1.48 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * @name Instagram
3 * @description Share a photo with the instagram app
4 *
5 * @usage
6 * ```
7 * import {Instagram} from 'ionic-native';
8 *
9 * Instagram.share('data:image/png;uhduhf3hfif33', 'Caption')
10 * .then(() => console.log('Shared!'))
11 * .catch((error: any) => console.error(error));
12 *
13 * ```
14 */
15export declare class Instagram {
16 /**
17 * Detect if the Instagram application is installed on the device.
18 *
19 * @returns {Promise<boolean|string>} Returns a promise that returns a boolean value if installed, or the app version on android
20 */
21 static isInstalled(): Promise<boolean | string>;
22 /**
23 * Share an image on Instagram
24 * Note: Instagram app stopped accepting pre-filled captions on both iOS and Android. As a work-around, the caption is copied to the clipboard. You have to inform your users to paste the caption.
25 *
26 * @param canvasIdOrDataUrl The canvas element id or the dataURL of the image to share
27 * @param caption The caption of the image
28 * @returns {Promise<any>} Returns a promise that resolves if the image was shared
29 */
30 static share(canvasIdOrDataUrl: string, caption?: string): Promise<any>;
31 /**
32 * Share a library asset or video
33 * @param assetLocalIdentifier A local fileURI
34 * @returns {Promise<any>} Returns a promise that resolves if the image was shared
35 */
36 static shareAsset(assetLocalIdentifier: string): Promise<any>;