1 | (function (factory) {
2 | if (typeof module === "object" && typeof module.exports === "object") {
3 | var v = factory(require, exports);
4 | if (v !== undefined) module.exports = v;
5 | }
6 | else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
7 | define(["require", "exports", "tslib", "minimatch", "@theintern/common", "../common/console", "./Executor", "../common/path", "../browser/util", "../reporters/Html", "../reporters/Dom", "../reporters/Console"], factory);
8 | }
9 | })(function (require, exports) {
10 | "use strict";
11 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
12 | var tslib_1 = require("tslib");
13 | var minimatch_1 = require("minimatch");
14 | var common_1 = require("@theintern/common");
15 | var console = tslib_1.__importStar(require("../common/console"));
16 | var Executor_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require("./Executor"));
17 | var path_1 = require("../common/path");
18 | var util_1 = require("../browser/util");
19 | var Html_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require("../reporters/Html"));
20 | var Dom_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require("../reporters/Dom"));
21 | var Console_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require("../reporters/Console"));
22 | var Browser = (function (_super) {
23 | tslib_1.__extends(Browser, _super);
24 | function Browser(options) {
25 | var _this = _super.call(this, {
26 | basePath: '',
27 | internPath: '',
28 | }) || this;
29 | common_1.global.addEventListener('unhandledRejection', function (event) {
30 | console.warn('Unhandled rejection:', event);
31 | var warnOnUnhandledRejection = _this.config.warnOnUnhandledRejection;
32 | if (warnOnUnhandledRejection &&
33 | (warnOnUnhandledRejection === true ||
34 | warnOnUnhandledRejection.test("" + event.reason))) {
35 | _this.emit('warning', "" + event.reason);
36 | }
37 | else {
38 | _this.emit('error', event.reason);
39 | }
40 | });
41 | common_1.global.addEventListener('error', function (event) {
42 | console.warn('Unhandled error:', event);
43 | var error = new Error(event.message);
44 | if (_this.config.warnOnUncaughtException &&
45 | (_this.config.warnOnUncaughtException === true ||
46 | _this.config.warnOnUncaughtException.test("" + error))) {
47 | _this.emit('warning', "" + error);
48 | }
49 | else {
50 | error.stack = event.filename + ":" + event.lineno + ":" + event.colno;
51 | _this.emit('error', error);
52 | }
53 | });
54 | _this.registerReporter('html', function (options) { return new Html_1.default(_this, options); });
55 | _this.registerReporter('dom', function (options) { return new Dom_1.default(_this, options); });
56 | _this.registerReporter('console', function (options) { return new Console_1.default(_this, options); });
57 | if (options) {
58 | _this.configure(options);
59 | }
60 | return _this;
61 | }
62 | Object.defineProperty(Browser.prototype, "environment", {
63 | get: function () {
64 | return 'browser';
65 | },
66 | enumerable: false,
67 | configurable: true
68 | });
69 | Browser.prototype.loadScript = function (script, isEsm) {
70 | var _this = this;
71 | if (isEsm === void 0) { isEsm = false; }
72 | if (typeof script === 'string') {
73 | script = [script];
74 | }
75 | return script.reduce(function (previous, script) {
76 | if (script[0] !== '/' && !/https?:\/\//.test(script)) {
77 | script = "" + _this.config.basePath + script;
78 | }
79 | return previous.then(function () { return injectScript(script, isEsm); });
80 | }, common_1.Task.resolve());
81 | };
82 | Browser.prototype._resolveConfig = function () {
83 | var _this = this;
84 | return _super.prototype._resolveConfig.call(this).then(function () {
85 | var config = _this.config;
86 | if (!config.internPath) {
87 | var scripts = document.scripts;
88 | for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) {
89 | var scriptPath = scripts[i].src;
90 | if (/browser\/intern.js/.test(scriptPath)) {
91 | config.internPath = path_1.dirname(path_1.dirname(scriptPath));
92 | }
93 | }
94 | if (!config.internPath) {
95 | config.internPath = '/';
96 | }
97 | }
98 | if (!config.basePath) {
99 | config.basePath = util_1.getDefaultBasePath();
100 | }
101 | else if (/^\./.test(config.basePath)) {
102 | config.basePath = path_1.join(config.internPath, config.basePath);
103 | }
104 | ['basePath', 'internPath'].forEach(function (property) {
105 | config[property] = path_1.normalizePathEnding(config[property]);
106 | });
107 | var suites = (config.browser.suites = tslib_1.__spreadArray(tslib_1.__spreadArray([], config.suites), config.browser.suites));
108 | delete config.suites;
109 | var hasGlobs = suites.some(function (pattern) {
110 | var matcher = new minimatch_1.Minimatch(pattern);
111 | return matcher.set[0].some(function (entry) { return typeof entry !== 'string'; });
112 | });
113 | if (hasGlobs) {
114 | return common_1.request('__resolveSuites__', { query: { suites: suites } })
115 | .then(function (response) { return response.json(); })
116 | .catch(function () {
117 | throw new Error('The server does not support suite glob resolution');
118 | })
119 | .then(function (data) {
120 | config.browser.suites = data;
121 | });
122 | }
123 | });
124 | };
125 | return Browser;
126 | }(Executor_1.default));
127 | exports.default = Browser;
128 | function injectScript(path, isEsm) {
129 | return new common_1.Task(function (resolve, reject) {
130 | var doc = common_1.global.document;
131 | var scriptTag = doc.createElement('script');
132 | scriptTag.addEventListener('load', function () {
133 | resolve();
134 | });
135 | scriptTag.addEventListener('error', function (event) {
136 | console.error("Error loading " + path + ":", event);
137 | reject(new Error("Unable to load " + path));
138 | });
139 | if (isEsm) {
140 | scriptTag.type = 'module';
141 | }
142 | scriptTag.src = path;
143 | scriptTag.defer = true;
144 | var scriptTarget = document.head || document.body;
145 | scriptTarget.appendChild(scriptTag);
146 | });
147 | }
148 | });
149 |
\ | No newline at end of file |