7.83 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1(function (factory) {
2 if (typeof module === "object" && typeof module.exports === "object") {
3 var v = factory(require, exports);
4 if (v !== undefined) module.exports = v;
5 }
6 else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
7 define(["require", "exports", "tslib", "@theintern/common", "lodash", "platform", "benchmark", "./Test"], factory);
8 }
9})(function (require, exports) {
10 "use strict";
11 Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
12 var tslib_1 = require("tslib");
13 var common_1 = require("@theintern/common");
14 var _ = require("lodash");
15 var platform = require("platform");
16 var Benchmark = require("benchmark");
17 var Test_1 = require("./Test");
18 Benchmark.runInContext({ _: _, platform: platform });
19 var BenchmarkTest = (function (_super) {
20 tslib_1.__extends(BenchmarkTest, _super);
21 function BenchmarkTest(descriptor) {
22 var _this = this;
23 var args = {};
24 Object.keys(descriptor).forEach(function (descriptorKey) {
25 var key = descriptorKey;
26 if (key !== 'options') {
27 args[key] = descriptor[key];
28 }
29 });
30 var testArgs = args;
31 testArgs.test = testArgs.test || function () { };
32 _this = _super.call(this, testArgs) || this;
33 var options = Object.assign({}, _this.test.options || {}, {
34 async: true,
35 setup: createLifecycle(true),
36 teardown: createLifecycle(false)
37 });
38 if (options.defer) {
39 _this.test = (function (testFunction) {
40 return (function (deferred) {
41 var dfd = createDeferred(this.benchmark, deferred, options.numCallsUntilResolution);
42 testFunction.call(this, dfd);
43 });
44 })(_this.test);
45 }
46 _this.benchmark = new Benchmark(descriptor.name, options.defer
47 ? 'this.benchmark.internTest.test(deferred);'
48 : 'this.internTest.test();', options);
49 Object.defineProperty(_this.benchmark, 'name', {
50 get: function () {
51 return _this.name;
52 },
53 set: function (name) {
54 _this.name = name;
55 }
56 });
57 _this.benchmark.internTest = _this;
58 return _this;
59 }
60 Object.defineProperty(BenchmarkTest.prototype, "timeElapsed", {
61 get: function () {
62 if (this.benchmark && this.benchmark.times) {
63 return this.benchmark.times.elapsed;
64 }
65 return 0;
66 },
67 set: function (_value) {
68 },
69 enumerable: true,
70 configurable: true
71 });
72 BenchmarkTest.prototype.async = function (_timeout, _numCallsUntilResolution) {
73 throw new Error('Benchmark tests must be marked as asynchronous and use the deferred ' +
74 'passed to them rather than call `this.async()`.');
75 };
76 BenchmarkTest.prototype.run = function () {
77 var _this = this;
78 this._hasPassed = false;
79 this._usesRemote = false;
80 var benchmark = this.benchmark;
81 return new common_1.Task(function (resolve, reject) {
82 benchmark.on('abort', function () {
83 reject(benchmark.error);
84 });
85 benchmark.on('error', function () {
86 if (benchmark.error === Test_1.SKIP) {
87 resolve();
88 }
89 else {
90 reject(benchmark.error);
91 }
92 });
93 benchmark.on('complete', function () {
94 resolve();
95 });
96 _this.executor.emit('testStart', _this).then(function () {
97 benchmark.run();
98 });
99 }, function () {
100 benchmark.abort();
101 })
102 .finally(function () {
103 benchmark.off();
104 })
105 .then(function () {
106 _this._hasPassed = true;
107 }, function (error) {
108 _this.error = error;
109 throw error;
110 })
111 .finally(function () { return _this.executor.emit('testEnd', _this); });
112 };
113 BenchmarkTest.prototype.toJSON = function () {
114 var json = _super.prototype.toJSON.call(this);
115 var benchmark = this.benchmark;
116 json.benchmark = {
117 hz: benchmark.hz,
118 times: benchmark.times,
119 stats: benchmark.stats
120 };
121 return json;
122 };
123 BenchmarkTest.async = function (testFunction, numCallsUntilResolution) {
124 testFunction.options = Object.assign({}, testFunction.options || {}, {
125 defer: true,
126 numCallsUntilResolution: numCallsUntilResolution
127 });
128 return testFunction;
129 };
130 return BenchmarkTest;
131 }(Test_1.default));
132 exports.default = BenchmarkTest;
133 function isBenchmarkTest(value) {
134 return value && value.benchmark != null && Test_1.isTest(value);
135 }
136 exports.isBenchmarkTest = isBenchmarkTest;
137 var createLifecycle = function (before) {
138 var queueName = before ? 'Before' : 'After';
139 var queueMethod = before ? 'push' : 'unshift';
140 var methodName = before ? 'before' : 'after';
141 return [
142 '(function (benchmark) {',
143 "\tvar queue = benchmark.intern" + queueName + "EachLoopQueue;",
144 ' var suite;',
145 ' if (!queue) {',
146 ' suite = benchmark.internTest;',
147 "\t\tbenchmark.intern" + queueName + "EachLoopQueue = queue = [];",
148 ' while ((suite = suite.parent)) {',
149 "\t\t\tif (suite." + methodName + "EachLoop) {",
150 "\t\t\t\tqueue." + queueMethod + "(suite);",
151 ' }',
152 ' }',
153 ' }',
154 ' var i = queue.length;',
155 ' while((suite = queue[--i])) {',
156 "\t\tsuite." + methodName + "EachLoop();",
157 ' }',
158 '})(this.benchmark || this);\n'
159 ].join('\n');
160 };
161 function createDeferred(benchmark, deferred, numCallsUntilResolution) {
162 var remainingCalls = numCallsUntilResolution || 1;
163 return {
164 resolve: function () {
165 --remainingCalls;
166 if (remainingCalls === 0) {
167 deferred.resolve();
168 }
169 else if (remainingCalls < 0) {
170 throw new Error('resolve called too many times');
171 }
172 },
173 reject: function (error) {
174 benchmark.error = error;
175 benchmark.abort();
176 deferred.resolve();
177 },
178 rejectOnError: function (callback) {
179 var self = this;
180 return function () {
181 try {
182 return callback.apply(this, arguments);
183 }
184 catch (error) {
185 self.reject(error);
186 }
187 };
188 },
189 callback: function (callback) {
190 var self = this;
191 return this.rejectOnError(function () {
192 var returnValue = callback.apply(this, arguments);
193 self.resolve();
194 return returnValue;
195 });
196 }
197 };
198 }
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