3.33 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * @name NativeAudio
3 * @description Native Audio Playback
4 * @usage
5 * ```typescript
6 * import {NativeAudio} from 'ionic-native';
7 *
8 * NativeAudio.preloadSimple('uniqueId1', 'path/to/file.mp3').then(onSuccess, onError);
9 * NativeAudio.preloadComplex('uniqueId2', 'path/to/file2.mp3', 1, 1, 0).then(onSuccess, onError);
10 *
11 * NativeAudio.play('uniqueId1').then(onSuccess, onError);
12 *
13 * // can optionally pass a callback to be called when the file is done playing
14 * NativeAudio.play('uniqueId1', () => console.log('uniqueId1 is done playing'));
15 *
16 * NativeAudio.loop('uniqueId2').then(onSuccess, onError);
17 *
18 * NativeAudio.setVolumeForComplexAsset('uniqueId2', 0.6).then(onSuccess,onError);
19 *
20 * NativeAudio.stop('uniqueId1').then(onSuccess,onError);
21 *
22 * NativeAudio.unload('uniqueId1').then(onSuccess,onError);
23 *
24 * ```
25 */
26export declare class NativeAudio {
27 /**
28 * Loads an audio file into memory. Optimized for short clips / single shots (up to five seconds). Cannot be stopped / looped.
29 * @param id {string} unique ID for the audio file
30 * @param assetPath {string} the relative path or absolute URL (inluding http://) to the audio asset.
31 * @returns {Promise<any>}
32 */
33 static preloadSimple(id: string, assetPath: string): Promise<any>;
34 /**
35 * Loads an audio file into memory. Optimized for background music / ambient sound. Uses highlevel native APIs with a larger footprint. (iOS: AVAudioPlayer). Can be stopped / looped and used with multiple voices. Can be faded in and out using the delay parameter.
36 * @param id {string} unique ID for the audio file
37 * @param assetPath {string} the relative path or absolute URL (inluding http://) to the audio asset.
38 * @param volume {number} the volume of the preloaded sound (0.1 to 1.0)
39 * @param voices {number} the number of multichannel voices available
40 * @param delay {number}
41 * @returns {Promise<any>}
42 */
43 static preloadComplex(id: string, assetPath: string, volume: number, voices: number, delay: number): Promise<any>;
44 /**
45 * Plays an audio asset
46 * @param id {string} unique ID for the audio file
47 * @param completeCallback {Function} optional. Callback to be invoked when audio is done playing
48 * @returns {Promise<any>}
49 */
50 static play(id: string, completeCallback?: Function): Promise<any>;
51 /**
52 * Stops playing an audio
53 * @param id {string} unique ID for the audio file
54 * @returns {Promise<any>}
55 */
56 static stop(id: string): Promise<any>;
57 /**
58 * Loops an audio asset infinitely, this only works for complex assets
59 * @param id {string} unique ID for the audio file
60 * @return {Promise<any>}
61 */
62 static loop(id: string): Promise<any>;
63 /**
64 * Unloads an audio file from memory
65 * @param id {string} unique ID for the audio file
66 * @returns {Promise<any>}
67 */
68 static unload(id: string): Promise<any>;
69 /**
70 * Changes the volume for preloaded complex assets.
71 * @param id {string} unique ID for the audio file
72 * @param volume {number} the volume of the audio asset (0.1 to 1.0)
73 * @returns {Promise<any>}
74 */
75 static setVolumeForComplexAsset(id: string, volume: number): Promise<any>;