1 | import { ComponentFactory, ComponentFactoryResolver } from '@angular/core';
2 | import { Location } from '@angular/common';
3 | import { App } from '../components/app/app';
4 | import { NavLink, NavSegment, TransitionDoneFn } from './nav-util';
5 | import { ModuleLoader } from '../util/module-loader';
6 | import { Tab } from './nav-interfaces';
7 | import { NavigationContainer } from './navigation-container';
8 | import { NavController } from './nav-controller';
9 | import { UrlSerializer } from './url-serializer';
10 | import { ViewController } from './view-controller';
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 | export declare class DeepLinker {
15 | _app: App;
16 | _serializer: UrlSerializer;
17 | _location: Location;
18 | _moduleLoader: ModuleLoader;
19 | _baseCfr: ComponentFactoryResolver;
20 |
21 | _history: string[];
22 |
23 | _indexAliasUrl: string;
24 | constructor(_app: App, _serializer: UrlSerializer, _location: Location, _moduleLoader: ModuleLoader, _baseCfr: ComponentFactoryResolver);
25 | /**
26 | * @internal
27 | */
28 | init(): void;
29 | /**
30 | * The browser's location has been updated somehow.
31 | * @internal
32 | */
33 | _urlChange(browserUrl: string): void;
34 | getCurrentSegments(browserUrl?: string): NavSegment[];
35 | /**
36 | * Update the deep linker using the NavController's current active view.
37 | * @internal
38 | */
39 | navChange(direction: string): void;
40 | getSegmentsFromNav(nav: NavigationContainer): NavSegment[];
41 | getSegmentFromNav(nav: NavController, component?: any, data?: any): NavSegment;
42 | getSegmentFromTab(navContainer: NavigationContainer, component?: any, data?: any): NavSegment;
43 | /**
44 | * @internal
45 | */
46 | _updateLocation(browserUrl: string, direction: string): void;
47 | getComponentFromName(componentName: string): Promise<any>;
48 | getNavLinkComponent(link: NavLink): Promise<any>;
49 | /**
50 | * @internal
51 | */
52 | resolveComponent(component: any): ComponentFactory<any>;
53 | /**
54 | * @internal
55 | */
56 | createUrl(navContainer: NavigationContainer, nameOrComponent: any, _data: any, prepareExternalUrl?: boolean): string;
57 | /**
58 | * Each NavController will call this method when it initializes for
59 | * the first time. This allows each NavController to figure out
60 | * where it lives in the path and load up the correct component.
61 | * @internal
62 | */
63 | getSegmentByNavIdOrName(navId: string, name: string): NavSegment;
64 | /**
65 | * @internal
66 | */
67 | initViews(segment: NavSegment): Promise<ViewController[]>;
68 | /**
69 | * @internal
70 | */
71 | _isBackUrl(browserUrl: string): boolean;
72 | /**
73 | * @internal
74 | */
75 | _isCurrentUrl(browserUrl: string): boolean;
76 | /**
77 | * @internal
78 | */
79 | _historyPush(browserUrl: string): void;
80 | /**
81 | * @internal
82 | */
83 | _historyPop(): void;
84 | /**
85 | * @internal
86 | */
87 | _getTabSelector(tab: Tab): string;
88 | /**
89 | * Using the known Path of Segments, walk down all descendents
90 | * from the root NavController and load each NavController according
91 | * to each Segment. This is usually called after a browser URL and
92 | * Path changes and needs to update all NavControllers to match
93 | * the new browser URL. Because the URL is already known, it will
94 | * not update the browser's URL when transitions have completed.
95 | *
96 | * @internal
97 | */
98 | _loadViewForSegment(navContainer: NavigationContainer, segment: NavSegment, done: TransitionDoneFn): void | Promise<any>;
99 | }
100 | export declare function setupDeepLinker(app: App, serializer: UrlSerializer, location: Location, moduleLoader: ModuleLoader, cfr: ComponentFactoryResolver): DeepLinker;
101 | export declare function normalizeUrl(browserUrl: string): string;
102 | export declare function getNavFromTree(nav: NavigationContainer, id: string): NavigationContainer;