1 | # immer-reducer
2 |
3 | Type-safe and terse reducers with Typescript for React Hooks and Redux using [Immer](https://immerjs.github.io/immer/)!
4 |
5 | ## 📦 Install
6 |
7 | npm install immer-reducer
8 |
9 | You can also install [eslint-plugin-immer-reducer](https://github.com/skoshy/eslint-plugin-immer-reducer) to help you avoid errors when writing your reducer.
10 |
11 | ## 💪 Motivation
12 |
13 | Turn this 💩 💩 💩
14 |
15 | ```ts
16 | interface SetFirstNameAction {
17 | type: "SET_FIRST_NAME";
18 | firstName: string;
19 | }
20 |
21 | interface SetLastNameAction {
22 | type: "SET_LAST_NAME";
23 | lastName: string;
24 | }
25 |
26 | type Action = SetFirstNameAction | SetLastNameAction;
27 |
28 | function reducer(action: Action, state: State): State {
29 | switch (action.type) {
30 | case "SET_FIRST_NAME":
31 | return {
32 | ...state,
33 | user: {
34 | ...state.user,
35 | firstName: action.firstName,
36 | },
37 | };
38 | case "SET_LAST_NAME":
39 | return {
40 | ...state,
41 | user: {
42 | ...state.user,
43 | lastName: action.lastName,
44 | },
45 | };
46 | default:
47 | return state;
48 | }
49 | }
50 | ```
51 |
52 | ✨✨ Into this! ✨✨
53 |
54 | ```ts
55 | import {ImmerReducer} from "immer-reducer";
56 |
57 | class MyImmerReducer extends ImmerReducer<State> {
58 | setFirstName(firstName: string) {
59 | this.draftState.user.firstName = firstName;
60 | }
61 |
62 | setLastName(lastName: string) {
63 | this.draftState.user.lastName = lastName;
64 | }
65 | }
66 | ```
67 |
68 | 🔥🔥 **Without losing type-safety!** 🔥🔥
69 |
70 | Oh, and you get the action creators for free! 🤗 🎂
71 |
72 | ## 📖 Usage
73 |
74 | Generate Action Creators and the actual reducer function for Redux from the class with
75 |
76 | ```ts
77 | import {createStore} from "redux";
78 | import {createActionCreators, createReducerFunction} from "immer-reducer";
79 |
80 | const initialState: State = {
81 | user: {
82 | firstName: "",
83 | lastName: "",
84 | },
85 | };
86 |
87 | const ActionCreators = createActionCreators(MyImmerReducer);
88 | const reducerFunction = createReducerFunction(MyImmerReducer, initialState);
89 |
90 | const store = createStore(reducerFunction);
91 | ```
92 |
93 | Dispatch some actions
94 |
95 | ```ts
96 | store.dispatch(ActionCreators.setFirstName("Charlie"));
97 | store.dispatch(ActionCreators.setLastName("Brown"));
98 |
99 | expect(store.getState().user.firstName).toEqual("Charlie");
100 | expect(store.getState().user.lastName).toEqual("Brown");
101 | ```
102 |
103 | ## 🌟 Typed Action Creators!
104 |
105 | The generated `ActionCreator` object respect the types used in the class
106 |
107 | ```ts
108 | const action = ActionCreators.setFirstName("Charlie");
109 | action.payload; // Has the type of string
110 |
111 | ActionCreators.setFirstName(1); // Type error. Needs string.
112 | ActionCreators.setWAT("Charlie"); // Type error. Unknown method
113 | ```
114 |
115 | If the reducer class where to have a method which takes more than one argument
116 | the payload would be array of the arguments
117 |
118 | ```ts
119 | // In the Reducer class:
120 | // setName(firstName: string, lastName: string) {}
121 | const action = ActionCreators.setName("Charlie", "Brown");
122 | action.payload; // will have value ["Charlie", "Brown"] and type [string, string]
123 | ```
124 |
125 | The reducer function is also typed properly
126 |
127 | ```ts
128 | const reducer = createReducerFunction(MyImmerReducer);
129 |
130 | reducer(initialState, ActionCreators.setFirstName("Charlie")); // OK
131 | reducer(initialState, {type: "WAT"}); // Type error
132 | reducer({wat: "bad state"}, ActionCreators.setFirstName("Charlie")); // Type error
133 | ```
134 |
135 | ## ⚓ React Hooks
136 |
137 | Because the `useReducer()` API in React Hooks is the same as with Redux
138 | Reducers immer-reducer can be used with as is.
139 |
140 | ```tsx
141 | const initialState = {message: ""};
142 |
143 | class ReducerClass extends ImmerReducer<typeof initialState> {
144 | setMessage(message: string) {
145 | this.draftState.message = message;
146 | }
147 | }
148 |
149 | const ActionCreators = createActionCreators(ReducerClass);
150 | const reducerFunction = createReducerFunction(ReducerClass);
151 |
152 | function Hello() {
153 | const [state, dispatch] = React.useReducer(reducerFunction, initialState);
154 |
155 | return (
156 | <button
157 | data-testid="button"
158 | onClick={() => {
159 | dispatch(ActionCreators.setMessage("Hello!"));
160 | }}
161 | >
162 | {state.message}
163 | </button>
164 | );
165 | }
166 | ```
167 |
168 | The returned state and dispatch functions will be typed as you would expect.
169 |
170 | ## 🤔 How
171 |
172 | Under the hood the class is deconstructed to following actions:
173 |
174 | ```js
175 | {
176 | type: "IMMER_REDUCER:MyImmerReducer#setFirstName",
177 | payload: "Charlie",
178 | }
179 | {
180 | type: "IMMER_REDUCER:MyImmerReducer#setLastName",
181 | payload: "Brown",
182 | }
183 | {
184 | type: "IMMER_REDUCER:MyImmerReducer#setName",
185 | payload: ["Charlie", "Brown"],
186 | args: true
187 | }
188 | ```
189 |
190 | So the class and method names become the Redux Action Types and the method
191 | arguments become the action payloads. The reducer function will then match
192 | these actions against the class and calls the appropriate methods with the
193 | payload array spread to the arguments.
194 |
195 | 🚫 The format of the `action.type` string is internal to immer-reducer. If
196 | you need to detect the actions use the provided type guards.
197 |
198 | The generated reducer function executes the methods inside the `produce()`
199 | function of Immer enabling the terse mutatable style updates.
200 |
201 | ## 🔄 Integrating with the Redux ecosystem
202 |
203 | To integrate for example with the side effects libraries such as
204 | [redux-observable](https://github.com/redux-observable/redux-observable/) and
205 | [redux-saga](https://github.com/redux-saga/redux-saga), you can access the
206 | generated action type using the `type` property of the action creator
207 | function.
208 |
209 | With redux-observable
210 |
211 | ```ts
212 | // Get the action name to subscribe to
213 | const setFirstNameActionTypeName = ActionCreators.setFirstName.type;
214 |
215 | // Get the action type to have a type safe Epic
216 | type SetFirstNameAction = ReturnType<typeof ActionCreators.setFirstName>;
217 |
218 | const setFirstNameEpic: Epic<SetFirstNameAction> = action$ =>
219 | action$
220 | .ofType(setFirstNameActionTypeName)
221 | .pipe(
222 | // action.payload - recognized as string
223 | map(action => action.payload.toUpperCase()),
224 | ...
225 | );
226 | ```
227 |
228 | With redux-saga
229 |
230 | ```ts
231 | function* watchFirstNameChanges() {
232 | yield takeEvery(ActionCreators.setFirstName.type, doStuff);
233 | }
234 |
235 | // or use the isActionFrom() to get all actions from a specific ImmerReducer
236 | // action creators object
237 | function* watchImmerActions() {
238 | yield takeEvery(
239 | (action: Action) => isActionFrom(action, MyImmerReducer),
240 | handleImmerReducerAction,
241 | );
242 | }
243 |
244 | function* handleImmerReducerAction(action: Actions<typeof MyImmerReducer>) {
245 | // `action` is a union of action types
246 | if (isAction(action, ActionCreators.setFirstName)) {
247 | // with action of setFirstName
248 | }
249 | }
250 | ```
251 |
252 | **Warning:** Due to how immer-reducers action generation works, adding default
253 | parameters to the methods will NOT pass it to the action payload, which can
254 | make your reducer impure and the values will not be available in middlewares.
255 |
256 | ```ts
257 | class MyImmerReducer extends ImmerReducer<State> {
258 | addItem (id: string = uuid()) {
259 | this.draftState.ids.push([id])
260 | }
261 | }
262 |
263 | immerActions.addItem() // generates empty payload { payload: [] }
264 | ```
265 |
266 | As a workaround, create custom action creator wrappers that pass the default parameters instead.
267 |
268 | ```ts
269 | class MyImmerReducer extends ImmerReducer<State> {
270 | addItem (id) {
271 | this.draftState.ids.push([id])
272 | }
273 | }
274 |
275 | const actions = {
276 | addItem: () => immerActions.addItem(id)
277 | }
278 | ```
279 |
280 | It is also recommended to install the ESLint plugin in the "Install" section
281 | to alert you if you accidentally encounter this issue.
282 |
283 | ## 📚 Examples
284 |
285 | Here's a more complete example with redux-saga and [redux-render-prop](https://github.com/epeli/redux-render-prop):
286 |
287 | <https://github.com/epeli/typescript-redux-todoapp>
288 |
289 | ## 🃏 Tips and Tricks
290 |
291 | You can replace the whole `draftState` with a new state if you'd like. This could be useful if you'd like to reset back to your initial state.
292 |
293 | ```ts
294 | import {ImmerReducer} from "immer-reducer";
295 |
296 | const initialState: State = {
297 | user: {
298 | firstName: "",
299 | lastName: "",
300 | },
301 | };
302 |
303 | class MyImmerReducer extends ImmerReducer<State> {
304 | // omitting other reducer methods
305 |
306 | reset() {
307 | this.draftState = initialState;
308 | }
309 | }
310 | ```
311 |
312 | ## 📓 Helpers
313 |
314 | The module exports following helpers
315 |
316 | ### `function isActionFrom(action, ReducerClass)`
317 |
318 | Type guard for detecting whether the given action is generated by the given
319 | reducer class. The detected type will be union of actions the class
320 | generates.
321 |
322 | Example
323 |
324 | ```ts
325 | if (isActionFrom(someAction, ActionCreators)) {
326 | // someAction now has type of
327 | // {
328 | // type: "setFirstName";
329 | // payload: string;
330 | // } | {
331 | // type: "setLastName";
332 | // payload: string;
333 | // };
334 | }
335 | ```
336 |
337 | ### `function isAction(action, actionCreator)`
338 |
339 | Type guard for detecting specific actions generated by immer-reducer.
340 |
341 | Example
342 |
343 | ```ts
344 | if (isAction(someAction, ActionCreators.setFirstName)) {
345 | someAction.payload; // Type checks to `string`
346 | }
347 | ```
348 |
349 | ### `type Actions<ImmerReducerClass>`
350 |
351 | Get union of the action types generated by the ImmerReducer class
352 |
353 | Example
354 |
355 | ```ts
356 | type MyActions = Actions<typeof MyImmerReducer>;
357 |
358 | // Is the same as
359 | type MyActions =
360 | | {
361 | type: "setFirstName";
362 | payload: string;
363 | }
364 | | {
365 | type: "setLastName";
366 | payload: string;
367 | };
368 | ```
369 |
370 | ### `function setPrefix(prefix: string)`
371 |
372 | The default prefix in the generated action types is `IMMER_REDUCER`. Call
373 | this customize it for your app.
374 |
375 | Example
376 |
377 | ```ts
378 | setPrefix("MY_APP");
379 | ```
380 |
381 | ### `function composeReducers<State>(...reducers)`
382 |
383 | Utility that reduces actions by applying them through multiple reducers.
384 | This helps in allowing you to split up your reducer logic to multiple `ImmerReducer`s
385 | if they affect the same part of your state
386 |
387 | Example
388 |
389 | ```ts
390 | class MyNameReducer extends ImmerReducer<NamesState> {
391 | setFirstName(firstName: string) {
392 | this.draftState.firstName = firstName;
393 | }
394 |
395 | setLastName(lastName: string) {
396 | this.draftState.lastName = lastName;
397 | }
398 | }
399 |
400 | class MyAgeReducer extends ImmerReducer<AgeState> {
401 | setAge(age: number) {
402 | this.draftState.age = 8;
403 | }
404 | }
405 |
406 | export const reducer = composeReducers(
407 | createReducerFunction(MyNameReducer, initialState),
408 | createReducerFunction(MyAgeReducer, initialState)
409 | )
410 | ```