953 BTypeScriptView Raw
1interface Input {
2 /**
3 * Enable or disable this component's focus, while still maintaining its position in the list of focusable components.
4 */
5 isActive?: boolean;
6 /**
7 * Auto focus this component, if there's no active (focused) component right now.
8 */
9 autoFocus?: boolean;
11interface Output {
12 /**
13 * Determines whether this component is focused or not.
14 */
15 isFocused: boolean;
18 * Component that uses `useFocus` hook becomes "focusable" to Ink,
19 * so when user presses <kbd>Tab</kbd>, Ink will switch focus to this component.
20 * If there are multiple components that execute `useFocus` hook, focus will be
21 * given to them in the order that these components are rendered in.
22 * This hook returns an object with `isFocused` boolean property, which
23 * determines if this component is focused or not.
24 */
25declare const useFocus: ({ isActive, autoFocus }?: Input) => Output;
26export default useFocus;