4.12 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3const prometheus = require("prom-client");
4const gcStats = require("prometheus-gc-stats");
5const NewrelicUtil_1 = require("../newrelic/NewrelicUtil");
6const AdminPortPlugin_1 = require("../web/AdminPortPlugin");
7const LogManager_1 = require("../log/LogManager");
8const OSMetricsService_1 = require("./OSMetricsService");
9const Logger = LogManager_1.LogManager.getLogger(__filename);
10class MetricsPlugin {
11 constructor() {
12 this.name = 'MetricsPlugin';
13 this.osMetricsService = new OSMetricsService_1.OSMetricsService();
14 }
15 getName() {
16 return this.name;
17 }
18 didStart(app, pluginContext) {
19 this.prometheusTimer = prometheus.collectDefaultMetrics();
20 prometheus.register.setDefaultLabels({ app: app.getConfig('app.name', 'not_set') });
21 const startGcStats = gcStats();
22 startGcStats();
23 this.registerOSMetrics(app);
24 const context = app.getContext();
25 const adminExpress = pluginContext.get(AdminPortPlugin_1.default.CONTEXT_APP_KEY);
26 if (adminExpress) {
27 Logger.info('Registering metrics endpoint in Admin port');
28 adminExpress.get('/metrics', async (req, res) => {
29 NewrelicUtil_1.NewrelicUtil.setIgnoreTransaction(true);
30 res.type('text/plain');
31 res.send(prometheus.register.metrics());
32 });
33 }
34 }
35 registerOSMetrics(app) {
36 if (app.getConfig('metrics.osmetrics.enabled', 'true') !== 'false') {
37 this.lastMetrics = this.osMetricsService.getOSMetrics();
38 if (this.lastMetrics.user !== undefined) {
39 // We're able to collect cpu stats. Let's register this Counter
40 this.cpuStats = new prometheus.Counter({
41 name: 'proc_cpu',
42 help: 'CPU stats from the OS',
43 labelNames: ['type'],
44 });
45 }
46 else {
47 Logger.info('Can\'t collect cpu stats (this OS doesn\'t have procfs mounted!. Skipping');
48 }
49 if (this.lastMetrics.load1 !== undefined) {
50 // We're able to collect load stats. Let's register this Gauge
51 this.loadStats = new prometheus.Gauge({
52 name: 'proc_load',
53 help: 'Load information',
54 labelNames: ['period'],
55 });
56 }
57 else {
58 Logger.info('Can\'t collect load average stats (this OS doesn\'t have procfs mounted!. Skipping');
59 }
60 const interval = app.getConfig('metrics.osmetrics.refreshMillis', 20000);
61 this.statsTimer = setInterval(() => { this.pushStats(); }, typeof interval === 'string' ? parseInt(interval, 10) : interval);
62 }
63 }
64 pushStats() {
65 const newStats = this.osMetricsService.getOSMetrics();
66 if (this.cpuStats) {
67 OSMetricsService_1.CPUOSMetricNames.forEach((name) => this.pushIndividualCPUStat(name, newStats));
68 }
69 if (this.loadStats) {
70 OSMetricsService_1.LoadOSMetricNames.forEach((name) => this.pushIndividualLoadStat(name, newStats));
71 }
72 this.lastMetrics = newStats;
73 }
74 pushIndividualCPUStat(name, newStats) {
75 if (newStats[name] !== undefined && this.lastMetrics[name] !== undefined) {
76 this.cpuStats.inc({ type: name }, newStats[name] - this.lastMetrics[name]);
77 }
78 }
79 pushIndividualLoadStat(name, newStats) {
80 if (newStats[name] !== undefined && this.lastMetrics[name] !== undefined) {
81 this.loadStats.set({ period: name }, newStats[name]);
82 }
83 }
84 didStop() {
85 if (this.statsTimer) {
86 clearInterval(this.statsTimer);
87 }
88 prometheus.register.clear();
89 if (this.prometheusTimer) {
90 Logger.info('Shutting down prometheus interval');
91 clearInterval(this.prometheusTimer);
92 }
93 }
95exports.default = MetricsPlugin;
96//# sourceMappingURL=MetricsPlugin.js.map
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