2.83 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1export interface AppRatePreferences {
2 /**
3 * Custom BCP 47 language tag
4 */
5 useLanguage?: string;
6 /**
7 * Custom application title
8 */
9 displayAppName?: string;
10 /**
11 * Show dialog again when application version will be updated. Defaults to `true`
12 */
13 promptAgainForEachNewVersion?: boolean;
14 /**
15 * count of runs of application before dialog will be displayed. Defaults to `3`
16 */
17 usesUntilPrompt?: number;
18 /**
19 * leave app or no when application page opened in app store (now supported only for iOS). Defaults to `false`
20 */
21 openStoreInApp?: boolean;
22 /**
23 * use custom view for rate dialog. Defaults to `false`
24 */
25 useCustomRateDialog?: boolean;
26 /**
27 * Custom locale object
28 */
29 customLocale?: any;
30 /**
31 * Callbacks for events
32 */
33 callbacks?: AppRateCallbacks;
34 /**
35 * App Store URLS
36 */
37 storeAppURL?: AppRateStoreAppUrls;
39export interface AppRateCallbacks {
40 /**
41 * call back function. called when user clicked on rate-dialog buttons
42 */
43 onButtonClicked?: Function;
44 /**
45 * call back function. called when rate-dialog showing
46 */
47 onRateDialogShow?: Function;
49export interface AppRateStoreAppUrls {
50 /**
51 * application id in AppStore
52 */
53 ios?: string;
54 /**
55 * application URL in GooglePlay
56 */
57 android?: string;
58 /**
59 * application URL in Windows Store
60 */
61 windows?: string;
62 /**
63 * application URL in AppWorld
64 */
65 blackberry?: string;
66 /**
67 * application URL in WindowsStore
68 */
69 windows8?: string;
72 * @name App Rate
73 * @description
74 * The AppRate plugin makes it easy to prompt the user to rate your app, either now, later, or never.
75 *
76 * Requires Cordova plugin: cordova-plugin-apprate. For more info, please see the [AppRate plugin docs](https://github.com/pushandplay/cordova-plugin-apprate).
77 *
78 * @usage
79 * ```typescript
80 * import { AppRate } from 'ionic-native';
81 *
82 * AppRate.preferences.storeAppURL = {
83 * ios: '<my_app_id>',
84 * android: 'market://details?id=<package_name>',
85 * windows: 'ms-windows-store://review/?ProductId=<Store_ID>'
86 * };
87 *
88 * AppRate.promptForRating(false);
89 * ```
90 *
91 * @interfaces
92 * AppRatePreferences
93 * AppRateStoreAppUrls
94 * AppRateCallbacks
95 *
96 */
97export declare class AppRate {
98 /**
99 * Configure various settings for the Rating View.
100 * See table below for options
101 */
102 static preferences: AppRatePreferences;
103 /**
104 * Prompts the user for rating
105 * @param {boolean} immediately Show the rating prompt immediately.
106 */
107 static promptForRating(immediately: boolean): void;