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1Usage: ios-sim <command> <options> [--args ...]
4 showsdks List the available iOS SDK versions
5 showdevicetypes List the available device types
6 launch <application path> Launch the application at the specified path on the iOS Simulator
7 start Launch iOS Simulator without an app
8 install <application path> Install the application at the specified path on the iOS Simulator without launching the app
11 --version Print the version of ios-sim
12 --help Show this help text
13 --exit Exit after startup
14 --log <log file path> The path where log of the app running in the Simulator will be redirected to
15 --devicetypeid <device type> The id of the device type that should be simulated (Xcode6+). Use 'showdevicetypes' to list devices.
16 e.g "com.apple.CoreSimulator.SimDeviceType.Resizable-iPhone6, 8.0"
18Removed in version 4.x:
19 --stdout <stdout file path> The path where stdout of the simulator will be redirected to (defaults to stdout of ios-sim)
20 --stderr <stderr file path> The path where stderr of the simulator will be redirected to (defaults to stderr of ios-sim)
21 --sdk <sdkversion> The iOS SDK version to run the application on (defaults to the latest)
22 --family <device family> The device type that should be simulated (defaults to `iphone')
23 --retina Start a retina device
24 --tall In combination with --retina flag, start the tall version of the retina device (e.g. iPhone 5 (4-inch))
25 --64bit In combination with --retina flag and the --tall flag, start the 64bit version of the tall retina device (e.g. iPhone 5S (4-inch 64bit))
27Unimplemented since version 4.x:
28 --verbose Set the output level to verbose
29 --timeout <seconds> The timeout time to wait for a response from the Simulator. Default value: 30 seconds
30 --args <...> All following arguments will be passed on to the application
31 --env <environment file path> A plist file containing environment key-value pairs that should be set
32 --setenv NAME=VALUE Set an environment variable
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