2.82 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1export declare const DUPLICATED_INJECTABLE_DECORATOR = "Cannot apply @injectable decorator multiple times.";
2export declare const DUPLICATED_METADATA = "Metadata key was used more than once in a parameter:";
3export declare const NULL_ARGUMENT = "NULL argument";
4export declare const KEY_NOT_FOUND = "Key Not Found";
5export declare const AMBIGUOUS_MATCH = "Ambiguous match found for serviceIdentifier:";
6export declare const CANNOT_UNBIND = "Could not unbind serviceIdentifier:";
7export declare const NOT_REGISTERED = "No matching bindings found for serviceIdentifier:";
8export declare const MISSING_INJECTABLE_ANNOTATION = "Missing required @injectable annotation in:";
9export declare const MISSING_INJECT_ANNOTATION = "Missing required @inject or @multiInject annotation in:";
10export declare const UNDEFINED_INJECT_ANNOTATION: (name: string) => string;
11export declare const CIRCULAR_DEPENDENCY = "Circular dependency found:";
12export declare const NOT_IMPLEMENTED = "Sorry, this feature is not fully implemented yet.";
13export declare const INVALID_BINDING_TYPE = "Invalid binding type:";
14export declare const NO_MORE_SNAPSHOTS_AVAILABLE = "No snapshot available to restore.";
15export declare const INVALID_MIDDLEWARE_RETURN = "Invalid return type in middleware. Middleware must return!";
16export declare const INVALID_FUNCTION_BINDING = "Value provided to function binding must be a function!";
17export declare const LAZY_IN_SYNC: (key: unknown) => string;
18export declare const INVALID_TO_SELF_VALUE: string;
19export declare const INVALID_DECORATOR_OPERATION: string;
20export declare const ARGUMENTS_LENGTH_MISMATCH: (...values: unknown[]) => string;
21export declare const CONTAINER_OPTIONS_MUST_BE_AN_OBJECT: string;
22export declare const CONTAINER_OPTIONS_INVALID_DEFAULT_SCOPE: string;
24export declare const CONTAINER_OPTIONS_INVALID_SKIP_BASE_CHECK: string;
25export declare const MULTIPLE_PRE_DESTROY_METHODS = "Cannot apply @preDestroy decorator multiple times in the same class";
26export declare const MULTIPLE_POST_CONSTRUCT_METHODS = "Cannot apply @postConstruct decorator multiple times in the same class";
27export declare const ASYNC_UNBIND_REQUIRED = "Attempting to unbind dependency with asynchronous destruction (@preDestroy or onDeactivation)";
28export declare const POST_CONSTRUCT_ERROR: (clazz: string, errorMessage: string) => string;
29export declare const PRE_DESTROY_ERROR: (clazz: string, errorMessage: string) => string;
30export declare const ON_DEACTIVATION_ERROR: (clazz: string, errorMessage: string) => string;
31export declare const CIRCULAR_DEPENDENCY_IN_FACTORY: (factoryType: string, serviceIdentifier: string) => string;
32export declare const STACK_OVERFLOW = "Maximum call stack size exceeded";