4.78 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1/* eslint-disable */
2/* tslint:disable */
4 * This is an autogenerated file created by the Stencil compiler.
5 * It contains typing information for all components that exist in this project.
6 */
7import { HTMLStencilElement, JSXBase } from "./stencil-public-runtime";
8export namespace Components {
9 interface IonIcon {
10 /**
11 * Set the icon to hidden, respectively `true`, to remove it from the accessibility tree.
12 */
13 "ariaHidden"?: string;
14 /**
15 * Specifies the label to use for accessibility. Defaults to the icon name.
16 */
17 "ariaLabel"?: string;
18 /**
19 * The color to use for the background of the item.
20 */
21 "color"?: string;
22 /**
23 * Specifies whether the icon should horizontally flip when `dir` is `"rtl"`.
24 */
25 "flipRtl"?: boolean;
26 /**
27 * A combination of both `name` and `src`. If a `src` url is detected it will set the `src` property. Otherwise it assumes it's a built-in named SVG and set the `name` property.
28 */
29 "icon"?: any;
30 /**
31 * Specifies which icon to use on `ios` mode.
32 */
33 "ios"?: string;
34 /**
35 * If enabled, ion-icon will be loaded lazily when it's visible in the viewport. Default, `false`.
36 */
37 "lazy": boolean;
38 /**
39 * Specifies which icon to use on `md` mode.
40 */
41 "md"?: string;
42 /**
43 * The mode determines which platform styles to use.
44 */
45 "mode": string;
46 /**
47 * Specifies which icon to use from the built-in set of icons.
48 */
49 "name"?: string;
50 /**
51 * When set to `false`, SVG content that is HTTP fetched will not be checked if the response SVG content has any `<script>` elements, or any attributes that start with `on`, such as `onclick`.
52 * @default true
53 */
54 "sanitize": boolean;
55 /**
56 * The size of the icon. Available options are: `"small"` and `"large"`.
57 */
58 "size"?: string;
59 /**
60 * Specifies the exact `src` of an SVG file to use.
61 */
62 "src"?: string;
63 }
65declare global {
66 interface HTMLIonIconElement extends Components.IonIcon, HTMLStencilElement {
67 }
68 var HTMLIonIconElement: {
69 prototype: HTMLIonIconElement;
70 new (): HTMLIonIconElement;
71 };
72 interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
73 "ion-icon": HTMLIonIconElement;
74 }
76declare namespace LocalJSX {
77 interface IonIcon {
78 /**
79 * Set the icon to hidden, respectively `true`, to remove it from the accessibility tree.
80 */
81 "ariaHidden"?: string;
82 /**
83 * Specifies the label to use for accessibility. Defaults to the icon name.
84 */
85 "ariaLabel"?: string;
86 /**
87 * The color to use for the background of the item.
88 */
89 "color"?: string;
90 /**
91 * Specifies whether the icon should horizontally flip when `dir` is `"rtl"`.
92 */
93 "flipRtl"?: boolean;
94 /**
95 * A combination of both `name` and `src`. If a `src` url is detected it will set the `src` property. Otherwise it assumes it's a built-in named SVG and set the `name` property.
96 */
97 "icon"?: any;
98 /**
99 * Specifies which icon to use on `ios` mode.
100 */
101 "ios"?: string;
102 /**
103 * If enabled, ion-icon will be loaded lazily when it's visible in the viewport. Default, `false`.
104 */
105 "lazy"?: boolean;
106 /**
107 * Specifies which icon to use on `md` mode.
108 */
109 "md"?: string;
110 /**
111 * The mode determines which platform styles to use.
112 */
113 "mode"?: string;
114 /**
115 * Specifies which icon to use from the built-in set of icons.
116 */
117 "name"?: string;
118 /**
119 * When set to `false`, SVG content that is HTTP fetched will not be checked if the response SVG content has any `<script>` elements, or any attributes that start with `on`, such as `onclick`.
120 * @default true
121 */
122 "sanitize"?: boolean;
123 /**
124 * The size of the icon. Available options are: `"small"` and `"large"`.
125 */
126 "size"?: string;
127 /**
128 * Specifies the exact `src` of an SVG file to use.
129 */
130 "src"?: string;
131 }
132 interface IntrinsicElements {
133 "ion-icon": IonIcon;
134 }
136export { LocalJSX as JSX };
137declare module "@stencil/core" {
138 export namespace JSX {
139 interface IntrinsicElements {
140 "ion-icon": LocalJSX.IonIcon & JSXBase.HTMLAttributes<HTMLIonIconElement>;
141 }
142 }