10.2 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2var __decorate = (this && this.__decorate) || function (decorators, target, key, desc) {
3 var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d;
4 if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);
5 else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;
6 return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;
8var plugin_1 = require('./plugin');
10 * Defines the possible result statuses of the window.codePush.sync operation.
11 */
12(function (SyncStatus) {
13 /**
14 * The application is up to date.
15 */
16 SyncStatus[SyncStatus["UP_TO_DATE"] = 0] = "UP_TO_DATE";
17 /**
18 * An update is available, it has been downloaded, unzipped and copied to the deployment folder.
19 * After the completion of the callback invoked with SyncStatus.UPDATE_INSTALLED, the application will be reloaded with the updated code and resources.
20 */
21 SyncStatus[SyncStatus["UPDATE_INSTALLED"] = 1] = "UPDATE_INSTALLED";
22 /**
23 * An optional update is available, but the user declined to install it. The update was not downloaded.
24 */
25 SyncStatus[SyncStatus["UPDATE_IGNORED"] = 2] = "UPDATE_IGNORED";
26 /**
27 * An error happened during the sync operation. This might be an error while communicating with the server, downloading or unziping the update.
28 * The console logs should contain more information about what happened. No update has been applied in this case.
29 */
30 SyncStatus[SyncStatus["ERROR"] = 3] = "ERROR";
31 /**
32 * There is an ongoing sync in progress, so this attempt to sync has been aborted.
33 */
34 SyncStatus[SyncStatus["IN_PROGRESS"] = 4] = "IN_PROGRESS";
35 /**
36 * Intermediate status - the plugin is about to check for updates.
37 */
38 SyncStatus[SyncStatus["CHECKING_FOR_UPDATE"] = 5] = "CHECKING_FOR_UPDATE";
39 /**
40 * Intermediate status - a user dialog is about to be displayed. This status will be reported only if user interaction is enabled.
41 */
43 /**
44 * Intermediate status - the update package is about to be downloaded.
45 */
47 /**
48 * Intermediate status - the update package is about to be installed.
49 */
50 SyncStatus[SyncStatus["INSTALLING_UPDATE"] = 8] = "INSTALLING_UPDATE";
51})(exports.SyncStatus || (exports.SyncStatus = {}));
52var SyncStatus = exports.SyncStatus;
54 * Defines the available install modes for updates.
55 */
56(function (InstallMode) {
57 /**
58 * The update will be applied to the running application immediately. The application will be reloaded with the new content immediately.
59 */
60 InstallMode[InstallMode["IMMEDIATE"] = 0] = "IMMEDIATE";
61 /**
62 * The update is downloaded but not installed immediately. The new content will be available the next time the application is started.
63 */
64 InstallMode[InstallMode["ON_NEXT_RESTART"] = 1] = "ON_NEXT_RESTART";
65 /**
66 * The udpate is downloaded but not installed immediately. The new content will be available the next time the application is resumed or restarted, whichever event happends first.
67 */
68 InstallMode[InstallMode["ON_NEXT_RESUME"] = 2] = "ON_NEXT_RESUME";
69})(exports.InstallMode || (exports.InstallMode = {}));
70var InstallMode = exports.InstallMode;
72 * @name CodePush
73 * @description
74 * CodePush plugin for Cordova by Microsoft that supports iOS and Android.
75 *
76 * For more info, please see https://github.com/ksachdeva/ionic2-code-push-example
77 *
78 * @usage
79 * ```typescript
80 * import { CodePush } from 'ionic-native';
81 *
82 * // note - mostly error & completed methods of observable will not fire
83 * // as syncStatus will contain the current state of the update
84 * CodePush.sync().subscribe((syncStatus) => console.log(syncStatus));
85 *
86 * const downloadProgress = (progress) => { console.log(`Downloaded ${progress.receivedBytes} of ${progress.totalBytes}`); }
87 * CodePush.sync({}, downloadProgress).subscribe((syncStatus) => console.log(syncStatus));
88 *
89 * ```
90 */
91var CodePush = (function () {
92 function CodePush() {
93 }
94 /**
95 * Get the current package information.
96 *
97 * @param packageSuccess Callback invoked with the currently deployed package information.
98 * @param packageError Optional callback invoked in case of an error.
99 * @returns {Promise<ILocalPackage>}
100 */
101 CodePush.getCurrentPackage = function () {
102 return;
103 };
104 /**
105 * Gets the pending package information, if any. A pending package is one that has been installed but the application still runs the old code.
106 * This happends only after a package has been installed using ON_NEXT_RESTART or ON_NEXT_RESUME mode, but the application was not restarted/resumed yet.
107 * @returns {Promise<ILocalPackage>}
108 */
109 CodePush.getPendingPackage = function () {
110 return;
111 };
112 /**
113 * Checks with the CodePush server if an update package is available for download.
114 *
115 * @param querySuccess Callback invoked in case of a successful response from the server.
116 * The callback takes one RemotePackage parameter. A non-null package is a valid update.
117 * A null package means the application is up to date for the current native application version.
118 * @param queryError Optional callback invoked in case of an error.
119 * @param deploymentKey Optional deployment key that overrides the config.xml setting.
120 * @returns {Promise<IRemotePackage>}
121 */
122 CodePush.checkForUpdate = function (deploymentKey) {
123 return;
124 };
125 /**
126 * Notifies the plugin that the update operation succeeded and that the application is ready.
127 * Calling this function is required on the first run after an update. On every subsequent application run, calling this function is a noop.
128 * If using sync API, calling this function is not required since sync calls it internally.
129 *
130 * @param notifySucceeded Optional callback invoked if the plugin was successfully notified.
131 * @param notifyFailed Optional callback invoked in case of an error during notifying the plugin.
132 * @returns {Promise<void>}
133 */
134 CodePush.notifyApplicationReady = function () {
135 return;
136 };
137 /**
138 * Reloads the application. If there is a pending update package installed using ON_NEXT_RESTART or ON_NEXT_RESUME modes, the update
139 * will be immediately visible to the user. Otherwise, calling this function will simply reload the current version of the application.
140 * @returns {Promise<void>}
141 */
142 CodePush.restartApplication = function () {
143 return;
144 };
145 /**
146 * Convenience method for installing updates in one method call.
147 * This method is provided for simplicity, and its behavior can be replicated by using window.codePush.checkForUpdate(), RemotePackage's download() and LocalPackage's install() methods.
148 *
149 * The algorithm of this method is the following:
150 * - Checks for an update on the CodePush server.
151 * - If an update is available
152 * - If the update is mandatory and the alertMessage is set in options, the user will be informed that the application will be updated to the latest version.
153 * The update package will then be downloaded and applied.
154 * - If the update is not mandatory and the confirmMessage is set in options, the user will be asked if they want to update to the latest version.
155 * If they decline, the syncCallback will be invoked with SyncStatus.UPDATE_IGNORED.
156 * - Otherwise, the update package will be downloaded and applied with no user interaction.
157 * - If no update is available on the server, or if a previously rolled back update is available and the ignoreFailedUpdates is set to true, the syncCallback will be invoked with the SyncStatus.UP_TO_DATE.
158 * - If an error occurs during checking for update, downloading or installing it, the syncCallback will be invoked with the SyncStatus.ERROR.
159 *
160 * @param syncCallback Optional callback to be called with the status of the sync operation.
161 * @param syncOptions Optional SyncOptions parameter configuring the behavior of the sync operation.
162 * @param downloadProgress Optional callback invoked during the download process. It is called several times with one DownloadProgress parameter.
163 * @returns {Observable<SyncStatus>}
164 *
165 */
166 CodePush.sync = function (syncOptions, downloadProgress) {
167 return;
168 };
169 __decorate([
170 plugin_1.Cordova()
171 ], CodePush, "getCurrentPackage", null);
172 __decorate([
173 plugin_1.Cordova()
174 ], CodePush, "getPendingPackage", null);
175 __decorate([
176 plugin_1.Cordova({
177 callbackOrder: 'reverse'
178 })
179 ], CodePush, "checkForUpdate", null);
180 __decorate([
181 plugin_1.Cordova()
182 ], CodePush, "notifyApplicationReady", null);
183 __decorate([
184 plugin_1.Cordova()
185 ], CodePush, "restartApplication", null);
186 __decorate([
187 plugin_1.Cordova({
188 observable: true,
189 successIndex: 0,
190 errorIndex: 3 // we don't need this, so we set it to a value higher than # of args
191 })
192 ], CodePush, "sync", null);
193 CodePush = __decorate([
194 plugin_1.Plugin({
195 pluginName: 'CodePush',
196 plugin: 'cordova-plugin-code-push',
197 pluginRef: 'codePush',
198 repo: 'https://github.com/Microsoft/cordova-plugin-code-push',
199 platforms: ['Android', 'iOS']
200 })
201 ], CodePush);
202 return CodePush;
204exports.CodePush = CodePush;
205//# sourceMappingURL=code-push.js.map
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