10 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import { NgZone } from '@angular/core';
2var lorem_ipsum = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi maximus nisl lobortis interdum condimentum. Cras volutpat, massa quis vehicula eleifend, turpis mauris sodales erat, ut varius ligula ipsum et turpis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas sodales pellentesque auctor. Suspendisse faucibus a erat sit amet pretium. Vestibulum nec tempus tellus. Mauris fringilla faucibus dui sed vestibulum. Curabitur porttitor consectetur nisl. Nulla porta, neque sed congue tempus, erat nunc rutrum diam, eu elementum sapien leo quis eros. Donec non convallis felis. Nam eu pharetra sapien.';
3export var TEXT_CORPUS = [
4 ['hola', 'hola'],
5 ['', ''],
6 [' ', ' '],
7 ['adiós', 'adiós'],
8 ['hola y adiós', 'hola y adiós'],
9 [lorem_ipsum, lorem_ipsum]
11export var NUMBER_CORPUS = [
12 [-1, -1],
13 [0, 0],
14 [-123456789, -123456789],
15 [1.1234, 1.1234],
16 [123456789, 123456789],
17 ['1.1234', 1.1234],
18 ['123456789', 123456789],
19 ['-123456789', -123456789]
21export var BOOLEAN_CORPUS = [
22 [true, true],
23 [false, false],
24 ['', true],
25 ['false', false],
26 ['true', true],
28export var ANY_CORPUS = [
29 [true, true],
30 [false, false],
31 [0, 0],
32 ['', ''],
33 [' ', ' '],
34 ['hola', 'hola']
36export function commonInputTest(input, config) {
37 // TODO test form register/deregister
38 // TODO test item classes
39 // TODO test disable
40 var zone = new NgZone({ enableLongStackTrace: true });
41 zone.run(function () {
42 if (config.testItem === true && !input._item) {
43 (void 0) /* assert */;
44 }
45 if (config.testForm === true && !input._form) {
46 (void 0) /* assert */;
47 }
48 // Run tests before initialization
49 testInput(input, config, false);
50 input.ngAfterContentInit();
51 input.ngAfterViewInit && input.ngAfterViewInit();
52 // Run tests after initialization
53 testInput(input, config, true);
54 // Run tests without item
55 if (config.testItem === true && !input._item) {
56 input._item = undefined;
57 testInput(input, config, true);
58 }
59 // Run tests without item
60 if (config.testForm === true && !input._form) {
61 input._form = undefined;
62 testInput(input, config, true);
63 }
64 testInput(input, config, true);
65 input.ngOnDestroy();
66 (void 0) /* assert */;
67 });
69function testInput(input, config, isInit) {
70 testState(input, config, isInit);
71 testWriteValue(input, config, isInit);
72 testNgModelChange(input, config, isInit);
74function testState(input, config, isInit) {
75 assertEqual(input._init, isInit, 'input must be init');
76 assertEqual(input._isFocus, false, 'should not be focus');
77 assertEqual(input.isFocus(), false, 'should not be focus');
78 assertEqual(input.value, config.defaultValue, 'default value is wrong');
79 if (isInit) {
80 var blurCount_1 = 0;
81 var focusCount_1 = 0;
82 var onTouchedCalled_1 = 0;
83 var subBlur = input.ionBlur.subscribe(function (ev) {
84 assertEqual(ev, input, 'ionBlur argument is wrong');
85 blurCount_1++;
86 if (config.onFocusChange && config.onFocusChange(false) !== true) {
87 (void 0) /* assert */;
88 }
89 });
90 var subFocus = input.ionFocus.subscribe(function (ev) {
91 assertEqual(ev, input, 'ionFocus argument is wrong');
92 focusCount_1++;
93 if (config.onFocusChange && config.onFocusChange(true) !== true) {
94 (void 0) /* assert */;
95 }
96 });
97 input.registerOnTouched(function () {
98 assertEqual(onTouchedCalled_1, 0, 'registerOnTouched: internal error');
99 onTouchedCalled_1++;
100 });
101 input._fireBlur();
102 assertEqual(blurCount_1, 0, 'blur should not have been emitted');
103 assertEqual(onTouchedCalled_1, 0, 'touched should not have been called');
104 input._fireFocus();
105 assertEqual(input._isFocus, true, 'should be focus');
106 assertEqual(input.isFocus(), true, 'should be focus');
107 input._fireFocus();
108 input._fireBlur();
109 assertEqual(input._isFocus, false, 'should be not focus');
110 assertEqual(input.isFocus(), false, 'should be not focus');
111 assertEqual(onTouchedCalled_1, 1, 'touched should have been called');
112 input._fireBlur(); // it should not crash
113 assertEqual(focusCount_1, 1, 'ionFocus was not called correctly');
114 assertEqual(blurCount_1, 1, 'ionBlur was not called correctly');
115 subBlur.unsubscribe();
116 subFocus.unsubscribe();
117 }
119function testWriteValue(input, config, isInit) {
120 var test;
121 var i;
122 var ionChangeCalled = 0;
123 var OnChangeCalled = 0;
124 var OnTouchedCalled = 0;
125 var ngModelValue;
126 // Test ionChange
127 var sub = input.ionChange.subscribe(function (ev) {
128 assertEqual(ionChangeCalled, 0, 'ionChange: internal error');
129 assertEqual(ev, input, 'ionChange: ev is not the input');
130 assertEqual(ev.value, test[1], 'ionChange: value does not match');
131 assertEqual(ngModelValue, test[1], 'ionChange: ngmodel was not updated');
132 ionChangeCalled++;
133 });
134 // Test registerOnChange
135 input.registerOnChange(function (ev) {
136 assertEqual(OnChangeCalled, 0, 'registerOnChange: internal error');
137 assertEqual(input.value, ev, 'registerOnChange: ev output does not match');
138 assertEqual(input.value, test[1], 'registerOnChange: value does not match');
139 ngModelValue = ev;
140 OnChangeCalled++;
141 });
142 // Test registerOnTouched
143 input.registerOnTouched(function () {
144 assertEqual(OnTouchedCalled, 0, 'registerOnTouched: internal error');
145 OnTouchedCalled++;
146 });
147 // Run corpus
148 for (i = 0; i < config.corpus.length; i++) {
149 test = config.corpus[i];
150 input.value = test[0];
151 assertEqual(input.value, test[1], 'loop: input/output does not match');
152 if (isInit) {
153 assertEqual(ionChangeCalled, 1, 'loop: ionChange error');
154 if (config.onValueChange && config.onValueChange(test[1]) !== true) {
155 (void 0) /* assert */;
156 }
157 }
158 else {
159 assertEqual(ionChangeCalled, 0, 'loop: ionChange error');
160 }
161 assertEqual(OnChangeCalled, 1, 'loop: OnChangeCalled was not called');
162 assertEqual(OnTouchedCalled, 0, 'loop: OnTouchedCalled was called');
163 OnTouchedCalled = OnChangeCalled = ionChangeCalled = 0;
164 // Set same value (it should not redispatch)
165 input.value = test[0];
166 assertEqual(ionChangeCalled, 0, 'loop: ionChange should not be called');
167 assertEqual(OnChangeCalled, 0, 'loop: OnChangeCalled should not be called');
168 // TODO OnTouchedCalled?
169 OnTouchedCalled = OnChangeCalled = ionChangeCalled = 0;
170 }
171 // Test undefined
172 input.value = undefined;
173 assertEqual(input.value, test[1], 'undefined should not change the value');
174 assertEqual(ionChangeCalled, 0, 'undefined: ionChange should not be called');
175 assertEqual(OnChangeCalled, 0, 'undefined: OnChangeCalled should not be called');
176 assertEqual(OnTouchedCalled, 0, 'undefined: OnTouchedCalled should not be called');
177 // Test null (reset)
178 test = [null, config.defaultValue];
179 input.value = null;
180 assertEqual(input.value, config.defaultValue, 'null: wrong default value');
181 assertEqual(OnChangeCalled, 1, 'null: OnChangeCalled was not called');
182 assertEqual(OnTouchedCalled, 0, 'null: OnTouchedCalled was called');
183 input.registerOnChange(null);
184 input.registerOnTouched(null);
185 sub.unsubscribe();
187function testNgModelChange(input, config, isInit) {
188 var test;
189 var i;
190 var ionChangeCalled = 0;
191 var OnChangeCalled = 0;
192 var OnTouchedCalled = 0;
193 // Test ionChange
194 var sub = input.ionChange.subscribe(function (ev) {
195 assertEqual(ionChangeCalled, 0, 'internal error');
196 assertEqual(ev, input, 'ev output does not match');
197 assertEqual(test[1], ev.value, 'value does not match');
198 ionChangeCalled++;
199 });
200 // Test registerOnChange
201 input.registerOnChange(function () {
202 OnChangeCalled++;
203 });
204 // Test registerOnChange
205 input.registerOnTouched(function () {
206 OnTouchedCalled++;
207 });
208 // Run corpus
209 for (i = 0; i < config.corpus.length; i++) {
210 test = config.corpus[i];
211 input.writeValue(test[0]);
212 assertEqual(input.value, test[1], 'input/output does not match');
213 if (isInit) {
214 assertEqual(ionChangeCalled, 1, 'ionChange error');
215 if (config.onValueChange && config.onValueChange(test[1]) !== true) {
216 (void 0) /* assert */;
217 }
218 }
219 else {
220 assertEqual(ionChangeCalled, 0, 'ionChange error');
221 }
222 assertEqual(OnChangeCalled, 0, 'OnChangeCalled should not be called');
223 assertEqual(OnTouchedCalled, 0, 'OnTouchedCalled should not be called');
224 OnTouchedCalled = OnChangeCalled = ionChangeCalled = 0;
225 // Set same value (it should not redispatch)
226 input.writeValue(test[0]);
227 input.value = test[0];
228 assertEqual(ionChangeCalled, 0, 'ionChange should not be called');
229 assertEqual(OnChangeCalled, 0, 'OnChangeCalled should not be called');
230 // TODO OnTouchedCalled?
231 OnTouchedCalled = OnChangeCalled = ionChangeCalled = 0;
232 }
233 input.registerOnChange(null);
234 input.registerOnTouched(null);
235 sub.unsubscribe();
236 input.value = config.defaultValue;
238function assertEqual(a, b, message) {
239 if (!equal(a, b)) {
240 (void 0) /* assert */;
241 }
243function equal(a, b) {
244 if (a === b) {
245 return true;
246 }
247 // return false;
248 return JSON.stringify(a) === JSON.stringify(b);
250//# sourceMappingURL=input-tester.js.map
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