5.41 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { findReorderItem, indexForItem } from './item-reorder-util';
2import { pointerCoord } from '../../util/dom';
3import { UIEventManager } from '../../gestures/ui-event-manager';
5 * @hidden
6 */
7var ItemReorderGesture = (function () {
8 function ItemReorderGesture(plt, reorderList) {
9 this.plt = plt;
10 this.reorderList = reorderList;
11 this.selectedItemEle = null;
12 this.events = new UIEventManager(plt);
13 this.events.pointerEvents({
14 element: this.reorderList.getNativeElement(),
15 pointerDown: this.onDragStart.bind(this),
16 pointerMove: this.onDragMove.bind(this),
17 pointerUp: this.onDragEnd.bind(this),
18 zone: false
19 });
20 }
21 ItemReorderGesture.prototype.onDragStart = function (ev) {
22 if (this.selectedItemEle) {
23 return false;
24 }
25 var reorderElement = ev.target;
26 if (reorderElement.nodeName !== 'ION-REORDER') {
27 return false;
28 }
29 var reorderMark = reorderElement['$ionComponent'];
30 if (!reorderMark) {
31 console.error('ion-reorder does not contain $ionComponent');
32 return false;
33 }
34 this.reorderList._reorderPrepare();
35 var item = reorderMark.getReorderNode();
36 if (!item) {
37 console.error('reorder node not found');
38 return false;
39 }
40 ev.preventDefault();
41 // Preparing state
42 this.selectedItemEle = item;
43 this.selectedItemHeight = item.offsetHeight;
44 this.lastYcoord = -100;
45 this.lastToIndex = indexForItem(item);
46 this.windowHeight = this.plt.height() - AUTO_SCROLL_MARGIN;
47 this.lastScrollPosition = this.reorderList._scrollContent(0);
48 this.offset = pointerCoord(ev);
49 this.offset.y += this.lastScrollPosition;
50 item.classList.add(ITEM_REORDER_ACTIVE);
51 this.reorderList._reorderStart();
52 return true;
53 };
54 ItemReorderGesture.prototype.onDragMove = function (ev) {
55 var selectedItem = this.selectedItemEle;
56 if (!selectedItem) {
57 return;
58 }
59 ev.preventDefault();
60 // Get coordinate
61 var coord = pointerCoord(ev);
62 var posY = coord.y;
63 // Scroll if we reach the scroll margins
64 var scrollPosition = this.scroll(posY);
65 // Only perform hit test if we moved at least 30px from previous position
66 if (Math.abs(posY - this.lastYcoord) > 30) {
67 var overItem = this.itemForCoord(coord);
68 if (overItem) {
69 var toIndex = indexForItem(overItem);
70 if (toIndex !== undefined && (toIndex !== this.lastToIndex || this.emptyZone)) {
71 var fromIndex = indexForItem(selectedItem);
72 this.lastToIndex = toIndex;
73 this.lastYcoord = posY;
74 this.emptyZone = false;
75 this.reorderList._reorderMove(fromIndex, toIndex, this.selectedItemHeight);
76 }
77 }
78 else {
79 this.emptyZone = true;
80 }
81 }
82 // Update selected item position
83 var ydiff = Math.round(posY - this.offset.y + scrollPosition);
84 selectedItem.style[this.plt.Css.transform] = "translateY(" + ydiff + "px)";
85 };
86 ItemReorderGesture.prototype.onDragEnd = function (ev) {
87 var _this = this;
88 var selectedItem = this.selectedItemEle;
89 if (!selectedItem) {
90 return;
91 }
92 if (ev) {
93 ev.preventDefault();
94 ev.stopPropagation();
95 }
96 var toIndex = this.lastToIndex;
97 var fromIndex = indexForItem(selectedItem);
98 var reorderInactive = function () {
99 _this.selectedItemEle.style.transition = '';
100 _this.selectedItemEle.classList.remove(ITEM_REORDER_ACTIVE);
101 _this.selectedItemEle = null;
102 };
103 if (toIndex === fromIndex) {
104 selectedItem.style.transition = 'transform 200ms ease-in-out';
105 setTimeout(reorderInactive, 200);
106 }
107 else {
108 reorderInactive();
109 }
110 this.reorderList._reorderEmit(fromIndex, toIndex);
111 };
112 ItemReorderGesture.prototype.itemForCoord = function (coord) {
113 var sideOffset = this.reorderList._isStart === this.plt.isRTL ? -100 : 100;
114 var x = this.offset.x + sideOffset;
115 var y = coord.y;
116 var element = this.plt.getElementFromPoint(x, y);
117 return findReorderItem(element, this.reorderList.getNativeElement());
118 };
119 ItemReorderGesture.prototype.scroll = function (posY) {
120 if (posY < AUTO_SCROLL_MARGIN) {
121 this.lastScrollPosition = this.reorderList._scrollContent(-SCROLL_JUMP);
122 }
123 else if (posY > this.windowHeight) {
124 this.lastScrollPosition = this.reorderList._scrollContent(SCROLL_JUMP);
125 }
126 return this.lastScrollPosition;
127 };
128 /**
129 * @hidden
130 */
131 ItemReorderGesture.prototype.destroy = function () {
132 this.onDragEnd(null);
133 this.events.destroy();
134 this.events = null;
135 this.reorderList = null;
136 };
137 return ItemReorderGesture;
139export { ItemReorderGesture };
141var SCROLL_JUMP = 10;
142var ITEM_REORDER_ACTIVE = 'reorder-active';
143//# sourceMappingURL=item-reorder-gesture.js.map
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