1 | import { AfterViewInit, ElementRef, EventEmitter, NgZone, OnDestroy, Renderer } from '@angular/core';
2 | import { App } from '../app/app';
3 | import { Config } from '../../config/config';
4 | import { DomController } from '../../platform/dom-controller';
5 | import { Img } from '../img/img-interface';
6 | import { Ion } from '../ion';
7 | import { Keyboard } from '../../platform/keyboard';
8 | import { NavController } from '../../navigation/nav-controller';
9 | import { Content as IContent, Tabs } from '../../navigation/nav-interfaces';
10 | import { Platform } from '../../platform/platform';
11 | import { ScrollEvent, ScrollView } from '../../util/scroll-view';
12 | import { ViewController } from '../../navigation/view-controller';
13 | export { ScrollEvent } from '../../util/scroll-view';
14 | export declare class EventEmitterProxy<T> extends EventEmitter<T> {
15 | onSubscribe: Function;
16 | subscribe(generatorOrNext?: any, error?: any, complete?: any): any;
17 | }
18 | /**
19 | * @name Content
20 | * @description
21 | * The Content component provides an easy to use content area with
22 | * some useful methods to control the scrollable area. There should
23 | * only be one content in a single view component. If additional scrollable
24 | * elements are needed, use [ionScroll](../../scroll/Scroll).
25 | *
26 | *
27 | * The content area can also implement pull-to-refresh with the
28 | * [Refresher](../../refresher/Refresher) component.
29 | *
30 | * @usage
31 | * ```html
32 | * <ion-content>
33 | * Add your content here!
34 | * </ion-content>
35 | * ```
36 | *
37 | * To get a reference to the content component from a Page's logic,
38 | * you can use Angular's `@ViewChild` annotation:
39 | *
40 | * ```ts
41 | * import { Component, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
42 | * import { Content } from 'ionic-angular';
43 | *
44 | * @Component({...})
45 | * export class MyPage{
46 | * @ViewChild(Content) content: Content;
47 | *
48 | * scrollToTop() {
49 | * this.content.scrollToTop();
50 | * }
51 | * }
52 | * ```
53 | *
54 | * @advanced
55 | *
56 | * ### Scroll Events
57 | *
58 | * Scroll events happen outside of Angular's Zones. This is for performance reasons. So
59 | * if you're trying to bind a value to any scroll event, it will need to be wrapped in
60 | * a `zone.run()`
61 | *
62 | * ```ts
63 | * import { Component, NgZone } from '@angular/core';
64 | * @Component({
65 | * template: `
66 | * <ion-header>
67 | * <ion-navbar>
68 | * <ion-title>{{scrollAmount}}</ion-title>
69 | * </ion-navbar>
70 | * </ion-header>
71 | * <ion-content (ionScroll)="scrollHandler($event)">
72 | * <p> Some realllllllly long content </p>
73 | * </ion-content>
74 | * `})
75 | * class E2EPage {
76 | * public scrollAmount = 0;
77 | * constructor( public zone: NgZone){}
78 | * scrollHandler(event) {
79 | * console.log(`ScrollEvent: ${event}`)
80 | * this.zone.run(()=>{
81 | * // since scrollAmount is data-binded,
82 | * // the update needs to happen in zone
83 | * this.scrollAmount++
84 | * })
85 | * }
86 | * }
87 | * ```
88 | *
89 | * This goes for any scroll event, not just `ionScroll`.
90 | *
91 | * ### Resizing the content
92 | *
93 | * If the height of `ion-header`, `ion-footer` or `ion-tabbar`
94 | * changes dynamically, `content.resize()` has to be called in order to update the
95 | * layout of `Content`.
96 | *
97 | *
98 | * ```ts
99 | * @Component({
100 | * template: `
101 | * <ion-header>
102 | * <ion-navbar>
103 | * <ion-title>Main Navbar</ion-title>
104 | * </ion-navbar>
105 | * <ion-toolbar *ngIf="showToolbar">
106 | * <ion-title>Dynamic Toolbar</ion-title>
107 | * </ion-toolbar>
108 | * </ion-header>
109 | * <ion-content>
110 | * <button ion-button (click)="toggleToolbar()">Toggle Toolbar</button>
111 | * </ion-content>
112 | * `})
113 | *
114 | * class E2EPage {
115 | * @ViewChild(Content) content: Content;
116 | * showToolbar: boolean = false;
117 | *
118 | * toggleToolbar() {
119 | * this.showToolbar = !this.showToolbar;
120 | * this.content.resize();
121 | * }
122 | * }
123 | * ```
124 | *
125 | *
126 | * Scroll to a specific position
127 | *
128 | * ```ts
129 | * import { Component, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
130 | * import { Content } from 'ionic-angular';
131 | *
132 | * @Component({
133 | * template: `<ion-content>
134 | * <button ion-button (click)="scrollTo()">Down 500px</button>
135 | * </ion-content>`
136 | * )}
137 | * export class MyPage{
138 | * @ViewChild(Content) content: Content;
139 | *
140 | * scrollTo() {
141 | * // set the scrollLeft to 0px, and scrollTop to 500px
142 | * // the scroll duration should take 200ms
143 | * this.content.scrollTo(0, 500, 200);
144 | * }
145 | * }
146 | * ```
147 | *
148 | */
149 | export declare class Content extends Ion implements OnDestroy, AfterViewInit, IContent {
150 | private _plt;
151 | private _dom;
152 | _app: App;
153 | _keyboard: Keyboard;
154 | _zone: NgZone;
155 | /** @internal */
156 | _cTop: number;
157 | /** @internal */
158 | _cBottom: number;
159 | /** @internal */
160 | _pTop: number;
161 | /** @internal */
162 | _pRight: number;
163 | /** @internal */
164 | _pBottom: number;
165 | /** @internal */
166 | _pLeft: number;
167 | /** @internal */
168 | _scrollPadding: number;
169 | /** @internal */
170 | _hdrHeight: number;
171 | /** @internal */
172 | _ftrHeight: number;
173 | /** @internal */
174 | _tabs: Tabs;
175 | /** @internal */
176 | _tabbarHeight: number;
177 | /** @internal */
178 | _tabsPlacement: string;
179 | /** @internal */
180 | _tTop: number;
181 | /** @internal */
182 | _fTop: number;
183 | /** @internal */
184 | _fBottom: number;
185 | /** @internal */
186 | _inputPolling: boolean;
187 | /** @internal */
188 | _scroll: ScrollView;
189 | /** @internal */
190 | _scLsn: Function;
191 | /** @internal */
192 | _fullscreen: boolean;
193 | /** @internal */
194 | _hasRefresher: boolean;
195 | /** @internal */
196 | _footerEle: HTMLElement;
197 | /** @internal */
198 | _dirty: boolean;
199 | /** @internal */
200 | _imgs: Img[];
201 | /** @internal */
202 | _viewCtrlReadSub: any;
203 | /** @internal */
204 | _viewCtrlWriteSub: any;
205 | /** @internal */
206 | _scrollDownOnLoad: boolean;
207 | _viewCtrl: any;
208 | private _imgReqBfr;
209 | private _imgRndBfr;
210 | private _imgVelMax;
211 | /** @hidden */
212 | statusbarPadding: boolean;
213 | /** @internal */
214 | _fixedContent: ElementRef;
215 | /** @internal */
216 | _scrollContent: ElementRef;
217 | /**
218 | * Content height of the viewable area. This does not include content
219 | * which is outside the overflow area, or content area which is under
220 | * headers and footers. Read-only.
221 | *
222 | * @return {number}
223 | */
224 | readonly contentHeight: number;
225 | /**
226 | * Content width including content which is not visible on the screen
227 | * due to overflow. Read-only.
228 | *
229 | * @return {number}
230 | */
231 | readonly contentWidth: number;
232 | /**
233 | * A number representing how many pixels the top of the content has been
234 | * adjusted, which could be by either padding or margin. This adjustment
235 | * is to account for the space needed for the header.
236 | *
237 | * @return {number}
238 | */
239 | contentTop: number;
240 | /**
241 | * A number representing how many pixels the bottom of the content has been
242 | * adjusted, which could be by either padding or margin. This adjustment
243 | * is to account for the space needed for the footer.
244 | *
245 | * @return {number}
246 | */
247 | contentBottom: number;
248 | /**
249 | * Content height including content which is not visible on the screen
250 | * due to overflow. Read-only.
251 | *
252 | * @return {number}
253 | */
254 | readonly scrollHeight: number;
255 | /**
256 | * Content width including content which is not visible due to
257 | * overflow. Read-only.
258 | *
259 | * @return {number}
260 | */
261 | readonly scrollWidth: number;
262 | /**
263 | * The distance of the content's top to its topmost visible content.
264 | *
265 | * @return {number}
266 | */
267 | /**
268 | * @param {number} top
269 | */
270 | scrollTop: number;
271 | /**
272 | * The distance of the content's left to its leftmost visible content.
273 | *
274 | * @return {number}
275 | */
276 | /**
277 | * @param {number} top
278 | */
279 | scrollLeft: number;
280 | /**
281 | * If the content is actively scrolling or not.
282 | *
283 | * @return {boolean}
284 | */
285 | readonly isScrolling: boolean;
286 | /**
287 | * The current, or last known, vertical scroll direction. Possible
288 | * string values include `down` and `up`.
289 | *
290 | * @return {string}
291 | */
292 | readonly directionY: string;
293 | /**
294 | * The current, or last known, horizontal scroll direction. Possible
295 | * string values include `right` and `left`.
296 | *
297 | * @return {string}
298 | */
299 | readonly directionX: string;
300 | /**
301 | * @output {ScrollEvent} Emitted when the scrolling first starts.
302 | */
303 | ionScrollStart: EventEmitterProxy<ScrollEvent>;
304 | /**
305 | * @output {ScrollEvent} Emitted on every scroll event.
306 | */
307 | ionScroll: EventEmitterProxy<ScrollEvent>;
308 | /**
309 | * @output {ScrollEvent} Emitted when scrolling ends.
310 | */
311 | ionScrollEnd: EventEmitterProxy<ScrollEvent>;
312 | constructor(config: Config, _plt: Platform, _dom: DomController, elementRef: ElementRef, renderer: Renderer, _app: App, _keyboard: Keyboard, _zone: NgZone, viewCtrl: ViewController, navCtrl: NavController);
313 | /**
314 | * @hidden
315 | */
316 | ngAfterViewInit(): void;
317 | /**
318 | * @hidden
319 | */
320 | enableJsScroll(): void;
321 | /**
322 | * @hidden
323 | */
324 | ngOnDestroy(): void;
325 | /**
326 | * @hidden
327 | */
328 | getScrollElement(): HTMLElement;
329 | /**
330 | * @private
331 | */
332 | getFixedElement(): HTMLElement;
333 | /**
334 | * @hidden
335 | */
336 | onScrollElementTransitionEnd(callback: {
337 | (ev: TransitionEvent): void;
338 | }): void;
339 | /**
340 | * Scroll to the specified position.
341 | *
342 | * @param {number} x The x-value to scroll to.
343 | * number} y The y-value to scroll to.
{ |
344 | * number} [duration] Duration of the scroll animation in milliseconds. Defaults to `300`.
{ |
345 | * Promise} Returns a promise which is resolved when the scroll has completed.
{ |
346 | */
347 | scrollTo(x: number, y: number, duration?: number, done?: Function): Promise<any>;
348 | /**
349 | * Scroll to the top of the content component.
350 | *
351 | * @param {number} [duration] Duration of the scroll animation in milliseconds. Defaults to `300`.
352 | * @returns {Promise} Returns a promise which is resolved when the scroll has completed.
353 | */
354 | scrollToTop(duration?: number): Promise<any>;
355 | /**
356 | * Scroll to the bottom of the content component.
357 | *
358 | * @param {number} [duration] Duration of the scroll animation in milliseconds. Defaults to `300`.
359 | * @returns {Promise} Returns a promise which is resolved when the scroll has completed.
360 | */
361 | scrollToBottom(duration?: number): Promise<any>;
362 | /**
363 | * @input {boolean} If true, the content will scroll behind the headers
364 | * and footers. This effect can easily be seen by setting the toolbar
365 | * to transparent.
366 | */
367 | fullscreen: boolean;
368 | /**
369 | * @input {boolean} If true, the content will scroll down on load.
370 | */
371 | scrollDownOnLoad: boolean;
372 | /**
373 | * @private
374 | */
375 | addImg(img: Img): void;
376 | /**
377 | * @hidden
378 | */
379 | removeImg(img: Img): void;
380 | /**
381 | * @hidden
382 | * DOM WRITE
383 | */
384 | setScrollElementStyle(prop: string, val: any): void;
385 | /**
386 | * Returns the content and scroll elements' dimensions.
387 | * @returns {object} dimensions The content and scroll elements' dimensions
388 | * {number} dimensions.contentHeight content offsetHeight
389 | * {number} dimensions.contentTop content offsetTop
390 | * {number} dimensions.contentBottom content offsetTop+offsetHeight
391 | * {number} dimensions.contentWidth content offsetWidth
392 | * {number} dimensions.contentLeft content offsetLeft
393 | * {number} dimensions.contentRight content offsetLeft + offsetWidth
394 | * {number} dimensions.scrollHeight scroll scrollHeight
395 | * {number} dimensions.scrollTop scroll scrollTop
396 | * {number} dimensions.scrollBottom scroll scrollTop + scrollHeight
397 | * {number} dimensions.scrollWidth scroll scrollWidth
398 | * {number} dimensions.scrollLeft scroll scrollLeft
399 | * {number} dimensions.scrollRight scroll scrollLeft + scrollWidth
400 | */
401 | getContentDimensions(): ContentDimensions;
402 | /**
403 | * @hidden
404 | * DOM WRITE
405 | * Adds padding to the bottom of the scroll element when the keyboard is open
406 | * so content below the keyboard can be scrolled into view.
407 | */
408 | addScrollPadding(newPadding: number): void;
409 | /**
410 | * @hidden
411 | * DOM WRITE
412 | */
413 | clearScrollPaddingFocusOut(): void;
414 | /**
415 | * Tell the content to recalculate its dimensions. This should be called
416 | * after dynamically adding/removing headers, footers, or tabs.
417 | */
418 | resize(): void;
419 | /**
420 | * @hidden
421 | * DOM READ
422 | */
423 | private _readDimensions();
424 | /**
425 | * @hidden
426 | * DOM WRITE
427 | */
428 | private _writeDimensions();
429 | /**
430 | * @hidden
431 | */
432 | imgsUpdate(): void;
433 | /**
434 | * @hidden
435 | */
436 | isImgsUpdatable(): boolean;
437 | }
438 | export declare function updateImgs(imgs: Img[], viewableTop: number, contentHeight: number, scrollDirectionY: string, requestableBuffer: number, renderableBuffer: number): void;
439 | export interface ContentDimensions {
440 | contentHeight: number;
441 | contentTop: number;
442 | contentBottom: number;
443 | contentWidth: number;
444 | contentLeft: number;
445 | scrollHeight: number;
446 | scrollTop: number;
447 | scrollWidth: number;
448 | scrollLeft: number;
449 | }