1.2 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
3 * @name Keyboard
4 * @description
5 * @usage
6 * ```typescript
7 * import { Keyboard } from 'ionic-native';
8 *
9 *
10 *
11 * ```
12 */
13export declare class Keyboard {
14 /**
15 * Hide the keyboard accessory bar with the next, previous and done buttons.
16 * @param hide {boolean}
17 */
18 static hideKeyboardAccessoryBar(hide: boolean): void;
19 /**
20 * Force keyboard to be shown.
21 */
22 static show(): void;
23 /**
24 * Close the keyboard if open.
25 */
26 static close(): void;
27 /**
28 * Prevents the native UIScrollView from moving when an input is focused.
29 * @param disable
30 */
31 static disableScroll(disable: boolean): void;
32 /**
33 * Creates an observable that notifies you when the keyboard is shown. Unsubscribe to observable to cancel event watch.
34 * @returns {Observable<any>}
35 */
36 static onKeyboardShow(): Observable<any>;
37 /**
38 * Creates an observable that notifies you when the keyboard is hidden. Unsubscribe to observable to cancel event watch.
39 * @returns {Observable<any>}
40 */
41 static onKeyboardHide(): Observable<any>;