1.94 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { Histogram, Counter, labelValues } from 'prom-client';
2import { Transaction } from '../transaction/TransactionManager';
3import { ConnectionPool } from './ConnectionPool';
4export declare abstract class DBTransaction<C> {
5 protected timer: (labels?: labelValues) => void;
6 protected rolledBackTransactionsCounter: Counter.Internal;
7 protected transactionExecutionDurationsHistogram: Histogram.Internal;
8 protected clientName: string;
9 protected readonly: boolean;
10 protected connectionPool: ConnectionPool<C>;
11 protected connection: C;
12 protected transaction: Transaction;
13 protected rolledBack: boolean;
14 /**
15 *
16 * @param transaction
17 */
18 constructor(clientName: string, readonly: boolean, connectionPool: ConnectionPool<C>);
19 /**
20 * Executes a query in the current connection
21 * @param sql The SQL to execute
22 * @param bindsArr the list of parameters to pass to the query, or an empty array if there are no parameters
23 */
24 protected abstract runQueryInConnection(sql: string, bindsArr: Array<any>): Promise<any>;
25 runQueryWithoutTransaction(sql: string, bindsArr?: Array<any>): Promise<any>;
26 getTransaction(): Transaction;
27 begin(): Promise<void>;
28 private obtainConnection();
29 query(sql: string, ...bindArrs: any[]): Promise<any>;
30 queryAssoc(sql: string, bindObj: object): Promise<any>;
31 markError(error: any): void;
32 sanitizeAndRunQueryInConnection(sql: string, bindsArr?: Array<any>): Promise<any>;
33 runQueryAssocPrivate(sql: string, bindsObj: object): Promise<any>;
34 doTransactionBegin(): Promise<void>;
35 getTransactionBeginSQL(): string;
36 doTransactionCommit(): Promise<void>;
37 getTransactionCommitSQL(): string;
38 doTransactionRollback(): Promise<void>;
39 getTransactionRollbackSQL(): string;
40 releaseConnection(): Promise<void>;
41 end(): Promise<void>;
42 isRolledBack(): boolean;
43 isReadonly(): boolean;