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1# Release Notes for Fluid Infusion 3.0.0
3[Fluid Project](https://fluidproject.org)
5[Infusion Documentation](https://github.com/fluid-project/infusion-docs)
7## What's New in 3.0.0?
9### New Features
11* Build
12 * Minified distributions:
13 * infusion-all.js
14 * infusion-all-no-jquery.js
15 * infusion-framework.js
16 * infusion-framework-no-jquery.js
17 * infusion-uio.js
18 * infusion-uio-no-jquery.js
19* Framework
20 * Added model transformations for converting between:
21 * Boolean values and Strings
22 * `fluid.transforms.booleanToString`
23 * `fluid.transforms.stringToBoolean`
24 * Date/Time and Strings
25 * `fluid.transforms.dateToString`
26 * `fluid.transforms.dateTimeToString`
27 * `fluid.transforms.stringToDate`
28 * JSON Objects and Strings
29 * `fluid.transforms.objectToJSONString`
30 * `fluid.transforms.JSONstringToObject`
31 * Updated model transformations:
32 * Number to String transformation supports specifyhing decimal precision.
33 * Round tranformation can round to an integer or decimal value
34 * `fluid.stringTemplate` updated to support nested objects for interpolating values
35 * Added `fluid.dataSource` grade
36 * Added `fluid.remoteModelComponent` for keeping remote and local models in sync.
37* Preference framework
38 * Switched from Stylus to SASS for CSS pre-processing
39 * Responsive design for small screens/mobile devices.
40 * Updated look of on/off toggles and checkboxes
41 * Added additional contrast themes based on Windows contrast themes.
42 * Added the [OpenDyslexic 3](https://opendyslexic.org/) font as an option to the Text Style panel
43 * Added localized message bundles for Farsi, French, Portugese, and Spanish.
44 * New preferences:
45 * Letter spacing
46 * Syllabification preference
47 * Text-to-speech preference using the Orator component
48 * Word spacing preference
49* Orator
50 * A self voicing widget with play/pause, text highlighting, selection reading.
51 * _**NOTE:** Currently there is a bug with Google supplied voice synthesizers that prevents text highlighting and
52 long text being synthesized in Chrome. See [FLUID-6635](https://issues.fluidproject.org/browse/FLUID-6635)_
53* Test Infrastructure
54 * `jqUnit.test` supports async tests with promises
56### Deprecated
58More information about deprecations can be found in the [Deprecated in 3.0 docs](https://docs.fluidproject.org/infusion/development/deprecatedin3_0).
60* Fast XML Pull
61 * Will be removed in a future release.
62* Pager
63 * `fluid.pagedTable` and `fluid.table` grades and related functionality will be removed in an upcoming release.
64* Renderer
65 * The Renderer will be completely overhauled in an upcoming release. Expect API breakage, and that all of the existing
66 Renderer implementation is deprecated. This includes potential API breakages for the Preferences Framework and
67 Infusion components that use the Renderer.
69## How Do I Get Infusion?
71* [Download a Release](https://github.com/fluid-project/infusion/releases)
72* [Install from NPM](https://www.npmjs.com/package/infusion)
73* [Fork on GitHub](https://github.com/fluid-project/infusion)
74* [Use from a Content Distribution Network(CDN)](https://unpkg.com/browse/infusion)
75 * To try out Infusion quickly you can use the following `script` tag to include the full framework from the CDN:
76 `<script src='https://unpkg.com/browse/infusion@2.0.0/dist/infusion-all.js'></script>`
78See [How Do I Create an Infusion Package?](README.md#how-do-i-create-an-infusion-package), for details on creating
79complete or custom packages of Infusion.
81## Demos
83The full Infusion package includes the demos of all of the components in action. You can find them in the _**demos**_
84folder in the release bundle or on our [build site](https://build.fluidproject.org/).
86When running the demos on your local machine, a web server is recommended. Several of the demos make use of AJAX calls;
87which typically are not allowed by the browser when run from the local file system.
89## License
91Fluid Infusion is licensed under both the ECL 2.0 and new BSD licenses.
93More information is available in our [wiki](https://wiki.fluidproject.org/display/fluid/Fluid+Licensing).
95## Third Party Software in Infusion
97This is a list of publicly available software that is redistributed with Fluid Infusion,
98categorized by license:
100### Apache 2.0
102* [`fluid.load.scripts` is based on Jake Archibald's script loading example](
103 https://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/speed/script-loading/#toc-dom-rescue)
104* [Open Sans font](https://www.google.com/fonts/specimen/Open+Sans)
105* [Roboto font](https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Roboto)
107### BSD-3
109* [Hypher v0.2.5](https://github.com/bramstein/Hypher)
110* [Sinon v10.0.0](https://sinonjs.org)
112### CC-BY-4.0
114* [Infusion Icons](https://github.com/fluid-project/infusion-icons)
115 * Orator-Icons
116 * OverviewPanel-Icons
117 * PrefsFramework-Icons
118 * Uploader-Icons
120### LGPL
122* [hyphenation-patterns v0.2.1](https://github.com/bramstein/hyphenation-patterns)
124### MIT License
126* [HTML5 Boilerplate v4.3](https://html5boilerplate.com/)
127* [jQuery v3.6.0](https://jquery.com/)
128* [jQuery Mockjax v2.6.0](https://github.com/jakerella/jquery-mockjax)
129* [jQuery QUnit v1.12.0](https://qunitjs.com)
130* [jQuery QUnit Composite v1.0.1](https://github.com/jquery/qunit-composite)
131* [jQuery scrollTo v2.1.3](https://github.com/flesler/jquery.scrollTo)
132* [jQuery Touch Punch v0.2.3](http://touchpunch.furf.com/)
133* [jQuery UI (Core; Interactions: draggable, resizable; Widgets: button, checkboxradio, controlgroup, dialog, mouse,
134 slider, tabs, and tooltip) v1.12.1](https://jqueryui.com/)
135* [jquery.selectbox v0.5 (forked)](https://github.com/fluid-project/jquery.selectbox)
136* [jquery.simulate v1.0.2](https://github.com/eduardolundgren/jquery-simulate)
137* [Micro Clearfix](http://nicolasgallagher.com/micro-clearfix-hack/)
139### Open Font License
141* [Lato font v2.015](http://www.latofonts.com)
142* [Love Ya Like A Sister font](https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Love+Ya+Like+A+Sister)
143* [OpenDyslexic 3](https://opendyslexic.org/)
144 * via [NPM Package](https://github.com/ssbc/open-dyslexic) distributed under Bitstream license.
146### zlib/libpng License
148* [fastXmlPull is based on XML for Script's Fast Pull Parser v3.1](
149 https://wiki.fluidproject.org/display/fluid/Licensing+for+fastXmlPull.js)
151## Documentation
153Documentation and tutorials can found on the [Infusion Documentation](
154https://docs.fluidproject.org/infusion/development/) site.
156## Supported Browsers
158Infusion 3.0.0 is tested with the latest versions of the following desktop browsers:
160* [Chrome](https://google.com/chrome/) (v91)
161* [Edge](https://microsoft.com/edge/) (v91)
162* [Firefox](https://mozilla.org/firefox/) (v89)
163* [Safari](https://apple.com/safari/) (v14.1.1)
165Additional testing is performed with the following mobile browsers:
167* [Chrome](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.android.chrome) (Android 11)
168* [Safari](https://apple.com/safari/) (iPadOS 14.6)
170The Fluid Project also maintains a [shareable configuration](https://github.com/fluid-project/browserslist-config-fluid)
171for [Browserslist](https://github.com/browserslist/browserslist). In the future, this configuration will be used within
172Fluid Infusion.
174For more information see the [Fluid Infusion browser support](https://wiki.fluidproject.org/display/fluid/Browser+Support)
175wiki page.
177### Testing Configurations
180 <summary>Tested Configurations</summary>
181 <thead>
182 <tr>
183 <th rowspan="2">Testing Task</th>
184 <th colspan="4">Desktop Browser</th>
185 <th colspan="2">Mobile Browser</th>
186 </tr>
187 <tr>
188 <th>Chrome</th>
189 <th>Firefox</th>
190 <th>MS Edge</th>
191 <th>Safari</th>
192 <th>Chrome for Android</th>
193 <th>Safari iOS/iPadOS</th>
194 </tr>
195 </thead>
196 <tbody>
197 <tr>
198 <th>Run All Unit Tests</th>
199 <td>Chrome 91 (macOS 11.4)</td>
200 <td>Firefox 89 (macOS 11.4)</td>
201 <td>MS Edge 91 (Win 10)</td>
202 <td>Safari 14.1.1 (macOS 11.4)</td>
203 <td>Chrome 91 (Android 11)</td>
204 <td>Safari 14 (iPadOS 14.6)</td>
205 </tr>
206 <tr>
207 <th>Smoke Tests - All Manual Tests</th>
208 <td>Chrome 91 (Win 10)</td>
209 <td>Firefox 89 (Win 10)</td>
210 <td>MS Edge 91 (Win 10)</td>
211 <td>Safari 14.1.1 (macOS 11.4)</td>
212 <td>Chrome 91 (Android 11)</td>
213 <td>Safari 14 (iPadOS 14.6)</td>
214 </tr>
215 <tr>
216 <th>Smoke Tests - All Demos</th>
217 <td>Chrome 91 (Win 10)</td>
218 <td>Firefox 89 (Win 10)</td>
219 <td>MS Edge 91 (Win 10)</td>
220 <td>Safari 14.1.1 (macOS 11.4)</td>
221 <td>Chrome 91 (Android 11)</td>
222 <td>Safari 14 (iPadOS 14.6)</td>
223 </tr>
224 <tr>
225 <th>Smoke Tests - All Examples</th>
226 <td>Chrome 91 (Win 10)</td>
227 <td>Firefox 89 (Win 10)</td>
228 <td>MS Edge 91 (Win 10)</td>
229 <td>Safari 14.1.1 (macOS 11.4)</td>
230 <td>Chrome 91 (Android 11)</td>
231 <td>Safari 14 (iPadOS 14.6)</td>
232 </tr>
233 <tr>
234 <th>Inline Edit QA Test Plan - Simple Text</th>
235 <td>Chrome 91 (Win 10) - JAWS 2021</td>
236 <td>Firefox 89 (Win 10) - NVDA 2020.4</td>
237 <td>MS Edge 91 (Win 10) - Narrator</td>
238 <td>Safari 14.1.1 (macOS 11.4) - VoiceOver</td>
239 <td>N/A</td>
240 <td>N/A</td>
241 </tr>
242 <tr>
243 <th>Keyboard Accessibility QA Test Plan</th>
244 <td>Chrome 91 (Win 10) - JAWS 2021</td>
245 <td>Firefox 89 (Win 10) - NVDA 2020.4</td>
246 <td>MS Edge 91 (Win 10) - Narrator</td>
247 <td>Safari 14.1.1 (macOS 11.4) - VoiceOver</td>
248 <td>N/A</td>
249 <td>N/A</td>
250 </tr>
251 <tr>
252 <th>Pager QA Test Plan</th>
253 <td>Chrome 91 (Win 10) - JAWS 2021</td>
254 <td>Firefox 89 (Win 10) - NVDA 2020.4</td>
255 <td>MS Edge 91 (Win 10) - Narrator</td>
256 <td>Safari 14.1.1 (macOS 11.4) - VoiceOver</td>
257 <td>N/A</td>
258 <td>N/A</td>
259 </tr>
260 <tr>
261 <th>Progress QA Test Plan</th>
262 <td>Chrome 91 (Win 10) - JAWS 2021</td>
263 <td>Firefox 89 (Win 10) - NVDA 2020.4</td>
264 <td>MS Edge 91 (Win 10) - Narrator</td>
265 <td>Safari 14.1.1 (macOS 11.4) - VoiceOver</td>
266 <td>N/A</td>
267 <td>N/A</td>
268 </tr>
269 <tr>
270 <th>Reorderer QA Test Plan - Image Reorderer</th>
271 <td>Chrome 91 (macOS 11.4)</td>
272 <td>Firefox 89 (macOS 11.4)</td>
273 <td>MS Edge 91 (Win 10) - Narrator</td>
274 <td>Safari 14.1.1 (macOS 11.4)</td>
275 <td>N/A</td>
276 <td>N/A</td>
277 </tr>
278 <tr>
279 <th>Reorderer QA Test Plan - Layout Reorderer</th>
280 <td>Chrome 91 (macOS 11.4)</td>
281 <td>Firefox 89 (macOS 11.4)</td>
282 <td>MS Edge 91 (macOS 11.4)</td>
283 <td>Safari 14.1.1 (macOS 11.4) - VoiceOver</td>
284 <td>N/A</td>
285 <td>N/A</td>
286 </tr>
287 <tr>
288 <th>Reorderer QA Test Plan - List Reorderer</th>
289 <td>Chrome 91 (macOS 11.4)</td>
290 <td>Firefox 89 (Win 10) - NVDA 2020.4</td>
291 <td>MS Edge 91 (macOS 11.4)</td>
292 <td>Safari 14.1.1 (macOS 11.4)</td>
293 <td>N/A</td>
294 <td>N/A</td>
295 </tr>
296 <tr>
297 <th>Reorderer QA Test Plan - Grid Reorderer</th>
298 <td>Chrome 91 (Win 10) - JAWS 2021</td>
299 <td>Firefox 89 (macOS 11.4)</td>
300 <td>MS Edge 91 (macOS 11.4)</td>
301 <td>Safari 14.1.1 (macOS 11.4)</td>
302 <td>N/A</td>
303 <td>N/A</td>
304 </tr>
305 <tr>
306 <th>Preferences Framework QA Test Plan</th>
307 <td>Chrome 91 (Win 10) - JAWS 2021</td>
308 <td>Firefox 89 (Win 10) - NVDA 2020.4</td>
309 <td>MS Edge 91 (Win 10) - Narrator</td>
310 <td>Safari 14.1.1 (macOS 11.4) - VoiceOver</td>
311 <td>N/A</td>
312 <td>N/A</td>
313 </tr>
314 <tr>
315 <th>UI Options QA Test Plan - Separated Panel</th>
316 <td>Chrome 91 (macOS 11.4)</td>
317 <td>Firefox 89 (macOS 11.4)</td>
318 <td>MS Edge 91 (Win 10)</td>
319 <td>Safari 14.1.1 (macOS 11.4) - VoiceOver</td>
320 <td>N/A</td>
321 <td>N/A</td>
322 </tr>
323 <tr>
324 <th>Uploader QA Test Plan</th>
325 <td>Chrome 91 (macOS 11.4)</td>
326 <td>Firefox 89 (macOS 11.4)</td>
327 <td>MS Edge 91 (macOS 11.4)</td>
328 <td>Safari 14.1.1 (macOS 11.4)</td>
329 <td>N/A</td>
330 <td>N/A</td>
331 </tr>
332 </tbody>
335## Known Issues
337The Fluid Project uses a [JIRA](https://issues.fluidproject.org) website to track bugs. Some of the known issues in this
338release are described here:
340### Framework
342* [FLUID-5761: Silent failure when subcomponent is given same name as invoker](https://issues.fluidproject.org/browse/FLUID-5761)
344### Preferences Framework
346* [FLUID-4491: Line spacing doesn't affect elements that have a line-height style set](https://issues.fluidproject.org/browse/FLUID-4491)
347* [FLUID-5223: If there's exactly one text field in the prefs editor, pressing enter on most inputs causes form to submit](https://issues.fluidproject.org/browse/FLUID-5223)
348* [FLUID-5734: Default contrast option takes the styling of the currently selected contrast theme](https://issues.fluidproject.org/browse/FLUID-5734)
349* [FLUID-6216: The default text style options aren't available across all platforms](https://issues.fluidproject.org/browse/FLUID-6216)
350* [FLUID-6611: Line-spacing may not increment correctly when the base line-height is set to "normal"](https://issues.fluidproject.org/browse/FLUID-6611)
351* [FLUID-6635: Orator's domReader does not properly selfVoice and highlight content in Chrome](https://issues.fluidproject.org/browse/FLUID-6635)
352* [FLUID-6648: Switch slider temporarily disappears when clicked or activated with space](https://issues.fluidproject.org/browse/FLUID-6648)
354### Reorderer
356* [FLUID-4437: Focus styling persists after moving focus from Reorderer](https://issues.fluidproject.org/browse/FLUID-4437)
357* [FLUID-6013: The Grid Reorderer and Image Reorderer are missing ARIA role=row containers](https://issues.fluidproject.org/browse/FLUID-6013)