4.91 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1/// <reference types="node" />
2import { SrvRecord } from "dns";
3import { RedisOptions } from "../redis/RedisOptions";
4import { CommanderOptions } from "../utils/Commander";
5import { NodeRole } from "./util";
6export declare type DNSResolveSrvFunction = (hostname: string, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null | undefined, records?: SrvRecord[]) => void) => void;
7export declare type DNSLookupFunction = (hostname: string, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null | undefined, address: string, family?: number) => void) => void;
8export interface NatMap {
9 [key: string]: {
10 host: string;
11 port: number;
12 };
15 * Options for Cluster constructor
16 */
17export interface ClusterOptions extends CommanderOptions {
18 /**
19 * See "Quick Start" section.
20 *
21 * @default (times) => Math.min(100 + times * 2, 2000)
22 */
23 clusterRetryStrategy?: (times: number, reason?: Error) => number | void | null;
24 /**
25 * See Redis class.
26 *
27 * @default true
28 */
29 enableOfflineQueue?: boolean;
30 /**
31 * When enabled, ioredis only emits "ready" event when `CLUSTER INFO`
32 * command reporting the cluster is ready for handling commands.
33 *
34 * @default true
35 */
36 enableReadyCheck?: boolean;
37 /**
38 * Scale reads to the node with the specified role.
39 *
40 * @default "master"
41 */
42 scaleReads?: NodeRole | Function;
43 /**
44 * When a MOVED or ASK error is received, client will redirect the
45 * command to another node.
46 * This option limits the max redirections allowed to send a command.
47 *
48 * @default 16
49 */
50 maxRedirections?: number;
51 /**
52 * When an error is received when sending a command (e.g.
53 * "Connection is closed." when the target Redis node is down), client will retry
54 * if `retryDelayOnFailover` is valid delay time (in ms).
55 *
56 * @default 100
57 */
58 retryDelayOnFailover?: number;
59 /**
60 * When a CLUSTERDOWN error is received, client will retry
61 * if `retryDelayOnClusterDown` is valid delay time (in ms).
62 *
63 * @default 100
64 */
65 retryDelayOnClusterDown?: number;
66 /**
67 * When a TRYAGAIN error is received, client will retry
68 * if `retryDelayOnTryAgain` is valid delay time (in ms).
69 *
70 * @default 100
71 */
72 retryDelayOnTryAgain?: number;
73 /**
74 * By default, this value is 0, which means when a `MOVED` error is received,
75 * the client will resend the command instantly to the node returned together with
76 * the `MOVED` error. However, sometimes it takes time for a cluster to become
77 * state stabilized after a failover, so adding a delay before resending can
78 * prevent a ping pong effect.
79 *
80 * @default 0
81 */
82 retryDelayOnMoved?: number;
83 /**
84 * The milliseconds before a timeout occurs while refreshing
85 * slots from the cluster.
86 *
87 * @default 1000
88 */
89 slotsRefreshTimeout?: number;
90 /**
91 * The milliseconds between every automatic slots refresh.
92 *
93 * @default 5000
94 */
95 slotsRefreshInterval?: number;
96 /**
97 * Passed to the constructor of `Redis`
98 *
99 * @default null
100 */
101 redisOptions?: Omit<RedisOptions, "port" | "host" | "path" | "sentinels" | "retryStrategy" | "enableOfflineQueue" | "readOnly">;
102 /**
103 * By default, When a new Cluster instance is created,
104 * it will connect to the Redis cluster automatically.
105 * If you want to keep the instance disconnected until the first command is called,
106 * set this option to `true`.
107 *
108 * @default false
109 */
110 lazyConnect?: boolean;
111 /**
112 * Discover nodes using SRV records
113 *
114 * @default false
115 */
116 useSRVRecords?: boolean;
117 /**
118 * SRV records will be resolved via this function.
119 *
120 * You may provide a custom `resolveSrv` function when you want to customize
121 * the cache behavior of the default function.
122 *
123 * @default require('dns').resolveSrv
124 */
125 resolveSrv?: DNSResolveSrvFunction;
126 /**
127 * Hostnames will be resolved to IP addresses via this function.
128 * This is needed when the addresses of startup nodes are hostnames instead
129 * of IPs.
130 *
131 * You may provide a custom `lookup` function when you want to customize
132 * the cache behavior of the default function.
133 *
134 * @default require('dns').lookup
135 */
136 dnsLookup?: DNSLookupFunction;
137 natMap?: NatMap;
138 /**
139 * See Redis class.
140 *
141 * @default false
142 */
143 enableAutoPipelining?: boolean;
144 /**
145 * See Redis class.
146 *
147 * @default []
148 */
149 autoPipeliningIgnoredCommands?: string[];
150 /**
151 * Custom LUA commands
152 */
153 scripts?: Record<string, {
154 lua: string;
155 numberOfKeys?: number;
156 readOnly?: boolean;
157 }>;
159export declare const DEFAULT_CLUSTER_OPTIONS: ClusterOptions;