1 | import { InjectionToken } from '@angular/core';
2 | /**
3 | * @ngdoc service
4 | * @name Config
5 | * @module ionic
6 | * @description
7 | * Config allows you to set the modes of your components
8 | */
9 | import { Platform } from '../platform/platform';
10 | /**
11 | * @name Config
12 | * @demo /docs/demos/src/config/
13 | * @description
14 | * The Config lets you configure your entire app or specific platforms.
15 | * You can set the tab placement, icon mode, animations, and more here.
16 | *
17 | * ```ts
18 | * import { IonicApp, IonicModule } from 'ionic-angular';
19 | *
20 | * @NgModule({
21 | * declarations: [ MyApp ],
22 | * imports: [
23 | * BrowserModule,
24 | * IonicModule.forRoot(MyApp, {
25 | * backButtonText: 'Go Back',
26 | * iconMode: 'ios',
27 | * modalEnter: 'modal-slide-in',
28 | * modalLeave: 'modal-slide-out',
29 | * tabsPlacement: 'bottom',
30 | * pageTransition: 'ios-transition'
31 | * }, {}
32 | * )],
33 | * bootstrap: [IonicApp],
34 | * entryComponents: [ MyApp ],
35 | * providers: []
36 | * })
37 | * ```
38 | *
39 | *
40 | * Config can be overwritten at multiple levels allowing for more granular configuration.
41 | * Below is an example where an app can override any setting we want based on a platform.
42 | *
43 | * ```ts
44 | * import { IonicModule } from 'ionic-angular';
45 | *
46 | * @NgModule({
47 | * ...
48 | * imports: [
49 | * BrowserModule,
50 | * IonicModule.forRoot(MyApp, {
51 | * tabsPlacement: 'bottom',
52 | * platforms: {
53 | * ios: {
54 | * tabsPlacement: 'top',
55 | * }
56 | * }
57 | * }, {}
58 | * )],
59 | * ...
60 | * })
61 | * ```
62 | *
63 | * We could also configure these values at a component level. Take `tabsPlacement`,
64 | * we can configure this as a property on our `ion-tabs`.
65 | *
66 | * ```html
67 | * <ion-tabs tabsPlacement="top">
68 | * <ion-tab tabTitle="Dash" tabIcon="pulse" [root]="tabRoot"></ion-tab>
69 | * </ion-tabs>
70 | * ```
71 | *
72 | * The last way we could configure is through URL query strings. This is useful for testing
73 | * while in the browser. Simply add `?ionic<PROPERTYNAME>=<value>` to the url.
74 | *
75 | * ```bash
76 | * http://localhost:8100/?ionicTabsPlacement=bottom
77 | * ```
78 | *
79 | * Any value can be added to config, and looked up at a later in any component.
80 | *
81 | * ```js
82 | * config.set('ios', 'favoriteColor', 'green');
83 | *
84 | * // from any page in your app:
85 | * config.get('favoriteColor'); // 'green' when iOS
86 | * ```
87 | *
88 | *
89 | * A config value can come from anywhere and be anything, but there are default
90 | * values for each mode. The [theming](../../../theming/platform-specific-styles/)
91 | * documentation has a chart of the default mode configuration. The following
92 | * chart displays each property with a description of what it controls.
93 | *
94 | *
95 | * | Config Property | Type | Details |
96 | * |--------------------------|---------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
97 | * | `activator` | `string` | Used for buttons, changes the effect of pressing on a button. Available options: `"ripple"`, `"highlight"`. |
98 | * | `actionSheetEnter` | `string` | The name of the transition to use while an action sheet is presented. |
99 | * | `actionSheetLeave` | `string` | The name of the transition to use while an action sheet is dismissed. |
100 | * | `alertEnter` | `string` | The name of the transition to use while an alert is presented. |
101 | * | `alertLeave` | `string` | The name of the transition to use while an alert is dismissed. |
102 | * | `backButtonText` | `string` | The text to display by the back button icon in the navbar. |
103 | * | `backButtonIcon` | `string` | The icon to use as the back button icon. |
104 | * | `iconMode` | `string` | The mode to use for all icons throughout the application. Available options: `"ios"`, `"md"` |
105 | * | `locationStrategy` | `string` | Set to 'path' to remove hashbangs when using Deeplinking. |
106 | * | `loadingEnter` | `string` | The name of the transition to use while a loading indicator is presented. |
107 | * | `loadingLeave` | `string` | The name of the transition to use while a loading indicator is dismissed. |
108 | * | `menuType` | `string` | Type of menu to display. Available options: `"overlay"`, `"reveal"`, `"push"`. |
109 | * | `modalEnter` | `string` | The name of the transition to use while a modal is presented. |
110 | * | `modalLeave` | `string` | The name of the transition to use while a modal is dismiss. |
111 | * | `mode` | `string` | The mode to use throughout the application. |
112 | * | `pageTransition` | `string` | The name of the transition to use while changing pages. Available options: `"ios-transition"`, `"md-transition"`, `"wp-transition"`. |
113 | * | `pickerEnter` | `string` | The name of the transition to use while a picker is presented. |
114 | * | `pickerLeave` | `string` | The name of the transition to use while a picker is dismissed. |
115 | * | `popoverEnter` | `string` | The name of the transition to use while a popover is presented. |
116 | * | `popoverLeave` | `string` | The name of the transition to use while a popover is dismissed.
117 | * | `scrollAssist` | `boolean` | Used to avoid the input to be hidden by the keyboard if it's near the bottom of the page.
118 | * | `scrollPadding` | `boolean` | Used to remove the extra padding on ion-content when keyboard is displayed.
119 | * | `spinner` | `string` | The default spinner to use when a name is not defined. |
120 | * | `statusbarPadding` | `boolean` | Whether to hide extra padding for statusbar. |
121 | * | `swipeBackEnabled` | `boolean` | Whether native iOS swipe to go back functionality is enabled. |
122 | * | `tabsHighlight` | `boolean` | Whether to show a highlight line under the tab when it is selected. |
123 | * | `tabsLayout` | `string` | The layout to use for all tabs. Available options: `"icon-top"`, `"icon-start"`, `"icon-end"`, `"icon-bottom"`, `"icon-hide"`, `"title-hide"`. |
124 | * | `tabsPlacement` | `string` | The position of the tabs relative to the content. Available options: `"top"`, `"bottom"` |
125 | * | `tabsHideOnSubPages` | `boolean` | Whether to hide the tabs on child pages or not. If `true` it will not show the tabs on child pages. |
126 | * | `toastEnter` | `string` | The name of the transition to use while a toast is presented. |
127 | * | `toastLeave` | `string` | The name of the transition to use while a toast is dismissed. |
128 | *
129 | **/
130 | export declare class Config {
131 | private _c;
132 | private _s;
133 | private _modes;
134 | private _trns;
135 | /**
136 | * @hidden
137 | */
138 | plt: Platform;
139 | /**
140 | * @hidden
141 | */
142 | init(config: any, plt: Platform): void;
143 | /**
144 | * @name get
145 | * @description
146 | * Returns a single config value, given a key.
147 | *
148 | * @param {string} [key] - the key for the config value
149 | * @param {any} [fallbackValue] - a fallback value to use when the config
150 | * value was not found, or is config value is `null`. Fallback value
151 | * defaults to `null`.
152 | */
153 | get(key: string, fallbackValue?: any): any;
154 | /**
155 | * @name getBoolean
156 | * @description
157 | * Same as `get()`, however always returns a boolean value. If the
158 | * value from `get()` is `null`, then it'll return the `fallbackValue`
159 | * which defaults to `false`. Otherwise, `getBoolean()` will return
160 | * if the config value is truthy or not. It also returns `true` if
161 | * the config value was the string value `"true"`.
162 | * @param {string} [key] - the key for the config value
163 | * @param {boolean} [fallbackValue] - a fallback value to use when the config
164 | * value was `null`. Fallback value defaults to `false`.
165 | */
166 | getBoolean(key: string, fallbackValue?: boolean): boolean;
167 | /**
168 | * @name getNumber
169 | * @description
170 | * Same as `get()`, however always returns a number value. Uses `parseFloat()`
171 | * on the value received from `get()`. If the result from the parse is `NaN`,
172 | * then it will return the value passed to `fallbackValue`. If no fallback
173 | * value was provided then it'll default to returning `NaN` when the result
174 | * is not a valid number.
175 | * @param {string} [key] - the key for the config value
176 | * @param {number} [fallbackValue] - a fallback value to use when the config
177 | * value turned out to be `NaN`. Fallback value defaults to `NaN`.
178 | */
179 | getNumber(key: string, fallbackValue?: number): number;
180 | parseNumber(value: string, fallbackValue?: number): number;
181 | /**
182 | * @name set
183 | * @description
184 | * Sets a single config value.
185 | *
186 | * @param {string} [platform] - The platform (either 'ios' or 'android') that the config value should apply to. Leaving this blank will apply the config value to all platforms.
187 | * @param {string} [key] - The key used to look up the value at a later point in time.
188 | * @param {string} [value] - The config value being stored.
189 | */
190 | set(...args: any[]): this;
191 | /**
192 | * @hidden
193 | * @name settings()
194 | * @description
195 | */
196 | settings(arg0?: any, arg1?: any): any;
197 | /**
198 | * @hidden
199 | */
200 | setModeConfig(modeName: string, modeConfig: any): void;
201 | /**
202 | * @hidden
203 | */
204 | getModeConfig(modeName: string): any;
205 | /**
206 | * @hidden
207 | */
208 | setTransition(trnsName: string, trnsClass: any): void;
209 | /**
210 | * @hidden
211 | */
212 | getTransition(trnsName: string): any;
213 | }
214 | /**
215 | * @hidden
216 | */
217 | export declare function setupConfig(userConfig: any, plt: Platform): Config;
218 | /**
219 | * @hidden
220 | */
221 | export declare const ConfigToken: InjectionToken<any>;