3.58 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3const yaml = require("js-yaml");
4const fs = require("fs");
5const swagger_tools_1 = require("swagger-tools");
6const JwtTokenClient_1 = require("../jwt/JwtTokenClient");
7const UnauthorizedError_1 = require("../web/errors/UnauthorizedError");
8const ApiKeyVerification_1 = require("./ApiKeyVerification");
9class SwaggerMetadataMiddleware {
10 /**
11 * Creates an instance of the Inceptum Swagger middleware.
12 * This middleware injects into each request the metadata that is appropriate for this request
13 * from the swagger file. Also, it will parse the parameters and body of the request.
14 * It will NOT validate the request or the response.
15 * @param object config The configuration to use for this Middleware instance
16 * @param [any] config.swagger If provided, this is the swagger loaded as an object
17 * @param [string] config.swaggerFilePath Required if config.swagger is not passed directly.
18 * The location of the swagger yaml file
19 */
20 constructor(config) {
21 this.swaggerFile = config.swagger || this.loadSwagger(config);
22 this.logger = config.logger;
23 this.apiKey = config.apiKey;
24 }
25 loadSwagger(config) {
26 if (!config.swaggerFilePath) {
27 throw new Error('Need to specify the swaggerFilePath in the config');
28 }
29 try {
30 const swaggerString = fs.readFileSync(config.swaggerFilePath, 'utf8');
31 this.swagger = yaml.safeLoad(swaggerString);
32 }
33 catch (e) {
34 const e1 = new Error(`There was an error reading swagger yaml file: ${e.message}`);
35 // e1.cause = e as any;
36 throw e1;
37 }
38 }
39 jwtHandler(req, authOrSecDef, scopesOrApiKey, callback) {
40 const jwt = new JwtTokenClient_1.JwtTokenClient();
41 try {
42 const token = jwt.verify(scopesOrApiKey);
43 if (token !== null) {
44 req.decodedToken = token;
45 return callback();
46 }
47 }
48 catch (e) {
49 return callback(new UnauthorizedError_1.UnauthorizedError('Failed to authenticate using bearer token'));
50 }
51 return callback(new UnauthorizedError_1.UnauthorizedError('Failed to authenticate using bearer token'));
52 }
53 register(expressApp) {
54 const apiKey = this.apiKey;
55 return new Promise((resolve) => {
56 swagger_tools_1.initializeMiddleware(this.swagger, (swaggerTools) => {
57 // logger.debug('Adding swagger middleware');
58 const swaggerMetadataFunc = swaggerTools.swaggerMetadata();
59 const swaggerValidatorFunc = swaggerTools.swaggerValidator();
60 const sm = { jwt: this.jwtHandler, apiKeyHeader: ApiKeyVerification_1.ApiKeyVerification.verifyApiKey(apiKey) };
61 const swaggerSecurityFunc = swaggerTools.swaggerSecurity(sm);
62 expressApp.use((req, res, next) => {
63 swaggerMetadataFunc(req, res, (err) => {
64 if (err) {
65 return next(err);
66 }
67 return next();
68 });
69 });
70 expressApp.use(swaggerSecurityFunc);
71 expressApp.use(swaggerValidatorFunc);
72 // logger.debug('Adding swagger middleware - Done');
73 resolve();
74 });
75 });
76 }
78exports.default = SwaggerMetadataMiddleware;
79//# sourceMappingURL=SwaggerMetadataMiddleware.js.map
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