value: ":last-child"}, "first-child": {}, "last-child": {}, active: {}, checked: {}, default: {}, defined: {}, disabled: {}, empty: {}, enabled: {}, "first-of-type": {}, "first-page": {name: "first"}, fullscreen: {}, focus: {}, focin: {name: "focus-within"}, "focus-within": {}, "focus-visible": {}, hover: {}, indeterminate: {}, "in-range": {}, invalid: {}, is: {type: "selector"}, lang: {}, "last-of-type": {}, left: {}, link: {}, not: {type: "selector"}, "nth-child": {}, "nth-last-child": {}, "nth-last-of-type": {}, "nth-of-type": {}, "only-child": {}, "only-of-type": {}, optional: {}, "out-of-range": {}, "placeholder-shown": {}, "read-only": {}, "read-write": {}, required: {}, right: {}, scope: {}, root: {}, target: {}, "target-within": {}, valid: {}, visited: {}, where: {}, after: {type: "el"}, "-webkit-scrollbar": {type: "el"}, "-webkit-scrollbar-button": {type: "el"}, "-webkit-scrollbar-track": {type: "el"}, "-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece": {type: "el"}, "-webkit-scrollbar-thumb": {type: "el"}, "-webkit-scrollbar-corner": {type: "el"}, "-webkit-resizer": {type: "el"}, backdrop: {type: "el"}, before: {type: "el"}, cue: {type: "el"}, "cue-region": {type: "el"}, "first-letter": {type: "el"}, "first-line": {type: "el"}, marker: {type: "el"}, placeholder: {type: "el"}, selection: {type: "el"}, inline: {pri: 3}, important: {pri: 4}, force: {pri: 6}, media: {type: "media"}, print: {media: "print"}, screen: {media: "screen"}, speech: {media: "speech"}, all: {media: "all"}, xs: {media: "(min-width: 480px)", medianeg: "(max-width: 479px)"}, sm: {media: "(min-width: 640px)", medianeg: "(max-width: 639px)"}, md: {media: "(min-width: 768px)", medianeg: "(max-width: 767px)"}, lg: {media: "(min-width: 1024px)", medianeg: "(max-width: 1023px)"}, xl: {media: "(min-width: 1280px)", medianeg: "(max-width: 1279px)"}, "2xl": {media: "(min-width: 1536px)"}, "lt-xs": {media: "(max-width: 479px)"}, "lt-sm": {media: "(max-width: 639px)"}, "lt-md": {media: "(max-width: 767px)"}, "lt-lg": {media: "(max-width: 1023px)"}, "lt-xl": {media: "(max-width: 1279px)"}, "lt-2xl": {media: "(max-width: 1535px)"}, landscape: {media: "(orientation: landscape)", medianeg: "(orientation: portrait)"}, portrait: {media: "(orientation: portrait)", medianeg: "(orientation: landscape)"}, dark: {media: "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)", medianeg: "(prefers-color-scheme: light)"}, light: {media: "(prefers-color-scheme: light)", medianeg: "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)"}, mac: {ua: "mac"}, ios: {ua: "ios"}, win: {ua: "win"}, android: {ua: "android"}, linux: {ua: "linux"}, ie: {ua: "ie"}, chrome: {ua: "chrome"}, safari: {ua: "safari"}, firefox: {ua: "firefox"}, opera: {ua: "opera"}, blink: {ua: "blink"}, webkit: {ua: "webkit"}, touch: {flag: "_touch_"}, suspended: {flag: "_suspended_"}, move: {flag: "_move_"}, hold: {flag: "_hold_"}, ssr: {flag: "_ssr_"}};
15396 var z0 = {radius: {full: "9999px", xxs: "1px", xs: "2px", sm: "3px", md: "4px", lg: "6px", xl: "8px", NUMBER: "2px"}, sizing: {NUMBER: "0.25rem"}, "letter-spacing": {NUMBER: "0.05em"}, "font-size": {xxs: ["10px", 1.5], xs: ["12px", 1.5], "sm-": ["13px", 1.5], sm: ["14px", 1.5], "md-": ["15px", 1.5], md: ["16px", 1.5], lg: ["18px", 1.5], xl: ["20px", 1.5], "2xl": ["24px", 1.5], "3xl": ["30px", 1.5], "4xl": ["36px", 1.5], "5xl": ["48px", 1.5], "6xl": ["64px", 1.5], "1": ["10px", 1.5], "2": ["12px", 1.5], "3": ["13px", 1.5], "4": ["14px", 1.5], "5": ["15px", 1.5], "6": ["16px", 1.5], "7": ["17px", 1.5], "8": ["18px", 1.5], "9": ["19px", 1.5], "10": ["20px", 1.5], "11": ["24px", 1.4], "12": ["30px", 1.3], "13": ["36px", 1.3], "14": ["48px", 1.2], "15": ["64px", 1.2], "16": ["96px", 1.2]}, "box-shadow": {xxs: "0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)", xs: "0 1px 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)", sm: "0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06)", md: "0 4px 6px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 2px 4px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06)", lg: "0 10px 15px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 4px 6px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)", xl: "0 20px 25px -5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 10px 10px -5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04)", xxl: "0 25px 50px -6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)", inner: "inset 0 2px 4px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06)", outline: "0 0 0 3px rgba(66, 153, 225, 0.5)", none: "none"}, easings: {"sine-in": "cubic-bezier(0.47, 0, 0.745, 0.715)", "sine-out": "cubic-bezier(0.39, 0.575, 0.565, 1)", "sine-in-out": "cubic-bezier(0.445, 0.05, 0.55, 0.95)", "quad-in": "cubic-bezier(0.55, 0.085, 0.68, 0.53)", "quad-out": "cubic-bezier(0.25, 0.46, 0.45, 0.94)", "quad-in-out": "cubic-bezier(0.455, 0.03, 0.515, 0.955)", "cubic-in": "cubic-bezier(0.55, 0.055, 0.675, 0.19)", "cubic-out": "cubic-bezier(0.215, 0.61, 0.355, 1)", "cubic-in-out": "cubic-bezier(0.645, 0.045, 0.355, 1)", "quart-in": "cubic-bezier(0.895, 0.03, 0.685, 0.22)", "quart-out": "cubic-bezier(0.165, 0.84, 0.44, 1)", "quart-in-out": "cubic-bezier(0.77, 0, 0.175, 1)", "quint-in": "cubic-bezier(0.755, 0.05, 0.855, 0.06)", "quint-out": "cubic-bezier(0.23, 1, 0.32, 1)", "quint-in-out": "cubic-bezier(0.86, 0, 0.07, 1)", "expo-in": "cubic-bezier(0.95, 0.05, 0.795, 0.035)", "expo-out": "cubic-bezier(0.19, 1, 0.22, 1)", "expo-in-out": "cubic-bezier(1, 0, 0, 1)", "circ-in": "cubic-bezier(0.6, 0.04, 0.98, 0.335)", "circ-out": "cubic-bezier(0.075, 0.82, 0.165, 1)", "circ-in-out": "cubic-bezier(0.785, 0.135, 0.15, 0.86)", "back-in": "cubic-bezier(0.6, -0.28, 0.735, 0.045)", "back-out": "cubic-bezier(0.175, 0.885, 0.32, 1.275)", "back-in-out": "cubic-bezier(0.68, -0.55, 0.265, 1.55)"}};
15397 var Ml = {rose: {0: "#fff1f2", 1: "#ffe4e6", 2: "#fecdd3", 3: "#fda4af", 4: "#fb7185", 5: "#f43f5e", 6: "#e11d48", 7: "#be123c", 8: "#9f1239", 9: "#881337"}, pink: {0: "#fdf2f8", 1: "#fce7f3", 2: "#fbcfe8", 3: "#f9a8d4", 4: "#f472b6", 5: "#ec4899", 6: "#db2777", 7: "#be185d", 8: "#9d174d", 9: "#831843"}, fuchsia: {0: "#fdf4ff", 1: "#fae8ff", 2: "#f5d0fe", 3: "#f0abfc", 4: "#e879f9", 5: "#d946ef", 6: "#c026d3", 7: "#a21caf", 8: "#86198f", 9: "#701a75"}, purple: {0: "#faf5ff", 1: "#f3e8ff", 2: "#e9d5ff", 3: "#d8b4fe", 4: "#c084fc", 5: "#a855f7", 6: "#9333ea", 7: "#7e22ce", 8: "#6b21a8", 9: "#581c87"}, violet: {0: "#f5f3ff", 1: "#ede9fe", 2: "#ddd6fe", 3: "#c4b5fd", 4: "#a78bfa", 5: "#8b5cf6", 6: "#7c3aed", 7: "#6d28d9", 8: "#5b21b6", 9: "#4c1d95"}, indigo: {0: "#eef2ff", 1: "#e0e7ff", 2: "#c7d2fe", 3: "#a5b4fc", 4: "#818cf8", 5: "#6366f1", 6: "#4f46e5", 7: "#4338ca", 8: "#3730a3", 9: "#312e81"}, blue: {0: "#eff6ff", 1: "#dbeafe", 2: "#bfdbfe", 3: "#93c5fd", 4: "#60a5fa", 5: "#3b82f6", 6: "#2563eb", 7: "#1d4ed8", 8: "#1e40af", 9: "#1e3a8a"}, sky: {0: "#f0f9ff", 1: "#e0f2fe", 2: "#bae6fd", 3: "#7dd3fc", 4: "#38bdf8", 5: "#0ea5e9", 6: "#0284c7", 7: "#0369a1", 8: "#075985", 9: "#0c4a6e"}, cyan: {0: "#ecfeff", 1: "#cffafe", 2: "#a5f3fc", 3: "#67e8f9", 4: "#22d3ee", 5: "#06b6d4", 6: "#0891b2", 7: "#0e7490", 8: "#155e75", 9: "#164e63"}, teal: {0: "#f0fdfa", 1: "#ccfbf1", 2: "#99f6e4", 3: "#5eead4", 4: "#2dd4bf", 5: "#14b8a6", 6: "#0d9488", 7: "#0f766e", 8: "#115e59", 9: "#134e4a"}, emerald: {0: "#ecfdf5", 1: "#d1fae5", 2: "#a7f3d0", 3: "#6ee7b7", 4: "#34d399", 5: "#10b981", 6: "#059669", 7: "#047857", 8: "#065f46", 9: "#064e3b"}, green: {0: "#f0fdf4", 1: "#dcfce7", 2: "#bbf7d0", 3: "#86efac", 4: "#4ade80", 5: "#22c55e", 6: "#16a34a", 7: "#15803d", 8: "#166534", 9: "#14532d"}, lime: {0: "#f7fee7", 1: "#ecfccb", 2: "#d9f99d", 3: "#bef264", 4: "#a3e635", 5: "#84cc16", 6: "#65a30d", 7: "#4d7c0f", 8: "#3f6212", 9: "#365314"}, yellow: {0: "#fefce8", 1: "#fef9c3", 2: "#fef08a", 3: "#fde047", 4: "#facc15", 5: "#eab308", 6: "#ca8a04", 7: "#a16207", 8: "#854d0e", 9: "#713f12"}, amber: {0: "#fffbeb", 1: "#fef3c7", 2: "#fde68a", 3: "#fcd34d", 4: "#fbbf24", 5: "#f59e0b", 6: "#d97706", 7: "#b45309", 8: "#92400e", 9: "#78350f"}, orange: {0: "#fff7ed", 1: "#ffedd5", 2: "#fed7aa", 3: "#fdba74", 4: "#fb923c", 5: "#f97316", 6: "#ea580c", 7: "#c2410c", 8: "#9a3412", 9: "#7c2d12"}, red: {0: "#fef2f2", 1: "#fee2e2", 2: "#fecaca", 3: "#fca5a5", 4: "#f87171", 5: "#ef4444", 6: "#dc2626", 7: "#b91c1c", 8: "#991b1b", 9: "#7f1d1d"}, warmer: {0: "#fafaf9", 1: "#f5f5f4", 2: "#e7e5e4", 3: "#d6d3d1", 4: "#a8a29e", 5: "#78716c", 6: "#57534e", 7: "#44403c", 8: "#292524", 9: "#1c1917"}, warm: {0: "#fafafa", 1: "#f5f5f5", 2: "#e5e5e5", 3: "#d4d4d4", 4: "#a3a3a3", 5: "#737373", 6: "#525252", 7: "#404040", 8: "#262626", 9: "#171717"}, gray: {0: "#fafafa", 1: "#f4f4f5", 2: "#e4e4e7", 3: "#d4d4d8", 4: "#a1a1aa", 5: "#71717a", 6: "#52525b", 7: "#3f3f46", 8: "#27272a", 9: "#18181b"}, cool: {0: "#f9fafb", 1: "#f3f4f6", 2: "#e5e7eb", 3: "#d1d5db", 4: "#9ca3af", 5: "#6b7280", 6: "#4b5563", 7: "#374151", 8: "#1f2937", 9: "#111827"}, cooler: {0: "#f8fafc", 1: "#f1f5f9", 2: "#e2e8f0", 3: "#cbd5e1", 4: "#94a3b8", 5: "#64748b", 6: "#475569", 7: "#334155", 8: "#1e293b", 9: "#0f172a"}};
15398 function Ti(t) {
15399 let e;
15400 return t ? (e = t.toIterable) ? e.call(t) : t : [];
15401 }
15402 var Tp = Symbol.for("#rules");
15403 var U0 = Symbol.for("#string");
15404 var Y0 = Symbol.for("#media");
15405 function Ns(t, e) {
15406 return t.classNames || (t.classNames = []), t.classNames.indexOf(e) == -1 && t.classNames.push(e), t;
15407 }
15408 function Ep(t, e) {
15409 return Ns(t, e), t.metas || (t.metas = []), t.metas.push(e), t;
15410 }
15411 function K0(t, e) {
15412 return t.pseudos || (t.pseudos = []), typeof e == "string" && (e = {name: e}), t.pseudos.push(e), t;
15413 }
15414 function Ap(t, e) {
15415 let r = t.rule, i;
15416 return r.isRoot || (r = t.rule = {type: "rule", rule: r, isRoot: true}), r;
15417 }
15418 function Ip(t, e, r = {}) {
15419 var S, k, E, w;
15420 if (t.type == "selectors")
15421 for (let O = 0, L = Ti(t.selectors), D = L.length; O < D; O++) {
15422 let A = L[O];
15423 Ip(A, t, r);
15424 }
15425 if (t.type != "ruleSet")
15426 return t;
15427 let i = t, s = 0, n = 0, o = 0, a = 0, l = 0;
15428 t.meta = {}, t.media = [];
15429 let p = [], c = t.rule;
15430 for (; c; )
15431 p.push(c), c = c.rule;
15432 let _ = p.slice(0).reverse();
15433 for (let O = 0, L = Ti(_), D = L.length; O < D; O++) {
15434 let A = L[O], U = _[O + 1], B = A.classNames, q = A.pseudos, K = A.tagName, Q = A.nestingOperator;
15435 !B && !K && !Q && q && q.every(function(Dt) {
15436 return Dt.special;
15437 }) && (U ? (U.pseudos = (U.pseudos || []).concat(q), U.rule = A.rule, p.splice(p.indexOf(A), 1)) : A.implicitScope = true);
15438 }
15439 let f = p[0], d = null, v = null, y = false, N = !!r.global;
15440 for (let O = 0, L = Ti(p), D = L.length; O < D; O++) {
15441 let A = L[O], U = p[O - 1], B = p[O + 1], q = A.classNames || (A.classNames = []), K = A.pseudos || [], Q = A.tagName, Dt = A.op = A.nestingOperator;
15442 if (Dt == ">>" ? (d = U, y = A, A.nestingOperator = ">", N = true) : Dt == ">>>" && (d = U, y = A, A.nestingOperator = null, N = true), N || (A.isScoped = true), Q == "html" && (A.isRoot = true), K.some(function(F) {
15443 return F.name == "root";
15444 }) && (A.isRoot = true), Q == "self" || A.isScope) {
15445 for (let F = 0, H = Ti(p.slice(0, O)), Y = H.length; F < Y; F++) {
15446 let M = H[F];
15447 M.isScoped = false;
15448 }
15449 A.isScope = true, A.isScoped = false, A.tagName = null;
15450 }
15451 (Q == "body" || Q == "html") && (A.isScoped = false);
15452 for (let F = 0, H = Ti(q), Y = H.length; F < Y; F++) {
15453 let M = H[F];
15454 M[0] == "$" && (q[F] = "ref--" + M.slice(1));
15455 }
15456 A.tagName && n++, r.ns && (!B || B.nestingOperator == ">>>") && !d && !v && (A.isScope, d = A), n += A.classNames.length;
15457 let Zt = A;
15458 for (let F = 0, H = Ti(K), Y = H.length, M; F < Y; F++) {
15459 let P = H[F];
15460 if (!P.special)
15461 continue;
15462 let [X, ee, oe, tt] = P.name.match(/^(\$|\.+)?([^\~\+]*)([\~\+]*)$/) || [], $, et, W = P.name[0] == "!" ? "!" : "", rt = W ? P.name.slice(1) : P.name;
15463 if (W && (P.neg = true, P.name = P.name.slice(1)), ee == ".")
15464 Ns(Zt, oe), P.remove = true, n++;
15465 else if (ee == "..")
15466 U || (U = i.rule = {type: "rule", classNames: [], rule: i.rule}), Ns(Zt = U, oe), P.remove = true, n++;
15467 else if (rt.match(/^\d+$/)) {
15468 let it = parseInt(rt);
15469 W ? et = "(max-width: " + (it - 1) + "px)" : et = "(min-width: " + it + "px)";
15470 }
15471 if (oe == "media" && (et = "(" + P.value + ")"), tt == "~", et)
15472 t.media.push(et), P.remove = true;
15473 else if (M = Fl[rt]) {
15474 if (M.media) {
15475 let it = M.media;
15476 W && M.medianeg && (it = M.medianeg), t.media.push(it), P.remove = true;
15477 }
15478 M.ua && (Ns(Ap(t), "" + W + "ua-" + M.ua), P.remove = true, n++), M.flag && (Ns(Zt, "" + W + M.flag), P.remove = true, n++), M.pri && (s = M.pri, o += 4, P.remove = true), P.remove || Object.assign(P, M);
15479 } else if (P.name == "local")
15480 P.remove = true, r.hasScopedStyles = true, r.ns && Ns(A, r.ns), n++;
15481 else if (P.name == "off" || P.name == "out" || P.name == "in")
15482 P.remove = true, Ns(Zt, "_" + P.name + "_"), (e || t).hasTransitionStyles = true, (e || t)["_" + P.name + "_"] = true;
15483 else if (P.name == "deep")
15484 P.remove = true, v = A, U ? U.isRoot ? d = U.rule = {type: "rule", rule: U.rule} : d = U : d = t.rule = {type: "rule", rule: t.rule};
15485 else if (!P.remove) {
15486 let it = W ? "!mod-" + P.name.slice(1) : "mod-" + P.name;
15487 Ns(Ap(t), it), P.remove = true, n++;
15488 }
15489 Zt != A && !P.remove ? (K0(Zt, P), P.remove = true, n++) : P.remove || n++;
15490 }
15491 K = K.filter(function(F) {
15492 return !F.remove;
15493 }), A.pseudos = K.filter(function(F) {
15494 return F.type != "el";
15495 }).concat(K.filter(function(F) {
15496 return F.type == "el";
15497 }));
15498 }
15499 t.specificity = n;
15500 let b = p[p.length - 1], m = p.find(function(O) {
15501 return O.isScope;
15502 });
15503 if (!m && (r.id || p[0].nestingOperator)) {
15504 let O = p.findIndex(function(D) {
15505 return D.isScoped;
15506 }), L = O == 0 ? t : p[O - 1];
15507 m = L.rule = {isScope: true, rule: p[O], classNames: [], type: "rule"};
15508 }
15509 !m && p[0].implicitScope && (p[0].isScope = true, m = p[0], m.isScoped = false);
15510 for (let O = 0, L = Ti(p), D = L.length; O < D; O++) {
15511 let A = L[O];
15512 A.isScoped && r.scope && Ep(A, r.scope.cssns());
15513 }
15514 if (m && r.scope && !(!m.classNames.length && !((S = m.pseudos) == null ? void 0 : S.length) && m != b && m == p[0] && !r.id && (!m.rule || !m.rule.op))) {
15515 let O = r.id || (r.scope.cssid ? r.scope.cssid() : r.scope.cssns());
15516 Ep(m, O);
15517 }
15518 let g = 0;
15519 for (let O = 0, L = Ti(p), D = L.length; O < D; O++) {
15520 let A = L[O];
15521 if (A.isScope)
15522 continue;
15523 !(((k = A.metas) == null ? void 0 : k.length) || 0) && (((E = A.classNames) == null ? void 0 : E.length) || ((w = A == null ? void 0 : A.pseudos) == null ? void 0 : w.length)) && (g += 1);
15524 }
15525 return g > 1 && (g = 1), l = g, r.inline && (a = 3, l = 0), r.type == "component" && (a = b.isScope ? 0 : 1), r.type == "scoped" && (a = b.isScope ? 2 : 1), b.s1 = Math.max(o, a), b.s2 = l, t;
15526 }
15527 function Rp(t, e, r = {}) {
15528 let i = [""], s = [i], n = t.selectors || [t];
15529 t[Tp] = [];
15530 for (let a = 0, l = Ti(n), p = l.length; a < p; a++) {
15531 let c = l[a], _ = Sp(c);
15532 c[U0] = _;
15533 let f = c.media.length ? "@media " + c.media.join(" and ") : "";
15534 c[Y0] = f, f != i[0] && s.push(i = [f]), i.push(_), t[Tp].push(c);
15535 }
15536 let o = [];
15537 for (let a = 0, l = Ti(s), p = l.length; a < p; a++) {
15538 let c = l[a];
15539 if (!c[1])
15540 continue;
15541 let _ = c.slice(1).join(",") + " {$CONTENT$}";
15542 c[0] && (_ = c[0] + `{
15543` + _ + `
15544}`), o.push(_);
15545 }
15546 return o.join(`
15547`).replace(/\$CONTENT\$/g, e);
15548 }
15549 function Pl(t, e) {
15550 let r = t.split(","), i = e.split(","), s = [];
15551 for (let n = 0, o = Ti(i), a = o.length; n < a; n++) {
15552 let l = o[n];
15553 for (let p = 0, c = Ti(r), _ = c.length; p < _; p++) {
15554 let f = c[p], d = l;
15555 d.indexOf("&") >= 0 ? d = d.replace("&", f) : d = f + " " + d, s.push(d);
15556 }
15557 }
15558 return s.join(",");
15559 }
15560 function Np(t, e) {
15561 let r = wp(t);
15562 return r && Ip(r, null, e);
15563 }
15564 var zp = {defaultToken: "", tokenPostfix: ".xml", ignoreCase: true, qualifiedName: /(?:[\w\.\-]+:)?[\w\.\-]+/, tokenizer: {root: [[/[^<&]+/, ""], {include: "@whitespace"}, [/(<)(@qualifiedName)/, [{token: "delimiter"}, {token: "tag", next: "@tag"}]], [/(<\/)(@qualifiedName)(\s*)(>)/, [{token: "delimiter"}, {token: "tag"}, "", {token: "delimiter"}]], [/(<\?)(@qualifiedName)/, [{token: "delimiter"}, {token: "metatag", next: "@tag"}]], [/(<\!)(@qualifiedName)/, [{token: "delimiter"}, {token: "metatag", next: "@tag"}]], [/<\!\[CDATA\[/, {token: "delimiter.cdata", next: "@cdata"}], [/&\w+;/, "string.escape"]], cdata: [[/[^\]]+/, ""], [/\]\]>/, {token: "delimiter.cdata", next: "@pop"}], [/\]/, ""]], tag: [[/[ \t\r\n]+/, ""], [/(@qualifiedName)(\s*=\s*)("[^"]*"|'[^']*')/, ["attribute.name", "", "attribute.value"]], [/(@qualifiedName)(\s*=\s*)("[^">?\/]*|'[^'>?\/]*)(?=[\?\/]\>)/, ["attribute.name", "", "attribute.value"]], [/(@qualifiedName)(\s*=\s*)("[^">]*|'[^'>]*)/, ["attribute.name", "", "attribute.value"]], [/@qualifiedName/, "attribute.name"], [/\?>/, {token: "delimiter", next: "@pop"}], [/(\/)(>)/, [{token: "tag"}, {token: "delimiter", next: "@pop"}]], [/>/, {token: "delimiter", next: "@pop"}]], whitespace: [[/[ \t\r\n]+/, ""], [/<!--/, {token: "comment", next: "@comment"}]], comment: [[/[^<\-]+/, "comment.content"], [/-->/, {token: "comment", next: "@pop"}], [/<!--/, "comment.content.invalid"], [/[<\-]/, "comment.content"]]}};
15565 var zl = {};
15566 var mo = class {
15567 static getTokenizer(e) {
15568 return e == "xml" && !zl[e] ? this.createTokenizer("xml", zp) : zl[e];
15569 }
15570 static createTokenizer(e, r) {
15571 let i = x1(e, r);
15572 return zl[e] = new ra(e, i);
15573 }
15574 };
15575 var Sc = {};
15576 Di(Sc, {CompletionTypes: () => Dr, Group: () => Oe, ImbaDocument: () => yn, KeywordTypes: () => zt, Keywords: () => sa, M: () => Be, Monarch: () => mo, Node: () => na, Position: () => pn, Range: () => ts, Scope: () => Hi, SemanticTokenModifiers: () => $u, SemanticTokenTypes: () => no, Sym: () => rs, SymbolFlags: () => Pt, SymbolKind: () => hr, Token: () => Si, grammar: () => b1, highlight: () => Cf, lexer: () => dn});
15577 function I9(t) {
15578 let e;
15579 return t ? (e = t.toIterable) ? e.call(t) : t : [];
15580 }
15581 var R9 = {"&": "&amp;", "<": "&lt;", ">": "&gt;", '"': "&quot;", "'": "&#39;"};
15582 var N9 = {"[": "square open", "]": "square close", "{": "curly open", "}": "curly close", "(": "paren open", ")": "paren close"};
15583 function Nf(t) {
15584 return t.replace(/[\&\<\>]/g, function(e) {
15585 return R9[e];
15586 });
15587 }
15588 function C9(t) {
15589 return t.join(" ").replace(/[\[\]\{\}\(\)]/g, function(e) {
15590 return N9[e];
15591 });
15592 }
15593 function Cf(t, {verbose: e = false}) {
15594 let r = [], i = 0, s = 0, n = [];
15595 for (let o = 0, a = I9(t), l = a.length; o < l; o++) {
15596 let p = a[o], c = p.value, _ = p.type.split("."), [f, d] = _, v = p.mods;
15597 if (p.var) {
15598 let y = n.indexOf(p.var);
15599 y == -1 && (y = n.push(p.var) - 1), _.push("vref"), _.push("var" + y), _.push(p.var.type + "-ref"), v |= p.var.mods;
15600 }
15601 if (v & Be.Declaration && _.push("decl"), v & Be.Root && _.push("root"), v & Be.Local && _.push("local"), p.end && p.end.start == p && r.push("<b>"), !((d == "start" || d == "open") && (r.push("<b class='" + f + "'>"), !c))) {
15602 if ((d == "end" || d == "close") && !c) {
15603 r.push("</b>");
15604 continue;
15605 }
15606 if (f == "push") {
15607 c = String(++i);
15608 let y = d.indexOf("_") >= 0 ? "group" : "scope", N = p.scope && p.scope.end;
15609 r.push("<div class='" + y + "-" + d.split("_").pop() + " _" + d + " l" + i + " o" + p.offset + " e" + (N && N.offset) + "'>");
15610 continue;
15611 } else if (f == "pop") {
15612 c = String(--i), r.push("</div>");
15613 continue;
15614 }
15615 f != "white" && f != "line" ? c = "<i class='" + C9(_) + " o" + p.offset + "'>" + Nf(c || "") + "</i>" : f == "white" && c != `
15616` && (c = "<i raw='" + JSON.stringify(c) + "'>" + Nf(c || "") + "</i>"), r.push(c), (d == "end" || d == "close" || p.start) && r.push("</b>");
15617 }
15618 }
15619 return r.join("");
15620 }
15621 var stdin_default = Lf();
15622 /*
15623 * [js-sha1]{@link https://github.com/emn178/js-sha1}
15624 *
15625 * @version 0.6.0
15626 * @author Chen, Yi-Cyuan [emn178@gmail.com]
15627 * @copyright Chen, Yi-Cyuan 2014-2017
15628 * @license MIT
15629 */
15630 return stdin_exports;