1 | import { EventEmitter, NgZone } from '@angular/core';
2 | export declare type DocumentDirection = 'ltr' | 'rtl';
3 | /**
4 | * @name Platform
5 | * @description
6 | * The Platform service can be used to get information about your current device.
7 | * You can get all of the platforms associated with the device using the [platforms](#platforms)
8 | * method, including whether the app is being viewed from a tablet, if it's
9 | * on a mobile device or browser, and the exact platform (iOS, Android, etc).
10 | * You can also get the orientation of the device, if it uses right-to-left
11 | * language direction, and much much more. With this information you can completely
12 | * customize your app to fit any device.
13 | *
14 | * @usage
15 | * ```ts
16 | * import { Platform } from 'ionic-angular';
17 | *
18 | * @Component({...})
19 | * export MyPage {
20 | * constructor(public platform: Platform) {
21 | *
22 | * }
23 | * }
24 | * ```
25 | * @demo /docs/demos/src/platform/
26 | */
27 | export declare class Platform {
28 | private _win;
29 | private _doc;
30 | private _versions;
31 | private _dir;
32 | private _lang;
33 | private _ua;
34 | private _qp;
35 | private _nPlt;
36 | private _readyPromise;
37 | private _readyResolve;
38 | private _bbActions;
39 | private _registry;
40 | private _default;
41 | private _pW;
42 | private _pH;
43 | private _lW;
44 | private _lH;
45 | private _isPortrait;
46 | private _uiEvtOpts;
47 | /** @hidden */
48 | zone: NgZone;
49 | /** @internal */
50 | Css: {
51 | transform?: string;
52 | transition?: string;
53 | transitionDuration?: string;
54 | transitionDelay?: string;
55 | transitionTimingFn?: string;
56 | transitionStart?: string;
57 | transitionEnd?: string;
58 | transformOrigin?: string;
59 | animationDelay?: string;
60 | };
61 | /** @internal */
62 | _platforms: string[];
63 | constructor();
64 | /**
65 | * @hidden
66 | */
67 | setWindow(win: Window): void;
68 | /**
69 | * @hidden
70 | */
71 | win(): Window;
72 | /**
73 | * @hidden
74 | */
75 | setDocument(doc: HTMLDocument): void;
76 | /**
77 | * @hidden
78 | */
79 | doc(): HTMLDocument;
80 | /**
81 | * @hidden
82 | */
83 | setZone(zone: NgZone): void;
84 | /**
85 | * @hidden
86 | */
87 | setCssProps(docElement: HTMLElement): void;
88 | /**
89 | * @returns {boolean} returns true/false based on platform.
90 | *
91 | * Depending on the platform the user is on, `is(platformName)` will
92 | * return `true` or `false`. Note that the same app can return `true`
93 | * for more than one platform name. For example, an app running from
94 | * an iPad would return `true` for the platform names: `mobile`,
95 | * `ios`, `ipad`, and `tablet`. Additionally, if the app was running
96 | * from Cordova then `cordova` would be true, and if it was running
97 | * from a web browser on the iPad then `mobileweb` would be `true`.
98 | *
99 | * ```
100 | * import { Platform } from 'ionic-angular';
101 | *
102 | * @Component({...})
103 | * export MyPage {
104 | * constructor(public platform: Platform) {
105 | * if (this.platform.is('ios')) {
106 | * // This will only print when on iOS
107 | * console.log('I am an iOS device!');
108 | * }
109 | * }
110 | * }
111 | * ```
112 | *
113 | * | Platform Name | Description |
114 | * |-----------------|------------------------------------|
115 | * | android | on a device running Android. |
116 | * | cordova | on a device running Cordova. |
117 | * | core | on a desktop device. |
118 | * | ios | on a device running iOS. |
119 | * | ipad | on an iPad device. |
120 | * | iphone | on an iPhone device. |
121 | * | mobile | on a mobile device. |
122 | * | mobileweb | in a browser on a mobile device. |
123 | * | phablet | on a phablet device. |
124 | * | tablet | on a tablet device. |
125 | * | windows | on a device running Windows. |
126 | * | electron | in Electron on a desktop device. |
127 | *
128 | * string} platformName
{ |
129 | */
130 | is(platformName: string): boolean;
131 | /**
132 | * @returns {array} the array of platforms
133 | * @description
134 | * Depending on what device you are on, `platforms` can return multiple values.
135 | * Each possible value is a hierarchy of platforms. For example, on an iPhone,
136 | * it would return `mobile`, `ios`, and `iphone`.
137 | *
138 | * ```
139 | * import { Platform } from 'ionic-angular';
140 | *
141 | * @Component({...})
142 | * export MyPage {
143 | * constructor(public platform: Platform) {
144 | * // This will print an array of the current platforms
145 | * console.log(this.platform.platforms());
146 | * }
147 | * }
148 | * ```
149 | */
150 | platforms(): Array<string>;
151 | /**
152 | * Returns an object containing version information about all of the platforms.
153 | *
154 | * ```
155 | * import { Platform } from 'ionic-angular';
156 | *
157 | * @Component({...})
158 | * export MyPage {
159 | * constructor(public platform: Platform) {
160 | * // This will print an object containing
161 | * // all of the platforms and their versions
162 | * console.log(platform.versions());
163 | * }
164 | * }
165 | * ```
166 | *
167 | * @returns {object} An object containing all of the platforms and their versions.
168 | */
169 | versions(): {
170 | [name: string]: PlatformVersion;
171 | };
172 | /**
173 | * @hidden
174 | */
175 | version(): PlatformVersion;
176 | /**
177 | * Returns a promise when the platform is ready and native functionality
178 | * can be called. If the app is running from within a web browser, then
179 | * the promise will resolve when the DOM is ready. When the app is running
180 | * from an application engine such as Cordova, then the promise will
181 | * resolve when Cordova triggers the `deviceready` event.
182 | *
183 | * The resolved value is the `readySource`, which states which platform
184 | * ready was used. For example, when Cordova is ready, the resolved ready
185 | * source is `cordova`. The default ready source value will be `dom`. The
186 | * `readySource` is useful if different logic should run depending on the
187 | * platform the app is running from. For example, only Cordova can execute
188 | * the status bar plugin, so the web should not run status bar plugin logic.
189 | *
190 | * ```
191 | * import { Component } from '@angular/core';
192 | * import { Platform } from 'ionic-angular';
193 | *
194 | * @Component({...})
195 | * export MyApp {
196 | * constructor(public platform: Platform) {
197 | * this.platform.ready().then((readySource) => {
198 | * console.log('Platform ready from', readySource);
199 | * // Platform now ready, execute any required native code
200 | * });
201 | * }
202 | * }
203 | * ```
204 | * @returns {promise}
205 | */
206 | ready(): Promise<string>;
207 | /**
208 | * @hidden
209 | * This should be triggered by the engine when the platform is
210 | * ready. If there was no custom prepareReady method from the engine,
211 | * such as Cordova or Electron, then it uses the default DOM ready.
212 | */
213 | triggerReady(readySource: string): void;
214 | /**
215 | * @hidden
216 | * This is the default prepareReady if it's not replaced by an engine,
217 | * such as Cordova or Electron. If there was no custom prepareReady
218 | * method from an engine then it uses the method below, which triggers
219 | * the platform ready on the DOM ready event, and the default resolved
220 | * value is `dom`.
221 | */
222 | prepareReady(): void;
223 | /**
224 | * Set the app's language direction, which will update the `dir` attribute
225 | * on the app's root `<html>` element. We recommend the app's `index.html`
226 | * file already has the correct `dir` attribute value set, such as
227 | * `<html dir="ltr">` or `<html dir="rtl">`. This method is useful if the
228 | * direction needs to be dynamically changed per user/session.
229 | * [W3C: Structural markup and right-to-left text in HTML](http://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-html-dir)
230 | * @param {DocumentDirection} dir Examples: `rtl`, `ltr`
231 | * @param {boolean} updateDocument
232 | */
233 | setDir(dir: DocumentDirection, updateDocument: boolean): void;
234 | /**
235 | * Returns app's language direction.
236 | * We recommend the app's `index.html` file already has the correct `dir`
237 | * attribute value set, such as `<html dir="ltr">` or `<html dir="rtl">`.
238 | * [W3C: Structural markup and right-to-left text in HTML](http://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-html-dir)
239 | * @returns {DocumentDirection}
240 | */
241 | dir(): DocumentDirection;
242 | /**
243 | * Returns if this app is using right-to-left language direction or not.
244 | * We recommend the app's `index.html` file already has the correct `dir`
245 | * attribute value set, such as `<html dir="ltr">` or `<html dir="rtl">`.
246 | * [W3C: Structural markup and right-to-left text in HTML](http://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-html-dir)
247 | * @returns {boolean}
248 | */
249 | isRTL: boolean;
250 | /**
251 | * Set the app's language and optionally the country code, which will update
252 | * the `lang` attribute on the app's root `<html>` element.
253 | * We recommend the app's `index.html` file already has the correct `lang`
254 | * attribute value set, such as `<html lang="en">`. This method is useful if
255 | * the language needs to be dynamically changed per user/session.
256 | * [W3C: Declaring language in HTML](http://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-html-language-declarations)
257 | * @param {string} language Examples: `en-US`, `en-GB`, `ar`, `de`, `zh`, `es-MX`
258 | * @param {boolean} updateDocument Specifies whether the `lang` attribute of `<html>` should be updated
259 | */
260 | setLang(language: string, updateDocument: boolean): void;
261 | /**
262 | * Returns app's language and optional country code.
263 | * We recommend the app's `index.html` file already has the correct `lang`
264 | * attribute value set, such as `<html lang="en">`.
265 | * [W3C: Declaring language in HTML](http://www.w3.org/International/questions/qa-html-language-declarations)
266 | * @returns {string}
267 | */
268 | lang(): string;
269 | /**
270 | * @hidden
271 | */
272 | exitApp(): void;
273 | /**
274 | * @hidden
275 | */
276 | backButton: EventEmitter<Event>;
277 | /**
278 | * The pause event emits when the native platform puts the application
279 | * into the background, typically when the user switches to a different
280 | * application. This event would emit when a Cordova app is put into
281 | * the background, however, it would not fire on a standard web browser.
282 | */
283 | pause: EventEmitter<Event>;
284 | /**
285 | * The resume event emits when the native platform pulls the application
286 | * out from the background. This event would emit when a Cordova app comes
287 | * out from the background, however, it would not fire on a standard web browser.
288 | */
289 | resume: EventEmitter<Event>;
290 | /**
291 | * The resize event emits when the browser window has changed dimensions. This
292 | * could be from a browser window being physically resized, or from a device
293 | * changing orientation.
294 | */
295 | resize: EventEmitter<Event>;
296 | /**
297 | * The back button event is triggered when the user presses the native
298 | * platform's back button, also referred to as the "hardware" back button.
299 | * This event is only used within Cordova apps running on Android and
300 | * Windows platforms. This event is not fired on iOS since iOS doesn't come
301 | * with a hardware back button in the same sense an Android or Windows device
302 | * does.
303 | *
304 | * Registering a hardware back button action and setting a priority allows
305 | * apps to control which action should be called when the hardware back
306 | * button is pressed. This method decides which of the registered back button
307 | * actions has the highest priority and should be called.
308 | *
309 | * @param {Function} fn Called when the back button is pressed,
310 | * if this registered action has the highest priority.
311 | * @param {number} priority Set the priority for this action. Only the highest priority will execute. Defaults to `0`.
312 | * @returns {Function} A function that, when called, will unregister
313 | * the back button action.
314 | */
315 | registerBackButtonAction(fn: Function, priority?: number): Function;
316 | /**
317 | * @hidden
318 | */
319 | runBackButtonAction(): void;
320 | /**
321 | * @hidden
322 | */
323 | setUserAgent(userAgent: string): void;
324 | /**
325 | * @hidden
326 | */
327 | setQueryParams(url: string): void;
328 | /**
329 | * Get the query string parameter
330 | */
331 | getQueryParam(key: string): any;
332 | /**
333 | * Get the current url.
334 | */
335 | url(): string;
336 | /**
337 | * @hidden
338 | */
339 | userAgent(): string;
340 | /**
341 | * @hidden
342 | */
343 | setNavigatorPlatform(navigatorPlt: string): void;
344 | /**
345 | * @hidden
346 | */
347 | navigatorPlatform(): string;
348 | /**
349 | * Gets the width of the platform's viewport using `window.innerWidth`.
350 | * Using this method is preferred since the dimension is a cached value,
351 | * which reduces the chance of multiple and expensive DOM reads.
352 | */
353 | width(): number;
354 | /**
355 | * Gets the height of the platform's viewport using `window.innerHeight`.
356 | * Using this method is preferred since the dimension is a cached value,
357 | * which reduces the chance of multiple and expensive DOM reads.
358 | */
359 | height(): number;
360 | /**
361 | * @hidden
362 | */
363 | getElementComputedStyle(ele: HTMLElement, pseudoEle?: string): CSSStyleDeclaration;
364 | /**
365 | * @hidden
366 | */
367 | getElementFromPoint(x: number, y: number): HTMLElement;
368 | /**
369 | * @hidden
370 | */
371 | getElementBoundingClientRect(ele: HTMLElement): ClientRect;
372 | /**
373 | * Returns `true` if the app is in portait mode.
374 | */
375 | isPortrait(): boolean;
376 | /**
377 | * Returns `true` if the app is in landscape mode.
378 | */
379 | isLandscape(): boolean;
380 | private _calcDim();
381 | /**
382 | * @hidden
383 | * This requestAnimationFrame will NOT be wrapped by zone.
384 | */
385 | raf(callback: {
386 | (timeStamp?: number): void;
387 | } | Function): number;
388 | /**
389 | * @hidden
390 | */
391 | cancelRaf(rafId: number): any;
392 | /**
393 | * @hidden
394 | * This setTimeout will NOT be wrapped by zone.
395 | */
396 | timeout(callback: Function, timeout?: number): number;
397 | /**
398 | * @hidden
399 | * This setTimeout will NOT be wrapped by zone.
400 | */
401 | cancelTimeout(timeoutId: number): void;
402 | /**
403 | * @hidden
404 | * Built to use modern event listener options, like "passive".
405 | * If options are not supported, then just return a boolean which
406 | * represents "capture". Returns a method to remove the listener.
407 | */
408 | registerListener(ele: any, eventName: string, callback: {
409 | (ev?: UIEvent): void;
410 | }, opts: EventListenerOptions, unregisterListenersCollection?: Function[]): Function;
411 | /**
412 | * @hidden
413 | */
414 | transitionEnd(el: HTMLElement, callback: {
415 | (ev?: TransitionEvent): void;
416 | }, zone?: boolean): () => void;
417 | /**
418 | * @hidden
419 | */
420 | windowLoad(callback: Function): void;
421 | /**
422 | * @hidden
423 | */
424 | isActiveElement(ele: HTMLElement): boolean;
425 | /**
426 | * @hidden
427 | */
428 | getActiveElement(): Element;
429 | /**
430 | * @hidden
431 | */
432 | hasFocus(ele: HTMLElement): boolean;
433 | /**
434 | * @hidden
435 | */
436 | hasFocusedTextInput(): boolean;
437 | /**
438 | * @hidden
439 | */
440 | focusOutActiveElement(): void;
441 | private _initEvents();
442 | /**
443 | * @hidden
444 | */
445 | setPlatformConfigs(platformConfigs: {
446 | [key: string]: PlatformConfig;
447 | }): void;
448 | /**
449 | * @hidden
450 | */
451 | getPlatformConfig(platformName: string): PlatformConfig;
452 | /**
453 | * @hidden
454 | */
455 | registry(): {
456 | [name: string]: PlatformConfig;
457 | };
458 | /**
459 | * @hidden
460 | */
461 | setDefault(platformName: string): void;
462 | /**
463 | * @hidden
464 | */
465 | testQuery(queryValue: string, queryTestValue: string): boolean;
466 | /**
467 | * @hidden
468 | */
469 | testNavigatorPlatform(navigatorPlatformExpression: string): boolean;
470 | /**
471 | * @hidden
472 | */
473 | matchUserAgentVersion(userAgentExpression: RegExp): any;
474 | testUserAgent(expression: string): boolean;
475 | /**
476 | * @hidden
477 | */
478 | isPlatformMatch(queryStringName: string, userAgentAtLeastHas?: string[], userAgentMustNotHave?: string[]): boolean;
479 | /** @hidden */
480 | init(): void;
481 | /**
482 | * @hidden
483 | */
484 | private matchPlatform(platformName);
485 | }
486 | export interface PlatformConfig {
487 | isEngine?: boolean;
488 | initialize?: Function;
489 | isMatch?: Function;
490 | superset?: string;
491 | subsets?: string[];
492 | settings?: any;
493 | versionParser?: any;
494 | }
495 | export interface PlatformVersion {
496 | str?: string;
497 | num?: number;
498 | major?: number;
499 | minor?: number;
500 | }
501 | export interface EventListenerOptions {
502 | capture?: boolean;
503 | passive?: boolean;
504 | zone?: boolean;
505 | }
506 | /**
507 | * @hidden
508 | */
509 | export declare function setupPlatform(doc: HTMLDocument, platformConfigs: {
510 | [key: string]: PlatformConfig;
511 | }, zone: NgZone): Platform;