1 | ;
2 |
3 | var babelHelpers = {};
4 | babelHelpers.typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) {
5 | return typeof obj;
6 | } : function (obj) {
7 | return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol ? "symbol" : typeof obj;
8 | };
9 | babelHelpers;
10 |
11 | var realDefineProp = function () {
12 | var sentinel = {};
13 | try {
14 | Object.defineProperty(sentinel, 'a', {});
15 | return 'a' in sentinel;
16 | } catch (e) {
17 | return false;
18 | }
19 | }();
20 |
21 | // Need a workaround for getters in ES3
22 | var es3 = !realDefineProp && !Object.prototype.__defineGetter__;
23 |
24 | // We use this a lot (and need it for proto-less objects)
25 | var hop = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
26 |
27 | // Naive defineProperty for compatibility
28 | var defineProperty = realDefineProp ? Object.defineProperty : function (obj, name, desc) {
29 | if ('get' in desc && obj.__defineGetter__) obj.__defineGetter__(name, desc.get);else if (!hop.call(obj, name) || 'value' in desc) obj[name] = desc.value;
30 | };
31 |
32 | // Array.prototype.indexOf, as good as we need it to be
33 | var arrIndexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf || function (search) {
34 | /*jshint validthis:true */
35 | var t = this;
36 | if (!t.length) return -1;
37 |
38 | for (var i = arguments[1] || 0, max = t.length; i < max; i++) {
39 | if (t[i] === search) return i;
40 | }
41 |
42 | return -1;
43 | };
44 |
45 | // Create an object with the specified prototype (2nd arg required for Record)
46 | var objCreate = Object.create || function (proto, props) {
47 | var obj = void 0;
48 |
49 | function F() {}
50 | F.prototype = proto;
51 | obj = new F();
52 |
53 | for (var k in props) {
54 | if (hop.call(props, k)) defineProperty(obj, k, props[k]);
55 | }
56 |
57 | return obj;
58 | };
59 |
60 | // Snapshot some (hopefully still) native built-ins
61 | var arrSlice = Array.prototype.slice;
62 | var arrConcat = Array.prototype.concat;
63 | var arrPush = Array.prototype.push;
64 | var arrJoin = Array.prototype.join;
65 | var arrShift = Array.prototype.shift;
66 |
67 | // Naive Function.prototype.bind for compatibility
68 | var fnBind = Function.prototype.bind || function (thisObj) {
69 | var fn = this,
70 | args = arrSlice.call(arguments, 1);
71 |
72 | // All our (presently) bound functions have either 1 or 0 arguments. By returning
73 | // different function signatures, we can pass some tests in ES3 environments
74 | if (fn.length === 1) {
75 | return function () {
76 | return fn.apply(thisObj, arrConcat.call(args, arrSlice.call(arguments)));
77 | };
78 | }
79 | return function () {
80 | return fn.apply(thisObj, arrConcat.call(args, arrSlice.call(arguments)));
81 | };
82 | };
83 |
84 | // Object housing internal properties for constructors
85 | var internals = objCreate(null);
86 |
87 | // Keep internal properties internal
88 | var secret = Math.random();
89 |
90 | // Helper functions
91 | // ================
92 |
93 | /**
94 | * A function to deal with the inaccuracy of calculating log10 in pre-ES6
95 | * JavaScript environments. Math.log(num) / Math.LN10 was responsible for
96 | * causing issue #62.
97 | */
98 | function log10Floor(n) {
99 | // ES6 provides the more accurate Math.log10
100 | if (typeof Math.log10 === 'function') return Math.floor(Math.log10(n));
101 |
102 | var x = Math.round(Math.log(n) * Math.LOG10E);
103 | return x - (Number('1e' + x) > n);
104 | }
105 |
106 | /**
107 | * A map that doesn't contain Object in its prototype chain
108 | */
109 | function Record(obj) {
110 | // Copy only own properties over unless this object is already a Record instance
111 | for (var k in obj) {
112 | if (obj instanceof Record || hop.call(obj, k)) defineProperty(this, k, { value: obj[k], enumerable: true, writable: true, configurable: true });
113 | }
114 | }
115 | Record.prototype = objCreate(null);
116 |
117 | /**
118 | * An ordered list
119 | */
120 | function List() {
121 | defineProperty(this, 'length', { writable: true, value: 0 });
122 |
123 | if (arguments.length) arrPush.apply(this, arrSlice.call(arguments));
124 | }
125 | List.prototype = objCreate(null);
126 |
127 | /**
128 | * Constructs a regular expression to restore tainted RegExp properties
129 | */
130 | function createRegExpRestore() {
131 | var esc = /[.?*+^$[\]\\(){}|-]/g,
132 | lm = RegExp.lastMatch || '',
133 | ml = RegExp.multiline ? 'm' : '',
134 | ret = { input: RegExp.input },
135 | reg = new List(),
136 | has = false,
137 | cap = {};
138 |
139 | // Create a snapshot of all the 'captured' properties
140 | for (var i = 1; i <= 9; i++) {
141 | has = (cap['$' + i] = RegExp['$' + i]) || has;
142 | } // Now we've snapshotted some properties, escape the lastMatch string
143 | lm = lm.replace(esc, '\\$&');
144 |
145 | // If any of the captured strings were non-empty, iterate over them all
146 | if (has) {
147 | for (var _i = 1; _i <= 9; _i++) {
148 | var m = cap['$' + _i];
149 |
150 | // If it's empty, add an empty capturing group
151 | if (!m) lm = '()' + lm;
152 |
153 | // Else find the string in lm and escape & wrap it to capture it
154 | else {
155 | m = m.replace(esc, '\\$&');
156 | lm = lm.replace(m, '(' + m + ')');
157 | }
158 |
159 | // Push it to the reg and chop lm to make sure further groups come after
160 | arrPush.call(reg, lm.slice(0, lm.indexOf('(') + 1));
161 | lm = lm.slice(lm.indexOf('(') + 1);
162 | }
163 | }
164 |
165 | // Create the regular expression that will reconstruct the RegExp properties
166 | ret.exp = new RegExp(arrJoin.call(reg, '') + lm, ml);
167 |
168 | return ret;
169 | }
170 |
171 | /**
172 | * Mimics ES5's abstract ToObject() function
173 | */
174 | function toObject(arg) {
175 | if (arg === null) throw new TypeError('Cannot convert null or undefined to object');
176 |
177 | return Object(arg);
178 | }
179 |
180 | /**
181 | * Returns "internal" properties for an object
182 | */
183 | function getInternalProperties(obj) {
184 | if (hop.call(obj, '__getInternalProperties')) return obj.__getInternalProperties(secret);
185 |
186 | return objCreate(null);
187 | }
188 |
189 | /**
190 | * Defines regular expressions for various operations related to the BCP 47 syntax,
191 | * as defined at http://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp47#section-2.1
192 | */
193 |
194 | // extlang = 3ALPHA ; selected ISO 639 codes
195 | // *2("-" 3ALPHA) ; permanently reserved
196 | var extlang = '[a-z]{3}(?:-[a-z]{3}){0,2}';
197 |
198 | // language = 2*3ALPHA ; shortest ISO 639 code
199 | // ["-" extlang] ; sometimes followed by
200 | // ; extended language subtags
201 | // / 4ALPHA ; or reserved for future use
202 | // / 5*8ALPHA ; or registered language subtag
203 | var language = '(?:[a-z]{2,3}(?:-' + extlang + ')?|[a-z]{4}|[a-z]{5,8})';
204 |
205 | // script = 4ALPHA ; ISO 15924 code
206 | var script = '[a-z]{4}';
207 |
208 | // region = 2ALPHA ; ISO 3166-1 code
209 | // / 3DIGIT ; UN M.49 code
210 | var region = '(?:[a-z]{2}|\\d{3})';
211 |
212 | // variant = 5*8alphanum ; registered variants
213 | // / (DIGIT 3alphanum)
214 | var variant = '(?:[a-z0-9]{5,8}|\\d[a-z0-9]{3})';
215 |
216 | // ; Single alphanumerics
217 | // ; "x" reserved for private use
218 | // singleton = DIGIT ; 0 - 9
219 | // / %x41-57 ; A - W
220 | // / %x59-5A ; Y - Z
221 | // / %x61-77 ; a - w
222 | // / %x79-7A ; y - z
223 | var singleton = '[0-9a-wy-z]';
224 |
225 | // extension = singleton 1*("-" (2*8alphanum))
226 | var extension = singleton + '(?:-[a-z0-9]{2,8})+';
227 |
228 | // privateuse = "x" 1*("-" (1*8alphanum))
229 | var privateuse = 'x(?:-[a-z0-9]{1,8})+';
230 |
231 | // irregular = "en-GB-oed" ; irregular tags do not match
232 | // / "i-ami" ; the 'langtag' production and
233 | // / "i-bnn" ; would not otherwise be
234 | // / "i-default" ; considered 'well-formed'
235 | // / "i-enochian" ; These tags are all valid,
236 | // / "i-hak" ; but most are deprecated
237 | // / "i-klingon" ; in favor of more modern
238 | // / "i-lux" ; subtags or subtag
239 | // / "i-mingo" ; combination
240 | // / "i-navajo"
241 | // / "i-pwn"
242 | // / "i-tao"
243 | // / "i-tay"
244 | // / "i-tsu"
245 | // / "sgn-BE-FR"
246 | // / "sgn-BE-NL"
247 | // / "sgn-CH-DE"
248 | var irregular = '(?:en-GB-oed' + '|i-(?:ami|bnn|default|enochian|hak|klingon|lux|mingo|navajo|pwn|tao|tay|tsu)' + '|sgn-(?:BE-FR|BE-NL|CH-DE))';
249 |
250 | // regular = "art-lojban" ; these tags match the 'langtag'
251 | // / "cel-gaulish" ; production, but their subtags
252 | // / "no-bok" ; are not extended language
253 | // / "no-nyn" ; or variant subtags: their meaning
254 | // / "zh-guoyu" ; is defined by their registration
255 | // / "zh-hakka" ; and all of these are deprecated
256 | // / "zh-min" ; in favor of a more modern
257 | // / "zh-min-nan" ; subtag or sequence of subtags
258 | // / "zh-xiang"
259 | var regular = '(?:art-lojban|cel-gaulish|no-bok|no-nyn' + '|zh-(?:guoyu|hakka|min|min-nan|xiang))';
260 |
261 | // grandfathered = irregular ; non-redundant tags registered
262 | // / regular ; during the RFC 3066 era
263 | var grandfathered = '(?:' + irregular + '|' + regular + ')';
264 |
265 | // langtag = language
266 | // ["-" script]
267 | // ["-" region]
268 | // *("-" variant)
269 | // *("-" extension)
270 | // ["-" privateuse]
271 | var langtag = language + '(?:-' + script + ')?(?:-' + region + ')?(?:-' + variant + ')*(?:-' + extension + ')*(?:-' + privateuse + ')?';
272 |
273 | // Language-Tag = langtag ; normal language tags
274 | // / privateuse ; private use tag
275 | // / grandfathered ; grandfathered tags
276 | var expBCP47Syntax = RegExp('^(?:' + langtag + '|' + privateuse + '|' + grandfathered + ')$', 'i');
277 |
278 | // Match duplicate variants in a language tag
279 | var expVariantDupes = RegExp('^(?!x).*?-(' + variant + ')-(?:\\w{4,8}-(?!x-))*\\1\\b', 'i');
280 |
281 | // Match duplicate singletons in a language tag (except in private use)
282 | var expSingletonDupes = RegExp('^(?!x).*?-(' + singleton + ')-(?:\\w+-(?!x-))*\\1\\b', 'i');
283 |
284 | // Match all extension sequences
285 | var expExtSequences = RegExp('-' + extension, 'ig');
286 |
287 | // Default locale is the first-added locale data for us
288 | var defaultLocale = void 0;
289 | function setDefaultLocale(locale) {
290 | defaultLocale = locale;
291 | }
292 |
293 | // IANA Subtag Registry redundant tag and subtag maps
294 | var redundantTags = {
295 | tags: {
296 | "art-lojban": "jbo",
297 | "i-ami": "ami",
298 | "i-bnn": "bnn",
299 | "i-hak": "hak",
300 | "i-klingon": "tlh",
301 | "i-lux": "lb",
302 | "i-navajo": "nv",
303 | "i-pwn": "pwn",
304 | "i-tao": "tao",
305 | "i-tay": "tay",
306 | "i-tsu": "tsu",
307 | "no-bok": "nb",
308 | "no-nyn": "nn",
309 | "sgn-BE-FR": "sfb",
310 | "sgn-BE-NL": "vgt",
311 | "sgn-CH-DE": "sgg",
312 | "zh-guoyu": "cmn",
313 | "zh-hakka": "hak",
314 | "zh-min-nan": "nan",
315 | "zh-xiang": "hsn",
316 | "sgn-BR": "bzs",
317 | "sgn-CO": "csn",
318 | "sgn-DE": "gsg",
319 | "sgn-DK": "dsl",
320 | "sgn-ES": "ssp",
321 | "sgn-FR": "fsl",
322 | "sgn-GB": "bfi",
323 | "sgn-GR": "gss",
324 | "sgn-IE": "isg",
325 | "sgn-IT": "ise",
326 | "sgn-JP": "jsl",
327 | "sgn-MX": "mfs",
328 | "sgn-NI": "ncs",
329 | "sgn-NL": "dse",
330 | "sgn-NO": "nsl",
331 | "sgn-PT": "psr",
332 | "sgn-SE": "swl",
333 | "sgn-US": "ase",
334 | "sgn-ZA": "sfs",
335 | "zh-cmn": "cmn",
336 | "zh-cmn-Hans": "cmn-Hans",
337 | "zh-cmn-Hant": "cmn-Hant",
338 | "zh-gan": "gan",
339 | "zh-wuu": "wuu",
340 | "zh-yue": "yue"
341 | },
342 | subtags: {
343 | BU: "MM",
344 | DD: "DE",
345 | FX: "FR",
346 | TP: "TL",
347 | YD: "YE",
348 | ZR: "CD",
349 | heploc: "alalc97",
350 | 'in': "id",
351 | iw: "he",
352 | ji: "yi",
353 | jw: "jv",
354 | mo: "ro",
355 | ayx: "nun",
356 | bjd: "drl",
357 | ccq: "rki",
358 | cjr: "mom",
359 | cka: "cmr",
360 | cmk: "xch",
361 | drh: "khk",
362 | drw: "prs",
363 | gav: "dev",
364 | hrr: "jal",
365 | ibi: "opa",
366 | kgh: "kml",
367 | lcq: "ppr",
368 | mst: "mry",
369 | myt: "mry",
370 | sca: "hle",
371 | tie: "ras",
372 | tkk: "twm",
373 | tlw: "weo",
374 | tnf: "prs",
375 | ybd: "rki",
376 | yma: "lrr"
377 | },
378 | extLang: {
379 | aao: ["aao", "ar"],
380 | abh: ["abh", "ar"],
381 | abv: ["abv", "ar"],
382 | acm: ["acm", "ar"],
383 | acq: ["acq", "ar"],
384 | acw: ["acw", "ar"],
385 | acx: ["acx", "ar"],
386 | acy: ["acy", "ar"],
387 | adf: ["adf", "ar"],
388 | ads: ["ads", "sgn"],
389 | aeb: ["aeb", "ar"],
390 | aec: ["aec", "ar"],
391 | aed: ["aed", "sgn"],
392 | aen: ["aen", "sgn"],
393 | afb: ["afb", "ar"],
394 | afg: ["afg", "sgn"],
395 | ajp: ["ajp", "ar"],
396 | apc: ["apc", "ar"],
397 | apd: ["apd", "ar"],
398 | arb: ["arb", "ar"],
399 | arq: ["arq", "ar"],
400 | ars: ["ars", "ar"],
401 | ary: ["ary", "ar"],
402 | arz: ["arz", "ar"],
403 | ase: ["ase", "sgn"],
404 | asf: ["asf", "sgn"],
405 | asp: ["asp", "sgn"],
406 | asq: ["asq", "sgn"],
407 | asw: ["asw", "sgn"],
408 | auz: ["auz", "ar"],
409 | avl: ["avl", "ar"],
410 | ayh: ["ayh", "ar"],
411 | ayl: ["ayl", "ar"],
412 | ayn: ["ayn", "ar"],
413 | ayp: ["ayp", "ar"],
414 | bbz: ["bbz", "ar"],
415 | bfi: ["bfi", "sgn"],
416 | bfk: ["bfk", "sgn"],
417 | bjn: ["bjn", "ms"],
418 | bog: ["bog", "sgn"],
419 | bqn: ["bqn", "sgn"],
420 | bqy: ["bqy", "sgn"],
421 | btj: ["btj", "ms"],
422 | bve: ["bve", "ms"],
423 | bvl: ["bvl", "sgn"],
424 | bvu: ["bvu", "ms"],
425 | bzs: ["bzs", "sgn"],
426 | cdo: ["cdo", "zh"],
427 | cds: ["cds", "sgn"],
428 | cjy: ["cjy", "zh"],
429 | cmn: ["cmn", "zh"],
430 | coa: ["coa", "ms"],
431 | cpx: ["cpx", "zh"],
432 | csc: ["csc", "sgn"],
433 | csd: ["csd", "sgn"],
434 | cse: ["cse", "sgn"],
435 | csf: ["csf", "sgn"],
436 | csg: ["csg", "sgn"],
437 | csl: ["csl", "sgn"],
438 | csn: ["csn", "sgn"],
439 | csq: ["csq", "sgn"],
440 | csr: ["csr", "sgn"],
441 | czh: ["czh", "zh"],
442 | czo: ["czo", "zh"],
443 | doq: ["doq", "sgn"],
444 | dse: ["dse", "sgn"],
445 | dsl: ["dsl", "sgn"],
446 | dup: ["dup", "ms"],
447 | ecs: ["ecs", "sgn"],
448 | esl: ["esl", "sgn"],
449 | esn: ["esn", "sgn"],
450 | eso: ["eso", "sgn"],
451 | eth: ["eth", "sgn"],
452 | fcs: ["fcs", "sgn"],
453 | fse: ["fse", "sgn"],
454 | fsl: ["fsl", "sgn"],
455 | fss: ["fss", "sgn"],
456 | gan: ["gan", "zh"],
457 | gds: ["gds", "sgn"],
458 | gom: ["gom", "kok"],
459 | gse: ["gse", "sgn"],
460 | gsg: ["gsg", "sgn"],
461 | gsm: ["gsm", "sgn"],
462 | gss: ["gss", "sgn"],
463 | gus: ["gus", "sgn"],
464 | hab: ["hab", "sgn"],
465 | haf: ["haf", "sgn"],
466 | hak: ["hak", "zh"],
467 | hds: ["hds", "sgn"],
468 | hji: ["hji", "ms"],
469 | hks: ["hks", "sgn"],
470 | hos: ["hos", "sgn"],
471 | hps: ["hps", "sgn"],
472 | hsh: ["hsh", "sgn"],
473 | hsl: ["hsl", "sgn"],
474 | hsn: ["hsn", "zh"],
475 | icl: ["icl", "sgn"],
476 | ils: ["ils", "sgn"],
477 | inl: ["inl", "sgn"],
478 | ins: ["ins", "sgn"],
479 | ise: ["ise", "sgn"],
480 | isg: ["isg", "sgn"],
481 | isr: ["isr", "sgn"],
482 | jak: ["jak", "ms"],
483 | jax: ["jax", "ms"],
484 | jcs: ["jcs", "sgn"],
485 | jhs: ["jhs", "sgn"],
486 | jls: ["jls", "sgn"],
487 | jos: ["jos", "sgn"],
488 | jsl: ["jsl", "sgn"],
489 | jus: ["jus", "sgn"],
490 | kgi: ["kgi", "sgn"],
491 | knn: ["knn", "kok"],
492 | kvb: ["kvb", "ms"],
493 | kvk: ["kvk", "sgn"],
494 | kvr: ["kvr", "ms"],
495 | kxd: ["kxd", "ms"],
496 | lbs: ["lbs", "sgn"],
497 | lce: ["lce", "ms"],
498 | lcf: ["lcf", "ms"],
499 | liw: ["liw", "ms"],
500 | lls: ["lls", "sgn"],
501 | lsg: ["lsg", "sgn"],
502 | lsl: ["lsl", "sgn"],
503 | lso: ["lso", "sgn"],
504 | lsp: ["lsp", "sgn"],
505 | lst: ["lst", "sgn"],
506 | lsy: ["lsy", "sgn"],
507 | ltg: ["ltg", "lv"],
508 | lvs: ["lvs", "lv"],
509 | lzh: ["lzh", "zh"],
510 | max: ["max", "ms"],
511 | mdl: ["mdl", "sgn"],
512 | meo: ["meo", "ms"],
513 | mfa: ["mfa", "ms"],
514 | mfb: ["mfb", "ms"],
515 | mfs: ["mfs", "sgn"],
516 | min: ["min", "ms"],
517 | mnp: ["mnp", "zh"],
518 | mqg: ["mqg", "ms"],
519 | mre: ["mre", "sgn"],
520 | msd: ["msd", "sgn"],
521 | msi: ["msi", "ms"],
522 | msr: ["msr", "sgn"],
523 | mui: ["mui", "ms"],
524 | mzc: ["mzc", "sgn"],
525 | mzg: ["mzg", "sgn"],
526 | mzy: ["mzy", "sgn"],
527 | nan: ["nan", "zh"],
528 | nbs: ["nbs", "sgn"],
529 | ncs: ["ncs", "sgn"],
530 | nsi: ["nsi", "sgn"],
531 | nsl: ["nsl", "sgn"],
532 | nsp: ["nsp", "sgn"],
533 | nsr: ["nsr", "sgn"],
534 | nzs: ["nzs", "sgn"],
535 | okl: ["okl", "sgn"],
536 | orn: ["orn", "ms"],
537 | ors: ["ors", "ms"],
538 | pel: ["pel", "ms"],
539 | pga: ["pga", "ar"],
540 | pks: ["pks", "sgn"],
541 | prl: ["prl", "sgn"],
542 | prz: ["prz", "sgn"],
543 | psc: ["psc", "sgn"],
544 | psd: ["psd", "sgn"],
545 | pse: ["pse", "ms"],
546 | psg: ["psg", "sgn"],
547 | psl: ["psl", "sgn"],
548 | pso: ["pso", "sgn"],
549 | psp: ["psp", "sgn"],
550 | psr: ["psr", "sgn"],
551 | pys: ["pys", "sgn"],
552 | rms: ["rms", "sgn"],
553 | rsi: ["rsi", "sgn"],
554 | rsl: ["rsl", "sgn"],
555 | sdl: ["sdl", "sgn"],
556 | sfb: ["sfb", "sgn"],
557 | sfs: ["sfs", "sgn"],
558 | sgg: ["sgg", "sgn"],
559 | sgx: ["sgx", "sgn"],
560 | shu: ["shu", "ar"],
561 | slf: ["slf", "sgn"],
562 | sls: ["sls", "sgn"],
563 | sqk: ["sqk", "sgn"],
564 | sqs: ["sqs", "sgn"],
565 | ssh: ["ssh", "ar"],
566 | ssp: ["ssp", "sgn"],
567 | ssr: ["ssr", "sgn"],
568 | svk: ["svk", "sgn"],
569 | swc: ["swc", "sw"],
570 | swh: ["swh", "sw"],
571 | swl: ["swl", "sgn"],
572 | syy: ["syy", "sgn"],
573 | tmw: ["tmw", "ms"],
574 | tse: ["tse", "sgn"],
575 | tsm: ["tsm", "sgn"],
576 | tsq: ["tsq", "sgn"],
577 | tss: ["tss", "sgn"],
578 | tsy: ["tsy", "sgn"],
579 | tza: ["tza", "sgn"],
580 | ugn: ["ugn", "sgn"],
581 | ugy: ["ugy", "sgn"],
582 | ukl: ["ukl", "sgn"],
583 | uks: ["uks", "sgn"],
584 | urk: ["urk", "ms"],
585 | uzn: ["uzn", "uz"],
586 | uzs: ["uzs", "uz"],
587 | vgt: ["vgt", "sgn"],
588 | vkk: ["vkk", "ms"],
589 | vkt: ["vkt", "ms"],
590 | vsi: ["vsi", "sgn"],
591 | vsl: ["vsl", "sgn"],
592 | vsv: ["vsv", "sgn"],
593 | wuu: ["wuu", "zh"],
594 | xki: ["xki", "sgn"],
595 | xml: ["xml", "sgn"],
596 | xmm: ["xmm", "ms"],
597 | xms: ["xms", "sgn"],
598 | yds: ["yds", "sgn"],
599 | ysl: ["ysl", "sgn"],
600 | yue: ["yue", "zh"],
601 | zib: ["zib", "sgn"],
602 | zlm: ["zlm", "ms"],
603 | zmi: ["zmi", "ms"],
604 | zsl: ["zsl", "sgn"],
605 | zsm: ["zsm", "ms"]
606 | }
607 | };
608 |
609 | /**
610 | * Convert only a-z to uppercase as per section 6.1 of the spec
611 | */
612 | function toLatinUpperCase(str) {
613 | var i = str.length;
614 |
615 | while (i--) {
616 | var ch = str.charAt(i);
617 |
618 | if (ch >= "a" && ch <= "z") str = str.slice(0, i) + ch.toUpperCase() + str.slice(i + 1);
619 | }
620 |
621 | return str;
622 | }
623 |
624 | /**
625 | * The IsStructurallyValidLanguageTag abstract operation verifies that the locale
626 | * argument (which must be a String value)
627 | *
628 | * - represents a well-formed BCP 47 language tag as specified in RFC 5646 section
629 | * 2.1, or successor,
630 | * - does not include duplicate variant subtags, and
631 | * - does not include duplicate singleton subtags.
632 | *
633 | * The abstract operation returns true if locale can be generated from the ABNF
634 | * grammar in section 2.1 of the RFC, starting with Language-Tag, and does not
635 | * contain duplicate variant or singleton subtags (other than as a private use
636 | * subtag). It returns false otherwise. Terminal value characters in the grammar are
637 | * interpreted as the Unicode equivalents of the ASCII octet values given.
638 | */
639 | function /* 6.2.2 */IsStructurallyValidLanguageTag(locale) {
640 | // represents a well-formed BCP 47 language tag as specified in RFC 5646
641 | if (!expBCP47Syntax.test(locale)) return false;
642 |
643 | // does not include duplicate variant subtags, and
644 | if (expVariantDupes.test(locale)) return false;
645 |
646 | // does not include duplicate singleton subtags.
647 | if (expSingletonDupes.test(locale)) return false;
648 |
649 | return true;
650 | }
651 |
652 | /**
653 | * The CanonicalizeLanguageTag abstract operation returns the canonical and case-
654 | * regularized form of the locale argument (which must be a String value that is
655 | * a structurally valid BCP 47 language tag as verified by the
656 | * IsStructurallyValidLanguageTag abstract operation). It takes the steps
657 | * specified in RFC 5646 section 4.5, or successor, to bring the language tag
658 | * into canonical form, and to regularize the case of the subtags, but does not
659 | * take the steps to bring a language tag into “extlang form” and to reorder
660 | * variant subtags.
661 |
662 | * The specifications for extensions to BCP 47 language tags, such as RFC 6067,
663 | * may include canonicalization rules for the extension subtag sequences they
664 | * define that go beyond the canonicalization rules of RFC 5646 section 4.5.
665 | * Implementations are allowed, but not required, to apply these additional rules.
666 | */
667 | function /* 6.2.3 */CanonicalizeLanguageTag(locale) {
668 | var match = void 0,
669 | parts = void 0;
670 |
671 | // A language tag is in 'canonical form' when the tag is well-formed
672 | // according to the rules in Sections 2.1 and 2.2
673 |
674 | // Section 2.1 says all subtags use lowercase...
675 | locale = locale.toLowerCase();
676 |
677 | // ...with 2 exceptions: 'two-letter and four-letter subtags that neither
678 | // appear at the start of the tag nor occur after singletons. Such two-letter
679 | // subtags are all uppercase (as in the tags "en-CA-x-ca" or "sgn-BE-FR") and
680 | // four-letter subtags are titlecase (as in the tag "az-Latn-x-latn").
681 | parts = locale.split('-');
682 | for (var i = 1, max = parts.length; i < max; i++) {
683 | // Two-letter subtags are all uppercase
684 | if (parts[i].length === 2) parts[i] = parts[i].toUpperCase();
685 |
686 | // Four-letter subtags are titlecase
687 | else if (parts[i].length === 4) parts[i] = parts[i].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + parts[i].slice(1);
688 |
689 | // Is it a singleton?
690 | else if (parts[i].length === 1 && parts[i] !== 'x') break;
691 | }
692 | locale = arrJoin.call(parts, '-');
693 |
694 | // The steps laid out in RFC 5646 section 4.5 are as follows:
695 |
696 | // 1. Extension sequences are ordered into case-insensitive ASCII order
697 | // by singleton subtag.
698 | if ((match = locale.match(expExtSequences)) && match.length > 1) {
699 | // The built-in sort() sorts by ASCII order, so use that
700 | match.sort();
701 |
702 | // Replace all extensions with the joined, sorted array
703 | locale = locale.replace(RegExp('(?:' + expExtSequences.source + ')+', 'i'), arrJoin.call(match, ''));
704 | }
705 |
706 | // 2. Redundant or grandfathered tags are replaced by their 'Preferred-
707 | // Value', if there is one.
708 | if (hop.call(redundantTags.tags, locale)) locale = redundantTags.tags[locale];
709 |
710 | // 3. Subtags are replaced by their 'Preferred-Value', if there is one.
711 | // For extlangs, the original primary language subtag is also
712 | // replaced if there is a primary language subtag in the 'Preferred-
713 | // Value'.
714 | parts = locale.split('-');
715 |
716 | for (var _i = 1, _max = parts.length; _i < _max; _i++) {
717 | if (hop.call(redundantTags.subtags, parts[_i])) parts[_i] = redundantTags.subtags[parts[_i]];else if (hop.call(redundantTags.extLang, parts[_i])) {
718 | parts[_i] = redundantTags.extLang[parts[_i]][0];
719 |
720 | // For extlang tags, the prefix needs to be removed if it is redundant
721 | if (_i === 1 && redundantTags.extLang[parts[1]][1] === parts[0]) {
722 | parts = arrSlice.call(parts, _i++);
723 | _max -= 1;
724 | }
725 | }
726 | }
727 |
728 | return arrJoin.call(parts, '-');
729 | }
730 |
731 | /**
732 | * The DefaultLocale abstract operation returns a String value representing the
733 | * structurally valid (6.2.2) and canonicalized (6.2.3) BCP 47 language tag for the
734 | * host environment’s current locale.
735 | */
736 | function /* 6.2.4 */DefaultLocale() {
737 | return defaultLocale;
738 | }
739 |
740 | // Sect 6.3 Currency Codes
741 | // =======================
742 |
743 | var expCurrencyCode = /^[A-Z]{3}$/;
744 |
745 | /**
746 | * The IsWellFormedCurrencyCode abstract operation verifies that the currency argument
747 | * (after conversion to a String value) represents a well-formed 3-letter ISO currency
748 | * code. The following steps are taken:
749 | */
750 | function /* 6.3.1 */IsWellFormedCurrencyCode(currency) {
751 | // 1. Let `c` be ToString(currency)
752 | var c = String(currency);
753 |
754 | // 2. Let `normalized` be the result of mapping c to upper case as described
755 | // in 6.1.
756 | var normalized = toLatinUpperCase(c);
757 |
758 | // 3. If the string length of normalized is not 3, return false.
759 | // 4. If normalized contains any character that is not in the range "A" to "Z"
760 | // (U+0041 to U+005A), return false.
761 | if (expCurrencyCode.test(normalized) === false) return false;
762 |
763 | // 5. Return true
764 | return true;
765 | }
766 |
767 | var expUnicodeExSeq = /-u(?:-[0-9a-z]{2,8})+/gi; // See `extension` below
768 |
769 | function /* 9.2.1 */CanonicalizeLocaleList(locales) {
770 | // The abstract operation CanonicalizeLocaleList takes the following steps:
771 |
772 | // 1. If locales is undefined, then a. Return a new empty List
773 | if (locales === undefined) return new List();
774 |
775 | // 2. Let seen be a new empty List.
776 | var seen = new List();
777 |
778 | // 3. If locales is a String value, then
779 | // a. Let locales be a new array created as if by the expression new
780 | // Array(locales) where Array is the standard built-in constructor with
781 | // that name and locales is the value of locales.
782 | locales = typeof locales === 'string' ? [locales] : locales;
783 |
784 | // 4. Let O be ToObject(locales).
785 | var O = toObject(locales);
786 |
787 | // 5. Let lenValue be the result of calling the [[Get]] internal method of
788 | // O with the argument "length".
789 | // 6. Let len be ToUint32(lenValue).
790 | var len = O.length;
791 |
792 | // 7. Let k be 0.
793 | var k = 0;
794 |
795 | // 8. Repeat, while k < len
796 | while (k < len) {
797 | // a. Let Pk be ToString(k).
798 | var Pk = String(k);
799 |
800 | // b. Let kPresent be the result of calling the [[HasProperty]] internal
801 | // method of O with argument Pk.
802 | var kPresent = Pk in O;
803 |
804 | // c. If kPresent is true, then
805 | if (kPresent) {
806 | // i. Let kValue be the result of calling the [[Get]] internal
807 | // method of O with argument Pk.
808 | var kValue = O[Pk];
809 |
810 | // ii. If the type of kValue is not String or Object, then throw a
811 | // TypeError exception.
812 | if (kValue === null || typeof kValue !== 'string' && (typeof kValue === "undefined" ? "undefined" : babelHelpers["typeof"](kValue)) !== 'object') throw new TypeError('String or Object type expected');
813 |
814 | // iii. Let tag be ToString(kValue).
815 | var tag = String(kValue);
816 |
817 | // iv. If the result of calling the abstract operation
818 | // IsStructurallyValidLanguageTag (defined in 6.2.2), passing tag as
819 | // the argument, is false, then throw a RangeError exception.
820 | if (!IsStructurallyValidLanguageTag(tag)) throw new RangeError("'" + tag + "' is not a structurally valid language tag");
821 |
822 | // v. Let tag be the result of calling the abstract operation
823 | // CanonicalizeLanguageTag (defined in 6.2.3), passing tag as the
824 | // argument.
825 | tag = CanonicalizeLanguageTag(tag);
826 |
827 | // vi. If tag is not an element of seen, then append tag as the last
828 | // element of seen.
829 | if (arrIndexOf.call(seen, tag) === -1) arrPush.call(seen, tag);
830 | }
831 |
832 | // d. Increase k by 1.
833 | k++;
834 | }
835 |
836 | // 9. Return seen.
837 | return seen;
838 | }
839 |
840 | /**
841 | * The BestAvailableLocale abstract operation compares the provided argument
842 | * locale, which must be a String value with a structurally valid and
843 | * canonicalized BCP 47 language tag, against the locales in availableLocales and
844 | * returns either the longest non-empty prefix of locale that is an element of
845 | * availableLocales, or undefined if there is no such element. It uses the
846 | * fallback mechanism of RFC 4647, section 3.4. The following steps are taken:
847 | */
848 | function /* 9.2.2 */BestAvailableLocale(availableLocales, locale) {
849 | // 1. Let candidate be locale
850 | var candidate = locale;
851 |
852 | // 2. Repeat
853 | while (candidate) {
854 | // a. If availableLocales contains an element equal to candidate, then return
855 | // candidate.
856 | if (arrIndexOf.call(availableLocales, candidate) > -1) return candidate;
857 |
858 | // b. Let pos be the character index of the last occurrence of "-"
859 | // (U+002D) within candidate. If that character does not occur, return
860 | // undefined.
861 | var pos = candidate.lastIndexOf('-');
862 |
863 | if (pos < 0) return;
864 |
865 | // c. If pos ≥ 2 and the character "-" occurs at index pos-2 of candidate,
866 | // then decrease pos by 2.
867 | if (pos >= 2 && candidate.charAt(pos - 2) === '-') pos -= 2;
868 |
869 | // d. Let candidate be the substring of candidate from position 0, inclusive,
870 | // to position pos, exclusive.
871 | candidate = candidate.substring(0, pos);
872 | }
873 | }
874 |
875 | /**
876 | * The LookupMatcher abstract operation compares requestedLocales, which must be
877 | * a List as returned by CanonicalizeLocaleList, against the locales in
878 | * availableLocales and determines the best available language to meet the
879 | * request. The following steps are taken:
880 | */
881 | function /* 9.2.3 */LookupMatcher(availableLocales, requestedLocales) {
882 | // 1. Let i be 0.
883 | var i = 0;
884 |
885 | // 2. Let len be the number of elements in requestedLocales.
886 | var len = requestedLocales.length;
887 |
888 | // 3. Let availableLocale be undefined.
889 | var availableLocale = void 0;
890 |
891 | var locale = void 0,
892 | noExtensionsLocale = void 0;
893 |
894 | // 4. Repeat while i < len and availableLocale is undefined:
895 | while (i < len && !availableLocale) {
896 | // a. Let locale be the element of requestedLocales at 0-origined list
897 | // position i.
898 | locale = requestedLocales[i];
899 |
900 | // b. Let noExtensionsLocale be the String value that is locale with all
901 | // Unicode locale extension sequences removed.
902 | noExtensionsLocale = String(locale).replace(expUnicodeExSeq, '');
903 |
904 | // c. Let availableLocale be the result of calling the
905 | // BestAvailableLocale abstract operation (defined in 9.2.2) with
906 | // arguments availableLocales and noExtensionsLocale.
907 | availableLocale = BestAvailableLocale(availableLocales, noExtensionsLocale);
908 |
909 | // d. Increase i by 1.
910 | i++;
911 | }
912 |
913 | // 5. Let result be a new Record.
914 | var result = new Record();
915 |
916 | // 6. If availableLocale is not undefined, then
917 | if (availableLocale !== undefined) {
918 | // a. Set result.[[locale]] to availableLocale.
919 | result['[[locale]]'] = availableLocale;
920 |
921 | // b. If locale and noExtensionsLocale are not the same String value, then
922 | if (String(locale) !== String(noExtensionsLocale)) {
923 | // i. Let extension be the String value consisting of the first
924 | // substring of locale that is a Unicode locale extension sequence.
925 | var extension = locale.match(expUnicodeExSeq)[0];
926 |
927 | // ii. Let extensionIndex be the character position of the initial
928 | // "-" of the first Unicode locale extension sequence within locale.
929 | var extensionIndex = locale.indexOf('-u-');
930 |
931 | // iii. Set result.[[extension]] to extension.
932 | result['[[extension]]'] = extension;
933 |
934 | // iv. Set result.[[extensionIndex]] to extensionIndex.
935 | result['[[extensionIndex]]'] = extensionIndex;
936 | }
937 | }
938 | // 7. Else
939 | else
940 | // a. Set result.[[locale]] to the value returned by the DefaultLocale abstract
941 | // operation (defined in 6.2.4).
942 | result['[[locale]]'] = DefaultLocale();
943 |
944 | // 8. Return result
945 | return result;
946 | }
947 |
948 | /**
949 | * The BestFitMatcher abstract operation compares requestedLocales, which must be
950 | * a List as returned by CanonicalizeLocaleList, against the locales in
951 | * availableLocales and determines the best available language to meet the
952 | * request. The algorithm is implementation dependent, but should produce results
953 | * that a typical user of the requested locales would perceive as at least as
954 | * good as those produced by the LookupMatcher abstract operation. Options
955 | * specified through Unicode locale extension sequences must be ignored by the
956 | * algorithm. Information about such subsequences is returned separately.
957 | * The abstract operation returns a record with a [[locale]] field, whose value
958 | * is the language tag of the selected locale, which must be an element of
959 | * availableLocales. If the language tag of the request locale that led to the
960 | * selected locale contained a Unicode locale extension sequence, then the
961 | * returned record also contains an [[extension]] field whose value is the first
962 | * Unicode locale extension sequence, and an [[extensionIndex]] field whose value
963 | * is the index of the first Unicode locale extension sequence within the request
964 | * locale language tag.
965 | */
966 | function /* 9.2.4 */BestFitMatcher(availableLocales, requestedLocales) {
967 | return LookupMatcher(availableLocales, requestedLocales);
968 | }
969 |
970 | /**
971 | * The ResolveLocale abstract operation compares a BCP 47 language priority list
972 | * requestedLocales against the locales in availableLocales and determines the
973 | * best available language to meet the request. availableLocales and
974 | * requestedLocales must be provided as List values, options as a Record.
975 | */
976 | function /* 9.2.5 */ResolveLocale(availableLocales, requestedLocales, options, relevantExtensionKeys, localeData) {
977 | if (availableLocales.length === 0) {
978 | throw new ReferenceError('No locale data has been provided for this object yet.');
979 | }
980 |
981 | // The following steps are taken:
982 | // 1. Let matcher be the value of options.[[localeMatcher]].
983 | var matcher = options['[[localeMatcher]]'];
984 |
985 | var r = void 0;
986 |
987 | // 2. If matcher is "lookup", then
988 | if (matcher === 'lookup')
989 | // a. Let r be the result of calling the LookupMatcher abstract operation
990 | // (defined in 9.2.3) with arguments availableLocales and
991 | // requestedLocales.
992 | r = LookupMatcher(availableLocales, requestedLocales);
993 |
994 | // 3. Else
995 | else
996 | // a. Let r be the result of calling the BestFitMatcher abstract
997 | // operation (defined in 9.2.4) with arguments availableLocales and
998 | // requestedLocales.
999 | r = BestFitMatcher(availableLocales, requestedLocales);
1000 |
1001 | // 4. Let foundLocale be the value of r.[[locale]].
1002 | var foundLocale = r['[[locale]]'];
1003 |
1004 | var extensionSubtags = void 0,
1005 | extensionSubtagsLength = void 0;
1006 |
1007 | // 5. If r has an [[extension]] field, then
1008 | if (hop.call(r, '[[extension]]')) {
1009 | // a. Let extension be the value of r.[[extension]].
1010 | var extension = r['[[extension]]'];
1011 | // b. Let split be the standard built-in function object defined in ES5,
1012 | //
1013 | var split = String.prototype.split;
1014 | // c. Let extensionSubtags be the result of calling the [[Call]] internal
1015 | // method of split with extension as the this value and an argument
1016 | // list containing the single item "-".
1017 | extensionSubtags = split.call(extension, '-');
1018 | // d. Let extensionSubtagsLength be the result of calling the [[Get]]
1019 | // internal method of extensionSubtags with argument "length".
1020 | extensionSubtagsLength = extensionSubtags.length;
1021 | }
1022 |
1023 | // 6. Let result be a new Record.
1024 | var result = new Record();
1025 |
1026 | // 7. Set result.[[dataLocale]] to foundLocale.
1027 | result['[[dataLocale]]'] = foundLocale;
1028 |
1029 | // 8. Let supportedExtension be "-u".
1030 | var supportedExtension = '-u';
1031 | // 9. Let i be 0.
1032 | var i = 0;
1033 | // 10. Let len be the result of calling the [[Get]] internal method of
1034 | // relevantExtensionKeys with argument "length".
1035 | var len = relevantExtensionKeys.length;
1036 |
1037 | // 11 Repeat while i < len:
1038 | while (i < len) {
1039 | // a. Let key be the result of calling the [[Get]] internal method of
1040 | // relevantExtensionKeys with argument ToString(i).
1041 | var key = relevantExtensionKeys[i];
1042 | // b. Let foundLocaleData be the result of calling the [[Get]] internal
1043 | // method of localeData with the argument foundLocale.
1044 | var foundLocaleData = localeData[foundLocale];
1045 | // c. Let keyLocaleData be the result of calling the [[Get]] internal
1046 | // method of foundLocaleData with the argument key.
1047 | var keyLocaleData = foundLocaleData[key];
1048 | // d. Let value be the result of calling the [[Get]] internal method of
1049 | // keyLocaleData with argument "0".
1050 | var value = keyLocaleData['0'];
1051 | // e. Let supportedExtensionAddition be "".
1052 | var supportedExtensionAddition = '';
1053 | // f. Let indexOf be the standard built-in function object defined in
1054 | // ES5,
1055 | var indexOf = arrIndexOf;
1056 |
1057 | // g. If extensionSubtags is not undefined, then
1058 | if (extensionSubtags !== undefined) {
1059 | // i. Let keyPos be the result of calling the [[Call]] internal
1060 | // method of indexOf with extensionSubtags as the this value and
1061 | // an argument list containing the single item key.
1062 | var keyPos = indexOf.call(extensionSubtags, key);
1063 |
1064 | // ii. If keyPos ≠ -1, then
1065 | if (keyPos !== -1) {
1066 | // 1. If keyPos + 1 < extensionSubtagsLength and the length of the
1067 | // result of calling the [[Get]] internal method of
1068 | // extensionSubtags with argument ToString(keyPos +1) is greater
1069 | // than 2, then
1070 | if (keyPos + 1 < extensionSubtagsLength && extensionSubtags[keyPos + 1].length > 2) {
1071 | // a. Let requestedValue be the result of calling the [[Get]]
1072 | // internal method of extensionSubtags with argument
1073 | // ToString(keyPos + 1).
1074 | var requestedValue = extensionSubtags[keyPos + 1];
1075 | // b. Let valuePos be the result of calling the [[Call]]
1076 | // internal method of indexOf with keyLocaleData as the
1077 | // this value and an argument list containing the single
1078 | // item requestedValue.
1079 | var valuePos = indexOf.call(keyLocaleData, requestedValue);
1080 |
1081 | // c. If valuePos ≠ -1, then
1082 | if (valuePos !== -1) {
1083 | // i. Let value be requestedValue.
1084 | value = requestedValue,
1085 | // ii. Let supportedExtensionAddition be the
1086 | // concatenation of "-", key, "-", and value.
1087 | supportedExtensionAddition = '-' + key + '-' + value;
1088 | }
1089 | }
1090 | // 2. Else
1091 | else {
1092 | // a. Let valuePos be the result of calling the [[Call]]
1093 | // internal method of indexOf with keyLocaleData as the this
1094 | // value and an argument list containing the single item
1095 | // "true".
1096 | var _valuePos = indexOf(keyLocaleData, 'true');
1097 |
1098 | // b. If valuePos ≠ -1, then
1099 | if (_valuePos !== -1)
1100 | // i. Let value be "true".
1101 | value = 'true';
1102 | }
1103 | }
1104 | }
1105 | // h. If options has a field [[<key>]], then
1106 | if (hop.call(options, '[[' + key + ']]')) {
1107 | // i. Let optionsValue be the value of options.[[<key>]].
1108 | var optionsValue = options['[[' + key + ']]'];
1109 |
1110 | // ii. If the result of calling the [[Call]] internal method of indexOf
1111 | // with keyLocaleData as the this value and an argument list
1112 | // containing the single item optionsValue is not -1, then
1113 | if (indexOf.call(keyLocaleData, optionsValue) !== -1) {
1114 | // 1. If optionsValue is not equal to value, then
1115 | if (optionsValue !== value) {
1116 | // a. Let value be optionsValue.
1117 | value = optionsValue;
1118 | // b. Let supportedExtensionAddition be "".
1119 | supportedExtensionAddition = '';
1120 | }
1121 | }
1122 | }
1123 | // i. Set result.[[<key>]] to value.
1124 | result['[[' + key + ']]'] = value;
1125 |
1126 | // j. Append supportedExtensionAddition to supportedExtension.
1127 | supportedExtension += supportedExtensionAddition;
1128 |
1129 | // k. Increase i by 1.
1130 | i++;
1131 | }
1132 | // 12. If the length of supportedExtension is greater than 2, then
1133 | if (supportedExtension.length > 2) {
1134 | // a.
1135 | var privateIndex = foundLocale.indexOf("-x-");
1136 | // b.
1137 | if (privateIndex === -1) {
1138 | // i.
1139 | foundLocale = foundLocale + supportedExtension;
1140 | }
1141 | // c.
1142 | else {
1143 | // i.
1144 | var preExtension = foundLocale.substring(0, privateIndex);
1145 | // ii.
1146 | var postExtension = foundLocale.substring(privateIndex);
1147 | // iii.
1148 | foundLocale = preExtension + supportedExtension + postExtension;
1149 | }
1150 | // d. asserting - skipping
1151 | // e.
1152 | foundLocale = CanonicalizeLanguageTag(foundLocale);
1153 | }
1154 | // 13. Set result.[[locale]] to foundLocale.
1155 | result['[[locale]]'] = foundLocale;
1156 |
1157 | // 14. Return result.
1158 | return result;
1159 | }
1160 |
1161 | /**
1162 | * The LookupSupportedLocales abstract operation returns the subset of the
1163 | * provided BCP 47 language priority list requestedLocales for which
1164 | * availableLocales has a matching locale when using the BCP 47 Lookup algorithm.
1165 | * Locales appear in the same order in the returned list as in requestedLocales.
1166 | * The following steps are taken:
1167 | */
1168 | function /* 9.2.6 */LookupSupportedLocales(availableLocales, requestedLocales) {
1169 | // 1. Let len be the number of elements in requestedLocales.
1170 | var len = requestedLocales.length;
1171 | // 2. Let subset be a new empty List.
1172 | var subset = new List();
1173 | // 3. Let k be 0.
1174 | var k = 0;
1175 |
1176 | // 4. Repeat while k < len
1177 | while (k < len) {
1178 | // a. Let locale be the element of requestedLocales at 0-origined list
1179 | // position k.
1180 | var locale = requestedLocales[k];
1181 | // b. Let noExtensionsLocale be the String value that is locale with all
1182 | // Unicode locale extension sequences removed.
1183 | var noExtensionsLocale = String(locale).replace(expUnicodeExSeq, '');
1184 | // c. Let availableLocale be the result of calling the
1185 | // BestAvailableLocale abstract operation (defined in 9.2.2) with
1186 | // arguments availableLocales and noExtensionsLocale.
1187 | var availableLocale = BestAvailableLocale(availableLocales, noExtensionsLocale);
1188 |
1189 | // d. If availableLocale is not undefined, then append locale to the end of
1190 | // subset.
1191 | if (availableLocale !== undefined) arrPush.call(subset, locale);
1192 |
1193 | // e. Increment k by 1.
1194 | k++;
1195 | }
1196 |
1197 | // 5. Let subsetArray be a new Array object whose elements are the same
1198 | // values in the same order as the elements of subset.
1199 | var subsetArray = arrSlice.call(subset);
1200 |
1201 | // 6. Return subsetArray.
1202 | return subsetArray;
1203 | }
1204 |
1205 | /**
1206 | * The BestFitSupportedLocales abstract operation returns the subset of the
1207 | * provided BCP 47 language priority list requestedLocales for which
1208 | * availableLocales has a matching locale when using the Best Fit Matcher
1209 | * algorithm. Locales appear in the same order in the returned list as in
1210 | * requestedLocales. The steps taken are implementation dependent.
1211 | */
1212 | function /*9.2.7 */BestFitSupportedLocales(availableLocales, requestedLocales) {
1213 | // ###TODO: implement this function as described by the specification###
1214 | return LookupSupportedLocales(availableLocales, requestedLocales);
1215 | }
1216 |
1217 | /**
1218 | * The SupportedLocales abstract operation returns the subset of the provided BCP
1219 | * 47 language priority list requestedLocales for which availableLocales has a
1220 | * matching locale. Two algorithms are available to match the locales: the Lookup
1221 | * algorithm described in RFC 4647 section 3.4, and an implementation dependent
1222 | * best-fit algorithm. Locales appear in the same order in the returned list as
1223 | * in requestedLocales. The following steps are taken:
1224 | */
1225 | function /*9.2.8 */SupportedLocales(availableLocales, requestedLocales, options) {
1226 | var matcher = void 0,
1227 | subset = void 0;
1228 |
1229 | // 1. If options is not undefined, then
1230 | if (options !== undefined) {
1231 | // a. Let options be ToObject(options).
1232 | options = new Record(toObject(options));
1233 | // b. Let matcher be the result of calling the [[Get]] internal method of
1234 | // options with argument "localeMatcher".
1235 | matcher = options.localeMatcher;
1236 |
1237 | // c. If matcher is not undefined, then
1238 | if (matcher !== undefined) {
1239 | // i. Let matcher be ToString(matcher).
1240 | matcher = String(matcher);
1241 |
1242 | // ii. If matcher is not "lookup" or "best fit", then throw a RangeError
1243 | // exception.
1244 | if (matcher !== 'lookup' && matcher !== 'best fit') throw new RangeError('matcher should be "lookup" or "best fit"');
1245 | }
1246 | }
1247 | // 2. If matcher is undefined or "best fit", then
1248 | if (matcher === undefined || matcher === 'best fit')
1249 | // a. Let subset be the result of calling the BestFitSupportedLocales
1250 | // abstract operation (defined in 9.2.7) with arguments
1251 | // availableLocales and requestedLocales.
1252 | subset = BestFitSupportedLocales(availableLocales, requestedLocales);
1253 | // 3. Else
1254 | else
1255 | // a. Let subset be the result of calling the LookupSupportedLocales
1256 | // abstract operation (defined in 9.2.6) with arguments
1257 | // availableLocales and requestedLocales.
1258 | subset = LookupSupportedLocales(availableLocales, requestedLocales);
1259 |
1260 | // 4. For each named own property name P of subset,
1261 | for (var P in subset) {
1262 | if (!hop.call(subset, P)) continue;
1263 |
1264 | // a. Let desc be the result of calling the [[GetOwnProperty]] internal
1265 | // method of subset with P.
1266 | // b. Set desc.[[Writable]] to false.
1267 | // c. Set desc.[[Configurable]] to false.
1268 | // d. Call the [[DefineOwnProperty]] internal method of subset with P, desc,
1269 | // and true as arguments.
1270 | defineProperty(subset, P, {
1271 | writable: false, configurable: false, value: subset[P]
1272 | });
1273 | }
1274 | // "Freeze" the array so no new elements can be added
1275 | defineProperty(subset, 'length', { writable: false });
1276 |
1277 | // 5. Return subset
1278 | return subset;
1279 | }
1280 |
1281 | /**
1282 | * The GetOption abstract operation extracts the value of the property named
1283 | * property from the provided options object, converts it to the required type,
1284 | * checks whether it is one of a List of allowed values, and fills in a fallback
1285 | * value if necessary.
1286 | */
1287 | function /*9.2.9 */GetOption(options, property, type, values, fallback) {
1288 | // 1. Let value be the result of calling the [[Get]] internal method of
1289 | // options with argument property.
1290 | var value = options[property];
1291 |
1292 | // 2. If value is not undefined, then
1293 | if (value !== undefined) {
1294 | // a. Assert: type is "boolean" or "string".
1295 | // b. If type is "boolean", then let value be ToBoolean(value).
1296 | // c. If type is "string", then let value be ToString(value).
1297 | value = type === 'boolean' ? Boolean(value) : type === 'string' ? String(value) : value;
1298 |
1299 | // d. If values is not undefined, then
1300 | if (values !== undefined) {
1301 | // i. If values does not contain an element equal to value, then throw a
1302 | // RangeError exception.
1303 | if (arrIndexOf.call(values, value) === -1) throw new RangeError("'" + value + "' is not an allowed value for `" + property + '`');
1304 | }
1305 |
1306 | // e. Return value.
1307 | return value;
1308 | }
1309 | // Else return fallback.
1310 | return fallback;
1311 | }
1312 |
1313 | /**
1314 | * The GetNumberOption abstract operation extracts a property value from the
1315 | * provided options object, converts it to a Number value, checks whether it is
1316 | * in the allowed range, and fills in a fallback value if necessary.
1317 | */
1318 | function /* 9.2.10 */GetNumberOption(options, property, minimum, maximum, fallback) {
1319 | // 1. Let value be the result of calling the [[Get]] internal method of
1320 | // options with argument property.
1321 | var value = options[property];
1322 |
1323 | // 2. If value is not undefined, then
1324 | if (value !== undefined) {
1325 | // a. Let value be ToNumber(value).
1326 | value = Number(value);
1327 |
1328 | // b. If value is NaN or less than minimum or greater than maximum, throw a
1329 | // RangeError exception.
1330 | if (isNaN(value) || value < minimum || value > maximum) throw new RangeError('Value is not a number or outside accepted range');
1331 |
1332 | // c. Return floor(value).
1333 | return Math.floor(value);
1334 | }
1335 | // 3. Else return fallback.
1336 | return fallback;
1337 | }
1338 |
1339 | // 8 The Intl Object
1340 | var Intl = {};
1341 |
1342 | // 8.2 Function Properties of the Intl Object
1343 |
1344 | // 8.2.1
1345 | // @spec[tc39/ecma402/master/spec/intl.html]
1346 | // @clause[sec-intl.getcanonicallocales]
1347 | Intl.getCanonicalLocales = function (locales) {
1348 | // 1. Let ll be ? CanonicalizeLocaleList(locales).
1349 | var ll = CanonicalizeLocaleList(locales);
1350 | // 2. Return CreateArrayFromList(ll).
1351 | {
1352 | var result = [];
1353 | for (var code in ll) {
1354 | result.push(ll[code]);
1355 | }
1356 | return result;
1357 | }
1358 | };
1359 |
1360 | // Currency minor units output from get-4217 grunt task, formatted
1361 | var currencyMinorUnits = {
1362 | BHD: 3, BYR: 0, XOF: 0, BIF: 0, XAF: 0, CLF: 4, CLP: 0, KMF: 0, DJF: 0,
1363 | XPF: 0, GNF: 0, ISK: 0, IQD: 3, JPY: 0, JOD: 3, KRW: 0, KWD: 3, LYD: 3,
1364 | OMR: 3, PYG: 0, RWF: 0, TND: 3, UGX: 0, UYI: 0, VUV: 0, VND: 0
1365 | };
1366 |
1367 | // Define the NumberFormat constructor internally so it cannot be tainted
1368 | function NumberFormatConstructor() {
1369 | var locales = arguments[0];
1370 | var options = arguments[1];
1371 |
1372 | if (!this || this === Intl) {
1373 | return new Intl.NumberFormat(locales, options);
1374 | }
1375 |
1376 | return InitializeNumberFormat(toObject(this), locales, options);
1377 | }
1378 |
1379 | defineProperty(Intl, 'NumberFormat', {
1380 | configurable: true,
1381 | writable: true,
1382 | value: NumberFormatConstructor
1383 | });
1384 |
1385 | // Must explicitly set prototypes as unwritable
1386 | defineProperty(Intl.NumberFormat, 'prototype', {
1387 | writable: false
1388 | });
1389 |
1390 | /**
1391 | * The abstract operation InitializeNumberFormat accepts the arguments
1392 | * numberFormat (which must be an object), locales, and options. It initializes
1393 | * numberFormat as a NumberFormat object.
1394 | */
1395 | function /* */InitializeNumberFormat(numberFormat, locales, options) {
1396 | // This will be a internal properties object if we're not already initialized
1397 | var internal = getInternalProperties(numberFormat);
1398 |
1399 | // Create an object whose props can be used to restore the values of RegExp props
1400 | var regexpState = createRegExpRestore();
1401 |
1402 | // 1. If numberFormat has an [[initializedIntlObject]] internal property with
1403 | // value true, throw a TypeError exception.
1404 | if (internal['[[initializedIntlObject]]'] === true) throw new TypeError('`this` object has already been initialized as an Intl object');
1405 |
1406 | // Need this to access the `internal` object
1407 | defineProperty(numberFormat, '__getInternalProperties', {
1408 | value: function value() {
1409 | // NOTE: Non-standard, for internal use only
1410 | if (arguments[0] === secret) return internal;
1411 | }
1412 | });
1413 |
1414 | // 2. Set the [[initializedIntlObject]] internal property of numberFormat to true.
1415 | internal['[[initializedIntlObject]]'] = true;
1416 |
1417 | // 3. Let requestedLocales be the result of calling the CanonicalizeLocaleList
1418 | // abstract operation (defined in 9.2.1) with argument locales.
1419 | var requestedLocales = CanonicalizeLocaleList(locales);
1420 |
1421 | // 4. If options is undefined, then
1422 | if (options === undefined)
1423 | // a. Let options be the result of creating a new object as if by the
1424 | // expression new Object() where Object is the standard built-in constructor
1425 | // with that name.
1426 | options = {};
1427 |
1428 | // 5. Else
1429 | else
1430 | // a. Let options be ToObject(options).
1431 | options = toObject(options);
1432 |
1433 | // 6. Let opt be a new Record.
1434 | var opt = new Record(),
1435 |
1436 |
1437 | // 7. Let matcher be the result of calling the GetOption abstract operation
1438 | // (defined in 9.2.9) with the arguments options, "localeMatcher", "string",
1439 | // a List containing the two String values "lookup" and "best fit", and
1440 | // "best fit".
1441 | matcher = GetOption(options, 'localeMatcher', 'string', new List('lookup', 'best fit'), 'best fit');
1442 |
1443 | // 8. Set opt.[[localeMatcher]] to matcher.
1444 | opt['[[localeMatcher]]'] = matcher;
1445 |
1446 | // 9. Let NumberFormat be the standard built-in object that is the initial value
1447 | // of Intl.NumberFormat.
1448 | // 10. Let localeData be the value of the [[localeData]] internal property of
1449 | // NumberFormat.
1450 | var localeData = internals.NumberFormat['[[localeData]]'];
1451 |
1452 | // 11. Let r be the result of calling the ResolveLocale abstract operation
1453 | // (defined in 9.2.5) with the [[availableLocales]] internal property of
1454 | // NumberFormat, requestedLocales, opt, the [[relevantExtensionKeys]]
1455 | // internal property of NumberFormat, and localeData.
1456 | var r = ResolveLocale(internals.NumberFormat['[[availableLocales]]'], requestedLocales, opt, internals.NumberFormat['[[relevantExtensionKeys]]'], localeData);
1457 |
1458 | // 12. Set the [[locale]] internal property of numberFormat to the value of
1459 | // r.[[locale]].
1460 | internal['[[locale]]'] = r['[[locale]]'];
1461 |
1462 | // 13. Set the [[numberingSystem]] internal property of numberFormat to the value
1463 | // of r.[[nu]].
1464 | internal['[[numberingSystem]]'] = r['[[nu]]'];
1465 |
1466 | // The specification doesn't tell us to do this, but it's helpful later on
1467 | internal['[[dataLocale]]'] = r['[[dataLocale]]'];
1468 |
1469 | // 14. Let dataLocale be the value of r.[[dataLocale]].
1470 | var dataLocale = r['[[dataLocale]]'];
1471 |
1472 | // 15. Let s be the result of calling the GetOption abstract operation with the
1473 | // arguments options, "style", "string", a List containing the three String
1474 | // values "decimal", "percent", and "currency", and "decimal".
1475 | var s = GetOption(options, 'style', 'string', new List('decimal', 'percent', 'currency'), 'decimal');
1476 |
1477 | // 16. Set the [[style]] internal property of numberFormat to s.
1478 | internal['[[style]]'] = s;
1479 |
1480 | // 17. Let c be the result of calling the GetOption abstract operation with the
1481 | // arguments options, "currency", "string", undefined, and undefined.
1482 | var c = GetOption(options, 'currency', 'string');
1483 |
1484 | // 18. If c is not undefined and the result of calling the
1485 | // IsWellFormedCurrencyCode abstract operation (defined in 6.3.1) with
1486 | // argument c is false, then throw a RangeError exception.
1487 | if (c !== undefined && !IsWellFormedCurrencyCode(c)) throw new RangeError("'" + c + "' is not a valid currency code");
1488 |
1489 | // 19. If s is "currency" and c is undefined, throw a TypeError exception.
1490 | if (s === 'currency' && c === undefined) throw new TypeError('Currency code is required when style is currency');
1491 |
1492 | var cDigits = void 0;
1493 |
1494 | // 20. If s is "currency", then
1495 | if (s === 'currency') {
1496 | // a. Let c be the result of converting c to upper case as specified in 6.1.
1497 | c = c.toUpperCase();
1498 |
1499 | // b. Set the [[currency]] internal property of numberFormat to c.
1500 | internal['[[currency]]'] = c;
1501 |
1502 | // c. Let cDigits be the result of calling the CurrencyDigits abstract
1503 | // operation (defined below) with argument c.
1504 | cDigits = CurrencyDigits(c);
1505 | }
1506 |
1507 | // 21. Let cd be the result of calling the GetOption abstract operation with the
1508 | // arguments options, "currencyDisplay", "string", a List containing the
1509 | // three String values "code", "symbol", and "name", and "symbol".
1510 | var cd = GetOption(options, 'currencyDisplay', 'string', new List('code', 'symbol', 'name'), 'symbol');
1511 |
1512 | // 22. If s is "currency", then set the [[currencyDisplay]] internal property of
1513 | // numberFormat to cd.
1514 | if (s === 'currency') internal['[[currencyDisplay]]'] = cd;
1515 |
1516 | // 23. Let mnid be the result of calling the GetNumberOption abstract operation
1517 | // (defined in 9.2.10) with arguments options, "minimumIntegerDigits", 1, 21,
1518 | // and 1.
1519 | var mnid = GetNumberOption(options, 'minimumIntegerDigits', 1, 21, 1);
1520 |
1521 | // 24. Set the [[minimumIntegerDigits]] internal property of numberFormat to mnid.
1522 | internal['[[minimumIntegerDigits]]'] = mnid;
1523 |
1524 | // 25. If s is "currency", then let mnfdDefault be cDigits; else let mnfdDefault
1525 | // be 0.
1526 | var mnfdDefault = s === 'currency' ? cDigits : 0;
1527 |
1528 | // 26. Let mnfd be the result of calling the GetNumberOption abstract operation
1529 | // with arguments options, "minimumFractionDigits", 0, 20, and mnfdDefault.
1530 | var mnfd = GetNumberOption(options, 'minimumFractionDigits', 0, 20, mnfdDefault);
1531 |
1532 | // 27. Set the [[minimumFractionDigits]] internal property of numberFormat to mnfd.
1533 | internal['[[minimumFractionDigits]]'] = mnfd;
1534 |
1535 | // 28. If s is "currency", then let mxfdDefault be max(mnfd, cDigits); else if s
1536 | // is "percent", then let mxfdDefault be max(mnfd, 0); else let mxfdDefault
1537 | // be max(mnfd, 3).
1538 | var mxfdDefault = s === 'currency' ? Math.max(mnfd, cDigits) : s === 'percent' ? Math.max(mnfd, 0) : Math.max(mnfd, 3);
1539 |
1540 | // 29. Let mxfd be the result of calling the GetNumberOption abstract operation
1541 | // with arguments options, "maximumFractionDigits", mnfd, 20, and mxfdDefault.
1542 | var mxfd = GetNumberOption(options, 'maximumFractionDigits', mnfd, 20, mxfdDefault);
1543 |
1544 | // 30. Set the [[maximumFractionDigits]] internal property of numberFormat to mxfd.
1545 | internal['[[maximumFractionDigits]]'] = mxfd;
1546 |
1547 | // 31. Let mnsd be the result of calling the [[Get]] internal method of options
1548 | // with argument "minimumSignificantDigits".
1549 | var mnsd = options.minimumSignificantDigits;
1550 |
1551 | // 32. Let mxsd be the result of calling the [[Get]] internal method of options
1552 | // with argument "maximumSignificantDigits".
1553 | var mxsd = options.maximumSignificantDigits;
1554 |
1555 | // 33. If mnsd is not undefined or mxsd is not undefined, then:
1556 | if (mnsd !== undefined || mxsd !== undefined) {
1557 | // a. Let mnsd be the result of calling the GetNumberOption abstract
1558 | // operation with arguments options, "minimumSignificantDigits", 1, 21,
1559 | // and 1.
1560 | mnsd = GetNumberOption(options, 'minimumSignificantDigits', 1, 21, 1);
1561 |
1562 | // b. Let mxsd be the result of calling the GetNumberOption abstract
1563 | // operation with arguments options, "maximumSignificantDigits", mnsd,
1564 | // 21, and 21.
1565 | mxsd = GetNumberOption(options, 'maximumSignificantDigits', mnsd, 21, 21);
1566 |
1567 | // c. Set the [[minimumSignificantDigits]] internal property of numberFormat
1568 | // to mnsd, and the [[maximumSignificantDigits]] internal property of
1569 | // numberFormat to mxsd.
1570 | internal['[[minimumSignificantDigits]]'] = mnsd;
1571 | internal['[[maximumSignificantDigits]]'] = mxsd;
1572 | }
1573 | // 34. Let g be the result of calling the GetOption abstract operation with the
1574 | // arguments options, "useGrouping", "boolean", undefined, and true.
1575 | var g = GetOption(options, 'useGrouping', 'boolean', undefined, true);
1576 |
1577 | // 35. Set the [[useGrouping]] internal property of numberFormat to g.
1578 | internal['[[useGrouping]]'] = g;
1579 |
1580 | // 36. Let dataLocaleData be the result of calling the [[Get]] internal method of
1581 | // localeData with argument dataLocale.
1582 | var dataLocaleData = localeData[dataLocale];
1583 |
1584 | // 37. Let patterns be the result of calling the [[Get]] internal method of
1585 | // dataLocaleData with argument "patterns".
1586 | var patterns = dataLocaleData.patterns;
1587 |
1588 | // 38. Assert: patterns is an object (see 11.2.3)
1589 |
1590 | // 39. Let stylePatterns be the result of calling the [[Get]] internal method of
1591 | // patterns with argument s.
1592 | var stylePatterns = patterns[s];
1593 |
1594 | // 40. Set the [[positivePattern]] internal property of numberFormat to the
1595 | // result of calling the [[Get]] internal method of stylePatterns with the
1596 | // argument "positivePattern".
1597 | internal['[[positivePattern]]'] = stylePatterns.positivePattern;
1598 |
1599 | // 41. Set the [[negativePattern]] internal property of numberFormat to the
1600 | // result of calling the [[Get]] internal method of stylePatterns with the
1601 | // argument "negativePattern".
1602 | internal['[[negativePattern]]'] = stylePatterns.negativePattern;
1603 |
1604 | // 42. Set the [[boundFormat]] internal property of numberFormat to undefined.
1605 | internal['[[boundFormat]]'] = undefined;
1606 |
1607 | // 43. Set the [[initializedNumberFormat]] internal property of numberFormat to
1608 | // true.
1609 | internal['[[initializedNumberFormat]]'] = true;
1610 |
1611 | // In ES3, we need to pre-bind the format() function
1612 | if (es3) numberFormat.format = GetFormatNumber.call(numberFormat);
1613 |
1614 | // Restore the RegExp properties
1615 | regexpState.exp.test(regexpState.input);
1616 |
1617 | // Return the newly initialised object
1618 | return numberFormat;
1619 | }
1620 |
1621 | function CurrencyDigits(currency) {
1622 | // When the CurrencyDigits abstract operation is called with an argument currency
1623 | // (which must be an upper case String value), the following steps are taken:
1624 |
1625 | // 1. If the ISO 4217 currency and funds code list contains currency as an
1626 | // alphabetic code, then return the minor unit value corresponding to the
1627 | // currency from the list; else return 2.
1628 | return currencyMinorUnits[currency] !== undefined ? currencyMinorUnits[currency] : 2;
1629 | }
1630 |
1631 | /* 11.2.3 */internals.NumberFormat = {
1632 | '[[availableLocales]]': [],
1633 | '[[relevantExtensionKeys]]': ['nu'],
1634 | '[[localeData]]': {}
1635 | };
1636 |
1637 | /**
1638 | * When the supportedLocalesOf method of Intl.NumberFormat is called, the
1639 | * following steps are taken:
1640 | */
1641 | /* 11.2.2 */
1642 | defineProperty(Intl.NumberFormat, 'supportedLocalesOf', {
1643 | configurable: true,
1644 | writable: true,
1645 | value: fnBind.call(function (locales) {
1646 | // Bound functions only have the `this` value altered if being used as a constructor,
1647 | // this lets us imitate a native function that has no constructor
1648 | if (!hop.call(this, '[[availableLocales]]')) throw new TypeError('supportedLocalesOf() is not a constructor');
1649 |
1650 | // Create an object whose props can be used to restore the values of RegExp props
1651 | var regexpState = createRegExpRestore(),
1652 |
1653 |
1654 | // 1. If options is not provided, then let options be undefined.
1655 | options = arguments[1],
1656 |
1657 |
1658 | // 2. Let availableLocales be the value of the [[availableLocales]] internal
1659 | // property of the standard built-in object that is the initial value of
1660 | // Intl.NumberFormat.
1661 |
1662 | availableLocales = this['[[availableLocales]]'],
1663 |
1664 |
1665 | // 3. Let requestedLocales be the result of calling the CanonicalizeLocaleList
1666 | // abstract operation (defined in 9.2.1) with argument locales.
1667 | requestedLocales = CanonicalizeLocaleList(locales);
1668 |
1669 | // Restore the RegExp properties
1670 | regexpState.exp.test(regexpState.input);
1671 |
1672 | // 4. Return the result of calling the SupportedLocales abstract operation
1673 | // (defined in 9.2.8) with arguments availableLocales, requestedLocales,
1674 | // and options.
1675 | return SupportedLocales(availableLocales, requestedLocales, options);
1676 | }, internals.NumberFormat)
1677 | });
1678 |
1679 | /**
1680 | * This named accessor property returns a function that formats a number
1681 | * according to the effective locale and the formatting options of this
1682 | * NumberFormat object.
1683 | */
1684 | /* 11.3.2 */defineProperty(Intl.NumberFormat.prototype, 'format', {
1685 | configurable: true,
1686 | get: GetFormatNumber
1687 | });
1688 |
1689 | function GetFormatNumber() {
1690 | var internal = this !== null && babelHelpers["typeof"](this) === 'object' && getInternalProperties(this);
1691 |
1692 | // Satisfy test 11.3_b
1693 | if (!internal || !internal['[[initializedNumberFormat]]']) throw new TypeError('`this` value for format() is not an initialized Intl.NumberFormat object.');
1694 |
1695 | // The value of the [[Get]] attribute is a function that takes the following
1696 | // steps:
1697 |
1698 | // 1. If the [[boundFormat]] internal property of this NumberFormat object
1699 | // is undefined, then:
1700 | if (internal['[[boundFormat]]'] === undefined) {
1701 | // a. Let F be a Function object, with internal properties set as
1702 | // specified for built-in functions in ES5, 15, or successor, and the
1703 | // length property set to 1, that takes the argument value and
1704 | // performs the following steps:
1705 | var F = function F(value) {
1706 | // i. If value is not provided, then let value be undefined.
1707 | // ii. Let x be ToNumber(value).
1708 | // iii. Return the result of calling the FormatNumber abstract
1709 | // operation (defined below) with arguments this and x.
1710 | return FormatNumber(this, /* x = */Number(value));
1711 | };
1712 |
1713 | // b. Let bind be the standard built-in function object defined in ES5,
1714 | //
1715 | // c. Let bf be the result of calling the [[Call]] internal method of
1716 | // bind with F as the this value and an argument list containing
1717 | // the single item this.
1718 | var bf = fnBind.call(F, this);
1719 |
1720 | // d. Set the [[boundFormat]] internal property of this NumberFormat
1721 | // object to bf.
1722 | internal['[[boundFormat]]'] = bf;
1723 | }
1724 | // Return the value of the [[boundFormat]] internal property of this
1725 | // NumberFormat object.
1726 | return internal['[[boundFormat]]'];
1727 | }
1728 |
1729 | Intl.NumberFormat.prototype.formatToParts = function (value) {
1730 | var internal = this !== null && babelHelpers["typeof"](this) === 'object' && getInternalProperties(this);
1731 | if (!internal || !internal['[[initializedNumberFormat]]']) throw new TypeError('`this` value for formatToParts() is not an initialized Intl.NumberFormat object.');
1732 |
1733 | var x = Number(value);
1734 | return FormatNumberToParts(this, x);
1735 | };
1736 |
1737 | /*
1738 | * @spec[stasm/ecma402/number-format-to-parts/spec/numberformat.html]
1739 | * @clause[sec-formatnumbertoparts]
1740 | */
1741 | function FormatNumberToParts(numberFormat, x) {
1742 | // 1. Let parts be ? PartitionNumberPattern(numberFormat, x).
1743 | var parts = PartitionNumberPattern(numberFormat, x);
1744 | // 2. Let result be ArrayCreate(0).
1745 | var result = [];
1746 | // 3. Let n be 0.
1747 | var n = 0;
1748 | // 4. For each part in parts, do:
1749 | for (var i = 0; parts.length > i; i++) {
1750 | var part = parts[i];
1751 | // a. Let O be ObjectCreate(%ObjectPrototype%).
1752 | var O = {};
1753 | // a. Perform ? CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(O, "type", part.[[type]]).
1754 | O.type = part['[[type]]'];
1755 | // a. Perform ? CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(O, "value", part.[[value]]).
1756 | O.value = part['[[value]]'];
1757 | // a. Perform ? CreateDataPropertyOrThrow(result, ? ToString(n), O).
1758 | result[n] = O;
1759 | // a. Increment n by 1.
1760 | n += 1;
1761 | }
1762 | // 5. Return result.
1763 | return result;
1764 | }
1765 |
1766 | /*
1767 | * @spec[stasm/ecma402/number-format-to-parts/spec/numberformat.html]
1768 | * @clause[sec-partitionnumberpattern]
1769 | */
1770 | function PartitionNumberPattern(numberFormat, x) {
1771 |
1772 | var internal = getInternalProperties(numberFormat),
1773 | locale = internal['[[dataLocale]]'],
1774 | nums = internal['[[numberingSystem]]'],
1775 | data = internals.NumberFormat['[[localeData]]'][locale],
1776 | ild = data.symbols[nums] || data.symbols.latn,
1777 | pattern = void 0;
1778 |
1779 | // 1. If x is not NaN and x < 0, then:
1780 | if (!isNaN(x) && x < 0) {
1781 | // a. Let x be -x.
1782 | x = -x;
1783 | // a. Let pattern be the value of numberFormat.[[negativePattern]].
1784 | pattern = internal['[[negativePattern]]'];
1785 | }
1786 | // 2. Else,
1787 | else {
1788 | // a. Let pattern be the value of numberFormat.[[positivePattern]].
1789 | pattern = internal['[[positivePattern]]'];
1790 | }
1791 | // 3. Let result be a new empty List.
1792 | var result = new List();
1793 | // 4. Let beginIndex be Call(%StringProto_indexOf%, pattern, "{", 0).
1794 | var beginIndex = pattern.indexOf('{', 0);
1795 | // 5. Let endIndex be 0.
1796 | var endIndex = 0;
1797 | // 6. Let nextIndex be 0.
1798 | var nextIndex = 0;
1799 | // 7. Let length be the number of code units in pattern.
1800 | var length = pattern.length;
1801 | // 8. Repeat while beginIndex is an integer index into pattern:
1802 | while (beginIndex > -1 && beginIndex < length) {
1803 | // a. Set endIndex to Call(%StringProto_indexOf%, pattern, "}", beginIndex)
1804 | endIndex = pattern.indexOf('}', beginIndex);
1805 | // a. If endIndex = -1, throw new Error exception.
1806 | if (endIndex === -1) throw new Error();
1807 | // a. If beginIndex is greater than nextIndex, then:
1808 | if (beginIndex > nextIndex) {
1809 | // i. Let literal be a substring of pattern from position nextIndex, inclusive, to position beginIndex, exclusive.
1810 | var literal = pattern.substring(nextIndex, beginIndex);
1811 | // ii. Add new part record { [[type]]: "literal", [[value]]: literal } as a new element of the list result.
1812 | arrPush.call(result, { '[[type]]': 'literal', '[[value]]': literal });
1813 | }
1814 | // a. Let p be the substring of pattern from position beginIndex, exclusive, to position endIndex, exclusive.
1815 | var p = pattern.substring(beginIndex + 1, endIndex);
1816 | // a. If p is equal "number", then:
1817 | if (p === "number") {
1818 | // i. If x is NaN,
1819 | if (isNaN(x)) {
1820 | // 1. Let n be an ILD String value indicating the NaN value.
1821 | var n = ild.nan;
1822 | // 2. Add new part record { [[type]]: "nan", [[value]]: n } as a new element of the list result.
1823 | arrPush.call(result, { '[[type]]': 'nan', '[[value]]': n });
1824 | }
1825 | // ii. Else if isFinite(x) is false,
1826 | else if (!isFinite(x)) {
1827 | // 1. Let n be an ILD String value indicating infinity.
1828 | var _n = ild.infinity;
1829 | // 2. Add new part record { [[type]]: "infinity", [[value]]: n } as a new element of the list result.
1830 | arrPush.call(result, { '[[type]]': 'infinity', '[[value]]': _n });
1831 | }
1832 | // iii. Else,
1833 | else {
1834 | // 1. If the value of numberFormat.[[style]] is "percent" and isFinite(x), let x be 100 × x.
1835 | if (internal['[[style]]'] === 'percent' && isFinite(x)) x *= 100;
1836 |
1837 | var _n2 = void 0;
1838 | // 2. If the numberFormat.[[minimumSignificantDigits]] and numberFormat.[[maximumSignificantDigits]] are present, then
1839 | if (hop.call(internal, '[[minimumSignificantDigits]]') && hop.call(internal, '[[maximumSignificantDigits]]')) {
1840 | // a. Let n be ToRawPrecision(x, numberFormat.[[minimumSignificantDigits]], numberFormat.[[maximumSignificantDigits]]).
1841 | _n2 = ToRawPrecision(x, internal['[[minimumSignificantDigits]]'], internal['[[maximumSignificantDigits]]']);
1842 | }
1843 | // 3. Else,
1844 | else {
1845 | // a. Let n be ToRawFixed(x, numberFormat.[[minimumIntegerDigits]], numberFormat.[[minimumFractionDigits]], numberFormat.[[maximumFractionDigits]]).
1846 | _n2 = ToRawFixed(x, internal['[[minimumIntegerDigits]]'], internal['[[minimumFractionDigits]]'], internal['[[maximumFractionDigits]]']);
1847 | }
1848 | // 4. If the value of the numberFormat.[[numberingSystem]] matches one of the values in the "Numbering System" column of Table 2 below, then
1849 | if (numSys[nums]) {
1850 | (function () {
1851 | // a. Let digits be an array whose 10 String valued elements are the UTF-16 string representations of the 10 digits specified in the "Digits" column of the matching row in Table 2.
1852 | var digits = numSys[nums];
1853 | // a. Replace each digit in n with the value of digits[digit].
1854 | _n2 = String(_n2).replace(/\d/g, function (digit) {
1855 | return digits[digit];
1856 | });
1857 | })();
1858 | }
1859 | // 5. Else use an implementation dependent algorithm to map n to the appropriate representation of n in the given numbering system.
1860 | else _n2 = String(_n2); // ###TODO###
1861 |
1862 | var integer = void 0;
1863 | var fraction = void 0;
1864 | // 6. Let decimalSepIndex be Call(%StringProto_indexOf%, n, ".", 0).
1865 | var decimalSepIndex = _n2.indexOf('.', 0);
1866 | // 7. If decimalSepIndex > 0, then:
1867 | if (decimalSepIndex > 0) {
1868 | // a. Let integer be the substring of n from position 0, inclusive, to position decimalSepIndex, exclusive.
1869 | integer = _n2.substring(0, decimalSepIndex);
1870 | // a. Let fraction be the substring of n from position decimalSepIndex, exclusive, to the end of n.
1871 | fraction = _n2.substring(decimalSepIndex + 1, decimalSepIndex.length);
1872 | }
1873 | // 8. Else:
1874 | else {
1875 | // a. Let integer be n.
1876 | integer = _n2;
1877 | // a. Let fraction be undefined.
1878 | fraction = undefined;
1879 | }
1880 | // 9. If the value of the numberFormat.[[useGrouping]] is true,
1881 | if (internal['[[useGrouping]]'] === true) {
1882 | // a. Let groupSepSymbol be the ILND String representing the grouping separator.
1883 | var groupSepSymbol = ild.group;
1884 | // a. Let groups be a List whose elements are, in left to right order, the substrings defined by ILND set of locations within the integer.
1885 | var groups = [];
1886 | // ----> implementation:
1887 | // Primary group represents the group closest to the decimal
1888 | var pgSize = data.patterns.primaryGroupSize || 3;
1889 | // Secondary group is every other group
1890 | var sgSize = data.patterns.secondaryGroupSize || pgSize;
1891 | // Group only if necessary
1892 | if (integer.length > pgSize) {
1893 | // Index of the primary grouping separator
1894 | var end = integer.length - pgSize;
1895 | // Starting index for our loop
1896 | var idx = end % sgSize;
1897 | var start = integer.slice(0, idx);
1898 | if (start.length) arrPush.call(groups, start);
1899 | // Loop to separate into secondary grouping digits
1900 | while (idx < end) {
1901 | arrPush.call(groups, integer.slice(idx, idx + sgSize));
1902 | idx += sgSize;
1903 | }
1904 | // Add the primary grouping digits
1905 | arrPush.call(groups, integer.slice(end));
1906 | } else {
1907 | arrPush.call(groups, integer);
1908 | }
1909 | // a. Assert: The number of elements in groups List is greater than 0.
1910 | if (groups.length === 0) throw new Error();
1911 | // a. Repeat, while groups List is not empty:
1912 | while (groups.length) {
1913 | // i. Remove the first element from groups and let integerGroup be the value of that element.
1914 | var integerGroup = arrShift.call(groups);
1915 | // ii. Add new part record { [[type]]: "integer", [[value]]: integerGroup } as a new element of the list result.
1916 | arrPush.call(result, { '[[type]]': 'integer', '[[value]]': integerGroup });
1917 | // iii. If groups List is not empty, then:
1918 | if (groups.length) {
1919 | // 1. Add new part record { [[type]]: "group", [[value]]: groupSepSymbol } as a new element of the list result.
1920 | arrPush.call(result, { '[[type]]': 'group', '[[value]]': groupSepSymbol });
1921 | }
1922 | }
1923 | }
1924 | // 10. Else,
1925 | else {
1926 | // a. Add new part record { [[type]]: "integer", [[value]]: integer } as a new element of the list result.
1927 | arrPush.call(result, { '[[type]]': 'integer', '[[value]]': integer });
1928 | }
1929 | // 11. If fraction is not undefined, then:
1930 | if (fraction !== undefined) {
1931 | // a. Let decimalSepSymbol be the ILND String representing the decimal separator.
1932 | var decimalSepSymbol = ild.decimal;
1933 | // a. Add new part record { [[type]]: "decimal", [[value]]: decimalSepSymbol } as a new element of the list result.
1934 | arrPush.call(result, { '[[type]]': 'decimal', '[[value]]': decimalSepSymbol });
1935 | // a. Add new part record { [[type]]: "fraction", [[value]]: fraction } as a new element of the list result.
1936 | arrPush.call(result, { '[[type]]': 'fraction', '[[value]]': fraction });
1937 | }
1938 | }
1939 | }
1940 | // a. Else if p is equal "plusSign", then:
1941 | else if (p === "plusSign") {
1942 | // i. Let plusSignSymbol be the ILND String representing the plus sign.
1943 | var plusSignSymbol = ild.plusSign;
1944 | // ii. Add new part record { [[type]]: "plusSign", [[value]]: plusSignSymbol } as a new element of the list result.
1945 | arrPush.call(result, { '[[type]]': 'plusSign', '[[value]]': plusSignSymbol });
1946 | }
1947 | // a. Else if p is equal "minusSign", then:
1948 | else if (p === "minusSign") {
1949 | // i. Let minusSignSymbol be the ILND String representing the minus sign.
1950 | var minusSignSymbol = ild.minusSign;
1951 | // ii. Add new part record { [[type]]: "minusSign", [[value]]: minusSignSymbol } as a new element of the list result.
1952 | arrPush.call(result, { '[[type]]': 'minusSign', '[[value]]': minusSignSymbol });
1953 | }
1954 | // a. Else if p is equal "percentSign" and numberFormat.[[style]] is "percent", then:
1955 | else if (p === "percentSign" && internal['[[style]]'] === "percent") {
1956 | // i. Let percentSignSymbol be the ILND String representing the percent sign.
1957 | var percentSignSymbol = ild.percentSign;
1958 | // ii. Add new part record { [[type]]: "percentSign", [[value]]: percentSignSymbol } as a new element of the list result.
1959 | arrPush.call(result, { '[[type]]': 'literal', '[[value]]': percentSignSymbol });
1960 | }
1961 | // a. Else if p is equal "currency" and numberFormat.[[style]] is "currency", then:
1962 | else if (p === "currency" && internal['[[style]]'] === "currency") {
1963 | // i. Let currency be the value of numberFormat.[[currency]].
1964 | var currency = internal['[[currency]]'];
1965 |
1966 | var cd = void 0;
1967 |
1968 | // ii. If numberFormat.[[currencyDisplay]] is "code", then
1969 | if (internal['[[currencyDisplay]]'] === "code") {
1970 | // 1. Let cd be currency.
1971 | cd = currency;
1972 | }
1973 | // iii. Else if numberFormat.[[currencyDisplay]] is "symbol", then
1974 | else if (internal['[[currencyDisplay]]'] === "symbol") {
1975 | // 1. Let cd be an ILD string representing currency in short form. If the implementation does not have such a representation of currency, use currency itself.
1976 | cd = data.currencies[currency] || currency;
1977 | }
1978 | // iv. Else if numberFormat.[[currencyDisplay]] is "name", then
1979 | else if (internal['[[currencyDisplay]]'] === "name") {
1980 | // 1. Let cd be an ILD string representing currency in long form. If the implementation does not have such a representation of currency, then use currency itself.
1981 | cd = currency;
1982 | }
1983 | // v. Add new part record { [[type]]: "currency", [[value]]: cd } as a new element of the list result.
1984 | arrPush.call(result, { '[[type]]': 'currency', '[[value]]': cd });
1985 | }
1986 | // a. Else,
1987 | else {
1988 | // i. Let literal be the substring of pattern from position beginIndex, inclusive, to position endIndex, inclusive.
1989 | var _literal = pattern.substring(beginIndex, endIndex);
1990 | // ii. Add new part record { [[type]]: "literal", [[value]]: literal } as a new element of the list result.
1991 | arrPush.call(result, { '[[type]]': 'literal', '[[value]]': _literal });
1992 | }
1993 | // a. Set nextIndex to endIndex + 1.
1994 | nextIndex = endIndex + 1;
1995 | // a. Set beginIndex to Call(%StringProto_indexOf%, pattern, "{", nextIndex)
1996 | beginIndex = pattern.indexOf('{', nextIndex);
1997 | }
1998 | // 9. If nextIndex is less than length, then:
1999 | if (nextIndex < length) {
2000 | // a. Let literal be the substring of pattern from position nextIndex, inclusive, to position length, exclusive.
2001 | var _literal2 = pattern.substring(nextIndex, length);
2002 | // a. Add new part record { [[type]]: "literal", [[value]]: literal } as a new element of the list result.
2003 | arrPush.call(result, { '[[type]]': 'literal', '[[value]]': _literal2 });
2004 | }
2005 | // 10. Return result.
2006 | return result;
2007 | }
2008 |
2009 | /*
2010 | * @spec[stasm/ecma402/number-format-to-parts/spec/numberformat.html]
2011 | * @clause[sec-formatnumber]
2012 | */
2013 | function FormatNumber(numberFormat, x) {
2014 | // 1. Let parts be ? PartitionNumberPattern(numberFormat, x).
2015 | var parts = PartitionNumberPattern(numberFormat, x);
2016 | // 2. Let result be an empty String.
2017 | var result = '';
2018 | // 3. For each part in parts, do:
2019 | for (var i = 0; parts.length > i; i++) {
2020 | var part = parts[i];
2021 | // a. Set result to a String value produced by concatenating result and part.[[value]].
2022 | result += part['[[value]]'];
2023 | }
2024 | // 4. Return result.
2025 | return result;
2026 | }
2027 |
2028 | /**
2029 | * When the ToRawPrecision abstract operation is called with arguments x (which
2030 | * must be a finite non-negative number), minPrecision, and maxPrecision (both
2031 | * must be integers between 1 and 21) the following steps are taken:
2032 | */
2033 | function ToRawPrecision(x, minPrecision, maxPrecision) {
2034 | // 1. Let p be maxPrecision.
2035 | var p = maxPrecision;
2036 |
2037 | var m = void 0,
2038 | e = void 0;
2039 |
2040 | // 2. If x = 0, then
2041 | if (x === 0) {
2042 | // a. Let m be the String consisting of p occurrences of the character "0".
2043 | m = arrJoin.call(Array(p + 1), '0');
2044 | // b. Let e be 0.
2045 | e = 0;
2046 | }
2047 | // 3. Else
2048 | else {
2049 | // a. Let e and n be integers such that 10ᵖ⁻¹ ≤ n < 10ᵖ and for which the
2050 | // exact mathematical value of n × 10ᵉ⁻ᵖ⁺¹ – x is as close to zero as
2051 | // possible. If there are two such sets of e and n, pick the e and n for
2052 | // which n × 10ᵉ⁻ᵖ⁺¹ is larger.
2053 | e = log10Floor(Math.abs(x));
2054 |
2055 | // Easier to get to m from here
2056 | var f = Math.round(Math.exp(Math.abs(e - p + 1) * Math.LN10));
2057 |
2058 | // b. Let m be the String consisting of the digits of the decimal
2059 | // representation of n (in order, with no leading zeroes)
2060 | m = String(Math.round(e - p + 1 < 0 ? x * f : x / f));
2061 | }
2062 |
2063 | // 4. If e ≥ p, then
2064 | if (e >= p)
2065 | // a. Return the concatenation of m and e-p+1 occurrences of the character "0".
2066 | return m + arrJoin.call(Array(e - p + 1 + 1), '0');
2067 |
2068 | // 5. If e = p-1, then
2069 | else if (e === p - 1)
2070 | // a. Return m.
2071 | return m;
2072 |
2073 | // 6. If e ≥ 0, then
2074 | else if (e >= 0)
2075 | // a. Let m be the concatenation of the first e+1 characters of m, the character
2076 | // ".", and the remaining p–(e+1) characters of m.
2077 | m = m.slice(0, e + 1) + '.' + m.slice(e + 1);
2078 |
2079 | // 7. If e < 0, then
2080 | else if (e < 0)
2081 | // a. Let m be the concatenation of the String "0.", –(e+1) occurrences of the
2082 | // character "0", and the string m.
2083 | m = '0.' + arrJoin.call(Array(-(e + 1) + 1), '0') + m;
2084 |
2085 | // 8. If m contains the character ".", and maxPrecision > minPrecision, then
2086 | if (m.indexOf(".") >= 0 && maxPrecision > minPrecision) {
2087 | // a. Let cut be maxPrecision – minPrecision.
2088 | var cut = maxPrecision - minPrecision;
2089 |
2090 | // b. Repeat while cut > 0 and the last character of m is "0":
2091 | while (cut > 0 && m.charAt(m.length - 1) === '0') {
2092 | // i. Remove the last character from m.
2093 | m = m.slice(0, -1);
2094 |
2095 | // ii. Decrease cut by 1.
2096 | cut--;
2097 | }
2098 |
2099 | // c. If the last character of m is ".", then
2100 | if (m.charAt(m.length - 1) === '.')
2101 | // i. Remove the last character from m.
2102 | m = m.slice(0, -1);
2103 | }
2104 | // 9. Return m.
2105 | return m;
2106 | }
2107 |
2108 | /**
2109 | * @spec[tc39/ecma402/master/spec/numberformat.html]
2110 | * @clause[sec-torawfixed]
2111 | * When the ToRawFixed abstract operation is called with arguments x (which must
2112 | * be a finite non-negative number), minInteger (which must be an integer between
2113 | * 1 and 21), minFraction, and maxFraction (which must be integers between 0 and
2114 | * 20) the following steps are taken:
2115 | */
2116 | function ToRawFixed(x, minInteger, minFraction, maxFraction) {
2117 | // 1. Let f be maxFraction.
2118 | var f = maxFraction;
2119 | // 2. Let n be an integer for which the exact mathematical value of n ÷ 10f – x is as close to zero as possible. If there are two such n, pick the larger n.
2120 | var n = Math.pow(10, f) * x; // diverging...
2121 | // 3. If n = 0, let m be the String "0". Otherwise, let m be the String consisting of the digits of the decimal representation of n (in order, with no leading zeroes).
2122 | var m = n === 0 ? "0" : n.toFixed(0); // divering...
2123 |
2124 | {
2125 | // this diversion is needed to take into consideration big numbers, e.g.:
2126 | // 1.2344501e+37 -> 12344501000000000000000000000000000000
2127 | var idx = void 0;
2128 | var exp = (idx = m.indexOf('e')) > -1 ? m.slice(idx + 1) : 0;
2129 | if (exp) {
2130 | m = m.slice(0, idx).replace('.', '');
2131 | m += arrJoin.call(Array(exp - (m.length - 1) + 1), '0');
2132 | }
2133 | }
2134 |
2135 | var int = void 0;
2136 | // 4. If f ≠ 0, then
2137 | if (f !== 0) {
2138 | // a. Let k be the number of characters in m.
2139 | var k = m.length;
2140 | // a. If k ≤ f, then
2141 | if (k <= f) {
2142 | // i. Let z be the String consisting of f+1–k occurrences of the character "0".
2143 | var z = arrJoin.call(Array(f + 1 - k + 1), '0');
2144 | // ii. Let m be the concatenation of Strings z and m.
2145 | m = z + m;
2146 | // iii. Let k be f+1.
2147 | k = f + 1;
2148 | }
2149 | // a. Let a be the first k–f characters of m, and let b be the remaining f characters of m.
2150 | var a = m.substring(0, k - f),
2151 | b = m.substring(k - f, m.length);
2152 | // a. Let m be the concatenation of the three Strings a, ".", and b.
2153 | m = a + "." + b;
2154 | // a. Let int be the number of characters in a.
2155 | int = a.length;
2156 | }
2157 | // 5. Else, let int be the number of characters in m.
2158 | else int = m.length;
2159 | // 6. Let cut be maxFraction – minFraction.
2160 | var cut = maxFraction - minFraction;
2161 | // 7. Repeat while cut > 0 and the last character of m is "0":
2162 | while (cut > 0 && m.slice(-1) === "0") {
2163 | // a. Remove the last character from m.
2164 | m = m.slice(0, -1);
2165 | // a. Decrease cut by 1.
2166 | cut--;
2167 | }
2168 | // 8. If the last character of m is ".", then
2169 | if (m.slice(-1) === ".") {
2170 | // a. Remove the last character from m.
2171 | m = m.slice(0, -1);
2172 | }
2173 | // 9. If int < minInteger, then
2174 | if (int < minInteger) {
2175 | // a. Let z be the String consisting of minInteger–int occurrences of the character "0".
2176 | var _z = arrJoin.call(Array(minInteger - int + 1), '0');
2177 | // a. Let m be the concatenation of Strings z and m.
2178 | m = _z + m;
2179 | }
2180 | // 10. Return m.
2181 | return m;
2182 | }
2183 |
2184 | // Sect 11.3.2 Table 2, Numbering systems
2185 | // ======================================
2186 | var numSys = {
2187 | arab: ["٠", "١", "٢", "٣", "٤", "٥", "٦", "٧", "٨", "٩"],
2188 | arabext: ["۰", "۱", "۲", "۳", "۴", "۵", "۶", "۷", "۸", "۹"],
2189 | bali: ["᭐", "᭑", "᭒", "᭓", "᭔", "᭕", "᭖", "᭗", "᭘", "᭙"],
2190 | beng: ["০", "১", "২", "৩", "৪", "৫", "৬", "৭", "৮", "৯"],
2191 | deva: ["०", "१", "२", "३", "४", "५", "६", "७", "८", "९"],
2192 | fullwide: ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"],
2193 | gujr: ["૦", "૧", "૨", "૩", "૪", "૫", "૬", "૭", "૮", "૯"],
2194 | guru: ["੦", "੧", "੨", "੩", "੪", "੫", "੬", "੭", "੮", "੯"],
2195 | hanidec: ["〇", "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六", "七", "八", "九"],
2196 | khmr: ["០", "១", "២", "៣", "៤", "៥", "៦", "៧", "៨", "៩"],
2197 | knda: ["೦", "೧", "೨", "೩", "೪", "೫", "೬", "೭", "೮", "೯"],
2198 | laoo: ["໐", "໑", "໒", "໓", "໔", "໕", "໖", "໗", "໘", "໙"],
2199 | latn: ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"],
2200 | limb: ["᥆", "᥇", "᥈", "᥉", "᥊", "᥋", "᥌", "᥍", "᥎", "᥏"],
2201 | mlym: ["൦", "൧", "൨", "൩", "൪", "൫", "൬", "൭", "൮", "൯"],
2202 | mong: ["᠐", "᠑", "᠒", "᠓", "᠔", "᠕", "᠖", "᠗", "᠘", "᠙"],
2203 | mymr: ["၀", "၁", "၂", "၃", "၄", "၅", "၆", "၇", "၈", "၉"],
2204 | orya: ["୦", "୧", "୨", "୩", "୪", "୫", "୬", "୭", "୮", "୯"],
2205 | tamldec: ["௦", "௧", "௨", "௩", "௪", "௫", "௬", "௭", "௮", "௯"],
2206 | telu: ["౦", "౧", "౨", "౩", "౪", "౫", "౬", "౭", "౮", "౯"],
2207 | thai: ["๐", "๑", "๒", "๓", "๔", "๕", "๖", "๗", "๘", "๙"],
2208 | tibt: ["༠", "༡", "༢", "༣", "༤", "༥", "༦", "༧", "༨", "༩"]
2209 | };
2210 |
2211 | /**
2212 | * This function provides access to the locale and formatting options computed
2213 | * during initialization of the object.
2214 | *
2215 | * The function returns a new object whose properties and attributes are set as
2216 | * if constructed by an object literal assigning to each of the following
2217 | * properties the value of the corresponding internal property of this
2218 | * NumberFormat object (see 11.4): locale, numberingSystem, style, currency,
2219 | * currencyDisplay, minimumIntegerDigits, minimumFractionDigits,
2220 | * maximumFractionDigits, minimumSignificantDigits, maximumSignificantDigits, and
2221 | * useGrouping. Properties whose corresponding internal properties are not present
2222 | * are not assigned.
2223 | */
2224 | /* 11.3.3 */defineProperty(Intl.NumberFormat.prototype, 'resolvedOptions', {
2225 | configurable: true,
2226 | writable: true,
2227 | value: function value() {
2228 | var prop = void 0,
2229 | descs = new Record(),
2230 | props = ['locale', 'numberingSystem', 'style', 'currency', 'currencyDisplay', 'minimumIntegerDigits', 'minimumFractionDigits', 'maximumFractionDigits', 'minimumSignificantDigits', 'maximumSignificantDigits', 'useGrouping'],
2231 | internal = this !== null && babelHelpers["typeof"](this) === 'object' && getInternalProperties(this);
2232 |
2233 | // Satisfy test 11.3_b
2234 | if (!internal || !internal['[[initializedNumberFormat]]']) throw new TypeError('`this` value for resolvedOptions() is not an initialized Intl.NumberFormat object.');
2235 |
2236 | for (var i = 0, max = props.length; i < max; i++) {
2237 | if (hop.call(internal, prop = '[[' + props[i] + ']]')) descs[props[i]] = { value: internal[prop], writable: true, configurable: true, enumerable: true };
2238 | }
2239 |
2240 | return objCreate({}, descs);
2241 | }
2242 | });
2243 |
2244 | /* jslint esnext: true */
2245 |
2246 | // Match these datetime components in a CLDR pattern, except those in single quotes
2247 | var expDTComponents = /(?:[Eec]{1,6}|G{1,5}|[Qq]{1,5}|(?:[yYur]+|U{1,5})|[ML]{1,5}|d{1,2}|D{1,3}|F{1}|[abB]{1,5}|[hkHK]{1,2}|w{1,2}|W{1}|m{1,2}|s{1,2}|[zZOvVxX]{1,4})(?=([^']*'[^']*')*[^']*$)/g;
2248 | // trim patterns after transformations
2249 | var expPatternTrimmer = /^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g;
2250 | // Skip over patterns with these datetime components because we don't have data
2251 | // to back them up:
2252 | // timezone, weekday, amoung others
2253 | var unwantedDTCs = /[rqQASjJgwWIQq]/; // xXVO were removed from this list in favor of computing matches with timeZoneName values but printing as empty string
2254 |
2255 | var dtKeys = ["weekday", "era", "year", "month", "day", "weekday", "quarter"];
2256 | var tmKeys = ["hour", "minute", "second", "hour12", "timeZoneName"];
2257 |
2258 | function isDateFormatOnly(obj) {
2259 | for (var i = 0; i < tmKeys.length; i += 1) {
2260 | if (obj.hasOwnProperty(tmKeys[i])) {
2261 | return false;
2262 | }
2263 | }
2264 | return true;
2265 | }
2266 |
2267 | function isTimeFormatOnly(obj) {
2268 | for (var i = 0; i < dtKeys.length; i += 1) {
2269 | if (obj.hasOwnProperty(dtKeys[i])) {
2270 | return false;
2271 | }
2272 | }
2273 | return true;
2274 | }
2275 |
2276 | function joinDateAndTimeFormats(dateFormatObj, timeFormatObj) {
2277 | var o = { _: {} };
2278 | for (var i = 0; i < dtKeys.length; i += 1) {
2279 | if (dateFormatObj[dtKeys[i]]) {
2280 | o[dtKeys[i]] = dateFormatObj[dtKeys[i]];
2281 | }
2282 | if (dateFormatObj._[dtKeys[i]]) {
2283 | o._[dtKeys[i]] = dateFormatObj._[dtKeys[i]];
2284 | }
2285 | }
2286 | for (var j = 0; j < tmKeys.length; j += 1) {
2287 | if (timeFormatObj[tmKeys[j]]) {
2288 | o[tmKeys[j]] = timeFormatObj[tmKeys[j]];
2289 | }
2290 | if (timeFormatObj._[tmKeys[j]]) {
2291 | o._[tmKeys[j]] = timeFormatObj._[tmKeys[j]];
2292 | }
2293 | }
2294 | return o;
2295 | }
2296 |
2297 | function computeFinalPatterns(formatObj) {
2298 | // From http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-dates.html#Date_Format_Patterns:
2299 | // 'In patterns, two single quotes represents a literal single quote, either
2300 | // inside or outside single quotes. Text within single quotes is not
2301 | // interpreted in any way (except for two adjacent single quotes).'
2302 | formatObj.pattern12 = formatObj.extendedPattern.replace(/'([^']*)'/g, function ($0, literal) {
2303 | return literal ? literal : "'";
2304 | });
2305 |
2306 | // pattern 12 is always the default. we can produce the 24 by removing {ampm}
2307 | formatObj.pattern = formatObj.pattern12.replace('{ampm}', '').replace(expPatternTrimmer, '');
2308 | return formatObj;
2309 | }
2310 |
2311 | function expDTComponentsMeta($0, formatObj) {
2312 | switch ($0.charAt(0)) {
2313 | // --- Era
2314 | case 'G':
2315 | formatObj.era = ['short', 'short', 'short', 'long', 'narrow'][$0.length - 1];
2316 | return '{era}';
2317 |
2318 | // --- Year
2319 | case 'y':
2320 | case 'Y':
2321 | case 'u':
2322 | case 'U':
2323 | case 'r':
2324 | formatObj.year = $0.length === 2 ? '2-digit' : 'numeric';
2325 | return '{year}';
2326 |
2327 | // --- Quarter (not supported in this polyfill)
2328 | case 'Q':
2329 | case 'q':
2330 | formatObj.quarter = ['numeric', '2-digit', 'short', 'long', 'narrow'][$0.length - 1];
2331 | return '{quarter}';
2332 |
2333 | // --- Month
2334 | case 'M':
2335 | case 'L':
2336 | formatObj.month = ['numeric', '2-digit', 'short', 'long', 'narrow'][$0.length - 1];
2337 | return '{month}';
2338 |
2339 | // --- Week (not supported in this polyfill)
2340 | case 'w':
2341 | // week of the year
2342 | formatObj.week = $0.length === 2 ? '2-digit' : 'numeric';
2343 | return '{weekday}';
2344 | case 'W':
2345 | // week of the month
2346 | formatObj.week = 'numeric';
2347 | return '{weekday}';
2348 |
2349 | // --- Day
2350 | case 'd':
2351 | // day of the month
2352 | formatObj.day = $0.length === 2 ? '2-digit' : 'numeric';
2353 | return '{day}';
2354 | case 'D': // day of the year
2355 | case 'F': // day of the week
2356 | case 'g':
2357 | // 1..n: Modified Julian day
2358 | formatObj.day = 'numeric';
2359 | return '{day}';
2360 |
2361 | // --- Week Day
2362 | case 'E':
2363 | // day of the week
2364 | formatObj.weekday = ['short', 'short', 'short', 'long', 'narrow', 'short'][$0.length - 1];
2365 | return '{weekday}';
2366 | case 'e':
2367 | // local day of the week
2368 | formatObj.weekday = ['numeric', '2-digit', 'short', 'long', 'narrow', 'short'][$0.length - 1];
2369 | return '{weekday}';
2370 | case 'c':
2371 | // stand alone local day of the week
2372 | formatObj.weekday = ['numeric', undefined, 'short', 'long', 'narrow', 'short'][$0.length - 1];
2373 | return '{weekday}';
2374 |
2375 | // --- Period
2376 | case 'a': // AM, PM
2377 | case 'b': // am, pm, noon, midnight
2378 | case 'B':
2379 | // flexible day periods
2380 | formatObj.hour12 = true;
2381 | return '{ampm}';
2382 |
2383 | // --- Hour
2384 | case 'h':
2385 | case 'H':
2386 | formatObj.hour = $0.length === 2 ? '2-digit' : 'numeric';
2387 | return '{hour}';
2388 | case 'k':
2389 | case 'K':
2390 | formatObj.hour12 = true; // 12-hour-cycle time formats (using h or K)
2391 | formatObj.hour = $0.length === 2 ? '2-digit' : 'numeric';
2392 | return '{hour}';
2393 |
2394 | // --- Minute
2395 | case 'm':
2396 | formatObj.minute = $0.length === 2 ? '2-digit' : 'numeric';
2397 | return '{minute}';
2398 |
2399 | // --- Second
2400 | case 's':
2401 | formatObj.second = $0.length === 2 ? '2-digit' : 'numeric';
2402 | return '{second}';
2403 | case 'S':
2404 | case 'A':
2405 | formatObj.second = 'numeric';
2406 | return '{second}';
2407 |
2408 | // --- Timezone
2409 | case 'z': // 1..3, 4: specific non-location format
2410 | case 'Z': // 1..3, 4, 5: The ISO8601 varios formats
2411 | case 'O': // 1, 4: miliseconds in day short, long
2412 | case 'v': // 1, 4: generic non-location format
2413 | case 'V': // 1, 2, 3, 4: time zone ID or city
2414 | case 'X': // 1, 2, 3, 4: The ISO8601 varios formats
2415 | case 'x':
2416 | // 1, 2, 3, 4: The ISO8601 varios formats
2417 | // this polyfill only supports much, for now, we are just doing something dummy
2418 | formatObj.timeZoneName = $0.length < 4 ? 'short' : 'long';
2419 | return '{timeZoneName}';
2420 | }
2421 | }
2422 |
2423 | /**
2424 | * Converts the CLDR availableFormats into the objects and patterns required by
2425 | * the ECMAScript Internationalization API specification.
2426 | */
2427 | function createDateTimeFormat(skeleton, pattern) {
2428 | // we ignore certain patterns that are unsupported to avoid this expensive op.
2429 | if (unwantedDTCs.test(pattern)) return undefined;
2430 |
2431 | var formatObj = {
2432 | originalPattern: pattern,
2433 | _: {}
2434 | };
2435 |
2436 | // Replace the pattern string with the one required by the specification, whilst
2437 | // at the same time evaluating it for the subsets and formats
2438 | formatObj.extendedPattern = pattern.replace(expDTComponents, function ($0) {
2439 | // See which symbol we're dealing with
2440 | return expDTComponentsMeta($0, formatObj._);
2441 | });
2442 |
2443 | // Match the skeleton string with the one required by the specification
2444 | // this implementation is based on the Date Field Symbol Table:
2445 | // http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-dates.html#Date_Field_Symbol_Table
2446 | // Note: we are adding extra data to the formatObject even though this polyfill
2447 | // might not support it.
2448 | skeleton.replace(expDTComponents, function ($0) {
2449 | // See which symbol we're dealing with
2450 | return expDTComponentsMeta($0, formatObj);
2451 | });
2452 |
2453 | return computeFinalPatterns(formatObj);
2454 | }
2455 |
2456 | /**
2457 | * Processes DateTime formats from CLDR to an easier-to-parse format.
2458 | * the result of this operation should be cached the first time a particular
2459 | * calendar is analyzed.
2460 | *
2461 | * The specification requires we support at least the following subsets of
2462 | * date/time components:
2463 | *
2464 | * - 'weekday', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second'
2465 | * - 'weekday', 'year', 'month', 'day'
2466 | * - 'year', 'month', 'day'
2467 | * - 'year', 'month'
2468 | * - 'month', 'day'
2469 | * - 'hour', 'minute', 'second'
2470 | * - 'hour', 'minute'
2471 | *
2472 | * We need to cherry pick at least these subsets from the CLDR data and convert
2473 | * them into the pattern objects used in the ECMA-402 API.
2474 | */
2475 | function createDateTimeFormats(formats) {
2476 | var availableFormats = formats.availableFormats;
2477 | var timeFormats = formats.timeFormats;
2478 | var dateFormats = formats.dateFormats;
2479 | var result = [];
2480 | var skeleton = void 0,
2481 | pattern = void 0,
2482 | computed = void 0,
2483 | i = void 0,
2484 | j = void 0;
2485 | var timeRelatedFormats = [];
2486 | var dateRelatedFormats = [];
2487 |
2488 | // Map available (custom) formats into a pattern for createDateTimeFormats
2489 | for (skeleton in availableFormats) {
2490 | if (availableFormats.hasOwnProperty(skeleton)) {
2491 | pattern = availableFormats[skeleton];
2492 | computed = createDateTimeFormat(skeleton, pattern);
2493 | if (computed) {
2494 | result.push(computed);
2495 | // in some cases, the format is only displaying date specific props
2496 | // or time specific props, in which case we need to also produce the
2497 | // combined formats.
2498 | if (isDateFormatOnly(computed)) {
2499 | dateRelatedFormats.push(computed);
2500 | } else if (isTimeFormatOnly(computed)) {
2501 | timeRelatedFormats.push(computed);
2502 | }
2503 | }
2504 | }
2505 | }
2506 |
2507 | // Map time formats into a pattern for createDateTimeFormats
2508 | for (skeleton in timeFormats) {
2509 | if (timeFormats.hasOwnProperty(skeleton)) {
2510 | pattern = timeFormats[skeleton];
2511 | computed = createDateTimeFormat(skeleton, pattern);
2512 | if (computed) {
2513 | result.push(computed);
2514 | timeRelatedFormats.push(computed);
2515 | }
2516 | }
2517 | }
2518 |
2519 | // Map date formats into a pattern for createDateTimeFormats
2520 | for (skeleton in dateFormats) {
2521 | if (dateFormats.hasOwnProperty(skeleton)) {
2522 | pattern = dateFormats[skeleton];
2523 | computed = createDateTimeFormat(skeleton, pattern);
2524 | if (computed) {
2525 | result.push(computed);
2526 | dateRelatedFormats.push(computed);
2527 | }
2528 | }
2529 | }
2530 |
2531 | // combine custom time and custom date formats when they are orthogonals to complete the
2532 | // formats supported by CLDR.
2533 | // This Algo is based on section "Missing Skeleton Fields" from:
2534 | // http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-dates.html#availableFormats_appendItems
2535 | for (i = 0; i < timeRelatedFormats.length; i += 1) {
2536 | for (j = 0; j < dateRelatedFormats.length; j += 1) {
2537 | if (dateRelatedFormats[j].month === 'long') {
2538 | pattern = dateRelatedFormats[j].weekday ? formats.full : formats.long;
2539 | } else if (dateRelatedFormats[j].month === 'short') {
2540 | pattern = formats.medium;
2541 | } else {
2542 | pattern = formats.short;
2543 | }
2544 | computed = joinDateAndTimeFormats(dateRelatedFormats[j], timeRelatedFormats[i]);
2545 | computed.originalPattern = pattern;
2546 | computed.extendedPattern = pattern.replace('{0}', timeRelatedFormats[i].extendedPattern).replace('{1}', dateRelatedFormats[j].extendedPattern).replace(/^[,\s]+|[,\s]+$/gi, '');
2547 | result.push(computeFinalPatterns(computed));
2548 | }
2549 | }
2550 |
2551 | return result;
2552 | }
2553 |
2554 | // An object map of date component keys, saves using a regex later
2555 | var dateWidths = objCreate(null, { narrow: {}, short: {}, long: {} });
2556 |
2557 | /**
2558 | * Returns a string for a date component, resolved using multiple inheritance as specified
2559 | * as specified in the Unicode Technical Standard 35.
2560 | */
2561 | function resolveDateString(data, ca, component, width, key) {
2562 | // From http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35.html#Multiple_Inheritance:
2563 | // 'In clearly specified instances, resources may inherit from within the same locale.
2564 | // For example, ... the Buddhist calendar inherits from the Gregorian calendar.'
2565 | var obj = data[ca] && data[ca][component] ? data[ca][component] : data.gregory[component],
2566 |
2567 |
2568 | // "sideways" inheritance resolves strings when a key doesn't exist
2569 | alts = {
2570 | narrow: ['short', 'long'],
2571 | short: ['long', 'narrow'],
2572 | long: ['short', 'narrow']
2573 | },
2574 |
2575 |
2576 | //
2577 | resolved = hop.call(obj, width) ? obj[width] : hop.call(obj, alts[width][0]) ? obj[alts[width][0]] : obj[alts[width][1]];
2578 |
2579 | // `key` wouldn't be specified for components 'dayPeriods'
2580 | return key !== null ? resolved[key] : resolved;
2581 | }
2582 |
2583 | // Define the DateTimeFormat constructor internally so it cannot be tainted
2584 | function DateTimeFormatConstructor() {
2585 | var locales = arguments[0];
2586 | var options = arguments[1];
2587 |
2588 | if (!this || this === Intl) {
2589 | return new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locales, options);
2590 | }
2591 | return InitializeDateTimeFormat(toObject(this), locales, options);
2592 | }
2593 |
2594 | defineProperty(Intl, 'DateTimeFormat', {
2595 | configurable: true,
2596 | writable: true,
2597 | value: DateTimeFormatConstructor
2598 | });
2599 |
2600 | // Must explicitly set prototypes as unwritable
2601 | defineProperty(DateTimeFormatConstructor, 'prototype', {
2602 | writable: false
2603 | });
2604 |
2605 | /**
2606 | * The abstract operation InitializeDateTimeFormat accepts the arguments dateTimeFormat
2607 | * (which must be an object), locales, and options. It initializes dateTimeFormat as a
2608 | * DateTimeFormat object.
2609 | */
2610 | function /* */InitializeDateTimeFormat(dateTimeFormat, locales, options) {
2611 | // This will be a internal properties object if we're not already initialized
2612 | var internal = getInternalProperties(dateTimeFormat);
2613 |
2614 | // Create an object whose props can be used to restore the values of RegExp props
2615 | var regexpState = createRegExpRestore();
2616 |
2617 | // 1. If dateTimeFormat has an [[initializedIntlObject]] internal property with
2618 | // value true, throw a TypeError exception.
2619 | if (internal['[[initializedIntlObject]]'] === true) throw new TypeError('`this` object has already been initialized as an Intl object');
2620 |
2621 | // Need this to access the `internal` object
2622 | defineProperty(dateTimeFormat, '__getInternalProperties', {
2623 | value: function value() {
2624 | // NOTE: Non-standard, for internal use only
2625 | if (arguments[0] === secret) return internal;
2626 | }
2627 | });
2628 |
2629 | // 2. Set the [[initializedIntlObject]] internal property of numberFormat to true.
2630 | internal['[[initializedIntlObject]]'] = true;
2631 |
2632 | // 3. Let requestedLocales be the result of calling the CanonicalizeLocaleList
2633 | // abstract operation (defined in 9.2.1) with argument locales.
2634 | var requestedLocales = CanonicalizeLocaleList(locales);
2635 |
2636 | // 4. Let options be the result of calling the ToDateTimeOptions abstract
2637 | // operation (defined below) with arguments options, "any", and "date".
2638 | options = ToDateTimeOptions(options, 'any', 'date');
2639 |
2640 | // 5. Let opt be a new Record.
2641 | var opt = new Record();
2642 |
2643 | // 6. Let matcher be the result of calling the GetOption abstract operation
2644 | // (defined in 9.2.9) with arguments options, "localeMatcher", "string", a List
2645 | // containing the two String values "lookup" and "best fit", and "best fit".
2646 | var matcher = GetOption(options, 'localeMatcher', 'string', new List('lookup', 'best fit'), 'best fit');
2647 |
2648 | // 7. Set opt.[[localeMatcher]] to matcher.
2649 | opt['[[localeMatcher]]'] = matcher;
2650 |
2651 | // 8. Let DateTimeFormat be the standard built-in object that is the initial
2652 | // value of Intl.DateTimeFormat.
2653 | var DateTimeFormat = internals.DateTimeFormat; // This is what we *really* need
2654 |
2655 | // 9. Let localeData be the value of the [[localeData]] internal property of
2656 | // DateTimeFormat.
2657 | var localeData = DateTimeFormat['[[localeData]]'];
2658 |
2659 | // 10. Let r be the result of calling the ResolveLocale abstract operation
2660 | // (defined in 9.2.5) with the [[availableLocales]] internal property of
2661 | // DateTimeFormat, requestedLocales, opt, the [[relevantExtensionKeys]]
2662 | // internal property of DateTimeFormat, and localeData.
2663 | var r = ResolveLocale(DateTimeFormat['[[availableLocales]]'], requestedLocales, opt, DateTimeFormat['[[relevantExtensionKeys]]'], localeData);
2664 |
2665 | // 11. Set the [[locale]] internal property of dateTimeFormat to the value of
2666 | // r.[[locale]].
2667 | internal['[[locale]]'] = r['[[locale]]'];
2668 |
2669 | // 12. Set the [[calendar]] internal property of dateTimeFormat to the value of
2670 | // r.[[ca]].
2671 | internal['[[calendar]]'] = r['[[ca]]'];
2672 |
2673 | // 13. Set the [[numberingSystem]] internal property of dateTimeFormat to the value of
2674 | // r.[[nu]].
2675 | internal['[[numberingSystem]]'] = r['[[nu]]'];
2676 |
2677 | // The specification doesn't tell us to do this, but it's helpful later on
2678 | internal['[[dataLocale]]'] = r['[[dataLocale]]'];
2679 |
2680 | // 14. Let dataLocale be the value of r.[[dataLocale]].
2681 | var dataLocale = r['[[dataLocale]]'];
2682 |
2683 | // 15. Let tz be the result of calling the [[Get]] internal method of options with
2684 | // argument "timeZone".
2685 | var tz = options.timeZone;
2686 |
2687 | // 16. If tz is not undefined, then
2688 | if (tz !== undefined) {
2689 | // a. Let tz be ToString(tz).
2690 | // b. Convert tz to upper case as described in 6.1.
2691 | // NOTE: If an implementation accepts additional time zone values, as permitted
2692 | // under certain conditions by the Conformance clause, different casing
2693 | // rules apply.
2694 | tz = toLatinUpperCase(tz);
2695 |
2696 | // c. If tz is not "UTC", then throw a RangeError exception.
2697 | // ###TODO: accept more time zones###
2698 | if (tz !== 'UTC') throw new RangeError('timeZone is not supported.');
2699 | }
2700 |
2701 | // 17. Set the [[timeZone]] internal property of dateTimeFormat to tz.
2702 | internal['[[timeZone]]'] = tz;
2703 |
2704 | // 18. Let opt be a new Record.
2705 | opt = new Record();
2706 |
2707 | // 19. For each row of Table 3, except the header row, do:
2708 | for (var prop in dateTimeComponents) {
2709 | if (!hop.call(dateTimeComponents, prop)) continue;
2710 |
2711 | // 20. Let prop be the name given in the Property column of the row.
2712 | // 21. Let value be the result of calling the GetOption abstract operation,
2713 | // passing as argument options, the name given in the Property column of the
2714 | // row, "string", a List containing the strings given in the Values column of
2715 | // the row, and undefined.
2716 | var value = GetOption(options, prop, 'string', dateTimeComponents[prop]);
2717 |
2718 | // 22. Set opt.[[<prop>]] to value.
2719 | opt['[[' + prop + ']]'] = value;
2720 | }
2721 |
2722 | // Assigned a value below
2723 | var bestFormat = void 0;
2724 |
2725 | // 23. Let dataLocaleData be the result of calling the [[Get]] internal method of
2726 | // localeData with argument dataLocale.
2727 | var dataLocaleData = localeData[dataLocale];
2728 |
2729 | // 24. Let formats be the result of calling the [[Get]] internal method of
2730 | // dataLocaleData with argument "formats".
2731 | // Note: we process the CLDR formats into the spec'd structure
2732 | var formats = ToDateTimeFormats(dataLocaleData.formats);
2733 |
2734 | // 25. Let matcher be the result of calling the GetOption abstract operation with
2735 | // arguments options, "formatMatcher", "string", a List containing the two String
2736 | // values "basic" and "best fit", and "best fit".
2737 | matcher = GetOption(options, 'formatMatcher', 'string', new List('basic', 'best fit'), 'best fit');
2738 |
2739 | // Optimization: caching the processed formats as a one time operation by
2740 | // replacing the initial structure from localeData
2741 | dataLocaleData.formats = formats;
2742 |
2743 | // 26. If matcher is "basic", then
2744 | if (matcher === 'basic') {
2745 | // 27. Let bestFormat be the result of calling the BasicFormatMatcher abstract
2746 | // operation (defined below) with opt and formats.
2747 | bestFormat = BasicFormatMatcher(opt, formats);
2748 |
2749 | // 28. Else
2750 | } else {
2751 | {
2752 | // diverging
2753 | var _hr = GetOption(options, 'hour12', 'boolean' /*, undefined, undefined*/);
2754 | opt.hour12 = _hr === undefined ? dataLocaleData.hour12 : _hr;
2755 | }
2756 | // 29. Let bestFormat be the result of calling the BestFitFormatMatcher
2757 | // abstract operation (defined below) with opt and formats.
2758 | bestFormat = BestFitFormatMatcher(opt, formats);
2759 | }
2760 |
2761 | // 30. For each row in Table 3, except the header row, do
2762 | for (var _prop in dateTimeComponents) {
2763 | if (!hop.call(dateTimeComponents, _prop)) continue;
2764 |
2765 | // a. Let prop be the name given in the Property column of the row.
2766 | // b. Let pDesc be the result of calling the [[GetOwnProperty]] internal method of
2767 | // bestFormat with argument prop.
2768 | // c. If pDesc is not undefined, then
2769 | if (hop.call(bestFormat, _prop)) {
2770 | // i. Let p be the result of calling the [[Get]] internal method of bestFormat
2771 | // with argument prop.
2772 | var p = bestFormat[_prop];
2773 | {
2774 | // diverging
2775 | p = bestFormat._ && hop.call(bestFormat._, _prop) ? bestFormat._[_prop] : p;
2776 | }
2777 |
2778 | // ii. Set the [[<prop>]] internal property of dateTimeFormat to p.
2779 | internal['[[' + _prop + ']]'] = p;
2780 | }
2781 | }
2782 |
2783 | var pattern = void 0; // Assigned a value below
2784 |
2785 | // 31. Let hr12 be the result of calling the GetOption abstract operation with
2786 | // arguments options, "hour12", "boolean", undefined, and undefined.
2787 | var hr12 = GetOption(options, 'hour12', 'boolean' /*, undefined, undefined*/);
2788 |
2789 | // 32. If dateTimeFormat has an internal property [[hour]], then
2790 | if (internal['[[hour]]']) {
2791 | // a. If hr12 is undefined, then let hr12 be the result of calling the [[Get]]
2792 | // internal method of dataLocaleData with argument "hour12".
2793 | hr12 = hr12 === undefined ? dataLocaleData.hour12 : hr12;
2794 |
2795 | // b. Set the [[hour12]] internal property of dateTimeFormat to hr12.
2796 | internal['[[hour12]]'] = hr12;
2797 |
2798 | // c. If hr12 is true, then
2799 | if (hr12 === true) {
2800 | // i. Let hourNo0 be the result of calling the [[Get]] internal method of
2801 | // dataLocaleData with argument "hourNo0".
2802 | var hourNo0 = dataLocaleData.hourNo0;
2803 |
2804 | // ii. Set the [[hourNo0]] internal property of dateTimeFormat to hourNo0.
2805 | internal['[[hourNo0]]'] = hourNo0;
2806 |
2807 | // iii. Let pattern be the result of calling the [[Get]] internal method of
2808 | // bestFormat with argument "pattern12".
2809 | pattern = bestFormat.pattern12;
2810 | }
2811 |
2812 | // d. Else
2813 | else
2814 | // i. Let pattern be the result of calling the [[Get]] internal method of
2815 | // bestFormat with argument "pattern".
2816 | pattern = bestFormat.pattern;
2817 | }
2818 |
2819 | // 33. Else
2820 | else
2821 | // a. Let pattern be the result of calling the [[Get]] internal method of
2822 | // bestFormat with argument "pattern".
2823 | pattern = bestFormat.pattern;
2824 |
2825 | // 34. Set the [[pattern]] internal property of dateTimeFormat to pattern.
2826 | internal['[[pattern]]'] = pattern;
2827 |
2828 | // 35. Set the [[boundFormat]] internal property of dateTimeFormat to undefined.
2829 | internal['[[boundFormat]]'] = undefined;
2830 |
2831 | // 36. Set the [[initializedDateTimeFormat]] internal property of dateTimeFormat to
2832 | // true.
2833 | internal['[[initializedDateTimeFormat]]'] = true;
2834 |
2835 | // In ES3, we need to pre-bind the format() function
2836 | if (es3) dateTimeFormat.format = GetFormatDateTime.call(dateTimeFormat);
2837 |
2838 | // Restore the RegExp properties
2839 | regexpState.exp.test(regexpState.input);
2840 |
2841 | // Return the newly initialised object
2842 | return dateTimeFormat;
2843 | }
2844 |
2845 | /**
2846 | * Several DateTimeFormat algorithms use values from the following table, which provides
2847 | * property names and allowable values for the components of date and time formats:
2848 | */
2849 | var dateTimeComponents = {
2850 | weekday: ["narrow", "short", "long"],
2851 | era: ["narrow", "short", "long"],
2852 | year: ["2-digit", "numeric"],
2853 | month: ["2-digit", "numeric", "narrow", "short", "long"],
2854 | day: ["2-digit", "numeric"],
2855 | hour: ["2-digit", "numeric"],
2856 | minute: ["2-digit", "numeric"],
2857 | second: ["2-digit", "numeric"],
2858 | timeZoneName: ["short", "long"]
2859 | };
2860 |
2861 | /**
2862 | * When the ToDateTimeOptions abstract operation is called with arguments options,
2863 | * required, and defaults, the following steps are taken:
2864 | */
2865 | function ToDateTimeFormats(formats) {
2866 | if (Object.prototype.toString.call(formats) === '[object Array]') {
2867 | return formats;
2868 | }
2869 | return createDateTimeFormats(formats);
2870 | }
2871 |
2872 | /**
2873 | * When the ToDateTimeOptions abstract operation is called with arguments options,
2874 | * required, and defaults, the following steps are taken:
2875 | */
2876 | function ToDateTimeOptions(options, required, defaults) {
2877 | // 1. If options is undefined, then let options be null, else let options be
2878 | // ToObject(options).
2879 | if (options === undefined) options = null;else {
2880 | // (#12) options needs to be a Record, but it also needs to inherit properties
2881 | var opt2 = toObject(options);
2882 | options = new Record();
2883 |
2884 | for (var k in opt2) {
2885 | options[k] = opt2[k];
2886 | }
2887 | }
2888 |
2889 | // 2. Let create be the standard built-in function object defined in ES5,
2890 | var create = objCreate;
2891 |
2892 | // 3. Let options be the result of calling the [[Call]] internal method of create with
2893 | // undefined as the this value and an argument list containing the single item
2894 | // options.
2895 | options = create(options);
2896 |
2897 | // 4. Let needDefaults be true.
2898 | var needDefaults = true;
2899 |
2900 | // 5. If required is "date" or "any", then
2901 | if (required === 'date' || required === 'any') {
2902 | // a. For each of the property names "weekday", "year", "month", "day":
2903 | // i. If the result of calling the [[Get]] internal method of options with the
2904 | // property name is not undefined, then let needDefaults be false.
2905 | if (options.weekday !== undefined || options.year !== undefined || options.month !== undefined || options.day !== undefined) needDefaults = false;
2906 | }
2907 |
2908 | // 6. If required is "time" or "any", then
2909 | if (required === 'time' || required === 'any') {
2910 | // a. For each of the property names "hour", "minute", "second":
2911 | // i. If the result of calling the [[Get]] internal method of options with the
2912 | // property name is not undefined, then let needDefaults be false.
2913 | if (options.hour !== undefined || options.minute !== undefined || options.second !== undefined) needDefaults = false;
2914 | }
2915 |
2916 | // 7. If needDefaults is true and defaults is either "date" or "all", then
2917 | if (needDefaults && (defaults === 'date' || defaults === 'all'))
2918 | // a. For each of the property names "year", "month", "day":
2919 | // i. Call the [[DefineOwnProperty]] internal method of options with the
2920 | // property name, Property Descriptor {[[Value]]: "numeric", [[Writable]]:
2921 | // true, [[Enumerable]]: true, [[Configurable]]: true}, and false.
2922 | options.year = options.month = options.day = 'numeric';
2923 |
2924 | // 8. If needDefaults is true and defaults is either "time" or "all", then
2925 | if (needDefaults && (defaults === 'time' || defaults === 'all'))
2926 | // a. For each of the property names "hour", "minute", "second":
2927 | // i. Call the [[DefineOwnProperty]] internal method of options with the
2928 | // property name, Property Descriptor {[[Value]]: "numeric", [[Writable]]:
2929 | // true, [[Enumerable]]: true, [[Configurable]]: true}, and false.
2930 | options.hour = options.minute = options.second = 'numeric';
2931 |
2932 | // 9. Return options.
2933 | return options;
2934 | }
2935 |
2936 | /**
2937 | * When the BasicFormatMatcher abstract operation is called with two arguments options and
2938 | * formats, the following steps are taken:
2939 | */
2940 | function BasicFormatMatcher(options, formats) {
2941 | // 1. Let removalPenalty be 120.
2942 | var removalPenalty = 120;
2943 |
2944 | // 2. Let additionPenalty be 20.
2945 | var additionPenalty = 20;
2946 |
2947 | // 3. Let longLessPenalty be 8.
2948 | var longLessPenalty = 8;
2949 |
2950 | // 4. Let longMorePenalty be 6.
2951 | var longMorePenalty = 6;
2952 |
2953 | // 5. Let shortLessPenalty be 6.
2954 | var shortLessPenalty = 6;
2955 |
2956 | // 6. Let shortMorePenalty be 3.
2957 | var shortMorePenalty = 3;
2958 |
2959 | // 7. Let bestScore be -Infinity.
2960 | var bestScore = -Infinity;
2961 |
2962 | // 8. Let bestFormat be undefined.
2963 | var bestFormat = void 0;
2964 |
2965 | // 9. Let i be 0.
2966 | var i = 0;
2967 |
2968 | // 10. Assert: formats is an Array object.
2969 |
2970 | // 11. Let len be the result of calling the [[Get]] internal method of formats with argument "length".
2971 | var len = formats.length;
2972 |
2973 | // 12. Repeat while i < len:
2974 | while (i < len) {
2975 | // a. Let format be the result of calling the [[Get]] internal method of formats with argument ToString(i).
2976 | var format = formats[i];
2977 |
2978 | // b. Let score be 0.
2979 | var score = 0;
2980 |
2981 | // c. For each property shown in Table 3:
2982 | for (var property in dateTimeComponents) {
2983 | if (!hop.call(dateTimeComponents, property)) continue;
2984 |
2985 | // i. Let optionsProp be options.[[<property>]].
2986 | var optionsProp = options['[[' + property + ']]'];
2987 |
2988 | // ii. Let formatPropDesc be the result of calling the [[GetOwnProperty]] internal method of format
2989 | // with argument property.
2990 | // iii. If formatPropDesc is not undefined, then
2991 | // 1. Let formatProp be the result of calling the [[Get]] internal method of format with argument property.
2992 | var formatProp = hop.call(format, property) ? format[property] : undefined;
2993 |
2994 | // iv. If optionsProp is undefined and formatProp is not undefined, then decrease score by
2995 | // additionPenalty.
2996 | if (optionsProp === undefined && formatProp !== undefined) score -= additionPenalty;
2997 |
2998 | // v. Else if optionsProp is not undefined and formatProp is undefined, then decrease score by
2999 | // removalPenalty.
3000 | else if (optionsProp !== undefined && formatProp === undefined) score -= removalPenalty;
3001 |
3002 | // vi. Else
3003 | else {
3004 | // 1. Let values be the array ["2-digit", "numeric", "narrow", "short",
3005 | // "long"].
3006 | var values = ['2-digit', 'numeric', 'narrow', 'short', 'long'];
3007 |
3008 | // 2. Let optionsPropIndex be the index of optionsProp within values.
3009 | var optionsPropIndex = arrIndexOf.call(values, optionsProp);
3010 |
3011 | // 3. Let formatPropIndex be the index of formatProp within values.
3012 | var formatPropIndex = arrIndexOf.call(values, formatProp);
3013 |
3014 | // 4. Let delta be max(min(formatPropIndex - optionsPropIndex, 2), -2).
3015 | var delta = Math.max(Math.min(formatPropIndex - optionsPropIndex, 2), -2);
3016 |
3017 | // 5. If delta = 2, decrease score by longMorePenalty.
3018 | if (delta === 2) score -= longMorePenalty;
3019 |
3020 | // 6. Else if delta = 1, decrease score by shortMorePenalty.
3021 | else if (delta === 1) score -= shortMorePenalty;
3022 |
3023 | // 7. Else if delta = -1, decrease score by shortLessPenalty.
3024 | else if (delta === -1) score -= shortLessPenalty;
3025 |
3026 | // 8. Else if delta = -2, decrease score by longLessPenalty.
3027 | else if (delta === -2) score -= longLessPenalty;
3028 | }
3029 | }
3030 |
3031 | // d. If score > bestScore, then
3032 | if (score > bestScore) {
3033 | // i. Let bestScore be score.
3034 | bestScore = score;
3035 |
3036 | // ii. Let bestFormat be format.
3037 | bestFormat = format;
3038 | }
3039 |
3040 | // e. Increase i by 1.
3041 | i++;
3042 | }
3043 |
3044 | // 13. Return bestFormat.
3045 | return bestFormat;
3046 | }
3047 |
3048 | /**
3049 | * When the BestFitFormatMatcher abstract operation is called with two arguments options
3050 | * and formats, it performs implementation dependent steps, which should return a set of
3051 | * component representations that a typical user of the selected locale would perceive as
3052 | * at least as good as the one returned by BasicFormatMatcher.
3053 | *
3054 | * This polyfill defines the algorithm to be the same as BasicFormatMatcher,
3055 | * with the addition of bonus points awarded where the requested format is of
3056 | * the same data type as the potentially matching format.
3057 | *
3058 | * This algo relies on the concept of closest distance matching described here:
3059 | * http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-dates.html#Matching_Skeletons
3060 | * Typically a “best match” is found using a closest distance match, such as:
3061 | *
3062 | * Symbols requesting a best choice for the locale are replaced.
3063 | * j → one of {H, k, h, K}; C → one of {a, b, B}
3064 | * -> Covered by cldr.js matching process
3065 | *
3066 | * For fields with symbols representing the same type (year, month, day, etc):
3067 | * Most symbols have a small distance from each other.
3068 | * M ≅ L; E ≅ c; a ≅ b ≅ B; H ≅ k ≅ h ≅ K; ...
3069 | * -> Covered by cldr.js matching process
3070 | *
3071 | * Width differences among fields, other than those marking text vs numeric, are given small distance from each other.
3072 | * MMM ≅ MMMM
3073 | * MM ≅ M
3074 | * Numeric and text fields are given a larger distance from each other.
3075 | * MMM ≈ MM
3076 | * Symbols representing substantial differences (week of year vs week of month) are given much larger a distances from each other.
3077 | * d ≋ D; ...
3078 | * Missing or extra fields cause a match to fail. (But see Missing Skeleton Fields).
3079 | *
3080 | *
3081 | * For example,
3082 | *
3083 | * { month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric' }
3084 | *
3085 | * should match
3086 | *
3087 | * { month: '2-digit', day: '2-digit' }
3088 | *
3089 | * rather than
3090 | *
3091 | * { month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }
3092 | *
3093 | * This makes sense because a user requesting a formatted date with numeric parts would
3094 | * not expect to see the returned format containing narrow, short or long part names
3095 | */
3096 | function BestFitFormatMatcher(options, formats) {
3097 |
3098 | // 1. Let removalPenalty be 120.
3099 | var removalPenalty = 120;
3100 |
3101 | // 2. Let additionPenalty be 20.
3102 | var additionPenalty = 20;
3103 |
3104 | // 3. Let longLessPenalty be 8.
3105 | var longLessPenalty = 8;
3106 |
3107 | // 4. Let longMorePenalty be 6.
3108 | var longMorePenalty = 6;
3109 |
3110 | // 5. Let shortLessPenalty be 6.
3111 | var shortLessPenalty = 6;
3112 |
3113 | // 6. Let shortMorePenalty be 3.
3114 | var shortMorePenalty = 3;
3115 |
3116 | var hour12Penalty = 1;
3117 |
3118 | // 7. Let bestScore be -Infinity.
3119 | var bestScore = -Infinity;
3120 |
3121 | // 8. Let bestFormat be undefined.
3122 | var bestFormat = void 0;
3123 |
3124 | // 9. Let i be 0.
3125 | var i = 0;
3126 |
3127 | // 10. Assert: formats is an Array object.
3128 |
3129 | // 11. Let len be the result of calling the [[Get]] internal method of formats with argument "length".
3130 | var len = formats.length;
3131 |
3132 | // 12. Repeat while i < len:
3133 | while (i < len) {
3134 | // a. Let format be the result of calling the [[Get]] internal method of formats with argument ToString(i).
3135 | var format = formats[i];
3136 |
3137 | // b. Let score be 0.
3138 | var score = 0;
3139 |
3140 | // c. For each property shown in Table 3:
3141 | for (var property in dateTimeComponents) {
3142 | if (!hop.call(dateTimeComponents, property)) continue;
3143 |
3144 | // i. Let optionsProp be options.[[<property>]].
3145 | var optionsProp = options['[[' + property + ']]'];
3146 |
3147 | // ii. Let formatPropDesc be the result of calling the [[GetOwnProperty]] internal method of format
3148 | // with argument property.
3149 | // iii. If formatPropDesc is not undefined, then
3150 | // 1. Let formatProp be the result of calling the [[Get]] internal method of format with argument property.
3151 | var formatProp = hop.call(format, property) ? format[property] : undefined;
3152 |
3153 | // iv. If optionsProp is undefined and formatProp is not undefined, then decrease score by
3154 | // additionPenalty.
3155 | if (optionsProp === undefined && formatProp !== undefined) score -= additionPenalty;
3156 |
3157 | // v. Else if optionsProp is not undefined and formatProp is undefined, then decrease score by
3158 | // removalPenalty.
3159 | else if (optionsProp !== undefined && formatProp === undefined) score -= removalPenalty;
3160 |
3161 | // vi. Else
3162 | else {
3163 | // 1. Let values be the array ["2-digit", "numeric", "narrow", "short",
3164 | // "long"].
3165 | var values = ['2-digit', 'numeric', 'narrow', 'short', 'long'];
3166 |
3167 | // 2. Let optionsPropIndex be the index of optionsProp within values.
3168 | var optionsPropIndex = arrIndexOf.call(values, optionsProp);
3169 |
3170 | // 3. Let formatPropIndex be the index of formatProp within values.
3171 | var formatPropIndex = arrIndexOf.call(values, formatProp);
3172 |
3173 | // 4. Let delta be max(min(formatPropIndex - optionsPropIndex, 2), -2).
3174 | var delta = Math.max(Math.min(formatPropIndex - optionsPropIndex, 2), -2);
3175 |
3176 | {
3177 | // diverging from spec
3178 | // When the bestFit argument is true, subtract additional penalty where data types are not the same
3179 | if (formatPropIndex <= 1 && optionsPropIndex >= 2 || formatPropIndex >= 2 && optionsPropIndex <= 1) {
3180 | // 5. If delta = 2, decrease score by longMorePenalty.
3181 | if (delta > 0) score -= longMorePenalty;else if (delta < 0) score -= longLessPenalty;
3182 | } else {
3183 | // 5. If delta = 2, decrease score by longMorePenalty.
3184 | if (delta > 1) score -= shortMorePenalty;else if (delta < -1) score -= shortLessPenalty;
3185 | }
3186 | }
3187 | }
3188 | }
3189 |
3190 | {
3191 | // diverging to also take into consideration differences between 12 or 24 hours
3192 | // which is special for the best fit only.
3193 | if (format._.hour12 !== options.hour12) {
3194 | score -= hour12Penalty;
3195 | }
3196 | }
3197 |
3198 | // d. If score > bestScore, then
3199 | if (score > bestScore) {
3200 | // i. Let bestScore be score.
3201 | bestScore = score;
3202 | // ii. Let bestFormat be format.
3203 | bestFormat = format;
3204 | }
3205 |
3206 | // e. Increase i by 1.
3207 | i++;
3208 | }
3209 |
3210 | // 13. Return bestFormat.
3211 | return bestFormat;
3212 | }
3213 |
3214 | /* 12.2.3 */internals.DateTimeFormat = {
3215 | '[[availableLocales]]': [],
3216 | '[[relevantExtensionKeys]]': ['ca', 'nu'],
3217 | '[[localeData]]': {}
3218 | };
3219 |
3220 | /**
3221 | * When the supportedLocalesOf method of Intl.DateTimeFormat is called, the
3222 | * following steps are taken:
3223 | */
3224 | /* 12.2.2 */
3225 | defineProperty(Intl.DateTimeFormat, 'supportedLocalesOf', {
3226 | configurable: true,
3227 | writable: true,
3228 | value: fnBind.call(function (locales) {
3229 | // Bound functions only have the `this` value altered if being used as a constructor,
3230 | // this lets us imitate a native function that has no constructor
3231 | if (!hop.call(this, '[[availableLocales]]')) throw new TypeError('supportedLocalesOf() is not a constructor');
3232 |
3233 | // Create an object whose props can be used to restore the values of RegExp props
3234 | var regexpState = createRegExpRestore(),
3235 |
3236 |
3237 | // 1. If options is not provided, then let options be undefined.
3238 | options = arguments[1],
3239 |
3240 |
3241 | // 2. Let availableLocales be the value of the [[availableLocales]] internal
3242 | // property of the standard built-in object that is the initial value of
3243 | // Intl.NumberFormat.
3244 |
3245 | availableLocales = this['[[availableLocales]]'],
3246 |
3247 |
3248 | // 3. Let requestedLocales be the result of calling the CanonicalizeLocaleList
3249 | // abstract operation (defined in 9.2.1) with argument locales.
3250 | requestedLocales = CanonicalizeLocaleList(locales);
3251 |
3252 | // Restore the RegExp properties
3253 | regexpState.exp.test(regexpState.input);
3254 |
3255 | // 4. Return the result of calling the SupportedLocales abstract operation
3256 | // (defined in 9.2.8) with arguments availableLocales, requestedLocales,
3257 | // and options.
3258 | return SupportedLocales(availableLocales, requestedLocales, options);
3259 | }, internals.NumberFormat)
3260 | });
3261 |
3262 | /**
3263 | * This named accessor property returns a function that formats a number
3264 | * according to the effective locale and the formatting options of this
3265 | * DateTimeFormat object.
3266 | */
3267 | /* 12.3.2 */defineProperty(Intl.DateTimeFormat.prototype, 'format', {
3268 | configurable: true,
3269 | get: GetFormatDateTime
3270 | });
3271 |
3272 | defineProperty(Intl.DateTimeFormat.prototype, 'formatToParts', {
3273 | configurable: true,
3274 | get: GetFormatToPartsDateTime
3275 | });
3276 |
3277 | function GetFormatDateTime() {
3278 | var internal = this !== null && babelHelpers["typeof"](this) === 'object' && getInternalProperties(this);
3279 |
3280 | // Satisfy test 12.3_b
3281 | if (!internal || !internal['[[initializedDateTimeFormat]]']) throw new TypeError('`this` value for format() is not an initialized Intl.DateTimeFormat object.');
3282 |
3283 | // The value of the [[Get]] attribute is a function that takes the following
3284 | // steps:
3285 |
3286 | // 1. If the [[boundFormat]] internal property of this DateTimeFormat object
3287 | // is undefined, then:
3288 | if (internal['[[boundFormat]]'] === undefined) {
3289 | // a. Let F be a Function object, with internal properties set as
3290 | // specified for built-in functions in ES5, 15, or successor, and the
3291 | // length property set to 0, that takes the argument date and
3292 | // performs the following steps:
3293 | var F = function F() {
3294 | // i. If date is not provided or is undefined, then let x be the
3295 | // result as if by the expression Date.now() where Date.now is
3296 | // the standard built-in function defined in ES5,
3297 | // ii. Else let x be ToNumber(date).
3298 | // iii. Return the result of calling the FormatDateTime abstract
3299 | // operation (defined below) with arguments this and x.
3300 | var x = Number(arguments.length === 0 ? Date.now() : arguments[0]);
3301 | return FormatDateTime(this, x);
3302 | };
3303 | // b. Let bind be the standard built-in function object defined in ES5,
3304 | //
3305 | // c. Let bf be the result of calling the [[Call]] internal method of
3306 | // bind with F as the this value and an argument list containing
3307 | // the single item this.
3308 | var bf = fnBind.call(F, this);
3309 | // d. Set the [[boundFormat]] internal property of this NumberFormat
3310 | // object to bf.
3311 | internal['[[boundFormat]]'] = bf;
3312 | }
3313 | // Return the value of the [[boundFormat]] internal property of this
3314 | // NumberFormat object.
3315 | return internal['[[boundFormat]]'];
3316 | }
3317 |
3318 | function GetFormatToPartsDateTime() {
3319 | var internal = this !== null && babelHelpers["typeof"](this) === 'object' && getInternalProperties(this);
3320 |
3321 | if (!internal || !internal['[[initializedDateTimeFormat]]']) throw new TypeError('`this` value for formatToParts() is not an initialized Intl.DateTimeFormat object.');
3322 |
3323 | if (internal['[[boundFormatToParts]]'] === undefined) {
3324 | var F = function F() {
3325 | var x = Number(arguments.length === 0 ? Date.now() : arguments[0]);
3326 | return FormatToPartsDateTime(this, x);
3327 | };
3328 | var bf = fnBind.call(F, this);
3329 | internal['[[boundFormatToParts]]'] = bf;
3330 | }
3331 | return internal['[[boundFormatToParts]]'];
3332 | }
3333 |
3334 | function CreateDateTimeParts(dateTimeFormat, x) {
3335 | // 1. If x is not a finite Number, then throw a RangeError exception.
3336 | if (!isFinite(x)) throw new RangeError('Invalid valid date passed to format');
3337 |
3338 | var internal = dateTimeFormat.__getInternalProperties(secret);
3339 |
3340 | // Creating restore point for properties on the RegExp object... please wait
3341 | /* let regexpState = */createRegExpRestore(); // ###TODO: review this
3342 |
3343 | // 2. Let locale be the value of the [[locale]] internal property of dateTimeFormat.
3344 | var locale = internal['[[locale]]'];
3345 |
3346 | // 3. Let nf be the result of creating a new NumberFormat object as if by the
3347 | // expression new Intl.NumberFormat([locale], {useGrouping: false}) where
3348 | // Intl.NumberFormat is the standard built-in constructor defined in 11.1.3.
3349 | var nf = new Intl.NumberFormat([locale], { useGrouping: false });
3350 |
3351 | // 4. Let nf2 be the result of creating a new NumberFormat object as if by the
3352 | // expression new Intl.NumberFormat([locale], {minimumIntegerDigits: 2, useGrouping:
3353 | // false}) where Intl.NumberFormat is the standard built-in constructor defined in
3354 | // 11.1.3.
3355 | var nf2 = new Intl.NumberFormat([locale], { minimumIntegerDigits: 2, useGrouping: false });
3356 |
3357 | // 5. Let tm be the result of calling the ToLocalTime abstract operation (defined
3358 | // below) with x, the value of the [[calendar]] internal property of dateTimeFormat,
3359 | // and the value of the [[timeZone]] internal property of dateTimeFormat.
3360 | var tm = ToLocalTime(x, internal['[[calendar]]'], internal['[[timeZone]]']);
3361 |
3362 | // 6. Let result be the value of the [[pattern]] internal property of dateTimeFormat.
3363 | var pattern = internal['[[pattern]]'];
3364 |
3365 | // 7.
3366 | var result = new List();
3367 |
3368 | // 8.
3369 | var index = 0;
3370 |
3371 | // 9.
3372 | var beginIndex = pattern.indexOf('{');
3373 |
3374 | // 10.
3375 | var endIndex = 0;
3376 |
3377 | // Need the locale minus any extensions
3378 | var dataLocale = internal['[[dataLocale]]'];
3379 |
3380 | // Need the calendar data from CLDR
3381 | var localeData = internals.DateTimeFormat['[[localeData]]'][dataLocale].calendars;
3382 | var ca = internal['[[calendar]]'];
3383 |
3384 | // 11.
3385 | while (beginIndex !== -1) {
3386 | var fv = void 0;
3387 | // a.
3388 | endIndex = pattern.indexOf('}', beginIndex);
3389 | // b.
3390 | if (endIndex === -1) {
3391 | throw new Error('Unclosed pattern');
3392 | }
3393 | // c.
3394 | if (beginIndex > index) {
3395 | arrPush.call(result, {
3396 | type: 'literal',
3397 | value: pattern.substring(index, beginIndex)
3398 | });
3399 | }
3400 | // d.
3401 | var p = pattern.substring(beginIndex + 1, endIndex);
3402 | // e.
3403 | if (dateTimeComponents.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
3404 | // i. Let f be the value of the [[<p>]] internal property of dateTimeFormat.
3405 | var f = internal['[[' + p + ']]'];
3406 | // ii. Let v be the value of tm.[[<p>]].
3407 | var v = tm['[[' + p + ']]'];
3408 | // iii. If p is "year" and v ≤ 0, then let v be 1 - v.
3409 | if (p === 'year' && v <= 0) {
3410 | v = 1 - v;
3411 | }
3412 | // iv. If p is "month", then increase v by 1.
3413 | else if (p === 'month') {
3414 | v++;
3415 | }
3416 | // v. If p is "hour" and the value of the [[hour12]] internal property of
3417 | // dateTimeFormat is true, then
3418 | else if (p === 'hour' && internal['[[hour12]]'] === true) {
3419 | // 1. Let v be v modulo 12.
3420 | v = v % 12;
3421 | // 2. If v is 0 and the value of the [[hourNo0]] internal property of
3422 | // dateTimeFormat is true, then let v be 12.
3423 | if (v === 0 && internal['[[hourNo0]]'] === true) {
3424 | v = 12;
3425 | }
3426 | }
3427 |
3428 | // vi. If f is "numeric", then
3429 | if (f === 'numeric') {
3430 | // 1. Let fv be the result of calling the FormatNumber abstract operation
3431 | // (defined in 11.3.2) with arguments nf and v.
3432 | fv = FormatNumber(nf, v);
3433 | }
3434 | // vii. Else if f is "2-digit", then
3435 | else if (f === '2-digit') {
3436 | // 1. Let fv be the result of calling the FormatNumber abstract operation
3437 | // with arguments nf2 and v.
3438 | fv = FormatNumber(nf2, v);
3439 | // 2. If the length of fv is greater than 2, let fv be the substring of fv
3440 | // containing the last two characters.
3441 | if (fv.length > 2) {
3442 | fv = fv.slice(-2);
3443 | }
3444 | }
3445 | // viii. Else if f is "narrow", "short", or "long", then let fv be a String
3446 | // value representing f in the desired form; the String value depends upon
3447 | // the implementation and the effective locale and calendar of
3448 | // dateTimeFormat. If p is "month", then the String value may also depend
3449 | // on whether dateTimeFormat has a [[day]] internal property. If p is
3450 | // "timeZoneName", then the String value may also depend on the value of
3451 | // the [[inDST]] field of tm.
3452 | else if (f in dateWidths) {
3453 | switch (p) {
3454 | case 'month':
3455 | fv = resolveDateString(localeData, ca, 'months', f, tm['[[' + p + ']]']);
3456 | break;
3457 |
3458 | case 'weekday':
3459 | try {
3460 | fv = resolveDateString(localeData, ca, 'days', f, tm['[[' + p + ']]']);
3461 | // fv = resolveDateString(ca.days, f)[tm['[['+ p +']]']];
3462 | } catch (e) {
3463 | throw new Error('Could not find weekday data for locale ' + locale);
3464 | }
3465 | break;
3466 |
3467 | case 'timeZoneName':
3468 | fv = ''; // ###TODO
3469 | break;
3470 |
3471 | case 'era':
3472 | try {
3473 | fv = resolveDateString(localeData, ca, 'eras', f, tm['[[' + p + ']]']);
3474 | } catch (e) {
3475 | throw new Error('Could not find era data for locale ' + locale);
3476 | }
3477 | break;
3478 |
3479 | default:
3480 | fv = tm['[[' + p + ']]'];
3481 | }
3482 | }
3483 | // ix
3484 | arrPush.call(result, {
3485 | type: p,
3486 | value: fv
3487 | });
3488 | // f.
3489 | } else if (p === 'ampm') {
3490 | // i.
3491 | var _v = tm['[[hour]]'];
3492 | // ii./iii.
3493 | fv = resolveDateString(localeData, ca, 'dayPeriods', _v > 11 ? 'pm' : 'am', null);
3494 | // iv.
3495 | arrPush.call(result, {
3496 | type: 'dayPeriod',
3497 | value: fv
3498 | });
3499 | // g.
3500 | } else {
3501 | arrPush.call(result, {
3502 | type: 'literal',
3503 | value: pattern.substring(beginIndex, endIndex + 1)
3504 | });
3505 | }
3506 | // h.
3507 | index = endIndex + 1;
3508 | // i.
3509 | beginIndex = pattern.indexOf('{', index);
3510 | }
3511 | // 12.
3512 | if (endIndex < pattern.length - 1) {
3513 | arrPush.call(result, {
3514 | type: 'literal',
3515 | value: pattern.substr(endIndex + 1)
3516 | });
3517 | }
3518 | // 13.
3519 | return result;
3520 | }
3521 |
3522 | /**
3523 | * When the FormatDateTime abstract operation is called with arguments dateTimeFormat
3524 | * (which must be an object initialized as a DateTimeFormat) and x (which must be a Number
3525 | * value), it returns a String value representing x (interpreted as a time value as
3526 | * specified in ES5, according to the effective locale and the formatting
3527 | * options of dateTimeFormat.
3528 | */
3529 | function FormatDateTime(dateTimeFormat, x) {
3530 | var parts = CreateDateTimeParts(dateTimeFormat, x);
3531 | var result = '';
3532 |
3533 | for (var i = 0; parts.length > i; i++) {
3534 | var part = parts[i];
3535 | result += part.value;
3536 | }
3537 | return result;
3538 | }
3539 |
3540 | function FormatToPartsDateTime(dateTimeFormat, x) {
3541 | var parts = CreateDateTimeParts(dateTimeFormat, x);
3542 | var result = [];
3543 | for (var i = 0; parts.length > i; i++) {
3544 | var part = parts[i];
3545 | result.push({
3546 | type: part.type,
3547 | value: part.value
3548 | });
3549 | }
3550 | return result;
3551 | }
3552 |
3553 | /**
3554 | * When the ToLocalTime abstract operation is called with arguments date, calendar, and
3555 | * timeZone, the following steps are taken:
3556 | */
3557 | function ToLocalTime(date, calendar, timeZone) {
3558 | // 1. Apply calendrical calculations on date for the given calendar and time zone to
3559 | // produce weekday, era, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and inDST values.
3560 | // The calculations should use best available information about the specified
3561 | // calendar and time zone. If the calendar is "gregory", then the calculations must
3562 | // match the algorithms specified in ES5, 15.9.1, except that calculations are not
3563 | // bound by the restrictions on the use of best available information on time zones
3564 | // for local time zone adjustment and daylight saving time adjustment imposed by
3565 | // ES5, and
3566 | // ###TODO###
3567 | var d = new Date(date),
3568 | m = 'get' + (timeZone || '');
3569 |
3570 | // 2. Return a Record with fields [[weekday]], [[era]], [[year]], [[month]], [[day]],
3571 | // [[hour]], [[minute]], [[second]], and [[inDST]], each with the corresponding
3572 | // calculated value.
3573 | return new Record({
3574 | '[[weekday]]': d[m + 'Day'](),
3575 | '[[era]]': +(d[m + 'FullYear']() >= 0),
3576 | '[[year]]': d[m + 'FullYear'](),
3577 | '[[month]]': d[m + 'Month'](),
3578 | '[[day]]': d[m + 'Date'](),
3579 | '[[hour]]': d[m + 'Hours'](),
3580 | '[[minute]]': d[m + 'Minutes'](),
3581 | '[[second]]': d[m + 'Seconds'](),
3582 | '[[inDST]]': false });
3583 | }
3584 |
3585 | /**
3586 | * The function returns a new object whose properties and attributes are set as if
3587 | * constructed by an object literal assigning to each of the following properties the
3588 | * value of the corresponding internal property of this DateTimeFormat object (see 12.4):
3589 | * locale, calendar, numberingSystem, timeZone, hour12, weekday, era, year, month, day,
3590 | * hour, minute, second, and timeZoneName. Properties whose corresponding internal
3591 | * properties are not present are not assigned.
3592 | */
3593 | /* 12.3.3 */ // ###TODO###
3594 | defineProperty(Intl.DateTimeFormat.prototype, 'resolvedOptions', {
3595 | writable: true,
3596 | configurable: true,
3597 | value: function value() {
3598 | var prop = void 0,
3599 | descs = new Record(),
3600 | props = ['locale', 'calendar', 'numberingSystem', 'timeZone', 'hour12', 'weekday', 'era', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second', 'timeZoneName'],
3601 | internal = this !== null && babelHelpers["typeof"](this) === 'object' && getInternalProperties(this);
3602 |
3603 | // Satisfy test 12.3_b
3604 | if (!internal || !internal['[[initializedDateTimeFormat]]']) throw new TypeError('`this` value for resolvedOptions() is not an initialized Intl.DateTimeFormat object.');
3605 |
3606 | for (var i = 0, max = props.length; i < max; i++) {
3607 | if (hop.call(internal, prop = '[[' + props[i] + ']]')) descs[props[i]] = { value: internal[prop], writable: true, configurable: true, enumerable: true };
3608 | }
3609 |
3610 | return objCreate({}, descs);
3611 | }
3612 | });
3613 |
3614 | var ls = Intl.__localeSensitiveProtos = {
3615 | Number: {},
3616 | Date: {}
3617 | };
3618 |
3619 | /**
3620 | * When the toLocaleString method is called with optional arguments locales and options,
3621 | * the following steps are taken:
3622 | */
3623 | /* 13.2.1 */ls.Number.toLocaleString = function () {
3624 | // Satisfy test 13.2.1_1
3625 | if (Object.prototype.toString.call(this) !== '[object Number]') throw new TypeError('`this` value must be a number for Number.prototype.toLocaleString()');
3626 |
3627 | // 1. Let x be this Number value (as defined in ES5, 15.7.4).
3628 | // 2. If locales is not provided, then let locales be undefined.
3629 | // 3. If options is not provided, then let options be undefined.
3630 | // 4. Let numberFormat be the result of creating a new object as if by the
3631 | // expression new Intl.NumberFormat(locales, options) where
3632 | // Intl.NumberFormat is the standard built-in constructor defined in 11.1.3.
3633 | // 5. Return the result of calling the FormatNumber abstract operation
3634 | // (defined in 11.3.2) with arguments numberFormat and x.
3635 | return FormatNumber(new NumberFormatConstructor(arguments[0], arguments[1]), this);
3636 | };
3637 |
3638 | /**
3639 | * When the toLocaleString method is called with optional arguments locales and options,
3640 | * the following steps are taken:
3641 | */
3642 | /* 13.3.1 */ls.Date.toLocaleString = function () {
3643 | // Satisfy test 13.3.0_1
3644 | if (Object.prototype.toString.call(this) !== '[object Date]') throw new TypeError('`this` value must be a Date instance for Date.prototype.toLocaleString()');
3645 |
3646 | // 1. Let x be this time value (as defined in ES5, 15.9.5).
3647 | var x = +this;
3648 |
3649 | // 2. If x is NaN, then return "Invalid Date".
3650 | if (isNaN(x)) return 'Invalid Date';
3651 |
3652 | // 3. If locales is not provided, then let locales be undefined.
3653 | var locales = arguments[0];
3654 |
3655 | // 4. If options is not provided, then let options be undefined.
3656 | var options = arguments[1];
3657 |
3658 | // 5. Let options be the result of calling the ToDateTimeOptions abstract
3659 | // operation (defined in 12.1.1) with arguments options, "any", and "all".
3660 | options = ToDateTimeOptions(options, 'any', 'all');
3661 |
3662 | // 6. Let dateTimeFormat be the result of creating a new object as if by the
3663 | // expression new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locales, options) where
3664 | // Intl.DateTimeFormat is the standard built-in constructor defined in 12.1.3.
3665 | var dateTimeFormat = new DateTimeFormatConstructor(locales, options);
3666 |
3667 | // 7. Return the result of calling the FormatDateTime abstract operation (defined
3668 | // in 12.3.2) with arguments dateTimeFormat and x.
3669 | return FormatDateTime(dateTimeFormat, x);
3670 | };
3671 |
3672 | /**
3673 | * When the toLocaleDateString method is called with optional arguments locales and
3674 | * options, the following steps are taken:
3675 | */
3676 | /* 13.3.2 */ls.Date.toLocaleDateString = function () {
3677 | // Satisfy test 13.3.0_1
3678 | if (Object.prototype.toString.call(this) !== '[object Date]') throw new TypeError('`this` value must be a Date instance for Date.prototype.toLocaleDateString()');
3679 |
3680 | // 1. Let x be this time value (as defined in ES5, 15.9.5).
3681 | var x = +this;
3682 |
3683 | // 2. If x is NaN, then return "Invalid Date".
3684 | if (isNaN(x)) return 'Invalid Date';
3685 |
3686 | // 3. If locales is not provided, then let locales be undefined.
3687 | var locales = arguments[0],
3688 |
3689 |
3690 | // 4. If options is not provided, then let options be undefined.
3691 | options = arguments[1];
3692 |
3693 | // 5. Let options be the result of calling the ToDateTimeOptions abstract
3694 | // operation (defined in 12.1.1) with arguments options, "date", and "date".
3695 | options = ToDateTimeOptions(options, 'date', 'date');
3696 |
3697 | // 6. Let dateTimeFormat be the result of creating a new object as if by the
3698 | // expression new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locales, options) where
3699 | // Intl.DateTimeFormat is the standard built-in constructor defined in 12.1.3.
3700 | var dateTimeFormat = new DateTimeFormatConstructor(locales, options);
3701 |
3702 | // 7. Return the result of calling the FormatDateTime abstract operation (defined
3703 | // in 12.3.2) with arguments dateTimeFormat and x.
3704 | return FormatDateTime(dateTimeFormat, x);
3705 | };
3706 |
3707 | /**
3708 | * When the toLocaleTimeString method is called with optional arguments locales and
3709 | * options, the following steps are taken:
3710 | */
3711 | /* 13.3.3 */ls.Date.toLocaleTimeString = function () {
3712 | // Satisfy test 13.3.0_1
3713 | if (Object.prototype.toString.call(this) !== '[object Date]') throw new TypeError('`this` value must be a Date instance for Date.prototype.toLocaleTimeString()');
3714 |
3715 | // 1. Let x be this time value (as defined in ES5, 15.9.5).
3716 | var x = +this;
3717 |
3718 | // 2. If x is NaN, then return "Invalid Date".
3719 | if (isNaN(x)) return 'Invalid Date';
3720 |
3721 | // 3. If locales is not provided, then let locales be undefined.
3722 | var locales = arguments[0];
3723 |
3724 | // 4. If options is not provided, then let options be undefined.
3725 | var options = arguments[1];
3726 |
3727 | // 5. Let options be the result of calling the ToDateTimeOptions abstract
3728 | // operation (defined in 12.1.1) with arguments options, "time", and "time".
3729 | options = ToDateTimeOptions(options, 'time', 'time');
3730 |
3731 | // 6. Let dateTimeFormat be the result of creating a new object as if by the
3732 | // expression new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locales, options) where
3733 | // Intl.DateTimeFormat is the standard built-in constructor defined in 12.1.3.
3734 | var dateTimeFormat = new DateTimeFormatConstructor(locales, options);
3735 |
3736 | // 7. Return the result of calling the FormatDateTime abstract operation (defined
3737 | // in 12.3.2) with arguments dateTimeFormat and x.
3738 | return FormatDateTime(dateTimeFormat, x);
3739 | };
3740 |
3741 | defineProperty(Intl, '__applyLocaleSensitivePrototypes', {
3742 | writable: true,
3743 | configurable: true,
3744 | value: function value() {
3745 | defineProperty(Number.prototype, 'toLocaleString', { writable: true, configurable: true, value: ls.Number.toLocaleString });
3746 | // Need this here for IE 8, to avoid the _DontEnum_ bug
3747 | defineProperty(Date.prototype, 'toLocaleString', { writable: true, configurable: true, value: ls.Date.toLocaleString });
3748 |
3749 | for (var k in ls.Date) {
3750 | if (hop.call(ls.Date, k)) defineProperty(Date.prototype, k, { writable: true, configurable: true, value: ls.Date[k] });
3751 | }
3752 | }
3753 | });
3754 |
3755 | /**
3756 | * Can't really ship a single script with data for hundreds of locales, so we provide
3757 | * this __addLocaleData method as a means for the developer to add the data on an
3758 | * as-needed basis
3759 | */
3760 | defineProperty(Intl, '__addLocaleData', {
3761 | value: function value(data) {
3762 | if (!IsStructurallyValidLanguageTag(data.locale)) throw new Error("Object passed doesn't identify itself with a valid language tag");
3763 |
3764 | addLocaleData(data, data.locale);
3765 | }
3766 | });
3767 |
3768 | function addLocaleData(data, tag) {
3769 | // Both NumberFormat and DateTimeFormat require number data, so throw if it isn't present
3770 | if (!data.number) throw new Error("Object passed doesn't contain locale data for Intl.NumberFormat");
3771 |
3772 | var locale = void 0,
3773 | locales = [tag],
3774 | parts = tag.split('-');
3775 |
3776 | // Create fallbacks for locale data with scripts, e.g. Latn, Hans, Vaii, etc
3777 | if (parts.length > 2 && parts[1].length === 4) arrPush.call(locales, parts[0] + '-' + parts[2]);
3778 |
3779 | while (locale = arrShift.call(locales)) {
3780 | // Add to NumberFormat internal properties as per 11.2.3
3781 | arrPush.call(internals.NumberFormat['[[availableLocales]]'], locale);
3782 | internals.NumberFormat['[[localeData]]'][locale] = data.number;
3783 |
3784 | // ...and DateTimeFormat internal properties as per 12.2.3
3785 | if (data.date) {
3786 | data.date.nu = data.number.nu;
3787 | arrPush.call(internals.DateTimeFormat['[[availableLocales]]'], locale);
3788 | internals.DateTimeFormat['[[localeData]]'][locale] = data.date;
3789 | }
3790 | }
3791 |
3792 | // If this is the first set of locale data added, make it the default
3793 | if (defaultLocale === undefined) setDefaultLocale(tag);
3794 | }
3795 |
3796 | module.exports = Intl; |
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