945 BTypeScriptView Raw
2 * @name IsDebug
3 * @description
4 * Detect if the app is running in debug mode or not.
5 * Debug mode is when the app is built and installed locally via xcode / eclipse / the cordova cli etc, compared to release mode when the app was downloaded from the app / play store via an end user.
6 *
7 * @usage
8 * ```
9 * import {IsDebug} from 'ionic-native';
10 *
11 * IsDebug.getIsDebug()
12 * .then((isDebug: boolean) => console.log('Is debug:', isDebug))
13 * .catch((error: any) => console.error(error));
14 *
15 * ```
16 */
17export declare class IsDebug {
18 /**
19 * Determine if an app was installed via xcode / eclipse / the ionic CLI etc
20 * @returns {Promise<boolean>} Returns a promise that resolves with true if the app was installed via xcode / eclipse / the ionic CLI etc. It will resolve to false if the app was downloaded from the app / play store by the end user.
21 */
22 static getIsDebug(): Promise<boolean>;