907 BTypeScriptView Raw
2 * @name Vibration
3 * @description Vibrates the device
4 * @usage
5 * ```typescript
6 * import { Vibration } from 'ionic-native';
7 *
8 *
9 * // Vibrate the device for a second
10 * // Duration is ignored on iOS.
11 * Vibration.vibrate(1000);
12 *
13 * // Vibrate 2 seconds
14 * // Pause for 1 second
15 * // Vibrate for 2 seconds
16 * // Patterns work on Android and Windows only
17 * Vibration.vibrate([2000,1000,2000]);
18 *
19 * // Stop any current vibrations immediately
20 * // Works on Android and Windows only
21 * Vibration.vibrate(0);
22 * ```
23 */
24export declare class Vibration {
25 /**
26 * Vibrates the device for given amount of time.
27 * @param time {number|Array<number>} Milliseconds to vibrate the device. If passed an array of numbers, it will define a vibration pattern. Pass 0 to stop any vibration immediately.
28 */
29 static vibrate(time: number | Array<number>): void;