3.87 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3const format_1 = require("@ionic/cli-framework/utils/format");
4const utils_array_1 = require("@ionic/utils-array");
5const Debug = require("debug");
6const lodash = require("lodash");
7const path = require("path");
8const color_1 = require("./color");
9const errors_1 = require("./errors");
10const debug = Debug('ionic:lib:hooks');
11class Hook {
12 constructor(e) {
13 this.e = e;
14 }
15 get script() {
16 return `ionic:${this.name}`;
17 }
18 async run(input) {
19 const { pkgManagerArgs } = await Promise.resolve().then(() => require('./utils/npm'));
20 const type = this.e.project.type;
21 if (!type || !this.e.project.directory) {
22 return; // TODO: will we need hooks outside a project?
23 }
24 const pkg = await this.e.project.requirePackageJson();
25 debug(`Looking for ${color_1.ancillary(this.script)} npm script.`);
26 if (pkg.scripts && pkg.scripts[this.script]) {
27 debug(`Invoking ${color_1.ancillary(this.script)} npm script.`);
28 const [pkgManager, ...pkgArgs] = await pkgManagerArgs(this.e.config.get('npmClient'), { command: 'run', script: this.script });
29 await this.e.shell.run(pkgManager, pkgArgs, {});
30 }
31 const projectHooks = this.e.project.config.get('hooks');
32 const hooks = projectHooks ? utils_array_1.conform(projectHooks[this.name]) : [];
33 for (const h of hooks) {
34 const p = path.resolve(this.e.project.directory, h);
35 try {
36 if (path.extname(p) !== '.js') {
37 throw new Error(`Hooks must be .js files with a function for its default export.`);
38 }
39 const hook = await this.loadHookFn(p);
40 if (!hook) {
41 throw new Error(`Module must have a function for its default export.`);
42 }
43 await hook(lodash.assign({}, input, {
44 project: {
45 type,
46 dir: this.e.project.directory,
47 srcDir: await this.e.project.getSourceDir(),
48 },
49 argv: process.argv,
50 env: process.env,
51 }));
52 }
53 catch (e) {
54 throw new errors_1.HookException(`An error occurred while running an Ionic CLI hook defined in ${color_1.strong(format_1.prettyPath(this.e.project.filePath))}.\n` +
55 `Hook: ${color_1.strong(this.name)}\n` +
56 `File: ${color_1.strong(p)}\n\n` +
57 `${color_1.failure(e.stack ? e.stack : e)}`);
58 }
59 }
60 }
61 async loadHookFn(p) {
62 const module = require(p);
63 if (typeof module === 'function') {
64 return module;
65 }
66 else if (typeof module.default === 'function') {
67 return module.default;
68 }
69 debug(`Could not load hook function ${color_1.strong(p)}: %o not a function`, module);
70 }
72exports.Hook = Hook;
73function addHook(baseDir, hooks, hook) {
74 const hookPaths = utils_array_1.conform(hooks);
75 const resolvedHookPaths = hookPaths.map(p => path.resolve(baseDir, p));
76 if (!resolvedHookPaths.includes(path.resolve(baseDir, hook))) {
77 hookPaths.push(hook);
78 }
79 return hookPaths;
81exports.addHook = addHook;
82function removeHook(baseDir, hooks, hook) {
83 const hookPaths = utils_array_1.conform(hooks);
84 const i = locateHook(baseDir, hookPaths, hook);
85 if (i >= 0) {
86 hookPaths.splice(i, 1);
87 }
88 return hookPaths;
90exports.removeHook = removeHook;
91function locateHook(baseDir, hooks, hook) {
92 return utils_array_1.conform(hooks).map(p => path.resolve(baseDir, p)).indexOf(path.resolve(baseDir, hook));
94exports.locateHook = locateHook;