1 | (function (factory) {
2 | if (typeof module === "object" && typeof module.exports === "object") {
3 | var v = factory(require, exports);
4 | if (v !== undefined) module.exports = v;
5 | }
6 | else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
7 | define(["require", "exports", "tslib", "chai", "@theintern/common", "../Suite", "../common/ErrorFormatter", "../common/path", "../common/util", "../interfaces/object", "../interfaces/tdd", "../interfaces/bdd", "../interfaces/benchmark", "../common/console"], factory);
8 | }
9 | })(function (require, exports) {
10 | "use strict";
11 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
12 | var tslib_1 = require("tslib");
13 | var chai = tslib_1.__importStar(require("chai"));
14 | var common_1 = require("@theintern/common");
15 | var Suite_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require("../Suite"));
16 | var ErrorFormatter_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require("../common/ErrorFormatter"));
17 | var path_1 = require("../common/path");
18 | var util_1 = require("../common/util");
19 | var object_1 = require("../interfaces/object");
20 | var tdd_1 = require("../interfaces/tdd");
21 | var bdd_1 = require("../interfaces/bdd");
22 | var benchmark_1 = require("../interfaces/benchmark");
23 | var console = tslib_1.__importStar(require("../common/console"));
24 | var BaseExecutor = (function () {
25 | function BaseExecutor(options) {
26 | var _this = this;
27 | this._hasSuiteErrors = false;
28 | this._hasTestErrors = false;
29 | this._hasEmittedErrors = false;
30 | this._config = {
31 | bail: false,
32 | baseline: false,
33 | benchmark: false,
34 | browser: {
35 | plugins: [],
36 | reporters: [],
37 | suites: []
38 | },
39 | coverageVariable: '__coverage__',
40 | debug: false,
41 | defaultTimeout: 30000,
42 | filterErrorStack: false,
43 | grep: new RegExp(''),
44 | loader: { script: 'default' },
45 | name: 'intern',
46 | node: {
47 | plugins: [],
48 | reporters: [],
49 | suites: []
50 | },
51 | plugins: [],
52 | reporters: [],
53 | sessionId: '',
54 | suites: []
55 | };
56 | this._reportersInitialized = false;
57 | this._events = [];
58 | this._listeners = {};
59 | this._reporters = [];
60 | this._plugins = {};
61 | this._loadingPlugins = [];
62 | this.registerInterface('object', object_1.getInterface(this));
63 | this.registerInterface('tdd', tdd_1.getInterface(this));
64 | this.registerInterface('bdd', bdd_1.getInterface(this));
65 | this.registerInterface('benchmark', benchmark_1.getInterface(this));
66 | this.registerPlugin('chai', function () { return chai; });
67 | if (options) {
68 | this.configure(options);
69 | }
70 | this._rootSuite = new Suite_1.default({ executor: this });
71 | this.on('suiteEnd', function (suite) {
72 | if (suite.error) {
73 | _this._hasSuiteErrors = true;
74 | }
75 | if (!suite.hasParent && !suite.sessionId) {
76 | return _this._emitCoverage('unit tests');
77 | }
78 | });
79 | this.on('testEnd', function (test) {
80 | if (test.error) {
81 | _this._hasTestErrors = true;
82 | }
83 | });
84 | }
85 | Object.defineProperty(BaseExecutor.prototype, "config", {
86 | get: function () {
87 | return this._config;
88 | },
89 | enumerable: false,
90 | configurable: true
91 | });
92 | Object.defineProperty(BaseExecutor.prototype, "suites", {
93 | get: function () {
94 | return [this._rootSuite];
95 | },
96 | enumerable: false,
97 | configurable: true
98 | });
99 | BaseExecutor.prototype.formatError = function (error, options) {
100 | if (!this._errorFormatter) {
101 | this._errorFormatter = new ErrorFormatter_1.default(this);
102 | }
103 | return this._errorFormatter.format(error, options);
104 | };
105 | BaseExecutor.prototype.addSuite = function (factory) {
106 | factory(this._rootSuite);
107 | };
108 | BaseExecutor.prototype.configure = function (options) {
109 | var _this = this;
110 | Object.keys(options).forEach(function (option) {
111 | var key = option;
112 | _this._processOption(key, options[key]);
113 | });
114 | };
115 | BaseExecutor.prototype.emit = function (eventName, data) {
116 | var _this = this;
117 | if (eventName === 'error') {
118 | this._hasEmittedErrors = true;
119 | }
120 | if (eventName === 'log' && !this.config.debug) {
121 | return common_1.Task.resolve();
122 | }
123 | if (!this._reportersInitialized) {
124 | this._events.push({ eventName: eventName, data: data });
125 | return common_1.Task.resolve();
126 | }
127 | var handleListenerError = function (error) {
128 | if (eventName === 'error') {
129 | console.error(_this.formatError(error));
130 | }
131 | else {
132 | return _this.emit('error', error);
133 | }
134 | };
135 | var error;
136 | if (eventName === 'error') {
137 | error = data;
138 | }
139 | var notifications = [];
140 | var listeners = this._listeners[eventName];
141 | if (listeners && listeners.length > 0) {
142 | for (var _i = 0, listeners_1 = listeners; _i < listeners_1.length; _i++) {
143 | var listener = listeners_1[_i];
144 | notifications.push(common_1.Task.resolve(listener(data)).catch(handleListenerError));
145 | }
146 | }
147 | var starListeners = this._listeners['*'];
148 | if (starListeners && starListeners.length > 0) {
149 | var starEvent = { name: eventName, data: data };
150 | for (var _a = 0, starListeners_1 = starListeners; _a < starListeners_1.length; _a++) {
151 | var listener = starListeners_1[_a];
152 | notifications.push(common_1.Task.resolve(listener(starEvent)).catch(handleListenerError));
153 | }
154 | }
155 | if (notifications.length === 0) {
156 | if (error && error instanceof Error) {
157 | console.error(this.formatError(error));
158 | error.reported = true;
159 | }
160 | else if (eventName === 'warning') {
161 | console.warn("WARNING: " + data);
162 | }
163 | else if (eventName === 'deprecated') {
164 | var message = data;
165 | console.warn("WARNING: " + message.original + " is deprecated, use " + message.replacement + " instead.");
166 | }
167 | return common_1.Task.resolve();
168 | }
169 | return common_1.Task.all(notifications)
170 | .then(function () { return undefined; })
171 | .finally(function () {
172 | if (error && error instanceof Error) {
173 | error.reported = true;
174 | }
175 | });
176 | };
177 | BaseExecutor.prototype.getInterface = function (name) {
178 | return this.getPlugin("interface." + name);
179 | };
180 | BaseExecutor.prototype.getPlugin = function (type, name) {
181 | var pluginName = typeof name === 'undefined' ? type : type + "." + name;
182 | if (!(pluginName in this._plugins)) {
183 | throw new Error("A plugin named \"" + pluginName + "\" has not been registered");
184 | }
185 | return this._plugins[pluginName];
186 | };
187 | BaseExecutor.prototype.log = function () {
188 | var args = [];
189 | for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
190 | args[_i] = arguments[_i];
191 | }
192 | if (this.config.debug) {
193 | var message = args
194 | .map(function (arg) {
195 | var type = typeof arg;
196 | if (type === 'string') {
197 | return arg;
198 | }
199 | if (type === 'function' || arg instanceof RegExp) {
200 | return arg.toString();
201 | }
202 | if (arg instanceof Error) {
203 | arg = {
204 | name: arg.name,
205 | message: arg.message,
206 | stack: arg.stack
207 | };
208 | }
209 | try {
210 | return JSON.stringify(arg);
211 | }
212 | catch (error) {
213 | return arg.toString();
214 | }
215 | })
216 | .join(' ');
217 | return this.emit('log', message);
218 | }
219 | else {
220 | return common_1.Task.resolve();
221 | }
222 | };
223 | BaseExecutor.prototype.on = function (eventName, listener) {
224 | var _eventName;
225 | if (typeof listener === 'undefined') {
226 | listener = eventName;
227 | _eventName = '*';
228 | }
229 | else {
230 | _eventName = eventName;
231 | }
232 | var listeners = this._listeners[_eventName];
233 | if (!listeners) {
234 | listeners = this._listeners[_eventName] = [];
235 | }
236 | if (listeners.indexOf(listener) === -1) {
237 | listeners.push(listener);
238 | }
239 | var handle = {
240 | destroy: function () {
241 | this.destroy = function () { };
242 | util_1.pullFromArray(listeners, listener);
243 | }
244 | };
245 | return handle;
246 | };
247 | BaseExecutor.prototype.registerInterface = function (name, iface) {
248 | this.registerPlugin("interface." + name, function () { return iface; });
249 | };
250 | BaseExecutor.prototype.registerLoader = function (init) {
251 | var options = this._loaderOptions ? common_1.duplicate(this._loaderOptions) : {};
252 | this._loaderInit = Promise.resolve(init(options));
253 | };
254 | BaseExecutor.prototype.registerPlugin = function (type, name, init) {
255 | var pluginName = typeof init === 'undefined' ? type : type + "." + name;
256 | var pluginInit = typeof init === 'undefined' ? name : init;
257 | var options = this._loadingPluginOptions;
258 | var result = options ? pluginInit(common_1.duplicate(options)) : pluginInit();
259 | if (common_1.isPromiseLike(result)) {
260 | this._loadingPlugins.push({
261 | name: pluginName,
262 | init: new common_1.Task(function (resolve, reject) { return result.then(function (value) { return resolve(value); }, reject); }, function () {
263 | common_1.isTask(result) && result.cancel();
264 | })
265 | });
266 | }
267 | else {
268 | this._assignPlugin(pluginName, result);
269 | }
270 | };
271 | BaseExecutor.prototype.registerReporter = function (name, init) {
272 | this.registerPlugin('reporter', name, function () { return init; });
273 | };
274 | BaseExecutor.prototype.run = function () {
275 | var _this = this;
276 | if (!this._runTask) {
277 | var runError_1;
278 | try {
279 | this._runTask = this._resolveConfig();
280 | if (this.config.showConfig) {
281 | this._runTask = this._runTask
282 | .then(function () {
283 | var sort = function (value) {
284 | if (Array.isArray(value)) {
285 | value = value.map(sort).sort();
286 | }
287 | else if (typeof value === 'object' &&
288 | value.constructor === Object) {
289 | var newObj_1 = {};
290 | Object.keys(value)
291 | .sort()
292 | .forEach(function (key) {
293 | newObj_1[key] = sort(value[key]);
294 | });
295 | value = newObj_1;
296 | }
297 | return value;
298 | };
299 | console.log(JSON.stringify(sort(_this.config), function (_key, value) {
300 | if (value instanceof RegExp) {
301 | return value.toString();
302 | }
303 | return value;
304 | }, ' '));
305 | })
306 | .catch(function (error) {
307 | console.error(_this.formatError(error));
308 | throw error;
309 | });
310 | }
311 | else {
312 | var currentTask_1;
313 | this._runTask = this._runTask
314 | .then(function () { return _this._loadPlugins(); })
315 | .then(function () { return _this._loadLoader(); })
316 | .then(function () { return _this._loadPluginsWithLoader(); })
317 | .then(function () { return _this._initReporters(); })
318 | .then(function () { return _this._loadSuites(); })
319 | .then(function () { return _this._beforeRun(); })
320 | .then(function (skipTests) {
321 | if (skipTests) {
322 | return;
323 | }
324 | var outerTask;
325 | var testingTask;
326 | currentTask_1 = new common_1.Task(function (resolve, reject) {
327 | outerTask = _this.emit('beforeRun')
328 | .then(function () {
329 | return _this.emit('runStart')
330 | .then(function () { return (testingTask = _this._runTests()); })
331 | .catch(function (error) {
332 | runError_1 = error;
333 | return _this.emit('error', error);
334 | })
335 | .finally(function () { return _this.emit('runEnd'); });
336 | })
337 | .finally(function () { return _this.emit('afterRun'); })
338 | .then(resolve, reject);
339 | }, function () {
340 | if (testingTask) {
341 | testingTask.cancel();
342 | }
343 | if (outerTask) {
344 | outerTask.cancel();
345 | }
346 | });
347 | return currentTask_1;
348 | })
349 | .finally(function () {
350 | _this._reportersInitialized = true;
351 | return _this._drainEventQueue();
352 | })
353 | .finally(function () { return _this._afterRun(); })
354 | .finally(function () {
355 | if (currentTask_1) {
356 | currentTask_1.cancel();
357 | }
358 | })
359 | .catch(function (error) {
360 | return _this.emit('error', error).finally(function () {
361 | throw runError_1 || error;
362 | });
363 | })
364 | .then(function () {
365 | if (runError_1) {
366 | throw runError_1;
367 | }
368 | var message = '';
369 | if (_this._hasSuiteErrors) {
370 | message = 'One or more suite errors occurred during testing';
371 | }
372 | else if (_this._hasTestErrors) {
373 | message = 'One or more tests failed';
374 | }
375 | else if (_this._hasEmittedErrors) {
376 | message = 'An error was emitted';
377 | }
378 | if (message) {
379 | var error = new Error(message);
380 | error.reported = true;
381 | throw error;
382 | }
383 | });
384 | }
385 | }
386 | catch (error) {
387 | this._runTask = this.emit('error', error).then(function () {
388 | return common_1.Task.reject(error);
389 | });
390 | }
391 | }
392 | return this._runTask;
393 | };
394 | BaseExecutor.prototype._afterRun = function () {
395 | return common_1.Task.resolve();
396 | };
397 | BaseExecutor.prototype._assignPlugin = function (name, plugin) {
398 | if (name.indexOf('reporter.') === 0 && typeof plugin !== 'function') {
399 | throw new Error('A reporter plugin must be a constructor');
400 | }
401 | this._plugins[name] = plugin;
402 | };
403 | BaseExecutor.prototype._beforeRun = function () {
404 | var _a = this.config, bail = _a.bail, grep = _a.grep, name = _a.name, sessionId = _a.sessionId, defaultTimeout = _a.defaultTimeout;
405 | this._rootSuite.bail = bail;
406 | this._rootSuite.grep = grep;
407 | this._rootSuite.name = name;
408 | this._rootSuite.sessionId = sessionId;
409 | this._rootSuite.timeout = defaultTimeout;
410 | return common_1.Task.resolve(false);
411 | };
412 | BaseExecutor.prototype._initReporters = function () {
413 | var config = this.config;
414 | var envReporters = config[this.environment].reporters;
415 | var baseReporters = config.reporters.filter(function (reporter) {
416 | return !envReporters.some(function (envReporter) { return envReporter.name === reporter.name; });
417 | });
418 | for (var _i = 0, _a = tslib_1.__spreadArray(tslib_1.__spreadArray([], baseReporters), envReporters); _i < _a.length; _i++) {
419 | var reporter = _a[_i];
420 | var initializer = this.getPlugin('reporter', reporter.name);
421 | if (!initializer) {
422 | throw new Error("A reporter named " + reporter.name + " hasn't been registered");
423 | }
424 | if (typeof initializer !== 'function') {
425 | throw new Error("The reporter " + reporter.name + " isn't a valid initializer");
426 | }
427 | this._reporters.push(initializer(reporter.options));
428 | }
429 | this._reportersInitialized = true;
430 | return this._drainEventQueue();
431 | };
432 | BaseExecutor.prototype._drainEventQueue = function () {
433 | var _this = this;
434 | var task = common_1.Task.resolve();
435 | var _loop_1 = function () {
436 | var event_1 = this_1._events.shift();
437 | task = task.then(function () {
438 | return _this.emit(event_1.eventName, event_1.data);
439 | });
440 | };
441 | var this_1 = this;
442 | while (this._events.length > 0) {
443 | _loop_1();
444 | }
445 | return task;
446 | };
447 | BaseExecutor.prototype._emitCoverage = function (source) {
448 | var coverage = common_1.global[this.config.coverageVariable];
449 | if (coverage) {
450 | return this.emit('coverage', {
451 | coverage: coverage,
452 | source: source,
453 | sessionId: this.config.sessionId
454 | });
455 | }
456 | };
457 | BaseExecutor.prototype._loadLoader = function () {
458 | var _this = this;
459 | if (this._loaderInit) {
460 | return this._loaderInit.then(function (loader) {
461 | _this._loader = loader;
462 | });
463 | }
464 | else {
465 | var config = this.config;
466 | var loader = config[this.environment].loader || config.loader;
467 | var script_1 = loader.script;
468 | switch (script_1) {
469 | case 'default':
470 | case 'dojo':
471 | case 'dojo2':
472 | case 'esm':
473 | case 'systemjs':
474 | script_1 = config.internPath + "loaders/" + script_1 + ".js";
475 | }
476 | this._loaderOptions = loader.options || {};
477 | return this.loadScript(script_1)
478 | .then(function () {
479 | if (!_this._loaderInit) {
480 | throw new Error("Loader script " + script_1 + " did not register a loader callback");
481 | }
482 | return _this._loaderInit;
483 | })
484 | .then(function (loader) {
485 | _this._loader = loader;
486 | });
487 | }
488 | };
489 | BaseExecutor.prototype._loadPluginsWithLoader = function () {
490 | var _this = this;
491 | var scripts = tslib_1.__spreadArray(tslib_1.__spreadArray([], this.config.plugins), this.config[this.environment].plugins).filter(function (plugin) { return plugin.useLoader; });
492 | return this._loadScripts(scripts, function (script) { return _this._loader([script]); });
493 | };
494 | BaseExecutor.prototype._loadPlugins = function () {
495 | var _this = this;
496 | var scripts = tslib_1.__spreadArray(tslib_1.__spreadArray([], this.config.plugins), this.config[this.environment].plugins).filter(function (plugin) { return !plugin.useLoader; });
497 | return this._loadScripts(scripts, function (script) { return _this.loadScript(script); });
498 | };
499 | BaseExecutor.prototype._loadScripts = function (scripts, loader) {
500 | var _this = this;
501 | return scripts
502 | .reduce(function (previous, script) {
503 | if (typeof script === 'string') {
504 | return previous.then(function () { return loader(script); });
505 | }
506 | else {
507 | return previous
508 | .then(function () {
509 | _this._loadingPluginOptions = script.options;
510 | })
511 | .then(function () { return loader(script.script); })
512 | .then(function () {
513 | _this._loadingPluginOptions = undefined;
514 | });
515 | }
516 | }, common_1.Task.resolve())
517 | .then(function () {
518 | return common_1.Task.all(_this._loadingPlugins.map(function (entry) { return entry.init; })).then(function (plugins) {
519 | plugins.forEach(function (plugin, index) {
520 | _this._assignPlugin(_this._loadingPlugins[index].name, plugin);
521 | });
522 | });
523 | });
524 | };
525 | BaseExecutor.prototype._loadSuites = function () {
526 | var _this = this;
527 | var suites = this.config[this.environment].suites;
528 | return common_1.Task.resolve(this._loader(suites)).then(function () {
529 | _this.log('Loaded suites:', suites);
530 | });
531 | };
532 | BaseExecutor.prototype._processOption = function (key, value) {
533 | util_1.processOption(key, value, this.config, this);
534 | };
535 | BaseExecutor.prototype._resolveConfig = function () {
536 | var config = this.config;
537 | if (config.internPath != null) {
538 | config.internPath = path_1.normalizePathEnding(config.internPath);
539 | }
540 | else {
541 | config.internPath = '';
542 | }
543 | if (config.benchmark) {
544 | config.benchmarkConfig = common_1.deepMixin({
545 | mode: config.baseline ? 'baseline' : 'test',
546 | id: 'Benchmark',
547 | filename: 'baseline.json',
548 | thresholds: {
549 | warn: { rme: 3, mean: 5 },
550 | fail: { rme: 6, mean: 10 }
551 | },
552 | verbosity: 0
553 | }, config.benchmarkConfig || {});
554 | }
555 | return common_1.Task.resolve();
556 | };
557 | BaseExecutor.prototype._runTests = function () {
558 | return this._rootSuite.run();
559 | };
560 | return BaseExecutor;
561 | }());
562 | exports.default = BaseExecutor;
563 | });
564 |
\ | No newline at end of file |