1 | ;
2 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3 | exports.parseWhere = exports.parseMeasurement = exports.Measurement = exports.Expression = void 0;
4 | const grammar_1 = require("./grammar");
5 | function regexHasFlags(re) {
6 | if (typeof re.flags !== "undefined") {
7 | return re.flags.length > 0;
8 | }
9 | return !re.toString().endsWith("/");
10 | }
11 | /**
12 | * Expression is used to build filtering expressions, like those used in WHERE
13 | * clauses. It can be used for fluent and safe building of queries using
14 | * untrusted input.
15 | *
16 | * @example
17 | * e => e
18 | * .field('host').equals.value('ares.peet.io')
19 | * .or
20 | * .field('host').matches(/example\.com$/)
21 | * .or
22 | * .expr(e => e
23 | * .field('country').equals.value('US')
24 | * .and
25 | * .field('state').equals.value('WA'));
26 | *
27 | * // Generates:
28 | * // "host" = 'ares.peet.io' OR "host" ~= /example\.com$/ OR \
29 | * // ("county" = 'US' AND "state" = 'WA')
30 | */
31 | class Expression {
32 | constructor() {
33 | this._query = [];
34 | }
35 | /**
36 | * Inserts a tag reference into the expression; the name will be
37 | * automatically escaped.
38 | * @param name
39 | * @return
40 | */
41 | tag(name) {
42 | this.field(name);
43 | return this;
44 | }
45 | /**
46 | * Inserts a field reference into the expression; the name will be
47 | * automatically escaped.
48 | * @param name
49 | * @return
50 | */
51 | field(name) {
52 | this._query.push(grammar_1.escape.quoted(name));
53 | return this;
54 | }
55 | /**
56 | * Inserts a subexpression; invokes the function with a new expression
57 | * that can be chained on.
58 | * @param fn
59 | * @return
60 | * @example
61 | * e.field('a').equals.value('b')
62 | * .or.expr(e =>
63 | * e.field('b').equals.value('b')
64 | * .and.field('a').equals.value('c'))
65 | * .toString()
66 | * // "a" = 'b' OR ("b" = 'b' AND "a" = 'c')
67 | */
68 | exp(fn) {
69 | this._query.push("(" + fn(new Expression()).toString() + ")");
70 | return this;
71 | }
72 | /**
73 | * Value chains on a value to the expression.
74 | *
75 | * - Numbers will be inserted verbatim
76 | * - Strings will be escaped and inserted
77 | * - Booleans will be inserted correctly
78 | * - Dates will be formatted and inserted correctly, including INanoDates.
79 | * - Regular expressions will be inserted correctly, however an error will
80 | * be thrown if they contain flags, as regex flags do not work in Influx
81 | * - Otherwise we'll try to call `.toString()` on the value, throwing
82 | * if we cannot do so.
83 | *
84 | * @param value
85 | * @return
86 | */
87 | value(value) {
88 | switch (typeof value) {
89 | case "number":
90 | this._query.push(value.toString());
91 | return this;
92 | case "string":
93 | this._query.push(grammar_1.escape.stringLit(value));
94 | return this;
95 | case "boolean":
96 | this._query.push(value ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");
97 | return this;
98 | default:
99 | if (value instanceof Date) {
100 | this._query.push(grammar_1.formatDate(value));
101 | return this;
102 | }
103 | if (value instanceof RegExp) {
104 | if (regexHasFlags(value)) {
105 | throw new Error("Attempted to query using a regex with flags, " +
106 | "but Influx doesn't support flags in queries.");
107 | }
108 | this._query.push("/" + value.source + "/");
109 | return this;
110 | }
111 | if (value && typeof value.toString === "function") {
112 | this._query.push(value.toString());
113 | return this;
114 | }
115 | throw new Error("node-influx doesn't know how to encode the provided value into a " +
116 | "query. If you think this is a bug, open an issue here: https://git.io/influx-err");
117 | }
118 | }
119 | /**
120 | * Chains on an AND clause to the expression.
121 | */
122 | get and() {
123 | this._query.push("AND");
124 | return this;
125 | }
126 | /**
127 | * Chains on an OR clause to the expression.
128 | */
129 | get or() {
130 | this._query.push("OR");
131 | return this;
132 | }
133 | /**
134 | * Chains on a `+` operator to the expression.
135 | */
136 | get plus() {
137 | this._query.push("+");
138 | return this;
139 | }
140 | /**
141 | * Chains on a `*` operator to the expression.
142 | */
143 | get times() {
144 | this._query.push("*");
145 | return this;
146 | }
147 | /**
148 | * Chains on a `-` operator to the expression.
149 | */
150 | get minus() {
151 | this._query.push("-");
152 | return this;
153 | }
154 | /**
155 | * Chains on a `/` operator to the expression.
156 | */
157 | get div() {
158 | this._query.push("/");
159 | return this;
160 | }
161 | /**
162 | * Chains on a `=` conditional to the expression.
163 | */
164 | get equals() {
165 | this._query.push("=");
166 | return this;
167 | }
168 | /**
169 | * Chains on a `=~` conditional to the expression to match regexes.
170 | */
171 | get matches() {
172 | this._query.push("=~");
173 | return this;
174 | }
175 | /**
176 | * Chains on a `!`` conditional to the expression to match regexes.
177 | */
178 | get doesntMatch() {
179 | this._query.push("!~");
180 | return this;
181 | }
182 | /**
183 | * Chains on a `!=` conditional to the expression.
184 | */
185 | get notEqual() {
186 | this._query.push("!=");
187 | return this;
188 | }
189 | /**
190 | * Chains on a `>` conditional to the expression.
191 | */
192 | get gt() {
193 | this._query.push(">");
194 | return this;
195 | }
196 | /**
197 | * Chains on a `>=` conditional to the expression.
198 | */
199 | get gte() {
200 | this._query.push(">=");
201 | return this;
202 | }
203 | /**
204 | * Chains on a `<` conditional to the expression.
205 | */
206 | get lt() {
207 | this._query.push("<");
208 | return this;
209 | }
210 | /**
211 | * Chains on a `<=` conditional to the expression.
212 | */
213 | get lte() {
214 | this._query.push("<=");
215 | return this;
216 | }
217 | /**
218 | * Converts the expression into its InfluxQL representation.
219 | * @return
220 | */
221 | toString() {
222 | return this._query.join(" ");
223 | }
224 | }
225 | exports.Expression = Expression;
226 | /**
227 | * Measurement creates a reference to a particular measurement. You can
228 | * reference it solely by its name, but you can also specify the retention
229 | * policy and database it lives under.
230 | *
231 | * @example
232 | * m.name('my_measurement') // "my_measurement"
233 | * m.name('my_measurement').policy('one_day') // "one_day"."my_measurement"
234 | * m.name('my_measurement').policy('one_day').db('mydb') // "mydb"."one_day"."my_measurement"
235 | */
236 | class Measurement {
237 | constructor() {
238 | this._parts = [null, null, null];
239 | }
240 | /**
241 | * Sets the measurement name.
242 | * @param name
243 | * @return
244 | */
245 | name(name) {
246 | this._parts[2] = name;
247 | return this;
248 | }
249 | /**
250 | * Sets the retention policy name.
251 | * @param retentionPolicy
252 | * @return
253 | */
254 | policy(retentionPolicy) {
255 | this._parts[1] = retentionPolicy;
256 | return this;
257 | }
258 | /**
259 | * Sets the database name.
260 | * @param db
261 | * @return
262 | */
263 | db(db) {
264 | this._parts[0] = db;
265 | return this;
266 | }
267 | /**
268 | * Converts the measurement into its InfluxQL representation.
269 | * @return
270 | * @throws {Error} if a measurement name is not provided
271 | */
272 | toString() {
273 | if (!this._parts[2]) {
274 | throw new Error(`You must specify a measurement name to query! Got \`${this._parts[2]}\``);
275 | }
276 | return this._parts
277 | .filter((p) => Boolean(p))
278 | .map((p) => grammar_1.escape.quoted(p))
279 | .join(".");
280 | }
281 | }
282 | exports.Measurement = Measurement;
283 | function parseMeasurement(q) {
284 | if (typeof q.measurement === "function") {
285 | return q.measurement(new Measurement()).toString();
286 | }
287 | return q.measurement;
288 | }
289 | exports.parseMeasurement = parseMeasurement;
290 | function parseWhere(q) {
291 | if (typeof q.where === "function") {
292 | return q.where(new Expression()).toString();
293 | }
294 | return q.where;
295 | }
296 | exports.parseWhere = parseWhere;