3.48 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3const format_1 = require("@ionic/cli-framework/utils/format");
4const color_1 = require("../../lib/color");
5const base_1 = require("./base");
6class SSHListCommand extends base_1.SSHBaseCommand {
7 async getMetadata() {
8 return {
9 name: 'list',
10 type: 'global',
11 summary: 'List your SSH public keys on Ionic',
12 options: [
13 {
14 name: 'json',
15 summary: 'Output SSH keys in JSON',
16 type: Boolean,
17 },
18 ],
19 };
20 }
21 async preRun() {
22 await this.checkForOpenSSH();
23 }
24 async run(inputs, options) {
25 const { SSHKeyClient } = await Promise.resolve().then(() => require('../../lib/ssh'));
26 const { findHostSection, getConfigPath, isDirective, loadFromPath } = await Promise.resolve().then(() => require('../../lib/ssh-config'));
27 const { json } = options;
28 const user = this.env.session.getUser();
29 const token = this.env.session.getUserToken();
30 const sshkeyClient = new SSHKeyClient({ client: this.env.client, user, token });
31 const paginator = sshkeyClient.paginate();
32 const [r] = paginator;
33 const res = await r;
34 if (json) {
35 process.stdout.write(JSON.stringify(res.data));
36 }
37 else {
38 let activeFingerprint;
39 let foundActiveKey = false;
40 const sshConfigPath = getConfigPath();
41 const conf = await loadFromPath(sshConfigPath);
42 const section = findHostSection(conf, this.env.config.getGitHost());
43 if (section && section.config) {
44 const [identityFile] = section.config.filter(line => {
45 return isDirective(line) && line.param === 'IdentityFile';
46 });
47 if (isDirective(identityFile)) {
48 const output = await this.env.shell.output('ssh-keygen', ['-E', 'sha256', '-lf', identityFile.value], { fatalOnError: false });
49 activeFingerprint = output.trim().split(' ')[1];
50 }
51 }
52 if (res.data.length === 0) {
53 this.env.log.warn(`No SSH keys found. Use ${color_1.input('ionic ssh add')} to add keys to Ionic.`);
54 return;
55 }
56 const keysMatrix = res.data.map(sshkey => {
57 const data = [sshkey.fingerprint, sshkey.name, sshkey.annotation];
58 if (sshkey.fingerprint === activeFingerprint) {
59 foundActiveKey = true;
60 return data.map(v => color_1.strong(v));
61 }
62 return data;
63 });
64 const table = format_1.columnar(keysMatrix, {
65 headers: ['fingerprint', 'name', 'annotation'],
66 });
67 if (foundActiveKey) {
68 this.env.log.nl();
69 this.env.log.msg(`The row in ${color_1.strong('bold')} is the key that this computer is using. To change, use ${color_1.input('ionic ssh use')}.`);
70 }
71 this.env.log.nl();
72 this.env.log.rawmsg(table);
73 this.env.log.nl();
74 this.env.log.ok(`Showing ${color_1.strong(String(res.data.length))} SSH key${res.data.length === 1 ? '' : 's'}.`);
75 this.env.log.nl();
76 }
77 }
79exports.SSHListCommand = SSHListCommand;