1 | export const errors =
2 | process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production"
3 | ? [
4 |
5 | function(plugin: string) {
6 | return `The plugin for '${plugin}' has not been loaded into Immer. To enable the plugin, import and call \`enable${plugin}()\` when initializing your application.`
7 | },
8 | function(thing: string) {
9 | return `produce can only be called on things that are draftable: plain objects, arrays, Map, Set or classes that are marked with '[immerable]: true'. Got '${thing}'`
10 | },
11 | "This object has been frozen and should not be mutated",
12 | function(data: any) {
13 | return (
14 | "Cannot use a proxy that has been revoked. Did you pass an object from inside an immer function to an async process? " +
15 | data
16 | )
17 | },
18 | "An immer producer returned a new value *and* modified its draft. Either return a new value *or* modify the draft.",
19 | "Immer forbids circular references",
20 | "The first or second argument to `produce` must be a function",
21 | "The third argument to `produce` must be a function or undefined",
22 | "First argument to `createDraft` must be a plain object, an array, or an immerable object",
23 | "First argument to `finishDraft` must be a draft returned by `createDraft`",
24 | function(thing: string) {
25 | return `'current' expects a draft, got: ${thing}`
26 | },
27 | "Object.defineProperty() cannot be used on an Immer draft",
28 | "Object.setPrototypeOf() cannot be used on an Immer draft",
29 | "Immer only supports deleting array indices",
30 | "Immer only supports setting array indices and the 'length' property",
31 | function(thing: string) {
32 | return `'original' expects a draft, got: ${thing}`
33 | }
34 |
35 |
36 | ]
37 | : []
38 |
39 | export function die(error: number, ...args: any[]): never {
40 | if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") {
41 | const e = errors[error]
42 | const msg = typeof e === "function" ? e.apply(null, args as any) : e
43 | throw new Error(`[Immer] ${msg}`)
44 | }
45 | throw new Error(
46 | `[Immer] minified error nr: ${error}. Full error at: https://bit.ly/3cXEKWf`
47 | )
48 | }