2.67 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
2import { Platform } from '../platform/platform';
4 * @name Haptic
5 * @description
6 * The `Haptic` class interacts with a haptic engine on the device, if
7 * available. Generally, Ionic components use this under the hood, but you're
8 * welcome to get a bit crazy with it if you fancy.
9 *
10 * Currently, this uses the Taptic engine on iOS.
11 *
12 * @usage
13 * ```ts
14 * export class MyClass {
15 *
16 * constructor(haptic: Haptic) {
17 * haptic.selection();
18 * }
19 * }
20 *
21 * ```
22 */
23var Haptic = (function () {
24 function Haptic(plt) {
25 var _this = this;
26 if (plt) {
27 plt.ready().then(function () {
28 _this._p = plt.win().TapticEngine;
29 });
30 }
31 }
32 /**
33 * Check to see if the Haptic Plugin is available
34 * @return {boolean} Returns true or false if the plugin is available
35 *
36 */
37 Haptic.prototype.available = function () {
38 return !!this._p;
39 };
40 /**
41 * Trigger a selection changed haptic event. Good for one-time events
42 * (not for gestures)
43 */
44 Haptic.prototype.selection = function () {
45 this._p && this._p.selection();
46 };
47 /**
48 * Tell the haptic engine that a gesture for a selection change is starting.
49 */
50 Haptic.prototype.gestureSelectionStart = function () {
51 this._p && this._p.gestureSelectionStart();
52 };
53 /**
54 * Tell the haptic engine that a selection changed during a gesture.
55 */
56 Haptic.prototype.gestureSelectionChanged = function () {
57 this._p && this._p.gestureSelectionChanged();
58 };
59 /**
60 * Tell the haptic engine we are done with a gesture. This needs to be
61 * called lest resources are not properly recycled.
62 */
63 Haptic.prototype.gestureSelectionEnd = function () {
64 this._p && this._p.gestureSelectionEnd();
65 };
66 /**
67 * Use this to indicate success/failure/warning to the user.
68 * options should be of the type `{ type: 'success' }` (or `warning`/`error`)
69 */
70 Haptic.prototype.notification = function (options) {
71 this._p && this._p.notification(options);
72 };
73 /**
74 * Use this to indicate success/failure/warning to the user.
75 * options should be of the type `{ style: 'light' }` (or `medium`/`heavy`)
76 */
77 Haptic.prototype.impact = function (options) {
78 this._p && this._p.impact(options);
79 };
80 Haptic.decorators = [
81 { type: Injectable },
82 ];
83 /** @nocollapse */
84 Haptic.ctorParameters = function () { return [
85 { type: Platform, },
86 ]; };
87 return Haptic;
89export { Haptic };
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