2.22 kBJSONView Raw
2 "name": "interactjs",
3 "version": "1.3.4",
4 "repository": {
5 "type": "git",
6 "url": "https://github.com/taye/interact.js.git"
7 },
8 "files": [
9 "dist/",
10 "src/",
11 "index.js",
13 "index.d.ts",
14 "interact-test.ts"
15 ],
16 "main": "dist/interact.js",
17 "jsdelivr": "dist/interact.min.js",
18 "jspm": {
19 "main": "index"
20 },
21 "scripts": {
22 "start": "node build --watch",
23 "build": "node build --docs",
24 "lint": "node build/lint",
25 "test": "npm run lint -- --fail-on-error && istanbul cover --print none tests/index.js | tap-spec && istanbul report text-summary",
26 "docs": "node build/docs -- --go",
27 "precommit": "npm run lint -- --fail-on-error",
28 "prepush": "npm run preversion",
29 "preversion": "npm test && istanbul check-coverage",
30 "postversion": "",
31 "release": "sh build/release.sh",
32 "pre-release": "sh build/release.sh prerelease",
33 "bump": "node build/bump $@"
34 },
35 "description": "Drag and drop, resizing and multi-touch gestures with inertia and snapping for modern browsers (and also IE9+)",
36 "homepage": "http://interactjs.io",
37 "authors": [
38 {
39 "name": "Taye Adeyemi",
40 "email": "dev@taye.me",
41 "url": "http://taye.me"
42 }
43 ],
44 "keywords": [
45 "interact.js",
46 "draggable",
47 "droppable",
48 "drag",
49 "drop",
50 "drag and drop",
51 "resize",
52 "touch",
53 "multi-touch",
54 "gesture",
55 "snap",
56 "inertia",
57 "grid",
58 "autoscroll",
59 "SVG"
60 ],
61 "license": "MIT",
62 "devDependencies": {
63 "babel-eslint": "^7.1.1",
64 "babel-preset-es2015": "^6.22.0",
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66 "browserify": "^14.1.0",
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74 "istanbul": "^0.4.5",
75 "jsdoc": "github:taye/jsdoc#master",
76 "jsdoc-stale": "github:taye/jsdoc-stale#master",
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85 "watchify": "^3.9.0"
86 }