3.56 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.6.3
2var activated, fs, lstatOverride, override, sep;
4fs = require('fs');
6sep = require('path').sep;
8module.exports = function(list) {
9 var moduleName, name, type, _results;
10 module.exports.activate();
11 _results = [];
12 for (moduleName in list) {
13 type = 'literal';
14 name = moduleName;
15 override[name] = {
16 type: type,
17 'package.json': {
18 name: name,
19 version: '0.0.0',
20 main: 'STUBBED.js',
21 dependencies: {}
22 },
23 'STUBBED.js': list[moduleName]
24 };
25 if (type === 'literal') {
26 _results.push(require(name));
27 } else {
28 _results.push(void 0);
29 }
30 }
31 return _results;
34override = {};
36lstatOverride = {};
38activated = false;
40Object.defineProperty(module.exports, 'activate', {
41 enumarable: 'false',
42 get: function() {
43 if (activated) {
44 return function() {};
45 }
46 return function() {
47 var lstatSync, readFileSync, statSync;
48 activated = true;
49 readFileSync = fs.readFileSync;
50 fs.readFileSync = function(path, encoding) {
51 /* MODIFIED BY ipso.define*/
53 var file, mod, modulePath, modulesPath, parts, scriptPath, type, _ref;
54 _ref = path.split(sep).slice(-2), mod = _ref[0], file = _ref[1];
55 parts = path.split(sep).slice(0, -2);
56 modulesPath = parts.join(sep);
57 modulePath = parts.concat([mod]).join(sep);
58 scriptPath = parts.concat([mod, 'STUBBED.js']).join(sep);
59 if (override.hasOwnProperty(mod)) {
60 type = override[mod].type;
61 switch (file) {
62 case 'package.json':
63 lstatOverride[modulesPath] = 1;
64 lstatOverride[modulePath] = 1;
65 lstatOverride[scriptPath] = 1;
66 return JSON.stringify(override[mod]['package.json']);
67 case 'STUBBED.js':
68 if (typeof override[mod]['STUBBED.js'] === 'function') {
69 if (override[mod].scriptPath != null) {
70 return "module.exports = require('" + override[mod].scriptPath + "');";
71 } else {
72 override[mod].scriptPath = scriptPath;
73 }
74 return "ipso = require('ipso'); // testing catch 22\nmock = ipso.mock;\nMock = ipso.Mock;\nget = function(tag) {\n\n try { return ipso.does.getSync(tag).object }\n catch (error) { console.log('ipso: missing mock \"%s\"', tag); }\n\n}; \n\nmodule.exports = " + ((function() {
75 switch (type) {
76 case 'literal':
77 return "(" + (override[mod]['STUBBED.js'].toString()) + ").call(this);";
78 }
79 })());
80 } else {
81 console.log("ipso.define(list) requires list of functions to be exported as modules,\nor used as module factories.".red);
82 }
83 }
84 }
85 return readFileSync(path, encoding);
86 };
87 statSync = fs.statSync;
88 fs.statSync = function(path) {
89 /* MODIFIED BY ipso.define*/
91 if (path.match(/STUBBED.js/)) {
92 return {
93 isDirectory: function() {
94 return false;
95 }
96 };
97 }
98 return statSync(path);
99 };
100 lstatSync = fs.lstatSync;
101 return fs.lstatSync = function(path) {
102 /* MODIFIED BY ipso.define*/
104 if (lstatOverride[path] != null) {
105 return {
106 isSymbolicLink: function() {
107 return false;
108 }
109 };
110 }
111 return lstatSync(path);
112 };
113 };
114 }