749 BMarkdownView Raw
1* 0.0.10
2 * local module injection from process.cwd()/lib/**/* or process.cwd()/app/**/*
3 * identified by CamelCase
4 * recursor searces for **/camel_case.js
5 * `ipso.config modules: engine: [name: 'engine.io' OR path: '..']` will inject into `ipso (engine) ->`
6 * solves for problem of recurse collision / modules with un-js-friendly names
7 * each test start **will still remove all stubs** on objects injected into an ancestor scope
8 * `(facto...` not required to activate spectator
9 * `done( thing )` will calls `mocha.done(thing)` only if thing is error, otherwise sent to `facto()` and empty `done()`
11 * added ipso.tag for tagged injection
12 * mocks for "deeper" function expectation