4.84 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1/// <reference types="node" />
2import { EventEmitter } from "events";
3import Command from "../Command";
4import Redis from "../Redis";
5import ScanStream from "../ScanStream";
6import { Transaction } from "../transaction";
7import { Callback, ScanStreamOptions, WriteableStream } from "../types";
8import Commander from "../utils/Commander";
9import { ClusterOptions } from "./ClusterOptions";
10import { NodeKey, NodeRole } from "./util";
11export declare type ClusterNode = string | number | {
12 host?: string | undefined;
13 port?: number | undefined;
15declare type ClusterStatus = "end" | "close" | "wait" | "connecting" | "connect" | "ready" | "reconnecting" | "disconnecting";
17 * Client for the official Redis Cluster
18 */
19declare class Cluster extends Commander {
20 options: ClusterOptions;
21 slots: NodeKey[][];
22 status: ClusterStatus;
23 /**
24 * @ignore
25 */
26 _groupsIds: {
27 [key: string]: number;
28 };
29 /**
30 * @ignore
31 */
32 _groupsBySlot: number[];
33 /**
34 * @ignore
35 */
36 isCluster: boolean;
37 private startupNodes;
38 private connectionPool;
39 private manuallyClosing;
40 private retryAttempts;
41 private delayQueue;
42 private offlineQueue;
43 private subscriber;
44 private slotsTimer;
45 private reconnectTimeout;
46 private isRefreshing;
47 private _refreshSlotsCacheCallbacks;
48 private _autoPipelines;
49 private _runningAutoPipelines;
50 private _readyDelayedCallbacks;
51 /**
52 * Every time Cluster#connect() is called, this value will be
53 * auto-incrementing. The purpose of this value is used for
54 * discarding previous connect attampts when creating a new
55 * connection.
56 */
57 private connectionEpoch;
58 /**
59 * Creates an instance of Cluster.
60 */
61 constructor(startupNodes: ClusterNode[], options?: ClusterOptions);
62 /**
63 * Connect to a cluster
64 */
65 connect(): Promise<void>;
66 /**
67 * Disconnect from every node in the cluster.
68 */
69 disconnect(reconnect?: boolean): void;
70 /**
71 * Quit the cluster gracefully.
72 */
73 quit(callback?: Callback<"OK">): Promise<"OK">;
74 /**
75 * Create a new instance with the same startup nodes and options as the current one.
76 *
77 * @example
78 * ```js
79 * var cluster = new Redis.Cluster([{ host: "", port: "30001" }]);
80 * var anotherCluster = cluster.duplicate();
81 * ```
82 */
83 duplicate(overrideStartupNodes?: any[], overrideOptions?: {}): Cluster;
84 /**
85 * Get nodes with the specified role
86 */
87 nodes(role?: NodeRole): Redis[];
88 /**
89 * This is needed in order not to install a listener for each auto pipeline
90 *
91 * @ignore
92 */
93 delayUntilReady(callback: Callback): void;
94 /**
95 * Get the number of commands queued in automatic pipelines.
96 *
97 * This is not available (and returns 0) until the cluster is connected and slots information have been received.
98 */
99 get autoPipelineQueueSize(): number;
100 /**
101 * Refresh the slot cache
102 *
103 * @ignore
104 */
105 refreshSlotsCache(callback?: Callback<void>): void;
106 /**
107 * @ignore
108 */
109 sendCommand(command: Command, stream?: WriteableStream, node?: any): unknown;
110 sscanStream(key: string, options?: ScanStreamOptions): ScanStream;
111 sscanBufferStream(key: string, options?: ScanStreamOptions): ScanStream;
112 hscanStream(key: string, options?: ScanStreamOptions): ScanStream;
113 hscanBufferStream(key: string, options?: ScanStreamOptions): ScanStream;
114 zscanStream(key: string, options?: ScanStreamOptions): ScanStream;
115 zscanBufferStream(key: string, options?: ScanStreamOptions): ScanStream;
116 /**
117 * @ignore
118 */
119 handleError(error: Error, ttl: {
120 value?: any;
121 }, handlers: any): void;
122 private resetOfflineQueue;
123 private clearNodesRefreshInterval;
124 private resetNodesRefreshInterval;
125 /**
126 * Change cluster instance's status
127 */
128 private setStatus;
129 /**
130 * Called when closed to check whether a reconnection should be made
131 */
132 private handleCloseEvent;
133 /**
134 * Flush offline queue with error.
135 */
136 private flushQueue;
137 private executeOfflineCommands;
138 private natMapper;
139 private getInfoFromNode;
140 private invokeReadyDelayedCallbacks;
141 /**
142 * Check whether Cluster is able to process commands
143 */
144 private readyCheck;
145 private resolveSrv;
146 private dnsLookup;
147 /**
148 * Normalize startup nodes, and resolving hostnames to IPs.
149 *
150 * This process happens every time when #connect() is called since
151 * #startupNodes and DNS records may chanage.
152 */
153 private resolveStartupNodeHostnames;
154 private createScanStream;
156interface Cluster extends EventEmitter {
158interface Cluster extends Transaction {
160export default Cluster;