9.37 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * inflection
3 * Copyright(c) 2011 Ben Lin <ben@dreamerslab.com>
4 * MIT Licensed
5 *
6 * @fileoverview
7 * A port of inflection-js to node.js module.
8 */
10 * This function adds pluralization support to every String object.
11 * @param str The subject string.
12 * @param plural Overrides normal output with said String.(optional)
13 * @returns Singular English language nouns are returned in plural form.
14 * @example
15 *
16 * const inflection = require( 'inflection' );
17 *
18 * inflection.pluralize( 'person' ); // === 'people'
19 * inflection.pluralize( 'octopus' ); // === 'octopuses'
20 * inflection.pluralize( 'Hat' ); // === 'Hats'
21 * inflection.pluralize( 'person', 'guys' ); // === 'guys'
22 */
23export declare function pluralize(str: string, plural?: string): string;
25 * This function adds singularization support to every String object.
26 * @param str The subject string.
27 * @param singular Overrides normal output with said String.(optional)
28 * @returns Plural English language nouns are returned in singular form.
29 * @example
30 *
31 * const inflection = require( 'inflection' );
32 *
33 * inflection.singularize( 'people' ); // === 'person'
34 * inflection.singularize( 'octopuses' ); // === 'octopus'
35 * inflection.singularize( 'Hats' ); // === 'Hat'
36 * inflection.singularize( 'guys', 'person' ); // === 'person'
37 */
38export declare function singularize(str: string, singular?: string): string;
40 * This function will pluralize or singularlize a String appropriately based on a number value
41 * @param str The subject string.
42 * @param count The number to base pluralization off of.
43 * @param singular Overrides normal output with said String.(optional)
44 * @param plural Overrides normal output with said String.(optional)
45 * @returns English language nouns are returned in the plural or singular form based on the count.
46 * @example
47 *
48 * const inflection = require( 'inflection' );
49 *
50 * inflection.inflect( 'people' 1 ); // === 'person'
51 * inflection.inflect( 'octopuses' 1 ); // === 'octopus'
52 * inflection.inflect( 'Hats' 1 ); // === 'Hat'
53 * inflection.inflect( 'guys', 1 , 'person' ); // === 'person'
54 * inflection.inflect( 'inches', 1.5 ); // === 'inches'
55 * inflection.inflect( 'person', 2 ); // === 'people'
56 * inflection.inflect( 'octopus', 2 ); // === 'octopuses'
57 * inflection.inflect( 'Hat', 2 ); // === 'Hats'
58 * inflection.inflect( 'person', 2, null, 'guys' ); // === 'guys'
59 */
60export declare function inflect(str: string, count: number, singular?: string, plural?: string): string;
62 * This function adds camelization support to every String object.
63 * @param str The subject string.
64 * @param lowFirstLetter Default is to capitalize the first letter of the results.(optional)
65 * Passing true will lowercase it.
66 * @returns Lower case underscored words will be returned in camel case.
67 * additionally '/' is translated to '::'
68 * @example
69 *
70 * const inflection = require( 'inflection' );
71 *
72 * inflection.camelize( 'message_properties' ); // === 'MessageProperties'
73 * inflection.camelize( 'message_properties', true ); // === 'messageProperties'
74 */
75export declare function camelize(str: string, lowFirstLetter?: boolean): string;
77 * This function adds underscore support to every String object.
78 * @param str The subject string.
79 * @param allUpperCase Default is to lowercase and add underscore prefix.(optional)
80 * Passing true will return as entered.
81 * @returns Camel cased words are returned as lower cased and underscored.
82 * additionally '::' is translated to '/'.
83 * @example
84 *
85 * const inflection = require( 'inflection' );
86 *
87 * inflection.underscore( 'MessageProperties' ); // === 'message_properties'
88 * inflection.underscore( 'messageProperties' ); // === 'message_properties'
89 * inflection.underscore( 'MP', true ); // === 'MP'
90 */
91export declare function underscore(str: string, allUpperCase?: boolean): string;
93 * This function adds humanize support to every String object.
94 * @param str The subject string.
95 * @param lowFirstLetter Default is to capitalize the first letter of the results.(optional)
96 * Passing true will lowercase it.
97 * @returns Lower case underscored words will be returned in humanized form.
98 * @example
99 *
100 * const inflection = require( 'inflection' );
101 *
102 * inflection.humanize( 'message_properties' ); // === 'Message properties'
103 * inflection.humanize( 'message_properties', true ); // === 'message properties'
104 */
105export declare function humanize(str: string, lowFirstLetter?: boolean): string;
107 * This function adds capitalization support to every String object.
108 * @param str The subject string.
109 * @returns All characters will be lower case and the first will be upper.
110 * @example
111 *
112 * const inflection = require( 'inflection' );
113 *
114 * inflection.capitalize( 'message_properties' ); // === 'Message_properties'
115 * inflection.capitalize( 'message properties', true ); // === 'Message properties'
116 */
117export declare function capitalize(str: string): string;
119 * This function replaces underscores with dashes in the string.
120 * @param str The subject string.
121 * @returns Replaces all spaces or underscores with dashes.
122 * @example
123 *
124 * const inflection = require( 'inflection' );
125 *
126 * inflection.dasherize( 'message_properties' ); // === 'message-properties'
127 * inflection.dasherize( 'Message Properties' ); // === 'Message-Properties'
128 */
129export declare function dasherize(str: string): string;
131 * This function adds titleize support to every String object.
132 * @param str The subject string.
133 * @returns Capitalizes words as you would for a book title.
134 * @example
135 *
136 * const inflection = require( 'inflection' );
137 *
138 * inflection.titleize( 'message_properties' ); // === 'Message Properties'
139 * inflection.titleize( 'message properties to keep' ); // === 'Message Properties to Keep'
140 */
141export declare function titleize(str: string): string;
143 * This function adds demodulize support to every String object.
144 * @param str The subject string.
145 * @returns Removes module names leaving only class names.(Ruby style)
146 * @example
147 *
148 * const inflection = require( 'inflection' );
149 *
150 * inflection.demodulize( 'Message::Bus::Properties' ); // === 'Properties'
151 */
152export declare function demodulize(str: string): string;
154 * This function adds tableize support to every String object.
155 * @param str The subject string.
156 * @returns Return camel cased words into their underscored plural form.
157 * @example
158 *
159 * const inflection = require( 'inflection' );
160 *
161 * inflection.tableize( 'MessageBusProperty' ); // === 'message_bus_properties'
162 */
163export declare function tableize(str: string): string;
165 * This function adds classification support to every String object.
166 * @param str The subject string.
167 * @returns Underscored plural nouns become the camel cased singular form.
168 * @example
169 *
170 * const inflection = require( 'inflection' );
171 *
172 * inflection.classify( 'message_bus_properties' ); // === 'MessageBusProperty'
173 */
174export declare function classify(str: string): string;
176 * This function adds foreign key support to every String object.
177 * @param str The subject string.
178 * @param dropIdUbar Default is to seperate id with an underbar at the end of the class name,
179 you can pass true to skip it.(optional)
180 * @returns Underscored plural nouns become the camel cased singular form.
181 * @example
182 *
183 * const inflection = require( 'inflection' );
184 *
185 * inflection.foreign_key( 'MessageBusProperty' ); // === 'message_bus_property_id'
186 * inflection.foreign_key( 'MessageBusProperty', true ); // === 'message_bus_propertyid'
187 */
188export declare function foreignKey(str: string, dropIdUbar?: boolean): string;
190 * This function adds ordinalize support to every String object.
191 * @param str The subject string.
192 * @returns Return all found numbers their sequence like '22nd'.
193 * @example
194 *
195 * const inflection = require( 'inflection' );
196 *
197 * inflection.ordinalize( 'the 1 pitch' ); // === 'the 1st pitch'
198 */
199export declare function ordinalize(str: string): string;
200declare const transformFunctions: {
201 readonly pluralize: typeof pluralize;
202 readonly singularize: typeof singularize;
203 readonly camelize: typeof camelize;
204 readonly underscore: typeof underscore;
205 readonly humanize: typeof humanize;
206 readonly capitalize: typeof capitalize;
207 readonly dasherize: typeof dasherize;
208 readonly titleize: typeof titleize;
209 readonly demodulize: typeof demodulize;
210 readonly tableize: typeof tableize;
211 readonly classify: typeof classify;
212 readonly foreignKey: typeof foreignKey;
213 readonly ordinalize: typeof ordinalize;
216 * This function performs multiple inflection methods on a string
217 * @param str The subject string.
218 * @param arr An array of inflection methods.
219 * @returns
220 * @example
221 *
222 * const inflection = require( 'inflection' );
223 *
224 * inflection.transform( 'all job', [ 'pluralize', 'capitalize', 'dasherize' ]); // === 'All-jobs'
225 */
226export declare function transform(str: string, arr: (keyof typeof transformFunctions)[]): string;
227export {};