1 | (function (factory) {
2 | if (typeof module === "object" && typeof module.exports === "object") {
3 | var v = factory(require, exports);
4 | if (v !== undefined) module.exports = v;
5 | }
6 | else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
7 | define(["require", "exports", "tslib", "fs", "./Reporter"], factory);
8 | }
9 | })(function (require, exports) {
10 | "use strict";
11 | Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
12 | var tslib_1 = require("tslib");
13 | var fs_1 = require("fs");
14 | var Reporter_1 = tslib_1.__importStar(require("./Reporter"));
15 | var BenchmarkReporter = (function (_super) {
16 | tslib_1.__extends(BenchmarkReporter, _super);
17 | function BenchmarkReporter(executor, options) {
18 | if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
19 | var _this = _super.call(this, executor, options) || this;
20 | _this.mode = options.mode || 'test';
21 | _this.filename = options.filename || '';
22 | _this.thresholds = options.thresholds || {};
23 | if (_this.mode === 'test') {
24 | try {
25 | _this.baseline = JSON.parse(fs_1.readFileSync(_this.filename, { encoding: 'utf8' }));
26 | }
27 | catch (error) {
28 | _this.console.warn('Unable to load benchmark baseline data from ' + _this.filename);
29 | _this.console.warn('Switching to "baseline" mode');
30 | _this.mode = 'baseline';
31 | }
32 | }
33 | if (!_this.baseline) {
34 | _this.baseline = {};
35 | }
36 | _this.sessions = {};
37 | return _this;
38 | }
39 | BenchmarkReporter.prototype._getSession = function (testOrSuite) {
40 | var sessionId = testOrSuite.sessionId || 'local';
41 | var session = this.sessions[sessionId];
42 | if (!session) {
43 | var client = void 0;
44 | var version = void 0;
45 | var platform_1;
46 | if (testOrSuite.sessionId) {
47 | var environmentType = testOrSuite.remote.environmentType;
48 | client = environmentType.browserName;
49 | version = environmentType.version;
50 | platform_1 = environmentType.platform;
51 | }
52 | else {
53 | client = process.title;
54 | version = process.version;
55 | platform_1 = process.platform;
56 | }
57 | session = this.sessions[sessionId] = {
58 | suites: {},
59 | environment: {
60 | client: client,
61 | version: version,
62 | platform: platform_1,
63 | id: client + ':' + version + ':' + platform_1
64 | }
65 | };
66 | }
67 | return session;
68 | };
69 | BenchmarkReporter.prototype.runEnd = function () {
70 | if (this.mode === 'baseline') {
71 | var existingBaseline_1;
72 | try {
73 | existingBaseline_1 = JSON.parse(fs_1.readFileSync(this.filename, { encoding: 'utf8' }));
74 | }
75 | catch (error) {
76 | existingBaseline_1 = {};
77 | }
78 | var baseline_1 = this.baseline;
79 | Object.keys(baseline_1).forEach(function (environmentId) {
80 | existingBaseline_1[environmentId] = baseline_1[environmentId];
81 | });
82 | fs_1.writeFileSync(this.filename, JSON.stringify(existingBaseline_1, null, ' '));
83 | }
84 | };
85 | BenchmarkReporter.prototype.suiteEnd = function (suite) {
86 | var session = this._getSession(suite);
87 | if (!suite.hasParent) {
88 | var environment = session.environment;
89 | this.console.log('Finished benchmarking ' +
90 | environment.client +
91 | ' ' +
92 | environment.version +
93 | ' on ' +
94 | environment.platform);
95 | }
96 | else if (this.mode === 'test') {
97 | var suiteInfo = session.suites[suite.id];
98 | var numTests = suiteInfo.numBenchmarks;
99 | if (numTests > 0) {
100 | var numFailedTests = suiteInfo.numFailedBenchmarks;
101 | var message = numFailedTests + '/' + numTests + ' benchmarks failed in ' + suite.id;
102 | if (numFailedTests > 0) {
103 | this.console.warn(message);
104 | }
105 | else {
106 | this.console.log(message);
107 | }
108 | }
109 | }
110 | };
111 | BenchmarkReporter.prototype.suiteStart = function (suite) {
112 | var session = this._getSession(suite);
113 | if (!suite.hasParent) {
114 | var environment = session.environment;
115 | var environmentName = environment.client +
116 | ' ' +
117 | environment.version +
118 | ' on ' +
119 | environment.platform;
120 | var baselineEnvironments = this.baseline;
121 | this.console.log((this.mode === 'baseline' ? 'Baselining' : 'Benchmarking') +
122 | ' ' +
123 | environmentName);
124 | if (this.mode === 'baseline') {
125 | baselineEnvironments[environment.id] = {
126 | client: environment.client,
127 | version: environment.version,
128 | platform: environment.platform,
129 | tests: {}
130 | };
131 | }
132 | else if (!baselineEnvironments[environment.id]) {
133 | this.console.warn('No baseline data for ' + environmentName + '!');
134 | }
135 | }
136 | else {
137 | session.suites[suite.id] = {
138 | numBenchmarks: 0,
139 | numFailedBenchmarks: 0
140 | };
141 | }
142 | };
143 | BenchmarkReporter.prototype.testEnd = function (test) {
144 | var _this = this;
145 | var benchmarkTest = test;
146 | if (benchmarkTest.benchmark == null) {
147 | return;
148 | }
149 | if (benchmarkTest.error) {
150 | var session = this._getSession(benchmarkTest);
151 | var suiteInfo = session.suites[benchmarkTest.parentId];
152 | suiteInfo.numBenchmarks++;
153 | suiteInfo.numFailedBenchmarks++;
154 | this.console.error('FAIL: ' + benchmarkTest.id);
155 | this.console.error(this.executor.formatError(benchmarkTest.error, { space: ' ' }));
156 | }
157 | else {
158 | var checkTest = function (baseline, benchmark) {
159 | var warn = [];
160 | var fail = [];
161 | var list;
162 | var baselineMean = baseline.stats.mean;
163 | var thresholds = _this.thresholds || {};
164 | var percentDifference = (100 * (benchmark.stats.mean - baselineMean)) / baselineMean;
165 | if (thresholds.warn &&
166 | thresholds.warn.mean &&
167 | Math.abs(percentDifference) > thresholds.warn.mean) {
168 | list = warn;
169 | if (thresholds.fail &&
170 | thresholds.fail.mean &&
171 | Math.abs(percentDifference) > thresholds.fail.mean) {
172 | list = fail;
173 | }
174 | list.push('Execution time is ' + percentDifference.toFixed(1) + '% off');
175 | }
176 | var baselineRme = baseline.stats.rme;
177 | percentDifference = benchmark.stats.rme - baselineRme;
178 | if (thresholds.warn &&
179 | thresholds.warn.rme &&
180 | Math.abs(percentDifference) > thresholds.warn.rme) {
181 | list = warn;
182 | if (thresholds.fail &&
183 | thresholds.fail.rme &&
184 | Math.abs(percentDifference) > thresholds.fail.rme) {
185 | list = fail;
186 | }
187 | list.push('RME is ' + percentDifference.toFixed(1) + '% off');
188 | }
189 | if (fail.length) {
190 | _this.console.error('FAIL ' + benchmarkTest.id + ' (' + fail.join(', ') + ')');
191 | return false;
192 | }
193 | else if (warn.length) {
194 | _this.console.warn('WARN ' + benchmarkTest.id + ' (' + warn.join(', ') + ')');
195 | }
196 | else {
197 | _this.console.log('PASS ' + benchmarkTest.id);
198 | }
199 | return true;
200 | };
201 | var benchmark = benchmarkTest.benchmark;
202 | var session = this._getSession(benchmarkTest);
203 | var environment = session.environment;
204 | var suiteInfo = session.suites[benchmarkTest.parentId];
205 | suiteInfo.numBenchmarks++;
206 | var baseline = this.baseline[environment.id];
207 | if (this.mode === 'baseline') {
208 | baseline.tests[benchmarkTest.id] = {
209 | hz: benchmark.hz,
210 | times: benchmark.times,
211 | stats: {
212 | rme: benchmark.stats.rme,
213 | moe: benchmark.stats.moe,
214 | mean: benchmark.stats.mean
215 | }
216 | };
217 | this.console.log('Baselined ' + benchmarkTest.name);
218 | this.executor.log('Time per run:', formatSeconds(benchmark.stats.mean), '\xb1', benchmark.stats.rme.toFixed(2), '%');
219 | }
220 | else {
221 | if (baseline) {
222 | var testData = baseline.tests[benchmarkTest.id];
223 | var result = checkTest(testData, benchmark);
224 | var baselineStats = testData.stats;
225 | var benchmarkStats = benchmark.stats;
226 | this.executor.log('Expected time per run:', formatSeconds(baselineStats.mean), '\xb1', baselineStats.rme.toFixed(2), '%');
227 | this.executor.log('Actual time per run:', formatSeconds(benchmarkStats.mean), '\xb1', benchmarkStats.rme.toFixed(2), '%');
228 | if (!result) {
229 | suiteInfo.numFailedBenchmarks++;
230 | }
231 | }
232 | }
233 | }
234 | };
235 | tslib_1.__decorate([
236 | Reporter_1.eventHandler()
237 | ], BenchmarkReporter.prototype, "runEnd", null);
238 | tslib_1.__decorate([
239 | Reporter_1.eventHandler()
240 | ], BenchmarkReporter.prototype, "suiteEnd", null);
241 | tslib_1.__decorate([
242 | Reporter_1.eventHandler()
243 | ], BenchmarkReporter.prototype, "suiteStart", null);
244 | tslib_1.__decorate([
245 | Reporter_1.eventHandler()
246 | ], BenchmarkReporter.prototype, "testEnd", null);
247 | return BenchmarkReporter;
248 | }(Reporter_1.default));
249 | exports.default = BenchmarkReporter;
250 | function formatSeconds(value) {
251 | if (value == null) {
252 | return null;
253 | }
254 | var units = 's';
255 | if (value < 1) {
256 | var places = Math.ceil(Math.log(value) / Math.log(10)) - 1;
257 | if (places < -9) {
258 | value *= Math.pow(10, 12);
259 | units = 'ps';
260 | }
261 | else if (places < -6) {
262 | value *= Math.pow(10, 9);
263 | units = 'ns';
264 | }
265 | else if (places < -3) {
266 | value *= Math.pow(10, 6);
267 | units = 'µs';
268 | }
269 | else if (places < 0) {
270 | value *= Math.pow(10, 3);
271 | units = 'ms';
272 | }
273 | }
274 | return value.toFixed(3) + units;
275 | }
276 | });
277 |
\ | No newline at end of file |