2.16 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
2import { Config } from '../config/config';
3import { isPresent } from '../util/util';
4import { Platform } from '../platform/platform';
6 * @hidden
7 */
8var TransitionController = (function () {
9 function TransitionController(plt, _config) {
10 this.plt = plt;
11 this._config = _config;
12 this._ids = 0;
13 this._trns = {};
14 }
15 TransitionController.prototype.getRootTrnsId = function (nav) {
16 nav = nav.parent;
17 while (nav) {
18 if (isPresent(nav._trnsId)) {
19 return nav._trnsId;
20 }
21 nav = nav.parent;
22 }
23 return null;
24 };
25 TransitionController.prototype.nextId = function () {
26 return this._ids++;
27 };
28 TransitionController.prototype.get = function (trnsId, enteringView, leavingView, opts) {
29 var TransitionClass = this._config.getTransition(opts.animation);
30 if (!TransitionClass) {
31 // didn't find a transition animation, default to ios-transition
32 TransitionClass = this._config.getTransition('ios-transition');
33 }
34 var trns = new TransitionClass(this.plt, enteringView, leavingView, opts);
35 trns.trnsId = trnsId;
36 if (!this._trns[trnsId]) {
37 // we haven't created the root transition yet
38 this._trns[trnsId] = trns;
39 }
40 else {
41 // we already have a root transition created
42 // add this new transition as a child to the root
43 this._trns[trnsId].add(trns);
44 }
45 return trns;
46 };
47 TransitionController.prototype.destroy = function (trnsId) {
48 var trans = this._trns[trnsId];
49 if (trans) {
50 trans.destroy();
51 delete this._trns[trnsId];
52 }
53 };
54 TransitionController.decorators = [
55 { type: Injectable },
56 ];
57 /** @nocollapse */
58 TransitionController.ctorParameters = function () { return [
59 { type: Platform, },
60 { type: Config, },
61 ]; };
62 return TransitionController;
64export { TransitionController };
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