1 | path = require('path')
2 | Promise = require('bluebird')
3 | _ = require('lodash')
4 | del = require('del')
5 | moment = require('moment')
6 | streamify = require('stream-array')
7 | through2 = require('through2')
8 | gulp = require('gulp')
9 | handlebars = require('gulp-compile-handlebars')
10 | rename = require('gulp-rename')
11 | deploy = require('gulp-gh-pages')
12 | minimist = require('minimist')
13 | fs = require('fs')
14 | os = require('os')
15 | exec = Promise.promisify(require('child_process').exec)
16 | ps = require('promise-streams')
17 |
18 |
19 | inkpad = require('./lib/inkpad')
20 | util = require('./lib/util')
21 |
22 |
23 | knownOptions =
24 | string: ['id', 'per-page', 'templates-path', 'deploy-to']
25 | alias:
26 | 'inkpadId': 'id'
27 | default:
28 | 'templates-path': path.join(__dirname, 'templates')
29 |
30 | options = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), knownOptions)
31 |
32 |
33 | data =
34 | perPage: parseInt(options['per-page'], 10) or 3
35 | inkpads: {}
36 | posts: []
37 |
38 | handlebarsOptions =
39 | helpers:
40 | datetime: (timestamp, format) ->
41 | format = 'YYYY-MM-DD' unless _.isString(format)
42 | moment(timestamp).format(format)
43 |
44 |
45 | templatesPath = path.resolve process.env.INIT_CWD, options['templates-path']
46 | paths =
47 | build: path.join(__dirname, '_build')
48 | templates:
49 | index: path.join(templatesPath, 'index.html.handlebars')
50 | show: path.join(templatesPath, 'show.html.handlebars')
51 | public: path.join(templatesPath, 'public', '**', '*')
52 |
53 |
54 |
55 | gulp.task "check:templates:index", ->
56 | unless fs.existsSync paths.templates.index
57 | console.log "Index template not found, expected index.html.handlebars to be in '#{templatesPath}'."
58 | process.exit(1)
59 |
60 | gulp.task "check:templates:show", ->
61 | unless fs.existsSync paths.templates.show
62 | console.log "Show template not found, expected show.html.handlebars to be in '#{templatesPath}'."
63 | process.exit(1)
64 |
65 | gulp.task "check:templates", ["check:templates:index", "check:templates:show"]
66 |
67 | gulp.task "check", ["check:templates"]
68 |
69 |
70 | gulp.task "clean", ["check"], (cb) ->
71 | del "#{paths.build}/*", cb
72 |
73 |
74 | gulp.task "load:inkpads", ["clean"], ->
75 | reg = inkpad.registry()
76 |
77 | streamify([id: options.inkpadId])
78 | .pipe reg
79 | .pipe inkpad.loadPads()
80 | .pipe inkpad.scanForSubPages(reg)
81 | .pipe inkpad.slicePads()
82 | .pipe inkpad.extractTitle()
83 | .pipe inkpad.extractTimestamp()
84 | .pipe inkpad.extractHeaderImage()
85 | .pipe inkpad.extractTeaser()
86 | .pipe util.buffer()
87 | .pipe through2.obj (pad, enc, done) ->
88 | data.inkpads[pad.id] = pad
89 | done()
90 |
91 | gulp.task "load:posts", ["load:inkpads"], ->
92 | data.posts = (data.inkpads[id] for id in data.inkpads[options.inkpadId].linkedInkpads)
93 |
94 | gulp.task "load", ["load:inkpads", "load:posts"]
95 |
96 |
97 | gulp.task "templates:index", ["load"], ->
98 | pages = _.chain(data.posts).groupBy((n,i) -> i // data.perPage).values().value()
99 | Promise.all pages
100 | .map (posts, i) ->
101 | d = posts: posts
102 | page = i + 1
103 | destPath = if page == 1 then "/" else "/page/#{page}"
104 | lastPage = page == pages.length
105 |
106 | unless lastPage
107 | d.nextPageLink = "/page/#{page + 1}/"
108 |
109 | switch
110 | when page == 2
111 | d.prevPageLink = "/"
112 | when page > 2
113 | d.prevPageLink = "/page/#{page - 1}/"
114 |
115 | gulp.src paths.templates.index
116 | .pipe handlebars(d, handlebarsOptions)
117 | .pipe rename("#{destPath}/index.html")
118 | .pipe gulp.dest(paths.build)
119 | .map (stream) ->
120 | ps.wait(stream)
121 |
122 | gulp.task "templates:show", ["load"], ->
123 | Promise.all data.posts
124 | .map (post, i) ->
125 | d = post: post, availableKeys: _.keys(post)
126 |
127 | prevPost = data.posts[i - 1]
128 | nextPost = data.posts[i + 1]
129 | if prevPost
130 | d.prevPostLink = prevPost.path
131 | if nextPost
132 | d.nextPostLink = nextPost.path
133 |
134 | gulp.src paths.templates.show
135 | .pipe handlebars(d, handlebarsOptions)
136 | .pipe rename("#{post.path}/index.html")
137 | .pipe gulp.dest(paths.build)
138 | .map (stream) ->
139 | ps.wait(stream)
140 |
141 | gulp.task "templates", ["templates:index", "templates:show"]
142 |
143 |
144 | gulp.task "copy", ["clean"], ->
145 | gulp.src paths.templates.public
146 | .pipe gulp.dest(paths.build)
147 |
148 |
149 | gulp.task "compile", ["templates", "copy"]
150 |
151 |
152 | gulp.task "update:deploy-repo", ->
153 | deployRepoPath = path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'tmpRepo')
154 | if fs.existsSync deployRepoPath
155 | exec("git pull", cwd: deployRepoPath)
156 | .catch (e) ->
157 | console.log "Deleting the deploy repository (#{deployRepoPath}); please re-run the command to get a freshly cloned one."
158 | del.sync deployRepoPath, force: true
159 |
160 |
161 | gulp.task "deploy", ["compile", "update:deploy-repo"], ->
162 | gulp.src path.join(paths.build, "**/*")
163 | .pipe deploy(remoteUrl: options['deploy-to'])
164 |
165 |
166 | gulp.task "default", ["compile"]
167 |