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1export interface TwitterConnectResponse {
2 /**
3 * Twitter Username
4 */
5 userName: string;
6 /**
7 * Twitter User ID
8 */
9 userId: string;
10 /**
11 * Twitter OAuth Secret
12 */
13 secret: string;
14 /**
15 * Twitter OAuth Token
16 */
17 token: string;
20 * @name Twitter Connect
21 * @description
22 * Plugin to use Twitter Single Sign On
23 * Uses Twitter's Fabric SDK
24 * ```typescript
25 * import {TwitterConnect} from 'ionic-native';
26 *
27 * function onSuccess(response) {
28 * console.log(response);
29 *
30 * // Will console log something like:
31 * // {
32 * // userName: 'myuser',
33 * // userId: '12358102',
34 * // secret: 'tokenSecret'
35 * // token: 'accessTokenHere'
36 * // }
37 * }
38 *
39 * TwitterConnect.login().then(onSuccess, onError);
40 *
41 * TwitterConnect.logout().then(onLogoutSuccess, onLogoutError);
42 * ```
43 * @interfaces
44 * TwitterConnectResponse
45 */
46export declare class TwitterConnect {
47 /**
48 * Logs in
49 * @returns {Promise<TwitterConnectResponse>} returns a promise that resolves if logged in and rejects if failed to login
50 */
51 static login(): Promise<TwitterConnectResponse>;
52 /**
53 * Logs out
54 * @returns {Promise<any>} returns a promise that resolves if logged out and rejects if failed to logout
55 */
56 static logout(): Promise<any>;
57 /**
58 * Returns user's profile information
59 * @returns {Promise<any>} returns a promise that resolves if user profile is successfully retrieved and rejects if request fails
60 */
61 static showUser(): Promise<any>;