107 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
2var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => function __require() {
3 return mod || (0, cb[__getOwnPropNames(cb)[0]])((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports;
6// vendor/jison/util/typal.js
7var require_typal = __commonJS({
8 "vendor/jison/util/typal.js"(exports2) {
9 var typal2 = function() {
10 var create = Object.create || function(o2) {
11 function F() {
12 }
13 F.prototype = o2;
14 return new F();
15 };
16 var position = /^(before|after)/;
17 function layerMethod(k, fun) {
18 var pos = k.match(position)[0], key = k.replace(position, ""), prop = this[key];
19 if (pos === "after") {
20 this[key] = function() {
21 var ret = prop.apply(this, arguments);
22 var args = [].slice.call(arguments);
23 args.splice(0, 0, ret);
24 fun.apply(this, args);
25 return ret;
26 };
27 } else if (pos === "before") {
28 this[key] = function() {
29 fun.apply(this, arguments);
30 var ret = prop.apply(this, arguments);
31 return ret;
32 };
33 }
34 }
35 function typal_mix() {
36 var self2 = this;
37 for (var i = 0, o2, k; i < arguments.length; i++) {
38 o2 = arguments[i];
39 if (!o2)
40 continue;
41 if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o2, "constructor"))
42 this.constructor = o2.constructor;
43 if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o2, "toString"))
44 this.toString = o2.toString;
45 for (k in o2) {
46 if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o2, k)) {
47 if (k.match(position) && typeof this[k.replace(position, "")] === "function")
48 layerMethod.call(this, k, o2[k]);
49 else
50 this[k] = o2[k];
51 }
52 }
53 }
54 return this;
55 }
56 return {
57 mix: typal_mix,
58 beget: function typal_beget() {
59 return arguments.length ? typal_mix.apply(create(this), arguments) : create(this);
60 },
61 construct: function typal_construct() {
62 var o2 = typal_mix.apply(create(this), arguments);
63 var constructor = o2.constructor;
64 var Klass = o2.constructor = function() {
65 return constructor.apply(this, arguments);
66 };
67 Klass.prototype = o2;
68 Klass.mix = typal_mix;
69 return Klass;
70 },
71 constructor: function typal_constructor() {
72 return this;
73 }
74 };
75 }();
76 if (typeof exports2 !== "undefined")
77 exports2.typal = typal2;
78 }
81// vendor/jison/util/set.js
82var require_set = __commonJS({
83 "vendor/jison/util/set.js"(exports2) {
84 var typal2 = require_typal().typal;
85 var setMixin = {
86 constructor: function Set_constructor(set, raw) {
87 this._items = [];
88 if (set && set.constructor === Array)
89 this._items = raw ? set : set.slice(0);
90 else if (arguments.length)
91 this._items = [].slice.call(arguments, 0);
92 },
93 concat: function concat(setB) {
94 this._items.push.apply(this._items, setB._items || setB);
95 return this;
96 },
97 eq: function eq(set) {
98 return this._items.length === set._items.length && this.subset(set);
99 },
100 indexOf: function indexOf(item) {
101 if (item && item.eq) {
102 for (var k = 0; k < this._items.length; k++)
103 if (item.eq(this._items[k]))
104 return k;
105 return -1;
106 }
107 return this._items.indexOf(item);
108 },
109 union: function union(set) {
110 return new Set2(this._items).concat(this.complement(set));
111 },
112 intersection: function intersection(set) {
113 return this.filter(function(elm) {
114 return set.contains(elm);
115 });
116 },
117 complement: function complement(set) {
118 var that = this;
119 return set.filter(function sub_complement(elm) {
120 return !that.contains(elm);
121 });
122 },
123 subset: function subset(set) {
124 var cont = true;
125 for (var i = 0; i < this._items.length && cont; i++) {
126 cont = cont && set.contains(this._items[i]);
127 }
128 return cont;
129 },
130 superset: function superset(set) {
131 return set.subset(this);
132 },
133 joinSet: function joinSet(set) {
134 return this.concat(this.complement(set));
135 },
136 contains: function contains(item) {
137 return this.indexOf(item) !== -1;
138 },
139 item: function item(v, val) {
140 return this._items[v];
141 },
142 i: function i(v, val) {
143 return this._items[v];
144 },
145 first: function first() {
146 return this._items[0];
147 },
148 last: function last() {
149 return this._items[this._items.length - 1];
150 },
151 size: function size() {
152 return this._items.length;
153 },
154 isEmpty: function isEmpty() {
155 return this._items.length === 0;
156 },
157 copy: function copy() {
158 return new Set2(this._items);
159 },
160 toString: function toString() {
161 return this._items.toString();
162 }
163 };
164 "push shift unshift forEach some every join sort".split(" ").forEach(function(e, i) {
165 setMixin[e] = function() {
166 return Array.prototype[e].apply(this._items, arguments);
167 };
168 setMixin[e].name = e;
169 });
170 "filter slice map".split(" ").forEach(function(e, i) {
171 setMixin[e] = function() {
172 return new Set2(Array.prototype[e].apply(this._items, arguments), true);
173 };
174 setMixin[e].name = e;
175 });
176 var Set2 = typal2.construct(setMixin).mix({
177 union: function(a, b) {
178 var ar = {};
179 for (var k = a.length - 1; k >= 0; --k) {
180 ar[a[k]] = true;
181 }
182 for (var i = b.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
183 if (!ar[b[i]]) {
184 a.push(b[i]);
185 }
186 }
187 return a;
188 }
189 });
190 if (typeof exports2 !== "undefined")
191 exports2.Set = Set2;
192 }
195// vendor/jison/jison.js
196var require_jison = __commonJS({
197 "vendor/jison/jison.js"(exports, module) {
198 var typal = require_typal().typal;
199 var Set = require_set().Set;
200 var Jison = exports.Jison = exports;
201 if (typeof console !== "undefined" && console.log) {
202 Jison.print = console.log;
203 } else if (typeof puts !== "undefined") {
204 Jison.print = function print2() {
205 puts([].join.call(arguments, " "));
206 };
207 } else if (typeof print !== "undefined") {
208 Jison.print = print;
209 } else {
210 Jison.print = function print2() {
211 };
212 }
213 Jison.Parser = function() {
214 function each(obj, func) {
215 if (obj.forEach) {
216 obj.forEach(func);
217 } else {
218 var p2;
219 for (p2 in obj) {
220 if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p2)) {
221 func.call(obj, obj[p2], p2, obj);
222 }
223 }
224 }
225 }
226 var Nonterminal = typal.construct({
227 constructor: function Nonterminal2(symbol) {
228 this.symbol = symbol;
229 this.productions = new Set();
230 this.first = [];
231 this.follows = [];
232 this.nullable = false;
233 },
234 toString: function Nonterminal_toString() {
235 var str = this.symbol + "\n";
236 str += this.nullable ? "nullable" : "not nullable";
237 str += "\nFirsts: " + this.first.join(", ");
238 str += "\nFollows: " + this.first.join(", ");
239 str += "\nProductions:\n " + this.productions.join("\n ");
240 return str;
241 }
242 });
243 var Production = typal.construct({
244 constructor: function Production2(symbol, handle, id) {
245 this.symbol = symbol;
246 this.handle = handle;
247 this.nullable = false;
248 this.id = id;
249 this.first = [];
250 this.precedence = 0;
251 },
252 toString: function Production_toString() {
253 return this.symbol + " -> " + this.handle.join(" ");
254 }
255 });
256 var generator = typal.beget();
257 generator.constructor = function Jison_Generator(grammar2, opt) {
258 var options = typal.mix.call({}, grammar2.options, opt);
259 this.terms = {};
260 this.operators = {};
261 this.productions = [];
262 this.conflicts = 0;
263 this.resolutions = [];
264 this.options = options;
265 this.parseParams = grammar2.parseParams;
266 this.yy = {};
267 if (grammar2.actionInclude) {
268 if (typeof grammar2.actionInclude === "function") {
269 grammar2.actionInclude = String(grammar2.actionInclude).replace(/^\s*function \(\) \{/, "").replace(/\}\s*$/, "");
270 }
271 this.actionInclude = grammar2.actionInclude;
272 }
273 this.moduleInclude = grammar2.moduleInclude || "";
274 this.DEBUG = options.debug || false;
275 if (this.DEBUG)
276 this.mix(generatorDebug);
277 this.processGrammar(grammar2);
278 };
279 generator.processGrammar = function processGrammarDef(grammar2) {
280 var bnf = grammar2.bnf, tokens2 = grammar2.tokens, nonterminals = this.nonterminals = {}, productions = this.productions, self2 = this;
281 if (tokens2) {
282 if (typeof tokens2 === "string") {
283 tokens2 = tokens2.trim().split(" ");
284 } else {
285 tokens2 = tokens2.slice(0);
286 }
287 }
288 var symbols = this.symbols = [];
289 var operators2 = this.operators = processOperators(grammar2.operators);
290 this.buildProductions(bnf, productions, nonterminals, symbols, operators2);
291 if (tokens2 && this.terminals.length !== tokens2.length) {
292 self2.trace("Warning: declared tokens differ from tokens found in rules.");
293 self2.trace(this.terminals);
294 self2.trace(tokens2);
295 }
296 this.augmentGrammar(grammar2);
297 };
298 generator.augmentGrammar = function augmentGrammar(grammar2) {
299 if (this.productions.length === 0) {
300 throw new Error("Grammar error: must have at least one rule.");
301 }
302 this.startSymbol = grammar2.start || grammar2.startSymbol || this.productions[0].symbol;
303 if (!this.nonterminals[this.startSymbol]) {
304 throw new Error("Grammar error: startSymbol must be a non-terminal found in your grammar.");
305 }
306 this.EOF = "$end";
307 var acceptProduction = new Production("$accept", [this.startSymbol, "$end"], 0);
308 this.productions.unshift(acceptProduction);
309 this.symbols.unshift("$accept", this.EOF);
310 this.symbols_.$accept = 0;
311 this.symbols_[this.EOF] = 1;
312 this.terminals.unshift(this.EOF);
313 this.nonterminals.$accept = new Nonterminal("$accept");
314 this.nonterminals.$accept.productions.push(acceptProduction);
315 this.nonterminals[this.startSymbol].follows.push(this.EOF);
316 };
317 function processOperators(ops) {
318 if (!ops)
319 return {};
320 var operators2 = {};
321 for (var i = 0, k, prec; prec = ops[i]; i++) {
322 for (k = 1; k < prec.length; k++) {
323 operators2[prec[k]] = { precedence: i + 1, assoc: prec[0] };
324 }
325 }
326 return operators2;
327 }
328 generator.buildProductions = function buildProductions(bnf, productions, nonterminals, symbols, operators2) {
329 var actions = [
330 "/* self == yyval */",
331 this.actionInclude || "",
332 "var $0 = $$.length - 1;",
333 "switch (yystate) {"
334 ];
335 var actionGroups = {};
336 var prods, symbol;
337 var productions_ = [0];
338 var symbolId = 1;
339 var symbols_ = {};
340 var her = false;
341 function addSymbol(s) {
342 if (s && !symbols_[s]) {
343 symbols_[s] = ++symbolId;
344 symbols.push(s);
345 }
346 }
347 addSymbol("error");
348 for (symbol in bnf) {
349 if (!bnf.hasOwnProperty(symbol))
350 continue;
351 addSymbol(symbol);
352 nonterminals[symbol] = new Nonterminal(symbol);
353 if (typeof bnf[symbol] === "string") {
354 prods = bnf[symbol].split(/\s*\|\s*/g);
355 } else {
356 prods = bnf[symbol].slice(0);
357 }
358 prods.forEach(buildProduction);
359 }
360 for (var action in actionGroups)
361 actions.push(actionGroups[action].join(" "), action, "break;");
362 var sym, terms = [], terms_ = {};
363 each(symbols_, function(id, sym2) {
364 if (!nonterminals[sym2]) {
365 terms.push(sym2);
366 terms_[id] = sym2;
367 }
368 });
369 this.hasErrorRecovery = her;
370 this.terminals = terms;
371 this.terminals_ = terms_;
372 this.symbols_ = symbols_;
373 this.productions_ = productions_;
374 actions.push("}");
375 actions = actions.join("\n").replace(/YYABORT/g, "return false").replace(/YYACCEPT/g, "return true");
376 var yyvalParam = "this";
377 var parameters = "self, yytext, yy, yystate /* action[1] */, $$ /* vstack */";
378 if (this.parseParams)
379 parameters += ", " + this.parseParams.join(", ");
380 this.performAction = "function performAction(" + parameters + ") {\n" + actions + "\n}";
381 function buildProduction(handle) {
382 var r, rhs, i;
383 if (handle.constructor === Array) {
384 rhs = typeof handle[0] === "string" ? handle[0].trim().split(" ") : handle[0].slice(0);
385 for (i = 0; i < rhs.length; i++) {
386 if (rhs[i] === "error")
387 her = true;
388 if (!symbols_[rhs[i]]) {
389 addSymbol(rhs[i]);
390 }
391 }
392 if (typeof handle[1] === "string" || handle.length == 3) {
393 var label = "case " + (productions.length + 1) + ":", action2 = handle[1];
394 if (action2.match(/[$@][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/)) {
395 var count = {}, names = {};
396 for (i = 0; i < rhs.length; i++) {
397 var rhs_i = rhs[i].match(/\[[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*\]/);
398 if (rhs_i) {
399 rhs_i = rhs_i[0].substr(1, rhs_i[0].length - 2);
400 rhs[i] = rhs[i].substr(0, rhs[i].indexOf("["));
401 } else {
402 rhs_i = rhs[i];
403 }
404 if (names[rhs_i]) {
405 names[rhs_i + ++count[rhs_i]] = i + 1;
406 } else {
407 names[rhs_i] = i + 1;
408 names[rhs_i + "1"] = i + 1;
409 count[rhs_i] = 1;
410 }
411 }
412 action2 = action2.replace(/\$([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/g, function(str, pl) {
413 return names[pl] ? "$" + names[pl] : str;
414 }).replace(/@([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/g, function(str, pl) {
415 return names[pl] ? "@" + names[pl] : str;
416 });
417 }
418 action2 = action2.replace(/([^'"])\$\$|^\$\$/g, "$1self.$").replace(/@[0$]/g, "self._$").replace(/\$(-?\d+)/g, function(_, n) {
419 return "$$[$0" + (parseInt(n, 10) - rhs.length || "") + "]";
420 }).replace(/@(-?\d+)/g, function(_, n) {
421 return "_$[$0" + (n - rhs.length || "") + "]";
422 });
423 if (action2 in actionGroups)
424 actionGroups[action2].push(label);
425 else
426 actionGroups[action2] = [label];
427 rhs = rhs.map(function(e, i2) {
428 return e.replace(/\[[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*\]/g, "");
429 });
430 r = new Production(symbol, rhs, productions.length + 1);
431 if (handle[2] && operators2[handle[2].prec]) {
432 r.precedence = operators2[handle[2].prec].precedence;
433 }
434 } else {
435 rhs = rhs.map(function(e, i2) {
436 return e.replace(/\[[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*\]/g, "");
437 });
438 r = new Production(symbol, rhs, productions.length + 1);
439 if (operators2[handle[1].prec]) {
440 r.precedence = operators2[handle[1].prec].precedence;
441 }
442 }
443 } else {
444 handle = handle.replace(/\[[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*\]/g, "");
445 rhs = handle.trim().split(" ");
446 for (i = 0; i < rhs.length; i++) {
447 if (rhs[i] === "error")
448 her = true;
449 if (!symbols_[rhs[i]]) {
450 addSymbol(rhs[i]);
451 }
452 }
453 r = new Production(symbol, rhs, productions.length + 1);
454 }
455 if (r.precedence === 0) {
456 for (i = r.handle.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
457 if (!(r.handle[i] in nonterminals) && r.handle[i] in operators2) {
458 r.precedence = operators2[r.handle[i]].precedence;
459 }
460 }
461 }
462 productions.push(r);
463 productions_.push([symbols_[r.symbol], r.handle[0] === "" ? 0 : r.handle.length]);
464 nonterminals[symbol].productions.push(r);
465 }
466 };
467 generator.createParser = function createParser2() {
468 throw new Error("Calling abstract method.");
469 };
470 generator.trace = function trace() {
471 };
472 generator.warn = function warn() {
473 var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);
474 Jison.print.call(null, args.join(""));
475 };
476 generator.error = function error(msg) {
477 throw new Error(msg);
478 };
479 var generatorDebug = {
480 trace: function trace() {
481 Jison.print.apply(null, arguments);
482 },
483 beforeprocessGrammar: function() {
484 this.trace("Processing grammar.");
485 },
486 afteraugmentGrammar: function() {
487 var trace = this.trace;
488 each(this.symbols, function(sym, i) {
489 trace(sym + "(" + i + ")");
490 });
491 }
492 };
493 var lookaheadMixin = {};
494 lookaheadMixin.computeLookaheads = function computeLookaheads() {
495 if (this.DEBUG)
496 this.mix(lookaheadDebug);
497 this.computeLookaheads = function() {
498 };
499 this.nullableSets();
500 this.firstSets();
501 this.followSets();
502 };
503 lookaheadMixin.followSets = function followSets() {
504 var productions = this.productions, nonterminals = this.nonterminals, self2 = this, cont = true;
505 while (cont) {
506 cont = false;
507 productions.forEach(function Follow_prod_forEach(production, k) {
508 var q;
509 var ctx = !!self2.go_;
510 var set = [], oldcount;
511 for (var i = 0, t; t = production.handle[i]; ++i) {
512 if (!nonterminals[t])
513 continue;
514 if (ctx)
515 q = self2.go_(production.symbol, production.handle.slice(0, i));
516 var bool = !ctx || q === parseInt(self2.nterms_[t], 10);
517 if (i === production.handle.length + 1 && bool) {
518 set = nonterminals[production.symbol].follows;
519 } else {
520 var part = production.handle.slice(i + 1);
521 set = self2.first(part);
522 if (self2.nullable(part) && bool) {
523 set.push.apply(set, nonterminals[production.symbol].follows);
524 }
525 }
526 oldcount = nonterminals[t].follows.length;
527 Set.union(nonterminals[t].follows, set);
528 if (oldcount !== nonterminals[t].follows.length) {
529 cont = true;
530 }
531 }
532 });
533 }
534 };
535 lookaheadMixin.first = function first(symbol) {
536 if (symbol === "") {
537 return [];
538 } else if (symbol instanceof Array) {
539 var firsts = [];
540 for (var i = 0, t; t = symbol[i]; ++i) {
541 if (!this.nonterminals[t]) {
542 if (firsts.indexOf(t) === -1)
543 firsts.push(t);
544 } else {
545 Set.union(firsts, this.nonterminals[t].first);
546 }
547 if (!this.nullable(t))
548 break;
549 }
550 return firsts;
551 } else if (!this.nonterminals[symbol]) {
552 return [symbol];
553 } else {
554 return this.nonterminals[symbol].first;
555 }
556 };
557 lookaheadMixin.firstSets = function firstSets() {
558 var productions = this.productions, nonterminals = this.nonterminals, self2 = this, cont = true, symbol, firsts;
559 while (cont) {
560 cont = false;
561 productions.forEach(function FirstSets_forEach(production, k) {
562 var firsts2 = self2.first(production.handle);
563 if (firsts2.length !== production.first.length) {
564 production.first = firsts2;
565 cont = true;
566 }
567 });
568 for (symbol in nonterminals) {
569 firsts = [];
570 nonterminals[symbol].productions.forEach(function(production) {
571 Set.union(firsts, production.first);
572 });
573 if (firsts.length !== nonterminals[symbol].first.length) {
574 nonterminals[symbol].first = firsts;
575 cont = true;
576 }
577 }
578 }
579 };
580 lookaheadMixin.nullableSets = function nullableSets() {
581 var firsts = this.firsts = {}, nonterminals = this.nonterminals, self2 = this, cont = true;
582 while (cont) {
583 cont = false;
584 this.productions.forEach(function(production2, k) {
585 if (!production2.nullable) {
586 for (var i2 = 0, n = 0, t; t = production2.handle[i2]; ++i2) {
587 if (self2.nullable(t))
588 n++;
589 }
590 if (n === i2) {
591 production2.nullable = cont = true;
592 }
593 }
594 });
595 for (var symbol in nonterminals) {
596 if (!this.nullable(symbol)) {
597 for (var i = 0, production; production = nonterminals[symbol].productions.item(i); i++) {
598 if (production.nullable)
599 nonterminals[symbol].nullable = cont = true;
600 }
601 }
602 }
603 }
604 };
605 lookaheadMixin.nullable = function nullable(symbol) {
606 if (symbol === "") {
607 return true;
608 } else if (symbol instanceof Array) {
609 for (var i = 0, t; t = symbol[i]; ++i) {
610 if (!this.nullable(t))
611 return false;
612 }
613 return true;
614 } else if (!this.nonterminals[symbol]) {
615 return false;
616 } else {
617 return this.nonterminals[symbol].nullable;
618 }
619 };
620 var lookaheadDebug = {
621 beforenullableSets: function() {
622 this.trace("Computing Nullable sets.");
623 },
624 beforefirstSets: function() {
625 this.trace("Computing First sets.");
626 },
627 beforefollowSets: function() {
628 this.trace("Computing Follow sets.");
629 },
630 afterfollowSets: function() {
631 var trace = this.trace;
632 each(this.nonterminals, function(nt, t) {
633 trace(nt, "\n");
634 });
635 }
636 };
637 var lrGeneratorMixin = {};
638 lrGeneratorMixin.buildTable = function buildTable() {
639 if (this.DEBUG)
640 this.mix(lrGeneratorDebug);
641 this.states = this.canonicalCollection();
642 this.table = this.parseTable(this.states);
643 this.defaultActions = findDefaults(this.table);
644 };
645 lrGeneratorMixin.Item = typal.construct({
646 constructor: function Item(production, dot, f, predecessor) {
647 this.production = production;
648 this.dotPosition = dot || 0;
649 this.follows = f || [];
650 this.predecessor = predecessor;
651 this.id = parseInt(production.id + "a" + this.dotPosition, 36);
652 this.markedSymbol = this.production.handle[this.dotPosition];
653 },
654 remainingHandle: function() {
655 return this.production.handle.slice(this.dotPosition + 1);
656 },
657 eq: function(e) {
658 return e.id === this.id;
659 },
660 handleToString: function() {
661 var handle = this.production.handle.slice(0);
662 handle[this.dotPosition] = "." + (handle[this.dotPosition] || "");
663 return handle.join(" ");
664 },
665 toString: function() {
666 var temp = this.production.handle.slice(0);
667 temp[this.dotPosition] = "." + (temp[this.dotPosition] || "");
668 return this.production.symbol + " -> " + temp.join(" ") + (this.follows.length === 0 ? "" : " #lookaheads= " + this.follows.join(" "));
669 }
670 });
671 lrGeneratorMixin.ItemSet = Set.prototype.construct({
672 afterconstructor: function() {
673 this.reductions = [];
674 this.goes = {};
675 this.edges = {};
676 this.shifts = false;
677 this.inadequate = false;
678 this.hash_ = {};
679 for (var i = this._items.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
680 this.hash_[this._items[i].id] = true;
681 }
682 },
683 concat: function concat(set) {
684 var a = set._items || set;
685 for (var i = a.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
686 this.hash_[a[i].id] = true;
687 }
688 this._items.push.apply(this._items, a);
689 return this;
690 },
691 push: function(item) {
692 this.hash_[item.id] = true;
693 return this._items.push(item);
694 },
695 contains: function(item) {
696 return this.hash_[item.id];
697 },
698 valueOf: function toValue() {
699 var v = this._items.map(function(a) {
700 return a.id;
701 }).sort().join("|");
702 this.valueOf = function toValue_inner() {
703 return v;
704 };
705 return v;
706 }
707 });
708 lrGeneratorMixin.closureOperation = function closureOperation(itemSet) {
709 var closureSet = new this.ItemSet();
710 var self2 = this;
711 var set = itemSet, itemQueue, syms = {};
712 do {
713 itemQueue = new Set();
714 closureSet.concat(set);
715 set.forEach(function CO_set_forEach(item) {
716 var symbol = item.markedSymbol;
717 if (symbol && self2.nonterminals[symbol]) {
718 if (!syms[symbol]) {
719 self2.nonterminals[symbol].productions.forEach(function CO_nt_forEach(production) {
720 var newItem = new self2.Item(production, 0);
721 if (!closureSet.contains(newItem))
722 itemQueue.push(newItem);
723 });
724 syms[symbol] = true;
725 }
726 } else if (!symbol) {
727 closureSet.reductions.push(item);
728 closureSet.inadequate = closureSet.reductions.length > 1 || closureSet.shifts;
729 } else {
730 closureSet.shifts = true;
731 closureSet.inadequate = closureSet.reductions.length > 0;
732 }
733 });
734 set = itemQueue;
735 } while (!itemQueue.isEmpty());
736 return closureSet;
737 };
738 lrGeneratorMixin.gotoOperation = function gotoOperation(itemSet, symbol) {
739 var gotoSet = new this.ItemSet(), self2 = this;
740 itemSet.forEach(function goto_forEach(item, n) {
741 if (item.markedSymbol === symbol) {
742 gotoSet.push(new self2.Item(item.production, item.dotPosition + 1, item.follows, n));
743 }
744 });
745 return gotoSet.isEmpty() ? gotoSet : this.closureOperation(gotoSet);
746 };
747 lrGeneratorMixin.canonicalCollection = function canonicalCollection() {
748 var item1 = new this.Item(this.productions[0], 0, [this.EOF]);
749 var firstState = this.closureOperation(new this.ItemSet(item1)), states = new Set(firstState), marked = 0, self2 = this, itemSet;
750 states.has = {};
751 states.has[firstState] = 0;
752 while (marked !== states.size()) {
753 itemSet = states.item(marked);
754 marked++;
755 itemSet.forEach(function CC_itemSet_forEach(item) {
756 if (item.markedSymbol && item.markedSymbol !== self2.EOF)
757 self2.canonicalCollectionInsert(item.markedSymbol, itemSet, states, marked - 1);
758 });
759 }
760 return states;
761 };
762 lrGeneratorMixin.canonicalCollectionInsert = function canonicalCollectionInsert(symbol, itemSet, states, stateNum) {
763 var g = this.gotoOperation(itemSet, symbol);
764 if (!g.predecessors)
765 g.predecessors = {};
766 if (!g.isEmpty()) {
767 var gv = g.valueOf(), i = states.has[gv];
768 if (i === -1 || typeof i === "undefined") {
769 states.has[gv] = states.size();
770 itemSet.edges[symbol] = states.size();
771 states.push(g);
772 g.predecessors[symbol] = [stateNum];
773 } else {
774 itemSet.edges[symbol] = i;
775 states.item(i).predecessors[symbol].push(stateNum);
776 }
777 }
778 };
779 var NONASSOC = 0;
780 lrGeneratorMixin.parseTable = function parseTable(itemSets) {
781 var states = [], nonterminals = this.nonterminals, operators2 = this.operators, conflictedStates = {}, self2 = this, s = 1, r = 2, a = 3;
782 itemSets.forEach(function(itemSet, k) {
783 var state = states[k] = {};
784 var action, stackSymbol;
785 for (stackSymbol in itemSet.edges) {
786 itemSet.forEach(function(item, j) {
787 if (item.markedSymbol == stackSymbol) {
788 var gotoState = itemSet.edges[stackSymbol];
789 if (nonterminals[stackSymbol]) {
790 state[self2.symbols_[stackSymbol]] = gotoState;
791 } else {
792 state[self2.symbols_[stackSymbol]] = [s, gotoState];
793 }
794 }
795 });
796 }
797 itemSet.forEach(function(item, j) {
798 if (item.markedSymbol == self2.EOF) {
799 state[self2.symbols_[self2.EOF]] = [a];
800 }
801 });
802 var allterms = self2.lookAheads ? false : self2.terminals;
803 itemSet.reductions.forEach(function(item, j) {
804 var terminals = allterms || self2.lookAheads(itemSet, item);
805 terminals.forEach(function(stackSymbol2) {
806 action = state[self2.symbols_[stackSymbol2]];
807 var op = operators2[stackSymbol2];
808 if (action || action && action.length) {
809 var sol = resolveConflict(item.production, op, [r, item.production.id], action[0] instanceof Array ? action[0] : action);
810 self2.resolutions.push([k, stackSymbol2, sol]);
811 if (sol.bydefault) {
812 self2.conflicts++;
813 if (!self2.DEBUG) {
814 self2.warn("Conflict in grammar: multiple actions possible when lookahead token is ", stackSymbol2, " in state ", k, "\n- ", printAction(sol.r, self2), "\n- ", printAction(sol.s, self2));
815 conflictedStates[k] = true;
816 }
817 if (self2.options.noDefaultResolve) {
818 if (!(action[0] instanceof Array))
819 action = [action];
820 action.push(sol.r);
821 }
822 } else {
823 action = sol.action;
824 }
825 } else {
826 action = [r, item.production.id];
827 }
828 if (action && action.length) {
829 state[self2.symbols_[stackSymbol2]] = action;
830 } else if (action === NONASSOC) {
831 state[self2.symbols_[stackSymbol2]] = void 0;
832 }
833 });
834 });
835 });
836 if (!self2.DEBUG && self2.conflicts > 0) {
837 self2.warn("\nStates with conflicts:");
838 each(conflictedStates, function(val, state) {
839 self2.warn("State " + state);
840 self2.warn(" ", itemSets.item(state).join("\n "));
841 });
842 }
843 return states;
844 };
845 function findDefaults(states) {
846 var defaults = {};
847 states.forEach(function(state, k) {
848 var i = 0;
849 for (var act in state) {
850 if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(state, act))
851 i++;
852 }
853 if (i === 1 && state[act][0] === 2) {
854 defaults[k] = state[act];
855 }
856 });
857 return defaults;
858 }
859 function resolveConflict(production, op, reduce, shift) {
860 var sln = { production, operator: op, r: reduce, s: shift }, s = 1, r = 2, a = 3;
861 if (shift[0] === r) {
862 sln.msg = "Resolve R/R conflict (use first production declared in grammar.)";
863 sln.action = shift[1] < reduce[1] ? shift : reduce;
864 if (shift[1] !== reduce[1])
865 sln.bydefault = true;
866 return sln;
867 }
868 if (production.precedence === 0 || !op) {
869 sln.msg = "Resolve S/R conflict (shift by default.)";
870 sln.bydefault = true;
871 sln.action = shift;
872 } else if (production.precedence < op.precedence) {
873 sln.msg = "Resolve S/R conflict (shift for higher precedent operator.)";
874 sln.action = shift;
875 } else if (production.precedence === op.precedence) {
876 if (op.assoc === "right") {
877 sln.msg = "Resolve S/R conflict (shift for right associative operator.)";
878 sln.action = shift;
879 } else if (op.assoc === "left") {
880 sln.msg = "Resolve S/R conflict (reduce for left associative operator.)";
881 sln.action = reduce;
882 } else if (op.assoc === "nonassoc") {
883 sln.msg = "Resolve S/R conflict (no action for non-associative operator.)";
884 sln.action = NONASSOC;
885 }
886 } else {
887 sln.msg = "Resolve conflict (reduce for higher precedent production.)";
888 sln.action = reduce;
889 }
890 return sln;
891 }
892 lrGeneratorMixin.generate = function parser_generate(opt) {
893 opt = typal.mix.call({}, this.options, opt);
894 var code = "";
895 if (!opt.moduleName || !opt.moduleName.match(/^[A-Za-z_$][A-Za-z0-9_$]*$/)) {
896 opt.moduleName = "parser";
897 }
898 switch (opt.moduleType) {
899 case "js":
900 code = this.generateModule(opt);
901 break;
902 case "amd":
903 code = this.generateAMDModule(opt);
904 break;
905 default:
906 code = this.generateCommonJSModule(opt);
907 break;
908 }
909 return code;
910 };
911 lrGeneratorMixin.generateAMDModule = function generateAMDModule(opt) {
912 opt = typal.mix.call({}, this.options, opt);
913 var module2 = this.generateModule_();
914 var out = "\n\ndefine(function(require){\n" + module2.commonCode + "\nvar parser = " + module2.moduleCode + "\n" + this.moduleInclude + (this.lexer && this.lexer.generateModule ? "\n" + this.lexer.generateModule() + "\nparser.lexer = lexer;" : "") + "\nreturn parser;\n});";
915 return out;
916 };
917 lrGeneratorMixin.generateCommonJSModule = function generateCommonJSModule(opt) {
918 opt = typal.mix.call({}, this.options, opt);
919 var moduleName = opt.moduleName || "parser";
920 var out = this.generateModule(opt) + "\n\n\nif (typeof require !== 'undefined' && typeof exports !== 'undefined') {\nexports.parser = " + moduleName + ";\nexports.Parser = " + moduleName + ".Parser;\nexports.parse = function () { return " + moduleName + ".parse.apply(" + moduleName + ", arguments); };\n}";
921 return out;
922 };
923 lrGeneratorMixin.generateModule = function generateModule(opt) {
924 opt = typal.mix.call({}, this.options, opt);
925 var moduleName = opt.moduleName || "parser";
926 var out = "/* parser generated by jison-fork */\n";
927 out += (moduleName.match(/\./) ? moduleName : "var " + moduleName) + " = " + this.generateModuleExpr();
928 return out;
929 };
930 lrGeneratorMixin.generateModuleExpr = function generateModuleExpr() {
931 var out = "";
932 var module2 = this.generateModule_();
933 out += "(function(){\n";
934 out += module2.commonCode;
935 out += "\nvar parser = " + module2.moduleCode;
936 out += "\n" + this.moduleInclude;
937 if (this.lexer && this.lexer.generateModule) {
938 out += this.lexer.generateModule();
939 out += "\nparser.lexer = lexer;";
940 }
941 out += "\nfunction Parser () {\n this.yy = {};\n}\nParser.prototype = parser;parser.Parser = Parser;\nreturn new Parser;\n})();";
942 return out;
943 };
944 function addTokenStack(fn) {
945 var parseFn = fn;
946 return fn;
947 }
948 function tokenStackLex() {
949 var token;
950 token = tstack.pop() || lexer.lex() || EOF;
951 if (typeof token !== "number") {
952 if (token instanceof Array) {
953 tstack = token;
954 token = tstack.pop();
955 }
956 token = self.symbols_[token] || token;
957 }
958 return token;
959 }
960 lrGeneratorMixin.generateModule_ = function generateModule_() {
961 var parseFn = String(parser.parse);
962 nextVariableId = 0;
963 var tableCode = this.generateTableCode(this.table);
964 var commonCode = tableCode.commonCode;
965 var moduleCode = "{";
966 moduleCode += [
967 "trace: " + String(this.trace || parser.trace),
968 "yy: {}",
969 "symbols_: " + JSON.stringify(this.symbols_),
970 "terminals_: " + JSON.stringify(this.terminals_).replace(/"([0-9]+)":/g, "$1:"),
971 "productions_: " + JSON.stringify(this.productions_),
972 "performAction: " + String(this.performAction),
973 "table: " + tableCode.moduleCode,
974 "defaultActions: " + JSON.stringify(this.defaultActions).replace(/"([0-9]+)":/g, "$1:"),
975 "parseError: " + String(this.parseError || (this.hasErrorRecovery ? traceParseError : parser.parseError)),
976 "parse: " + parseFn
977 ].join(",\n");
978 moduleCode += "};";
979 return { commonCode, moduleCode };
980 };
981 lrGeneratorMixin.generateTableCode = function(table) {
982 var moduleCode = JSON.stringify(table);
983 var variables = [createObjectCode];
984 moduleCode = moduleCode.replace(/"([0-9]+)"(?=:)/g, "$1");
985 moduleCode = moduleCode.replace(/\{\d+:[^\}]+,\d+:[^\}]+\}/g, function(object) {
986 var value, frequentValue, key, keys = {}, keyCount, maxKeyCount = 0, keyValue, keyValues = [], keyValueMatcher = /(\d+):([^:]+)(?=,\d+:|\})/g;
987 while (keyValue = keyValueMatcher.exec(object)) {
988 key = keyValue[1];
989 value = keyValue[2];
990 keyCount = 1;
991 if (!(value in keys)) {
992 keys[value] = [key];
993 } else {
994 keyCount = keys[value].push(key);
995 }
996 if (keyCount > maxKeyCount) {
997 maxKeyCount = keyCount;
998 frequentValue = value;
999 }
1000 }
1001 if (maxKeyCount > 1) {
1002 for (value in keys) {
1003 if (value !== frequentValue) {
1004 for (var k = keys[value], i = 0, l = k.length; i < l; i++) {
1005 keyValues.push(k[i] + ":" + value);
1006 }
1007 }
1008 }
1009 keyValues = keyValues.length ? ",{" + keyValues.join(",") + "}" : "";
1010 object = "o([" + keys[frequentValue].join(",") + "]," + frequentValue + keyValues + ")";
1011 }
1012 return object;
1013 });
1014 var list;
1015 var lists = {};
1016 var listMatcher = /\[[0-9,]+\]/g;
1017 while (list = listMatcher.exec(moduleCode)) {
1018 lists[list] = (lists[list] || 0) + 1;
1019 }
1020 moduleCode = moduleCode.replace(listMatcher, function(list2) {
1021 var listId = lists[list2];
1022 if (typeof listId === "number") {
1023 if (listId === 1) {
1024 lists[list2] = listId = list2;
1025 } else {
1026 lists[list2] = listId = createVariable();
1027 variables.push(listId + "=" + list2);
1028 }
1029 }
1030 return listId;
1031 });
1032 return {
1033 commonCode: "var " + variables.join(",") + ";",
1034 moduleCode
1035 };
1036 };
1037 var createObjectCode = "o=function(k,v,o,l){for(o=o||{},l=k.length;l--;o[k[l]]=v);return o}";
1038 function createVariable() {
1039 var id = nextVariableId++;
1040 var name = "$V";
1041 do {
1042 name += variableTokens[id % variableTokensLength];
1043 id = ~~(id / variableTokensLength);
1044 } while (id !== 0);
1045 return name;
1046 }
1047 var nextVariableId = 0;
1048 var variableTokens = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_$";
1049 var variableTokensLength = variableTokens.length;
1050 function printAction(a, gen) {
1051 var s = a[0] == 1 ? "shift token (then go to state " + a[1] + ")" : a[0] == 2 ? "reduce by rule: " + gen.productions[a[1]] : "accept";
1052 return s;
1053 }
1054 var lrGeneratorDebug = {
1055 beforeparseTable: function() {
1056 this.trace("Building parse table.");
1057 },
1058 afterparseTable: function() {
1059 var self2 = this;
1060 if (this.conflicts > 0) {
1061 this.resolutions.forEach(function(r, i) {
1062 if (r[2].bydefault) {
1063 self2.warn("Conflict at state: ", r[0], ", token: ", r[1], "\n ", printAction(r[2].r, self2), "\n ", printAction(r[2].s, self2));
1064 }
1065 });
1066 this.trace("\n" + this.conflicts + " Conflict(s) found in grammar.");
1067 }
1068 this.trace("Done.");
1069 },
1070 aftercanonicalCollection: function(states) {
1071 var trace = this.trace;
1072 trace("\nItem sets\n------");
1073 states.forEach(function(state, i) {
1074 trace("\nitem set", i, "\n" + state.join("\n"), "\ntransitions -> ", JSON.stringify(state.edges));
1075 });
1076 }
1077 };
1078 var parser = typal.beget();
1079 lrGeneratorMixin.createParser = function createParser() {
1080 var p = eval(this.generateModuleExpr());
1081 p.productions = this.productions;
1082 var self = this;
1083 function bind(method) {
1084 return function() {
1085 self.lexer = p.lexer;
1086 return self[method].apply(self, arguments);
1087 };
1088 }
1089 p.generate = bind("generate");
1090 p.generateAMDModule = bind("generateAMDModule");
1091 p.generateModule = bind("generateModule");
1092 p.generateCommonJSModule = bind("generateCommonJSModule");
1093 return p;
1094 };
1095 parser.trace = generator.trace;
1096 parser.warn = generator.warn;
1097 parser.error = generator.error;
1098 function traceParseError(err, hash) {
1099 this.trace(err);
1100 }
1101 function parseError(str, hash) {
1102 if (hash.recoverable) {
1103 this.trace(str);
1104 } else {
1105 throw new Error(str);
1106 }
1107 }
1108 parser.parseError = lrGeneratorMixin.parseError = parseError;
1109 parser.parse = function parse(input, script = null) {
1110 var self2 = this, stack = [0], tstack2 = [], vstack = [null], table = this.table, yytext = "", yylineno = 0, yyleng = 0, recovering = 0, TERROR = 2, EOF2 = 1;
1111 var lexer2 = Object.create(this.lexer);
1112 var yy = this.yy;
1113 lexer2.setInput(input, yy);
1114 if (typeof yy.parseError === "function") {
1115 this.parseError = yy.parseError;
1116 } else {
1117 this.parseError = Object.getPrototypeOf(this).parseError;
1118 }
1119 function popStack(n) {
1120 stack.length = stack.length - 2 * n;
1121 vstack.length = vstack.length - n;
1122 }
1123 var symbol, preErrorSymbol, state, action, a, r, yyval = {}, p2, len, newState, expected;
1124 function handleError() {
1125 var error_rule_depth;
1126 var errStr = "";
1127 function locateNearestErrorRecoveryRule(state2) {
1128 var stack_probe = stack.length - 1;
1129 var depth = 0;
1130 for (; ; ) {
1131 if (TERROR.toString() in table[state2]) {
1132 return depth;
1133 }
1134 if (state2 === 0 || stack_probe < 2) {
1135 return false;
1136 }
1137 stack_probe -= 2;
1138 state2 = stack[stack_probe];
1139 ++depth;
1140 }
1141 }
1142 if (!recovering) {
1143 error_rule_depth = locateNearestErrorRecoveryRule(state);
1144 expected = [];
1145 var tsym = lexer2.yytext;
1146 var lastToken = tsym;
1147 var tok = self2.terminals_[symbol] || symbol;
1148 let tidx = lexer2.tokens.indexOf(tsym);
1149 let ttok = tsym;
1150 while (ttok && ttok._loc == -1) {
1151 ttok = lexer2.tokens[--tidx];
1152 }
1153 var tloc = ttok ? ttok._loc : -1;
1154 var tend = tloc > -1 ? tloc + (ttok._len || 0) : -1;
1155 var tpos = tloc != -1 ? "[" + ttok._loc + ":" + ttok._len + "]" : "[0:0]";
1156 if (lexer2.showPosition) {
1157 errStr = "Parse error at " + tpos + ":\n" + lexer2.showPosition() + "\nExpecting " + expected.join(", ") + ", got '" + tok + "'";
1158 } else {
1159 errStr = "Unexpected " + (symbol == EOF2 ? "end of input" : "'" + tok + "'");
1160 }
1161 if (script) {
1162 let err = script.addDiagnostic("error", {
1163 message: errStr,
1164 source: "imba-parser",
1165 range: script.rangeAt(tloc, tend)
1166 });
1167 err.raise();
1168 }
1169 self2.parseError(errStr, {
1170 lexer: lexer2,
1171 text: lexer2.match,
1172 token: tok,
1173 offset: tloc,
1174 length: tend - tloc,
1175 start: { offset: tloc },
1176 end: { offset: tend },
1177 line: lexer2.yylineno,
1178 expected,
1179 recoverable: error_rule_depth !== false
1180 });
1181 } else if (preErrorSymbol !== EOF2) {
1182 error_rule_depth = locateNearestErrorRecoveryRule(state);
1183 }
1184 if (recovering == 3) {
1185 if (symbol === EOF2 || preErrorSymbol === EOF2) {
1186 throw new Error(errStr || "Parsing halted while starting to recover from another error.");
1187 }
1188 yytext = lexer2.yytext;
1189 }
1190 if (error_rule_depth === false) {
1191 throw new Error(errStr || "Parsing halted. No suitable error recovery rule available.");
1192 }
1193 popStack(error_rule_depth);
1194 preErrorSymbol = symbol == TERROR ? null : symbol;
1195 symbol = TERROR;
1196 state = stack[stack.length - 1];
1197 action = table[state] && table[state][TERROR];
1198 recovering = 3;
1199 }
1200 var __sym = this.symbols_;
1201 var __prod = this.productions_;
1202 while (true) {
1203 state = stack[stack.length - 1];
1204 if (symbol === null || typeof symbol == "undefined") {
1205 symbol = __sym[lexer2.lex()] || EOF2;
1206 }
1207 action = table[state] && table[state][symbol];
1208 _handle_error:
1209 if (typeof action === "undefined" || !action.length || !action[0]) {
1210 handleError();
1211 }
1212 switch (action[0]) {
1213 case 1:
1214 stack.push(symbol);
1215 stack.push(action[1]);
1216 vstack.push(lexer2.yytext);
1217 symbol = null;
1218 if (!preErrorSymbol) {
1219 yytext = lexer2.yytext;
1220 if (recovering > 0) {
1221 recovering--;
1222 }
1223 } else {
1224 symbol = preErrorSymbol;
1225 preErrorSymbol = null;
1226 }
1227 break;
1228 case 2:
1229 len = __prod[action[1]][1];
1230 yyval.$ = vstack[vstack.length - len];
1231 r = this.performAction(yyval, yytext, yy, action[1], vstack);
1232 if (typeof r !== "undefined") {
1233 return r;
1234 }
1235 while (len > 0) {
1236 stack.pop();
1237 stack.pop();
1238 vstack.pop();
1239 len--;
1240 }
1241 stack.push(__prod[action[1]][0]);
1242 newState = table[stack[stack.length - 2]][stack[stack.length - 1]];
1243 stack.push(newState);
1244 vstack.push(yyval.$);
1245 break;
1246 case 3:
1247 return true;
1248 }
1249 }
1250 return true;
1251 };
1252 parser.init = function parser_init(dict) {
1253 this.table = dict.table;
1254 this.defaultActions = dict.defaultActions;
1255 this.performAction = dict.performAction;
1256 this.productions_ = dict.productions_;
1257 this.symbols_ = dict.symbols_;
1258 this.terminals_ = dict.terminals_;
1259 };
1260 var lr0 = generator.beget(lookaheadMixin, lrGeneratorMixin, {
1261 type: "LR(0)",
1262 afterconstructor: function lr0_afterconstructor() {
1263 this.buildTable();
1264 }
1265 });
1266 var LR0Generator = exports.LR0Generator = lr0.construct();
1267 var lalr = generator.beget(lookaheadMixin, lrGeneratorMixin, {
1268 type: "LALR(1)",
1269 afterconstructor: function(grammar2, options) {
1270 if (this.DEBUG)
1271 this.mix(lrGeneratorDebug, lalrGeneratorDebug);
1272 options = options || {};
1273 this.states = this.canonicalCollection();
1274 this.terms_ = {};
1275 var newg = this.newg = typal.beget(lookaheadMixin, {
1276 oldg: this,
1277 trace: this.trace,
1278 nterms_: {},
1279 DEBUG: false,
1280 go_: function(r, B) {
1281 r = r.split(":")[0];
1282 B = B.map(function(b) {
1283 return b.slice(b.indexOf(":") + 1);
1284 });
1285 return this.oldg.go(r, B);
1286 }
1287 });
1288 newg.nonterminals = {};
1289 newg.productions = [];
1290 this.inadequateStates = [];
1291 this.onDemandLookahead = options.onDemandLookahead || false;
1292 this.buildNewGrammar();
1293 newg.computeLookaheads();
1294 this.unionLookaheads();
1295 this.table = this.parseTable(this.states);
1296 this.defaultActions = findDefaults(this.table);
1297 },
1298 lookAheads: function LALR_lookaheads(state, item) {
1299 return !!this.onDemandLookahead && !state.inadequate ? this.terminals : item.follows;
1300 },
1301 go: function LALR_go(p2, w) {
1302 var q = parseInt(p2, 10);
1303 for (var i = 0; i < w.length; i++) {
1304 q = this.states.item(q).edges[w[i]] || q;
1305 }
1306 return q;
1307 },
1308 goPath: function LALR_goPath(p2, w) {
1309 var q = parseInt(p2, 10), t, path = [];
1310 for (var i = 0; i < w.length; i++) {
1311 t = w[i] ? q + ":" + w[i] : "";
1312 if (t)
1313 this.newg.nterms_[t] = q;
1314 path.push(t);
1315 q = this.states.item(q).edges[w[i]] || q;
1316 this.terms_[t] = w[i];
1317 }
1318 return { path, endState: q };
1319 },
1320 buildNewGrammar: function LALR_buildNewGrammar() {
1321 var self2 = this, newg = this.newg;
1322 this.states.forEach(function(state, i) {
1323 state.forEach(function(item) {
1324 if (item.dotPosition === 0) {
1325 var symbol = i + ":" + item.production.symbol;
1326 self2.terms_[symbol] = item.production.symbol;
1327 newg.nterms_[symbol] = i;
1328 if (!newg.nonterminals[symbol])
1329 newg.nonterminals[symbol] = new Nonterminal(symbol);
1330 var pathInfo = self2.goPath(i, item.production.handle);
1331 var p2 = new Production(symbol, pathInfo.path, newg.productions.length);
1332 newg.productions.push(p2);
1333 newg.nonterminals[symbol].productions.push(p2);
1334 var handle = item.production.handle.join(" ");
1335 var goes = self2.states.item(pathInfo.endState).goes;
1336 if (!goes[handle])
1337 goes[handle] = [];
1338 goes[handle].push(symbol);
1339 }
1340 });
1341 if (state.inadequate)
1342 self2.inadequateStates.push(i);
1343 });
1344 },
1345 unionLookaheads: function LALR_unionLookaheads() {
1346 var self2 = this, newg = this.newg, states = !!this.onDemandLookahead ? this.inadequateStates : this.states;
1347 states.forEach(function union_states_forEach(i) {
1348 var state = typeof i === "number" ? self2.states.item(i) : i, follows = [];
1349 if (state.reductions.length)
1350 state.reductions.forEach(function union_reduction_forEach(item) {
1351 var follows2 = {};
1352 for (var k = 0; k < item.follows.length; k++) {
1353 follows2[item.follows[k]] = true;
1354 }
1355 state.goes[item.production.handle.join(" ")].forEach(function reduction_goes_forEach(symbol) {
1356 newg.nonterminals[symbol].follows.forEach(function goes_follows_forEach(symbol2) {
1357 var terminal = self2.terms_[symbol2];
1358 if (!follows2[terminal]) {
1359 follows2[terminal] = true;
1360 item.follows.push(terminal);
1361 }
1362 });
1363 });
1364 });
1365 });
1366 }
1367 });
1368 var LALRGenerator = exports.LALRGenerator = lalr.construct();
1369 var lalrGeneratorDebug = {
1370 trace: function trace() {
1371 Jison.print.apply(null, arguments);
1372 },
1373 beforebuildNewGrammar: function() {
1374 this.trace(this.states.size() + " states.");
1375 this.trace("Building lookahead grammar.");
1376 },
1377 beforeunionLookaheads: function() {
1378 this.trace("Computing lookaheads.");
1379 }
1380 };
1381 var lrLookaheadGenerator = generator.beget(lookaheadMixin, lrGeneratorMixin, {
1382 afterconstructor: function lr_aftercontructor() {
1383 this.computeLookaheads();
1384 this.buildTable();
1385 }
1386 });
1387 var SLRGenerator = exports.SLRGenerator = lrLookaheadGenerator.construct({
1388 type: "SLR(1)",
1389 lookAheads: function SLR_lookAhead(state, item) {
1390 return this.nonterminals[item.production.symbol].follows;
1391 }
1392 });
1393 var lr1 = lrLookaheadGenerator.beget({
1394 type: "Canonical LR(1)",
1395 lookAheads: function LR_lookAheads(state, item) {
1396 return item.follows;
1397 },
1398 Item: lrGeneratorMixin.Item.prototype.construct({
1399 afterconstructor: function() {
1400 this.id = this.production.id + "a" + this.dotPosition + "a" + this.follows.sort().join(",");
1401 },
1402 eq: function(e) {
1403 return e.id === this.id;
1404 }
1405 }),
1406 closureOperation: function LR_ClosureOperation(itemSet) {
1407 var closureSet = new this.ItemSet();
1408 var self2 = this;
1409 var set = itemSet, itemQueue, syms = {};
1410 do {
1411 itemQueue = new Set();
1412 closureSet.concat(set);
1413 set.forEach(function(item) {
1414 var symbol = item.markedSymbol;
1415 var b, r;
1416 if (symbol && self2.nonterminals[symbol]) {
1417 r = item.remainingHandle();
1418 b = self2.first(item.remainingHandle());
1419 if (b.length === 0 || item.production.nullable || self2.nullable(r)) {
1420 b = b.concat(item.follows);
1421 }
1422 self2.nonterminals[symbol].productions.forEach(function(production) {
1423 var newItem = new self2.Item(production, 0, b);
1424 if (!closureSet.contains(newItem) && !itemQueue.contains(newItem)) {
1425 itemQueue.push(newItem);
1426 }
1427 });
1428 } else if (!symbol) {
1429 closureSet.reductions.push(item);
1430 }
1431 });
1432 set = itemQueue;
1433 } while (!itemQueue.isEmpty());
1434 return closureSet;
1435 }
1436 });
1437 var LR1Generator = exports.LR1Generator = lr1.construct();
1438 var ll = generator.beget(lookaheadMixin, {
1439 type: "LL(1)",
1440 afterconstructor: function ll_aftercontructor() {
1441 this.computeLookaheads();
1442 this.table = this.parseTable(this.productions);
1443 },
1444 parseTable: function llParseTable(productions) {
1445 var table = {}, self2 = this;
1446 productions.forEach(function(production, i) {
1447 var row = table[production.symbol] || {};
1448 var tokens2 = production.first;
1449 if (self2.nullable(production.handle)) {
1450 Set.union(tokens2, self2.nonterminals[production.symbol].follows);
1451 }
1452 tokens2.forEach(function(token) {
1453 if (row[token]) {
1454 row[token].push(i);
1455 self2.conflicts++;
1456 } else {
1457 row[token] = [i];
1458 }
1459 });
1460 table[production.symbol] = row;
1461 });
1462 return table;
1463 }
1464 });
1465 var LLGenerator = exports.LLGenerator = ll.construct();
1466 Jison.Generator = function Jison_Generator(g, options) {
1467 var opt = typal.mix.call({}, g.options, options);
1468 switch (opt.type) {
1469 case "lr0":
1470 return new LR0Generator(g, opt);
1471 case "slr":
1472 return new SLRGenerator(g, opt);
1473 case "lr":
1474 return new LR1Generator(g, opt);
1475 case "ll":
1476 return new LLGenerator(g, opt);
1477 default:
1478 return new LALRGenerator(g, opt);
1479 }
1480 };
1481 return function Parser2(g, options) {
1482 var gen = Jison.Generator(g, options);
1483 return gen.createParser();
1484 };
1485 }();
1486 }
1489// src/compiler/grammar.imba1
1490function iter$(a) {
1491 return a ? a.toArray ? a.toArray() : a : [];
1493var jison = require_jison();
1494var Parser = jison.Parser;
1495var unwrap = /^function\s*\(\)\s*\{\s*return\s*([\s\S]*);\s*\}/;
1496var o = function(patternString, action, options) {
1497 var match;
1498 patternString = patternString.replace(/\s{2,}/g, " ");
1499 var patternCount = patternString.split(" ").length;
1500 if (!action) {
1501 return [patternString, "$$ = $1;", options];
1502 }
1503 ;
1504 if (match = unwrap.exec(action)) {
1505 action = match[1];
1506 } else {
1507 action = "(" + action + "())";
1508 }
1509 ;
1510 action = action.replace(/\bA(\d+)/g, "$$$1");
1511 action = action.replace(/\bnew /g, "$&yy.");
1512 action = action.replace(/\b(?:Block\.wrap|extend)\b/g, "yy.$&");
1513 action = action.replace(/\bAST\b/g, "yy");
1514 return [patternString, "$$ = " + action + ";", options];
1516var grammar = {
1517 Root: [
1518 o("", function() {
1519 return new Root([]);
1520 }),
1521 o("Body", function() {
1522 return new Root(A1);
1523 }),
1524 o("Block TERMINATOR")
1525 ],
1526 Body: [
1527 o("BODYSTART", function() {
1528 return new Block([]);
1529 }),
1530 o("Line", function() {
1531 return new Block([]).add(A1);
1532 }),
1533 o("Body Terminator Line", function() {
1534 return A1.break(A2).add(A3);
1535 }),
1536 o("Body Terminator", function() {
1537 return A1.break(A2);
1538 })
1539 ],
1540 Terminator: [
1541 o("TERMINATOR", function() {
1542 return new Terminator(A1);
1543 })
1544 ],
1545 Type: [
1546 o("TYPE", function() {
1547 return new TypeAnnotation(A1);
1548 }),
1549 o("GENERICS", function() {
1550 return new Generics(A1);
1551 })
1552 ],
1553 Block: [
1554 o("EMPTY_BLOCK", function() {
1555 return new Block([]);
1556 }),
1557 o("INDENT OUTDENT", function() {
1558 return new Block([]).indented(A1, A2);
1559 }),
1560 o("INDENT Body OUTDENT", function() {
1561 return A2.indented(A1, A3);
1562 }),
1563 o("INDENT TERMINATOR Body OUTDENT", function() {
1564 return A3.prebreak(A2).indented(A1, A4);
1565 })
1566 ],
1567 Line: [
1568 o("CSSDeclaration"),
1569 o("Expression"),
1570 o("VarDecl", function() {
1571 return A1.option("block", true);
1572 }),
1573 o("Comment"),
1574 o("Statement"),
1575 o("Decorators"),
1576 o("ImportDeclaration"),
1577 o("ExportDeclaration"),
1578 o("GLOBAL Line", function() {
1579 return AST.GLOBAL(A2, A1);
1580 }),
1581 o("DECLARE Line", function() {
1582 return AST.DECLARE(A2, A1);
1583 })
1584 ],
1585 Statement: [
1586 o("Return"),
1587 o("Throw"),
1588 o("STATEMENT", function() {
1589 return new Literal(A1);
1590 }),
1591 o("BREAK", function() {
1592 return new BreakStatement(A1);
1593 }),
1594 o("BREAK CALL_START Expression CALL_END", function() {
1595 return new BreakStatement(A1, A3);
1596 }),
1597 o("CONTINUE", function() {
1598 return new ContinueStatement(A1);
1599 }),
1600 o("CONTINUE CALL_START Expression CALL_END", function() {
1601 return new ContinueStatement(A1, A3);
1602 }),
1603 o("DEBUGGER", function() {
1604 return new DebuggerStatement(A1);
1605 })
1606 ],
1607 ExtendObject: [
1608 o("EXTEND Identifier ClassBody", function() {
1609 return new ExtendDeclaration(A2, null, A3).set({ instanceOnly: true, extension: A1 });
1610 })
1611 ],
1612 ExportDeclaration: [
1613 o("ENV_FLAG ExportDeclaration", function() {
1614 return A2.addEnv(A1);
1615 }),
1616 o("EXPORT { ImportSpecifierList }", function() {
1617 return new ExportNamedDeclaration(A1, [A3]).setEnds(A1, A4);
1618 }),
1619 o("EXPORT { ImportSpecifierList } FROM String", function() {
1620 return new ExportNamedDeclaration(A1, [A3], A6).setEnds(A1, A6);
1621 }),
1622 o("EXPORT EXPORT_ALL FROM String", function() {
1623 return new ExportAllDeclaration(A1, [new ExportAllSpecifier(A2)], A4).setEnds(A1, A4);
1624 }),
1625 o("EXPORT EXPORT_ALL AS Identifier FROM String", function() {
1626 return new ExportAllDeclaration(A1, [new ExportAllSpecifier(A2, A4)], A6).setEnds(A1, A6);
1627 }),
1628 o("EXPORT Exportable", function() {
1629 return new Export(A2).set({ keyword: A1 }).setEnds(A1, A2);
1630 }),
1631 o("EXPORT DEFAULT DefaultExportable", function() {
1632 return new Export(A3).set({ keyword: A1, "default": A2 }).setEnds(A1, A3);
1633 })
1634 ],
1635 Exportable: [
1636 o("MethodDeclaration"),
1637 o("Class"),
1638 o("CSSDeclaration"),
1639 o("TagDeclaration"),
1640 o("VarAssign"),
1641 o("GLOBAL Exportable", function() {
1642 return AST.GLOBAL(A2, A1);
1643 })
1644 ],
1645 DefaultExportable: [
1646 o("Expression"),
1647 o("GLOBAL Exportable", function() {
1648 return AST.GLOBAL(A2, A1);
1649 })
1650 ],
1651 ImportOrExport: [
1652 o("IMPORT"),
1653 o("EXPORT")
1654 ],
1655 ImportDefaultSpecifier: [
1656 o("Identifier", function() {
1657 return new ImportDefaultSpecifier(A1);
1658 })
1659 ],
1660 ImportDeclaration: [
1661 o("ENV_FLAG ImportDeclaration", function() {
1662 return A2.addEnv(A1);
1663 }),
1664 o("IMPORT String", function() {
1665 return new ImportDeclaration(A1, null, A2);
1666 }),
1667 o("IMPORT ImportDefaultSpecifier FROM String", function() {
1668 return new ImportDeclaration(A1, [A2], A4);
1669 }),
1670 o("IMPORT TYPEIMPORT ImportDefaultSpecifier FROM String", function() {
1671 return new ImportTypeDeclaration(A1, [A3], A5);
1672 }),
1673 o("IMPORT ImportNamespaceSpecifier FROM String", function() {
1674 return new ImportDeclaration(A1, [A2], A4);
1675 }),
1676 o("IMPORT { } FROM String", function() {
1677 return new ImportDeclaration(A1, null, A5);
1678 }),
1679 o("IMPORT { ImportSpecifierList } FROM String", function() {
1680 return new ImportDeclaration(A1, [A3], A6);
1681 }),
1682 o("IMPORT TYPEIMPORT { ImportSpecifierList } FROM String", function() {
1683 return new ImportTypeDeclaration(A1, [A4], A7);
1684 }),
1685 o("IMPORT ImportDefaultSpecifier IMPORT_COMMA ImportNamespaceSpecifier FROM String", function() {
1686 return new ImportDeclaration(A1, [A2, A4], A6);
1687 }),
1688 o("IMPORT ImportDefaultSpecifier IMPORT_COMMA { ImportSpecifierList } FROM String", function() {
1689 return new ImportDeclaration(A1, [A2, A5], A8);
1690 })
1691 ],
1692 ImportFrom: [
1693 o("STRING")
1694 ],
1695 ImportNamespaceSpecifier: [
1696 o("IMPORT_ALL AS Identifier", function() {
1697 return new ImportNamespaceSpecifier(new Literal(A1), A3);
1698 })
1699 ],
1700 ImportSpecifierList: [
1701 o("ImportSpecifier", function() {
1702 return new ESMSpecifierList([]).add(A1);
1703 }),
1704 o("ImportSpecifierList , ImportSpecifier", function() {
1705 return A1.add(A3);
1706 }),
1707 o("ImportSpecifierList OptComma TERMINATOR ImportSpecifier", function() {
1708 return A1.add(A4);
1709 }),
1710 o("INDENT ImportSpecifierList OptComma OUTDENT", function() {
1711 return A2;
1712 }),
1713 o("INDENT ImportSpecifierList OptComma TERMINATOR OUTDENT", function() {
1714 return A2;
1715 }),
1716 o("ImportSpecifierList OptComma INDENT ImportSpecifierList OptComma OUTDENT", function() {
1717 return A1.concat(A4);
1718 })
1719 ],
1720 ImportSpecifier: [
1721 o("Identifier", function() {
1722 return new ImportSpecifier(A1);
1723 }),
1724 o("DecoratorIdentifier", function() {
1725 return new ImportSpecifier(A1);
1726 }),
1727 o("StyleMixinIdentifier", function() {
1728 return new ImportSpecifier(A1);
1729 }),
1730 o("Identifier AS Identifier", function() {
1731 return new ImportSpecifier(A1, A3);
1732 }),
1733 o("DEFAULT", function() {
1734 return new ImportSpecifier(new Literal(A1));
1735 }),
1736 o("DEFAULT AS Identifier", function() {
1737 return new ImportSpecifier(new Literal(A1), A3);
1738 })
1739 ],
1740 Require: [
1741 o("REQUIRE RequireArg", function() {
1742 return new Require(A2).set({ keyword: A1 });
1743 })
1744 ],
1745 RequireArg: [
1746 o("Literal"),
1747 o("Parenthetical"),
1748 o("")
1749 ],
1750 Expression: [
1751 o("Await"),
1752 o("Value"),
1753 o("Code"),
1754 o("Operation"),
1755 o("Assign"),
1756 o("If"),
1757 o("Ternary"),
1758 o("Try"),
1759 o("While"),
1760 o("For"),
1761 o("Switch"),
1762 o("ExtendObject"),
1763 o("Class"),
1764 o("TagDeclaration"),
1765 o("Tag")
1766 ],
1767 ExpressionBlock: [
1768 o("Expression"),
1769 o("INDENT ExpressionBlock Outdent", function() {
1770 return A2.indented(A1, A3);
1771 })
1772 ],
1773 Identifier: [
1774 o("IDENTIFIER", function() {
1775 return new Identifier(A1);
1776 })
1777 ],
1778 SymbolIdentifier: [
1779 o("SYMBOLID", function() {
1780 return new SymbolIdentifier(A1);
1781 }),
1782 o("# Interpolation", function() {
1783 return new InterpolatedSymbolIdentifier(A1, A2);
1784 })
1785 ],
1786 DecoratorIdentifier: [
1787 o("DECORATOR", function() {
1788 return new DecoratorIdentifier(A1);
1789 })
1790 ],
1791 StyleMixinIdentifier: [
1792 o("CSS_MIXIN", function() {
1793 return new MixinIdentifier(A1);
1794 })
1795 ],
1796 Key: [
1797 o("KEY", function() {
1798 return new Identifier(A1);
1799 })
1800 ],
1801 Argvar: [
1802 o("ARGVAR", function() {
1803 return new Argvar(A1).setEnds(A1, A1);
1804 })
1805 ],
1806 Symbol: [
1807 o("SYMBOL", function() {
1808 return new Symbol(A1);
1809 })
1810 ],
1811 Decorator: [
1812 o("DecoratorIdentifier", function() {
1813 return new Decorator(A1);
1814 }),
1815 o("DecoratorIdentifier Arguments", function() {
1816 return new Decorator(A1).set({ params: A2 });
1817 }),
1818 o("Decorator . Identifier", function() {
1819 return A1.add(A3);
1820 })
1821 ],
1822 Decorators: [
1823 o("Decorator", function() {
1824 return [A1];
1825 }),
1826 o("Decorators Decorator", function() {
1827 return A1.concat(A2);
1828 })
1829 ],
1830 AlphaNumeric: [
1831 o("NUMBER UNIT", function() {
1832 return new NumWithUnit(A1, A2);
1833 }),
1834 o("NUMBER", function() {
1835 return new Num(A1);
1836 }),
1837 o("STRING", function() {
1838 return new Str(A1);
1839 }),
1840 o("Symbol"),
1841 o("InterpolatedString")
1842 ],
1843 String: [
1844 o("STRING", function() {
1845 return new Str(A1);
1846 })
1847 ],
1848 InterpolatedString: [
1849 o("STRING_START", function() {
1850 return new InterpolatedString([], { open: A1 });
1851 }),
1852 o("InterpolatedString NEOSTRING", function() {
1853 return A1.add(A2);
1854 }),
1855 o("InterpolatedString Interpolation", function() {
1856 return A2 ? A1.add(A2) : A1;
1857 }),
1858 o("InterpolatedString STRING_END", function() {
1859 return A1.option("close", A2);
1860 })
1861 ],
1862 Interpolation: [
1863 o("{{ }}", function() {
1864 return null;
1865 }),
1866 o("{{ Expression }}", function() {
1867 return A2;
1868 })
1869 ],
1870 Literal: [
1871 o("AlphaNumeric"),
1872 o("JS", function() {
1873 return new Literal(A1);
1874 }),
1875 o("REGEX", function() {
1876 return new RegExp(A1);
1877 }),
1878 o("BOOL", function() {
1879 return new Bool(A1);
1880 }),
1881 o("TRUE", function() {
1882 return new True(A1);
1883 }),
1884 o("FALSE", function() {
1885 return new False(A1);
1886 }),
1887 o("NULL", function() {
1888 return new Nil(A1);
1889 }),
1890 o("UNDEFINED", function() {
1891 return new Undefined(A1);
1892 })
1893 ],
1894 Return: [
1895 o("RETURN Expression", function() {
1896 return new Return(A2).set({ keyword: A1 });
1897 }),
1898 o("RETURN Arguments", function() {
1899 return new Return(A2).set({ keyword: A1 });
1900 }),
1901 o("RETURN", function() {
1902 return new Return().set({ keyword: A1 });
1903 })
1904 ],
1905 Selector: [
1906 o("SELECTOR_START", function() {
1907 return new Selector([], { type: A1, open: A1 });
1908 }),
1909 o("Selector SELECTOR_PART", function() {
1910 return A1.add(A2);
1911 }),
1912 o("Selector { Expression }", function() {
1913 return A1.add(A3);
1914 }),
1915 o("Selector SELECTOR_END", function() {
1916 return A1.option("close", A2);
1917 })
1918 ],
1919 Tag: [
1920 o("TAG_START TagOptions TAG_END", function() {
1921 return A2.setEnds({ open: A1, close: A3 }).setEnds(A1, A3);
1922 }),
1923 o("TAG_START TagOptions TAG_END TagBody", function() {
1924 return A2.set({ body: A4, open: A1, close: A3 });
1925 })
1926 ],
1927 TagTypeName: [
1928 o("Self", function() {
1929 return A1;
1930 }),
1931 o("IDENTIFIER", function() {
1932 return new TagTypeIdentifier(A1);
1933 }),
1934 o("TAG_TYPE", function() {
1935 return new TagTypeIdentifier(A1);
1936 }),
1937 o("TagIdentifier", function() {
1938 return new ExpressionNode(A1);
1939 }),
1940 o("", function() {
1941 return new TagTypeIdentifier("div");
1942 })
1943 ],
1944 StyleBlockDeclaration: [
1945 o("CSS CSS_SEL StyleBody CSS_END", function() {
1946 return new StyleRuleSet(A2, A3).set({ name: A1 });
1947 })
1948 ],
1949 CSSDeclaration: [
1950 o("StyleBlockDeclaration", function() {
1951 return A1.set({ toplevel: true });
1952 }),
1953 o("LOCAL CSSDeclaration", function() {
1954 return A2.set({ local: A1 });
1955 })
1956 ],
1957 StyleBlockBody: [
1958 o("INDENT Terminator OUTDENT", function() {
1959 return new StyleBody([]).indented(A1, A3);
1960 }),
1961 o("INDENT StyleBody Outdent", function() {
1962 return A2.indented(A1, A3);
1963 })
1964 ],
1965 OptStyleBody: [
1966 o("", function() {
1967 return new StyleBody([]);
1968 }),
1969 o("StyleBody")
1970 ],
1971 StyleBody: [
1972 o("StyleNode", function() {
1973 return new StyleBody([A1]);
1974 }),
1975 o("StyleBody StyleDeclaration", function() {
1976 return A1.add(A2);
1977 }),
1978 o("StyleBody Terminator StyleNode", function() {
1979 return A1.add(A3);
1980 }),
1981 o("INDENT StyleBody Outdent", function() {
1982 return A2.indented(A1, A3);
1983 })
1984 ],
1985 StyleNode: [
1986 o("StyleDeclaration"),
1987 o("CSS_SEL StyleBlockBody CSS_END", function() {
1988 return new StyleRuleSet(A1, A2);
1989 })
1990 ],
1991 StyleDeclaration: [
1992 o("StyleProperty : StyleExpressions", function() {
1993 return new StyleDeclaration(A1, A3.set({ parens: false }));
1994 }),
1995 o("StyleProperty = StyleExpressions", function() {
1996 return new StyleDeclaration(A1, A3.set({ parens: false }));
1997 })
1998 ],
1999 StyleProperty: [
2000 o("CSSPROP", function() {
2001 return new StyleProperty([A1]);
2002 })
2003 ],
2004 StyleOperator: [
2005 o("MATH"),
2006 o("+"),
2007 o("-")
2008 ],
2009 StyleExpressions: [
2010 o("StyleExpression", function() {
2011 return new StyleExpressions([A1]);
2012 }),
2013 o("StyleExpressions , StyleExpression", function() {
2014 return A1.add(A3);
2015 })
2016 ],
2017 StyleExpression: [
2018 o("StyleTerm", function() {
2019 return new StyleExpression().add(A1);
2020 }),
2021 o("StyleExpression StyleOperator", function() {
2022 return A1.add(A2);
2023 }),
2024 o("StyleExpression StyleTerm", function() {
2025 return A1.add(A2);
2026 }),
2027 o("StyleExpression / StyleTerm", function() {
2028 return A1.addParam(A3, A2);
2029 })
2030 ],
2031 StyleValue: [
2032 o("StyleTerm"),
2033 o("StyleOperation")
2034 ],
2035 StyleOperation: [
2036 o("StyleTerm StyleOperator StyleTerm", function() {
2037 return new StyleOperation([A1, A2, A3]);
2038 }),
2039 o("StyleOperation StyleOperator StyleTerm", function() {
2040 return A1.add([A2, A3]);
2041 })
2042 ],
2043 StyleFunctionArgs: [
2044 o("StyleFunctionArg", function() {
2045 return new StyleExpressions([A1]);
2046 }),
2047 o("StyleFunctionArgs , StyleFunctionArg", function() {
2048 return A1.add(A3);
2049 })
2050 ],
2051 StyleFunctionArg: [
2052 o("StyleTerm", function() {
2053 return new StyleExpression().add(A1);
2054 }),
2055 o("StyleFunctionArg StyleOperator", function() {
2056 return A1.add(A2);
2057 }),
2058 o("StyleFunctionArg StyleTerm", function() {
2059 return A1.add(A2);
2060 }),
2061 o("StyleFunctionArg / StyleTerm", function() {
2062 return A1.addParam(A3, A2);
2063 })
2064 ],
2065 StyleTermPlaceholder: [
2066 o("{ Expression }", function() {
2067 return new StyleInterpolationExpression(A2).setEnds(A1, A3);
2068 }),
2069 o("StyleTermPlaceholder CSSUNIT", function() {
2070 return A1.set({ unit: A2 });
2071 })
2072 ],
2073 StyleParens: [
2074 o("( StyleValue )", function() {
2075 return new StyleParens(A2).setEnds(A1, A3);
2076 }),
2077 o("StyleParens CSSUNIT", function() {
2078 return A1.set({ unit: A2 });
2079 })
2080 ],
2081 StyleTerm: [
2082 o("StyleParens"),
2083 o("CSSVAR", function() {
2084 return new StyleVar(A1);
2085 }),
2086 o("DIMENSION", function() {
2087 return new StyleDimension(A1);
2088 }),
2089 o("COLOR", function() {
2090 return new StyleColor(A1);
2091 }),
2092 o("PERCENTAGE", function() {
2093 return new StyleDimension(A1);
2094 }),
2095 o("NUMBER", function() {
2096 return new StyleNumber(A1);
2097 }),
2098 o("String", function() {
2099 return A1;
2100 }),
2101 o("StyleTermPlaceholder", function() {
2102 return A1;
2103 }),
2104 o("CSSURL", function() {
2105 return new StyleURL(A1);
2106 }),
2107 o("CSSFUNCTION ( StyleFunctionArgs )", function() {
2108 return new StyleFunction(A1, A3);
2109 }),
2110 o("CSSIDENTIFIER", function() {
2111 return new StyleIdentifier(A1);
2112 }),
2113 o("COMPARE StyleTerm", function() {
2114 return A2.set({ op: A1 });
2115 })
2116 ],
2117 TagOptions: [
2118 o("TagTypeName TAG_REF", function() {
2119 return new Tag({ type: A1, reference: A2 });
2120 }),
2121 o("TagTypeName", function() {
2122 return new Tag({ type: A1 });
2123 }),
2124 o("TagOptions TAG_ID", function() {
2125 return A1.addPart(A2, AST.TagId);
2126 }),
2127 o("TagOptions TAG_SYMBOL_ID", function() {
2128 return A1.addPart(new IdentifierExpression(A2.cloneSlice(1)), AST.TagId);
2129 }),
2130 o("TagOptions SYMBOL_ID", function() {
2131 return A1.addPart(new IdentifierExpression(A2.cloneSlice(1)), AST.TagId);
2132 }),
2133 o("TagOptions TAG_FLAG", function() {
2134 return A1.addPart(A2, AST.TagFlag);
2135 }),
2136 o("TagOptions TAG_ATTR", function() {
2137 return A1.addPart(A2, AST.TagAttr);
2138 }),
2139 o("TagOptions STYLE_START STYLE_END", function() {
2140 return A1;
2141 }),
2142 o("TagOptions STYLE_START StyleBody STYLE_END", function() {
2143 return A1.addPart(new StyleRuleSet(null, A3), AST.TagFlag);
2144 }),
2145 o("TagOptions T. STYLE_START StyleBody STYLE_END", function() {
2146 return A1.addPart(new StyleRuleSet(null, A4), AST.TagFlag);
2147 }),
2148 o("TagOptions CSS_MIXIN", function() {
2149 return A1.addPart(new MixinIdentifier(A2), AST.TagFlag);
2150 }),
2151 o("TagOptions T: TagIdentifier", function() {
2152 return A1.addPart(A3, AST.TagHandler);
2153 }),
2154 o("TagOptions T@ TagIdentifier", function() {
2155 return A1.addPart(A3, AST.TagHandler);
2156 }),
2157 o("TagOptions T. @ TAG_LITERAL", function() {
2158 return A1.addPart(A4.prepend("_"), AST.TagFlag);
2159 }),
2160 o("TagOptions T. UNARY TAG_LITERAL", function() {
2161 return A1.addPart(A4.prepend("!"), AST.TagFlag);
2162 }),
2163 o("TagOptions T. TagIdentifier", function() {
2164 return A1.addPart(A3, AST.TagFlag);
2165 }),
2166 o("TagOptions # TagIdentifier", function() {
2167 return A1.addPart(A3, AST.TagId);
2168 }),
2169 o("TagOptions TAG_WS TagIdentifier", function() {
2170 return A1.addPart(A2, AST.TagSep).addPart(A3, AST.TagAttr);
2171 }),
2172 o("TagOptions ( )", function() {
2173 return A1.addPart(new ArgList([]), AST.TagArgList);
2174 }),
2175 o("TagOptions ( ArgList )", function() {
2176 return A1.addPart(A3, AST.TagArgList);
2177 }),
2178 o("TagOptions CALL_START CALL_END", function() {
2179 return A1.addPart(null, AST.TagArgList);
2180 }),
2181 o("TagOptions CALL_START ArgList CALL_END", function() {
2182 return A1.addPart(A3, AST.TagArgList);
2183 }),
2184 o("TagOptions TAG_WS", function() {
2185 return A1.addPart(A2, AST.TagSep);
2186 }),
2187 o("TagOptions Comment", function() {
2188 return A1;
2189 }),
2190 o("TagOptions TERMINATOR", function() {
2191 return A1;
2192 }),
2193 o("TagOptions = TagAttrValue", function() {
2194 return A1.addPart(A3, AST.TagAttrValue, A2);
2195 })
2196 ],
2197 TagIdentifier: [
2198 o("TAG_LITERAL", function() {
2199 return new IdentifierExpression(A1);
2200 }),
2201 o("{ Expression }", function() {
2202 return new IdentifierExpression(A2);
2203 }),
2204 o("TagIdentifier TAG_LITERAL", function() {
2205 return A1.add(A2);
2206 }),
2207 o("TagIdentifier { Expression }", function() {
2208 return A1.add(A3);
2209 })
2210 ],
2211 TagFlag: [
2212 o("%", function() {
2213 return new TagFlag();
2214 }),
2215 o("TagFlag TagPartIdentifier", function() {
2216 return A1.add(A2);
2217 })
2218 ],
2219 TagAttrValue: [
2220 o("VALUE_START Expression VALUE_END", function() {
2221 return A2;
2222 })
2223 ],
2224 TagBody: [
2225 o("INDENT OUTDENT", function() {
2226 return new TagBody([]).indented(A1, A2);
2227 }),
2228 o("INDENT TagBodyList OUTDENT", function() {
2229 return A2.indented(A1, A3);
2230 }),
2231 o("CALL_START TagBodyList CALL_END", function() {
2232 return A2;
2233 }),
2234 o("Tag", function() {
2235 return new TagBody([A1]);
2236 })
2237 ],
2238 TagBodyList: [
2239 o("TagBodyItem", function() {
2240 return new TagBody([]).add(A1);
2241 }),
2242 o("TagBodyList , TagBodyItem", function() {
2243 return A1.add(A3);
2244 }),
2245 o("TagBodyList OptComma Terminator TagBodyItem", function() {
2246 return A1.add(A3).add(A4);
2247 }),
2248 o("TagBodyList OptComma TERMINATOR SEPARATOR Terminator TagBodyItem", function() {
2249 return A1.add(A5).add(A6);
2250 }),
2251 o("INDENT TagBodyList OptComma Outdent", function() {
2252 return A2.indented(A1, A4);
2253 }),
2254 o("TagBodyList OptComma INDENT TagBodyList OptComma Outdent", function() {
2255 return A1.concat(A4);
2256 })
2257 ],
2258 TagBodyItem: [
2259 o("Expression"),
2260 o("... Expression", function() {
2261 return new Splat(A2).set({ keyword: A1 });
2262 }),
2263 o("Splat"),
2264 o("LOGIC"),
2265 o("Comment"),
2266 o("StyleBlockDeclaration", function() {
2267 return A1.set({ inTagTree: true });
2268 })
2269 ],
2270 TagDeclaration: [
2271 o("TagDeclarationBlock", function() {
2272 return A1;
2273 }),
2274 o("EXTEND TagDeclarationBlock", function() {
2275 return A2.set({ extension: true });
2276 }),
2277 o("LOCAL TagDeclarationBlock", function() {
2278 return A2.set({ local: true });
2279 })
2280 ],
2281 TagDeclarationBlock: [
2282 o("TAG TagType", function() {
2283 return new TagDeclaration(A2).set({ keyword: A1 });
2284 }),
2285 o("TAG TagType ClassBody", function() {
2286 return new TagDeclaration(A2, null, A3).set({ keyword: A1 });
2287 }),
2288 o("TAG TagType COMPARE TagType", function() {
2289 return new TagDeclaration(A2, A4).set({ keyword: A1, extends: A3 });
2290 }),
2291 o("TAG TagType COMPARE TagType ClassBody", function() {
2292 return new TagDeclaration(A2, A4, A5).set({ keyword: A1, extends: A3 });
2293 })
2294 ],
2295 TagType: [
2296 o("TAG_TYPE", function() {
2297 return new TagTypeIdentifier(A1);
2298 })
2299 ],
2300 TagId: [
2301 o("# IDENTIFIER", function() {
2302 return new TagIdRef(A2);
2303 })
2304 ],
2305 Assign: [
2306 o("VarAssign"),
2307 o("Assignable = Expression", function() {
2308 return new Assign(A2, A1, A3).setEnds(A1, A3);
2309 }),
2310 o("Assignable = INDENT Expression Outdent", function() {
2311 return new Assign(A2, A1, A4.indented(A3, A5));
2312 })
2313 ],
2314 AssignObj: [
2315 o("... Expression", function() {
2316 return new ObjRestAttr(A2).set({ spread: A1 });
2317 }),
2318 o("MethodDeclaration", function() {
2319 return A1.set({ inObject: true });
2320 }),
2321 o("ObjAssignable", function() {
2322 return new ObjAttr(A1);
2323 }),
2324 o("ObjAssignable : Expression", function() {
2325 return new ObjAttr(A1, A3);
2326 }),
2327 o("ObjAssignable : INDENT Expression Outdent", function() {
2328 return new ObjAttr(A1, A4.indented(A3, A5));
2329 }),
2330 o("SimpleObjAssignable = Expression", function() {
2331 return new ObjAttr(A1, null, A3);
2332 }),
2333 o("SimpleObjAssignable = INDENT Expression Outdent", function() {
2334 return new ObjAttr(A1, null, A4.indented(A3, A5));
2335 }),
2336 o("Comment")
2337 ],
2338 SimpleObjAssignable: [
2339 o("Identifier"),
2340 o("Identifier Type", function() {
2341 return AST.SETTYPE(A1, A2);
2342 }),
2343 o("SymbolIdentifier"),
2344 o("Key")
2345 ],
2346 ObjAssignable: [
2347 o("SimpleObjAssignable"),
2348 o("[ Expression ]", function() {
2349 return new IdentifierExpression(A2);
2350 }),
2351 o("( Expression )", function() {
2352 return new IdentifierExpression(A2);
2353 }),
2354 o("AlphaNumeric")
2355 ],
2356 Comment: [
2357 o("HERECOMMENT", function() {
2358 return new Comment(A1, true);
2359 }),
2360 o("COMMENT", function() {
2361 return new Comment(A1, false);
2362 })
2363 ],
2364 Code: [
2365 o("Method"),
2366 o("Do"),
2367 o("Begin")
2368 ],
2369 Begin: [
2370 o("BEGIN Block", function() {
2371 return new Begin(A2);
2372 })
2373 ],
2374 Do: [
2375 o("DO Block", function() {
2376 return new Lambda([], A2, null, null, { bound: true, keyword: A1 });
2377 }),
2378 o("DO BLOCK_PARAM_START ParamList BLOCK_PARAM_END Block", function() {
2379 return new Lambda(A3, A5, null, null, { bound: true, keyword: A1 });
2380 })
2381 ],
2382 Method: [
2383 o("MethodDeclaration", function() {
2384 return A1;
2385 }),
2386 o("STATIC MethodDeclaration", function() {
2387 return A2.set({ static: A1 });
2388 })
2389 ],
2390 MethodDeclaration: [
2391 o("DEF MethodScope MethodScopeType MethodIdentifier MethodParams MethodBody", function() {
2392 return new MethodDeclaration(A5, A6, A4, A2, A3).set({ def: A1, keyword: A1, datatype: A4.option("datatype") });
2393 }),
2394 o("DEF MethodIdentifier MethodParams MethodBody", function() {
2395 return new MethodDeclaration(A3, A4, A2, null).set({ def: A1, keyword: A1, datatype: A2.option("datatype") });
2396 })
2397 ],
2398 MethodParams: [
2399 o("ParamList", function() {
2400 return A1;
2401 }),
2402 o("CALL_START ParamList CALL_END", function() {
2403 return A2;
2404 })
2405 ],
2406 MethodScopeType: [
2407 o(".", function() {
2408 return { static: true };
2409 }),
2410 o("#", function() {
2411 return {};
2412 })
2413 ],
2414 MethodIdentifier: [
2415 o("Identifier"),
2416 o("DecoratorIdentifier"),
2417 o("SymbolIdentifier", function() {
2418 return A1.set({ as: "property" });
2419 }),
2420 o("[ Expression ]", function() {
2421 return new InterpolatedIdentifier(A2);
2422 }),
2423 o("MethodIdentifier Type", function() {
2424 return AST.SETTYPE(A1, A2);
2425 })
2426 ],
2427 MethodBody: [
2428 o("DEF_BODY Block", function() {
2429 return A2;
2430 }),
2431 o("DEF_BODY DO Block", function() {
2432 return A3;
2433 }),
2434 o("DEF_EMPTY", function() {
2435 return new Block([]).set({ end: A1._loc });
2436 })
2437 ],
2438 MethodScope: [
2439 o("MethodIdentifier"),
2440 o("This"),
2441 o("Self")
2442 ],
2443 OptComma: [
2444 o(""),
2445 o(",")
2446 ],
2447 OptSemicolon: [
2448 o(""),
2449 o(";")
2450 ],
2451 ParamList: [
2452 o("", function() {
2453 return [];
2454 }),
2455 o("Param", function() {
2456 return [A1];
2457 }),
2458 o("ParamList , Param", function() {
2459 return A1.concat(A3);
2460 })
2461 ],
2462 ParamExpression: [
2463 o("Value"),
2464 o("Code"),
2465 o("Operation"),
2466 o("Assign"),
2467 o("Ternary"),
2468 o("Tag")
2469 ],
2470 ParamValue: [
2471 o("Expression")
2472 ],
2473 Param: [
2474 o("Object", function() {
2475 return new Param(A1);
2476 }),
2477 o("Array", function() {
2478 return new Param(A1);
2479 }),
2480 o("ParamVar"),
2481 o("... ParamVar", function() {
2482 return A2.set({ splat: A1 });
2483 }),
2484 o("BLOCK_ARG ParamVar", function() {
2485 return A2.set({ blk: A1 });
2486 }),
2487 o("ParamVar = ParamValue", function() {
2488 return new Param(A1.value(), A3).set({ datatype: A1.option("datatype") });
2489 }),
2490 o("Object = ParamValue", function() {
2491 return new Param(A1, A3);
2492 }),
2493 o("Array = ParamValue", function() {
2494 return new Param(A1, A3);
2495 }),
2496 o("...", function() {
2497 return new RestParam(A1);
2498 })
2499 ],
2500 ParamVar: [
2501 o("Identifier", function() {
2502 return new Param(A1);
2503 }),
2504 o("Identifier Type", function() {
2505 return AST.SETTYPE(new Param(A1), A2);
2506 })
2507 ],
2508 Splat: [
2509 o("SPLAT Expression", function() {
2510 return AST.SPLAT(A2);
2511 })
2512 ],
2513 GlobalDeclaration: [
2514 o("GLOBAL GlobalAssignable = Expression", function() {
2515 return new GlobalDeclaration(A2, A4).set({ keyword: A1, op: A3 });
2516 }),
2517 o("GLOBAL GlobalAssignable", function() {
2518 return new GlobalDeclaration(A2).set({ keyword: A1 });
2519 })
2520 ],
2521 GlobalAssignable: [
2522 o("Identifier"),
2523 o("Identifier Type", function() {
2524 return AST.SETTYPE(A1, A2);
2525 })
2526 ],
2527 VarKeyword: [
2528 o("VAR"),
2529 o("LET"),
2530 o("CONST")
2531 ],
2532 VarAssignable: [
2533 o("Identifier"),
2534 o("Identifier Type", function() {
2535 return AST.SETTYPE(A1, A2);
2536 }),
2537 o("Array"),
2538 o("Object")
2539 ],
2540 VarDecl: [
2541 o("VarKeyword VarAssignable", function() {
2542 return new VarReference(A2, A1);
2543 }),
2544 o("STATIC VarDecl", function() {
2545 return A2.set({ static: A1 });
2546 })
2547 ],
2548 VarAssign: [
2549 o("VarDecl = Expression", function() {
2550 return new Assign(A2, A1, A3);
2551 }),
2552 o("VarDecl = INDENT Expression Outdent", function() {
2553 return new Assign(A2, A1, A4.indented(A3, A5));
2554 })
2555 ],
2556 SimpleAssignable: [
2557 o("ENV_FLAG", function() {
2558 return new EnvFlag(A1);
2559 }),
2560 o("Argvar"),
2561 o("Self"),
2562 o("Identifier", function() {
2563 return new VarOrAccess(A1);
2564 }),
2565 o("SymbolIdentifier", function() {
2566 return new Access(".", null, A1);
2567 }),
2568 o("Access"),
2569 o("SimpleAssignable Type", function() {
2570 return AST.SETTYPE(A1, A2);
2571 })
2572 ],
2573 Access: [
2574 o("Value SoakableOp Identifier", function() {
2575 return AST.OP(A2, A1, A3);
2576 }),
2577 o("Value SoakableOp SymbolIdentifier", function() {
2578 return new IndexAccess(A2, A1, A3);
2579 }),
2580 o("Value INDEX_START IndexValue INDEX_END", function() {
2581 return new IndexAccess(".", A1, A3.setEnds(A2, A4));
2582 }),
2583 o("Value ?. [ IndexValue ]", function() {
2584 return AST.OP(A2, A1, A4);
2585 })
2586 ],
2587 SoakableOp: [
2588 ".",
2589 "?."
2590 ],
2591 Super: [
2592 o("SUPER", function() {
2593 return new Super(A1);
2594 })
2595 ],
2596 Assignable: [
2597 o("SimpleAssignable"),
2598 o("Array"),
2599 o("Object")
2600 ],
2601 TaggedTemplate: [
2602 o("SimpleAssignable InterpolatedString", function() {
2603 return new TaggedTemplate(A1, A2);
2604 }),
2605 o("SimpleAssignable String", function() {
2606 return new TaggedTemplate(A1, A2);
2607 })
2608 ],
2609 Await: [
2610 o("AWAIT Expression", function() {
2611 return new Await(A2).set({ keyword: A1 });
2612 })
2613 ],
2614 Value: [
2615 o("Assignable"),
2616 o("Super"),
2617 o("Literal"),
2618 o("Parenthetical"),
2619 o("Range"),
2620 o("ARGUMENTS", function() {
2621 return AST.ARGUMENTS;
2622 }),
2623 o("This"),
2624 o("TagId"),
2625 o("Selector"),
2626 o("Invocation"),
2627 o("TaggedTemplate"),
2628 o("Require"),
2629 o("AMPER_REF", function() {
2630 return new AmperRef(A1);
2631 }),
2632 o("Value BANG", function() {
2633 return new BangCall(A1).set({ keyword: A2 });
2634 })
2635 ],
2636 IndexValue: [
2637 o("Expression", function() {
2638 return new Index(A1);
2639 })
2640 ],
2641 Object: [
2642 o("{ AssignList OptComma }", function() {
2643 return new Obj(A2, A1.generated).setEnds(A1, A4);
2644 })
2645 ],
2646 AssignList: [
2647 o("", function() {
2648 return new AssignList([]);
2649 }),
2650 o("AssignObj", function() {
2651 return new AssignList([A1]);
2652 }),
2653 o("AssignList , AssignObj", function() {
2654 return A1.add(A3);
2655 }),
2656 o("AssignList OptComma Terminator AssignObj", function() {
2657 return A1.add(A3).add(A4);
2658 }),
2659 o("AssignList OptComma INDENT AssignList OptComma Outdent", function() {
2660 return A1.concat(A4.indented(A3, A6));
2661 })
2662 ],
2663 ExpressionList: [
2664 o("Expression", function() {
2665 return new ExpressionList([]).add(A1);
2666 }),
2667 o("ExpressionList , Expression", function() {
2668 return A1.add(A3);
2669 }),
2670 o("ExpressionList OptComma Terminator Expression", function() {
2671 return A1.add(A3).add(A4);
2672 }),
2673 o("INDENT ExpressionList OptComma Outdent", function() {
2674 return A2.indented(A1, A4);
2675 }),
2676 o("ExpressionList OptComma INDENT ExpressionList OptComma Outdent", function() {
2677 return A1.concat(A4);
2678 })
2679 ],
2680 Class: [
2681 o("ClassStart", function() {
2682 return A1;
2683 }),
2684 o("ABSTRACT ClassStart", function() {
2685 return A2.set({ abstract: A1 });
2686 }),
2687 o("EXTEND ClassStart", function() {
2688 return A2.set({ extension: A1 });
2689 })
2690 ],
2691 ClassStart: [
2692 o("CLASS ClassName ClassBody", function() {
2693 return new ClassDeclaration(A2, null, A3).set({ keyword: A1 });
2694 }),
2695 o("CLASS ClassName", function() {
2696 return new ClassDeclaration(A2, null, []).set({ keyword: A1 });
2697 }),
2698 o("CLASS ClassBody", function() {
2699 return new ClassDeclaration(null, null, A2).set({ keyword: A1 });
2700 }),
2701 o("CLASS ClassName COMPARE Expression", function() {
2702 return new ClassDeclaration(A2, A4, []).set({ keyword: A1, extends: A3 });
2703 }),
2704 o("CLASS ClassName COMPARE Expression ClassBody", function() {
2705 return new ClassDeclaration(A2, A4, A5).set({ keyword: A1, extends: A3 });
2706 }),
2707 o("CLASS COMPARE Expression ClassBody", function() {
2708 return new ClassDeclaration(null, A3, A4).set({ keyword: A1, extends: A2 });
2709 })
2710 ],
2711 Class2: [
2712 o("CLASS ClassStart", function() {
2713 return A2.set({ keyword: A1 });
2714 }),
2715 o("ABSTRACT Class", function() {
2716 return A2.set({ abstract: A1 });
2717 }),
2718 o("EXTEND Class", function() {
2719 return A2.set({ extension: A1 });
2720 })
2721 ],
2722 ClassStart2: [
2723 o("ClassName ClassBody", function() {
2724 return new ClassDeclaration(A1, null, A2);
2725 }),
2726 o("ClassName", function() {
2727 return new ClassDeclaration(A1, null, []);
2728 }),
2729 o("ClassBody", function() {
2730 return new ClassDeclaration(null, null, A1);
2731 }),
2732 o("ClassName COMPARE Expression", function() {
2733 return new ClassDeclaration(A1, A3, []).set({ extends: A2 });
2734 }),
2735 o("ClassName COMPARE Expression ClassBody", function() {
2736 return new ClassDeclaration(A1, A3, A4).set({ extends: A2 });
2737 }),
2738 o("COMPARE Expression ClassBody", function() {
2739 return new ClassDeclaration(null, A2, A3).set({ extends: A1 });
2740 })
2741 ],
2742 ClassName: [
2743 o("DecoratorIdentifier"),
2744 o("Identifier", function() {
2745 return new VarOrAccess(A1);
2746 }),
2747 o("SymbolIdentifier", function() {
2748 return new Access(".", null, A1);
2749 }),
2750 o("ClassName . Identifier", function() {
2751 return AST.OP(A2, A1, A3);
2752 }),
2753 o("ClassName . SymbolIdentifier", function() {
2754 return new IndexAccess(A2, A1, A3);
2755 }),
2756 o("ClassName Type", function() {
2757 return AST.SETTYPE(A1, A2);
2758 })
2759 ],
2760 ClassBody: [
2761 o("INDENT OUTDENT", function() {
2762 return new ClassBody([]).indented(A1, A2);
2763 }),
2764 o("INDENT ClassBodyBlock OUTDENT", function() {
2765 return A2.indented(A1, A3);
2766 }),
2767 o("INDENT TERMINATOR ClassBodyBlock OUTDENT", function() {
2768 return A3.prebreak(A2).indented(A1, A4);
2769 })
2770 ],
2771 ClassBodyBlock: [
2772 o("ClassBodyLine", function() {
2773 return new ClassBody([]).add(A1);
2774 }),
2775 o("ClassBodyBlock Terminator ClassBodyLine", function() {
2776 return A1.break(A2).add(A3);
2777 }),
2778 o("ClassBodyBlock Terminator", function() {
2779 return A1.break(A2);
2780 })
2781 ],
2782 ClassBodyLine: [
2783 o("Decorators"),
2784 o("ClassDeclLine"),
2785 o("Decorators ClassDeclLine", function() {
2786 return A1.concat([A2]);
2787 }),
2788 o("CSSDeclaration"),
2789 o("RELATION ClassName", function() {
2790 return new ClassRelation(A2).set({ keyword: A1 });
2791 }),
2792 o("Comment"),
2793 o("Tag")
2794 ],
2795 ClassDeclLine: [
2796 o("STATIC ClassFieldDeclaration", function() {
2797 return A2.set({ static: A1 });
2798 }),
2799 o("STATIC MethodDeclaration", function() {
2800 return A2.set({ static: A1 });
2801 }),
2802 o("MethodDeclaration"),
2803 o("ClassFieldDeclaration"),
2804 o("PROTECTED ClassDeclLine", function() {
2805 return A2.set({ protected: A1 });
2806 }),
2807 o("DECLARE ClassDeclLine", function() {
2808 return AST.DECLARE(A2, A1);
2809 })
2810 ],
2811 ClassFieldDeclaration: [
2812 o("ClassField ClassFieldOp Expression", function() {
2813 return A1.set({ value: A3, op: A2 });
2814 }),
2815 o("ClassField", function() {
2816 return A1;
2817 }),
2818 o("ClassFieldDeclaration AS AccessorBody", function() {
2819 return A1.set({ wrapper: A3 });
2820 }),
2821 o("ClassFieldDeclaration FieldDescriptorFull", function() {
2822 return A1.set({ wrapper: A2 });
2823 })
2824 ],
2825 FieldDescriptor: [
2826 o("DECORATOR", function() {
2827 return new Descriptor(A1);
2828 }),
2829 o("@ CALL_START Expression CALL_END", function() {
2830 return new Descriptor(A3);
2831 }),
2832 o("FieldDescriptor Arguments", function() {
2833 return A1.add(A2, "!");
2834 }),
2835 o("FieldDescriptor INDEX_START ArgList INDEX_END", function() {
2836 return A1.add(A3, "=");
2837 }),
2838 o("FieldDescriptor . Identifier", function() {
2839 return A1.add(A3);
2840 })
2841 ],
2842 FieldDescriptorFull: [
2843 o("FieldDescriptor"),
2844 o("FieldDescriptor = Expression", function() {
2845 return A1.set({ "default": A3 });
2846 }),
2847 o("FieldDescriptor Do", function() {
2848 return A1.set({ callback: A2 });
2849 })
2850 ],
2851 AccessorBody: [
2852 "FieldDescriptorFull",
2853 "Value"
2854 ],
2855 ClassFieldDecoration: [
2856 o("ClassFieldDeclaration @ WatchBody", function() {
2857 return A1.set({ watch: A3 });
2858 })
2859 ],
2860 WatchBody: [
2861 o("Block"),
2862 o("Expression")
2863 ],
2864 ClassFieldOp: [
2865 "=",
2867 ],
2868 ClassField: [
2869 o("ClassFieldIdentifier", function() {
2870 return new ClassField(A1);
2871 }),
2872 o("PROP ClassFieldIdentifier", function() {
2873 return new ClassProperty(A2).set({ keyword: A1 });
2874 }),
2875 o("ATTR ClassFieldIdentifier", function() {
2876 return new ClassAttribute(A2).set({ keyword: A1 });
2877 }),
2878 o("ClassField Type", function() {
2879 return AST.SETTYPE(A1, A2);
2880 }),
2881 o("ClassField CALL_START CALL_END", function() {
2882 return A1.set({ controller: A2 });
2883 })
2884 ],
2885 ClassFieldIdentifier: [
2886 o("Identifier"),
2887 o("SymbolIdentifier")
2888 ],
2889 ClassFieldBody: [
2890 o("WATCH Expression Terminator", function() {
2891 return [A1, A2];
2892 })
2893 ],
2894 Invocation: [
2895 o("Value OptFuncExist Arguments", function() {
2896 return new Call(A1, A3, A2);
2897 }),
2898 o("Value Do", function() {
2899 return A1.addBlock(A2);
2900 })
2901 ],
2902 OptFuncExist: [
2903 o("", function() {
2904 return false;
2905 }),
2906 o("FUNC_EXIST", function() {
2907 return true;
2908 })
2909 ],
2910 Arguments: [
2911 o("CALL_START CALL_END", function() {
2912 return new ArgList([]).setEnds(A1, A2);
2913 }),
2914 o("CALL_START ArgList OptComma CALL_END", function() {
2915 return A2.setEnds(A1, A4);
2916 })
2917 ],
2918 This: [
2919 o("THIS", function() {
2920 return new This(A1);
2921 })
2922 ],
2923 Self: [
2924 o("SELF", function() {
2925 return new Self(A1);
2926 })
2927 ],
2928 Array: [
2929 o("[ ]", function() {
2930 return new Arr(new ArgList([])).setEnds(A1, A2);
2931 }),
2932 o("[ ArgList OptComma ]", function() {
2933 return new Arr(A2).setEnds(A1, A4);
2934 }),
2935 o("Array Type", function() {
2936 return AST.SETTYPE(A1, A2);
2937 })
2938 ],
2939 RangeDots: [
2940 o("..", function() {
2941 return "..";
2942 }),
2943 o("...", function() {
2944 return "...";
2945 })
2946 ],
2947 Range: [
2948 o("[ Expression RangeDots Expression ]", function() {
2949 return AST.OP(A3, A2, A4);
2950 })
2951 ],
2952 ArgList: [
2953 o("Arg", function() {
2954 return new ArgList([A1]);
2955 }),
2956 o("ArgList , Arg", function() {
2957 return A1.add(A3);
2958 }),
2959 o("ArgList OptComma Terminator Arg", function() {
2960 return A1.add(A3).add(A4);
2961 }),
2962 o("ArgList OptComma TERMINATOR SEPARATOR Terminator Arg", function() {
2963 return A1.add(A5).add(A6);
2964 }),
2965 o("INDENT ArgList OptComma Outdent", function() {
2966 return A2.indented(A1, A4);
2967 }),
2968 o("ArgList OptComma INDENT ArgList OptComma Outdent", function() {
2969 return A1.concat(A4);
2970 })
2971 ],
2972 Outdent: [
2973 o("Terminator OUTDENT", function() {
2974 return A1;
2975 }),
2976 o("OUTDENT", function() {
2977 return A1;
2978 })
2979 ],
2980 Arg: [
2981 o("Expression"),
2982 o("... Expression", function() {
2983 return new Splat(A2).set({ keyword: A1 });
2984 }),
2985 o("Splat"),
2986 o("DO_PLACEHOLDER", function() {
2987 return new DoPlaceholder(A1);
2988 }),
2989 o("Comment")
2990 ],
2991 SimpleArgs: [
2992 o("Expression"),
2993 o("SimpleArgs , Expression", function() {
2994 return [].concat(A1, A3);
2995 })
2996 ],
2997 Try: [
2998 o("TRY Block", function() {
2999 return new Try(A2);
3000 }),
3001 o("TRY Block Catch", function() {
3002 return new Try(A2, A3);
3003 }),
3004 o("TRY Block Finally", function() {
3005 return new Try(A2, null, A3);
3006 }),
3007 o("TRY Block Catch Finally", function() {
3008 return new Try(A2, A3, A4);
3009 })
3010 ],
3011 Finally: [
3012 o("FINALLY Block", function() {
3013 return new Finally(A2);
3014 })
3015 ],
3016 Catch: [
3017 o("CATCH CATCH_VAR Block", function() {
3018 return new Catch(A3, A2);
3019 }),
3020 o("CATCH Block", function() {
3021 return new Catch(A2, null);
3022 })
3023 ],
3024 Throw: [
3025 o("THROW Expression", function() {
3026 return new Throw(A2);
3027 })
3028 ],
3029 Parenthetical: [
3030 o("( ExpressionList )", function() {
3031 return new Parens(A2, A1, A3);
3032 }),
3033 o("( ExpressionList ) UNIT", function() {
3034 return new ExpressionWithUnit(new Parens(A2, A1, A3), A4);
3035 }),
3036 o("Parenthetical Type", function() {
3037 return AST.SETTYPE(A1, A2);
3038 })
3039 ],
3040 WhileSource: [
3041 o("WHILE Expression", function() {
3042 return new While(A2, { keyword: A1 });
3043 }),
3044 o("WHILE Expression WHEN Expression", function() {
3045 return new While(A2, { guard: A4, keyword: A1 });
3046 }),
3047 o("UNTIL Expression", function() {
3048 return new While(A2, { invert: true, keyword: A1 });
3049 }),
3050 o("UNTIL Expression WHEN Expression", function() {
3051 return new While(A2, { invert: true, guard: A4, keyword: A1 });
3052 })
3053 ],
3054 While: [
3055 o("WhileSource Block", function() {
3056 return A1.addBody(A2);
3057 }),
3058 o("Statement WhileSource", function() {
3059 return A2.addBody(Block.wrap([A1]));
3060 }),
3061 o("Expression WhileSource", function() {
3062 return A2.addBody(Block.wrap([A1]));
3063 }),
3064 o("Loop", function() {
3065 return A1;
3066 })
3067 ],
3068 Loop: [
3069 o("LOOP Block", function() {
3070 return new While(new Literal("true", { keyword: A1 })).addBody(A2);
3071 }),
3072 o("LOOP Expression", function() {
3073 return new While(new Literal("true", { keyword: A1 })).addBody(Block.wrap([A2]));
3074 })
3075 ],
3076 For: [
3077 o("Statement ForBody", function() {
3078 return A2.addBody([A1]);
3079 }),
3080 o("Expression ForBody", function() {
3081 return A2.addBody([A1]);
3082 }),
3083 o("ForBody Block", function() {
3084 return A1.addBody(A2);
3085 }),
3086 o("ForBody Block ELSE Block", function() {
3087 return A1.addBody(A2).addElse(A4);
3088 })
3089 ],
3090 ForKeyword: [
3091 o("FOR"),
3092 o("POST_FOR")
3093 ],
3094 ForBody: [
3095 o("ForKeyword Range", function() {
3096 return { source: new ValueNode(A2) };
3097 }),
3098 o("ForStart ForSource", function() {
3099 return A2.configure({ own: A1.own, await: A1.await, name: A1[0], index: A1[1], keyword: A1.keyword, params: A1 });
3100 })
3101 ],
3102 ForStart: [
3103 o("ForKeyword ForVariables", function() {
3104 return (A2.keyword = A1) && A2;
3105 }),
3106 o("ForKeyword AWAIT ForVariables", function() {
3107 return (A3.await = A2) && (A3.keyword = A1) && A3;
3108 }),
3109 o("ForKeyword OWN ForVariables", function() {
3110 return (A3.own = true) && (A3.keyword = A1) && A3;
3111 })
3112 ],
3113 ForValue: [
3114 o("Identifier"),
3115 o("Identifier Type", function() {
3116 return AST.SETTYPE(A1, A2);
3117 }),
3118 o("Array"),
3119 o("Object")
3120 ],
3121 ForVariables: [
3122 o("ForValue", function() {
3123 return [A1];
3124 }),
3125 o("ForValue , ForValue", function() {
3126 return [A1, A3];
3127 }),
3128 o("ForValue , ForValue , ForValue", function() {
3129 return [A1, A3, A5];
3130 })
3131 ],
3132 ForSource: [
3133 o("FORIN Expression", function() {
3134 return new ForIn({ source: A2 });
3135 }),
3136 o("FOROF Expression", function() {
3137 return new ForOf({ source: A2, object: true });
3138 }),
3139 o("FORIN Expression WHEN Expression", function() {
3140 return new ForIn({ source: A2, guard: A4 });
3141 }),
3142 o("FOROF Expression WHEN Expression", function() {
3143 return new ForOf({ source: A2, guard: A4, object: true });
3144 }),
3145 o("FORIN Expression BY Expression", function() {
3146 return new ForIn({ source: A2, step: A4 });
3147 }),
3148 o("FORIN Expression WHEN Expression BY Expression", function() {
3149 return new ForIn({ source: A2, guard: A4, step: A6 });
3150 }),
3151 o("FORIN Expression BY Expression WHEN Expression", function() {
3152 return new ForIn({ source: A2, step: A4, guard: A6 });
3153 })
3154 ],
3155 Switch: [
3156 o("SWITCH Expression INDENT Whens OUTDENT", function() {
3157 return new Switch(A2, A4);
3158 }),
3159 o("SWITCH Expression INDENT Whens ELSE Block Outdent", function() {
3160 return new Switch(A2, A4, A6);
3161 }),
3162 o("SWITCH INDENT Whens OUTDENT", function() {
3163 return new Switch(null, A3);
3164 }),
3165 o("SWITCH INDENT Whens ELSE Block OUTDENT", function() {
3166 return new Switch(null, A3, A5);
3167 })
3168 ],
3169 Whens: [
3170 o("When"),
3171 o("Whens When", function() {
3172 return A1.concat(A2);
3173 })
3174 ],
3175 When: [
3176 o("LEADING_WHEN SimpleArgs Block", function() {
3177 return [new SwitchCase(A2, A3)];
3178 }),
3179 o("LEADING_WHEN SimpleArgs Block TERMINATOR", function() {
3180 return [new SwitchCase(A2, A3)];
3181 })
3182 ],
3183 IfBlock: [
3184 o("IF Expression Block", function() {
3185 return new If(A2, A3, { type: A1 });
3186 }),
3187 o("IfBlock ELSE IF Expression Block", function() {
3188 return A1.addElse(new If(A4, A5, { type: A3 }));
3189 }),
3190 o("IfBlock ELIF Expression Block", function() {
3191 return A1.addElse(new If(A3, A4, { type: A2 }));
3192 }),
3193 o("IfBlock ELSE Block", function() {
3194 return A1.addElse(A3.set({ keyword: A2 }));
3195 })
3196 ],
3197 If: [
3198 o("IfBlock"),
3199 o("Statement POST_IF Expression", function() {
3200 return new If(A3, new Block([A1]), { type: A2, statement: true });
3201 }),
3202 o("Expression POST_IF Expression", function() {
3203 return new If(A3, new Block([A1]), { type: A2 });
3204 })
3205 ],
3206 Ternary: [
3207 o("Expression ? Expression : Expression", function() {
3208 return AST.If.ternary(A1, A3, A5);
3209 })
3210 ],
3211 Operation: [
3212 o("NEW Expression", function() {
3213 return AST.Instantiation.for(A2, A1).setEnds(A1, A2);
3214 }),
3215 o("UNARY Expression", function() {
3216 return AST.OP(A1, A2).setEnds(A1, A2);
3217 }),
3218 o("--- Expression", function() {
3219 return AST.OP(A1, A2).setEnds(A1, A2);
3220 }),
3221 o("+++ Expression", function() {
3222 return AST.OP(A1, A2).setEnds(A1, A2);
3223 }),
3224 o("- Expression", function() {
3225 return AST.OP(A1, A2).setEnds(A1, A2);
3226 }, { prec: "UNARY" }),
3227 o("+ Expression", function() {
3228 return AST.OP(A1, A2).setEnds(A1, A2);
3229 }, { prec: "UNARY" }),
3230 o("-- SimpleAssignable", function() {
3231 return new UnaryOp(A1, null, A2).setEnds(A1, A2);
3232 }),
3233 o("++ SimpleAssignable", function() {
3234 return new UnaryOp(A1, null, A2).setEnds(A1, A2);
3235 }),
3236 o("SimpleAssignable --", function() {
3237 return new UnaryOp(A2, A1, null, true).setEnds(A1, A2);
3238 }),
3239 o("SimpleAssignable ++", function() {
3240 return new UnaryOp(A2, A1, null, true).setEnds(A1, A2);
3241 }),
3242 o("Expression + Expression", function() {
3243 return new Op(A2, A1, A3).setEnds(A1, A3);
3244 }),
3245 o("Expression - Expression", function() {
3246 return new Op(A2, A1, A3).setEnds(A1, A3);
3247 }),
3248 o("Expression EXP Expression", function() {
3249 return AST.OP(A2, A1, A3).setEnds(A1, A3);
3250 }),
3251 o("Expression MATH Expression", function() {
3252 return AST.OP(A2, A1, A3).setEnds(A1, A3);
3253 }),
3254 o("Expression SHIFT Expression", function() {
3255 return AST.OP(A2, A1, A3).setEnds(A1, A3);
3256 }),
3257 o("Expression COMPARE Expression", function() {
3258 return AST.OP(A2, A1, A3).setEnds(A1, A3);
3259 }),
3260 o("Expression LOGIC Expression", function() {
3261 return AST.OP(A2, A1, A3).setEnds(A1, A3);
3262 }),
3263 o("Expression NOT RELATION Expression", function() {
3264 return AST.OP(A3, A1, A4).invert(A2);
3265 }),
3266 o("Expression RELATION Expression", function() {
3267 return AST.OP(A2, A1, A3).setEnds(A1, A3);
3268 }),
3269 o("SimpleAssignable COMPOUND_ASSIGN Expression", function() {
3270 return AST.OP(A2, A1, A3);
3271 }),
3272 o("SimpleAssignable COMPOUND_ASSIGN INDENT Expression Outdent", function() {
3273 return AST.OP(A2, A1, A4.indented(A3, A5));
3274 })
3275 ]
3277var operators = [
3278 ["left", ".", "?.", "::", ".:"],
3279 ["left", "CALL_START", "CALL_END"],
3280 ["nonassoc", "++", "--"],
3281 ["right", "UNARY", "NEW", "THROW", "NOT"],
3282 ["right", "AWAIT"],
3283 ["right", "EXP"],
3284 ["left", "MATH"],
3285 ["left", "+", "-", "+++", "---"],
3286 ["left", "SHIFT"],
3287 ["left", "RELATION"],
3288 ["left", "COMPARE"],
3289 ["left", "LOGIC"],
3290 ["right", "?"],
3291 ["nonassoc", "INDENT", "OUTDENT"],
3292 ["right", "=", ":", "COMPOUND_ASSIGN", "RETURN", "THROW", "EXTENDS"],
3293 ["right", "FORIN", "FOROF", "BY", "WHEN"],
3294 ["right", "TAG_END"],
3295 ["right", "IF", "ELSE", "FOR", "DO", "WHILE", "UNTIL", "LOOP", "SUPER", "CLASS", "MIXIN", "INTERFACE", "MODULE", "TAG", "EVENT", "TRIGGER", "TAG_END", "IMPORT", "EXPORT"],
3296 ["right", "POST_IF", "POST_FOR"],
3297 ["right", "NEW_TAG"],
3298 ["right", "TAG_ATTR_SET"],
3299 ["right", "SPLAT"],
3300 ["left", "SELECTOR_START"],
3301 ["left", "CSS"]
3303var tokens = [];
3304for (let name in grammar) {
3305 let alternatives;
3306 alternatives = grammar[name];
3307 let res = [];
3308 for (let i = 0, items = iter$(alternatives), len = items.length, alt; i < len; i++) {
3309 alt = items[i];
3310 for (let j = 0, ary = iter$(alt[0].split(" ")), len2 = ary.length, token; j < len2; j++) {
3311 token = ary[j];
3312 if (!grammar[token]) {
3313 tokens.push(token);
3314 }
3315 ;
3316 }
3317 ;
3318 if (name === "Root") {
3319 alt[1] = "return " + alt[1];
3320 }
3321 ;
3322 res.push(alt);
3323 }
3324 ;
3325 grammar[name] = res;
3327exports.parser = new Parser(
3328 {
3329 tokens: tokens.join(" "),
3330 bnf: grammar,
3331 operators: operators.reverse(),
3332 startSymbol: "Root"
3333 }